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Copyright © 1997, (Double Secret Author), ALL Rights Reserved
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distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted
through mrdouble@airmail.net.
"My Tape Recorder Diary", by Laura McGovern
Friday. I'm going to tell my tape recorder all about what happened to me now that I
am a big girl. Today I got my first bra! My new mummy - my stepmother - took me
downtown to have it fitted. I wondered if I really needed a bra, since I am only
eleven. When I looked in the mirror I could see my nipples were all puffy, and when
I stood sideways and looked at myself there seemed to be little fatty mounds poking
out a little from my flat chest. But Sharon, the girl my Daddy had married after my
mother ran off with the Bible salesman, thought I needed one. Sharon is only 22
and very pretty. She has lovely long blonde hair and a nice figure. She saw me
looking at my naked nipples in the mirror one day and looked at them too. She
called them RtittiesS and said they were very pretty. She said her titties had started
to grow when she was about my age and now they were nice and big. She undid
her blouse and showed me the bra she wore. It was made out of thin material and I
could see her nipples. They were all big and hard and poked out and her titties
were really big.
Sharon explained what we wanted to the salesgirl, and she picked out
several packages and took us into a back room. Sharon sat and watched as the
salesgirl, a pretty girl about her age named Jenny, explained that she would fit the
right sized starter bra on me. She told me to take my blouse off and looked at my
chest, cupping my little mounds with both hands. I liked her gentle touch, especially
when she felt my puffy nipples. For some reason I started to feel funny in between
my legs.
Jenny told me it was important to wear a bra most of the time so my titties
would stay nice and firm and not sag when I took it off. She took off her own blouse
and said Feel how nice and firm my tits are. I asked her why she called them tits
and Sharon called them titties and they both laughed and said there were lots of
names for them. I liked touching the other girl's big tits, and I noticed how her
nipples got hard and poked out like Sharon's were this morning when she showed
me her bra. Jenny took off her bra and showed me her naked tits, and let me lift
them to see how heavy they were and feel how hard her nipples were. Jenny
leaned forward and cupped her tits in both hands and rubbed her nipples against
my little ones. She said she was comparing their size, but it made me feel even
funnier in between my legs. I looked over at Sharon and saw Sharon staring at
what we were doing. Sharon touched her own tits a little. I guess she was
checking to see if her bra fitted right.
Jenny fitted a starter bra on me, and spent a lot of time touching my little
titties while she worked. It's a pretty one with thin material over my titties and when I
looked in the mirror could see my nipples through it. I asked if I could feel how big
Jenny's tits were again and Jenny said Sure so I handled the older girl's naked tits
some more. Sharon asked Jenny if Jenny thought Sharon needed a new bra too,
and took off her blouse and bra and showed Jenny her naked tits. Jenny cupped
them and lifted them and Sharon's nipples got hard just like Jenny's. I watched the
two girls rub their nipples together to compare them. Jenny fitted Sharon with a
nice new bra, made of really thin material, all gauzy just like mine. When she had it
on I could see that her nipples were all hard just like mine were. Sharon gave
Jenny a big kiss to say thanks when she left.
When we got home we went swimming and when we were in the pool
together I started thinking about when Jenny fitted my new bra. My bathing suit
was an old one and my titties were sort of crowded in it. Sharon swam up and I told
her I needed a new bathing suit. Yes she said, You do, don't you and she felt the
way they were all crowded in my bathing suit top. It felt nice when she touched
them and I asked her if I could feel if hers were crowded too and she said Well they
are a bit, feel them just to be sure. After we felt each other's titties for awhile Sharon
said Well we will go downtown again this afternoon and get new bathing suits. I bet
Jenny has some good ones, and in the meantime we shouldn't let them get all
squshed in these bathing suits so let's take our tops off. After all no-one can see us
here. So we did. I liked looking at Sharon's big titties and she let me feel how they
bounced up and down in the water.
That afternoon we went to the shop again and explained what we wanted.
Jenny took us into the back room again and told me to take off all my clothes. When
I was all naked she looked me over closely, then told me to put on my old bathing
suit so she could see where the problems were. When I had it on she felt the way
my titties were all squshed in the top and felt down inside the top to see if there was
any way she could rearrange them so they would fit. It felt nice when she was
touching my naked titties but in the end she said No its no good you need a new
top, better take the old one off. So I took the old top off and she felt me all over on
my bathing suit bottoms to see where it was too small.
She felt my bum and said You have a nice little bum but it is so tight in this
suit, and then she said And the front is so tight I can see the way the bump in
between your legs pokes out. What do you call it, Laura, she asked and I said
That's my trickle place. Well she said, this suit is too small for such a nice big trickle
place bump and she sort of cupped it with her hand and said feel how it bulges out.
It felt nice when she touched me there. I don't think there's any spare room at all
she said and stuck her hand down the front of my bathing suit. See she said,
there's hardly room for me to get my hand in over your trickle place. No-one had
ever touched my trickle before. Her soft hand felt even nicer when she was
touching my naked trickle and I moved my legs apart so she could get her hand
down a little farther, right down to in between my legs. See, she said, this suit is so
tight my finger sinks right into your trickle crack. It felt nice when she put her finger
down along my crack. This trickle place deserves a nice new bathing suit she said.
She pulled her hand out and knelt down in front of me and pulled my
bathing suit bottoms down and looked my naked trickle up close. You will need a
bigger suit when you start to grow hair on your little trickle place, she said. She
stood up and lifted up her dress and showed us her underpants. She said Look
how much hair I have on my trickle, I need a big bathing suit. Sharon and I looked
at Jenny's trickle and she said See I have so much hair you can't even see my
crack with my underpants on. Can you see it with them off asked Sharon and Jenny
said You can pull them down and see if you like so Sharon knelt in front of her
while Jenny held her skirt up and Sharon pulled her underpants down. Wow she
said even with no underpants I can hardly see your trickle crack under all that hair. I
bet you can find it though said Jenny and Sharon said I bet I can too and touched
Jenny's hairy trickle and put her finger in Jenny's crack. I bet it feels nice when
Sharon puts her finger in your crack I said because it felt nice when you put your
finger in mine. Yes it does said Jenny would you like to try it? and she let me put
her finger in her crack under her hair and she said it felt nice. It was the first time I
had ever touched another girl's crack and it made my own crack feel funny.
Jenny got a new two piece bathing suit and I put it on and she made sure it
fitted over my trickle, by putting her hand in again and showing me there was lots of
room for her to cup it and even move it up and down along it. One of her fingers sort
of went into my crack and that felt nice too just like it had before. After she had fitted
the bottoms she did the same with the top and she made my titties feel all nice. I
said to Sharon The new one fits nicely, Sharon, come and see, and she put her
hand down the front of my suit and felt how she could get her hand all the way
down in front of my naked trickle. She put a finger into my crack too and I liked it
when she did it.
Then they said Well now it is Sharon's turn and I watched while Jenny did
the same with Sharon. Sharon got all naked and Jenny felt Sharon's titties all over
to get the right sized top and made sure it fitted by putting her hands inside the top
when it was on. Then Sharon put on her old bathing suit bottoms and Jenny felt her
all over inside her bathing suit. Sharon had to put her legs really wide apart so
Jenny could get her hand down to in front of her trickle but she has nice fuzzy hair
on her trickle so there's not as much room anyway. Jenny kept her hand in there a
long time so she must have been measuring how big a suit she would need. She
found a really small set of bikini bottoms for Sharon but there was lots of room for
her hand this time and she felt all around inside it to make sure. Then she said
Laura do you want to see if Sharon's bathing suit fits properly? and I said Sure so I
put my hand down the front of her bathing suit and touched her trickle. I liked
touching Sharon's trickle! I felt all the way down and I was surprised to find it was
sort of wet at the bottom of her crack, in between the halves of her slit. Oh I said
your trickle's all wet, Sharon, did you do a pee? And they both laughed and
Sharon said No it's just because my trickle feels really nice right now.
Jenny said we were such good customers she would give us new bathing
suits as presents. Sharon's is a little string bikini, and she put it on while we all
watched. The top has two little tiny patches that cover just her nipples and you can
see all the rest of her titties. The bottom bit is just a tiny strip of material about an
inch wide. Jenny helped her put it on and held her big titties while she was
adjusting the top bit. The soft hair that Sharon has on her trickle poked out on either
side of the bottom part and Jenny touched her all over her trickle while they were
adjusting it. It only just covered her crack and when she tightened it up it slipped
into her slit and you could see her trickle lips bulging out on either side of it. It's
almost disappeared inside your trickle crack, Sharon I said and they both laughed.
Sharon said it felt good there because it rubbed against her when she walked.
While I was watching my titties felt sort of funny so I put a hand inside my blouse
and touched them all over and it felt nice.
Then Jenny gave me mine. It's a pretty bikini made of a thin material, all
white. It's bigger than Sharon's she said but it's special. When it gets wet you can
see right through it, so you have to be careful when you wear it. You mean you can
see my trickle I asked and she nodded Yes. I wonder if my Daddy would be mad
with me if I wore it? Now I'm going to go to sleep and dream about swimming in my
new bathing suit.
