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Archive-name: Violent/inez.txt
Archive-title: Inez
PART 1/6
My name is Inez Cooper. I am fourteen years old and a virgin.
I start high school this fall. I have a great figure, except my breasts
are a little too large. everyone says I am gorgeous, and the mirror tells
me they are right. boys have been chaseing me for years.
i have had the usual experiences with boys, playing 'doctor'.
lately I feel that I am ready for a more mature relationship with a man.
my mother does not agree. she is divorced. it happened when my dad
tried to rape me. mother is more beautiful than me and has a figure that
drives men crazy. she is also a tease. she has men over to the house
frequently, and they always make a fuss over me. mother seems annoyed
when they do. mother still spanks me when she feels that I need it.
she doesn't want me to flirt. she can do all she wants, but I must not.
i have two younger adopted sisters, identical twins. we don't get along.
kathy and kristy can do no wrong. they are very pretty also.
they are the apple of mother's eye and are always getting me in trouble.
we three girls, especially me, keep the house and yard clean and do
the chores. mother works as a model. she goes out of town frequently on
business. always with men.
[01.1] I have a condition that I should explain. my clitoris is
very large. very very large. I am extreemly sensitive to pressure
there. I lose control of myself easily whenever I rub myself there.
i enjoy my body. my breasts are sensitive also. my breasts are
extreemly large for my age. large for any age. my breasts are so
sensitive that once in the seventh grade a boy had my pants wet just
from feeling my breasts thru my tshirt and bra.
[02] I have lied about my age and got a job at a carhop fast food.
the uniforms fit tight so I am very popular with the customers.
paul wilson has started to come in regularly and he always pics one of
my parking stalls. he is rich, handsome, and captain of the football team.
one night maxine brown parks in one of my stalls and warns me to stay away
from paul or she will make me wish that I had. paul continues to come in
and eventually asks me for a date. we go to a movie, ice cream after, and
he kisses me goodnight on my porch. when I go in, my mother is waiting for
me. 'that boy is too old for you.' (please, mother he is the best boy in
the whole school.) 'did he kiss you?' (no.) 'come here. now, pull down
your panties and raise your skirt.' (why?) 'i saw him kiss you. I will
not allow you to lie to me.' I pull my panties down, raise my skirt and
bend over. whap! whap! she spanks me harder than usual, and with a ruler.
i hear giggles from the twin's room. finally she finishes and I stand up.
'if you lie to me again I will take a strap to you, now get to bed.'
i hear giggles again as I pass the twin's room. my ass stings.
the tears finally start. I sob against the door for a minute.
[03] when I finish my little cry, I undress for bed. when I am down to
just my panties, I pull them off to and look at my ass in the mirror.
there are welts, but I don't think there will be any permanent scars.
while I am looking in the mirror, I notice some motion in the tree outside
my window. in the excitement, I forgot to pull the blinds.
i put my panties on and go down the hall to the bathroom.
i put my robe on, sneek downstairs, and out the front door.
when I look up into the tree, I see tommy parker looking into my window
with binoculars. (tommy parker, you come down here right now.)
tommy looks like the cat who swallowed the canary. when tommy is standing
in front of me I take him by the arm and scold him. (what you are doing
is mean. you are violating my right to privacy.) 'you are right, I am
a worm.) tommy hangs his head. (tommy we used to be good friends.
we could talk to each other. I thought you liked me.)
'Inez, I love you. I would do anything for you, but you've got paul
so what would you want with me. I wanted to see you.
you are so beautiful. i've been up this tree since eight waiting for a
glance at you.' (tommy, if you really love me, don't peek into my windows
any more. if you want to see me that bad I will let you.
i need a friend, tommy, a real friend. someone I can talk to.
will you be my special friend, tommy, like we used to be?) 'yes.'
[04] I open my robe so tommy can see my breasts. tommy stares at me.
i reach down and pull my panties off. (real friends have no secrests
tommy. you can see me anytime you want. just ask me. no, you are too
shy to ask. I will let you see me whenever we are alone in private.)
'Inez, you are the most beautiful creature in the universe. I will do
anything for you.' (tommy, I like paul. please, don't say anything to
anyone about what we do together. we are good friends, not lovers, ok?)
'ok. may I touch you one of these times?' (maybe.) 'Inez, may I see
your back side please.' I remove the robe and turn around.
'your mother really beat you.' I had forgotten about that.
(tommy, you must forget about that. I deserved it. I lied to her.)
i put my panties and robe on and go inside. mother is waiting again.
'what were you doing outside naked?' I am silent. ' first you lie to me,
then you meet your boyfriend naked! you are a slut. take off your robe.
now your panties. bend over.' slap! slap! the pain is intense.
she is beating me with a leather strap. I cry and beg for relief. slap!
slap. (please don't scar me.) slap! slap! she looks at her work.
'now go to bed and stay there this time.'
[05] I limp up to my room. more giggles. I close the door.
i strip and examine my ass in the mirror. these will probably leave scars.
thru the summer, paul and I date several times. tommy and I become very
close friends again. tommy seems to enjoy my body, and I enjoy showing
myself to him. when I let tommy start to touch me,
i realize that this could get out of hand in a hurry.
i am very careful to never allow tommy to put anything into my pussy.
when things rub me there I go out of control. I am super sensitive.
when I rub myself, I have orgasm quickly and strong, sometimes I shake all
over for several minutes, because of the emotional experience from rubbing
myself several times in a row. noone must learn of this weakness in me.
one night tommy is very excited and he tries to force his finger
into me. that is the night that I start mastrabating tommy.
after I jack him off and he comes into a tissue, he is mello again.
[06] one night when I am in charge of the house, the twins want to have
boyfriends over. I refuse. they tell me that if I don't let them,
they will tell mother about all my late dates with paul after work,
when I told mother that I was working late, about my haveing tommy into
my room several times, with both of us naked, and touching each other.
i am furious, but I do not want any more beatings. (ok. you may have
your friends over.) their friends are mean looking boys. the four of
them lock themselves into the twins bedroom for a very long time.
when I knock on the door I hear giggles. one of the boys asks thru the
door if I want to join the party. (yes.) 'pass in your blouse first.'
i argue but they insist. I remove my blouse and knock again.
kathy answers the door,naked, takes my blouse, and lets me in.
the boys are naked also. (what are you doing? mother will kill me.)
the room smells of alcohol. everyone is high. one of the boys unhooks my
bra and starts to pull it down my arms. I grab my breasts and slap him.
both boys fight me so I knee them each in the balls.
when they are both clutching their balls on the floor, the twins
attack me. 'why won't you let our friends see you, you let your friends.'
i explain that that is different, but they don't agree and I must flee
or get beat up. I grab my blouse and leave. the door slams.
[07] after a time they all come out and come into my room.
(i am sorry if I hurt you, but I do not want to play your games.
please leave now.) each twin grabs one of my arms and holds them while
the boys start to unbutton my blouse. (please let me go. kathy. kristy.)
when the boy is finished with the buttons, he unsnaps my shorts and unzips
them. he reaches up under my blouse and unhooks my bra. he pulls the
bra down my arms. he squeezes my breasts. he pulls my shorts down.
when he tries to pull my panties down, I spread my legs. he fingers my
pussy thru the panties. and then goes in the leg hole. when his finger
goes into my pussy I close my legs. the other boy pulls my panties down.
[o7.5] (if you will let go of me, I will strip for you.)
the twins let go and I take my clothes off.
the boys feel my breasts and pussy. I moan from want and need.
the twins then take the boys back to their room. thank goodnes.
i close the door and finish rubbing myself. I shake all over.
the boy started me down the road of pleasure and I finished it.
i dress and lock my door.
i remember the chores that we were supposed to do.
when I remind the twins, they tell me to do them. I argue and threated.
when the two boys come out naked, I back away. they tell me to do the
chores myself, and go back inside. I do the work that I can before mother
gets home. the work is not finished, so mother asks me which I would
prefer, grounding, no friends, or spanking.
[08] I cannot be grounded, because of my job. I need to talk to tommy.
so I ask for spanking. 'remove your clothes.' I take my shorts and panties
off and turn around. when she sees the welts on my ass, she decides not
to spank me again. 'if you disobey me again, I will punish you that much
harder the next time.' (thank you, mother. I don't try to dissobey you,
but it works out that way sometimes. please forgive me.)
'if you were just more like your sisters.' I put my clothes back on and
finish the chores.
[09] I am happy to see school start. it takes a while to get used to
high school, but I adjust and have a great time. I am a good student.
all my teachers like me. the men teachers stare at me frequently.
i guess I enjoy being stared at. I must, because I wear clothes that
make me look sexy, or maybe I am sexy. the twin's boyfriends are in
school. max is spreading rummors about me being easy.
paul and I date several times. paul also dates max.
he talks about her a lot when we are together.
one night just before we close, max drives into one of my
stalls. she buys a large coffee. when I deliver it, she warns me to stay
away from paul, and then she pours the coffee on my breasts.
i am not burned badly. I don't have a car, so I must walk home from work.
it didn't bother me before, but after max tried to burn me, I worry.
paul drives me home sometimes, but I cannot rely on him.
one day I catch max talking to the twin's boyfriends, sam and arnie.
when I approach, the conversation stops and they look guilty.
what are they planning?
[10] one night tommy calls when I am on my way to work. kathy and kristy
listen as and we arrange to meet in the alley behind tommy's house,
which is on my way home from work. as I enter the alley
two boys step out of the shadows. I recognize sam and arnie, because of
the ring that I see on arnie's finger. they blindfold me first, then
they take my hands and lead me into a back yard where a blanket
is laid out. the boys take my clothes off without saying a word.
when I am naked, they strip too. they start to play with my breasts.
i grab a penis and jack him off. when he is ready he pushes my face
down and forces his penis into my mouth. I suck him till he comes.
while I suck one I jack off the other. when the first is done,
i suck the second till he comes also. they leave and I dress.
the next day I ask the twins
how sam and arnie knew that I would be there. they deny having told
the boys anything. we say cruel things to each other.
[11] when I did meet with tommy, he asked me to join in a strip poker
game being hosted by rita delany. I refuse at first. tommy tells me
that he has already promised that I would come. I agree at last.
on the night of the game, I lose badly. I run around the house naked
many times and have my picture taken in many poses showing everything.
when the game is over, I am forced to walk home nude. when I am close to
home two boys step out of the shaddoes and I am forced to suck each
to orgasm. the blindfold prevents me from seeing his face, but the ring
gives him away. it must be sam and arnie.
when I get home my mother is waiting up for me.
she is livid when she sees me come in naked. I bend over and recieve the
worst beating of my life. her strap lands on my buttocks, back, and legs.
before she is finished, I fall to my knees from pain and exhaustion.
i crawl to the stairs and climb them with difficulty. the twins are
giggling as I pass their room.
paul asks me to the fall formal. I buy myself a gorgeous strapless gown.
paul picks me up in a rented limousine. we are the best looking couple
at the dance. kathy and kristy planted a portable microphone in my purse.
[12] at the dance we have a great time until I go to the powder room.
when I enter the powder room, someone grabs me from behind and forces a
paper bag over my head. they hold my hands while someone unzips my dress.
someone unhooks my bra and removes it. they reach up and pull
off my slips, panties, and stockings also. when they leave, I put my dress
and shoes back on. the dress shows a lot of my breasts without the bra.
the dress does not stay up either. I have to keep pulling it up.
during the rest of the night, I fight to keep the dress up. I dance with
a lot of boys, and they all get their eyes full. paul seems to enjoy it
so I don't leave. when we leave the dance, paul parks on a lonely street
and makes advances. we kiss and paul puts his hand in my dress.
i push him away, but he insists. I like his hands on my breasts so I let
him. paul unzips my dress and enjoys my generous mounds. he kisses them
and gently sucks each tip. when paul puts his hand on my leg and feels
his way up to my panties, I ask him to stop. 'i thought you liked me.'
when I think of what sam, arnie, and tommy have done, I cannot deny paul
at least as much. eventually I strip and suck paul to climax.
[13] when paul insists on intercourse, we have a fight. I explain that
i want to save that for my wedding night. paul laughs. I dress and get
out of the car. paul is mad and lets me walk home.
i call tommy and ask him to come and pick me up. while I wait for tommy,
the boys show up. after they blindfold me, they force me into their car
and while we drive they take my clothes off.
(please take me home.) they park and I am
forced to kiss #one while #two takes liberties with my breasts.
then #two kisses me while #one sucks my nipples.
when #one starts to finger my pussy, I quickly kneel and suck him to climax.
i cannot let them finger me or I will melt into a groveling jellyfish.
finally, I suck #two to climax, and
beg them to take me home. #one is aroused again and starts to finger my
pussy, I beg him not to rape me. he fingers me until I am wet, moaning,
and starting to move with his rhythm. I reach up and really kiss him.
(please, I am a virgin. I beg you to take me home.) #one forces me to
suck him to climax one more time. as they drive me home
i suck #two again. we drive up in front of my house, but I am not allowed
to dress. noone is home, because mother is out of town and the twins are
staying with a friend. they let me off and drive away.
i do not notice the motion at the twins window.
i remove the blindfold and let myself in.
i undress and get ready for bed. what a night. I brush my teeth and hair.
after I finally climb into bed someone joins me.
[13.5] I recognize sam from the ring on his finger. (how did you get
in here?) 'nevermind. you came home naked as a jay bird. I figured you
would want company tonight.' (you figured wrong.) before I can protest
further, he kisses me. the kiss is warm and tender. I am lonely after
paul dumped me tonight. I guess that explains why I did not throw him out.
sam fondles my naked breasts and the kiss grows. when sam touches my pussy
i beg him to stop. (i am a virgin, sam, like I told you earlier, I want
to be a virgin on my wedding night.) sam is beyond careing. he seems to
be wild with desire. he fingers me thru the material until I moan and help
him pull the panties off. I am wild. I pull his finger into me and use
his finger to rub myself. when sam can take it no longer, he forces his
large penis into me. it doesn't go in very far. (please stop.)
sam pushes harder and there is a very painful tearing inside of me.
i scream, in terrible pain.
after sam comes in me, he seems disgusted with himself.
please forgive me, I didn't think you really were a virgin.
i turn away and he leaves me.
