607 lines
31 KiB
607 lines
31 KiB
The Ring of Change
author unknown
Where do I start to explain to you the situation I am in....
I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. My problem
(if you call it a problem) began a month ago when I was on a business trip
traveling throughout the Pacific Rim. I was a happily married businessman
with the stereotypical two kids and dog. Funny thing, it appeared that the
dog was more attached to me than the kids. I couldn't complain about the
relationship with my wife or my career. I guess that my biggest complaint
was that I had to travel too much.
Bob Reyburn, my boss of 10 years, came down with the flu and bowed
out of a three week trip to South America, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, and
Japan. If I had time, I was supposed to stop in Hawaii and Los Angeles before
coming home. In total I was to be out of town for four weeks. My wife
wasn't too happy but each time I went on a successful trip I pocketed over
$15,000 in incentives and bonuses. It was pretty hard to say no.
Since this trip was significantly long, the firm advanced me
$25,000 for entertaining clients. In my line of work, $25,000 would only
pay for meals and entertainment for some of our clients. They expected
to be pampered.
Anyways, I left for South America (more specifically Rio). I met with
Jose Samonte a handsome latin man who knew how to enjoy the fast life. We
conducted business and I was happy to sign him to a long term contract that
would keep me employed for years. Since I was supposed to stay one more
day, he offered to show me around the country. Why not?
Promptly at 6:00 am I met Jose in the lobby of my hotel. In each arm,
were two of the most beautiful latin women I have ever seen. Both were
tall and tan (and built). Jose informed me that Claudia was my escort for
the day (with a wink). Claudia latched onto my arm and off we went for an
eventful day. Jose took us to an ancient ruin three or four hours out of
Rio. The government had finished their digs and were going to open it up
as a tourist attraction within the year. Jose somehow managed a pass to
the site.
The site was beside a winding river and an indian settlement. Some
of the structures rose out of the thick jungle like beacons from a
lighthouse. The two main structures stood side by side. Pyramids
reaching to the sky. Further in the clearing was a well that was
surrounded by a sparse covering of what looked like pampas grass. The
well was oblong in shape and had rocks that surrounded the opening in a
minor and major lip or ledge. Some archaeologists claimed that the
aerial view of the site would look like the frontal view of a well
endowed woman.
We spent the morning climbing the pyramids and exploring some of the
outlying caverns. For lunch we sat at the edge of the river with a well
stocked picnic basket. As we began to finish lunch we heard a woman yell.
My Portuguese was pretty poor but it sounded like a call for help. An
elderly woman had fallen into the river and was hanging on to a floating
log. Jumping to my feet I ran into the water and plunged into the river
without a thought. Jose yelled to come back since it wasn't safe to swim
in the river but I couldn't hear him while I was swimming to the woman. I
reached the woman and started pulling her to shore. I began to feel pain
in my legs and my arms but could spend the time to see what was the
problem. The lady was bleeding and in unconscious but I pulled here to
shore. When I finally got out of the water, I saw I was bleeding too.
Further, there were leeches on my skin. Jose came running to me telling me
that I was lucky to get back alive. While the South American rivers do not
have crocodiles they do have paranah and leaches. Jose quickly took the
leaches off my body but it looked like I was going to have plenty of scars.
The woman began to stir. She explained that she had fallen in and
that her companions were afraid to enter the water. She had destined
herself to dying when I showed up. She was eternally grateful. Seeing
that I was bleeding and injured she wanted to help me. It was strange.
Her wounds were gone and she looked like nothing happened. She had Jose
pull me under a tree and laid me down to rest. She took my hand and
placed a ring on it. She began chanting urging me to repeat her words.
Unfortunately, I didn't know what I was saying. Jose told me that I was
reciting some ancient chant. The woman realized I didn't understand the
words and told Jose to have recite the words in my tongue. Jose
translated the words and I said them exactly. A warmth entered my body
and I began to feel strange. I soon blacked out.
I woke up a few minutes later. Jose was still staring at me.
"Look at you.... you look better than before. No scars....nothing." In
fact, my old scar over my left eye (from an old sports injury) had
I had been told that my selfless gesture to save the old woman was
rewarded by the introduction to the brotherhood of the chameleon. The
ring, an ancient symbol of the order, was her gift to me. My escort,
Claudia, was amazed at the quick recovery. In fact, I thought I saw her
astonishment while the old woman chanted. "I can't believe that you
changed," she responded.
