169 lines
7.8 KiB
169 lines
7.8 KiB
It had been a long day for Quark. A busy day. An acquisative day. A
profitable day. An ordinary day.
Quark looked forward with anticipation now that the bar had been closed for
the night, the money of all the currencies of the quadrant counted and locked
away in the vault, the subspace calls made all over the quadrant to further
various business dealings, legal and otherwise; well, it was time for the
holosuites. "Business Before Pleasure" was one of the most important Rules
of Acquisition.
He entered the holosuite and said, "Computer, activate program Quark-KN1."
Around him the holosuite changed to a replica of the DSN "interrogation
chamber" as it looked during the time when the Cardassians ran the station.
Then a holodeck simulation of Kira appeared.
"QUARK! You miserable son of a troll!" Holodeck-Kira shouted as he grabbed
him by the ear and tied him to an X-shaped flogging frame with the swift,
efficent motions of a Cardassian interrogator.
Holodeck-Kira stripped Quark exposing his bare backside and buttocks and
pulled the ropes tying him to the frame tighter until the holodeck safety
override kicked in.
Then she took what the Cardassians call the Strap of Inquiry -- a bullwhip --
from the wall and hit Quark full on the backside with it.
Waiting a half minute to let the pain from the first stroke sink in, as Quark
shouted "Thank you, Mistress Kira!" and then she hit him again, this time on
the buttocks as Quark squealed in pleasure. The simulation hit him so hard
as to leave him just short of unconciousness or internal damage -- the safety
overrides again.
After the third stroke, Quark could feel his cum rising inside him. After
the fourth stroke, the cum began to dribble out of his penis, average for a
Ferengi but short and very thick by human or Bajoran standards. He
ejaculated again after the fifth and sixth stroke, but ran out of cum after
the seventh. Nontheless, Holodeck-Kira continued until she had delivered
thirteen strokes.
"That was for collaborating with the Cardassians!" Kira said as she came up
to him and spat in his face.
"Mistress Kira, I love you, you are so beautiful in your uniform.." *slap*
"You are a filthy piece of collaborationist shit!" Holodeck-Kira shouted, and
slapped him again. "Now what are you?" Holodeck-Kira demanded.
"I'm a filthy piece of collaborationist shit."
Another slap full on the face - "That goes, I'm a filthy piece of
collaborationist shit MISTRESS! Now say it!"
"I'm a filthy piece of collaborationist shit MISTRESS!"
A kick in the groin - "LOUDER!"
Holodeck-Kira then said, "Well, that covers your punishment for being a
collaborator, now this is because you cheat your customers!" she said as she
walked over to the wall and picked up a shockrod of Klingon design, activated
it, and poised it right under Quark's genitals ...
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Security Chief Odo was also keeping unusually late hours this night - he
couldn't get to sleep. Normally he would have had his computer bug Quark's
phone calls and replay them for him in the morning, but tonight he couldn't
sleep because he wanted to find out how the bugs in the holosuites he had had
planted were working.
Of course, Odo couldn't use the holosuites himself -- he wouldn't set one
foot in Quark's establishment other than to deliver a threat or good news
(Odo's definition of good news -- something that would get Quark upset,
scared, and hopefully both). So Odo bribed Quark's nephew Nog to plant the
bugs -- all it took was a single strip of latinum. It was easy to do, given
the way Rom and Nog were treated by their brother and uncle.
Odo was hoping that his bug would catch Quark renting an adult holosuite
program to Jake Sisko -- an act which he had been warned about, and which
hopefully would inspire Commander Sisko to kick Quark off the station.
But when Odo saw what Quark was doing in the holosuite, he was shocked. He
was a student of the sexual behavior of the various species he had
encountered on DSN, and knew about sado-masochism -- it was normative
behavior for most Klingons and indulged in by a lot of Cardassians and humans
-- but this ...
"Major Kira Nerys," he said into his com badge.
A sleepy Kira responded, "Odo! It's after 0300, this had better be good!"
Odo smiled. "Believe me, it is."
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile, the session continued. After shocking Quark in the balls for
cheating his customers, Holodeck-Kira grabbed Quark's head and looked in his
face and said, "Where do the most sensual, desirable women in the galaxy come
Quark replied, "Cardassia." The truth, as far as Quark was concerned -- the
tall, strong, powerful, Dominant women of Cardassia, averaging a head taller
than he was, skilled in the methods of inflicting pain, were the most
beautiful he had ever encountered.
Holodeck-Kira grabbed Quark in the genitals "Try again!"
At this time, the real Kira and Odo walked in. Real-life Kira said, "Freeze
program!" Unexpectedly, Quark turned and looked to see the real Kira and Odo
glaring at him.
"Uhh, Odo, Major Kira, what a pleasant surprise!" Quark said.
Kira shouted, "I would whip your ass right now, except that it would turn you
on. I'm going to do something that will hit you right in your greedy liquid
helium pump that Ferengi have where everyone else has a heart."
Quark buzzed with anticipation. The REAL Kira was going to be Dominant with
him! The thrill of a lifetime! His eyes gleamed as Kira said, "Jadzia told
me this joke she remembered a human tell Curzon.
Did you hear the one about the sadist and the masochist that broke up? The
masochist was yelling, "Whip me, beat me!" and the sadist said "NOOOOO!"
Kira continued, "We have a tape of your sick little session in the holosuites
tonight. I'm going to make a copy of it, and send it to the Grand Nagus."
Quark buckled. Male domination and female subjection was as basic a part of
the Ferengi Way Of Life as what they called acquisition, or what the rest of
the galaxy called rapacious greed. For a Ferengi man to go into business or
even take business advice from a woman was an imprisonable offence, and for a
man to subject himself sexually to a Dominant Female was a capital crime "not
fit to be named among the acquisative." Of course the Bajoran Provisional
Government would not extradite Quark for something that was not a crime on
Bajor -- a pity, Kira thought -- but he would be in exile for life and there
would be no more business dealings for him which involved fellow Ferengi.
"Kira, Major Kira, lovely Mistress Kira -- please, don't, have mercy on this
pathetic troll..."
"Quark, I'm going to hit you where you live. I'm going to let you buy this
tape. The price: one thousand bars of gold pressed latinum, in the form of a
contribution to the Bajoran War Orphans Fund." Kira's favorite charity,
having been one herself.
"Major, please, all I was having was a little fun --"
"Fun? Quark, you're sick. One thousand bars of gold pressed latinum. The
offer is open for another five seconds. Four. Three. Two. On--"
"OK, Major!" Quark opened his pocket, took the credit voucher device he
carried everywhere, and transferred 1000 bars of gold pressed latinum, backed
by the assets into his vault, to the Bajoran War Orphans Fund, and printed it
out and gave it to Kira. She had succeeded -- she had hit him where he lived.
A thousand bars of gold pressed latinum!
As Kira turned to walk away, she looked at the frozen holodeck version of
herself. "She is right," real Kira said. "You are a collaborationist, a
cheat -- and a sneaky little troll."