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Archive-name: 3plus/kim3.txt
Archive-title: The Story of Kim - 3
Chapter Three
Kim was enchanted by Los Angeles. Her first days there were busy finding
a place to live, getting all the connections and hookups necessary when you
move into a new place, and "seeing the sights" with John. She toured Beverly
Hills, the Farmers Market, Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and all the usual
tourist attractions. Finally, on a Thursday, as they finished some shopping
and touring, John told her that he wanted her to meet the director of his next
production, and gave her the address of the production offices he wanted her
to be at the next day at 10:00 in the morning.
"Should I wear anything special?" Kim inquired.
"A skirt and blouse is fine - stockings and a bra if you wish. Just
remember, no pantyhose - I think pantyhose are the worst thing ever invented,
and I never want to see you in them." John replied.
"Ok, no problem. I'll see you tomorrow at 10:00."
"No, I won't be there" , John said, "I have other details to see about.
You will meet with the director and some other production people. They are
expecting you, I've told them all about you, and I'm sure you'll get along
just fine. Just do whatever they ask of you, as long as you don't object, and
perhaps I'll see you later in the afternoon.
Kim barely slept that night. She tuned in Jay Leno on the Tonight show,
watching bored authors talk about boring books, then finally turned the lights
out sometime after midnight. The next morning she showered, douched (as a
precaution, she told herself) , shaved her legs smooth as she could, brushed
her teeth and gargled, and attempted to select some clothes that she thought
would be appropriate.
"Hmmm. Never been to a porn movie casting meeting. Wonder what's the best
stuff to wear" she thought to herself. Selecting a short black leather
miniskirt, light silk panties, a body-hugging stretch top and heels, she
dressed and checked herself out in the mirror. "Not bad, not bad at all" she
ruminated as the spun in front of the mirror to check out her appearance.
Kim drove to the address John had given her. It was a building in downtown
Los Angeles, near Century City. She parked her car in the lot, and entered
the lobby. Finding the office directory, she checked for the floor of "MAX-O
PRODUCTIONS". The office was on the fifteenth floor. She went to the elevator
bank and punched the UP button. When a car arrived, she stepped into it, and
hit 15. The door opened up at the end of a long, lushly carpeted hallway,
leading to double glass doors with the company name painted on them. Through
the doors, Kim could see an attractive, dark haired young woman sitting at a
desk. She walked up, and pushed through the doors.
"Hi, I'm Kim and I'm here - "
"-to meet Andy and Roger, I know. I'm Melissa, secretary, den mother,
nurse, gofer and sometimes Production Assistant. John told us you'd be here.
Why don'tcha have a seat while I buzz Andy, and we'll get started."
Kim sat down on one of the comfortable chairs placed around the rim of the
entrance area. She picked up one of the magazines lying on an end table.
"Adult Film Quarterly - this might be interesting" she thought. Paging through
it, she noticed pictures and articles on many of the stars and starlets she
recognized - Amber Lynn, Erica Boyer, Peter North, and many others. She was
absorbed in reading about new productions in the works when the area in front
of her darkened and a shadow fell over the magazine.
"Well, hello. I'm Andy Clark, and I'm going to be producing this epic. You
must be Kim Armstrong".
Kim looked up. Her eyes were at his belt buckle. She let them fall
downwards, noting the nice sized bulge at his crotch. She then looked up into
his face. He was an attractive man of about 30, with light blond hair and
green eyes. She stood to shake hands.
"Yep, that's me. I'm kinda nervous about this, but I suppose I'll calm
down after a while. What's next?"
"Let's go into my office and talk. Would you like some coffee or tea or a
soft drink, or maybe something stronger?" Andy asked politely.
"Yes, coffee might be nice. Cream and sugar, please."
Andy nodded to Melissa, who said she'd bring it back to his office in a
few moments. Kim followed him down one of the hallways leading off the entry
area, and into a spacious office with a large window. The office was
tastefully decorated with quality furnishings and artwork, and several large
tropical plants were placed around the room. Kim was dutifully impressed, and
said so.
