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363 lines
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Archive-name: Family/litsis2.txt
Archive-title: Naughty Little Sister
Teen and pre-teen sex and B&D.
If that's not what you like, don't read it.
Fantasy stories don't hurt anybody, and people
shouldn't be hurt. Now read on, hope you enjoy.
Please suggest ideas for what happens next in comments, LITSISC1 etc
Naughty Little Sister - Part 2
Later that evening.....
When her two big sisters hadn't returned after an hour, Sandy left the
bathroom and went to her bedroom. Her little pussy had stopped bleeding
but still felt awful sore from the cruel raping it had received from
Donna's dildo. She gently touched her clitoris and had to bite the
pillow to stop herself crying out.
Her tummy had finally settled down, and she hoped that the detergent
cleaner hadn't hurt its insides... She guessed it would feel worse if
there was anything seriously wrong. The worse thing was the degradation
she felt. The image of being lowered into the toilet bowl after her
sister had used it... the memory of the urinating on her face in the
bath-tub. She would never forget the agony of that dildo, or the
humiliation of the enema. Sandy had always been shy and diminutive, and
now she felt like she wasn't a real person... just a toy for her sisters
to play with, like a little Sindy doll, or like Paula.
Paula had been a pretty little baby-doll Sandy had received for her 5th
birthday. She was an expensive toy and said things like "Hello Mummy, I
love you" when you pressed her tummy. She had a lovely little pink
dress, and Sandy would put her in a little pram and wheel her around the
garden. Paula would never say no to anything Sandy wanted to do,
obedient to the end. As Sandy started to cry, she realized she had
become a submissive little Paula-doll for Donna and Susan....
The next day.....
Sandy awoke when she heard Mr Morahan start his car, and realized that
it was Monday and she had to go to school! She ached all over, but tried
to shut off the memories of the day before, because she couldn't afford
to be late, and it was already 8.00am. With Mom and Dad being away for
another three days, she had to get a lift with Donna, who worked in the
Fashion Mall next door to the school. Donna had passed her driving test
a week after her 17th birthday, and Mom and Dad had bought her a pale
pink Mazda sports-car. Sandy had been real happy arriving at school in
it last week -- now it meant sitting with the girl who had... who had
Raped her.
"Stop it!" Sandy told herself. "Forget it happened, and get dressed!"
She jumped up, and pulled off her nightshirt and panties, throwing both
in the bin because she felt they were dirty.
In a dreamlike trance she pulled open her bedside drawer and reached
into it. But it was empty! Where were her panties? She checked the
second drawer and found all her socks had vanished, all but one pair
that were silly ones she used to wear when she was little. Had she put
them all in the washing machine and forgot to take them out? She didn't
feel her normal self, maybe that was it.. it had just slipped her mind
because of.... because of yesterday.
She opened her wardrobe and it too seemed bare. Fortunately her gymslip
was on it's hanger so she pulled the panties back out of the bin, and
slipped them on. They weren't that bad, she must have stopped bleeding
soon after going to bed, and no-one would see them. She couldn't find a
shirt, but there was a camisole, so she pulled that over her head, took
the green dress and stepped into it.
It didn't feel right, so she shook herself to make it straighten out and
drop properly. It still wasn't right. "What's wrong with me?" she asked
herself as she walked to the mirror and looked at herself.
She had to smile a little! She thought that Mom had thrown away this
dress two years ago! It was tiny on her, with the yellow braid that
should have draped around her hips being half way up her tummy! And the
hem of the dress was at the top of her legs! "My, it hardly covers my
panties... I can't wear this!" she giggled.
She went back to the wardrobe to find her proper dress... but her
giggling stopped when she realized it wasn't there. She heard a voice
from downstairs. "Sandy! If you want a lift you've got 3 minutes!"
Oh no! It was Donna! And she was about to leave! She pulled out the one
pair of socks, those silly 'party' ones that she used to wear. They were
awfully little-girlish, all frilly and white, but she had no choice did
she? She could only find her mary-jane party shoes, so she did up the
little straps, and tied a ribbon around her braid before checking
herself in the mirror one last time.
"Oh I look a mess!" she thought. "I look like I should be in
Kindergarten! The little flared skirt part of the dress left her long
legs all bare, and when she arched her back it flicked up, showing her
panties! "I'll just have to be ever so careful..." she thought as she
ran down stairs and saw Donna starting the car outside the front door.
She slammed it shut, and jumped into the passenger seat. "I couldn't
find any of my clothes Donna!" she said to her sister. Donna just
grinned at her "Really? I wonder where they are?"
"I don't know.. I can't remember -- because you were so horrible to me
yesterday..." she sulked.
"I don't remember being horrible to you! Anyway, if I was you certainly
deserved it... and I don't want to hear any more about it if you want a
lift from me."
Sandy shut her mouth, but resolved to tell mom and dad the moment they
came home. She'd show them, she wasn't going to be a toy for her sisters
to play with! She remembered all the names she'd been called, "cunt",
"slut", "whore"! Mommy would be so angry. Especially about the thing
they'd pushed into her private parts. Making her bleed like that, my she
could have them put in jail!
