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Archive-name: Family/mfuent2.txt
Archive-author: Mr. Velvet
Archive-title: Maria Fuentes - 2
Chapter 2
Thirteen-year-old Jessica Fuentes was in her bedroom looking at the book
report she had completed in haste last night when her brother Raul's slamming
of the front door startled her as he left for school. "Oh, I wish he wouldn't
do that!" she sighed to herself. She was already a little cranky from not
enough sleep staying up late to finish her report, so she didn't need any
slamming doors today.
With her schoolbooks and papers all in order, Jessica just had time to
take a quick shower and dress before leaving on the long bike ride to school.
She liked to ride her bike to school because she was an independent young girl
who preferred to do things her way. She didn't like the idea of mom or dad
dropping her off in front of all the other kids at the junior high (even on
rainy days), and she would not be caught dead on the schoolbus ("It's just not
cool"). But, above all, Jessica felt free on her bike; she didn't have to
adhere to a rigid schedule nor to anyone else's demands. She could do what she
wanted, go where she wanted.
Grabbing a towel from her linen closet, her large nylon comb from atop her
dresser, and a fresh change of underwear, she headed to the girls' bathroom at
the end of the hall. There were three bathrooms in the large house: one the
three girls shared, one Raul used, and a master that was part of the large
bedroom of Francisco and Lupe's. And each child had their own bedroom.
Jessica got the shower running at the right temperature and began to take
off her clothes. She had on a white cotton nightshirt with the San Francisco
Forty Niners' football team logo and a big scarlet number "16" on it. Across
the upper back, also in scarlet, in big block letters was the name "MONTANA."
The nightshirt went down to about her knees and had half sleeves. She reached
down to grab the hem of her shirt, then began pulling it up, over her head, and
off. She pushed her blue cotton bikini panties down, stepped out of them
quickly, then got in the shower.
As Raul would find out later firsthand, his thirteen- year-old sister
Jessica had an exceptional body. She had begun puberty a year earlier than her
older sister Maria, at 10, and 3 years of development had rounded and curved
little Jessica's body very nicely. She was lithe and smooth, toned and fit.
All her years of bikeriding had paid off well, firming her thighs and calves .
. . and giving her a very wonderful little butt. It was round and firm and
smooth, and stood up high and out. It seemed meant to be fondled and spanked.
As her physical education teacher, Miss Paulson, would later find out,
Jessica's young ass was simply sculpted perfection.
Steam was quickly building up in the bathroom as the warm water continued
to rain down on little Jessica. She held her face up to the warm falling
spray, closed her eyes and brushed her wet hair back with both hands. As she
did so, her tiny breasts rose and stood out. They were small and round --
about the size of her fists -- and the little brown nipples pointed slightly
up. She was proud of her breasts; she knew they were nicely shaped and a
little bigger than most girls of 13. But she was even more proud of her butt.
She knew that guys looked at her -- even men, sometimes -- and she knew why.
Sometimes she didn't like it. But most times she did. Even though she was
still just a young girl, she already found out that a woman with looks and a
great body was a very powerful woman, indeed. She didn't really know why that
was so; she just knew it to be true.
Small rivulets of water ran happily down Jessica's firm, young body as she
shampooed her dark brown hair. Her hair was short and wavy, which fitted her
because she was just coming out of the tomboy stage. But with the changing of
her hormones these last few months, her mind was changing too. "Maybe I should
let it grow longer," she'd ask herself. "It look nice if it were long like
mom's and Maria's." She thought about it again this time as she showered,
while white bubbles of shampoo foam slid down the small of her back and finally
onto her sweet white buttocks . . . stopping there . . . lingering. Between
her slightly pointed breasts, other bubbles of white foam travelled down . . .
across her smooth taut tummy . . . encircling her tiny bellybutton . . . and
finally catching in the small dark curls of her pubic hair. She brought her
small hands down to her tummy to wipe the soap away. Then to her thighs. Then
around behind to her round little ass. She bent and wiggled and turned, until
she was sure that she was completely sqeaky clean.
Jessica wanted to stay in the warm shower for a little while longer, but
she knew she was already late for school. So she turned the water off and
stepped out of the shower. As she rubbed her soft body dry with the fresh towel
she'd brought, she thought about the book report she so hastily put together
late last night. "Oh, I hope Mr. Garza likes it," she prayed to herself. "I
need to pass his history class or I can't go on to 8th grade next year. I just
couldn't face mom and dad if that happened..."
And she was right. Lupe and Francisco would be livid if Jessica had to be
kept back a year. As a Fuentes, she was expected to do well in school. After
all, her parents were both accomplished intellectuals themselves, as was her
oldest sister, Maria. But Jessica was just an average student with a history
of C's and (sometimes) B's. "Oh, you'll do better next year," her parents
always told her. But she knew she was already doing the best she could -- and
she resented her parents for not realizing that. Sometimes she even felt they
loved Maria more because she was so bright.
Jessica's stomach felt strange now, like it was tied up in knots. She
stepped into her bikini panties, slipped on her 34-B bra, wrapped the bath
towel around her, and headed down the hall to her room. Before even getting
dressed, she reread again the book report she'd written last night. It sounded
different now, not what she really wanted to say in it. It was all she had,
though, and there was no time to rewrite it. All she could do was hope that
Mr. Garza would like it after all.
Part 3 will be entitled "Christine." Please write me with you comments,
criticisms, and story ideas. My Internet address is as follows:
If you would like a personal reply from me, please be sure to include your
Internet address, anonymous or otherwise.