"Changed? What do you mean changed?" I replied. She didn't use the term
"recovered" or "healed." She emphasized "changed." "I don't feel any
"But you did my friend," answered Jose. "A bright glow covered your body.
You did not heal, you.... how do you say.... transformed!"
"That's ridiculous. I don't feel any different and I still look like
"Yes you do look like the old John from college.... but you are also
different, replied Jose. "Remember the accident you had while playing
baseball in college."
The accident that Jose reminded me of was sixteen stitches over my left eye
that was a recreation of the opening scene of a James Bond movie. Claudia
handed me her compact from her purse so I could use the little mirror
inside it. I was amazed. The scar was gone.
The little old lady came over to me and embraced me like a long lost
relative. In a mixture of english, portuguese, and native indian, she
began to try to teach me about my new gift. The best I could translate was
the following:
"I am giving you the gift of the chameleon. This gift must be used wisely
and should not be wasted. Similar to the creature of our land, you will be
able to change your appearance to blend with your surroundings. There is
no limit to your power. Any human form is within your reach. Just
concentrate.... the ring will do the rest. Protect the ring... for the
bearer controls the power."
The ring was a perfect fit. Even if I doubted its power, I liked the way
it looked on my hand. It did not look like a man's or woman's ring. It
just looked right. I thanked the woman and we left for the city.
On the way back to the city, I sat in the back of the convertible with
Claudia making small talk with a beautiful woman that I just couldn't
resist. Except for one thing, I couldn't bring myself, Jon Conner, to
cheat on my wife. Claudia pressed her ample breast against my arm and I
could feel her nipples through the think tank dress she was wearing. I
definitely was getting aroused. My ever ready manhood was straining
against my jeans, but I just couldn't do it. "Claudia, I can't..."
"What's wrong Jon? Do you find me attractive?" Claudia looked deeply in my
"Attractive? Your more than attractive Claudia. You're my dream come to
life. I've dreamt of a making love to a woman just like you. She had your
beautiful body. She had your friendly personality. But most of all, she
had the same magnetism that you have. But my problem is that I have a wife
at home."
"I understand and I honor your fidelity, Jon Conner"
Claudia let me know she admired my faithfulness to my wife but also let me
know she found me attractive. As we talked, I learned more about Claudia.
She told me about herself, literally bearing her soul. She told me about
the men and women in her life and her fantasies. Her latin openness
impressed me. As the discussion faded, I began to fall asleep and began to
dream. Claudia's confessions were on my mind as I drifted to sleep.
Claudia's hair was flowing in the wind. I could see her look at me as I
looked at her beauty. We were sitting on a secluded beach with no one in
sight for miles. She moved closer to me parting her lips and touching my
face. I couldn't move away. I could only respond to her approach. I
reached out to her with my left hand but something was wrong. I wasn't
wearing a wedding ring. In fact, my skin color was different. My skin had
an olive tone to it. My right hand reached around Claudia's slim waist. I
had the chameleon ring on...
"Jon! Jon! wake up," Claudia was shaking me.
"What...what happened?"
"You've transformed!!!!" answered Claudia.
"Transformed? To what?"
"You look like Julio, my old boyfriend."
I was still wearing my clothes but something was definitely different. I
felt different. The clothes were tight. Like I had grown out of my
clothes. I took a deep breath and strained the buttons on my shirt.
Claudia unbuttoned my shirt to relieve the pressure. What I found was
amazing. Before, I had a chest full of hair. Now all I had was a few dark
sprouts of hair on a muscular olive skinned chest. I looked in the rear
view mirror of the car to see a stranger in the mirror. Well maybe not a
real stranger... it was the man in my dream.
"How do I change back... I have to meet with Arturo Hernandez tomorrow."
I closed my eyes and wished. I opened my eyes and found Julio. I closed
my eyes and prayed..... but I once again I saw Julio. Claudia looked
strangely at me.
"Julio... I mean Jon, I can't believe the resemblance," Claudia cooed.
Claudia looked differently at me. Before she looked at me as a friend but
now a kind of fire... She moved closer placing her slender hand on my
The hand on my knee triggered a reaction I never experienced. Somehow I
was feeling emotions I never felt before. Lust. Raw passion. Julio was a
lover with no fear or inhibitions. My penis pressed my jeans. Claudia
encouraged the reaction by unbuttoning the fly of my jeans. I couldn't
help myself. In the back seat of Jose's car, I pulled Claudia closer to
me. I kissed her with a passion I had never experienced. The world
centered around our two bodies as we caressed and explored each other's
bodies. Claudia pulled my jeans to the floor and pulled my penis from
behind my shorts. Even my penis was different. It was now a circumcised
penis that was eight or nine inches long. Claudia lowered her head on me
as I closed my eyes and began to speak sexily to her in Spanish and
I was startled from my ecstacy by Jose. "Jon... we're almost in town."
