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Archive-name: Bondage/lovehrt2.txt
Archive-author: T.F.Yank
Archive-title: Maria's Story: Love Hurts! [2 of 5]
--------------[ WARNING ]----------------
This story contains lesbian and non-consenual sex. If
such subject matter offends you, please press 'N' now.
Maria lost track of time. She was only aware of the tactile
sensations of Heather's mouth and hands. A feeling of regret came over
her when Heather stopped her oral loving of Maria's breasts.
"Shit. Here I am doing all the work. Do you intend to just lie
there? When do I get some? Here, suck my tit for a change," Heather
Heather moved up the bed and straddled Maria's chest. Leaning over,
she placed one of her small breasts against Maria's mouth. Maria took it
in her mouth and gently sucked the small firm globe of flesh. She pushed
Heather away just a bit to permit herself better access. She tongued the
rigid nipple, teasing it with her teeth. Her hands entered the scene as
they stroked the hot flesh. Heather swayed from side to side, allowing
Maria to pay equal attention to both breasts.
Heather straightened up and moved further up along Maria's body.
"This is want you've been dying for, ain't it?" she teased as she did a
little bump and grind with her vagina mere inches from Maria's face.
"Yes," replied Maria's hoarsely. She raised her head as far as she
could and tasted for the first time Heather's sweetness. Her hands went
to Heather's buttocks and pulled that sweet vagina closer. Her mouth
sucked and licked the fine blond hairs. She forced her tongue between
the lips, searching for the pearl she knew lay within. At last, there it
was. She drank deeply of its sweetness as she lost herself in Heather's
center. She could hear little whimpers of delight come from the girl
above her and knew that she was at last in charge.
As her mouth and tongue plowed Heather's wet furrow, her hands had
been massaging and stroking the tight small ass. She gently traced a
path with her fingers across Heather's rectum.
"Oh fuck yes! Yes there. I love it," Heather cried out as she
tried to settle back on Maria's hand.
Maria congratulated herself on reading this one right. One little
hot bitch who just loved to fuck. She sank her finger slowly into
Heather's rectum, rotating it gently to enlarge the opening. The
sphincter muscles at first rebelled and then relaxed as they seem to suck
Maria's finger deeper into the anal passage.
With Maria's tongue deep within her vagina, and a finger buried deep
in her ass, Heather was in orbit. She rocked back and forth, trying to
increase the pressure and the pleasure she was so wanting. She was
unprepared when Maria broke the contact and then pushed her off the bed
onto the floor below.
'Hey! What the fuck? Why'd you do that for?" She found herself on
all fours, beside the bed, looking up at Maria.
Maria was sitting on the side of the bed, laughing. "Now that we've
played the game your way, I think maybe we should try it my way. If you
can stop acting like an animal in heat, you might actually find out there
are more gentler ways to make love to another person. If you can't, get
your clothes and leave." With that, Maria lay back down on the bed and
ignored the girl.
Heather stayed as she was for a moment. Then, as if she had finally
reached a decision, she got up and left the room. Maria watched her
leave, feeling disappointed that Heather didn't have what it took. But
she would be damned if she would call after her. She was quite surprise
but happy when Heather walked back into the room a few moments later.
"Well so you like it gentle, do you? I can live with that. As long
as we can play rough occasionally. I have a little trick here I'm sure
you're just gonna beg me to repeat," she said with a mischievous grin.
Maria wasn't quite sure what Heather meant by that. She saw Heather
had a glass in her hands, but couldn't see what was in it. Heather put
it to her mouth as if to drink. Maria could hear the tinkling sound of
ice. Heather walked to the foot of the bed, and knelt upon it. Dropping
the glass to the carpeted floor, she stretched out flat on her stomach
and squirmed upward until her face was inches from Maria's vagina. Maria
still wasn't sure what the girl was up to. It looked as if Heather had
something in her mouth, but Maria couldn't tell for sure.