This morning after breakfast we put on our new bathing suits and went for a
swim. After we came out of the water we lay in the sun on a big sun bed that holds
two people. I liked looking at Sharon in her new bathing suit and I asked her if it
fitted all right when it was wet. She looked at me kind of funny and said Yes, does
yours? And I said yes, and showed her by putting my hand down inside the front
over my trickle. It felt nice when I touched it, and I put my hand all the way down
and cupped it and let my finger go inside my crack like Jenny and Sharon had
done in the shop. I had to spread my legs a bit to get my crack to open up so my
finger would go inside the big lips and Sharon was looking and said Does it feel
good when you do that Laura and I said Oh Yes! and she said I think I'd better see
if my suit does fit properly and she put her hand inside the bottom of her bikini and
showed me that there was room for it next to her trickle. She left it in there for a long
time so I know she was making sure there was lots of room. It's nice making sure
there's enough room for your trickle, isn't it I said.
Is there lots of room for your hand next to your trickle I asked her. Sure she
said I bet you could get your hand in at the same time as mine so I tried it. She
made room for my hand under hers and I slid mine in right down all the way down
by her trickle. Your trickle hair is all wet I said Is that water or does your trickle feel
nice again like when we were in the shop? Sharon laughed and said it was water.
But if you keep your hand in there and touch my trickle you will make it feel nice
again. Can you make mine feel nice I asked her. Sure she said I'll help you touch
your trickle if you like and put her hand inside my bottoms. She found a nice place
up at the top of my crack where there was a little bump and she played with it while
I kept my finger in my slit lower down and it felt really good! I copied what she was
doing and found her little bump and played with it. I felt really good and all funny
down in my trickle, and I pushed up against Sharon's finger.
For some reason my hips started to push up and down all by themselves
while she played with my bump, faster and faster and all in jerks and then it felt so
good I couldn't even move and it was hard to breathe and then I relaxed and said
Wow! That DID make my trickle feel good and Sharon laughed and said Have you
ever felt like that before Laura and I said No it was great! and she said Now it's your
turn to do me and I played with her bumpy place till she went the same as me and
said Have you ever touched another girl's trickle before Laura and I said no but I
sort of liked playing with our trickles! I said and she laughed and said So does
everybody. Was Jenny playing with your trickle in the shop I asked her and she
said Yes it felt really good too, that's why I asked her over. Oh wow I said Do you
think she will let us play with her trickle? I'm sure she will said Sharon and she will
love to play with yours, too.
Then we went back into the pool for another swim and Sharon took her top
off and let her big titties bob around in the water and she let me play with them and
her nipples got all hard. She took my top off and played with mine too and we
rubbed them together and it felt nice. I put my hand inside her bikini bottoms again
and felt her trickle some more. She spread her legs wide apart and said Feel me all
over honey it feels so good and I said you feel me too! and she said Lets take our
bottoms off and we can feel each other better, so we did. She said I love your little
hairless crack Its so nice and smooth and I said I love yours with all the soft hair on
it and she kissed me and put her tongue in my mouth while we felt each other's
Tonight Sharon and I sat in front of each other on her bed with our legs
spread wide open and watched each other while we felt our trickles. Sharon
showed me she has a hole that goes up inside her, and she likes to put her fingers
in it while she rubs her bump at the top. We got a mirror and I looked at my trickle
and found my hole and put my finger inside it. Sharon says its lots of fun to put
things in. We lay beside each other and played with our trickles as much as we
wanted before we went to sleep.
Sunday. We are having all sorts of fun today. My Daddy came home this morning!
Sharon and I were out by the pool. We thought we would wear our special new
suits, the ones Jenny gave us. Sharon looks great in hers, and the strings at the top
part let her titties swing while she walks. I like the way the strip at the bottom slips
into her trickle slit because I can see all her trickle just like she was naked. Sharon
says it feels really nice when it does because it rubs against all her nice parts
inside her crack. She bent over and showed me that the strip only goes partway,
and her bum is all bare, even her hole! When she bent over her titties swung down
and almost came out of her suit!
Anyway, while Sharon and I were lying in the sun, my Daddy came around
the corner and he was talking to someone. It turned out to be Sharon's Daddy and
my Daddy had brought him home for a surprise! Sharon's Daddy, his name is
George, looked at Sharon and said he liked her bathing suit. My Daddy said he
liked it too. Look she said it only covers my nipples a little and my bum is all bare!
Daddy looked at me and he and George admired my new suit too and I said Oh
Daddy go and get your suit on and we can have a nice swim. When they came out
in their bathing suits Sharon said I don't know if this is good for swimming, Dad,
because it's pretty small and it might come off in the water. My Daddy and he both
laughed and said if she lost it they would help her find it. I remembered that Jenny
said you could see through my suit when it got wet and it made me feel funny to
think that my Daddy and George would be able to see right through it like I was
I dove into the water and so did Daddy and we splashed around for awhile
and then we rested in the shallow end. When I stood up I was only waist deep in
the water and I saw Daddy looking at my bikini top and when I looked down at
myself I saw Jenny was right and you could see right through it. My nipples were
sticking out hard in the middle of my tittie bumps and Daddy was looking at them.
My titties are starting to grow, aren't they Daddy, I said, I hope I have nice big ones
like Sharon does. Yes they are growing he said I guess my little girl is growing up.
Can I dive down between your legs Daddy I asked and he stood with his legs apart
and I did. When I went under between his legs I looked at his bathing suit and there
was a bulge there where his pee thing was. Now it's your turn I said we'll do it in
turns and I stood with my legs apart and he dove underneath them. The next time I
dove down I saw his bulge was a little bigger and when he dove down the next
time he did it really slowly, keeping his head underwater in front of me, so I think he
was looking at my bathing suit and I knew he could see my trickle through it.
Oh I'm tired of swimming I said and got out and sat on the edge of the pool in
front of Daddy. He looked up at me and I pretended to look away but I watched him
out of the corner of my eye and he was looking at my titties and then down at my
trickle. I pretended to relax and let my legs go open a little so he could see in
between them better. I felt all funny in between my legs!
I looked over to where Sharon and her Daddy were standing at the side of
the pool. Sharon's tits were just under the water and Oh that's funny I thought her
suit must have come off because her Daddy's adjusting the top part over her titties.
She looked over at me and winked and her Daddy looked over at me and smiled.
He looked at my nipples and my titties while he was feeling Sharon's and I let my
legs go wider open because my trickle felt all funny and tingly. My own Daddy was
still standing in front of me with his head at the level of my trickle and I said Do you
like my new bathing suit Daddy? Yes, he said, it's very nice but did you know that
when it gets wet you can see through it? My goodness I said and sat up and looked
down at myself. Oh Daddy, you're right I said, you can see my titties! And look, with
my legs apart like this you can see all my crack too. Is it naughty to wear a bathing
suit that lets people see your trickle? I asked.
He looked at me sort of funny and Sharon and George heard what I asked
and they came over and stood beside Daddy and looked at how you could see
through my bathing suit. Sharon winked at me and said I don't think it matters, I
mean my suit doesn't hide much she said and Daddy looked at her big titties and
the way her nipples were all hard and said I guess not so I said Oh that's nice
because I wouldn't want to do anything that's naughty, Daddy. George said
Anyway we are all family Remember Sharon we all go in swimming naked in our
family and she said That's right Daddy. George asked me how old I was and when I
said Eleven he said Well your titties are starting to grow nicely remember Sharon
when you were eleven your tits hadn't even started to grow yet and now they are
nice and big. Yes I said and yesterday we got new bras. I said I would show them
both how well my new bra fitted.
Oh look I said my bathing suit is dry again you can't see through it any more!
George splashed the top of my suit and got it wet again. There, now we can so Ha
Ha he said. Well but you can't see my trickle! I said and Daddy ducked down and
filled his mouth with water and squirted the bottom of my suit with it! I saw what he
was going to do and I opened my legs as if by accident but so he could get it nice
and wet. The squirt of water went right hard against my trickle and it felt all funny.
Well I said if you keep making my bathing suit wet and you can see right through it
anyway I might as well take it right off!
Sharon laughed and said Well maybe you're right and she pulled at the
strings on her top and they loosened off and she took them right off and her big
titties started to bounce around in the water. I reached behind me and took my top
off and I guess it was the cool breeze that made my nipples get all hard. They felt
tingly and I sort of touched them without meaning to and they felt even better and I
said Oooo and Daddy said Is anything wrong honey and I said No only my titties
feel funny. Oh dear he said I hope nothing's wrong and I slipped into the water
beside them and said Sharon can you touch them and see if anything feels wrong
to you. She stood in front of me and touched my little titties and fiddled with the
nipples and it felt really good and I said Oooo, aaaah! and she said does that feel
all right? and I said Yes you are making them feel nice sort of like this and I
showed her how I liked her to touch my nipples by touching hers. My Daddy and
hers watched us touching each other's nipples and they sort of looked funny at
each other.
George said Remember Sharon how I could cover your titty with one hand
when you were fourteen and now each one is a double handful, look! and he held
one of her big tits in both hands. Which one is bigger, Henry he asked talking to my
father and Daddy looked at George and said I don't know let's see and cupped
Sharon's other tit in both of his hands. Ooo, that feels nice! said Sharon I love it
when you play with my titties!