"Oh yeah..." Claudia and I struggled in the back seat rearranging our
clothes. The two hour ride to town appeared to be only minutes. Claudia
still looked at me with a certain lust. She whispered in my ear that she
wasn't finished with me. I could only grin.
How was I going to change back to Jon Conner before tomorrow for my lunch
meeting with Arturo. He enjoyed being pampered and it was my job to
accommodate him. My commissions counted on his satisfaction.
In the meantime, Jose delivered us to my hotel. Claudia stepped out of the
car giving the young doorman a view of her legs that would make any head
turn. Jose promised to see me in two days. He was going to look for the
old woman or some answer to the secrets of the ring.
Claudia and I entered the empty elevator and pressed the button to the 30th
floor of the hotel. As the door closed and the "EXPRESS" sign appeared.
Claudia turned to me and pressed her chest into mine. "Jon... something
about you... I can't... can't..." She pressed her lips on mine pushing
her tongue deep into my mouth. The passion was returning again. I
couldn't control it. I began to rub Claudia's breasts. The nipples
reacted by getting hard and long. They pressed against the material of her
dress. Claudia's head rolled back with her eyes closed. The elevator
doors opened as we staggered to my room.
Before I could put the key down. Claudia had closed and locked the door to
the room. She began to walk towards me walking in her high heels. She was
slowly, sensuously let her dress drop to the floor. She reached me in only
her heels and panties (if you could call the little piece of material in
the front.
She slowly undressed me a continued our session from the car. Somehow we
found the bed and lost track of the time. The latin blood in her was
endless. She was insatiable but I had inherited an incredible libido with
this body...
We missed dinner. The lovemaking was intense and food was the last thing
on our minds. As we collapsed in each other's arms, I remember hearing
Claudia say how wonderful the day had been and how she wished I could feel
what she felt....
I awoke to a scream coming out of Claudia. Well maybe not a scream, it was
more like a loud, astonished gasp. All I could see was this gorgeous woman
sitting next to me starring at a ghost.
"What...what's wrong?" I asked. As soon as the words came out, I knew what
was wrong... My voice was wrong. The room was pretty dark but I could
hear my voice. It wasn't the deep latin voice of Julio or the American
slang of Jon Conner. It was the voice of a woman. It almost sounded like
I rolled to my side feeling, for the first time, the weight of two breasts
that weren't there when I fell asleep. Long dark hair reach down my back
and I could feel very different. Claudia was staring at me as if she had
seen a ghost or a reflection. It was a reflection. I was Claudia at least
physically. The alarm clock read six o'clock and I had a meeting at
eleven. "My god...what am I gonna do?"
A sudden urge to urinate came over me as I rushed into the bathroom. As I
flipped the light switch I was greeted with the image of a beautiful latin
woman. The woman I slept with the night before. I finished my business in
the bathroom and walked back into the room. Claudia was sitting up in the
bed more composed. "Jon.... these changes. They're incredible."
"Incredible to you maybe... but I'm confused. What's happening to me?
Look at me..." I replied.
Claudia grinned at me. "Quite impressive, Jon. I've never seen myself
from the other side. In fact you are quite attractive.... some what
irresistible," as she licked her lips.
I cupped my hands under my new found breasts and rubbed them finding a warm
feeling surround me. I approached Claudia and looked at my exact double.
It seemed almost natural. We could touch each other and know exact what
reaction we would solicit. I had heard of bisexual and lesbian experiences
but I never thought I would be in the middle of it...
"How am I going to conduct business with Arturo?" I wondered out loud.
"You can't miss this meeting," Claudia reminded.
"I know... can you help me? I've got a plan."
"Hello, Mr. Arturo Hernandez? Jon Conner asked me to meet you. My friends
call me Johnnie..."