[13.6] I cannot sleep and take a walk to help me sleep. tommy's light is
on so I signal him and he comes out. we talk. I tell him everything that
has happened to me. I undress for him, but ask him not to touch me
tonight. when I walk home the boys intercept me and drive me home.
i notice the ring before the blindfold goes on. the boys always wear masks
until I am blindfolded. the boys take me to my home and up to my room.
they take their clothes and my clothes off, and pull the bed open.
[14] I can hear someone in the hallway. they indicate the bed.
i kneel in front of #one and beg him not to rape me again.
#one lifts me and puts me in bed. I fight with him in bed until #two
helps him. when #one finally penetrates me I feel pain in my pussy.
i moan. #one pumps me for a long painful time.
#two rapes me next. I lay limp for him. they leave and I go into the
bathroom and vomit. kathy and kristy come in. 'were you really a virgin?'
(yes.) 'you're not anymore.' they giggle and go back to their room.
i dress and call tommy.
i explain to tommy what happened, including being raped.
paul drives up in front and I walk out to him. (do you still want me?)
paul drives me to a deserted spot and makes love to me.
when paul is finished, I explain about being raped. (i am no longer a
virgin so why wait. you can have me whenever you want me. I am soiled
goods now.) paul tells me he loves me and wants me to marry him.
(i am only fourteen.) 'i will wait for you to graduate.'
we make love again and then he takes me home. I clean up and go to bed.
[15] just as I get in bed, sam climbs into my bed naked. I resist him
but not hard. sam is gentle this time. he is slow and makes it special.
when he fingers my clitoris, I show him how to make me moan. he fingers
me and I moan several times as he brings me to a new high. I have an
orgasm that would blow the ceiling off. after I cool for a minute sam
starts again and this time, when I am almost ready, he puts his penis
into me and we share a new high together. this is a new side of sam.
i could very easily love this man. finally I sleep.
when I open my eyes in the morning, I am looking at sams blue eyes.
he kisses me and sucks my breasts. finally he fingers me and sucks my
clitoris until I am crazy with want. sam mounts me from behind and
fingers my clitoris while fucking me. I come with him as he pumps me
full of come. sam cleans up and leaves.
[15.5] tommy drops by and I tell him everything. I take tommy up to
my room for his usual 'look and touch'. when I am naked and he is sucking
me his finger enters my pussy. I try to resist, but tommy knows that i
am not a virgin and his finger is driving me crazy. I let tommy fuck me.
kathy and kristy walk in
while tommy is riding me. they excuse themselves and leave.
tommy rides me several times while we have one of our long talks.
tommy asks me to go to another strip poker game with him.
i don't want to go, but I agree to make him happy. tommy leaves in time
for me to change my sheets. after mother gets home, two packages arive.
one contains my dress and shoes, the other my bra, slip, and panties.
the notes tell mother to ask me what I did after the dance.
[16] I have no defense. mother has me strip, and beats me. when I can
no longer stand, I kneel and then fall to my hands and knees.
i crawl to her foot and grab her leg while she beats me. I black out.
when I wake up. my mother is standing over me frightened. 'i thought
i had killed you. maybe that would be a good thing. look at the
example you are setting for the twins.' (mama am I really a bad person.)
'you are a spoiled brat. can't I leave you in charge for one night?'
i stand up slowly and take my clothes upstairs. the mirror shows my wounds.
no more bathing suits for me. the scars will probably be permanent.
[17] tommy picks me up and takes me to carl's poker party. there are only
two couples. tommy, me, carl and tonie. tonie is older than me, but not
as good looking. her breasts are not as large either. as play progresses
i catch carl staring at me. I am a poor player and soon I am down to
panties and bra. when I lose my bra, I am asked to climb onto the table
and crawl around for each player to see me. when I lose my panties,
i must spread my pussy for all to see and squat in front of each player.
after that, I kiss the winner, allow him or her to fondle my privates,
suck the winner's penis. or whatever. finally I sign chits.
when play is over, I am the only naked one, and I have signed chits for
everyone. (what do I do now?) carl takes me downstairs and puts me on the
rack. htb. htb. htb. I am in pain as my legs are forced back past my head.
the three fondle my open pussy. htb. htb. htb. I cry out. I wasn't going
to cry, but the pain is severe now. they fondle me again. their hands
and fingers are right in front of my face. they fondle my pussy and then
fondle my face and lips. carl asks me to open my mouth, and he fondles
my tongue, lips and cheeks.
[18] htb. htb. carl asks me to kiss myself. I am very uncomfortable, but
when carl parts my pussy hair, I kiss myself and suck myself. I experience
a rare feeling. I am exciting myself without my fingers. I am allowed to
suck until I come. I am excited and in truth, enjoying myself.
everyone is paying attention to me. they are all feeling my pussy even as
i suck myself. carl bends down and sucks my pussy with me. we kiss and
suck and even do both at once. htb. htb. I scream. I kiss my asshole and
suck it for them. finally the pressure is lowered and it feels good.
i am asked to kiss myself again which I don't mind. I suck my own clitoris
while kissing carl or tommy, or tonie. I come several times. they seem to
enjoy my pussy, and I enjoy having them see and touch me.
i am dissapointed when they free me. I am next put on a machine with
projections inserted into my pussy and asshole. a breast plate is put
over my chest. when it is turned on, I feel motion in my pussy,
not really painful. the rubbing of my breasts excites me further.
after a short time, I come from the rubbing. when I am breathing hard,
carl walks over and kisses me. I kiss hard, because of my need.
[19] again, I am dissapointed when they turn it off. the last machine
has tubes of all kinds. carl inserts two tubes into my pussy, and
one into my asshole. there is some pain and discomfort.
i take a large metalic thing into my mouth. it is straped onto my head.
carl starts the machine. wow. fluids are pumped everwhere.
i need to urinate, and then I don't. I need to shit and then I don't
a tube slides down my throat, I gag for a moment. then my stomach swells
up and contracts. the overall effect is rather pleasant. very strange,
but kind of pleasant. I later learn that all of the machines were set for
minimum discomfort. when I am released, I still owe them all many chits.
we go into the family room and I am asked to make love with each, while
the others watch. I blush, but I don't really mind. this night is special
for me anyway. I start with carl. we kiss and I undress him.
i mastrabate him until he is ready. I suck him to climax, and then suck
more until he is ready again. I sit on his lap and guide his penis into
me. I move on him until he comes in me, then I move on to tommy, and
repeat the action. when I come to tonie, I hesitate, but her smile and
open arms invite me in. we kiss and I undress her. she has marvelous
breasts. I kiss them and suck the nipples to hardness.
[20] I insert my finger into her cunt and work on her clitoris.
i know what feels good. finally I pull her forward on the couch and
kneel in front of her. she opens her legs and allows my mouth to enter
her. I kiss her clitoris and then suck it till she moans and finally
screams her orgasm. I continue until she is relaxed. I work on each again
and again, until I am exhausted. finally, carl pulls me to my feet and
gives me a big kiss. 'you are beautiful, thank you for coming. please
let me call you again.' I give carl my phone number. carl puts one
hundred dollars into my purse and thanks me again.
tommy takes me home. I feel very good.
[21] paul dates me frequently. he expects to get laid each time.
i comply. I feel that I am growing away from him. he is just like sam
and arnie in my mind. no feeling, just drop your pants.
tommy calls and asks me to meet him. when I am standing in the alley
behind tommy's house the boys come. each take a hand and they walk
me into the bushes along the alley. when they have me nude, I am surprised
that they don't rape me. #one adjusts my blindfold and ties my hands
behind me. (this isn't necessary.) my panties are shoved into my mouth
and my blouse is tied around my head to hold the panties in.
i hear someone approaching. slap! slap! my face is slapped hard.
i can feel the tears forming. something hits my stomach and I double up
in pain. the boys hold me up. I feel hands grip my breasts cruely.
they twist them and pull them. the hands release my breasts and then
slap them repeatedly. something hits my stomach again. I have trouble
getting my breath. hands grab my ears and shake my head hard.
they grab my nose and squeeze, then shake my head. I feel something going
into my nose holes then forced upward till my head whips back.
something goes into my ear and someone blows into it causing pain.
[22] they grab my pubic hair and pull up cruely. finally they grab hair on
each side of my pussy and pull them appart. they increase the pressure
till I think that I will split. 'don't accept another date
with paul or I will make you fist fuck yourself'. they poke my
stomach one last time and kick both knees.
the boys let me fall into a heap, and then they all leave.
when I can get up, I cannot find my clothes. I put on my blouse and
panties and go home. I forgot about tommy completely.
when I get home, mother is waiting. 'where are your clothes?'
i am silent. I receive a severe beating. when she is finished, I go
to the bathroom and throw up. kathy and kristy ask me if I had
a good time, then giggle. when I finally climb into bed, sam is there.
i am too weak to argue. I let him rape me. when he is finished, he sucks
my pussy clean.
[23] when tommy and I finally get together, I tell him all,
then we make love. the lovemaking is a habit now. when paul calls, I tell
him no, but he insists, because it is his birthday. I decide that I will
break off with him when on this next date. I don't, because it is his
birthday and he is very happy. we make love several times before the night
is thru. I notice that max sees us when we are driving around.
i check my bed before I undress. after I am in bed, the boys
sneek into my room and grab my mouth. they tie my hands behind me and gag
me. they pull my panties off and force me to leave the house with them.
i wish they wouldn't blindfold me. we drive a short time and then stop.
i am forced to walk what seems a long distance. at last they release me.
[24] slap! slap! 'that's just to get your attention, bitch.'
my cheeks sting. 'you refuse to listen to me. ok.
you will have to pay the consequences.
we are going to free you. you will then push your hand into your cunt.
if you fail, these gentlemen will do it for you.' I try to talk, but
the gag won't let me. I am untied. I try to release the gag and get a
hard poke to the stomach for my trouble. I don't think that I can do it.
i pull my thumb in and try to insert my hand into myself. I work it in
slowly, but I cannot make it go in. just when I give up, rough hands
grab my wrist and force my hand into myself. I scream. noone hears.
i cry. noone sees the tears. 'stick the middle finger of your other
hand into your asshole.' I can do that. someone takes the gag off.
(thank you. I was going to break up with paul, but it was his birthday.
i will never see him again.) there is a long pause.
'i have a better idea. continue to date paul all you want.
he is an asshole anyway.' I burst into tears. (w-why.)
'what I want now is to get even with that son-of-a-bitch, and you are
going to help me. I will tell you how thru the boys. take good care
of the boys for me. I hear you are good in bed. cooperate with me
and you might even keep your good looks. what are these marks on your
ass and back?' (my mother beats me.)
[25] 'here is the plan. Inez, pull the finger out of your ass, and suck
on it. walk home with your fist in your cunt. do not take it out till
you are in your bed. I know your mother is out of town. I will know if
you pull it out before then.. do you agree.' (yes.) my finger tastes
terrible. I waddle home naked with my hand in my pussy. I don't know if
anyone saw me or not. they must have. my large breasts swing back and
forth. finally I arrive. I am locked out. several cars are parked
perpendicularly against the curb in front of our house, and their lights
all come on at once. I am in the spotlight. I bang on the door.
(please let me in.) 'what will you give me if I do.' (name your price.)
'you will do our chores for a month. you will give me fifty dollars,
and you will give the four of us a private showing that I will describe
later.' (i agree.) by the time the door is opened, there is a large
crowd in front of our house. I waddle in and close the door.
(thank you.) 'what are you doing?' (i must leave it in till I am in bed.)
kathy blocks the stairs. 'tell me about it.' (please let me go up to
my bed, then I will tell you all about it.) 'it will be a much better
story if you tell us now.'
[26] I tell the twins the entire story. when I look at the couch i
notice that sam and arnie are here. (kathy, this hurts, please let me go
up) kathy moves, but sam stops me. 'show the girls the finger in the ass
trick.' I stick my finger into my asshole. 'now suck.' I suck on it.
'yech. go wash yourself.' I start toward the stairs and kathy trips me.
without my hand I fall hard. I lay there and cry. the cry turns into
an uncontrollable sob. the four leave and I climb up the stairs.
i lay down in my bed and try to pull my hand out. it will not come.
it has swollen, because of the pressure. I pull hard for a very long time.
finally, it comes out. my pussy is extreemly sore. I clean myself up
and go to bed. the next day I pay kathy the fifty dollars and after work
i spend six hours doing chores. when mother returns she asks if anything
unusual happened and I tell her no. the next day I do chores all morning.
mother asks me why I am doing all the chores, and I tell her
that I pay my debts. in the afternoon just before I plan to go out,
mother gets a phone call. when she hangs up she calls me into her bedroom.
[27] 'suppose you had a daughter that lied to you all the time, what would
you do.' fear grips my heart. 'answer me!' (i would love her enough to
help her solve her problems.) 'do you think that I love you?' (yes.)
'enough to help you solve your problems?' (no.) 'you ungratefull bitch.'
she slaps me hard several times. the last time knocks me to the floor.
i can taste the blood. 'that was our neighboor on the phone.
it seems there was something unusual last night. we had a crowd in our
front yard to see a show on the front porch.
do you know what the show was?' (yes.) 'take your clothes off.'
(please ,mother don't scar me.) I strip and bend over for her.
'did you really have you hand inside your pussy?' (yes.) 'show me.'
(please ,mother I didn't do it to myself.) 'a boy helped you?'
(yes, two boys.) 'who are they?' silence. 'tell me who they are or
else shove your hand into yourself.' my hand is not swollen so i
push it into my pussy. after a long time and much pushing my hand is again
inside my cunt. 'comfy now?' she beats me with her strap.
this time, when I am lying exhausted on the floor, I see my blood on the
strap. mother strikes again so I assume the fetal position.
kathy and kristy walk in or she may have killed me. I pass out.
[28] when I come to mother has thrown water on me. she forces me out
of her room. I stagger down the hall to the bathroom. I kneel at the
bowl and throw up. kathy and kristy find me there. 'enjoying yourself?'
my hand is still in my pussy. I don't have the strength to pull it out.
(please help me pull it out.) the twins both grab hold and yank my hand
out. I moan from the additional pain. (thank you.) 'what about our
chores?' (i will do them, as soon as I can.) 'what about the private
showing?' (do you want it now?) 'no. not until saturday nite at eight.'