I remembered I was going to take off the rest of my bathing suit and while
they were busy holding Sharon's tits I undid the side knots and let it float off me as
if it had come off by accident. Oh my goodness I said my bikini bottoms have come
off and I'm all bare naked! My Daddy and George ducked down in the water to see
if they could find it but it had floated away and they were mostly looking right
around me anyway right in front of my naked trickle. They came back and said they
couldn't find my bikini bottoms and Sharon said That's all right we were going to
take our suits off anyway and undid her other strings and took her suit bottoms off.
There she said now we are topless and bottomless, Laura. I giggled and
said With nice big titties like yours you aren't topless Sharon and she laughed and
said No and we both have nice bottoms don't we and she stepped close to me and
felt my bum so I felt hers too. I guess we are the slow ones said George and my
Daddy looked at him and then at me and pushed his suit down and he had a big
long straight thing sticking out from his middle. I remembered what Sharon had
said about his pee thing getting big and hard and I said Oh Daddy, something's
wrong with your pee thing! It's all big and hard and sticking out! Sharon laughed
and said Oh that's your Daddy's magic stir stick, my Daddy has one just like it, don't
you Daddy. George laughed and took his suit off and his stir stick was just as big
as my Daddy's, about eight inches long and nearly two inches across.
Why are they called stir sticks I asked and Sharon said Because they stir up
my insides. What do you mean I said How could they stir up your insides? Well she
said They go into the hole in my trickle that goes up insides me Wow I said why you
do that? Because it feels nice, she said.
Now we were all naked we played in the water together and I got Daddy and
George to let me dive under their legs so I could have a close up look at their stir
sticks when I went under their legs. They had a hole in the end of the big knobby
part and they bounced in the water, and there was a big loose sort of baggy thing
that hung down underneath their stir sticks. They went under my legs as well and
Sharon's too and after awhile I said well I'm tired I'm going to lie in the sun and get
a tan so I got out and so did George.
We dried ourselves off and he looked at me and said You're a very pretty
little girl Laura. I asked him why he said that and he said You have lovely dark hair
and a pretty face, and are starting to get a nice figure too. I said But my titties are
only just starting to grow and he said Yes but your nipples are nice and big and
puffy and your bum is nice and round and firm and you are slim without being too
skinny and your belly is nice and flat and best of all you have a nice big bump right
here and he pointed to the big bulge that my trickle makes where the fat lips of my
crack are on either side of my slit. Why is that good I asked looking down at it. Well
he said it means that you will grow into a beautiful girl and have lots of fun with
boys. Boys like a girl with a big bump there that sticks out farther than their belly he
said What do you call it Laura he asked so I said that's my trickle and he said you
have a lovely trickle, trickles are so nice when they have no hair on them like yours.
When will my trickle hair grow I asked him and he said Well Sharon was about
twelve when hers started to grow.
I was all dry and I lay down on my towel and said I think I'll get a tan now
and he said You'd better have some sun lotion on you to keep you from burning I'll
rub some on if you like, I said OK and rolled over on my tummy and he knelt beside
me. He put some on my back and rubbed it in and his hands were all big and firm
and it felt good and after that he did my legs and when he worked his way all the
way up my legs he put some stuff on my bum and rubbed it in and it felt really good
when he rubbed it into my bum because he took a long time and sort of handled
each of my bum parts with both hands at once and I moved my legs a bit apart so
he could get down at the bottom of my bum and the tops of my legs and when he
rubbed it in his fingers went right into my bum crack and it felt all funny specially
when he rubbed his fingers along my crack and past the hole in my bum.
I felt it twitching and moving all by itself and I giggled and he asked me what
I was giggling at and I said It feels funny when you touch the hole in my bum. Then
he tickled it a little and made me laugh and I turned over so he could do my front.
He oiled all over my neck and arms and then he put lots of oil on his hands and
rubbed my tummy and then my titties. When he rubbed my titties and put the
slippery oil on my nipples it felt really good and I sort of twisted and said Oooo, and
he said Does it feel good? and I said It sure does and he said Sharon has always
liked me to rub oil on her and I said did you used to do this with her? and he said
Oh yes even when she was little it was important that she didn't get sunburned so I
always rubbed lots of oil all over her body. Even into her titties I asked and he said
Yes even before she had titties and into her cute little trickle too.
He put oil on my tummy and started to rub it into my tummy and down onto
my trickle bump and he said You have a lovely trickle bump Laura it's so nice and
big and soft and he put his hand over it and slid it down to where my crack went in
between my legs and his hand felt so lovely and smooth and warm I spread my
legs wider apart so he could rub the oil in better. Does that feel good? he asked Oh
yes I said and wiggled a little bit and pushed up against his hand. He pressed his
fingers down against my trickle and slipped his middle finger into my crack and slid
it up and down against all the nice parts inside.
Will you show me how you make yourself feel good by touching yourself in
between your legs? he asked and I said How do you know I touch myself there and
he laughed and said all little girls touch their trickles and make themselves feel
nice sooner or later. Sharon started doing it when she was only three years old and
I bet you do, don't you? I was shy but I nodded Yes and he took his hand away and
put both hands on my titties. I'll put some more oil on your nipples while you show
me he said, OK?
He sat up a little more and I looked at the big thing sticking up in front of him
and sort of poking over me and he saw me looking at it. He said Have you ever
seen something like this before Laura and I said Oh no any time I saw my Daddy's
it was always little and soft I don't know what's the matter with it today and he
laughed and said Your Daddy is just feeling happy in a special way and that's why
it's all big and hard. Do you feel happy in a special way I asked him and he said Oh
yes, it makes me very happy to help you rub oil into you and watch you while you
show me how you rub your trickle. Do you like doing this with young girls? I asked
and he laughed and said Oh yes I like doing everything with young girls, specially
when they are as pretty as you and specially when we have no clothes on.
I put my hands in between my legs and found all the nice parts there and he
had made them so nice and slippery with the oil it felt even better than usual and
besides I liked looking at the big thing he had sticking out in front of him. He put his
head closer and looked in between my legs at my crack, my trickle, and I showed
him where I liked to rub it and play with it and he kept touching my nipples while I
did it and I got all feeling good and hot and my hips moved up and down fast and
then I felt the best and after I lay back and he said Well I bet that felt good didn't it
and I said Oh wow yeah!. I liked looking at your big stir stick I said and he said You
know I should really have some oil on it to keep it from getting sunburned and I said
Shall I put some on it for you and he said Yes that would be very nice. You don't
have to move he said Just put some oil on it and smooth it in.
He knelt right beside me and his hard thing poked out over my titties and I
put a line of oil on it from the bottle and some of it dripped off and onto my titties. I
used both hands to rub his hard thing because it was so big and thick and he said
Is this the first time you've ever touched a man's thing Laura? and I said Yes and
he said What do you think of it and I said it feels funny all soft skin on the outside
but hard underneath and it's nice and warm, too. Ahhhh that's nice he said you're
doing a good job. Did Sharon do this for you I asked and he said Oh yes Sharon
and her brothers and sisters all do it. They do it to each other, too.
Don't forget my balls he said, rub the oil into my balls too and I put some
more oil on my hands and cuddled the thing that hung down underneath his hard
thing. It was like a bag made out of skin and there were two big round things inside
that moved all around when I felt them. Are these your balls I asked him, What are
they for? and he said They make a special cream and when I want to I can make it
come out the hole in the end of my stir stick. Oh, that's funny I said Will you show
me? Sure he said if you want to.
Just about then my Daddy and Sharon got out of the pool and came over to
where we were. Hi Daddy I said Sharon's Daddy rubbed some oil on me so I
wouldn't get all sunburned and now I'm doing the same for him. Daddy's thing was
all little again like it usually was but when he saw me rubbing the oil into Sharon's
Daddy's thing it started to get all big again. Wow Daddy I said your pee thing is
turning into a stir stick again just like Sharon's Daddy's! Would you like me to put
some oil on it so it won't get sunburned? My Daddy looked at me and I saw him
looking at my trickle and I still had my legs all wide open from when I was playing
with it and he could see all in between my legs and he looked at Sharon and she
put her hand on his thing and said It feels pretty dry to me I think you'd better take
Laura up on her offer. I'll get the video camera she said and we'll make a nice
family film. In a minute she was back with the camera and started filming.
My Daddy knelt down opposite Sharon's Daddy with his thing poking out
over my titties and I put oil on it and started rubbing it in like I was doing with
Sharon's Daddy. That's a cute picture said Sharon with you rubbing oil up and
down both your Daddy's and my Daddy's things at the same time and she took a
closeup picture of just my face and hands and their two things. I touched the big
sort of helmet things at the ends together and rubbed them on each other. Look I
said I am rubbing your big stir sticks together and they looked at each other sort of
There's some extra oil on my titties Daddy I said you can rub it into them if
you want to because the stuff that Sharon's Daddy rubbed in might be gone now.
