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Chapter 2: A Night Out - Bob Gets Lucky
For the rest of the weekend after Linda's "outing" with Gary, I tried very hard
to stay cool and avoid pressing her about the issue. A couple of times when I
tried to inquire into more details, particularly about Gary, Linda made it very
clear that she didn't want to discuss it. (I found out later that he was quite
young, rather conceited and not particularly sensitive in his lovemaking.)
Fortunately, we both felt a tremendous charge of sexual energy which resulted
in a lot of great sex for us. Linda got eaten on the kitchen counter, and we
even fucked on the coffee table in the living room. That is something we had
never done before for fear of being caught by our teenage daughter. She stayed
in her room for most of the weekend so we got away with it.
Sunday night was so great for us that on Monday morning when I called Linda at
her office, she said that she had been spending the morning thinking about the
great time we'd had the night before. She confessed to being pretty wet too.
Needless to say that made me pretty hard.
Just before noon Linda called me and was very upset. It seems that Gary, in his
immaturity, had sent her a bouquet of flowers and had put his name on the card
besides. She was at her desk when they arrived and had quickly removed the
card, but she was dismayed that he would be so indiscrete. Furthermore, he had
called before the flowers arrived to chat about Friday night and to invite her
out again. She declined the invitation (rather abruptly so it sounded) and told
him that she didn't think her husband would want her to do that again. I told
her that she was right in turning down another date with him, at least for the
time being, and not to worry. I was very much with her in this adventure. I
must admit that the thought of her doing it again was quite exciting, but I too
was concerned about her reputation and this guy's attitude. She calmed down,
and we both went about our work.
That night we had a long talk about the events of the previous few days. We
concluded that this arrangement and it's initial results were a big turnon for
both of us. I said "The only thing that I would find more exciting would be to
actually be present when you get laid". She still found this idea outrageous
and impossible to understand, but she agreed that she had found Friday evening
and the events leading up to it to be very exciting. She would like to do
something like that again, but with a more careful selection of her partner to
assure discretion. Reluctantly she agreed to my request that no man be allowed
an encore visit to her panties unless I was present to watch (and to satisfy
myself that the matter was strictly sexual). She felt that would really
preclude any such repeats.
During the next two weeks nothing happened other than another call from Gary
who was flatly turned down in his invitation to another "party" at his house.
Attempts to discuss the subject seemed to go nowhere. I began to get the
feeling that this may have been a "one- time" thing for Linda. Early the next
week I began laying Friday night plans to try to create a situation that might
develop into another "event". I suggested that we go out to dinner at a
restaurant in a hotel near O'Hare airport. It is a nice place with a big bar
that is known to be regularly filled with a lot of travelling men.
I was afraid Linda might be suspicious because we have almost never gone to
that area for dinner, but she was agreeable to the date and even accepted my
suggestion that she wear one of my favorite outfits for the evening. It
consists of a pleated knee-length dark skirt, a white chiffon blouse and a vest
that matches the skirt. It is actually a rather conservative outfit but because
of the length of the skirt and the sheer blouse, fun things can be done with
it. Beneath it she wore her usual garter belt, hose and a very pretty white
lace bra and matching bikini panties. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to
her..or at least so I thought.
Before we left for dinner I called for a "panty inspection". This is something
I occasionally do when I know (or suspect) that she is wearing panties that I
particularly like (i.e., very brief, sheer or both). She laughed and went along
with my request by lifting up her skirt and giving me a nice long look at her
treasures below. As I knew from prior acquaintance with those panties, the
shadow of her beaver was easily seen through the sheer fabric.
"Ah", I said, "such a sight for all those horny guys that will be out tonight".
"Well", she replied, "I certainly don't expect that any of them will get to see
'that' sight".
I asked, "You mean if they were interested, you wouldn't give them even a quick
"What am I supposed to be? A side show of some sort?", she responded pretending
to be insulted.