(i will be here. no matter what happens, thank you for letting me in.
i was naked and they were all looking at me. I felt so vulnerable.)
i clean up and go to bed. the next days are uneventfull. max leaves me
alone, neither tommy nor paul have called. I recover my strength.
i spend every available hour doing the chores for the twins. I want them
to love me. no, I need them to love me. I must have hurt them
sometime in the past. I will ask them when we are alone.
on saturday, mother leaves the twins in charge. I am told to mind them
i tell mother that I plan to spend all weekend recoperating and doing
the chores.
[29] at eight o'clock sam and arnie show up.
they go into the twins room and plan their night.
i scrub the bathroom until they call my down.
kathy is the spokes person. 'do you remember the night that you promised
to give us a private showing.' (yes, and I intend to make
good on my word.) 'good, then we have no missunderstandings.
we want a special showing, not the normal strip tease stuff, ok.'
(i will do my best to please you.) they have me strip slowly.
they have me squeeze my breasts and harden the nipples.
they have me walk around and then jump up and down so that they
can watch my breasts bounce and swing.
they have me bend over and place my hands on either side of each of them
so that they can watch my breasts swing. each is allowed to squeeze
me and make my breasts swing. each is allowed to examine my breasts
in minutest detail. even using a magnifying glass.
[29.1] I stand in front of each, put a foot on the couch behind them
and open my pussy with my hands so that they can see inside of me.
i pull my pussy open as far as I can.
they ask, and I show them my clitoris.
each is allowed to touch me anywhere, anytime. they all feel my clitoris.
and watch my face. I start breathing hard licking my lips, because
my clitoris is very sensitive. and I respond quickly.
[30] sam plays with it for a long long time. I am crazy with want when
he notices my wetness and inserts his finger into me.
finally sam releases me. next I sit and spread my legs up and back,
so that I am looking at my own pussy with my legs high in the air.
each feels my pussy and inserts fingers into me. sam strokes my clitoris
again until I moan. 'do you like that?' (oh, yes.) would you like me to
fuck you? (please, I will make it good for you.) 'maybe later.'
arnie continues the pressure on my clitoris. I am crazy with need.
i squeeze my breasts and rub my nipples. when arnie is done, I kneel
in front of sam. (please fuck me. I need you.) 'not yet.'
i crawl over to arnie. (please arnie, I need it now. I ache for it.)
arnie looks at sam and shakes his head. I start to rub myself, but
kathy says no. (please kathy let me do myself, you can all watch.)
kathy looks at sam and they nod. I finger myself until I come.
they watch me closely. I moan when I come. sam kisses me while I come.
i open wide then suck his tongue with vigor. at length I am spent.
(thank you, I needed that.) when I look at arnie I see that he is
filming my show on video tape.
[31] sam and arnie take turns on the camera. they have me strip them
and jack them off until they each come. when they come, they have me
kneel down and lick the come off my hands and their cocks. when they are
ready, they have me suck them to climax. when I am sucking sam, he has me
kneel over his face while he lays under me. he fingers my clitoris and
sucks it. I go wild quickly. I suck him hard and go up and down fast,
because of my need. sam sucks me hard and much tongue action causes me to
shake and come. just as I come, sam shoots my mouth full or come.
i suck him clean gratefully. when the boys are satisfied, kathy and kristy
want some action. I slowly undress each of my sisters.
they are beautiful. identical twins. all four breasts are identical.
i am awkward because I don't know what to do. (may I love you.)
'sure, we do each other all the time.' I put my face close to kathy's
(may I kiss you.) 'yes.' I kiss her cheek, then her chin, and finally
a hen peck on her mouth. kathy knows how to fire me up so she puts
her finger into my pussy and rubs my clitoris. very soon I am breathing
hard and licking my lips.
[32] I open my mouth and kiss kathy with a pashion. I suck her tongue
and when she pushes me down I kiss her throat and breasts. I suck softly
at first, but kathy's finger drives me wild. I suck hard and wildly.
kathy pushes me down farther and I open her pussy with my fingers.
i kiss her and suck her pussy while she fingers my clitoris.
kathy stops fingering me. (please don't stop.) 'more later.' I continue
to suck her until she comes. no scream. no moan. (did you like it?)
'it was ok.' I approach kristy. (may I kiss you.) 'a little.'
i kiss her with feeling. she pushes me down to her breasts. I suck them
gently. she pushes me down to her pussy. I open her, kiss her, and suck
her to orgasm. again no show of emotion. (don't you feel anything?)
'sure, but it isn't a big deal.'
[33] kathy tells me it is time for the big finalley. 'Inez will lie
down on her back. I will be on my hands and knees over your face.
sam will fuck me, and you will assist with your tongue,
licking and sucking. when we are in position. they ask me to get kathy
ready and make sam hard. I suck kathy's clitoris while I jack off sam.
soon sam is ready, and I guess kathy is as ready as she gets.
i hold kathy open and guide sam into her. sam starts slow and allows me
to suck him and lick her between strokes. as the motion increases,
i watch close hand while he slides in and out of her.
when he is pumping her, I take his penis into my mouth and increase his
pleasure. I hold kathy open kathy with my fingers. I stroke kathy's
clitoris while sam pumps her. I can hear kathy moan, I suck sams penis,
finger kathy's clitoris, and squeeze sams balls all at once. sam comes
into her and I hear kathy scream. I continue my actions till they are
spent. sam withdraws. I suck and pump him clean. then I suck kathy
clean and suck her clitoris for a long time. she seems to enjoy it.
'is that what they call orgasm.' (yes. you were wonderful.)
[34] kristy wants to try with arnie. from the look on kristy's
face I don't think that kristy will me successfull. she will try too
hard and spoil it. I take kristy aside and talk with her.
(kristy, I need your help. I made it good for kathy, but I am afraid
that I may fail with you, and that would hurt me very much.)
'how can I help.' (if I start to fail you, or if you want me to do
anything, please let me know. kristy, I mean anything.
kristy, I love you.) I said it. I didn't think about it, I just said it.
it is true, however. I do love these beautiful girls. if that makes me
a pervert, so be it. I spend a long time getting kristy ready.
i am carefull to avoid pain. lots of kisses and gentle sucks.
when kristy is moist, I make arnie hard and lie down. I guide arnie
into kristy and when he is slideing in and out, I open kristy with
my fingers. I suck her clitoris gently and then with feeling.
my tongue goes in and out of kristy with arnie's penis.
kristy is starting to respond, I can feel it. I reach down and stroke
kristy's breasts.
[35] when I feel kristy start to come, I suck her clitoris harder and
faster, I reach up and squeeze arnies balls causing him to go faster,
and I squeeze kristy's breasts harder. she is slow to come, but when she
does she explodes. kristy moans, and then screams her orgasm. she shakes
violently for a considerable time. arnie comes in her pussy
and I taste him. kristy feels arnies come and lets it all hang out.
kristy is crying uncontrollably, but she she does not stop. it takes a long
time to bring kristy down. finally kristy stops moving and lets arnie
withdraw. I suck his limp penis and pump the last of his come into my
mouth. then I turn kristy over and suck her pussy while she rests.
i lick and suck her pussy clean and then linger on her clitoris,
gently licking and sucking. finally kristy sits up, looks me in the eye
and tells me that she is not dissapointed.
[36] everyone seems happy. (have I completed my end of the bargin?)?
'almost, I would like you to do some more things to prove that you love us.'
(i will do them.) kathy winks at sam. they lead me up to our bathroom.
they have me kneel by the toilet. 'arnie, you go first.' arnie puts his
penis in my mouth and tells me to drink all of it. with me watching, it
takes arnie a long time to go. finally he starts and I have trouble
swallowing fast enough. the warm urine goes down easyer than I would have
thought. when arnie is finished, I suck him until the last drop is gone.
arnie then gets the camera and films the rest.
kathy has me bend over the toilet, and then she forces her finger down my
throat. I throw up the urine and everything else. when I am done,
i feel like hell. 'sam.' sam faces me. sam's penis grows under my gaze.
if I weren't so sick I would enjoy it. I open and accept sam's penis.
sam uninates into my mouth. I swallow as fast as I can. my stomach
rebells and I cough once sending urine into my nose. sam stops while i
control my cough. I swallow and open up for him. sam gives me rest of
his bladder, and I suck him dry. kathy uses her finger again.
[37] my stomach aches when I finish vomiting. I cry from the discomfort
and pain. I am nausious. for kristy I want to be good. when I am ready
i reach over and open her pussy gently. kristy lifts a leg to give me
access. I put my mouth inside of her and signal that I am ready.
the urine comes faster than the boys. I drink as fast as I can and suck
afterwards. finally I suck her clitoris and kiss it. kathy puts her
finger in my throat and my system convulses. when I settle down, I am
shaking from sickness. I take several minutes to calm down.
(please forgive me, my stomach is nervous today. I do want this to be
good for all of you.) kathy faces me and I open her with my fingers.
when I am ready she lets me have it. kathy's comes fastest of all.
fortunately, my mouth closes off her pussy so that the urine cannot
go around it. kathy also has the greatest volume. I am ready to burst
when she finishes. nevertheless I suck her dry and lick her clitoris.
i give her a pashionate kiss on the clitoris before leaving her cunt.
i brace myself as kathy opens my mouth and sticks her finger in.
my system has reached it's limit. when I vomit, I am shaking so badly
that I must lie on the floor. the last thing that I see before I pass
out is arnie taking my pictures.
[38] I am in my bed, when I wake up. still naked. I get up, and when
the dizziness passes, I go downstairs. 'Inez, we thought that you would
sleep all day.' (am I finished?) 'no, there are a couple more things
that I would like to do. I made a list, and we are only down to here.'
kathy points to a paper. it looks like we are only a third of the way
done. (i will do anything, just tell me what you want.) you are too weak
now. we will continue another day. (may I read the list please.)
kathy hands me the list and watches me pale as I read it. I hand the list
back to her. (you are right, I am too weak to do some of those.)
we make an appointment for the next time mother is out of town.
the twins leave with sam and arnie to go to a movie. I dress and lay down.
[39] when I wake up, someone is putting a blindfold on me.
i struggle, but I am weak. rough hands pull all of my clothes off.
i am gaged and hands tied behind me. I hear talking.
at last someone pulls me to my feet. something pinches my breast.
it is painful. it feels like a giant clothes pin. someone pulls on the
clothes pin or attaches a weight to it. the other breast gets the same
treatment. now it really aches. my feet are kicked appart and clothes
pins are attached to each side of my pussy. the pin is clamped with
half the clamp inside my pussy and half outside, pinching the lip between
them. clamps are attached to my nose and each ear. finally someone
reaches into my mouth and pulls my tongue out. someone else attaches
clamps to each side and the end. click. photographs are taken.
i am told to stand very still. after fifteen minutes, I cannot stand the
pain. I push the clamps off my tongue. the clamps snap shut causing
great pain when they are pulled off. I rub against the wall and force
the clamps off my breasts. I get the clamps off my face using the wall.
i cannot get the clamps off my pussy lips. I walk into the bathroom
and lodge each between the toilet seat and toilet. I slowly pull the
clamps off. the pain is intense. finally I am free of them.
[40] they evidently went away and left me to fend for myself.
after a long struggle, I free my hands and remove the blindfold.
they were giant clothespins. how could such an inocent device cause
so much pain? on the day of mother's trip, I am ready. I feel that
i am making progress with the twins. I can make them love me.
for some reason, I want sam to love me too.
i shower and put on clean clothes. when sam and arnie arrive, I kiss them
both hello. they decide to start with an easy one. I am asked to strip
and lay on the kitchen table. each of the four come in alone and examine
me. they ask me to open my mouth, open my pussy, lay on my side, spread my
legs, spread my cheeks, get on my hands and knees and swing my breasts,
arnie likes to play with my tongue and mouth. he feels around inside
my mouth. fondles my tongue and cheeks. kathy spends a lot of time
examining my hair and pubic hair. kristy examines my arm pits for a long
time. all of them have me lay on my back, spread my legs and pull them
up as far as I can. I cannot go as far as carl's rack, but I give them
a great view. they have me hold myself open while they explore.
they are gentle when they insert their fingers. sam kisses my clitoris.
[41] just that causes me to breath heavy and moisten my cunt.
sam fingers my clitoris, and I cannot control myself. (sam, please
take me.) sam fondles me a little more, until I am crazy, moaning and
thrashing on the table, then he strips and enters me. afterward everything
is ok again. the next item on their list is an unpleasant one for me.
they watch carefully as I push my hand into my pussy. it takes me several
tries. they have me stand on the kitchen table so that they can have the
best view. I struggle, but eventually I get it in. they ask me to find
my womb. I feel around painfully. finally I think I find it.
'can you put your finger into it?' it takes me a long time to find the
opening and then insert my finger. (yes.) 'can you find the hole where
the urine comes out?' I feel around. (i am not sure, I need to pee to
be sure.) they help me climb down, I waddle into the bathroom and
stand in the shower. I urinate a little bit at a time until I find the
hole. (i found it.) 'can you find your ovaries or the tubes?'
i feel around and insert my hand as far as I can. (i am not sure. I found
something.) I waddle back into the kitchen and sam helps me onto
the table. they encourage me to explore and report all my findings.
[42] I feel every square inch and report all my thoughts and feelings.
some places hurt, others feel good. when I am allowed to withdraw my
hand, sam sucks my fingers one at a time. this excites me for some reason.
i take it as an expression of love. back on the table I am asked to
mastrabate myself several times. I must come each time and tell my feelings
as I go. (i love you all, so I will do this. I am very sensitive.
when my love seat gets brushed or rubbed in any way, I get excited.
i can make myself come while waiting in the lunch line. I have done it.
all I have to do is rub myself.) I stand on the table, spread my legs,
and open myself with one hand while the other rubs my clitoris.
i talk as long as I can explaining how I feel, how I enjoy these special
four watching me, how good the rubbing feels, how my mouth goes dry,
my legs start to shake, how I hold back as long as I can, and finally
fireworks. I stop talking and moan. finally I scream my orgasm for all
to hear. when I get control I notice that arnie has recorded my entire
demonstration on video tape. sam tells me that I will enjoy watching
the tape later. they have me repeat my show in different positions.
[43] on hands and knees, with one leg raised way up, etc. sam wants to
do it for me. I enjoy it and tell everyone so. sam does it several times
in many positions. I am wild. I beg sam to take me. the other three
agree so sam strips and fucks me on the table. I cannot wait, I pull sam
into me as soon as he is hard. sam pumps me till I scream. while I scream
sam pumps me full of come. afterward I lay quietly on the table.
they ask for and get my truest feelings. arnie records it all.
it is enough for one day, so they ask for one more item on the list.