Sharon's Daddy said I explained to Laura how important it is to have lots of sun oil
all over her so she doesn't burn, specially on her little trickle because it is nice and
smooth and has no hair on it to keep off the sun. This is such a special trickle that it
needs a lot of oil and he put a little oil on his hand and slipped it down my tummy
and cupped the mound of my trickle with it and slid his hand around on my trickle
and into my crack to rub it in. My Daddy watched him rubbing it into my trickle while
I made his big thing all nice and slippery with the oil and then he said I think I'd
better check if my little girl's trickle has enough oil on it and Sharon's Daddy took
his hand away and started touching my nipples and my Daddy put his hand on my
barenaked trickle.
Is this the first time your Daddy has touched your little trickle Sharon's Daddy
asked me and I said Yes and it feels nice Daddy if you like I'll show you how I rub it
and make myself feel good. I showed Sharon's Daddy already. I let go of Sharon's
Daddy's thing and showed my Daddy where I like to touch myself in between my
legs and Sharon's Daddy put a little oil on my nipples and then took his big thing in
one hand and touched my nipples with his thing! What are you doing I giggled and
he said I'm just using this to rub the oil in. It felt lovely because the big purple knob
at the end of his thing was all velvety and it made my nipple feel so nice. Why don't
you do that with my other nipple Daddy I asked and Sharon's Daddy said even
better why don't you get in between Laura's legs and she can rub the oil into her
little trickle with her very own Daddy's stir stick! She can rub it all around and I bet
she'll find some places to rub it that will make her feel just lovely, like when she
uses her fingers.
Oh yes Daddy let's do that I said and Daddy knelt in between my legs and
sort of leaned forward so his thing was poking out over my bare naked trickle. I took
hold of it with both hands and made it touch me inside my crack and the velvety
head felt lovely. Do you like that Laura asked Daddy and I said Oh yes Daddy it
feels lovely and Sharon's Daddy asked me where it felt the best and I said Oh I
don't know my special place at the top feels nice and I like tickling my peehole with
it too and I like moving it up and down past those funny little lips inside that are
around the hole that goes up inside me. Have you ever put anything inside your
hole asked Sharon's Daddy and I didn't want to get Sharon in trouble so I said Just
my finger.
I rubbed Daddy's thing up and down my crack faster and faster because it
felt so good and Sharon's Daddy watched what I was doing and rubbed his thing in
circles over my nipple and I got the lovely feeling again and Sharon's Daddy said
Now Laura remember I told you about the special cream that I can make come out
the hole in the end of my stir tick, well I'm going to put my special cream on your
titties and if you rub it into them it will help them grow and my Daddy said And I will
put my special cream on your trickle and if you rub it into your trickle it will make the
hair grow sooner. I was all excited and said Oh Goody and Sharon's Daddy said
Here it comes Now watch me pump it out and he moved his hand on his thing like
he was pumping it up and down and pointed it at my titties and suddenly a big
squirt of thick white stuff came shooting out the hole in the end and splashed right
on my nipple. Oh Wow I said Its all nice and warm and he kept pumping with his
hand and every time he pumped it another squirt of cream came out and he made
some go on each nipple and when they stopped he stirred his cream around with
the end of his thing and I said Now do I rub it in? and he said No wait a minute till
your Daddy has put his on your trickle.
I rubbed my Daddy's thing into my trickle crack with both hands some more
and made myself feel really good again and suddenly he said Now, honey, the
special cream is coming, I'll pump it out like Sharon's Daddy did and he held onto
his thing and pumped it up and down while he rubbed the end up and down my
crack right over where the little lips and my hole are. You hold your hole open
honey and I'll see if I can squirt some right in there he said and I did and I lifted my
head up and looked down and just as I did he started to squirt the cream onto my
trickle. Oh that's nice Daddy I said keep doing it and he made most of the cream go
into my hole but some squirted up onto my special place and dribbled down over
my pee hole and I giggled because it felt so funny. When the cream stopped
coming out Sharon took a nice close picture of the cream all over my titties and all
over my trickle too, and I held my little lips open so she could see the cream at the
beginning of my hole. Then I rubbed the cream into my titties and my Daddy got his
thing all slippy in the cream and rubbed the big head up and down my crack. It was
so slippery the end of it went right into the beginning of my hole! Oh Daddy I
giggled your thing is going up inside my hole a little I thought it was so big it
wouldn't go in. Well he said my stir stick is turning back into a pee thing now and
it's a little smaller than it was before.
I looked at Sharon's Daddy's thing and saw it was getting smaller and
drooping just like Daddy's. Why are they doing that? I asked Can't we play again?
and Daddy said Well they are a little tired and need to lie down and rest for awhile
and Sharon's Daddy said Yes but in a little while they will be able to stand up and
play again. In the meantime said Sharon lets go and have a shower and Laura and
I will show you our new bras.
After we had our shower I asked Sharon Shall we get all dressed and just
take off our blouses to show our Daddies our bras? Oh no she said let's just put our
bras on now all by themselves it will be faster. You mean we won't even have any
underpants on? I said No she said Lets not bother with underpants They only get in
the way when I want to play with my trickle anyway so I said OK and she said We
can get Daddy to take a nice video of us in our new bras. We will show them how
they make our titties nice and firm and how you can see our nipples through them
and then we can get on the big bed and show them what they are like from different
We put our bras on and called to our Daddies and they came in and
Sharon's Daddy took a picture of us standing beside each other with our bras on
and then zoomed back to show that was all we had on and that our trickles were
all bare. We got on the bed and knelt down to show how our titties sort of fell into
the bra and I wiggled Sharon's titties to show how the bra held them and she did
the same with mine. Then she took hers off to show how her titties would hang
down without her bra on and I did too and my little titty bumps seemed to be bigger
when they were like that. My Daddy felt Sharon's to see how big they were and
then he felt mine and compared them and I liked it when he touched my nipples.
Sharon lay down on her back all naked and said Oh I feel all funny in between my
legs Laura and I said I do too a little and she said My trickle is all itchy and tingly I
think I'd better play with it a little and she opened her legs a little and put her finger
in her crack and started rubbing it up and down and her Daddy took a picture of her
rubbing her crack.
I felt all funny too and I lay down beside her and said Should I play with my
trickle too? and she said Sure, it will be nice to have a video of us both making
ourselves feel nice at the same time. Sharon's Daddy took a nice close picture of
me all bare naked and then spreading my legs wide apart and making my trickle
crack open up so he could see in between my legs better. I put both hands in my
trickle crack and played with my special place and put a finger in my hole that my
Daddy had put his special cream in. Sharon got her lovely feeling before me and
when she was finished she sat up and watched me rubbing my fingers up and
down in my little crack. Oh Laura I love your trickle Sharon said it's so smooth and
nice Let me help you feel good and she leaned over and started to play with my
trickle and I lay back and relaxed and played with her big titties that hung down and
her nipples got all hard again.
Oh this trickle is so lovely she said I love nice little trickles with no hair on
them I just have to give it a great big kiss and she leaned forward and kissed the
top part of my slit, the part right over my special place! I was so surprised I just
giggled and she said Was that nice and I said I guess so and she said What about
this then and kissed my trickle again, lower down and then she kissed it all over. I
made my legs go a little wider so she could get her head in between them better
and then I felt the tip of her tongue stick out and give my little crack a lick, right by
the little lips around my hole. What are you doing I asked her I was just licking up
some of the nice gooey stuff that leaks out of your hole she said It tastes so lovely
what does it feel like and I said It feels nice Shall I do it some more she said and I
said Oh Yes! and she licked me again all over my trickle.
It felt even better than when I played with myself and she made the good
feeling come and I bounced up and down Oh that's nice she said You made some
more of that lovely gooey stuff and Sharon's Daddy said Can I take a picture of the
gooey stuff coming out of Laura's hole? and I said Sure and I pulled my hole open
and he took a nice close picture of it with the stuff coming out and my bare trickle all
wet from Sharon licking it.
Does it really taste good I asked and Sharon said If you put your finger in
your hole you can get some on it and see for yourself so I put my finger in my hole
and tasted the stuff that was coming out of it. It was all slippery and thick, but clear,
and it did taste nice. Oh it is nice I said and my Daddy said Can I have a little Laura
and I said Sure just put your finger in my hole and get some and he said Oh no I'll
just see if I can lick up that nice little drop at the entrance to your hole so he knelt on
the bed and licked in between my legs to get the gooey stuff out. Oh Daddy I
laughed that feels funny you are sticking your tongue up my hole! It does taste nice
he said and after he had licked in between my legs for awhile I started to get the
lovely feeling again and when he stopped he took the camera and Sharon's Daddy
licked me on my trickle and made me feel all nice again.
Sharon was lying down on the bed playing with her trickle while she
watched us and her Daddy said I wonder if Sharon's juice tastes the same and she
said I don't know Daddy why don't you lick me and find out so he did and then I
licked her and after I licked her my Daddy said Lets play a game and she said What
kind of game and he said I bet you can hide my stir stick in between your titties and
she said Well I don't know but lets try. Oh I said your pee things have turned back
into stir sticks again Oh goody! now we can have some fun like before. That's right
said Sharon's Daddy Let's see if your Daddy can hide his in between Sharon's
My Daddy sort of sat on Sharon's middle and put his stir stick in between
her titties and she took one in each hand and squshed them together. Oh yes I said
it's all hidden, no he said the end is sticking out up by her chin and he pulled it
back so you couldn't see the end any more Now the bottom is sticking out he said
That feels good said Sharon when you make it go back and forth like that. it makes
my titties feel all funny. Should I do it some more, then? he asked her and she said
Oh yes and I said Maybe my Daddy can put some of his special cream on your
titties and make them get even bigger and they laughed and Daddy said What a
good idea. Sharon's Daddy said the cream is good for you too, it's very nourishing
and goes very well with the gooey stuff from a girl's hole.