"Yes, thanks, we do like it here. John has always tried to convey an image
of more professionalism and sophistication than is usual in this business. I
guess you were expecting some fat old slob with a cigar, meeting you in a room
behind a bar somewhere." replied Andy with a smile. "Well, that's not our
style. We try to do things right, and we take good care of our people. We
have a complete company paid medical plan, we cover all expenses while on
location, we offer profit sharing to our employees after six months of
employment, and numerous other benefits. It's really quite unique in this
business. We make a lot of money, and we spend a lot of money. But John plans
to be around for a while, and we're not in it, like so many others, just for
the quick buck. Now, have a seat, and I'll outline the plot, so to speak, of
the picture that's in the works." He motioned to a large leather sofa against
one wall, beneath a Wyeth artwork. Kim sat down and crossed her legs demurely.
Andy sat on the edge of his desk, and began.
"Ok, here's the scoop. We make adult films, or porn, or fuck flicks, or
whatever you'd care to call them. They are primarily composed of a slim plot
line, ten or twelve young actors and actresses, and a great deal of fucking
and sucking. John told me about your exhibition at the party, so I'm sure I'm
not embarrassing you, but if you don't follow anything I say, or if you have
any problems or questions, please stop me."
"Now then. Oh, yes, fucking and sucking. They've been making sex films
almost since the days of Tom Edison and his magic lantern. But as you know,
it's only in the last 15 or 20 years that they've really reached mass
audiences, thanks primarily to the pioneers like Gerry Damiano, the Mitchell
brothers up in San Francisco, and more recently, the home video revolution.
Now, every two-bit hustler and cheap pimp thinks he can make a fast buck with
sex films, and unfortunately, many of them do. But there are a few production
companies that have been around a while, and plan to stay around. The Dark
Brothers do some interesting work, and Bruce Seven and his Vivid Video try
pretty hard, and there are some others as well. The only problem is, the vast
majority of the sex films are produced by fly-by-night guys with a video
camera who hire a couple of prostitutes and some horny college boys to screw
around in a hotel room for a couple of days. They condone, if not encourage,
drug use and drinking during the filming, and god knows what kind of physical
health their people are in. They edit and re-edit video into other films,
pawning off old stuff with new titles, changing the picture on the box, and so
on. And they really give the business a bad name, if you know what I mean."
He paused while Melissa brought in the coffee and some Danish. Kim took
them eagerly, remembering that she really didn't have any breakfast this
"Well, MAX-O PRODUCTIONS is different. All of our films are original, we
never re-issue old stock, all our employees are given complete medical
checkups every three months, and while we don't care too much about what you
do when you're on your own, if anyone comes to the set stoned or drunk, or if
coke and booze in any way affect your performance, you're through. John, and
I, for that matter, won't put up with that kind of shit. All we ask is that
you come ready to work, don't fuck around with the wrong kind of shit, and
we'll all have a lot of fun and make some good money at the same time. What
more could you ask?"
"We will rarely ask you to have sex with someone you don't want to, but I
think you'll find that most of our people are pretty nice. The rough bastards
and that kind don't last too long with us, if at all. The guys are all pretty
nice, they make sure that you are comfortable with them, and the girls are
relatively sane too, although I must admit there is a little bit of jealousy
now and then, you know, if one of them thinks that somebody else is getting
all the good cock, or something. If that happens, we try to talk it over with
everyone involved, and if necessary, make changes. But all in all, we get
along pretty well. Any questions so far?"
"No, not really. It sounds pretty good, I just hope I'll fit in with
everybody. I've never done this sort of thing before, you know," Kim replied.
"Don't worry, at some point everybody sat where you are now, and I gave
the same speech to them. You should have seen Pete North when he first came in
here, he was nervous as a 10 year old giving a speech at church. And look at
him now, he's one of the best known male stars, and he gives a performance
worth watching nearly every time out."
"Anyway, as you know, there is a certain formula to most sex films.
There's a lot of fucking and sucking, some girl-girl action, and some
threesomes and foursomes, and occasionally moresomes. Would any of that
bother you?"
"Well, I've never done it with another woman, but I suppose I might
try..." Kim said, with some trepidation. "I know it's very popular in the
films, I just never had the opportunity to try it."
"Well, you have my word that if you don't like it, we won't force you into
it." reassured Andy. "Now, about the cum shots - you won't mind having cum
shots on your body, face, or anywhere else, is that correct?