'Inez, you must remain completely naked for the rest of the day.'
(what if someone comes?) 'no exceptions.' (ok. have a good time.).
the four go for a picnic and later a movie. I spend the day doing
as many chores as I can. tommy comes over. I let him in.
tommy wants to fuck. for some reason I don't want to. I see a side of
tommy that I didn't know about. tommy forces me to comply. I guess he
raped me. when he starts on me, I warm up and come with him.
PART 2/6
[44] paul comes over and demands more explaination than tommy.
i guess paul raped me too, because I didn't want to.
i even resisted. maybe it is simply because I am naked.
maxine and three boys come calling.
i open the door a crack and tell them to go away. I don't feel well.
maxine pushes the door open and they walk in. we talk while they stare at
me. soon the boys circle me and make advances. I beg them to leave.
the boys literally rape me several times. two hold me while the third
rapes me. they are rough with me. they squeeze my breasts till I cry.
while they rape me maxine searches my home. when the boys are thru
with me they hit me several times just to watch me bounce. they shake me
violently to see my breasts shake and bounce. when maxine is finished
she pauses at the door. I see that she has the video tape and most of
my best clothes. 'if you tell anyone about this, we will hurt you.'
when the four return I am still crying. I am forced to tell them
what happened. (please don't tell maxine. she hurts me. I cannot take
a lot of pain.) I burst into tears again. when I turn into the wall,
they all notice the welts on my back from mothers strap.
[45] when mother returns, I have the house spotless.
mother praises the twins.
'Inez did all the work.' 'possibly, but you were in charge.'
i give up. I cannot please this woman. that night after a phone call to
mother. she calls me into her bedroom. I see the strap lying on the bed.
i am paralyzed with fear. what did I do? Inez, I just got another call
from our neighbor. she says that you were naked all day saturday, and
that you had several boyfriends over. yes or no!' (yes.)
'why are you persecuting me? you will obey me if I have to kill you with
this strap. why were you naked? why?' (please don't hit me mother.
i cannot take this much pain, I will die.) 'take your clothes off now.'
i hesitate. she notices the twins watching and locks the door.
she comes to me and undresses me while I cry. when she unhooks my bra
i protest. she slaps my face hard. when I am naked, she takes the strap
and stands ready. I assume the position. one arm across my breasts and
the other one over my face. the beating starts. I feel the first ones.
the beating saps my strength. after a time, I fall to my knees.
eventually I fall on my face and lie there. somehow I think I hear
horses running. no it is someone pounding on the door.
[46] the twins pull me to my feet and take me to the bathroom. I cannot
walk so they drag me. they wash me and put me to bed. during the night
i have a dream. many hands are on me and someone photographs me front
and back. I am raped several times. in my dream I have many many
visiors. sam, paul, maxine, the three rapists, tommy, even the twins.
i tell the twins that I love them. I see tears in their eyes.
when I wake in the morning, I ache from head to toe. I notice my sheet is
covered with come. it wasn't a dream. I find out that mother left and
didn't come home last night. I guess the door wasn't locked either.
my back sticks to the sheets. when I pull it away the pain is intense.
tears run down my face just from the pain of it. I cannot stand up.
sam walks over and helps me up. it seems natural that he would be there.
he helps me to the bathroom and has to hold me up while I go. he has me
sit on the toilet while he bandages my wounds. 'you are coming to the
doctor with me now. several of these should have stitches.' I resist, but
sam is too strong. I tell the doctor at the emergency room that I was
raped. when he is thru, he has to call the police. I won't talk to the
police. sam tells them that I was raped, but I will not say who.
[47] neither of us have any id and we do not tell them who we are.
eventually they let us go. (thank you, sam. I love you.) he looks at
me the strangest way, then he smiles and kisses me. I am happy except for
the pain. paul calls me later that day. I tell him, no, we are finished.
two weeks later when I am home alone, paul comes over.
paul brings two friends. they eye me up and down. I invite them in.
paul says that he has a tape he wants me to see. he puts it in the
video machine and we watch my performance that arnie recorded.
paul holds me down in my chair when I try to rise.
i watch my naked body perform for my friends, doing things that noone
else was supposed to see. paul kisses me, but I do not respond.
paul has seen the film so he knows what to do. he fondles my thru
my shorts. I mustn't respond. I cannot help myself. my pussy gets
wet. next time paul kisses me I open and suck with him. I open my shorts
so he can finger me better. pauls friends pull the shorts off.
[48] paul's friends remove my tshirt and bra. the friends fondle and
squeeze my breasts. I cannot stand it, I pull my panties off and
force pauls finger into me. he goes slowly, driving me wild.
(please, paul I am ready now.) 'beg for it.' I kneel in front of paul
and beg him to take me. 'what about my friends?' (ok, them too)
'make me ready.' I take pauls clothes off. fumbling in my speed.
paul is fingering me again. I spread my legs wide and move myself with
his finger. pauls friend get a good show as my breasts bounce and swing.
i stroke paul's penis till it is hard. paul fingers me till I moan.
'suck me.' I kneel and take paul's penis into my mouth and suck him.
when I try to rise, he pulls me into him farther.
he grabs my hair and forces me to mastrabate him with my mouth.
paul comes in my mouth. I suck him and suck him, but his penis is limp.
paul points to his friends.
i strip the two friends and mastrabate them till they are hard.
paul fingers me again till I moan. I stand on tip toe trying to get
the friend's penis into me, but I cannot get high enough.
[49] the friend pushes me down and puts his penis into my mouth.
again he comes in my mouth. the third boy does the same thing.
when I start to work on myself, paul takes my hands and puts them on his
penis. I work on him till he is hard. paul strokes me again till i
am moving with his rhythm. I push his finger harder into me and moan my
excitment. paul stops and makes me suck him again. this continues for an
eternity, I suck each boy five times. I have more come in my stomach
than they do in their balls. finally I beg paul to let me come.
paul lets me bring myself to the brink, then he inserts his penis into me
and the three gangbang me. I come several times. screaming my release.
when they are thru with me, I beg paul not to see me again.
(paul I cannot stop you, you know that. I beg you to leave me alone.
please, paul.)
[50] weeks pass. paul stays away. tommy doesn't call. maxine leaves
me alone. I do all the chores every day. the twins talk to me now.
mother leaves me alone. I am working more and saveing money. my grades
in school are the tops. most important, sam has a date with me.
when sam asked me, I talked with kathy about it. kathy says its ok.
'after what we have been thru together, what could you do on a date
that I haven't seen you do?' I am like a girl on her first date.
i buy a new dress, new shoes, new underware, even new toilet articles.
i do my hair in a new way. I am ready for my date two hours early.
sam arrives early too. I have the best day of my life. I think it started
many days ago, but for sure, I am in love with this man. I am no good at
secrets. (sam I love you. it isn't a sudden thing. it has grown for many
weeks. I want to be your woman. I want to cook for you and have your
babies. you don't have to marry me. I am a weak person. anyone can have
me if they rub me in the right place. please let me keep my dream.)
'Inez, I believe in marriage. I am in school and cannot get married now
because I want to support my wife properly. I want the big house with
dozens of kids. I am going to college next year. I like you a lot.
can we leave it at that for now?' (yes. my love is big enough
for us both. I am very happy tonight. all because of you.)
[51] when I come home the house is empty. sam left me at the door,
because I expected mother to be home. mother's note explains that she
was suddenly called out of town. the twins are sleeping over. so I am
all alone. I decide to call sam and have him spend the night.
as I reach for the phone someone puts his hand over my mouth and twists
my arm up in a hammerlock. 'silence or I kill you.' where have I heard
that voice. a blindfold is put over my eyes and my hands tied behind me.
i am pushed into the living room. the blinds are all pulled and the lights
turned up. someone puts a tape into the video machine and turns on the tv.
i listen to the same tape that paul played. arnies record of our special
night. (you have no right to that tape. it was a special private night,
just for us.) 'if you talk again without permission,
i will cut your tongue. we want to do everything that is on this tape.
you will do it for us while we make a tape of our own. (no.)
i brace for a hit, but it never comes. instead I feel fingers on my
pussy. (no, please.) I hear laughing. the fingers continue until I
am wet and ready.
[52] I spread my legs to allow greater access. I feel more hands on my
breasts and ass. (no. no. no.) they all stop. I ache from need.
i try not to ask, but it comes out without my thinking. (please don't
stop.) I am crying from shame. (i need you to touch me.)
i sob uncontrolably. their camera is getting all of it, but I don't care
i am beyond careing. I strip down to my panties and bra.
i kneel down and beg them to rape me.
(please untie me and I will do myself.) someone unties my hands.
i reach into my panties. several hands help me out
of my panties and bra. when I am naked, I spread my legs and rub myself.
i moan and stroke myself faster. when I am almost ready, someone pushes
me down so that I bend at the waist. my breasts swing and bounce all over.
as I bring myself to climax. when I relax, they ask me to walk and
jump like the original video. I have to walk carefully, because of the
blindfold. someone suggests that they remove the blindfold.
noone argues. the blindfold comes off. I see a room full of students
from my high school. I am ashamed of my weakness and blush.
[53] I walk and jump for them. the camera has slow motion so they ask
me to jump off the couch several times. I do. they ask me to visit each
boy separately. it takes a long time, because there are a lot of them and
each wants a close inspection. I suggest that I lay on the table and have
them move around me. after each has had his private instection,
they agree. it is a strange sensation being fondled by that many people
at once. my pussy gets constant attention so that I am wet and hot in no
time I moan and pull someone down to kiss me. finally many hands help.
some squeeze my breasts, many finger my pussy and thighs, some feel my legs
and arms. it is a good high for me and I scream at climax.
they have me do each thing from the first film and several things
that they come up with. finally the spokesman asks me if I would rather
be gang banged then drink urine from three guys or drink all of our urine
i choose gangbang. the leader fingers me. I am already hot so I am
ready in a short time. he keeps it up till I beg for them to start.
just when I think that I will go crazy, they push me to the floor and
i satisfy all twenty seven. I have to have towels under me to catch the
come. when everyone is happy, I am taken to the bathroom and made to
drink urine from three penises. when the third is done, the leader
puts his finger down my throat. and I vomit all the urine and sam's
expensive dinner.
[54] when they leave I beg them to keep my secret and not show the tape
to anyone else. the leader lingers for a moment. 'thank's Inez. you were
wonderful.' (i hope you guys are still my friends. you know my weakness,
my shame. by the way, who told you that I would be alone tonight.)
'paul gave us the film and told us when.'
after the boys leave, I clean up the place and go upstairs to bed.
i don't know why I am so careless sometimes. I shower, put up my hair
and climb into bed. I hear a noise in my room. (whos there?)
'put this on.' someone hands me a blindfold. they grab my breast hard,
so I put it on. I recognize that voice. he is trying to disguize it,
but I know that I have heard it before. 'stand up. and strip.'
when I am naked, I feel two people grab my arms. a third person puts
something on my breasts. it feels like he is painting it on with a paint
brush. he paints both entire breasts. I have to lay down on the bed on
my back with my head on the floor for him to paint the bottoms.
finally he has me stand up. I feel something strange. my breasts are
starting to hurt. I try to touch myself, but they will not let me
[55] the pain becomes intense. I start to cry. I struggle, but they
hold me. (please, I am burning up. I cannot stand the pain.)
i kneel down and plead with them. (i beg you to release me.
i will do anything for you, anything you ask.) when I start to scream,
they gag me. I struggle as long as my strength lasts. finally I pass
out from pain. when I wake up I am lying in the shower with water
running on me. my breasts are on fire. I turn the water to cold only.
i look at myself. my breasts are red. there is soap on me so someone
has washed the. the pain brings tears to my eyes. what can I do?
i run to the phone and call sam. (please forgive me, sam. I need help.
please come now. I am alone in the house. I am in great pain, please
hurry.) I am on the porch wearing only panties and shorts when sam
arrives. I run to him. my breasts hurt so much that I cannot hug him.
when I explain, we kiss without my breasts touching him. I tell sam
about the people in my room and the stuff on my breasts.
we don't know what it could have been. acid maybe. we apply a baking soda
solution just in case. cold packs seem to help. sam stays the night and
stays up with me while I suffer.
[56] I fix sam a great breakfast even if I say so myself. when sam leaves
the pain is still severe. much less than last night, however.
i cannot wear a bra, because of the pain. I wear t shirts. when mother
returns, she asks me what trouble I have been in now. 'what will the
phone call be about this time?' (i hope you don't get any.)
mother notices my missing bra so I explain that I have a rash. when I show
her my breasts, she insists that I see the doctor. tommy calls so I have
him drive me to the doctors. I explain what happened along the way.
i take the doctor into my conficence and tell him someone put some stuff
on me. he examines me closely and prescribes a salve and pain pills.
we buy the salve, but I do not believe in drugs. when me get home, mother
is waiting for me with a new strap in her hand. she sends tommy away.
i slowly enter the house and stand before her. 'the neighbor just called.
it seems someone had a party yesterday in my house. she said hundreds of
boys were here. she also said all the blinds were pulled.'
it is true, there were twenty seven. 'they were here for several hours?'
'(yes.) 'doing what?' I am silent. 'my god Inez, twenty seven?'
[57] 'you disobeyed me?' (yes) 'take your clothes off and bend over.'
i obey her. 'this strap will not cut you. I am told it will hurt more.'
she beats me. she is right, it does hurt more. when she stops whiping me,
i stand up and she grabs both of my breasts hard. 'now keep these to
yourself from now on.' I am crying from pain. my breasts ache.
i sob as I dress. I spend the rest of the day doing chores.
the doctors salve helps, but I spend a miserable two weeks while my
breasts heal. in two weeks, however, I am good as new.
the twins are still not chummy with me. I want them to love me.
i continue to do their chores even though the month is ended.
mother asks me about it. (i am a wicked person. I should be punished
all the time.) kathy and kristy come into my room one night after work.
i am very pleased, because they have been aloof lately.
'Inez, the month has ended.' (i know, but I like doing things for you.)
'did you like it when you touched us?' (yes. I love you both. and you
have two gorgeous bodies. I am envious.) 'would you like to touch with
us tonight?' (yes, but I want to shower first.) I almost cry with joy.