After they had moved back and forth for awhile he said I'm going to pump out
my special cream now and she said Oh good I'll give you a nice target and she
opened her mouth. What about if my Daddy misses the target I asked and Sharon's
Daddy said the cream is good for your complexion too, you rub it in just like you
rubbed it into your titties and your trickle. Then my Daddy held onto his big thing
and pointed it right at Sharon's face and said Here it comes! and it started to squirt
big white blobs at her just like it squirted them onto my trickle when we were
outside. Most of them went right into her mouth but some of them landed on her
cheek and a couple hit her nose and slid down into her mouth that way. When it
had stopped squirting he asked her Do you want the last bits and she nodded and
he lifted up and she took his big thing and pulled it forward so it went right into her
mouth! Mmmm she said and put as much as she could in and sucked and licked on
it while it got all soft again. Wow I said I didn't know you could do that doesn't it
taste like, you know, and I was embarrassed. You mean like pee? asked Sharon's
Daddy, still taking pictures of his daughter sucking on the big thing. No, it doesn't,
just like your trickle didn't. Sometimes it's a good thing to suck on a man's thing
right from the start because then you don't miss any of the special cream. Sharon
used her fingers to get all the little piles and splots of cream into her mouth. Mmmm
she said again is that ever good!
I can't do what Sharon did I said because I don't have nice big titties like
hers. Never mind said Sharon's Daddy If you want to I will sit over you like your
Daddy sat over Sharon and you can pump my thing up and down like I do and see
if you can pump the cream out. Then when it comes out you can catch it in your
mouth if you want to or just let it squirt on your titties again. Oh I want the cream to
squirt on my face and into my mouth I said I'll open my mouth nice and wide and
make a good target for you to hit. Sharon took the video camera as her Daddy
showed me how to pump his thing. I can't get my hand around it I said and he
showed me how to use both hands to pump it.
My Daddy got behind him and started feeling my trickle again and I opened
my legs nice and wide so he could do it better. He spread my hole open with one
hand and wet his finger and slipped it up inside my hole and wiggled it around. Oh
Daddy I said it feels funny with your finger up in my hole I can feel it wiggling
around in my insides. Shall I stop he asked me Oh no I said keep doing it because
it's making me feel all nice. So my Daddy put his finger up in my insides while I
pumped up and down on Sharon's Daddy's thing and when he told me that the
cream was going to come out soon I opened my mouth really wide and raised my
head so it was as close as I could get to the end of his thing.
He held my head up with one hand and said I'll pump it all out now and held
his thing just in front of my open mouth and pumped on it with his other hand. I
smiled up at Sharon because she was taking a nice close picture of just my face
and my open mouth and her Daddy's big thing and just then he pumped out a big
lump of cream and it flew straight into my mouth and landed on my tongue! It tasted
sort of salty and sour-sweet but before I could finish tasting it I looked at the big
purple end of his thing and this time I saw the hole in the end open and a big
stream of thick white stuff come shooting out towards my mouth. Then more
squirted out in big gushes and my mouth got pretty full so I gulped it down so I
wouldn't spill any.
By this time I really liked the taste and Sharon's Daddy said as he pumped
on his thing Do you like that Laura and I nodded my head Yes and he said now if
you want to I will put it in your mouth and you can suck it and lick it to get the last of
the cream out and I nodded Yes again so he pulled himself forward and helped by
holding my head up so I could reach his thing. It was so big I could hardly get the
big bulgy end into my mouth and my mouth felt all full but it tasted nice and it was
all warm and velvety smooth.
I looked over at Sharon and she was taking a nice close picture of her
Daddy's thing stretching my mouth so wide open. I sucked on it and licked at it and
it started to get a little smaller because it was turning into a pee thing again and the
smaller it got the more of the long part I could get into my mouth. I liked sucking on
it and I rolled it around in my mouth and felt how funny and soft it was getting. When
I had sucked out all his cream and swallowed it I let it go out of my mouth and said
to him how funny it felt the way it got all soft while it was in my mouth. He laughed
and said Well sometime if you want to you can do it the other way. What do you
mean I asked and he said well when it is all soft take it and put it in your mouth and
suck on it and it will get all nice and big and turn into a stir stick right inside your
mouth! When shall I do that I asked and he said Well any time you want to is all
right with me so I decided I would do it soon.
It's later now, just before I got to bed. We were all sitting around watching TV
after supper and I remembered what Sharon's Daddy had said about making a pee
thing get hard by putting it in my mouth. He was sitting across the room but my
Daddy was sitting next to me and I looked down at his thing and it was all soft and
little. None of us had any clothes on because Sharon said that way we could play
with ourselves or each other whenever we wanted to. So I just leaned over his lap
and took his thing and lifted it up and put the whole thing in my mouth, all of a
sudden. It all fitted because it was all soft and little and I rubbed my tongue over it
and it tasted all warm and nice. Daddy said What are you doing, Laura and Sharon
said it looks like Laura's going to suck it and make it all hard, is that right Laura? My
mouth was full of my Daddy's thing so I couldn't say anything but I looked sideways
over at her and nodded Yes.
Daddy's thing was getting bigger already and I could feel it starting to get
harder under the soft skin. As it got bigger around I had to open my mouth wider
and the longer it got the more I had to let slide out of my mouth and then when it
was all big and hard I had my mouth opened really wide around it and I could only
get the big helmet-shaped knob and a little of the stem in. Sharon had picked up
the video camera and started taking pictures of me as soon as she saw what I was
doing and her Daddy was watching us and his thing was a stir stick already. When
Daddy's was all big Sharon's Daddy said Would you like to make it squirt right in
your mouth Laura? and I looked over sideways at him and nodded Yes because
my mouth was all full of my Daddy's big hard thing.
Okay he said if you like I'll tell you one good way to do it and it's the way
Sharon used to do it with me when she was little and couldn't get it all in her mouth.
You just suck and lick on the knobby part and tickle it with your tongue and make
your Daddy's thing go in and out of your mouth as much as you can, and while you
do that you pump on the part that won't fit, and that will pump out the cream. How
about if I lie down on the carpet said Daddy and that way you can kneel over me
and while you suck on me I can see your trickle and play with it and maybe even
lick it a little if you like. I took his thing out of my mouth and said Oh yes Daddy that
would be lovely and he lay down on the floor with his big thing sticking up in the air.
I climbed over him and squatted so my trickle was right in front of his face and I was
facing his stir stick. I leaned forward and put it back in my mouth and he said Oh
that feels so nice and your trickle is all nice and wide open just in front of my face.
Then he spread it wider open with both hands.
Look Sharon he said come and take a picture of how wide open my little
girl's hole is and she went around behind me and took a picture while he put his
finger up in my hole and wiggled it around in my insides. Then he started licking
me all over in between my legs while I sucked on his thing. He made me feel all
nice and happy and then he said The cream will come out soon are you ready for
it? and I nodded Yes and licked on the bulgy part faster. That's it said Sharon's
Daddy who was watching me When your Daddy's thing starts to pump you just lick
the top part and let him do the pumping because he knows how to get the most out
and you want as much as you can get of your Daddy's special cream, don't you.
I nodded and he said Try not to swallow it all right at first even though it
tastes so good, but keep your mouth as full as you can so you can enjoy the
flavour, and when you're finished you can show us how much you can hold in your
mouth, ok? and I nodded OK and then Daddy said Here it comes honey and I
licked his thing faster as he started to pump it up and down and suddenly there was
a whole lot of hot thick stuff in my mouth. It hit the back of my throat in a big splurtch
and was dribbling onto my tongue when the second bunch came out and then I
couldn't count them all because the stuff was coming out so fast and filling my
mouth up. I let my cheeks bulge out so I could hold more and then my mouth was
so full that some stuff squirted out from around one side of my Daddy's thing and
dribbled down the long part where his hand was pumping up and down. I looked
over at Sharon and she was taking a close picture of my face all full of Daddy's
thing and my cheeks bulging with his cream and some of it dribbling out of my
mouth. I had to swallow a little then because I didn't want to waste it and it felt all
gloopy as it went down into my tummy. That made some room and when it stopped
squirting I kept it in my mouth and felt it get all soft again.
I lifted up my mouth carefully off his thing so I wouldn't spill any and Sharon
said Now tilt your head back and open wide and show us what your Daddy gave
you to drink! She took a close picture of just my face and I opened my mouth and
showed them that it was all full of the stuff my Daddy made in his body and put into
my mouth. Sharon's Daddy stood alongside her and said You have a real mouthful
there Laura it's like a white lake inside your mouth. Pretend your tongue is a
monster in the lake and let it poke up through the white stuff so I showed them my
tongue being a monster in my Daddy's cream lake in my mouth. Oh that's a lovely
picture said Sharon I know we will love looking at it later and now if you want your
hot creamy drink you can swallow it down. I gulped it down and it felt so lovely and
thick sliding down into my tummy.