"Yes..er, no, ah, I mean, no, I don't mind oral cum shots, or any other
kind of cum shots, for that matter. I like cum. I think it's sexy, and it
never bothers me." Kim searched Andy's face for some reaction, but she could
see none. She decided to see how far she could take him. "As a matter of fact,
the more cum, the better. I like it on my pussy, or in the crack of my ass, or
on my tits.." Still no response. " or on my stomach, or down my arms, or on
my hands.." . Nothing. "or on my face, yeah, I like cum on my face, all over
my lips and cheeks and chin.." A slight coloring appeared on Andy's neck. "..
and in my mouth, I love to have cum in my mouth a whole lot, I just love it
when a man shoots all over my face and in my mouth.." Now she could see a
bulge starting to take shape behind Andy's zipper. "Don't you think that's
sexy, a woman with loads of cum all over her face and in her mouth?" Kim was
teasing him now, she could see that her words were having an effect on him.
"Ah, yes, we find that very tantalizing, that's one of the reasons that
face shots are so popular, at least among some people." Andy half-whispered.
"How long have you been this way, I mean, how long have you had men shoot on
your.. That is, when was the first time...?"
Kim chuckled at his now-obvious discomfort. Even here, in the offices of
an adult film company, with a director who had probably seen more cum shots
that any 100 other people, her brazen admittance of the love of semen was
having an effect on him. Perhaps on the set he was more used to it, but she
could see that he was beginning to get aroused. She swiveled towards him,
placing both feet on the floor and leaning towards him. He was about 5 feet
away on the corner of his desk.
"Oh geez, I'd have to think about that.. let me see, I think the first
time I ever got cum on my face was back in high school. I was out on a date
with some guy, I can't even remember his name now, all I can see is that cock
of his. We were screwing around in his car out on some Lover's Lane
somewhere, and I was jerking him off. I really didn't feel like fucking him,
but he was a nice enough guy, and hell, a hand job didn't mean anything. He
was leaning back in the seat with his cock out and his pants down around his
knees, and I as leaning over him, kissing him and jerking his meat with my
right hand." Andy stood up and unzipped his pants.
"Anyway, he put his right hand on the back of my head and started to push
it down towards his cock. Well, at this point, I'd never sucked a guy off or
anything, and I didn't know what to do. I resisted, but he kept pushing.
Finally, he stopped pushing, but he didn't let me move my head. So there I
was, my face down about six inches above his cock, my hand jerking like mad,
and him squirming and moving around on the seat. Every now and then he'd arch
up and try to get his cock closer to my mouth, but now it was a game between
him and me, me keeping my head away from his cock, and him trying to get it
closer. I think we both knew what was going to happen, but neither of us said
anything." Andy pulled his hardening pecker from his pants and started
pulling on it, just standing next to his desk.
"So there I was, jerking him off like mad. A little bit of pre-cum popped
out of his dick, and I rubbed it over the head with my thumb. He had one hand
down in my blouse, rubbing over my left tit and pressing my nipple. I was
getting really hot, I've always had sensitive breasts. I knew that sooner or
later he'd ejaculate.." She looked at Andy. He had moved a step closer to
her, but still hadn't said a word. He was now jerking himself off with obvious
pleasure. Kim dipped her head, and looked down at her feet.
"As I was jerking him off, I could hear him start to whisper, 'in your
mouth, on your face, in your mouth, on your face' over and over, I could
barely hear him. Maybe he didn't even realize he was saying it, I don't know.
I knew what was coming, but didn't want to move. Something in me wanted to
see what would happen, somehow I wanted his cum on me." Andy was now nearing
orgasm, Kim could tell. The broad head of his cock was expanding and his hand
was flying back and forth on the shaft.