[58] my joy was a little premature. what the twins wanted was someone
to kiss them, fondle them, lick them, and suck them, but they give nothing
in return. I do my best to bring them to climax. it is very difficult
with these two cold fish. I think I got kristy to orgasm, but kathy
couldn't quite make it. I was never touched. I wasn't even asked to
take my clothes off. when they get thru with me, they thank me, and
invite me to come again. (i want to make you happy. what else can i
do for you. I can't seem to make you happy enough. if you have any ideas
that will help me get you excited, please tell me.) I leave.
what can I do to make them love me? I talk it over with sam on one of our
dates. he admits that he never could get close to the twins.
'we had sex. they are beautiful girls, but I was never really close to
them.' (i am making love with them, whenever they will let me.
i wish I knew how to get them really excited.) 'i only have one
suggestion. try pinching her clitoris very hard. she will complain, but
i did that on the only day kathy ever had orgasm with me.'
(ok. thanks, i'll try it.)
[59] life is easy for several weeks. I do all the chores, but I love
the work. mother is happy. the twins are pleasant at least. sam and i
are more or less going steady. mother likes sam. sam is respectful and
considerate. paul has disappeared from my life. tommy calls frequently,
but I don't see him often. the last time we met I refused to let him
fuck me. I told him that I was going steady with sam.
one night when mother is out of town, the twins have late dates, and sam
is working late, I get another --visit--. I am reading a book when I hear
something downstairs. I go downstairs and someone grabs me from behind.
'put this on and strip.' the same voice. I hear it every day. who is it?
someone yanks my hair so I put the blindfold on and take my clothes off.
'lay down and open your pussy for me.'
my hair is yanked back so hard that I fall backward onto the floor.
i reach down and open myself. I rub myself so that I will not be dry.
by the time I am raped, I am moist. two boys rape me.
i can tell them appart. when they are finished, they pull me to my feet
and tell me to spread my legs. I do. 'farther. now hold your pussy
open for me.' I reach down and spread my pussy lips apart.
[60] something cold, probably plastic slides into my pussy. it is not
very large, but it is long. something is squirted into my pussy.
the nozzle is shoved around so that the liquid covers my entire inner
cunt. the tube is withdrawn for a moment and then reinserted.
more liquid is forced into me. the tube is withdrawn and my hands are
removed and held on each side of me. someone puts a four inch wide
strip of adhesive tape over my crotch. starting at my navel going over
my pussy and someone spreads my cheeks so that it covers my asshole.
about then it starts to burn. (oh no! not that. please not that.)
my hands are held for a time. shortly the burning is more than I can
stand. I scream. my hands are released. I grab myself and moan.
walking causes extreem pain. (please help me. I am burning up.)
i stand there pleading until I pass out. I wake up outside with the
garden hose poked thru a hole in the tape into my pussy with the
water running. the hose is in as far as it can go.
my pussy is still on fire. I pull it out and go inside. I get some
baking soda and disolve it in water and force some into my pussy with
the douch applicator.
[61] I go to my room and fall onto my bed, asleep instantly.
kathy wakes me when she comes home. I was moaning in my sleep, from the
constant pain. my pussy is burning up. the pain is intense. I get up,
clean up the house, take half a dozen aspirins and go back to bed.
i have a fever. walking is painful. my inner thighs got some of the stuff
on them. they are red and burning also. I go back to bed.
the next week is a blurr. I dress. I go to school. I eat. I sleep.
i go to work. mostly I ache. I am constanly thinking about my ache.
two weeks later, there are still moments of discomfort. by my birthday,
i am back to normal. fortunately, none of the stuff got on my clitoris.
sam makes my birathday special. sam gives me flowers and a tv for my room.
(thank you darling. I am better now. I can thank you properly.)
we make love on my birthday. sam makes that special too. he fingers me
and sucks me till I am crazy with want. he makes me wait until I am
shaking, then he inserts his penis into me and we come together.
we come together several times. we know each other well, and can make the
other happy in many special ways.
[62] tommy calls. (i don't want to see you. ok. one last time.
for old times sake.) I go to tommy's house, because noone else is home.
tommy wants to -see and touch-. I say no. tommy plays the video tape
made by arnie. then he plays the tape made with the twenty seven.
i am silent. (i am saving myself for sam, tommy. please understand.
i still want to be your friend, but things are different now.)
'ok Inez I tried to be nice, but you want it the hard way.
i want your body. if you don't do exactly what I want, I will show these
tapes to your mother. (tommy, no! we are friends.) 'we used to be
friends, but not anymore. well how about it?' (tommy please. you know
what my mother will do to me.) 'i have a pretty good idea.'
i am silent. (tommy, you have me over a barrel. I must do as you say.)
'if you tell anyone, I go straight to your mother.' (please let me tell
sam.) 'no! absolutely not!' (ok.) 'i have made a list of things
that I want to do with you, or have you do. today we will do the first
three.' tommy hands me the list. I cannot believe this list.
the first three are not too bad, except they mention friends.
(who are these friends mentioned?) 'today they are the three boys
behind you.' I turn around and see three of tommy's classmates.
[63] 'if you don't mind I will lead off.' tommy takes my clothes off.
he knows how. when I am naked. tommy goes right for my secret spot.
while he works on me, his friends take liberties with my body, particularly
squeezeing and feeling my breasts and ass. I lose it quickly. I part my
legs to give tommy better access. I reach down and pull my pussy open
for him. in no time, I am moveing with his rhythm. I moan and tommy
withdraws his fingers. I insert my finger, but tommy pulls it away.
'maybe later.' the boys strip and I must jack them off while they sit.
i bend way over and my breasts swing while I jack them off. they all
enjoy the show. when each boy gets close to orgasm, he pulls me
down and I suck his penis while he comes in my mouth.
when they tire of that, tommy works on me until I am moaning and ready,
then they take me one at a time. tommy knows how to make me come.
the others are new I guess. they come in me, but I don't reach climax.
very unusual for me.
[64] when they are satisfied, we go into the family room
where tommy has his dad's video camera set up. tommy has me make three
individualized tapes for his three friends. I am forced to talk dirty
and perform acts that even make me shudder. they take closeups of
my entire body, showing everything. I even jump off the chair while the
camera records it in slow motion. I shake my breasts, I squeeze my breasts
i open my pussy to the camera, I open my asshole to the camera. I am shot
in every position from every angle. finally they film me sucking the
candidate to orgasm and then I hold my mouth under his penis while the
come drips in. I then suck him dry and suck him until he swells.
we are photographed as we fuck in every position. after he comes
i suck his penis clean. it takes a long time. I am exhausted when we
finally finish. the three friends give tommy two hundred dollars each
and take their tapes. tommy gives me one hundred fifty.
'you deserve something. I will call you for the next session.'
i beg tommy to let me go, but he only fingers my spot till I beg him
for more. tommy fingers me till I moan, then he tells me to finish
myself. tommy records me fingering myself. I hold myself open with one
hand while rubbing myself with the other. tommy has me bend so that
my breasts swing and bounce. tommy tapes my climax in slow motion.
[65] my screams are on the tape. when I come down from my high, I blush
into the camera. 'one last thing Inez, leave your window blinds up
from now on.' tommy allows me to go home.
as the weeks go by tommy has me make dozens of individualized tapes.
i am becomeing rich. I never pull my blinds down. this makes life
difficult for me, because I try to avoid my room when my clothes are off.
sam and I enjoy a great christmas. we are almost like man and wife.
i frequently fix meals for him. I have even done some of his laundry.
and of course, we have great sex. I want to tell sam about tommy and
the tapes, but the time never seems right.
on one saturday night when I am alone in the house, I get an unpleasant
surprise. I come home from work late, shower, and prepare for bed.
when I am checking the locks, I notive the back door is not locked.
i lock it and start upstairs. paul steps out of the shadows and says hi.
i am scared out of my wits. it is so bad that I start to cry.
[66] (paul, you scared me. what are you doing here. we agreed not to
see each other again. please leave.) paul does not move. I am only
wearing my panties. I cover my breasts with my hands. boys come from
behind and gently pull my hands down. 'we have seen several new videos
that you have made for your friends. we want some of the action.
i figured that since we were such good friends, you would perform for
me and my friends for free.' (get out. all of you get out.)
they have all seen my original videos by now and they all know how to
make me do anything. while the two boys hold my hands, paul works on
my pussy. I last about 40 seconds. I spread my legs to give paul
better access. paul slides his hand into my panties, enters my wet
pussy, and finds my seat of pashion.
when I am moving with him and breathing hard my hands are released.
i moan and paul withdraws. (don't stop, please.) 'later if you are
a good girl. sing for us, please.' the boys have me sing several songs
for them. after several songs, paul has me come over to him and he
rubs my clitoris again. when I moan he stops and has me sing some more.
[67] my voice cracks because of my excited state, but I manage to sing
for them. they have me bounce and shake for them. finally, paul has
me over again and removes my panties. I bend down and kiss paul.
his finger is on my clitoris and I quickly lose control. I suck his tongue
and start to unbutton his shirt. I moan when he reaches up and squeezes my
breasts. paul pushes me over to another boy, who takes over on my pussy
and breasts. I kiss him and unbutton him. when I have his pants unzipped,
he pushes me to the next boy. I am pushed back and forth until I have them
all stripped. I then start to mastrabate them. I get passed before any
of them come. finally paul pulls my mouth down onto his penis.
paul doesn't let me kneel so I have to bend down a long way. when I am
sucking him, I feel someone spreading my legs from behind. they feel my
ass and pussy. they run their fingers along my asshole. this causes me
to get very excited. I suck and pump paul with my mouth. fingeres start
working on my pashion seat and I lose control. I pump paul as fast as I can
paul comes in my mouth and I move on to the next boy. as I suck and pump
him, new hands squeeze my swinging breasts. each boy comes in my mouth.
i lose count, because they each come into my mouth several times.
[68] finally paul indicates that it is time for a new activity.
we all climb up to my room. paul opens my bed and has me lie down.
each boy, starting with paul, has me to himself in my bed. each boy rapes
me and I love it all. I come many times. when each boy has had me as many
times as he wants, the entire group enters my room. they gangbang me, one
after another as fast as they can. I moan and reach climax several times.
when they are all exhausted, they dress to leave. I walk to the door and
kiss each boy goodnight. I place each boy's hand on my breast
and talk briefly. I tell them that I love sam and want to be his bride.
i plead with them to not repeat or talk about what happened tonight.
each boy promises. paul hands me an envelop when he leaves.
(paul, I am hurt. I loved you once. you have spoiled my memory. when i
think of you now I will think of tonight, not the good times we had.
i want to be sam's bride someday. please leave me alone.)
i take pauls face in my hands and kiss him on the mouth. I place pauls
hand on my breast. (part of me still loves you a little. please don't
come again.)
[69] tommy forces me to make several more videos. the boys in the videos
are no longer from the school, and tommy has doubled my pay.
one night tommy calls me over and explains that tonight will be a little
different. tommy had fifteen preteens waiting for me. twelve, eleven, even
one ten year old. children. I have them in one at a time at first.
i kiss them and let them feel me. I undress while they watch. I let them
feel my naked breasts and ass. I show them where my spot is and have them
work on me. it excites me. I undress them. I fondle them. I let them
mount me. finally we all go into the family room and tommy films my
performance for them while they watch. I dance and strut and bounce.
i know all the moves that excite boys by now. I kiss each boy and
suck his penis for the camera. the boys gangbang me for the camera.
most of the boys reach climax. two boys do not, one doesn't even
have an erection. when the boys leave I ask the two boys to stay.
we have a talk and I give them special attention. I take a long time and
get results. both boys have good erections and both boys reach climax
while fucking me. I feel good. tommy pays me, but refuses to look me
in the eye. I ask him what is wrong, but he won't answer. I kiss him
goodbye and leave.
[70] I finally get a chance to try sam's idea on kathy. one night when
kristy is out on a date, I finish my chores early and start up to bed.
kathy's door is open when I pass by. the door is never open.
i knock on the door and kathy asks me in. kathy is wearing only panties.
(kathy, you are a beautiful girl. I bet you drive your boyfriends crazy.)
tears fill kathy's eyes. 'boys are all assholes.' I have to agree there.
'Inez, you said that you would be availabale if we wanted you.'
(thats right.) 'i want you right now. please take your clothes off.'
i close the door and strip. 'please lay here on the bed.' kathy wants
to see and feel me. I love it. kathy squeezes my breasts and activates
my nipples. kathy kisses my breasts and sucks them. my hand goes down
to her leg and I fondle her leg gently as I slowly work my way up to her
panties. kathy fingers my pussy and I start to breath heavy. I work on
kathy's pussy thru the panties. finally I reach over and pull her panties
off. kathy fingers my spot and I moan. I cannot think straight when
someone fingers me there. I moan and pull kathy down to me. I kiss her
on the mouth hard. kathy fingers me harder and I climax with a scream.
kathy starts to withdraw, but I pull her over and lay her down.
[71] I work on her pussy. when I have her special spot, I pinch her
clitoris hard. kathy moans. I pinch harder. kathy pushes my hand away,
but I refuse to withdraw. I squeeze and roll her clitoris between my
fingers. I squeeze her breasts, gently at first, then harder and harder.
kathy moans harder and finally screams her climax. when kathy finally
settles down, I kiss her clitoris and each breast. I pull kathy to her
feet and hug her. (i love you. if you ever want me, I will come.)
after I leave, I hear kathy crying.
[72] my surprise for february involves my mother. one day I come home
to get some school books that I forgot. as I leave my room, I hear tommy's
voice. I sneek over to the stairs where I can see and hear.
tommy is threatening my mother. 'be still and put your hands down.'
tommy puts his hand on mother's pussy. 'please, don't. I will pay you.'
tommy rubs her pussy. in no time I can see that my mother has the same
problem that I do, except hers is much worse. tommy kisses her and she
responds, opening her mouth and frenching. mother starts taking tommy's
clothes off. her hands are shaking and it takes longer than she wants.
tommy has to help her with buttons. when tommy is naked, mother starts
on herself. they are still kissing. mother has herself stripped in no
time. mother grabs tommys hand and rubs herself harder with it.
tommy inserts his finger into her pussy and strokes her clitoris.
mother moans and grabs tommy's penis. she strokes him till he is hard.
when tommy is ready, he pushes her to her knees and forces his penis
into her mouth. tommy grabs her hair and moves her back and forth on
his penis until he comes. she sucks him dry and tries to withdraw.
tommy forces her to continue sucking him while he squeezes her breasts.