Well said Sharon Your Daddy's stir stick has turned back into a pee thing
again but my Daddy' is still big and hard. Yes said her Daddy I think we should find
a place to put it. Daddy and I sat back down on the couch and Daddy said Laura
and I will watch while you find a place to hide that big stick. Sharon lay back on the
couch and spread her legs wide open and played with her trickle and her Daddy
said What do you think Laura have you got any ideas? I looked at Sharon and
remembered what Sharon had said about the stir stick stirring up her insides when
he put it in the hole in her trickle. I saw she was putting two fingers into the hole in
her trickle and I said How about hiding it in her trickle hole? He could stir up your
insides with his big stir stick!
Sharon said What a good idea! What made you think of that, Laura? and I
said Well when we were outside today and Daddy was pumping his cream onto my
trickle he put the end part into my hole a little when it was starting to get smaller,
and it felt really nice. Well said Sharon's Daddy let's try it then and my Daddy took
the video camera while Sharon moved her bum to the edge of the couch and her
Daddy knelt in front of her so his thing was by her hole. Maybe you can help us
Laura said Sharon How about if you lick my trickle and make it nice and wet so my
Daddy's thing will go in easier, because it's so big and I said Sure and her Daddy
said and you can lick my stir stick and make it all wet too and that will be even
better so I licked Sharon's hole and her Daddy's big hard thing. And then Sharon
said Now hold onto it and put it at the beginning of my hole and in the right place
and my Daddy will make it go into me.
She held her hole open and when I put her Daddy's thing in the right place
he pushed forward and I watched up close while it went inside her. Ohh, she said
that's so nice, that was a good idea Laura Daddy's thing is so much better than my
fingers. When he had it in all the way I said Wow it all fit and she said Oh yes I'm so
nice and full now and they started moving back and forth so it went in and out of her
partway. That's a funny way to pump it I said giggling Will you put your cream in
Sharon's insides? Well that's an idea he said What do you think? And he looked
up at Daddy. It's OK by me Daddy said and I said Isn't it a waste of all that nice
cream? and Sharon said Why, would you like it Laura? and I nodded and said Yes
because it tastes so good and Sharon said Well after my Daddy has made his
cream go up in my insides I will sit over you and you can lick my trickle like you did
just now and I bet if you lick hard enough you can get all the cream to come out of
my trickle hole. Oh goody I said and after awhile Sharon and her Daddy moved
faster and faster and then stopped and when he pulled his thing out it was all little
and soft again.
Did you put the cream in Sharon's hole? I asked him and he said Yes now if
you lie down she will sit over you and you can lick her trickle and get your drink. I
lay down on the carpet and Sharon squatted over me. Her hole was still all wide
open from her Daddy's thing being in it and I could see right up it and see some of
the cream he had put there. It started to dribble down and I licked her all over while
I waited for the cream to come out. I caught it all in my mouth when it came out and
it was all mixed up with Sharon's juice and that made it taste even better.
Was it really nice having your Daddy's big stir stick in your hole? I asked
Sharon after the stuff stopped dribbling out. Oh yes she said I always like it when
Daddy puts it in me. He's been doing it since I was little. Littler than me? I asked.
Yes, honey, littler than you,said her Daddy.
He knelt beside me and Sharon and smoothed his hand down from my titties
down my tummy to where my trickle bump poked up. Sharon's trickle was all soft
and smooth with no hair on it, just like yours, and I used to touch it just like I am
touching yours. Remember I told you when we were by the pool that I used to put
oil all over her, well I used to put oil on her trickle after her bath too and rub her in
between her legs and make her feel good. How come you never did that with me
Daddy I said I wish you had! and he just said Well I didn't know if I should. Sharon's
Daddy tickled me on my trickle crack and I giggled and spread my legs a bit, lifting
my knees up and letting them flop off to the sides so my crack was wide open. He
licked his finger and slipped it into my trickle hole and wiggled it around.
Are you going to put your stir stick in me? I asked him. Would you like me to?
he said. Oh yes! I said. Your finger feels nice but I keep thinking it doesn't go in far
enough and it isn't big enough around. Well honey my pee thing is still all soft, but
your Daddy has a nice stir stick all ready. Would you like to put that big thing into
your little girl and stir up her insides? he asked my Daddy. My Daddy looked at him
sort of funny and said How old was Sharon when you and she did it first? and
Sharon's Daddy laughed and said I don't know, about six I think but she was
always putting things into her hole and maybe it was big for her age. I don't know if
mine will fit inside your little hole said my Daddy looking at Sharon's Daddy making
his finger go in and out of my hole while we talked. Can we try anyway? I said and
he said Sure if you want to. I've got some nice jelly stuff said Sharon's Daddy and
we can put it on your Daddy's stir stick and at the beginning of your hole and it will
make it go in much easier.
Oh I said because I was disappointed I thought somebody could lick my hole
like I licked Sharon's before you put yours in her and Sharon's Daddy laughed and
said You like getting your hole licked, don't you and I nodded Yes and he said Well
I will lick your hole first and then we will put the jelly on it and that will be even
better. And I will suck on your Daddy's stir stick said Sharon. The best way to do it
the first time said Sharon's Daddy is for your Daddy to lie on his back and you get
over him. That way you can get your legs nice and wide open over top of his thing
and then lower yourself down so it goes into your trickle hole. Then if you find it's
too big around and it won't fit you can stop, and if it's too long and goes too far up
inside you you can only put as much in as you want to. Daddy got on the floor and
Sharon licked his thing and put some stuff out of a jar with a big K-Y on it and made
it all shiny. She took the camera so she could make some more nice videos of us
having fun.
Sharon's Daddy licked my trickle and made it all wet and slopped the jelly in
my trickle and got it all gloopy and put some up in my hole too! Oooo I said that
feels nice already because his finger slipped into me really easily with all the slippy
stuff in my hole. Then I squatted over Daddy's thing and held onto his thing and
made it go at the beginning of my hole. I was all excited at having my Daddy's thing
go inside me for the first time and I spread my little lips all nice and wide and put
the big purple end bit in between them. It felt lovely, all slippy with the jelly stuff, and
I bounced up and down on it a little just at the beginning of my hole because it
tickled me. It was so big it almost felt like I wouldn't be able to get it in, but it felt so
good I said Oh wow! and Sharon said Is that nice? and I said Oh yes! and as I was
bouncing up and down I found that my hole was stretching around my Daddy's
thing and more of it was going up inside me. Oh, Daddy! I said Your thing is so big
around! Sharon took a nice close picture of me sliding my trickle hole down
around my Daddy's thing. Oh that's a nice picture she said You have your legs nice
and wide apart and there's no hair on your trickle to get in the way of your Daddy's
thing going into it. Oh Daddy I said this is much better than somebody's finger and I
kept moving up and down and every time I went down I let some more go up inside
me and every time it felt better.
Oh wow I said this is like when I play with my special place or somebody is
licking me I'm going to have that nice feeling! and I kept sitting down more on him
and putting more in. Then suddenly I sat down on my Daddy! Oh Daddy I said it's
all inside me! Yes honey he said I was watching you sitting down on my stir stick
Do you like it? Oh Yes! I said I feel all full in my insides Now I will stir it around and I
moved around a little to make it move inside me. I giggled because it felt funny the
way it stirred up all the places in my insides. I like going up and down on it the best
I said after awhile Can I do that Daddy and make the nice feeling come? and he
said Sure and I will make some of that nice cream come out and go into your hole,
how about that? Oh yes I said, squirt it way up in my insides and Sharon can lick it
out. Or I will said Sharon's Daddy and my Daddy looked up at him and said Really?
and he said Sure and my Daddy said Well well.
I bounced up and down on my Daddy's stir stick faster and faster and soon
the feeling came even better than when I played with my trickle and then Daddy
said Here's the cream, Laura, and I felt something moving way up in my insides. Oh
Daddy I said I can feel your cream hitting against my insides! It feels so funny! and I
moved around and made his thing stir me up some more. When it stopped squirting
I sat there for a minute and then got off him and Sharon's Daddy lay down beside
me and I squatted so my trickle was just over his mouth and let him lick all in
between my legs. Oh I said My Daddy got all his big thing inside my hole, didn't he
and he said He sure did and he made your hole open up nice and wide too. I
looked down in between my legs and watched him lick my hole while the cream
ran out of it in big globs. He put a lot of cream in my hole didn't he I said and in
between slurps he said He sure did and it tastes lovely all mixed with your juices.
My Daddy was still lying beside Sharon's Daddy and he said I didn't know
you liked a drink of cream and Sharon's Daddy said Sure, do you? and my Daddy
said Yes, actually and Sharon's Daddy said Well you can pump some out if you
want to. Have a drink if you're thirsty he said and I saw that his pee thing was all
hard again. My Daddy took hold of Sharon's Daddy's big stir stick and lifted it so it
was straight up and down. I said Are you going to pump out some cream, Daddy?
and he said Yes, I think I will and I said Are you going to put Sharon's Daddy's
thing in your mouth and drink his cream? and he said Yes I think I'll do that too and
I said Oh goody I'll watch you and Sharon said and I'll take a nice video of your
Daddy sucking on my Daddy's stir stick.