"Jon Conner was recalled to his office earlier today and I was asked to
answer your questions regarding the contract our two firms are entering
into," I stated in my most businesslike tone. The only problem was that
the tone I had used in serious business discussions came out of this new
female body in a low deep breathy voice that sounded more seductive than
"I see Jon never forgets my needs. That is why I always like working with
your Americans," Arturo wasn't really talking to Johnnie, instead he was
somewhat talking through me. The dress that Claudia and I had chosen was
both tight and short. It showed off my shapely legs and clung to my new
frame. The fabric held my breasts tight to my chest and showed the outline
of my now sensitive nipples. Autruo's eyes never left my easily excited
"Mr. Hernandez, my job is to answer your questions on provide you with the
information necessary to make the deal."
"My dear, business can wait. Let's talk about you... Tell me, how do you
know Jon," asked Arturo.
"Let's say Jon and I are very close. We share everything.... I know
everything about him."
"Why Johnnie.... it sounds like the two of you are married."
"No, we're not married... he's got a wonderful wife back in the States," I
stated honestly.
"But you cannot tell me that the two of you..." Arturo implied.
"Arturo, Jon and I are close but we are strictly business." I was getting
tired of the leading questions and the direction this was leading. I got
into this dress because I couldn't figure out the remedy to the ring. Now
I know what women feel like but that's because I am a woman. Men are
influenced by more than their brains. Since the change yesterday, sex
wasn't that important. With Claudia and by myself intimacy was more
important. Wham bam thank you mam' just doesn't work. I didn't want to
lead Arturo along but I had to close the deal. The commissions to Jon
Conner, if I ever became him again were to great to miss. What was I to
do? Do I lower myself to this man or do I stand by my beliefs. I may not
be a saint but I do believe that everyone should be treated as equal human
"I respect that... but I'm sure Jon would want this deal."
"Senor Hernandez," in my sternest voice, "I am a businesswoman and I will
not lower myself by being a plaything for you just to get this deal. I
will assist you to make the biggest return on your investment and I will be
a great asset for you in the future....but do not underestimate me. I am
just as, if not more than, capable as Jon Conner." What was I saying!
"Alright, Miss... Miss," replied Arturo.
"Just call me Johnnie. All of my friends call me Johnnie."
"Okay, Johnnie, let me make a few phone calls and then I will sign your
contract. Actually I appreciate a woman who will stand up to a man in this
country. There is one condition... you will accompany me to lunch....no
expectations. If we become friends, all the better."
"Arturo, you have a deal," I beamed.
Arturo signed the contract and made his phone calls. He told me he would
like to take me to his villa for lunch and a leisurely swim in his pool. I
didn't have any plans and quickly agreed.
His limo arrived almost with a snap of his fingers. A plush burgundy
carpet covered the floor of the stretch Lincoln Continental. You have to
hand it to the American car makers. They make great limos. The privacy
glass was up and Arturo pressed a button on the side console of the auto.
A hidden panel slid down and a chilled bottle of champagne sat for the two
of us. As a man, champagne was a pleasant enough drink, but I found that
women liked it even more.
The bubbles made me giggle. That's right giggle. The longer I was
Johnnie, the longer I began to feel Johnnie. My mental attitude was
becoming more female and I even liked it. I also was feeling the battle
that many women fight for equality and self respect.
We arrived at the villa within an hour. Arturo lived on the outskirts of
Rio in what looked like several hundred acres of tropical foliage. A young
dark skinned doorman opened the door for me. I slipped on my pumps and
gracefully exited the vehicle. The click of my heels on the terra cotta
pavers echoed down the halls. The housekeeping staff peeked around corners
looking at this woman who looked like a local girl but acted like an
American visitor.
We were led to the grand dining room and were greeted to a huge feast.
"Arturo, this is too much."
"My dear, we are here to celebrate. You are going to make me a great deal
of money in return for the fee I pay you company. As you have requested, I
will not attempt to take advantage of you but I will show you the
hospitality of my home. You are free to enjoy yourself."
We sat down to eat... and eat... and eat but that is relative. This female
body doesn't have the storage capacity of my old middle age paunch. I
stood up, stretched, and yawned. "I am sorry Arturo. I didn't mean to be
rude by yawning. It has been a long couple of days..."
"That is quite all right. You may rest in one of the rooms upstairs or by
the pool."
The pool sounded inviting. "I don't have a suit. Do you have one I can
"Of course," Arturo acted like the perfect host. He picked up a phone and
a beautiful woman entered through a side door. "Johnnie, this is Millie my
daughter, she will help you."
"Thank you Arturo. Will you join me by the pool?"
"Of course I will."
