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Archive-name: Bestial/manpower.txt
Archive-title: Manpower
I'm posting this for a friend of mine. The author is the same guy who sent
me those horse diaries which I posted back in Sept/Oct of 1990.
[Where *IS* he?], thought ManPower. [He's ALWAYS here about now!].
ManPower stomped the ground in anger and piroueted, dangerously close to the
hotwire at the top of the fence. He ambled his way heavily to the back of
the paddock and stood near the pasture where several donkeys and a small
shetland mare were grazing. The mare looked up and whinnied her greetings
to the huge Percheron stallion.
[Damn, the little hussy aint even in heat.] ManPower's an experienced stud.
He *KNOWS* when the mares are ready for him. But this little shetland
mare was not in heat and would not be for another few weeks. He decided
to walk up to the fence anyways and rumble his deep chested reply to
her high pitched nickers. [Besides, I like the way she rubs her ass
on the fence.] He decidedly picked up some speed as he neared the fence.
They touched noses through a portion of the fence that they knew to not
be electrified. She whinnied and ManPower rumbled. She turned and began
to rub her ass on the fence. [Holy SHIT! I *LOVE* it when she does that!]
ManPower stared at her petite derrier and promptly shoved his nose in the
fence. (As it happens, that portion of the fence currently occupied by a
small mare's ass.)
She paused then spun around, neighing in what seemed to be an indignant
fashion. [Well, what do you *EXPECT* me to do you little slut?].
ManPower noticed a sound in the distance. It was a low rumble, like...
sorta kinda like.... YES! It is! The large pickup truck turned into the
driveway that led from the road to the paddock. The truck rolled to a
stop and a familiar form stepped out.
[Hot DAMN!! He's finally here!] ManPower called out in a long throaty neigh.
A neigh, that to the man near the truck, spelled lust. ManPower began
his spirited pacing up and down the fence line, waiting for the man to
enter his paddock like he had so many times before. The fellow reached into
his truck and picked up a small jar and several other things. He chatted
with a woman [That's the one that always gives me my food, but HE always
gives me head and I sure as shit wish he would hurry up.] ManPower
called out again, this time more insistently.
"Gee John, Manny sure seems happy to see you!"
"No shit, I'm the only one that keeps his privates clean."
"Oh, time for that again huh?"
"Yup, twice a week, that's what the vet told me. Besides, he
looks like one of those playgirl centerfolds when he's all greased up
like that!"
They both laughed at the implied joke, and John began walking towards the
paddock. {Little does she realize} he thought to himself with a slight
giggle as he made his way to the gate. He unlatched the gate and stepped
into the paddock. ManPower was already waiting by the gate for him.
"Hey buddy, how've you been? Huh? Any crunchy nuggets in your eyes?"
He reached up and scratched at the teary corners of ManPower's eyes. He
managed to get several ounces of eyegold in the process. (nose gold, eye
gold, I needn't explain this, right?) ManPower tossed his head away and
turned in profile to John. John reached up and scratched his neck, just be-
hind ManPower's jaw line. [He ALWAYS gets those damned impossible to reach
spots for me! Oh shit! That feels gooooooood!] ManPower began pushing his
neck into John's furiously rubbing hands. "Shit boy, I aint Chucky Atlas.
I can't rub the other side of your neck from this side." John stopped
rubbing and headed towards the walk in shelter.
[Oh! MAN! Yes! He's headed for our trysting spot!] Man power snorted and
followed John to the walk in shed. He stopped at the entrance and
regarded John inside. John had stopped and was looking at ManPower. He
reached into the front of his pants and started a curious rubbing. "C'mon
bud, you want this as bad as I do." [Damn. He must want this as bad as
I do!] and ManPower walked into the shed. He had already started to get
excited, slowly at first and then more rapidly as he felt the weight of
his own penis pull down on his sheath.
"Good boy!" sighed John as he unscrewed the lid from the little yellow
jar. He reached into the jar and removed a liberal amount of some
unidentifiable substance. [Oh boy, this is where he usually gets under me!]