Heather's hands felt cold. But soon their activities at Maria's
vagina had her feeling quite warm. Heather gently inserted two fingers
deep in Maria. The thumb and forefinger of her other hand massaged and
stroked Maria's clitoris until it fully emerged from under its hood and
stood rigid. "Oh my, this little sucker is almost a small cock, all by
itself," Heather mumbled.
Soon Maria was twisting and turning in response to Heather's
ministrations. "Please, I need your mouth, darling. I want to feel your
tongue deep inside me," Maria begged.
Heather had been watching Maria's face. She chuckled at the woman's
desperate pleas. Doubling the efforts of her fingers, buried deep in
Maria's cunt, she pushed her other hand beneath Maria's quivering
buttocks, and pushed them upward. Maria moved her own hands beneath
herself and lifted her hips high to better offer her vagina to Heather's
"Please Heather, don't make me beg. Kiss me there."
Heather still kept her eyes locked on Maria's. As Maria was holding
herself up, she brought her hand back between Maria's opened thighs.
Lightly at first, and then with more pressure, she scraped her
fingernails along the tender insides of Maria's thighs. Seeing Maria was
about to open her mouth again,. Heather slowly lowered her face to the
hairy bush below.
Maria tensed in anticipation, and then nearly went into shock at the
first touch. She screamed in pain. She tried to shake the girl's mouth
from her vagina. Damn, she thought, the bitch has an ice-cube in her
mouth. Maria twisted and turned to no avail. Heather had her mouth well
clamped to her vagina, the ice-cube pressed hard against Maria's clit,
her tongue probing deeper within the confines of the parted vaginal lips.
The cold sensation seemed to change from freezing numbness to
blazing heat. Maria could no longer tell whether it was cold or hot.
Heather's tongue renewed its attack on her clitoris. Still cold to the
touch, it left a trail of burning flesh. Without realizing it at first,
Maria's body started to ride the roller coaster of orgasm. Her breathing
ragged, she rocked her head from side to side in ecstasy, her moans
rising in volume. At last, her body shaking, she felt the wave diminish.
Looking down between her legs, she saw Heather leering at her.
"Well now, was that gentle enough for you? And if you liked that
trick, I have a whole bag full of them." Heather lowered her head and
gave Maria's love box a big, wet, loud kiss. Maria shivered at the touch
and reached out for Heather. The girl moved up the bed and lowered
herself into Maria's arms. She pressed her lips to Maria's. Maria
opened her lips, and her tongue entered Heather's warm mouth. Her tongue
delved deeply within Heather's mouth in a soulful kiss.
Heather softly but firmly clamped her teeth down on Maria's tongue.
Maria couldn't extradite her tongue and couldn't swallow. Her mouth
seemed to fill quickly with saliva, and she started choking.
Heather let go and snarled, "And I hate being given ultimatums."
She rose from the bed and left the room. By the time Maria had stopped
choking and ran after her, the girl had left the apartment.
The next day at work had been rather tense. Maria was fully
prepared to fire Heather the moment she came through the door. But when
Heather did finally show up, several hours late, she looked a mess. Her
face was bruised. She had what was surely going to turn into a world
class shiner. Maria was concerned and ushered into her office. It
turned out that after Heather had gotten home the previous night, her
live-in boyfriend had found out about Maria. He had first beaten and
then raped her, and finally threw her out on the street. She had gone to
the hospital to have her injuries checked out and after being released
had no place to go. She had been walking the streets for the past
several hours and figured she might as well show up and work.
Maria's heart went out to the girl. After leaving some last minute
instructions with some of the people in the office, she took Heather home
with her. After helping her take a warm bath, she put her to bed. Maria
climbed into bed with Heather and held her tightly as the girl cried
herself to sleep. Laying there next to her, Maria knew that no matter
how crass or crude Heather would be, she wanted her. And Maria promised
herself that once Heather woke, she would ask the girl to move in with
her. She thought back to the pleasure she had felt at Heather's hands.