"Finally, he arched up out of the seat. I looked right at his cock and
opened my eyes as wide as I could. It seemed like slow motion. The little
slit opened up, and BOOM, a jet of his jizz flew out and hit me square in the
face. Well, shit, I didn't know what to do. But before I could do anything,
the cock was spraying cum all over. I kept on jerking it out of force of
habit, I guess, and he was shooting like a bull. I got jizz on my forehead,
all over my cheeks, and one spurt even hit me in the eyelash. I opened my
mouth involuntarily, and another one went straight into it. This time I
swallowed it, the first time I'd ever had male sperm in my mouth. I almost
felt it sliding right down my throat. Then another shot hit me in the chin,
and there was more of it in my hair and all over my face. Let me tell you, I
was drenched in it. I don't think he'd had any sex for weeks, and was saving
it all up for me or something." Kim heard Andy grunting, but still didn't
look up. He had moved closer to her, though, and she knew what would happen
when she did look up, and she wanted to tease him some more.
"Finally it stopped. The last dribbles leaked out of his cock and I spread
them around with my hand. I sat up, and looked at myself in the mirror. I had
cum ALL OVER my face. It was in my eyes, all over my cheeks and forehead, and
there were several spots of it in my hair. My lips were coated with it, and
like I said, I had a bunch in my mouth, although most of it that went into my
mouth I had swallowed. I stared at my face in the mirror for a few minutes,
and suddenly, without him even touching my clit or my pussy, I had a
tremendous orgasm. I shuddered all over, and slumped back in the seat. The guy
still hadn't said a word. I reached up and touched the cum on my face. It was
still hot, but smooth to my skin. I rubbed it into my face, loving the feel of
it on my skin. When I finished, I licked my fingers, able to taste the cum on
them for the first time. Then I looked at the guy, and told him to take me
home.. and that was that. Pretty sexy, huh?" Kim finished, and took a deep
breath, still staring down at her feet.
"...Kim!!" Andy gasped.
"Look up!"
Kim raised her head. His cock was inches from her face. Suddenly it
blew. A ribbon of sperm flew out and struck her on the chin. Another one shot
out and landed on her forehead. Now the sperm was flying in force. It shot
out and landed on her cheeks and nose. Several gobs landed on her lips, which
were slightly opened. One gobbet landed on her upper teeth. Andy was grunting
with the passion and excitement of the moment. A sticky stream of sperm flew
out and struck Kim on the corner of her mouth, trailing down the side of her
cheek towards her chin. The last of it came out slowly, as Andy stopped
pumping his cock at her smiling face. It collected on his encircling hand. He
brought his hand up slowly, towards her face. He held it out in front of her,
waiting for her to make the next move.
Kim leaned forward and poked her tongue out. She lapped up the cum on his
thumb and forefinger, drawing it back into her mouth. She looked up at him,
and thickly said "I guess my story got you kind of excited, eh?"
"Oh God, I never felt anything like it at all. You were just so damned
sexy sitting there talking about it like it was something you do every day.
And now you're sitting there with cum all over your face, and you didn't even
flinch. Hell, even Amber Lynn flinches when the guy comes on her. How do you
do it?"
"I don't know, I guess I'm just used to it now. I guess I've had about..."
Kim thought for a moment. "oh, about 70 loads of cum splattered on my face in
the last year or so. I love it." While she was talking, Andy was gazing
rapturously at the cum-splattered face before him.
"Wait, hold on, don't move," he said. "I want to get this on tape." He
quickly unpacked a portable video camera from a box near his desk, and move
back in front of her. He turned on some lights near the sofa for better
lighting, and started filming.
"Ok, speak to me, Kim, tell us what just happened."
"Hi. My name is Kim, Kim Armstrong. I was just telling Andy about the
first time I ever got cum on my face. It turned him on so much, he had to
whack off himself, and he came all over me. Do you like it?" she whispered to
the camera. Andy could see that she would be a natural when in front of the
lens. Here she was calmly sitting in a strange man's office, having just
opened up about one of her first sexual experiences, and having just had a man
ejaculate several strands of semen on her face, and she was acting as though
she was discussing the latest recipes with her girlfriends.
"I enjoy having men ejaculate for me, and especially love it when the do
it on my face or in my mouth. I swallow sperm all the time."
Andy called out to Melissa. "Melissa, come in here, please. I want you to
see this."
Melissa walked in, took one look at the sperm-covered young female sitting
calmly on the couch, and said, "Oh, wow. What a splat! Andy, I can see your
handiwork here. Mind if I taste it?"
She walked over to Kim, bent over and began licking the cum from the
woman's face. She and Kim kissed, swapping the sperm and saliva back and forth
for several seconds. They rubbed each others breasts. Andy filmed it all.