Soon they arrived at the school, and Sandy ran to her classroom where
her teacher was just taking register.
"Julie Alexander"
"Here Miss"
"Francesca Buckley"
"Present Miss Cresswell"
"Melissa Compton"
"Present Miss"
"Sandy Coombe?"
"Sandy... are you here?"
Sandy suddenly woke up, "Oh, Sorry Miss, yes Miss"
"Sandy, the headmistress wishes to see you in her study at 11.00. "
Sandy couldn't understand why. "Oh... really? Why does she want to seem
Miss Cresswell glared at her. "It seems that she's rather angry with
you. Though I don't know why. Perhaps it's something to do with dressing
as a young lady rather than a SLUT! Knowing your mother and sisters I'm
quite sure this is your doing.... do you realize the whole class saw
your panties when you walked across the school yard?"
The other girls giggled. "Bimbo!" called one of them. "Slutty Sandy!"
called another. Sandy went crimson in embarrassment and wished she could
vanish into a hole, but the teacher told the girls to hush, and
continued with the register.
At 10.55 the bell went for morning break, and the girls rushed out the
classroom. Sandy's tummy was full of butterflies as she walked down the
corridor to the oak paneled door of Mrs. Todd, the headmistress.
She knocked on the thick door, and heard Mrs. Todd's deep voice boom
"Come in!", pushing it open and walking to her desk.
Mrs Todd looked her up and down, glaring at the expanse of leg the
little girl's dress left exposed.
Sandy took a step back. "Oh... Oh Miss... I'm sorry... but I couldn't
find my clothes this morning..."
"Juliette Ma'am? You mean Juliette Todd in my class, your daughter?"
CRUEL! And on the way back from church! You should be put in a home you
disgusting, disgusting girl!"
"I... I don't know what you're talking about Madam. I haven't seen
Juliette since Friday!"
"Don't think you can get away with that!" the stern woman replied.
"Thought you could get away with it didn't you? With the blindfold? I
think you're sick girl, sick! Taking her clothes, and, and URINATING ON
Mrs Todd looked like she would grab Sandy there and then, and the eleven
year old wondered about running out of the door, she was so frightened.
But then she saw the man standing in the corner.
"Yes young lady... thought you'd get away with it. I'm afraid you didn't
allow for THIS! I'm Detective Spooner, and must say that you are one of
the most despicable young offenders I've ever come across. What
possessed you to be so disgusting!""
He held up a small object that Sandy immediately recognised. It was her
handbag. "Wondered where you'd dropped it did you? Of course, I thought
it may have been stolen, so I spoke to your nice sisters last night.
They'd wondered where you were... Told me about the things you'd been
saying about Mrs Todd's daughter... and gave me your school beret.
"One hair is all we need with today's DNA technology Miss Coombe. And
the single hair we found on the ground where the attack took place
matched yours completely. Now try denying it!"
Sandy broke down on tears. "The tears of guilt Mrs Todd... Now all that
remains is whether you wish to press charges."
Mrs Todd raised her head. "You were saying that this would require
Juliette to appear in court Detective Spooner? I'd prefer it if that
could be avoided..."
"If you're willing to administer your own punishment that makes it
easier Mrs Todd. Whilst regulations normally prohibit your being too
excessive, I feel in this case the police would turn a blind eye to any
subsequent complaint... Also, in the absence of the girl's parents her
sister's represent legal guardians and they have given permission."
Mrs Todd nodded. "I will administer my own punishment Detective. Thank-
you, you have been most helpful." She motioned for him to leave and he
stood, walked to the door then paused.
"Erm, Mrs Todd... Don't you think that it would be important to have me
present... as a witness? Obviously I'm not *interested* in watching, it
just might be sensible?"
The woman looked at the way his eyes were moving up and down the little
girls exposed legs, seeming transfixed to that little belt of material
that just managed to cover her panties. She then noticed the decidedly
unprofessional bulge at the front of the policeman's trousers!
Not that she was surprised... he was a very good looking man, and
probably had a big sex drive, unlike that slob-husband of her's, Alfred.
And little Sandy did look so very cute... long coltish legs, lithe
little bottoms and flat girlish chests were a delightful combination on
one so young...
"You can stay... in fact you can help me. That is if you would like to
take me to dinner this evening?"
Sandy couldn't believe what she was hearing! She guessed she was in for
a spanking, which was bad, but with a man watching! And it sounded like
the headmistress was asking him out!
"Sure Madam couldn't think of anyone I'd prefer to spend some time
with... aside from young Sandy here of course... If she was my daughter
she'd learn some discipline soon enough!"
"Right... well let's show her some. Sandy, this is for your own good.
There are devils in you, my girl, and I'll straighten you out if it
takes me the rest of my days! Walk to the window and lean out of it."
Sandy pulled open the large window and poked out her head to see her
entire grade three floors below, looking up and giggling. "Further!" she
heard the head-mistress say, but she didn't like heights and could
already feel the onset of the 'shakes' they gave her!
She suddenly felt the policeman's hand around her slim waist, and for a
moment thought he was going to push her out! But he stopped, her waist
on the ledge, as the poor girl screamed waving her hands around in fear.