And she knew she would never be happy until she could experience that
every day and night.
Maria snapped out of her reveries. Was it really almost seven years
since that night? Maria knew that Heather never really accepted lesbo
love. The girl insisted that she had to have a man every so often. And
Maria also knew that she herself could never remain faithful to one
partner. So they had agreed on a compromise. They would never have
another lover stay the night in the apartment. And each was free to take
another lover as long as it didn't become full time.
Thinking back over the years, Maria realized that Heather was the
closest she had ever come to truly giving away her heart. And she never
regretted it yet.
Noting the lateness of the hour, she quickly finished dressing and
applied her make-up. She heard the doorbell ring just as she entered the
living room. Not seeing Heather around, she went to the door. Before
opening it, she looked through the spy-hole to see Collin standing there.
Collin stood 6 feet and must have weighed at least two hundred
pounds. Young, not quite 23, blond hair, blue eyes, he had arms as thick
as mature trees. And his legs were even stronger. Solid muscle. Maria
had taken an immediate dislike to him when Heather had first brought him
home. It wasn't that he wasn't polite. But he seemed to feel as if all
women just came in their pants at the sight of him. And she noticed that
he treated Heather more like personal property than a person.
She had to admit that he was quite competent in the bedroom. As
Heather had said earlier, Maria did get off watching her fuck her various
male lovers. Maria remembered the horror she had felt watching the first
time Collin had rammed his ugly penis into Heather. Maria had to admit
she had never seen a penis that large before. Not only was it terribly
long, but it was thicker than her wrist. And what had amazed her even
more was how Heather had simply demanded he give her more, after he had
sank his entire length into her. Well, one never had to worry about
getting a swelled head while Heather was around.
"Are you going to let him in, or do you intend to mind fuck him
through the door," Heather whispered in her ear. Maria jumped, startled.
She hadn't heard Heather come up behind her at all. Feeling foolish, and
a bit ashamed by her reaction, she quickly opened the door. Heather
pushed around her and stood on her tiptoes to give Collin a kiss. He
reached down and without any effort, lifted her off the floor and up into
his arms.
"Hi sexy. Hmmm... that feels good. Why aren't you ready?" he
asked. Heather rubbed her face against his and said, "I'm always ready,
which is more than we can say about you last Friday." She jumped down
from his embrace, and running back into the apartment, called over her
shoulder, "I'll be ready to leave in a jiffy. You can keep company with
Maria while I get my stuff."
Collin stood in the open doorway, not quite sure what to do. Maria,
sensing his discomfort, cursed Heather for putting them in this
situation. "Well, come on in. I was just about to leave anyways. Tell
Heather when she comes out, I'll see her tomorrow at work. Well, good
night, Collin."
"Er... Good night, Maria" stammered Collin as they passed each
Closing the door after Maria, Collin turned and yelled out,
"Heather, where the hell are you?" She didn't answer. He started
searching through the apartment. Expecting to find her in the spare
bedroom, he was surprised to hear her call him from the other bedroom.
He found her laying naked upon the bed. "Hey, I thought you were getting
your things. What are you dong there, and naked besides?" asked Collin
with a rather confused look on his face.
Heather, her legs opened wide, spread her vaginal lips apart with
her fingers. "Come here, baby. Mummy has this big empty hole that needs
to be filled."
Collin looked around the room. It was obvious he felt uncomfortable
there. "Come on, Heather. Don't play games. What if she comes back and
catches us here?"
"Let her get her own cock to play with. Right now I'm only
interested in how long it'll take you to get that cock of yours in this
hole here. Unless, you're having a bit a trouble again? If you are, we
can forget it, and I'll see you next week." Heather reached over to the
night table, retrieved the brush that was there, and ignoring Collin,
started to masturbate with the handle.
Collin quickly started to remove his clothing. "Aw come on, sugar.
Just because I had a bit too much that night, don't mean I'm having
trouble. And we did get it on after awhile. You were screaming your
head off later."