[73] mother's body is gorgeous. I am in awe every time I see it.
when tommy is hard again, tommy reaches down over her asshole and fingers
her clitoris again. she spreads her legs wide and sucks harder and faster.
tommy pushes her down on the floor and enters her. tommy pumps her till
she screams. a long high scream. tommy has to hold her mouth.
tommy comes and withdraws. tommy grins. 'thank you, helen.'
tommy leaves. mother cries and goes to the bathroom. I sneek out
one night something wakes me up. I look out my window and see my mother
naked surrounded by tommy and two friends. they are putting giant clothes
pins on mother. her hands are tied behind her, she is blindfolded,
and she is gagged. I remember this sceen. tommy is wearing rings
exactly like sam's. clothes pins are placed on her breasts, nose, ears,
tongue cheeks, pussy, and legs. mother is crying.
they pull her out into the deserted street, spin her around several times
and release her. they watch as she heads in the wrong direction.
tommy takes several photographs of her and then the boys leave.
[74] mother starts off in the wrong direction. I dress and go to her.
i guide her back to the house and help her in. I remove the gag.
'who are you.' (Inez.) 'untie me.' I untie her. she removes her
blindfold and takes the clothes pins off. she has been crying.
while she rests for a minute, I go get my pins and show them to her.
'this happened to you?' (yes.) 'who is doing it?' (i don't know.)
i lied. why? I don't know.
later that week I am awakened by a rock hitting my window. I look out
and see mother naked with her hand in her pussy. I go down and let her
in. she is very humble. she doesn't say anything to me. she just goes
into her bedroom and shuts the door. the next time we are alone, I ask
mother if we should call the police. she goes white and insists that
the police not be called. I knew she would. (what can we do?)
'i'm thinking on it. i'll come up with something.'
[75] I am not surprised when a rock hits my window three weeks later.
i see mother naked again outside my window. I go down and open the door.
mother is nowhere around. she has collapsed under my window. I help her
into the house. 'pussy, asshole, burn.' I know what that means.
i help her up to the bathroom and force a baking soda douch into her
pussy and asshole. she is sobbing uncontrolably. I give her several
aspirins and put her to bed. I make two ice packs and place them on her
pussy and asshole. I stay up all night to help if needed. each time she
wakes, she wants water. I send the twins to school the next day and stay
home with mother. she is in and out of consciousness until noon.
when she wakes up, she cries for a time, asks for more ice for the
icepacks, and asks for more drink. when she is stable we talk.
'i know where your rash came from.' I nod. 'did they do this to you too?'
(not in my asshole.) 'that is the worst part. I can't reach it or
do anything about the pain. I am sorry, that I spanked you.
i feel so ashamed. please forgive me.' (i forgive you.)
it takes several weeks for her to recover. tommy leaves us alone for
some time. when he calls to start tapeing sessions again, I tell him to
go to hell.
[76] I live to regret talking to him that way. two weeks later while
walking home from work, tommy kidnaps me. it was so simple.
they just drove up next to me, opened the door and pulled me in.
they take me to tommy's house. when we are all together in the family
room, I discover who my captors are. tommy is there. paul is there.
maxine is there. arnie is there. two of tommy's friends from the
first video are there. tommy is the spokesperson. later tonight we will
make a video for a very select clientell. for now, we want to have some
fun with you ourselves. take your clothes off!' (no.)
'if you do not cooperate completely tonight, we will start to work on the
twins.' my bravado collapses. (please don't.) we are not neccesarily
thru with your mother yet either. (ok. if you will leave them alone,
i will make the video.) tommy starts the camera and records my strip.
i am asked to do all the regulars, walking, jumping, etc. then we start
the unusual ones. I am turned upside down. arnie and paul hold my
legs and shake me. my breasts hang almost to my face. the camera records
it in slow motion. paul and arnie hold me horizontal and shake me again.
once more on the other side. all the breast bouncing episodes are
recorded in slow motion. tommy takes closeups of my face, breasts,
and pussy, which I hold open for him.
[77] tommy has me expose my clitoris to the cameras and finger myself to
orgasm while the camera films a closeup of my clitoris followed by a full
length shot of me having the orgasm.
i moan and scream when the orgasm is upon me.
tommy puts the camera away and has me suck each boy to orgasm
everyone leaves except tommy, paul, arnie, and maxine. tommy has me
shower and make myself as pretty as possible. tommy has me dress in some
very expensive and gorgeous clothes. all brand new. everything fits.
(can I keep these?) 'yes, and you will be paid well for tonights work.'
we all get in tommy's car and drive to carl's house. carl is there and
gives me a special greeting. I think he likes me in a special way.
we greet the new guests together. they look me over carefully and each
seems happy with the choice for tonight.
[77.2] I don't know the newcomers. they are older men.
some are mean looking. hard eyes. finally all are here.
tommy introduces me again and shows them how he will
record the proceedings. each of the newcomers will be allowed to torture
me anyway that he wishes. however the rules are that there is to be no
permanent damage, and no visible scars.
tommy has told me to make the evening as exciting for the guests as
possible. when he hears that I like carl, he tells me that carl will
get hurt if I am not satisfactory. I like carl so I cooperate.
carl conducts an aution for my clothes. the biding is done by holding
up the money. the bidding starts at five dollars for my shirt and shoes.
i undress slowly, run my hands over my body, and move around the room.
i finally deliver the item of clothing to the highest bidder.
my bra panties go for fifty dollars and my bra goes for one hundred.
carl comments to me that I brought the highest at the auction that he has
ever seen. after I am naked the fun begins. carl, tommy, arnie , and
maxine watch in the background. only the paying guests participate.
[77.3] they have me walk to each guest and get inspected.
all of them touch my breasts to be sure they are real.
i walk while they watch. an exercise trampolene is brought in
and they watch while I do jumping jacks.
my breasts bounce all over. I am asked to face away from the audience
and touch my toes. my asshole and pussy are exposed. my legs are spread
so that they get a better view and can see my breasts hanging upside down.
tommy asks if anyone wants to touch. several nod. I back up to each one
and get poked, stroked, pinched, and squeezed. when each has had his fill,
we all go downstairs where the torture equipment is kept.
the first guest ties my hands behind me. a rope is attached to my hands
and run thru a metal hook in the ceiling. the rope is pulled until
i am almost hanging. I groan in pain. my toes touch the floor, but
my heels will not reach. the pain is intense. he then works on my
dangling breasts. squeezing, pinching, pulling. each brings a scream
from my lips. he rubs my nipples till they stand out. he pinches
my nipples and pulls them as hard as he can. he holds them like that for
a long time while I scream and beg for him to stop. finally he lets me go.
[78] the next man grabs my hair and pulls my head back while he inserts
a device into my mouth. I am forced to put my tongue thru the center
of it while he pushes it into my mouth as far as it will go. he grabs the
end of my tongue and pulls. finally he pushes a lever and the device
clamps down on my tongue. I cannot pull my tongue back.
it is locked in the device. my mouth is open as far as it will go.
finally a leather strap is tied around my forehead and under my chin.
a device fits over my nose with two projectiles fitting into my nose holes.
when the device is pulled tight, the projectiles are
forced farther up into my two nose holes. I am in extreem pain.
i am standing on my tip toes to minimize the pain in my shoulders, while
my tongue is being crushed, and the tender inner part of
my nose is being poked.
[79] the next man passes a large rope between my legs and has two
assistants hold it up and taut while he spreads my cheeks and opens my
pussy so the the rope passes against my asshole and thru my pussy lips.
then he takes one end while the assistant takes the other and they pull
the rope back and forth across my asshole and pussy. the pain from the
rope burn is exteem. he works there for several minutes. I jump on my
tip toes in pain. when he is done he sprays my asshole and pussy with
a disinfectant causing acute pain from the damaged tissues.
when he is finished, he kicks my feet so that my entire weight is hanging.
i scramble trying to lessen the pain. he keeps kicking my feet away.
finally he leaves and I can stand up to aleviate some of the pain.
[80] the next man pushes a broom handle up my asshole. he pushes and
pushes and pushes. I cannot see how far it goes in, but it feels like
a mile. he leaves it hanging out of my asshole, and pokes another one
into my pussy. he doesn't have to push this one as hard. it goes in
a long way. he pulls it out and talks to tommy for a minute. tommy
leaves and comes back with a baseball bat. the man nods and asks for
assistance. tommy holds my pussy open for him. I am surprised to see
him forcing the large end into my pussy. he pushes so hard that I raise
a leg to help. finally it starts in. he pulls and pushes until the bat
is in almost a foot. the man sits down. the men want an intermission.
they all stand up and have refreshments while I suffer. they walk around
me touching and poking. they pull up on my hands causing me to lose my
balance and fall. each time I scramble to get my feet under me because
of the pain. several try to push the ass rod and the bat in farther.
they are partially successfull. they examine my rope burn.
[81] after intermission, the bat is withdrawn, the ass rod is withdrawn,
the levers are pushed, the nose strap removed, and
finally the tongue crusher removed. my tongue and mouth ache.
finally the rope is taken down and I can stand on my feet.
the pain is extreem. I am crying from pain. I try to talk by I cannot.
my mouth will not function. the next man brings needles, large ones and
small ones. he reaches into my mouth and pulls my tongue out.
he pinches it hard so that I cannot feel the pain, then he pushes
two medium sized needles thru my tongue at right angles to each other
about two inches from the end. when he releases my tongue I feel the
pain. he pokes a medium sized needle thru my cheek about half an inch
into my mouth and then back out. same on the other side. he does the
same with my upper and lower lips. he pushes two very long needles
thru both of my breasts and out the other side. two small needles are
pushed thru my nipples. large needles are used to go thru my pussy lips
and back out again. one on each side. a small needle goes thru my nose,
and two small needles thru my ears complete his task.
[82] tommy gets a closeup of his work. everyone wants to look closer.
when everyone is satisfied, he withdraws the needles and sits down.
again, I am crying, because of pain. the next has me straped into the
rack first. htb. htb. htb. htb. htb. htb. I scream from the new pain.
my feet are down past my face. I am looking into my pussy.
the man grabs my pussy lips, which are already apart because of the rack,
takes one in each hand and pulls them apart. the flesh is not torn, but it
feels like it is. the next man puts his entire hand into my pussy and
feel everything in there. I moan when he hits the tender parts.
i watch closely, because my face is inches from his arm.
the next man takes me out of the rack and stands in front of me
with my back to the audience. he has me bend way over.
he stradles me, puts his hands on each cheek of my ass,
and pulls them apart. it feels like he is successfull.
[83] several men pinch and pull and squeeze. the last man
has carl put me on the pussy rubber and water machines.
tommy has filmed the entire show. finally my hands are released.
the man who bought my bra takes me into a side room and rapes me while
carl and tommy are saying goodnight to everyone. when carl finds out,
he makes the man pay one thousand dollars to me. 'you are worth it.'
he gives me a card and asks me to call him. carl tells me to avoid him.
carl asks me if I am ok. I like carl. someday I think I will make love
with him. not tonight, I am exhausted. I dress while tommy records
it on tape. tommy even records my exit. tommy and his friends take
me back to tommy's house. we talk for a time.
i can avoid the torture sessions from them if I will be available for
carl's friends. (i will, providing that you keep it secret, and leave
my family alone.) they agree. tommy pays me two hundred dollars.
i go home for some much needed rest.
PART 3 / 6
[84] life is good again. sam and I date occasionally. I date other
boys too. the owner of the fast food where I work, mr. pots,
tries to rape me one night after close.
i kick him in the testicles and flee.
i quit the next day. mr. pots begs me to stay, but I refuse.
with the free time I catch up on homework and do the chores.
the twins help a little, but basically I do all the work around the house.
mother is looking very good. tommy arranges torture sessions for me about
three times per month. most of them are not too bad. sometimes, however,
i must spend the next day in bed. they are hard on me.
just before summer recess, tommy gives me a surprise. tommy arranges for
me to share a torture session with three other girls. he assures me that
my pay will no deminish, so I agree.
[85] on the night of the shared torture, I am surprised and furious
when the other three girls turn out to be mother and the twins.
tommy cautions me to silence and threatens me with returned tortures.
i am so mad that I cannot keep it in. tommy has to gag and tie me
for a time. finally we start. mothers bra brings the highest prize at
the aution. even greater than my record. we each grab our ankles and
back into the audience. the guests are allowed to feel and poke our
bottom's and pussy's, and squeeze our breasts till they have their fill.
we are all tied and blindfolded then sent among the guests.
when we cannot see who it is, the pinches and pokes become more painful.
several men know my secret and have me begging for more in no time.
i hear mother begging too. the twins are silent. the blindfolds are
removed and we each take our turn on the rack. mother is first.
when she is screaming, I am forced to open her pussy and finger her to
climax. after mother kisses her own pussy, I am forced to kiss her
pussy and mouth while we both bring her to a climax. finally I am forced
to put my entire hand into her pussy and then insert my finger into
her uterus. mother groans and screams when I insert my finger.
[86] finally mother is taken off the rack and I am straped in.
when I am kissing my pussy, mother joins me and we kiss and lick my
clitoris until I come. mother puts her finger into my uterus.
the pain is extreem, I groan and cry out in pain.
the twins cry and scream a lot. I enjoy kissing and sucking them.
i have great difficulty getting my hand into their pussys. I am sure
that it is very painful for them. I finally get in and force my finger
into each uterus. when we are all released, we are all strung up from
the ceiling by our hands tied behind us.
mother's breasts hang and swing with her motions.
[86.1] the individualized tortures begin.
one guest picks the tougue puller.
when he puts it on me I notice that he is mr. pots.
he is particularly rough with me. he pulls my tongue out as far as he can
before pushing the lever that locks my tongue. he squeezes my breasts and
fingers my pussy before he starts the nose poker. somehow he has that
adjusted also so that the pain is much greater. my nose aches.
i exspect it to bleed every moment. mr. pots plays with my privates
again before he goes on to the other three. my tongue aches.
he must have adjusted it to maximum pain. I have had it many times, but
it has never hurt like this before.