Finally, they broke apart, after each girl had shared the cum and swallowed it
completely. When they finished, Kim's face was completely clean and fresh,
sparkling a bit from the saliva and semen, but otherwise untouched from when
she walked into the office several minutes earlier.
"Well, now then, that was pretty exciting. I guess you could say that
you've passed your screen test with flying colors," Andy said, sitting back
down on the edge of his desk after fixing them both some cold drinks.
"Now, about the film we want to start you off in. MAX-O productions
specializes in films that glorify the orgasm. We don't make much of a
pretense of being the greatest thing since Citizen Kane, or any of that. Our
philosophy is that the Big O, as they call it, is a great feeling, and
anything that gets you to it is good, especially if the other people involved
feel the same way. Our films frequently have a futuristic or mythic setting,
because then we can "create" our own behavior patterns. We don't have to worry
about forcing our actors to conform to previously established ways of doing
things. As such, our movies tend to be somewhat different than your
run-of-the-mill porno flick."
"For example, one of our movies took place in prehistoric times. There was
very little dialogue in it, and what there was was mostly grunts and groans -
we really didn't think that Neanderthal man spoke California English. But you
can be damn sure that everybody who watched it knew what was going on. One
scene was a gang fuck of the village princess, who had over 40 actors fuck her
during the scene. We filmed every minute of it, including all the cum shots.
It took over three hours, but it was worth it. Poor Lydia had more jizzum
sprayed on her that day than she's ever seen before or since. I think she's
still combing it out of her hair.
Anyway, as I said, we glorify the orgasm. We film cum shots with as many
as four cameras, then slo-mo, split screen, and splice the shots in for
maximum effect. Sometimes we take a closeup lens and just film the hairs
standing up on the girls arms and legs, or the flush she gets around her tits
as she gets off. You haven't seen anything until you've seen John's film of a
super-slo-motion cum shot, where he actually tracked a gob of cum flying
through the air and landing on Sherry Farmer's left tit. Just before it
landed, he switched to a micro-closeup lens, where her tit took up almost the
entire frame. The cum drop splattered into her nipple, and you could actually
see her tit shake and shiver from it, and the little hairs on her areola stand
up and get cum on them. It was something else, let me tell you. We use
computers and sophisticated video editing machines to produce effects other
film makers just dream about."
"Anyway, the film we plan for you takes place in the distant future, in a
society where sex for recreation has been forbidden. However, your character
decides to rebel against the authorities, and you travel the city seeking
converts. You have trouble convincing the men to look at things your way,
since the penalty for men caught in recreational sex is castration, while the
women are merely held in prison for six months and given drugs to curb their
sex drives. Soon you have a band of 20 or so people following you, and you
start your own community where sex is legal. But, I don't want to spoil much
of the fun. You'll hear more about it tonight."
Andy finished discussing the plans for the filming of the movie with Kim,
and invited her to his house that evening. "We're all meeting tonight to go
over the script and perhaps have a quick read-though. All the other parts have
been cast, so you'll get to meet your fellow actors for the first time." Kim
promised to be there.
"Oh, and Kim - wear something that comes off easily, or doesn't stain, if
you know what I mean - I have a feeling these guys will pop their corks when
they see you in action."
When she left the building, Kim decided that it was such a beautiful day
out that she would walk around the area for a few hours before heading home.
She wandered down the wide, palm-lined streets, marveling at the beautiful
shops and modern steel and glass buildings. As she walked, thought, she found
herself getting into a slightly seedier neighborhood than where she began.
Pawn shops, bars and adult book stores seemed to have taken over from the
Gucci's, Mercedes-Benz dealerships and professional offices. She found herself
standing in front of an adult book store, advertising "Novelties, books,
magazines, peep shows, and live girls".
"Hmmm. Sounds interesting. Let's see what it's like inside." she thought
to herself as she stepped in.
Behind a high counter filled with condoms, love oils and pornographic
playing cards, a cadaverous looking man idly thumbed through a Racing Form
magazine. It being the middle of the day, Kim was surprised to see half a
dozen men browsing around the racks of articles in the store. Kim strolled
past the tightly wrapped picture magazines.