Daddy pumped on the big stir stick for awhile and then got up on his hands
and knees so he could get his mouth over it better. He licked the top part of it and
then put it in his mouth and started sucking up and down on it. Sharon's Daddy
reached under Daddy's belly and began to play with his pee thing. It got all hard
again and Daddy sucked harder on Sharon's Daddy's pee thing. Then he started
jerking his bum up and down and Daddy moved his head up so just the end bit was
in his mouth and pumped the rest up and down. Are you making the cream go in
my Daddy's mouth I asked and Sharon's Daddy nodded Yes. When he was
finished my Daddy said Well that was great I haven't done that in a long time and
Sharon's Daddy said Next time I'll suck yours if you like and my Daddy said Sure.
Then we went to bed and Sharon's Daddy asked if he could sleep in the
same bed as me because he thought it would be more cozy than the spare bed.
Yes I said but the spare bed is bigger Well he said that's even better. Come and
sleep with me in that big bed and keep me from being all lonely. Is it OK Daddy I
asked and he looked at my little titties and my naked trickle and said Sure if you
want to.
I said I have to do a pee before I go to bed and Sharon's Daddy, I mean
Grampa said so do I let's both go at the same time so we went into the bathroom
and I sat on the toilet and he stood in front of me. I said If you have to go badly I can
wait and he said No no you go ahead. I like watching little girls pee. Lean back a
little and spread your legs nice and wide so I can see the pee coming out of your
peehole. Nobody ever watched me pee before I said Did you used to watch
Sharon pee? and he said Oh yes and she used to watch me too and help me hold
onto it. We used to play Firehose and make the pee stream go different places. Oh
wow can I do that I said and he said Sure and stepped a bit closer and said Here
comes the pee you make it go where you want to. I wasn't really ready and just as I
put my hand around his thing the pee started to come out of it. It hit me on my
tummy and it felt funny - it was all nice and warm and it dribbled down my tummy
and over my trickle and felt sort of tingly. Oh I said and I made the pee stream go
down into the toilet for a minute but then the tingly feeling in my trickle stopped and
I wanted it to come again so I moved his pee thing and made the stream of pee go
right onto my trickle! I pushed my trickle forward and opened my legs some more so
the nice warm pee could hit it better and it felt so good I said Aaaah! I made it hit me
on my own peehole and on the bump I like to rub.
Sharon's Daddy watched me making his pee go on my trickle and he said
Does that feel nice? and I said Oh yes! It's so lovely and warm and tingly on my
trickle! When he finished peeing I dried my trickle off and I said Now it's my turn and
he said Would you like to pee on my thing? Sure I said so he said I will lie in the
bathtub so we don't make a mess and you can squat over my thing and pee on it if
you like. Or you can try peeing standing up. Did you ever do that? I giggled and
said You mean like you did? No I never did! Well he said you just have to hold your
trickle open so the pee doesn't hit your trickle and dribble down your leg. You can
make the pee stream move by moving your bum.
So he lay down in the tub and I stood beside it and held my trickle open. I
was so excited and when the pee stream came out it squirted straight onto his
tummy! He laughed when it splashed onto him and said That's it, now make it go
on my thing! I moved my bum and made the stream go on his thing and he held it
up so it would get nice and wet and it started to get hard again. Can you pee on my
chest? he asked me and I moved my bum again and made the stream go up his
body. Oh that's nice he said Your pee feels all lovely and hot, and I can see it
coming out of your pee hole. I looked down to watch my own pee coming out and
when I looked up I saw that I had moved again and my pee had gone all over his
face! I stopped peeing and said Oh Grampa I'm sorry That's all right he said it's like
you're giving me a shower and I have to have it all over, don't I. Besides he said it
tastes nice Do you have any more for me? I tried pushing down to make the pee
come but only a little came out and went down my leg. I guess not I said and he
said Maybe later.
When we got into bed I played with his pee thing and made it get all big, and
he put his fingers in between my legs and made me feel all nice. While we were
feeling each other I asked Sharon's Daddy to tell me about how he played with
Sharon's trickle and touched it when she was little. I always used to give Sharon
her bath he said and when I was drying her I would touch her in between her legs
and rub the nice baby oil on her little slit so my fingers would be all smooth and
slippery and slip inside her slit better. She liked it when I rubbed her there and she
would bounce up and down and jerk and I knew she was getting the good feeling.
She used to come and sit on my knee when I was watching TV and I would
put my hand up her skirt or her nightdress and feel her crack and play with it. I
showed her my big stir stick and let her touch it and play with it while I touched her
crack, and I showed her how to make the cream come out by pumping it. I would
help her pump it too, and sometimes I would rub it up and down against her little
crack and put the cream on her crack. Then I showed her how nice it felt when I
licked her in between her legs and made her get the nice feeling that way. I taught
her how to lick on the end of my stir stick and make the cream come out that way,
when she was too little to get even the tip in her mouth. She would put her lips over
the hole in the end and we would both pump on it and the cream would shoot right
into her mouth. She always loved the taste.
She asked me what her trickle hole was for and I told her men put their stir
sticks into girls' trickle holes. She liked putting her fingers in her trickle hole and
would put carrots up inside it as well. When she was about six she asked me if I
would try putting my stir stick into it. So we did it just like you and your Daddy did
today and we've been doing it ever since. Did you like it?
Oh Yes! I said it felt so nice and it made me all full up in my insides. Can you
and I do it? and he said Sure and we put some jelly on and I got on top of him and
let his thing go up inside me like I did with my Daddy. It was easier this time and it
felt just as nice and I liked to bounce up and down. He said We can try some
different positions if you like and he showed me how to do it lying on my back with
my legs wide open and he got on top of me and put it in that way. Then he had to
push it in and out instead of me going up and down. Then we tried it with me
kneeling down and him behind me. That felt good too, and he said Look your titties
look bigger this way because they hang down a little and he reached forward and
played with them while he made his thing go in and out of my hole. He tickled my
bum hole too and made me giggle. After I got the good feeling he made the cream
go up in my trickle hole and then I sat over his face and he licked my trickle while it
came out again. I got the good feeling again while he was licking me in between
my legs.
You like having your trickle licked, don't you Laura he said and I said I sure
do! and he said What are you going to do when you are all by yourself with no-one
to lick it and I said I guess I'll just rub it instead but it won't be as good. Do you like
animals, Laura? he asked. Sure I said I like Sharon's golden lab Spike, and I like
our goats and our pigs and our horses and cows. Well he said I bet Spike would
like licking your little trickle if you showed him what you wanted. Would you like to
try it? Do you think it would feel good? I asked him. Well he said dogs usually have
nice long tongues, I bet it would. OK then I said Lets try it.
Sharon's Daddy went and brought Spike to our room. He had the video
camera too and he said I'll take a picture of you playing with the nice doggy. Spike
is a nice friendly Golden Lab and he ran up to where I was sitting on the side of the
bed and I patted him. He put his nose by my trickle bump and snuffled at me and I
giggled and Sharon's Daddy said There, what did I tell you, he likes your smell,
now just spread your legs a little and let him sniff in between them. I moved my legs
apart and Spike put his nose right in between them and sniffed at my trickle. I
giggled and Sharon's Daddy said What does it feel like? and I said It feels funny
and he said open your legs some more and when I did had enough room for his
nose right up by my trickle. Then suddenly he put his tongue out and started licking
my trickle and I said Oh wow wow wow! because it felt so good. Feels good, eh?
said Sharon's Daddy, taking a nice close picture of the big golden dog licking my
little hairless trickle. Does it ever! I said.
Why don't you get on the bed and lie back and let him give you a nice licking
then he suggested and when I lay down on the bed Spike jumped up too. I spread
my legs as wide as I could and used both hands to hold my trickle open so his big
tongue could get into all the lovely bits inside my crack. I lifted my bum up in the air
so he could lick me better and he even licked down around my bum hole! I got the
good feeling in a couple of minutes but Spike kept licking me even faster. Oh wow I
said his tongue is so nice and rough on my trickle! He's licking all around my hole!
Sharon's Daddy said He's licking all your juices up, the ones that come out your
trickle hole.
Spike made me have the good feeling three times in a row and when he
finally stopped I saw there was a reddish thing with a pointy end about five inches
long sticking down underneath him. Oh look at Spike I said He's got a pointy thing
at his middle. He's never had that before. That's Spike's stir stick, said Sharon's
Daddy, I'm sure he'd like you to look at it if you wanted to. Sure I said and Sharon's
Daddy helped me get Spike on his side so I could see his stir stick properly. Does it
work like yours? I asked Sharon's Daddy. Yes, just like mine he said. He uses it to
pee out of when it's inside that furry part, and when it sticks out like this he can
make cream come out of it. See, he's got his balls inside that furry thing at the back.
I played with Spike's pointy thing and felt his balls and his thing got longer and all
red at the pointy end. He seemed to like me playing with it and touching it because
he lay quietly while I did it.