[87] the needles bring cries of pain from each of us. my tongue and
breasts think that they are pin cushions. this time he pokes thru the
inner thighs and each buttock cheek also. the sticks in our assholes
are uncomfortable. the baseball bats however give the twins fits.
they are small in the hips, and there is not a lot of room there.
finally when the bats are forced into their pussy's they both scream
and cry for help. I struggle for freedom to help, but it only brings
me additional pain. at intermission, mr pots works on me the entire
time. he pulls the needles out of my ass and reeinserts them.
(please, mr. pots, I hurt enough.) he pulls the
needles out of my inner thighs and reinserts them lower down. I cry.
i beg. (please, stop.) 'i want you tonight.' when he starts to pull
the needle out of my breast, I give in.
after intermission, the needles, bats, etc are removed, and we are untied.
[88] I am chosen to try out a new device. I am straped into the new
device which looks like a table with metal arms. the straps hold
my arms down. my feet and legs are straped to the metal arms.
when the device is activated my legs are forced appart staying in the same
plane as the top of the table. my legs move apart till I scream in pain.
my pussy is wide open. each guest is allowed to inspect me closer.
they finger my pussy and look inside. the machine is activated again and
my legs go farther apart. I scream and beg for release. after an eternity
i am released. I cannot stand let alone walk. I cry in pain for a long
time. mother is next. she is streatched to the breaking point also.
the guests examine her also. the twins are last. their pain is greater
because of their general build. when we are all calmed and able to stand,
the guests want to see us make love. I am the only one who agrees, so
i am asked to make love to the other three. I talk to the three in private
and explain that the pain will stop for a time, and I do love them.
(i want to do this. please let me love you. I will be gentle and try to
make it good for you.)
[89] kathy is first. we are forced to stand up during the entire
show. I kiss her mouth and work on her breasts. being watched, causes
us to become excited. when I finally pinch her clitoris hard, she is
at her peak and screams her climax. she is embarased when she gets
control of herself. she starts to cry her embarasement. I kiss her
and whisper my love into her ear. kristy behaves the same as kathy
except that she comes faster and has a better climax. when I work on
my mother, I find that she is working on me too. we reach climax together.
our combined screams bring applause from the audience. (mother, mother, i
love you so much.) 'call me helen from now on please.'
(i love you, helen.) I kneel and suck her clitoris until she moans and
screams her climax into the audience.
the last tortures are the pussy rubber and the water machine. the guests
are allowed to feel us as we are punished. they can feel the projections
moving inside of our pussy's and asshole. they can also feel the liquid
pumped into us. mr pots enjoys pushing on me when the water is forced into
me. at the end, we mingle with the guests. mr pots takes me into a
bedroom and rapes me. when he is finished with me he slaps my face and
calls me a slut. when he tries to hit me again, carl grabs his hand.
[90] I wondered where you two had gone. the other guests are missing
Inez. shall we join them. mr pots leaves and carl wipes the blood
from my mouth. carl kisses me on the mouth and I fall into his arms.
i cry a short time and then he asks me for a date. 'i want you to come
here and give me a private showing. just the two of us. ok.'
i agree. it wasn't what I expected but its a start. the guests are
wild tonight and the four of us get abused. we get squeezed, pinched,
poked, triped, steped on, kicked. mr pots even spit on me.
we are all required to kiss each guest goodnight at the door.
when they are gone, tommy, paul, arnie, and maxine tie our hands and load
us into maxine's van. 'you guys did a very good job tonight. we will
get a handsome bonus.' they talk about us as though we are their property.
i start to declare our freedom and paul kicks me in the stomach.
he kicks so hard that it is some time before I can breath. paul notices my
breathing problem and holds my mouth and nose till I pass out.
[91] when I wake up the van has stopped. maxine is sitting in front of me
holding several long needles. I stare at them in fear. 'i watched
the man insert these, I bet I can do just as good.
(please, I ache already.) maxine takes my breast in her hand and inserts
a needle part way. I groan. maxine pushes it very very slowly. I cannot
move or the needle will tear my flesh. 'Inez, do you want to work for us?'
i am silent. she pulls the needle out and starts it in again.
i beg thru my tears. she pulls it out and starts again.
(yes, I want to work for you.) she pulls the needle out and asks
me what I could do for them. I could make your customers happy.
would you do for us what you did for carl tonight? the needle touches
my skin. (yes.) she goes to helen. helen and the twins do not argue
'good we are in agreement. you will perform. we will arrange for the
guests and payment. you will be paid for your work. everyone is happy.
one last thing, Inez. you will whore for me also. I will only use
highschool boys for now. you will get half the take. ok?'
she grags my breast and I agree. 'i will call you.'
[92] we are a sad group as we enter our home. we are all tired and go
straight to bed. we don't discuss our slavery among ourselves.
i do the chores. life goes on. my first whoreing comes after only a
week. maxine calls me and gives me a name, an address, a date, and a time.
bart is in my classes at school. he is very shy.
i knock on his door several times before he answers. 'i have changed my
mind. you can keep the money.' (may I come in please.) bart invites me
into the living room. we talk about school. (may I sit by you?)
when I am finally close to him, I guide the talk to more intimate subjects.
(do you date.) 'no.' (why not?) 'who would go out with me?'
(you will never know unless you ask. I am here now, and i'm glad it's you.
would you like to go out on a date tonight, with me.) 'no. you're a ...'
(and you do not want to be seen with a ...) I am hurt, but he is scared to
death, so I ignore his comment. very slowly, I start touching him. arms,
back, neck, legs, hair, face. (have you ever kissed a girl?) 'no.'
(would you like to?) bart faces me.
i take his face in my hands and we kiss.
he has a lot to learn. we kiss several times. finally he seems to settle
down and enjoy it. my fingers start to explore his body. I take his hand
and place it on my breast. bart squeezes and starts to fondle me.
[93] slowly I work my way onto his penis. I rub his pants and his penis
grows. bart looks frightened for a moment so I go very slowly.
sometimes he looks like he is ready to run away. I undress myself slowly.
when I am down to panties and bra, I start on bart. he is reluctant to
undress. I am patient. when he is down to shorts, I stop and fondle him
thru the material. he moans and comes in his shorts. the stain on his
shorts grows. bart looks embarassed. I talk to him and explain that
it happens to everyone their first few times. I continue to fondle his
shorts. I pump him dry inside of his shorts. very slowly, I reach inside
and take his penis in my hand. I stroke him until he starts to grow again.
when he is larger I remove his shorts. I ask him to help me out of my bra
and panties. bart unhooks me with some difficulty. he is surprised by my
large breasts. he slides my panties to the floor. I feel him start to
come again so I stop stroking him. I kiss him for real. he opens and takes
my tongue. he squeezes my breasts and feels my pussy. finally his finger
enters my secret place and I guide his finger onto my clitoris.
he fingers me till I moan and indicate that I need him now.
[94] bart climbs onto me. I guide his penis into me. we start slowly.
bart lasts a long time. he moans when he comes in me. I enjoy it to.
bart is awkward, but he can learn. we clean up and dress. bart hands me
a hundred dollar bill. 'this is for the extra good time I had.
please don't tell anyone about me.' (there is nothing to tell. all you
need is practice.) 'would you like to go out and eat with me now.'
(yes.) we go to a nice restaurant and have a good time.
when we are back at bart's house, he is awkward again until I explain that
i can do it as many times as I want, and I want to do it again with him.
we make love again. bart is much better. his confidence is growing.
finally I go home, two hundred dollars richer.
[95] on the night of my date with carl, I wear my special clothes.
i think I look pretty good. I walk over to carl's place. his place
looks different without all the people. carl gives me special attention.
he asks me for my clothes. I hesitate, but I give them to him.
'you are gorgeous. thank you for coming tonight.' I don't see where carl
puts my clothes. we go downstairs. carl indicates the rack.
i climb on and he straps me in. htb. htb. htb. htb. htb. I cry out.
(carl, please, it hurts.) he waits for a time. htb. htb. htb.
my face is in my pussy. I groan from pain. carl spreads my pussy open
with his fingers and bends down to my face. we kiss. we french.
he asks me to kiss myself so I do. then we each kiss my pussy and each
other, alternating. our tongues meet and we both lick my clitoris.
carl holds me open while we suck me to orgasm together. while we are
licking me, carl works his fingers and then his entire hand into my
pussy. I groan. he kisses me and fingers my clitoris and womb.
it is a curious mixture of pain and pleasure. we kiss and lick my clitoris
for a very long time. carl explores every square millimeter of the inside
of my pussy. finally he inserts his finger into my womb.
[96] I groan in pain. carl kisses me and we continue working on my
special spot. as long as we keep working on my clitoris, I can take any
amount of pain. carl works his entire finger into my uterus.
when carl asks how it feels I confess that it is very painfull.
after an eternity, carl withdraws and releases me. I was on the rack for
so long that I cannot walk for a time.
carl gets the needles. I tell him the needles are very painful.
'if you insist, I will not use them.' I want to please carl especially on
our first date, so I tell him I can take it. carl takes my breast in his
hand and pushes a needle thru it. he is slow and careful. I feel the
tears forming. he takes my second breast and pushes a needle thru it.
carl walks behind me and sticks a needle thru my cheek. then the other
cheek. next the inner legs, pussy lips. he pinches my stomach and pushes
a needle thru the pinched flesh.
[97] carl gets the tongue crusher and has me
stick my tongue thru it. carl pulls my tongue thru and clamps down on it
by now I am crying hard. the tears are running down my cheeks.
carl ignores my pain and continues. carl pushes needles thru my tongue,
then my cheeks and finally my lips. I ache. I cannot talk so I must
submit until carl is done. carl puts needles thru the fleshy part of
my arm, my ears, and my nose. finally carl stops poking me and looks at
his work. 'you are a gorgeous pin cushion, darling.' carl gets his
camera and takes my picture. finally he pulls the needles out.
i cry into his shoulder for a time. (please forgive me. it hurt so much.)
carl asks me to mount his newest machine. I almost refuse, but I have
so much invested in this night already that I decide to continue.
[98] carl straps me in and htb. htb. htb. htb.
i scream, and beg carl to stop.
carl goes down to my pussy and looks in with a flashlight. after a time
carl reaches into me with his hand and feels my womb. carl inserts his
finger into my womb and I moan. carl withdraws. htb. I scream. htb.
(carl please, my hip sockets. please don't pull my legs out of their
sockets.) htb. I scream and sob and beg carl to release me. carl goes
around to my pussy and reaches in again. my hips hurt so much that i
am not sure what carl did in my pussy. I do know that he inserted his
finger into my womb again. carl feels in my pussy for an awfully long
time. finally he releases me. I cannot walk. carl hooks me up to the
water machine and lets me rest there while it pumps and drains my
bladder, my uterus, my rectum, and my stomach. the pressure growing each
time the cycle is completed. my jaw is streatched out of its socket.
this has not happened to me before. the pain is terrible when my jaw
is slowly wrenched from its socket. I cannot scream. I can only cry.
when my bladder is stretched to its limit, carl turn off the machine.
he pushes on my bladder, I cannot stand the pain. finally he starts the
machine again and I am drained.
[99] when carl takes me off the machine, I am exhausted.
carl has me kneel in front of him while he painfully puts
my jaw back in its socket. I groan and cry and scream. finally my jaw
is back in its socket and I can talk again. while I am resting, carl
ties my hands behind me and ties a rope to my hands. when I see him put
the rope thru the hook in the ceiling, I start to resist. carl pulls the
rope tight. I scream in pain. carl pulls the rope and ties it off so that
my toes barely reach the floor. I am sobing. (carl, my arms are still
sore from the other night, please don't do this.) I hear a bell.
'that's the door, I will be right back. (no. no. please don't leave me
hanging here.) carl leaves. I wait. when I hear someone on the stairs
i am surprised to see that it is not carl. oh no. mr pots.
'hello Inez.' (hello mr pots.) he kicks my feet away several times so that
i am hanging, scrambling to get my feet under me. (please mr pots.)
i am sobing from the pain. 'you want me to stop.' (yes.)
he stops kicking me and pulls his pants and shorts down. he works on
himself till he is hard, then he forces his penis into me from behind.
he pumps me till he comes. when he is satisfied, he withdraws.
[100] mr pots goes into the bathroom and cleans himself up, then he
comes back to me. 'how about a piggy back ride.' before I know what he
is doing he climbs between my arms and jumps up on my back. my arms go up
and my feet are flat on the floor. the pain is extreem. my arms feel like
they are being pulled out of their sockets. I scream in pain.
mr pots tries to kick my feet out from under me. I almost fall.
finally he gets down. he grabs my feet and pulls them out from under me.
he pulls them so that I am hanging face down while he holds my feet.
he pulls on my feet as hard as he can so that my shoulders are strained
to the limit. finally mr pots drops me and I scramble to get my feet
under me. 'want to do that again?' (no please.) 'you will come to the
store tommorrow and apologize to me in public for being rude to me.
make sure your friends that work there see you.' (ok.)
[101] I hang for a long time. finally carl comes down.
'sorry darling, business. mr pots likes you. he is willing to pay to
have you give him a private show. (no.) 'ok. just call me if you
change your mind. I have several who mentioned you by name.'
(carl, please let me down.) carl takes me down and lets me rest in the
pussy ruber machine. it also seems more painful than the last time.
i am on it for a long time. my pussy is raw and my asshole hurts worse.
my breasts hurt also. (i want to go home, please.) 'but, I am not
finished yet.' (please carl, let me go home.) carl helps me upstairs
i can barely walk. he helps me to the door and pushes me out.
the door is closed quietly. it is a moment before I notice that I am
naked. I knock on the door, but get no reply. I am naked and hurting.
i am weak and exhausted. I must find my way home without being seen.
I am naked, weak, and exhausted. Carl has just locked me out and
sent me home. I walk around to the side of his house to be in the shadows.
I slowly work my way home. Mostly I keep to the alleys. I have to watch
where I step. Just as I am about to cross the street to my own block.
someone behind me says 'Hello.' I turn instinctively and see a boy from
school. I cover myself with my hands. 'I have been following you for the
last six blocks. You are gorgeous. Is this some kind of initiation?'
(Yes.) 'May I walk with you?' (Yes.) We walk together until we reach
my house. (Thank you.) 'My name is Wayne Walker. May I know yours
please.' (Inez Cooper.) 'I thought so. We have an appointment tommorrow.
I am looking forward to it with great anticipation. I am a virgin.
I have had my eye on you for a long time. Someday I want to marry you.
