
144 lines
7.2 KiB

It had been a long summer, and Marla had endured all of it as a
waitress in a tourist trap. She didn't want too, of course, but
her father made her. Even though Marla's family was quite wealthy,
Marla's father thought she need to learn the old American work
ethic. Spending the summer as a waitress would be good for her
As much as Marla hated working, her fellow waitresses hated to hear
her constantly whine about working and brag about how rich her
family was. The other waitresses couldn't stand Marla, and wished
she would just quit. Marla wanted too, of course, but her father
wouldn't allow it.
Today had been an especially bad day. Marla dumped soup on a
customer, and told another one to fuck off. The manager, Joyce
Summer, wanted to fire Marla, but Marla's father was influential in
town, and firing Marla would be bad for business.
As Marla was clearing her last table, she couldn't believe it.
She'd been waitressing all summer long in this dump of a
restaurant, and usually mad nothing for tips. These damn tourists
were cheapskates. But today, someone left a $20.00 tip. A good
looking guy too. Maybe her luck was changing.
After her shift, Joyce called all of the waitresses into the office
for an emergency meeting. It seemed that somebody had been
stealing money from the register, so management decided to plant a
marked twenty in the till. Marla knew right away she'd been set
up. Desperately, she tried to slip the twenty into her panties
without any noticing; however Joyce caught her.
"Marla, what are you doing? What's behind you back? Come here
this instant!" Lifting up Marla's skirt, Joyce pulled the twenty
from her panties.
Marla was dumbstruck. What was going to happen? "But Miss Summer,
the twenty was a tip, I didn't take it from the register! Honest,
you have to believe me!"
"Marla, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call the police. Stealing
is a crime, you know."
Marla's head was spinning. How could this have happened. The
other waitresses were murmuring now, enjoying her predicament.
"You can't call the police. My reputation will be ruined. My
father will disown me. I didn't even do anything."
"I'm sorry Marla, my hands are tied. The law is the law." With
that, Joyce picked up the phone and began to dial the police.
Marla screamed.
"Noooo. Please, I'll do anything. I'll work for free, I'll give
you my tips. Just don't call the police!" Marla was frantic now.
Joyce was still quite calm. "Well, Marla, I have another idea, but
the other waitresses will have to agree to it. Do you want to hear
Marla nodded anxiously, "Yes, yes, please, I'll do anything, just
no police."
"Well then, Marla, I think you need a long hard spanking, right her
in front of all of the rest of the waitresses. Furthermore, since
you've disgraced the whole waitressing staff, they will all get a
turn in your punishment. Do you understand?"
"What! Are you crazy? A spanking? Do you think I'm some ten year
old kid? No way. You can call the police."
"Fine, Marla, have it your way. I'm sure the police will enjoy
strip searching you for the rest of the money you stole." Joyce
picked up the phone again. Marla finally knew who set her up. She
also knew she was beaten.
"Fine, I'll take the spanking, but I'll get you for this." Marla
was becoming indignant. Joyce knew how to take care of that. She
brought Marla over to the bar, and mad her kneel on a bar stool,
knees apart, and then place her elbows on the bar. "Hold on to the
edge of the bar, young lady, and don't let go. If you do, I'll be
forced to tie you down."
Marla did as she was told, and was beginning to get nervous. She
had never been spanked before, and being made a public spectacle
was even worse. Joyce went to her office, and came back with a
long wooden ruler, a hairbrush, and a paddle. She was well
prepared. "Girls, when its your turn to spank Marla, you may use
any of these tools. And show no mercy on her." With that, Joyce
lifted Marla's skirt to expose her bottom, her white cotton panties
stretched tightly over her ass cheeks. She began with the ruler,
slowly applying stroke after stroke to Marla's tender behind.
Marla yelped in pain, and began to wiggle her bottom from side to
side. Joyce quickly settled into a rhythm, and soon Marla's bottom
was on fire. After a short while, Joyce stopped, and put down the
ruler. Joyce could see that Marla's bottom was becoming quite red.
Placing a hand on Marla's panties, Joyce could feel the warmth of
Marla's ass beginning to build. Then, without warning, Joyce
slipped her fingers into the waistband of the panties, and quickly
yanked them down to Marla's knees.
"HEY! This wasn't part of the deal! I'm not letting you pull my
panties down! I'm getting up this instant!" With that, Marla
began to move up. Joyce forced her back down in a hurry. "Do you
want the police? I've had enough of your nonsense. If you don't
shut up, I'll call the police, and then whip you until they get
here. I might even let the cooks come watch. What do you think of
Marla was horrified. The though of men seeing her like this was
too awful to think about. She whimpered back across the bar.
Joyce immediately tied her hands together, and picked up the ruler
again. She began at the top of Marla's thighs, and slowly worked
up to the top of her ass, being careful not to ignore the sides.
Marla was bawling by now, begging Joyce to quit. Joyce would have
none of it. She picked up the paddle, and began to concentrate on
the bottom of Marla's ass, where the cheeks meet the thighs. Marla
could begin to feel her pussy get hot.
Joyce decided to allow the other waitresses to play. Sharon went
first, and demanded that Marla be stripped naked. Marla protested
wildly, but Joyce was firm. Sharon made Marla bend over the stool,
her ass high in the air, and proceeded to spank her with the
paddle. Sharon was unrelenting, landing blow after blow all over
Marla's ass. Debbie went next, and made Marla bend over and touch
her toes. Debbie used the ruler again, because she liked the loud
snapping crack it made as it connected with Marla's flesh. Marla
couldn't have been more mortified. She was at the mercy of these
lowly waitresses and they showed her no pity. And yet, her pussy
was growing hotter and hotter. With each blow, she squirmed and
wriggled. She thought she would pass out with each sting, yet she
tried to spread her legs more and more so that her pussy could feel
the heat. Finally, Alice decided to bring Marla over her lap, and
finish the job the old fashioned way. She began with her hand, and
relentlessly slapped Marla's ass all over, paying close attention
to where Marla's pussy was exposed. She finished with the
hairbrush, and, with Marla begging and pleading for an end to it
all, brought an end to Marla's ordeal.
Joyce untied Marla's hands, which immediately shot to her bottom.
It was burning hot, and a screaming shade of red. Marla knew she
was putting on a show for the rest of them, but she didn't care.
Finally, she threw on her clothes and raced home, where she
immediately took care of both her throbbing ass and throbbing