Spike's thing is all nice and warm I said while I touched it. Does he put it
inside girl dogs? I asked him and Grampa said Oh yes, Spike can put it anywhere
you want him to. When Sharon was little we used to have a nice big dog and she
used to play with him and make the cream come out, just like she did with me. Wow
I said did she put his thing in her mouth? Sure aid Grampa She would lick it and
suck on it and drink the dog's cream. She said it had a more spicy flavour than
mine did. Can I try it? I asked him Sure said Grampa and I knelt beside Spike and
lifted his thing and licked the pointy end where there was a little drop of clear liquid.
He gave a little whimper and pushed it toward me so I knew he liked it. That's right
Spike I said you just lie still and I will suck your pointy thing and make the nice
cream come out of it. Do you have a nice drink for me Spike I said and Spike
whimpered again and Grampa and I laughed.
I licked all over his thing and then made my lips go in a circle and put them
around it and let it slip up inside my mouth. His thing was all hot and smooth, and
tasted sort of like Grampa's and Daddy's things did. The hole at the pointy tip was
leaking some more stuff. I rubbed my tongue all around the pointy tip and licked it
some more and then Spike pushed his back part forward and that made his thing
go farther inside my mouth. I think Spike likes it said Grampa, Do you like it Laura. I
looked up at him with my mouth all full of Spike's big pointy thing and nodded at
him. I slid my lips down it and made the whole thing go in my mouth. It was easy
because it wasn't as big as Grampa's or Daddy's things.
Spike started to move his back legs back and forth and that made his thing
go farther in and partway out of my mouth. Oh that's a good doggy! said Grampa,
he's telling you that he will do some of the work, all you have to do is hold your
mouth still and lick his thing with your tongue while he pushes it in and out of your
mouth. What a good doggy! Tell you what Laura he said when the doggy makes
his cream go in your mouth you see if you can hold it all there and then show me
what a big girl you are and how much you can hold in your mouth. I nodded and let
the big dog push his thing back and forth in my mouth and I played with his balls so
he would make lots of cream for me to drink. He moved faster and faster and
suddenly I felt a big gush of hot spicy stuff squirt into my mouth. It came out in a big
long stream, and then another and another and it tasted so good!
My mouth filled all up and just as I looked at Grampa my mouth got so full
that some of the cream came out the side of my mouth alongside the dog's thing.
He's filling your mouth right up, isn't he Laura said Grampa and I nodded Yes. You
can swallow a little if you want to then but keep as much as you can in your mouth,
okay? and I nodded again and gulped some of the dog's hot spicy cream down. It
was all warm and slippery and he filled my mouth right back up again and then he
stopped squirting it and lay still. Just roll onto your back, honey, said Grampa and I
rolled over onto my back and he said Now open your mouth and show me and the
camera all that nice doggy cream. I opened my mouth and showed him my mouth
was all full and he said Oh it looks like a lake of cream in your mouth, now poke
your tongue up through the creamy lake and lick your lips to see if you've missed
any. After I did this he said Now you can swallow it and then show me your mouth
all empty and tell me how it tasted. I closed my mouth and gulped the dog's cream
down and licked my lips to get the last bits and then opened my mouth and said
See Grampa, all gone! The Doggy's cream was yummy! Yummy in my tummy! I
said and Grampa and I both laughed.
Its too bad we haven't got a girl dog for Spike to put his thing inside I said I
bet he likes doing it just like you and Daddy like putting your things inside me and
Sharon. Well said Grampa Sharon always liked putting our dog's thing in her hole,
maybe you could pretend you are a girl dog and let him put his thing in your hole.
Oh Grampa I said That's a wonderful idea but when I looked at Spike his thing was
back inside the furry place. Oh darn I said Spike's stick has gone away and
Grampa said Well if you play with the place it's hiding I bet it will come out and let
you play with it some more so I got Spike to lie down on his side and I felt his furry
place all over and his fuzzy balls too and said Come on Spike's thing! Come out to
play now! Come on out and we'll play some nice games! and then I could feel
something getting harder inside and pretty soon the red end part started to poke
out. Here it comes Grampa! I said and Grampa said I bet it will come out even faster
if you give it a nice big kiss and I said I know, even better, I'll lick it all over and
when it comes out to play more I'll suck it too and Grampa said What a good idea
so I lick and sucked on the doggy's thing and it got all hard and stuck out like
I asked Grampa how I should be for the doggy to put his thing in me and he
said Well you could kneel like a girls dogs does and let him get on your back or you
could sit on top of him and bounce up and down or you could just lie down like with
your Daddy and me and I said I think I'll do it that way because then I can see what
he's doing and I lay down and got Spike over top of me and helped him put his
thing in my hole and when he felt the end part go in he pushed nice and hard and it
all went in and I felt all full up. Then Spike started making his thing go in and out of
my hole and he went faster and faster and faster and Grampa took a video of it and
I kept getting the good feeling one time after another and then Spike went even
faster and he sort of stopped and shook his bum and I could feel his stuff coming
out all up inside my hole. When he was finished shooting the stuff in me he pulled
his thing out and then he licked my hole and Grampa took a video of the doggy
licking all his stuff out of my hole. After that we went to sleep.
Monday morning.
When I woke up this morning Sharon's Daddy and I went into the bathroom
and he asked me if I would sit on top of him and pee in his mouth like we tried to do
yesterday. Sure I said and he tickled my pee hole with his tongue and then held
his mouth open underneath my trickle. I had to pee a lot and his mouth kept filing
up and he kept swallowing it all down and smacking his lips. Does it taste nice? I
asked him and he nodded and kept gulping it down. Can I try yours I asked him
after I was through and he said Sure if you want to and he tickled my pee hole with
his tongue again and licked up the last few drops that I squeezed out.
I knelt in front of him and held my head tipped back with my mouth open and
he stepped in front of me and his thing was hanging down just in front of my face.
Hold onto it he said and then if you don't want to drink any more you can just make
the stream go somewhere else. Like on my tummy or my trickle you mean I said
and he said Yes or you can wash your titties with it too if you want. Oooo, it all
sounds nice I said and then he started to pee and I put the end of his thing in my
mouth and his pee was all nice and hot like his white stuff but there was more of it.
It tasted so good! All tingly and sweet and sour at the same time and i gulped it all
down and then I thought I'd let his pee go on my little titties and my cunny so I took
his thing out of my mouth and held it like a hose and made Grampa's pee go onto
my titties and it felt funny! and then Grampa said I'll hold the rest, you lie down if
you like and I'll pee on your trickle and I said Oh wow yeah! so I lay down and he
got in between my legs and he said Now you hold your trickle hole open nice and
wide and Grampa will see if he can hit the target and I used both hands to hold my
trickle hole open nice and wide and Grampa put his thing right up next to it and
said Ahhhhh! and then his pee started coming out Again, really strong, and
squirted right up my trickle hole and it felt all funny like when I squirt the hose at my
trickle and I got the good feeling three times while he did it! Then he licked my
trickle clean and put his tongue up in my trickle hole and licked around it inside.
Then he put some spit on his finger and rubbed it around the hole in my
bum. I giggled because it felt funny when he did that. Why are you doing that? I
asked and he said What does it feel like? and I said it feels funny and he said do
you want me to stop and I said No no, it just feels funny and then I felt my bum hole
opening up and he put his finger inside it! Oh wow that feels funny I said but don't
stop it feels nice and he put his finger in as far as he could and wiggled it all around
and made me giggle. Would you like me to try putting my stir stick in your bum he
asked me and I said Wow can you do that? and he said Oh sure Sharon and I love
doing that. But won't it get all dirty? I asked and he laughed and said No not really
anyway if it does I can always wash it off, can't I.
So I said OK then and he took his thing out of my trickle hole and put some
spit on it and said now I will just hold it still and you push back on it that way if you
don't want to do it any more you can just stop pushing. I said OK and I felt the big
bulgy end part next to my bum hole and he took his finger out of my bum hole and I
pushed back and I could feel my bum hole opening up and I pushed some more
and he said It's starting to go in! and I said I know I can feel it and then it felt so nice
I just went Whew and my bum hole relaxed and his thing just slipped right inside
me! Oh wow I said that's nice! What does it feel like he asked. Like I'm having a
nice big ...and I didn't want to say RshitS. You mean a nice big shit he said and I
giggled and pushed back at him and said Yes, like that.
My bum is all full I said and he said now we can move back and forth like
when its in your trickle hole, and while we are doing it I can feel your trickle if you
like. Sure I said and so while we moved his big stir stick in and out of my bum and
made it stir up my bum he played with my trickle with one hand and my titties with
the other. I got the nice feeling twice! Then he said shall I put the cream in your
bum? and I said Won't it make a mess? and he said No, anyway you can shit it all
out and I will help you. I like watching little girls do their pee and have a nice big
shit and I giggled and said Sure go ahead then. When he did it I could feel the
cream come shooting out of his thing and squirting way up in my insides. It felt all
funny and when his thing got soft and he pulled it out again I looked to see if it was
dirty but it wasn't at all.
Grampa and Daddy are so good to me, teaching me all these new things
and making me get such nice feelings. Now It's time for me to get up and go
downstairs for breakfast. I'm going to show Daddy the new peeing games I learned
from Grampa. I bet he'd like to play them too! So long, diary! I'll write some more
Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!!
Be There..... |