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Dear Missy, Picture yourself
visiting your Aunt Janey and I in Ann
and we have all enjoyed a nice movie
together and now are at the malt shop.
You were bratty about blowing bubbles
with the straw in your malted and to top
it off, you refused to curtsy to Aunt
Janey after your treat - just because
there were oth
er people in the restaurant. Back at
our room you were still adamant, and
when I explained that since you had been
rude to your Aunty, you could just go
over her knees for a little warm up in
good manners. You just stamped your
foot and refuse
d. I can't let my darling niece grow up
so spoiled and unappreciative, so I step
in and lay down the law. I finish our
talk by talking you snugly over my lap
and spanking you. I spank and scold
until you are ready to apologize to Aunt
Janey an
d then I spank some more. I am sitting
on the edge of the bed, and you are over
my knee for some minutes after the
spanking getting yourself under control
and feeling very naughty for your
behavior. Just when you think I am
going to pull your
panties up and release you, you hear me
ask Aunt Janey if should wouldn't like
to sit down next to me and give you the
next part of your spanking herself. "The
next part!," you cry out. But she does
just that. And, her spanks are not as
hard a
s mine, but they are crisp and business
like, and do sting. You are sorry for
being naughty in the restaurant, and
sorry for being defiant to your Aunty
when she wanted to correct you, and
sorry for everything a naughty and
properly punished you
ng lady could ever be. Now we
return to the restaurant for coffee and
oh my - isn't our lovely niece a changed
young lady. Sitting there in white
gloves and so polite. Its thank you to
the waitress for this, and thank you for
that, and m
ay I please have more, and may I please
be excused to go potty, and may I and
thank you Uncle Sandy, thank you Aunt
Janey. And, when we get up to leave,
your Aunt Janey and I just want to hug
you for the darling way you go up from
your seat an
d courtsey to and thank both of us. We
see you to your room and you change into
your jammies for bed, but before we
leave, Aunt Janey sits down in the
straight backed chair and calls you
over. There are hugs and close sharing
of feelings, and y
ou become very meek and compliant when
she takes you over her lap. You blush
incredibly knowing that I am watching,
even though I have already seen and
spanked your bummy myself. You seat
is still nice and warm and she only has
to smack li
ghtly to make her point. You just give
into the feeling and let yourself go as
the naughty little girl in you comes to
realize the special mystique of not only
feminine discipline, but loving
discipline administered by your Uncle
and Aunt of choi