"Well, we will see what they can see", I said, "and don't pretend to be
offended. I'll bet that the very thought of men seeing your undies makes you
With that comment, I reached up under her skirt and slipped my fingers inside
the edge of her panties. Sure enough! She was dripping wet already. Then I ran
my finger up and down her slit and forced it up her cunt as far as I could get
it. As I worked my finger into her vagina I used the side of my thumb to
massage her clit. In only a few seconds she began gasping. I stopped as quickly
as I started.
"You bastard!", she said. "You can't leave me like this."
"Aren't we a hot one tonight?", I said. Then I resumed my massage of her pussy,
and in just a few more seconds she came.
"You are now one ahead of me."
"So who's counting?", she replied. I then removed my hand and put my fingers in
my mouth. They tasted wonderfully like her pussy.
"This may be a very interesting night. Let's get going."
When we reached the restaurant there was a bit of a wait for our table.
Actually, I had made the reservation for an hour later than I told Linda so
that we would have to wait in the bar. During this time I hoped to increase her
horniness with a few drinks. As I had expected, the bar was filled with
apparently unattached men with a few women and couples also present. I was
pleased that we were able to find a small booth in a rather secluded area. I
hoped the semi- privacy could be used to our mutual advantage as the evening
wore on. Although the table in the booth was pretty small, it did give the
impression of hiding the lower parts of our bodies. As soon as we were seated I
pulled up Linda's skirt and tried to rub her pussy. She was sober enough,
however, to resist, and she added a scolding as well.
"Don't! Someone will see you!" I stopped my advances for the time being.
"Let the drinks work", I thought. "Then I'll try again."
After our drinks were delivered and Linda had nearly finished hers, I decided
to try again. This time she tried to push my hand away, but she was less
determined about it. I was able to force my hand up between her thighs and
quickly reached her panties. As I moved my fingers up and down caressing her
pussy through the lace, she quickly became very wet again. In fact, the crotch
of her panties was soaking.
"If you weren't such a prude", I said, "I might think that you were really
enjoying this."
"I am", she replied. "I really would like to go out to the car and fuck right
Well, that is an offer that is hard to refuse, but I had bigger plans for this
evening so I said "Let's wait. If we do, I'll promise you a fucking like you've
never had before."
"That had better be more than an empty promise", Linda replied.
This intimate banter and caressing went on for a half-hour or more with Linda
becoming more amorous by the minute. I thought I noticed the men sitting at a
table near us looking our way every minute or two, but whenever I watched them,
they made a point of being engrossed in their own conversation. I debated for a
few minutes on the effect of pointing them out to Linda, and I finally
concluded that there was little to lose if I did.
"See those two guys over there", I said softly. "I think they are watching us."
"So what is there to watch", Linda replied.
"I think they can see me feeling you up", I said, "and they are probably very
"I doubt it", she replied. "They can't really see a thing. It's too dark, and
besides the table is in the way."
"Are you sure of that?", I asked.
"Yes! Positive", Linda retorted.
"Alright then. If you are so sure, I dare you to go to the ladies room and take
off your panties. They are in the way, and they are soaking wet anyhow."
"Sure", she said. "I have to pee anyhow. But then what are you going to do?"
"We'll see", I said. "And while you're at it, take off your vest and bra too. I
want to be able to see your breasts....and I'll bet those guys would love to
see them too."
I was a somewhat surprised that Linda began to get up to go do as she had been
asked. She moved rather unsteadily. I think she was giddy from horniness as
much as she was inebriated. She stumbled slightly as she left the booth and
nearly landed in the lap of one of the men who had been watching. He reached up
to break her fall, and it appeared that he had a handful of her right breast in
the process. Linda thanked him for his help, and ran her hand down his neck as
she did so. I took this as a sign that she found him interesting. Hopefully, we
would find out soon just how interested she was.
While Linda was gone, it occurred to me that our table for dinner might be
about ready. Since I didn't want to be interrupted for the time being, I asked
our cocktail waitress to tell the hostess that we were going to cancel our
dinner reservation.