The man pulled the window closed, so that it locked into place against
the arch of her back, effectively locking her into place.
Sandy could hear her grade teacher talking to the other girls. "She was
very cruel to Juliette... that's why she's not in school today. Watch
and remember girls, if you're naughty you'll be punished!" The girls
were quick to stem their giggles, some of them frightened or sorry for
their classmate, even if she did wear silly clothes! "It's OK, for this
once you're allowed to call her names... in fact I want you to... she's
been VERY naughty..."
The little girls jumped around looking up at Sandy. "Sandy is an ugly
slut, Sandy is an ugly slut" a few girls started to sing in chorus, and
soon all the children were singing it, even those who didn't know what a
slut was.
Up in the office, Mrs Todd opened her drawer and pulled out a long birch
whip. It started with a thick leather bound handle, becoming thinner,
until it ended with a point. The Detective was slightly shocked,
conscious of the fact that such whips had been outlawed a hundred years
ago in schools! But with her folded posture, he gazed at Sandy's legs,
from those cute little ankle socks, up to the tight panties that were
now completely visible. Any right minded concerns he may have had for
the little girl were lost as he felt himself grow hard under his police
issue trousers.
Mrs Todd pulled the little girls panties down to her knees that were now
waving in mid air, each kick exposing her little pink schoolgirl cunt,
and that tight girlish anus. Then, using a tube of lipstick she drew a
horizontal line across Sandy's sweet little buttocks.
"This is for Juliette" she muttered, and with all her might, swung the 2
foot long whip over her shoulder and hit the line perfectly.
Sandy's scream was muffled by the window, but the girls outside were
under no illusion as to what had happened. "NOOOOOO!!!!!" Sandy
screamed, as they cat-called "SLUT!!! BIMBO!!! We HATE you Sandy!!!!"
As a thin red line appeared under the pink lipstick, Mrs Todd again
raised her arm. The cane whistled through the air then cracked against
the same line! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed the poor
little thing, as the line became a welt, bruising under her skin.
"NOBODY HURTS MY LITTLE GIRL!" screamed Mrs Todd, unleashing a manic
sequence of lashes, until rivulets of blood were dripping down the poor
little eleven year old's thighs. The lipstick line was now forgotten,
and no exposed piece of girl-flesh was left untouched, until the whole
area of her buttocks, and the backs of her thighs were a kris-cross of
bleeding welts.
Finally, the detective had to take her arm, pulling her away, as he saw
that Sandy had feinted from the agony. They lifted the window, and
pulled her inside onto the hard study floor, face down.
"OK OK, I'm alright!" muttered Mrs Todd. "I won't whip her any more."
She placed some smelling salts under the girls nose, until she saw a few
shakes, and heard a feint moaning. "Just going to clean her up!"
She reached for a large bowl of water, taking a sponge from it, and
wiped it over Sandy's buttocks. "OWWW! STOP STOP PLEASE!" yelled Sandy.
"It's only Brine darling, it will hurt, but it cleans up the blood."
"Brine?" asked the detective.... "That's Salt... it helps?" he asked.
"It helps me" she replied, running a fingernail down one of Sandy's
bleeding welts. "Anyway from the look of you, you're enjoying it!"
The policeman's penis was poking out the top of his trousers, such was
his excitement at the spectacle! As they knelt besides the shaking
little girl, Mrs Todd reached for his belt, and pulled it free, tugging
his trousers down a few inches. Her fingers encircled his throbbing cock
and begin to jerk it up and down, until his face was red from the onset
of orgasm. "YESSS!!!!" he yelled.
She pulled him by the cock, so that it was over little Sandy's bleeding
buttocks, and gave it a vigorous shake until it started spitting semen
onto the torn flesh. Again and again he came, long lines of cum dripping
into the cuts and making Sandy cry out. As he finished, he quickly
pulled up the trousers, suddenly ashamed of what he'd done. Mrs Todd
wiped away the excess cum, and pulled Sandy's panties back up, pulling
the girl around so that her face was upright. "When Juliette's better
she'll finish this" she told the weeping child. "Now get up, and get
out. You're suspended from school for 3 days, and there's a letter at
your home telling your parents of your evil. I can only hope they choose
to punish you with less leniency than I!"
Sandy's bottom felt like it was on fire, but she stumbled to the door
and opened it. She saw the girls from her grade lined up on each side of
the corridor, and head bowed, stumbled towards the stairs. "Slut
Sandy... Bimbo Sandy... Cunt Sandy!" they called in time with each step.
One of them tripped her as she passed, and she fell, her dress flying
up, to show her blood red panties. "Little whippy Sandy!" called one of
the girls, then worse of all, heard her teacher say quietly "Dirty
little tramp... just wait until your next class with me!!!"
As she walked out of the school, there was Donna's pink sports-car
waiting for her. As she sat in the seat she yelped, then just started
sobbing. Donna gave her a pretty smile. "Won't Mommy be cross when she
reads the letter from the teacher! You will have to be EXCEPTIONALLY
obedient or we might have to show it to her!"
End of chapter 2.