Millie brought me to her room on the second floor. "You look like my size.
You can wear one of my suits."
Millie opened her closet that looked like a department store rather than a
young woman's closet. She had a beautiful selection of swim suits that
were all in fashion. The fashion of Rio and Ipanema. All she had were two
piece suits with the bottoms mere pieces of cloth that covered the front.
They called the style, the Tonga.
I held the borrowed swimsuit in my hands examining the soft material with
my fingers. The suit was thin and sheer. It didn't leave very much to the
imagination but I guess wasn't intended to. The bright yellow color would
make sure the wearer wouldn't be missed in a crowd.
I slid out of the form fitting minidress making sure I hung it up in the
dressing room. Claudia's dress was expensive and I wanted to make sure I
returned it in the same condition I received it. In fact, I owed Claudia a
lot once this deal is made. She helped me with makeup, dressing, and
mannerisms to make sure I was confident on my own. I couldn't wear a bra
under the dress so my breasts came out of the dress as I peeled the dress
down my shoulders. Eventhough I was in this body for less than 24 hours, I
was beginning to enjoy the feelings the female form presented.
The dress slipped off my hips and easily fell to the floor. I stepped from
the dress still in my heels and shivered slightly from the chill of the air
conditioned room. I looked at the full length mirror on the other side of
the room and admired the reflection that returned. As a man, I would have
been naturally inspired by the image I was seeing. It kind of made me feel
guilty since I was so happily married to my wife. But then again, in this
form, I really could not consider myself to be Jon Conner. I was a woman,
feeling womanly urges and receiving responses from both men and women as a
I removed my panties from my hips and pulled the thin material of the tonga
bottom. The yellow material had a small triangle in the front that barely
covered my pubic hair. One point of the triangle tapered to a very narrow
piece of fabric that eventually became a mere strap. The "spaghetti" strap
came from between my bottom's cheeks and joined the straps that hung from
my hips. The top had slightly more material than the bottom but because of
the shape of my breasts, the sides and tops of my breasts were exposed for
all to see. I remember looking in the swimsuit issues of those men's
sports magazines (was I starting to think more like a woman?) and enjoying
the view of the model wishing that my wife could look so good. On the
other side of the picture, I found that these suits were more for show than
for show than for swimming. Whoever designed these things must have been a
I slipped on my pumps and exited the dressing room. Millie met me in the
hallway to show me the way to the pool and cabana. She had also changed in
to a similar suit that appeared to be metallic blue. Her young body made
the suit look perfect on her. Eventhough I was a woman now, I couldn't
help but feel attracted to her. The two of us walked in our heels down the
terra cotta hallway to the bright light of the patio door. As Millie
opened the door for me, I could feel the rush of warm tropical air trade
places with the cool air of the villa. I noticed that Millie's nipples had
gotten hard under her suit just as I had.
Millie had a darker skin tone than I did and looked like she visited the
pool daily. I took her cue as to not jump directly into the pool and
gently enter the water from the shallow end. The pool area was sheltered
from outsiders by italian cypress trees and lots of land to the properties
perimeter. The two of us exited the water and laid out on the chaise
lounges under the sun. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth.
"You had better put some sun screen on before you burn," Millie warned.
"You're right. I'm not sure how much sun my body will take."
"Here, let me help you," Millie offered.
I turned on my stomach and offered my back to Millie. She untied the
strings to my top and began to rub a sun screen on my back. Instinctively,
I let out a slight moan and told her how good the massage felt. Her hands
moved to the small of my back and slipped under the straps of the bottom.
I shifted my weight trying not to let her know my arousal level. She
finished my back and asked me to turn over. Holding my breasts and the
top, I turned over. Millie took the top and moved it to the side of the
lounge saying that we wouldn't need that to lay in the sun.
I laid by the pool for a couple hours when I was startled from my reverie
by a shadow over me. I squinted towards the shadow trying to see who it
was. "My dear, you look marvelous," Arturo complimented. His commented
reminded me of the old Billy Crystal impersonation on Saturday Night Live
and his nightclub act.
I forgot that I was topless and thanked him for the compliment.
"I wanted to let you know that I signed the contract for you. Jon chose
you well to represent him. To be honest, if you had allowed me to seduce
you, I might not have agreed to the terms. I admire your self-discipline
and respect your wishes," he grinned.