I watched carefully for Linda's return knowing that in the greater light of the
lobby area her breasts would be clearly visible if she wasn't wearing a vest or
bra. When she came back the bra was gone, but she had put the vest back on so
only the inner areas of her breasts were on display. Her nipples were still
hidden. That would never do.
As she prepared to sit down I said "Give me your vest".
She replied "But I'll be practically naked".
"I doubt that anyone here will object. Besides it's not light enough here to
really see much anyhow." I must admit I hoped I was wrong in that statement. As
it turned out, her nipples could be faintly seen as she sat down.
As soon as she was seated, I pulled up her skirt and checked to see that she
had in fact removed her panties. They were gone. I began to rub her pussy, and
she spread her thighs making it more accessible. Soon I had two fingers up into
her cunt. She began to breathe deeply.
"Make me cum", she begged. "Please. I need to cum."
I couldn't refuse such a plaintive request so I began to massage her clit and
fucked her with my fingers. As I did so I noticed that the two men were
watching intently. I am not sure if they could actually see my hand in her
pussy, but they certainly knew what was going on. This time as I looked at them
they did not turn away, but continued to watch. Their gaze was directed at
Linda's hot pussy. It took only a few seconds to get the desired result. Linda
started breathing irregularly and then her body went stiff. I hoped that she
wouldn't make a lot of noise as she came, because she often does. Fortunately,
she was careful and only moaned softly.
"Thank you", she said as she put her head on my shoulder. "That was nice."
"Your audience thought so too", I said. "In fact, I'll bet they enjoyed it
almost as much as you did."
"I don't care. I really needed it."
I put my arms around her and kissed her hard. "I love you!"
By this time I needed to take a leak myself so I told her "I'm going to the
men's room. Can you take care of yourself?"
"I need more attention", she replied. "Don't be gone too long."
"I won't", I said.
Then as I left I stopped momentarily at the table our audience was at and said
quietly "I think the lady needs your help. Would you mind giving her a hand?"
I then quickly walked away without waiting for their reaction. I did turn and
look just before turning the corner in the lobby. The men seemed to be
preparing to get up. I hoped they took the bait. I couldn't wait to return.
When I came back into the bar I tried to get in without being noticed by Linda
or anyone that might be with her. I apparently succeeded because her attention
now seemed to be completely occupied by one of the two men who had been sitting
near us. He was now sitting next to her, and they appeared to be having an
animated conversation. I paused and watched for a few minutes. It didn't take
long to realize that his left hand and her right one were not in view. Things
must be working out. As I watched I could see her body moving slightly. He must
have his hand in her pussy, and from the slight movement of her right side,
I'll bet she is beating him off.
I knew that I had to get back there now before things went too far, and I
missed it. I went back around the bar and made a more direct approach. I moved
slowly until I knew I had caught her eye. I was afraid that if I took her by
surprise it might upset her and spoil her mood. When she saw me her right hand
immediately appeared back on the table. She said something too him, and his
hand reappeared as well. I then walked over to the other side of her and sat
"I guess you two have met", I said.
"Yes", she said. "This is Bob."
"Hi, Bob", I offered. "What do you think of this horny lady?"
"She's something else", he said. He then started to get up.
"Where are you going?", I asked.
"Well", he said, "I guess I should leave you two alone."
"We'd like for you to stay, at least for a few more minutes", I said.
Then I leaned over to Linda and whispered "Do you still want to get fucked?"
"More than ever. I've never needed it so bad."
"Then Bob and I are going to fuck you", I said. "Are you ready for that?"
"I am ready for anything right now", she replied.
"Bob, we've started something with the lady that we really ought to finish, but
we can't do it here", I said. "We need to find a private spot."
Bob almost jumped out his seat as he said "We could go upstairs to my room."
"Let's go! Linda, are you ready?"
"Yes", she murmured.
She seemed to be thinking of the momentous nature of what we were about to do.
I was thinking about it too and could hardly wait to get on with it.