"Loads of CUM".. "Anal Antics".. "Blonds who crave big dicks".."Black
women and white dicks".."Betsy Loves Balling".. Kim was amused at the wide
variety of magazines available for every taste in voyeurism. She wandered
over to the racks of pocket books.
"The Horny Housewife".."The Sitter Sucks".."Mom loves Everybody".. "Once a
Slut, always a Slut".."Slave to Passion".."Kidnaped and Raped Schoolgirl"..the
titles were endless. Kim wandered back to the rear of the store, curious to
see what the video booths offered.
Several men were wandering back and forth in the area, reading the titles
of the videos advertised. Kim examined several of them in detail. Everything
from Nurses in Heat to European Imports, from Ladies who Love Ladies to
Locker-room Action seemed to be available. Beginning to feel a wetness
between her legs, Kim ignored the surreptitious looks from the male customers,
and digging through her purse, found a five-dollar bill which she changed into
quarters in a machine.
"Jesus, they must make a mint in one of these places", she thought, as she
listened to the clink of the quarters falling into the cup. Scooping them up,
she entered the nearest booth, and picking her way through the wadded up paper
towels on the floor, and eying the bench warily for a moment, sat down and
locked the door. She slipped a quarter into the machine, and watched as a
title screen came up, offering her the viewing pleasures of 15 different
videos, with the enticement to deposit as many as 99 quarters.
She slipped a half dozen or so into the machine to build up some time, and
began idly flipping through the channels. Each channel brought her face to
groin with fuck films in varying shades of color and focus. Some were
obviously well made, others rather grainy and foolish looking. She watched one
gay film for a moment, never having seen two men sucking each other.
"Why is it the guys in this film are so good-looking," she wondered to
herself idly. "You'd think they would have any woman who saw them falling all
over themselves to fuck them." She quickly tired of the scenes of hard dicks
sliding into hairy asses, though, and began zipping through the other
channels. She heard the door next to her open, then the sound of a body
entering the next booth and closing the door. She was startled by a sudden
beam of light shining into her booth.
"What the heck?..." Kim found herself looking at a hole someone had carved
in the partition between the two booths. "Now what can that be for..?" she
thought. Suddenly, the beam was cut off, as though there was something
blocking it in the next booth. There was.
A pinkish cock head poked slowly, tentatively through the hole. Suddenly
Kim knew what the holes were for. "Horny guys stick their cocks through the
holes between partitions for hand- or blowjobs!" Kim figured that could be a
risky act, as who knows what kind of a kook might be sitting across from you
in a porno video shop. But Kim felt in a mischievous frame of mind. She leaned
over and tapped the cock with her forefinger.
"Is this supposed to impress me?" she whispered, loudly enough for the man
next door to hear, but not loudly enough for the entire world.
"You wanna suck it?" came the semi-plaintive words from the other side of
the plywood panel.
"Suck it? Why the hell would I want to do that? Next thing you know, it'd
probably cum all over me! Do you want that to happen?"
"Will you let me cum in your mouth?"
"Weeellll," Kim toyed , slowly rubbing the body-less cock around in her
fist. "Maybe, just maybe." She leaned over and placed her lips around just
the head of the cock. She tongued the tip of it. It grew appreciatively in her
mouth. Kim leaned over and, taking the shaft between her fingers, began
jerking it into her mouth. She heard the groans of delight from next door. On
the screen, unseen, two blondes were humping a big black man, one sitting on
his cock, one taking a mustache ride.
"Are you going to take all day, or what?" Kim whispered, as though she was
annoyed. "Let's get the show on the road, eh buddy!" She resumed her light
tonguing and fisting of the shaft, keeping just the tip and first inch or so
in her warm, wet mouth. Then she felt the shaft expand ever so slightly, and
the vein beneath one fingertip pulsed with liquid. Semen shot through the
shaft and out into her mouth. Six pulses later, Kim was the recipient of a
small mouthful of semen, courtesy of a total stranger in an adult-video peep
show booth. She fingered her clitoris through her panties, loving the small
waves of thrills it send shivering up her body.
"Do you want more?" came the whispered voice from the dark booth next door.