"Shit!" Heather snapped at him. "You don't know what you're talking
about. If I hadn't worked on you as hard as I did, we'd still be waiting
for you to get it up. Fuck! If I had put half as much effort into a
corpse, I could have raised the dead. Anyhow, we ain't talking about
then, we're talking about now. Are you gonna shut that mouth and get in
here, or do I suck off this brush handle. Either way, I know I'm gonna
get off tonight."
Collin, at last undressed, moved to the side of the bed. "Christ,
you have a big mouth for such a little girl. But then again, that's one
of the reason I like you." Holding his limp penis in one hand, he
reached out and grabbed her hair, drawing her face to his crotch. Her
mouth opened to take him in. He reached down and with little effort,
turned her one hundred and eighty degrees so that while her mouth was
still wrapped around his stiffening cock, her slit was there before his
mouth. The room soon filled with wet slurping noises as they devoured
each other's genitals.
Maria arrived at the restaurant about fifteen minutes late. There
in the lounge was Suzie waiting for her. My God, thought Maria, seeing
Suzie, she keeps getting younger instead of older.
Suzie Vanderheim stood five foot seven. Slenderly built, she had
extremely long legs for her size. Her hair, which had been a fiery red
when younger, was a coppery silver now. As usual she wore it up. Her
skin had an almost porcelain quality to it. Pale and delicate. But she
was anything but delicate. And when she gazed into your eyes with those
deep emerald green eyes, you felt as if she was doing an inventory of
your soul. A proud bearing and a sweet smile rounded out her appearance.
People were automatically attracted to her, and once they got to know
her, they quickly became her devoted followers.
Suzie stood up and moved to greet Maria. They embraced like the
close friends they were. After letting the maitre d' know they were
ready to be seated, they were quickly shown to their table. They waited
for the waiter to take their order and settled back.
"Well Maria, I must say you are as beautiful as ever. I can't
believe it has been almost a year since we were together last. And how
is business these days?
"Not bad actually. And I do believe that after tonight, it will be
even better. You know Suzie, I never did understand why you didn't take
a part of the business way back then. Just think of all the money you
could have saved by getting it all at cost."
The two women laughed, and Suzie took Maria's hand in hers. "Maria,
I got more than I ever deserved in return for that little investment.
Your friendship over the years has meant more than any discount I could
get. But being the business woman I have had to be, if you're saying
that you'll be giving me special rates this time, I won't object."
"If I thought you really meant that, you can forget about getting a
bill after this job. But I somehow expect it will like all the other
times. You'll insist on overpaying."
When their drinks arrived they were discussing old friends. "And
how is Doris?" asked Maria.
"She's doing quite well, thank you. To be honest, after you and I
went our separate ways, I don't think I could have managed quite as well
if it hadn't been for Doris. No matter who I am with, or how beastly I
feel, she is always a ray of sunshine in my life. One of my major
regrets in life is that I could never manage to overcome her fear and
utter hatred of men. That beast I had for a husband destroyed any
possibility of her ever being happily married somewhere. As a matter of
fact, she asked me to say 'Hi' and give you her love."
Maria remembered the younger woman fondly. She had been a maid in
Suzie's household. And as Maria remembered it, had been quite badly
abused by Suzie's husband when he was alive. She and Doris had on
several occasions made love to each other when Maria had lived with
Suzie. Today, Doris was Suzie's personal secretary and when Suzie wasn't
occupied with someone else, she was also her main lover.
"Are you two still hot and heavy these days," Maria asked. "Or do
you have something else going?"
"To be honest, Doris is the only woman I am involved with at the
moment," Suzie replied with a sly smile.
"Oh? And am I to suppose from that inference that you have yourself
a male lover? How gross."
Suzie laughingly said, "You and Doris are so alike. That was
exactly her reaction too. Mind you, at least she has a point of
"Now don't start in on me again, after all these years" Maria
protested. "I never have, and I never will sleep with a man."
"And you will never know the pleasure that you are missing either.