As we got up to leave, Linda seemed oblivious to the fact that she looked
somewhat disheveled and that her breasts were plainly on view as we went
through the lobby to the elevator. I noticed, however, with great delight and
also realized that at least two men and a couple saw her. None seemed
offended..at least they continued their gaze and didn't gasp in horror. In less
than a minute, the elevator opened, and we stepped in. As the door was closing
I took her in my arms and kissed her deeply. I also reached down and pulled up
her skirt placing my hand on her pussy.
"This cunt of yours is about to be well fucked" I said.
"Good" was all she could (or needed) to say.
Within seconds of entering Bob's room they were in action. Bob didn't bother to
remove his jacket or tie. He simply unzipped his pants and pulled out his very
erect cock. Seeing this, Linda was on her knees and in seconds had him deep
into her throat. Now, I had seen her doing this before, but never with her
knowledge as she did it, so this was a very exciting step for me. Here was my
sexy wife sucking on a man's cock fully aware that I was seeing every lick of
I really wanted to participate as well so I said "Why don't you move onto the
bed so I can eat that hot wet pussy?"
They complied and Linda laid down with her thighs wide open as an invitation. I
quickly dropped down into position and began to eat her. It was obvious that no
warm-up was necessary. She was dripping wet and began to moan as soon as I
sucked her hard clit into my mouth. Bob also soon began to moan and breath
deeply. He was close...very close.
"Oh, baby. Oh, baby. You are good!", Bob said. Then his body went rigid and
Linda seemed to suck even harder. She kept her face tight against his balls so
I couldn't see his cock pulsating, but I knew it must be.
As Bob was cumming I began to work more vigorously on Linda's clit with my
tongue. She seldom cums from just oral stimulation, but suddenly she too
stiffened and moaned. Then in her typical fashion she forced her cunt firmly
against me and moved back and forth to get more stimulation. After a few
seconds of this she pulled away. Whenever she cums with a lot of intensity
Linda suddenly becomes so sensitive that she can take no further contact for a
few minutes. That had just happened.
We all laid in our places quietly for a few minutes. Then Bob said "Linda, that
was fantastic, but I really wanted to fuck you."
"We both want that too, Bob", I said. "Linda can get you back in condition to
do just that..right, Linda?"
Linda didn't answer. Instead she began to unbutton the rest of the buttons on
her blouse and slipped it off. Her skirt quickly followed. Bob followed her
lead and also quickly undressed. Linda then again went to work on Bob's now
semi-soft cock. Using her mouth and her fingers, it quickly was obvious that
Bob was responding positively to her work.
"This time I am going to watch", I said. Then I moved to a chair in the corner
of the room which I hoped would afford me a direct view when Bob got to insert
himself into Linda's still very wet cunt. I didn't have to wait more than a
couple of minutes for that to happen.
Linda suddenly moved her body up over Bob and said "Fuck me. Fuck me hard." She
then reached back to guide his erection towards her waiting pussy.
I was now witnessing what I had long anticipated as the ultimate sexual thrill.
Another man's cock was entering my wife's cunt. He threw up his hips to force
it in quickly and deeply. Linda gasped and then began to pump up and down. As
she did so, Bob reached up and began to massage her breasts.
I could not believe how powerfully erotic the scene was. It was even more so
than I had hoped or imagined. I was so excited that I could hardly breathe.
The two of them went at it like wild animals. His hard cock pounded in and out
of her tunnel and his hands kneaded her breast like they were soft bread. After
a few minutes of this, without withdrawing from her, Bob grabbed Linda by the
shoulders and quickly rolled over on top of her. She then placed her legs up
over his shoulders which gave me another great view of the action.
"Fuck her, Bob", I said. "Fuck that hot slut."
"Yes Bob, fuck me hard!", Linda commanded. "Ram me with that wonderful cock."
Neither of them showed signs yet of cumming, but I must admit that I was
getting very close myself. Feeling the first convulsion of ejaculation about to
occur, I moved over to near Linda's face and aimed my cock right at her. Just
then it started. I came and it hit her cheek and splattered all over her face.