"...Yes" was her slightly hesitant reply. Kim wasn't exactly sure that she
wanted to cause a riot in a porno book store in a rather seedy part of
Hollywood, but then she thought "What the hell - it might make for good
She didn't have to wait long. She heard the door open in the adjoining
booth, and in a few minutes, a buzz of voices could be heard outside the
booths. Kim felt relatively anonymous, figuring that no one could possibly
know her or ever see her again. In a way, she found it strangely erotic -
blowing complete strangers in a peep show booth, men she would probably never
see again, men who were all ages and sizes. Yet she thought that it wasn't
completely impossible that she wouldn't come face to face with one of these
men in a completely different setting at some future time. Sharing an
elevator, meeting in the grocery store, who knows?
A long, thin black cock snaked its' way into the booth from next door. Kim
bent to the task at hand. She pursed her lips around the throbbing head and
licked the small piss-hole with her tongue. She put her lips around just the
head, tightening her grip just below the knob, and pulsed her cheeks in with
all her might, willing the cock to plop fully into her mouth. She felt the
knob flare behind her lips. She grasped the cock shaft with her right hand
and fed several inches into her mouth. Swabbing it with her semen-flavored
saliva , she licked all up and down the entire length of the shaft, until her
face was stopped by the knotty plywood of the booth partition. Then she moved
back up the shaft and around the head again, this time ovalling her mouth and
impaling her face on the ebony cock. She jerked the shaft up and down,
keeping the knob and about three or four inches of cock buried in her face.
Her tongue swept over and around the head of the cock, smearing it lightly
with spit. Her efforts were rewarded with the sudden swelling of the shaft in
her mouth, and the final thrust of the cock through the hole. The head sped
over Kim's tongue, lodging just above the opening to her throat. The slit
opened up and an enormously strong jet of jizzum shot out, completely coating
her upper throat with white juice and sliding down into her stomach to join
the earlier cumload.
Again the cock loosed a white streak into Kim's mouth, but this time her
head was moving backwards along the shaft, and she caught most of this jet in
her mouth. She closed off her throat with her tongue and allowed the cock to
complete it's ejaculatory emissions into her mouth. After several strong
squirts of semen and an equal number of agonized groans from the booth next
door, the black balls that stayed on the other side of the partition were
temporarily emptied of their cargo, it having been successfully transferred to
the waiting mouth of the beautiful blond on her knees in the adjoining booth.
Kim swirled it around in her mouth a few seconds, savoring the hot, salty
mixture, loving the feel of the creamy consistency as it slid over her tongue
and lips. Then she swallowed it. It was her third load of the morning.
During the next 45 minutes, Kim swallowed 28 loads of cum. After the
seventh or eighth load had been emptied into her completely willing mouth and
swallowed into her cum-coated stomach, she lost count of the men. All she was
concentrating on, her entire universe, was the cockshaft poking through the
hole and pointing ominously at her face. One shaft blew its cargo the second
it pointed through the hole, spraying her face from forehead to chin with
air-cooled semen. "Gug..lub...Gawdd" Kim sputtered, her mouth too full of cum
to get the words out with any clarity. It webbed from her teeth and coated
her tongue. The face spraying, though, was welcomed, as it allowed her to
spread the jizzum around on her sweaty skin, cooling off temporarily.
Finally, Kim could accept no more of the seminal offerings. Her stomach
sloshed. Her lips were white-rimmed. Her face bore the slimy strings of more
than one jizz jetting. She slowly stood up, smoothed her dress down, and
opened the door. She was greeted by the cheers of 30 very satisfied men. One
fellow pressed a roll of money into her hand, saying
"I was the first one, honey, and decided we should kick in a little token
of our appreciation of your performance. Hope you don't mind..."
Kim looked at the wad of paper. She looked at the man next to her.
"Thanks, I think. I mean, it was my pleasure. I'm not sure about this
money,though, I'm not a hook-"
"We know you're not. But take it anyway. Please."
Kim walked out the door of the bookstore into the brilliant southern
California sunlight, $339 clutched in her cummy hands. Semen was still drying
on her face. She rimmed her teeth with her tongue, collecting stray wisps of
sperm from the cock meal. She drove home in silence, but once there removed
her clothes and masturbated to several blinding climaxes thinking of the acts
she had just performed.