How you can say that you wouldn't like it when you have never given it a
chance, I can not understand. There are two types of love in the world,
and I wouldn't miss the opportunity of either."
Now it was Maria's turn to laugh. "If you only knew just how alike
you and Heather really are. I suspect that it is just because you two
are so alike that you have never gotten along. I was just thinking this
evening while getting dressed that she is about the only one who could
seriously compete with that tongue of yours. Anyhow, never mind about my
distastes, tell me about this new lover."
"I know you will hate him. He's black for starters. Big and black.
Used to play semi-pro football before his knees went. I met him at one
of the clubs I frequent about a month after you and I were last together.
He was a bouncer there. Now he is my personal bodyguard."
"And just how well does he guard that body of yours," Maria teased.
Suzie just smiled as she said, "Very, very well, my dear."
They continued to banter back and forth all through dinner. After
dinner, relaxing over a liqueur, Suzie said, "I was hoping to ask you
back to the apartment tonight, but as things stand, I'll have to forgo
that little pleasure for now. But as you will be handling the re-
decorations yourself again, I suspect we will have plenty of time to
rediscover each other's foibles."
Maria felt a twinge of disappointment. She had actually been
looking forward to Suzie's lovemaking tonight. And Heather wouldn't be
home either tonight. She hated being alone. But she tried not to show
her disappointment and simply said. "Yes, I'll have to ensure we have
lots of time together." They finished their drinks, and fondly kissing
one another good-bye, they went their separate ways.
When Maria arrived home, she was irritated to find the lights still
burning in the living room. "Damn that bitch! She never considers
others. She knows I hate to see us wasting electricity." Going from
room to room on the way to her bedroom, she switched off the lights. As
she neared her room, she heard sounds coming from within. Nervous at
first, she stopped outside the closed door and listened quietly. Her
nervousness soon turned to rage as she realized the sounds were coming
from Heather.
"Oooo baby...yeah that's the way...push it deeper. Yeah like
that...faster damn it...I'm almost there... Please, god damn it, faster,
Oh Jesus YES! Just like that."
Maria opened the door to see Collin moving frantically over Heather
who had her legs up over his shoulders. The two of them were lost within
their own sexual world and didn't notice Maria. She stood there
transfixed, having a clear view of Collin's enormous cock pistoning in
and out of Heather's wide open cunt. Maria realized that she was
actually holding her breath for fear of disturbing them.
Realizing how she was reacting to the lovemaking taking place in her
bed, her rage increased. "What the fuck do you two think you're doing?
Get the fuck out of my bed. Heather how can you do this to me? And just
after you promised you wouldn't. Stop it now! Do you hear me? STOP
IT!" Maria screamed in anger. She looked for something to strike them
with. She could only find a brush on the floor. Picking it up, she
began to hit Collin on his back and legs. "Get out of here, you fucking
bastard. I said get out. I'm calling the police if you don't move
Collin didn't react to her, but instead continued fucking Heather.
Heather finally seeing Maria standing there, said, "Oh fuck off Maria.
Get your own cock. You already ruined one climax today. I ain't gonna
let you do it again. So fuck off. Oooo yes baby, mummy's almost there.
Fuck me good, baby, fuck me good."
Maria reached out and grabbed Heather by the hair. Collin lifted
one arm, and as if brushing off a gnat, knocked her across the room.
Maria picked herself up and realized that they weren't about to stop.
She ran from the room in tears. Try as she might, she was unable to stop
hearing Heather's entreaties. She sat in the living room with her hands
over her ears. Finally there was silence. Maria was too frighten to go
back into the bedroom. She still hurt from where that bastard had struck
her. She sat there and waited for them to come out.
"Maria's Story: Love Hurts!" by T. F. Yank
-- Copyright (c) 1989, 1992 by DEH Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is granted to distribute in electonic format, unaltered and
un-edited with this copyright statement intact. Hardcopies are limited
to single printing for private, non-profit use only.