Fortunately, she had closed her eyes.
I stepped back and surveyed the scene for a few moments. I have never seen such
a wanton sight. My wife had my cum all over her face and another man (a
complete stranger) was showing her no mercy as he pounded her pussy.
Then I moved back up to near her face and order her "Suck me hard again!"
Without a word she turned and obliged by taking my now very soft cock into her
Another first! My wife doing two men at once.
I was just starting to regain a hard-on when Bob said that he wanted to change
positions again. I moved back while they rolled over so that Linda was on top.
As I returned my cock to Linda's mouth, she sat down on Bob's cock and began to
rock her pelvis back and forth. This has always been her favorite position. The
rocking motion usually stimulates her clit enough that she quickly rises to
orgasm. At the same time (at least for me) it was a great way to pace my
cumming to often match hers.
It apparently was very effective for Bob too, because in moments he started to
moan. Hearing this, Linda quickened the pace of the rocking motion, and she too
began to moan. I was the only one not close to cuming so I withdrew to watch. I
would get mine later.
As I moved back to where I could see their coupled genitals I saw Bob's cock
begin its pumping motion. I knew that Linda's cunt was receiving a hot load of
another man's cum.
"Ooooohh, Bob!", Linda cried. "I can feel you cumming in me." She then gasped
and stopped rocking.
Linda and Bob both had powerful orgasms and then Linda collapsed on her back
beside Bob. I watched as his cock slipped from her cunt and a blob of white cum
oozed out of her and ran down her slit.
This was almost too much. I had often fantasized about this moment, but the
reality of it was even more powerful than any fantasy. I was sure that Linda
had had enough for the moment, but now I wanted mine. I moved up over her and
very easily slipped into her sloppy cunt.
"No more..please no more", she begged softly as she tried to push me away.
"Yes, babe, now it's my turn. Here comes your second load."
Even though she was very wet and enlarged from her previous screwing, I came
quickly, probably mostly from the erotic intensity of the moment. I could feel
my cum mixing with that of the stranger who had just finished fucking her.
When I finished I laid on top of Linda for a few minutes until I felt my cock
slip from her vagina. Then I got up to resurvey the scene. It was fantastic.
There lay my horny, well-fucked wife with cum splattered all over her face and
the cum of two men dripping from her hot red pussy. Next to her lay a man who
until a couple of hours earlier she had never met, but who she had just given
the fucking of his life. Bob looked like he was either asleep or in a daze.
Linda must have felt my gaze as she said "What are you looking at, anyhow?"
"I'm just looking at you", I replied.
"Do I look like a whore?", she asked.
"No, but you look like a very sexy lady who has just been very well fucked."
"Very, very well fucked, I must say", she said with a giggle.
"Would you like some more?"
"No..I couldn't handle it", she answered softly.
"Well, how about heading home then, OK?"
"I'm too tired to move right now", she said.
"I'll help you get dressed", I said. "Comeon, let's at least get your blouse
and skirt on."
It was a struggle, but we did manage to get those essential articles on and
enough buttons buttoned to keep them from falling off or looking too
suggestive. I then helped her to the bathroom to wipe the cum off her face.
Apparently the wet washcloth helped to revive her and she was able to continue
cleaning up by herself. She was about to wipe the cum from her pussy when I
stopped her.
"I'll take care of that myself with my tongue when we get home."
When she finished she said "Should we say goodnight to Bob?"
"Yes, I think we should", I answered.
By this time Bob had really fallen asleep so Linda bent over and kissed him on
the cheek. She then moved on down and kissed his limp cock. However, instead of
stopping she took it into her mouth and began to give it another oral massage.
"Mmmm", she said. "I like this one. May I keep it?"
"I think not", I answered, "but if you are a good girl, I'll be happy to help
you find another one...maybe even a bigger one."
"Is that a promise?", Linda asked.
"Yes, that's a promise...and you know I keep my promises."
End - Chapter 2