"Thank you Arturo," I replied as I tried to stand. I immediately was
reminded of the additional weight on my chest and almost tipped over in my
heels. Arturo steadied my hand as I regained my balance. I leaned over
and kissed him on the cheek. Whatever lead me to kiss him on the cheek I'm
not sure. It just felt like the thing to do. Arturo stepped back and
admired my body. Since he signed such a sizable deal, I guessed it was
alright for him to get a look at me. His gaze started to excite me again
as I notice that I was exciting him.
Since no one else was by the pool (Millie had left earlier), I walked to
Arturo and kissed him on the lips. I pressed my body against his and
pushed my tongue into his mouth. He didn't complain and returned the
gesture. This older man had this magnetism I couldn't explain.
In heels, I was slightly taller than Arturo. I could feel the hardness of
his penis pressing against my leg. I knelt down in front of him and began
to unzip his pants. "I didn't want to a relationship get in the way of a
business deal," I explained "but since the deal is done I can express how
I am attracted to you." I pulled his penis from his pants and began to
stroke it to greater sensitivity...
As I finished with Arturo's penis, he returned the favor to me. He had me
lay back on the lounge and helped me out of the bottom. He was a gentle
lover and showed me how it felt to be loved as a woman. I just closed my
eyes and enjoyed the feelings. I thought I had everything in control until
I was close to climax. I began to gyrate and twitch with the littlest
movements and started to whimper with the pleasure. A warmth encircled my
body and I was in heaven.
Arturo was a gentleman was a gentleman and helped me up after I gained my
composure. A little shaky, I stood up and replace the clothing and was
lead to the villa to shower. I entered the dressing room feeling spent. I
took the swim suit off and looked at my tossed hair and suntanned body. I
thought that I could enjoy staying this way...
After what seemed to be a long shower, I exited and gently dried my body.
I noticed that the parts of my body that looked a little sunburned peeled
off like a second skin with a little rubbing with the towel. Instead of
raw new skin, it looked like there never was a sunburn at all. The
chameleon ring had done it's job.
I slipped back in to my dress and shoes and walked into the hallway with my
hair still damp. I had brushed it out but couldn't find a hair dryer. As
I entered the living room, Arturo and Millie were sitting talking to each
other. As they noticed me, they both stood up and embraced me as if I were
"Our driver will drive you back to the hotel," Millie informed me, "but I
wanted to know if you would be interested in going dancing tonight?
"I'd love to but my..... sister is staying with me," I said thinking of
Claudia waiting for me at the hotel.
"Bring her along. The three of us will have a wonderful time."
"Okay, I'll talk to her when I get back," I answered. I was imagining the
looks we would get as three good looking women out on the town in Rio. "I
just have to make sure that I get back at a reasonable hour... I have to
fly to Hong Kong tomorrow for a meeting."
With that, Arturo handed me a package. "Here are the executed contracts.
Also, I know that you will be splitting the commission on the sale with
Jon, I wanted to give you a little extra money for your excellent closing
skills. It was you who made the deal. Jon is a good salesman and a good
friend but I hope we will see more of you in the future."
In the future? I didn't know what's going to be in the future. For all I
knew, I could change back to Jon right in front of him. I thought I better
get back to the hotel. Claudia was waiting to see how I did and I needed
some rest.
The limo drove me back to the hotel. I promised Millie that I would be at
the lobby with Claudia at seven. As the limo drove to the front of the
hotel, the doorman opened the door for me and helped me out. I noticed his
eyes first examined my legs then my breasts... Men, is that all they ever
think about?
I entered the elevator trying to figure out what I was going to do with the
rest of my business trip. My passport was Jon Conner with definitely a
picture of an American man. I wasn't paying attention to the elevator
since I was the only one in it. I began twisting the chameleon ring and
mumbled some words I had heard before....
"By the waters of the Nile and on the shore of the Amazon.... from the
beginning of time to the end of the millennium.... the spirit of the
chameleon serves the fair and the kind."
My feet began to hurt so I took off my pumps and held them in my hand. I
leaned against the rich woodwork of the elevator and felt somewhat strange.
I closed my eyes until I heard the heavy doors opened. The minidress felt
tight but I knew my room was near the elevator.
I knocked on the door of my room and heard the door unlatch. Claudia
opened the door of the suite and looked at me strangely. Then without a
hesitation, she broke out into a laugh. "Jon you look marvelous." I was
worried by the way she said that. I quickly entered the room and shut the
door. I knew something was wrong... my hands were no longer the slim
polished hands of a woman. They looked like the average hands of Jon