ManPower craned his head to the side as he tried to watch what John was
doing. He couldn't see everything too well, but he could certainly feel
things as John rubbed a handfull of vaseline on ManPowers prepuce. ManPower
decided that this was just what he wanted to feel and he slowly let the rest
of his penis drop from it's prepuce. John eagerly helped ManPower along
by rubbing the length of his penis with his fingers. He explored the length
and breadth of ManPower's gloriously large stallionhood with his fingertips.
He rubbed the underside and the topside and let his fingertips follow the
ridges and veins that they found under the surface of the skin of ManPower's
large rod.
John paused to remove the only two articles of clothing that he had, his
sneakers and his shorts.
[Uh, that feels, uh, good....] His 24 inch penis slapped his
belly as he thought about the funny looking little two legged horse and
it's current explorations. Suddenly, ManPower felt something warm and wet
enclose itself over the top of his glans, the most sensitive part of
his penis. It was totally unexpected and he snorted in surprise, but then,
with a renewed interest in the situation, he arched his back and began
to hump with vim and vigor. This liberated LOTS of gagging noises from
underneath his belly and the sensation went away. ManPower ceased his efforts
at ejaculation almost immediately. "DAMN" and then, the sensation returned.
He craned his head and saw that John had his lips over the end of ManPower's
pecker. [Holy shit! He wants to make me come! Hmmmmm, can't let 'im down.]
ManPower dropped his haunches about a foot so that he could pump with longer
strokes and began thrusting in earnest. [Oh shit!!] grunted Manpower [Oh
FUCK] knickered the stud [Oh man, this feels too good.] groaned the big
John had removed his clothes and had one hand firmly clamped on his own penis
as the other hand traveled ManPowers large (okay okay okay, fucking HUGE)
dick. He had his mouth firmly clamped on the top of the horses glans which
had already swelled to over 8 inches in diameter. John had almost gotten his
mouth stuck on the end of ManPowers shaft before he switched to just trying to
suck on the bulbous upper tip of the stallions rod. He felt the stallion
begin to stall out so he let go of his own penis and concentrated on the
stud's shaft with both of his hands. The stallion let out a huge grunt and
he let loose with a spray of semen that hit john on the neck. John quickly
shifted his attention to the tip of the stallion's penis. He drank deeply of
the many gushes of semen. "Better than a cup of coffee, any day!" thought
the man as he licked the stallion's diminishing shaft.
[Oh god. That was good. Too good. Shit, I think I'll let the guy
lick me clean for a while....] thought the stallion as he drooped his thick
neck in exhaustion. John was not quite done yet. He clambered on top of
some boards in the wall, near ManPowers rear and stuck a finger under
ManPower's tail. [WHOA! What's this?] swished the horses tail in response.
Gingerly, the man ran his finger around the stallions now puckered asshole.
[Doesn't feel too bad, wonder what he's up to?] John tentatively reached
his hips forward and pushed the tip of his penis against the horses asshole.
[HO! So THAT'S it! Hmmmmm, not a bad idea.] thought the stallion as he backed
up slightly and made the process easier for the small man. John felt the
horse backing up onto his shaft and nearly yelled in delight. He slowly began
to thrust into the horse. Then, he leaned forward and put all of his weight
on the horses rear and used his feet to push with as he thrust. He was
enjoying himself quite thoroughly. He reached both arms around the stallion's
waist and felt the thickness of the stallion's shaft which had made a re-
appearance. He thrust into the stallion much harder now as he grasped the
still highly lubricated shaft of the stallion and began to rub the stallion's
penis one more time. [Damn! This is too good!] thought the stallion for he
once again began to thrust. It didn't take long for the stud to come
again. As he did so, his puckering asshole sent John over the edge and
he finally dumped his load into the stallion's ass. The waves of pleasure
John felt as his penis was milked by the stallions tightening asshole almost
sent him into hypoglycemic shock.
"Good horsie! Here, have a carrot. Oh shit, have twenty!"
[Good little man, now give me my carrot. Hell, give me nineteen more!]
The man licked the stallion clean and wiped his brow and neck with some
paper towels he had brought. He then donned his pants and bid his horse
"Till tomorrow studmuffins" [Till tomorrow little man]