Please forgive me for telling you this. I have wanted to tell you for a
long time. Ever since my brother Paul was dating you. We have the same
mother but different dads. I am probably boreing you. We can talk again
tommorrow. I want to leave you with a thought. The thought is this:
Someone loves you.' Wayne waves goodby and walks off. I go into my home.
At school, Maxine tells me of my date that night. 'He will pick you
up at your house at seven. He wants you to dress for a date.
At seven, Wayne rings my doorbell. He and mother talk for a time.
'Do you go to school with Inez?' 'Mrs Cooper, I want to be honest with
you. I cannot lie. I paid Maxine three hundred dollars so that I could
have this date with Inez. I love her. I barely know her, but I love her.
I am going to work hard for the next few years to make myself worthy
of her. I feel that Inez needs a friend. I want to be that friend.
She has done lots of things that she might be ashamed of. I don't care.
I love the person inside of that gorgeous body. I am going to be somebody
someday. I want Inez by my side. I will be good to her.
I worship the ground she walks on. Please don't tell her that though.'
I have a wonderful time. Wayne seems to anticipate my every wish.
We see a movie first. One that I have wanted to see for a long time.
We go out to eat. We drive along the beach and go wading on a private
beach. Wayne has the key to let us in. Finally we drive into the
canyon and watch the stars. I put my head on his shoulder and
stare at the sky. I am very happy.
Wayne wants to be my special friend. I tell him to be patient,
because one of my special friends has recently turned out to be a fink.
I now hate Tommy. We were once very very close friends. Wayne asks me to
call him if I need anything. He is a new student in the highschool just
like me. We don't share any classes, but we might next year. I like him.
We shake hands and kiss lightly. 'Inez, I will be a virgin on my wedding
night. I know that you are not a virgin, but I don't care. You are a
gorgeous girl, but the Inez that I love is inside the body. Goodnight.
Wayne said that he loved me. I forgot that this was a whore night.
I had so much fun that I forgot. The next night Tommy has me over to
his house. 'These customers cannot afford to fuck you. They just want
to see you. Strip for each one. Only the third one gets to touch.
I strip for each boy and stand naked while he stares at me.
While he stares at me, I part my legs and finger myself for a while.
I squeeze my breasts and make my nipples swell. I turn around
and touch my toes. Finally, I spread my legs and bend at the knees.
I get many repeat customers.
The third boy is allowed to fondle my breasts and finger my
pussy. I lose control when he fingers me. I breath heavy, and help
him rub me to climax. The boys love to see me lose control.
When I am finished, Tommy tells me that I have a torture session Sat night.
This one will be at Tommy's house. One on one. Ten customers.
I rest up for the occasion. When I arrive,
I see the new torture equipment. Tommy has made a metal frame seven feet
high and eight feet wide. It has many pulleys and hooks along the edges.
when the first boy arrives, I strip and face the frame while they tie my
feet and pull. I am hung by my feet from the corners. My feet and legs
are pulled far apart as I hang. My hands are tied to the two bottom
corners. The top ropes are pulled as tight as possible, spreading my legs
wide. The boy is allowed to look into my open pussy and feel me also.
The boy is allowed to squeeze my hanging breasts. When my head is pounding
I am released and the boy is given a needle. He can put it anywhere he
wishes. My hands are tied behind me. He follows the normal pattern
and stabs my breast. I scream in pain and cry. Finally he pulls it out
and leaves.
Tommy does variations thru the night. Once he has the boy
stab my breast while I hang upside down. Another time he hangs me
from my hands which are tied behind me. This is extreemly painful.
When the boys are gone. Tommy wants to play some. He hangs me upside
down with my feet spread. For a long time Tommy plays with my pussy.
I get excited even while hanging. When I am standing again, tommy has
me spread my legs and hold my pussy open for him while he strokes me.
I lose control quickly. Tommy knows how to get to me. When I am almost
ready, Tommy stops. I beg him to continue, and finally he finishes me.
Tommy rapes me and then allows me to leave.
My breasts are getting extreemly tender, because of their constant
violation by the needles. Each new needle is more painfull than the
last. I tell Tommy, but he just shrugs.
The next session at Carl's house involves only Helen and me.
Carl wants to start with a strip poker session. Four men are involved
They have us stripped in no time. We are both forced to stand on the
table and parade for them, crawl around the table, and squat in front
of each guest. We both get the rack and we are forced to suck our own
pussies while the other sucks too with intermittent french kissing.
We ride the pussy rubber and the water machine. We each mount the
spread eagle machine and scream our pain while each man forces his hands
into our pussies and fingers into our wombs. The last torture seems the
worst. Our hands are tied behind us and we are hung by our hands from
the ceiling. We are standing on out tip toes to avoid pain.
The guests get to help with this one. Tounge crushers are put on us and
then carl brings out the needles. I cry from the sight of them.
When by breasts are violated, I scream my pain. They also stab our ass
cheeks and tongues. We hang there for a long time while they watch us.
Finally they pull the needles out and each guest is allowed to rape us
as we hang. Carl shows them our secret spots and each guest gets
both of us excited.
We both end up begging each guest to finish us. Finally Carl
takes their money and shows each guest to the door.
Carl comes down and rapes us both before he lowers us.
'You are good. You will make me a lot of money.' Carl puts our money
in our hands that are still bound behind us. Carl pushes us both
out into the night. We run out of the light. When we move out of the
shadows, someone takes us by the arm and leads us to a parked car.
It is Wayne. 'Kathy told me where you would be.' Wayne helps us into his
car. 'Stay down, please.' Wayne drives us home. When we are in the
living room, Wayne unties us. I am naked and ashamed standing in front of
him. I guess mother feels the same, because she does not cover herself or
leave the room. 'I love you both. If you must do these things, please let
me help you as much as I can. Tell me when you go on these excursions so
that I can be there like tonight. You might need help. I can take care of
myself.' Wayne notices the holes in the sides of our breasts. He gently
touches us there and starts to cry. 'You have been hurt.'
I try to explain that this is how we make a living. Wayne offers to
pay us to stop, but I cannot allow that. We promise to tell Wayne when
we go out on jobs. Wayne kisses me on the mouth. Our cheeks are both
wet. Wayne leaves. (He is quite a guy.) Mother agrees.
We get a few weeks of freedom. Our wounds heal and our spirits lift.
My whoreing is started again with a call from Maxine. I report to the
address to find Buddy Fowler waiting for me. I slapped his face for a
rude remark at school once. Buddy grabs me and kisses me hard.
(Please go easy with me, Buddy, you will get what you want.)
'Strip.' I take my clothes off and stand naked before him. He smiles and
works on my special spot. I am ready soon. Buddy notices my wet pussy.
I start moving to his rhythm. When I moan, Buddy stops. 'Make me ready.'
I undress him and fondle his penis till it is hard. Buddy grabs my hair
and forces me to suck his penis. I suck till he comes in my mouth.
When I try to work on myself, he grabs my hands and tells me not to
touch myself till he tells me. He works on my special spot till I moan
then he stops again. I start to cry. 'Make me ready.
He forces me to suck him till he is hard. He forces his penis into my
wet pussy and pumps me for a short time. When he is finished with me,
he has me stand on the table in front of him and work on myself.
When I moan and start to really come good, he pulls my hand away and makes
me stand there exposed to him.
(Please, buddy, let me finish myself.) Buddy hands me a carrot and
tells me to use it to finish myself. I again bring myself to moaning and
this time I finish myself. When my screams are quiet and I am back
down on the ground, Buddy has me eat the carrot.
When he is finished looking at me he stands up and pulls me off the table.
Buddy slaps me hard, several times. 'Now we are even, slut.'
I dress and leave.
I visit several Johns that week. Most are OK. Some of them are even fun.
When Carl calls and wants mother and me for a torture session I am no
longer exctied about it. We cannot see a way out so we go.
The session is like all the others except that when I am in the newest
device which spreads my legs wide, someone sticks sharp pieces of wood
under my toenails and lights them on fire while another guest is forcing
his finger into my uterus. By the time I notice the toenails, my flesh is
being burned. I can do nothing to prevent it but cry and scream.
My toes are very sore for weeks.
I visit Mr. Pots fast food store and appologize to him in front of
all his employees. I ask for my job back, but he refuses.
On the last week of school, I get a call from Maxine. I have two
Johns on one night. I refuse. Maxine mentions the needles.
I tell her I will do it just this once. Maxine gives me instructions
and hangs up. The first door is opened by Mr. Pots. Fear grips me as I
walk into his home. He asks for and gets all of my clothes.
I stand before him naked. He goes to my spot first off and gets me hot.
When I moan and open myself wide for him, he undresses and forces me onto
the floor. When he has come in my pussy, he tells me he wants to
torture me. When I refuse, he grabs my hands and ties them behind me.
I beg him not to hurt me, but he only smiles. When he produces needles
I start to cry and beg for mercy. He takes my breast in his hand and
inserts the needle. I try not to move. The needle goes thru my breast
and out the other side. I flinch when the next needle penetrates my
other breast. Mr Pots watches my while he slides the needle thru me.
He puts needles thru the cheeks of my ass and my pussy lips.
After he puts large needles thru my lips, in and out again,
I beg for release. It is very difficult to talk.
Mr Pots asks me to stick my tongue out. I cry very hard, because
my tongue is very sore for weeks after being needled. Mr Pots insists.
I stick my tongue out and he grabs it. The needles are very painful.
Finally all the needles are in. Mr Pots takes the two needles in my
pussy lips out and pokes them thru my breasts. He then works his hand
into my pussy. I lift one leg to give him access. While I stand in
front of him, he reaches inside of me and squeezes my uterus. I cry out
in pain. I scream when he inserts his finger into my uterus.
Mr Pots uses his second hand on the outside to help him force another
finger into my uterus. I am becoming hysterical with pain. I plead with
him to release me. By the time he has three fingers in my uterus, I am
shaking with pain. My eyes start to roll and he withdraws. When he looks
at me, Mr Pots takes me to the bathroom and I kneel in front of his toilet.
When I have vomited up everything in my stomach. I again face Mr. Pots.
He withdraws the needles and unties me. He then starts to work on my
special spot. I am sick and I hurt everywhere, but I cannot stop
myself from responding. When I moan readiness, Mr Pots takes me on the
floor again. Afterward I dress, clean up and leave.
My second customer that night is an easy one. I don't think he
even noticed that I was preoccupied with pain. When I get home
mother notices my punctured body and pale face. I tell her what
happened and go straight to bed.
Tommy calls and insists that mother and I be the star attractions at his
graduation party. On the night of the party, Tommy gives us very brief
waitress costumes to wear and we serve the guests until about ten.
Tommy then gets everyones attention and puts mother and me in center ring.
Tommy has us undress each other and dance around naked. Then we are asked
to mingle. The guests are allowed to feel us. It turns into a painful
time for us. About eleven we are forced to take each boy into a bedroom
and submit to him. For several hours we service each boy at least once.
Many several times. Finally, when the party is about to break up, they
lay us out on the frontroom floor and gang bang us both. One after another
as fast as they can go. Eventually the last one is finished and everyone
leaves. Tommy insists that we clean up his home and one of us must be
availible in the morning.
I send mother home and stay to clean up. When the place is
reasonably clean, I fall asleep on the couch. I am awakened by Tommy
working on my special spot. When he has me ready, he inserts his
penis into me and has a long ride. I come several times before Tommy.
When he is finally finished with me, I walk home.
I miss school. We get several weeks rest before our next assignment.
Tommy calls and wants mother ane me to report to Carl's house.
We arrive and have a normal Carl type evening. Strip poker, demos on
the table, rack, water, pussy rubber, tongue crusher, needles, hanging,
etc. After we are finished, the guests do not leave. In fact, several
new ones arrive. There is a large crowd in the recreation room when
Maxine arrives. She is wearing a two piece bikini. Carl gives me one
like it and has me put it on.
Carl gets everyones attention and announces the MAIN EVENT.
Maxine and I are to fight. The one who strips the other will win the
round. The winner gets to choose which torture she will give to the
looser. I am very tired and hurting from the tortures already.
A large area is made in the room for us to manouver. Carl calls time
and we face each other. I don't like maxine anyway so I find it easy
to try to hurt her.
Maxine is not here to play games. She comes in fast,
grabs my hair and pulls my head down while her knee comes up to meet
my face. Whap! I am on my back looking up. I get to my knees and start
to stand up. Maxine grabs my hair again and Whap. My lips will be swollen
tomorrow. I turn over slowly and get to my hands and knees.
Maxine kicks my ass hard and I go flat on my stomach. I get up slowly.
Where is Maxine? She is behind me. She grabs my hair and pulls me
backward hard. I fall down on my ass. On my way up, Maxine grabs my
hair and knees my face once more. Whap! I am out cold.
Maxine pulls my bikini off and wins the round.
Maxine puts me on the rack and I start to wake up. By the time I am
fully awake my face is buried in my pussy. Htb. Htb. Htb. I scream.
'Kiss your asshole for these nice folks.' I do. French your asshole.'
I force my tongue into my asshole. The rack is making my asshole open so
it goes in easily. 'Suck and french.' I suck myself while working my
tongue in and out.
Finally mother is allowed to release me. I walk around some and
carl has me rinse my mouth and brush my teeth. I put my bikini back on.
The next round starts. We circle each other for a time. I swing and miss
Maxine puts her fist deep into my stomach. I fall to my knees gasping for
breath. Maxine pulls my tops off and ties my hands behind me with them.
She grabs my breasts and pulls me to my feet. Maxine squeezes my breasts
tightly and shakes me by my breasts. She makes me bend at the waist and
then slaps my breasts hard. Over and over and over. First the left and
then the right. Maxine grabs my hair and pulls me up. Maxine makes a fist
and slugs my right breast straight on. She hits me so hard that I am
knocked down. Maxine grags my breasts and pulls me up. She slugs my
breasts one after the other. I try to turn away, but she is always there.
Finally, Maxine grabs my nipples and pinches tight while pulling them
appart as hard as she can. I scream in pain. I dance from one foot to
the other, because of the pain. At last maxine pulls my bottoms off and
is declared the winner.
Maxine puts me into the newest machine the leg spreader.
When she has me spread out before her in great pain, Maxine
puts her hand into my pussy and squeezes my uterus hard.
I scream in pain. Maxine next inserts her fingers into my uterus.
I beg her not to. I groan and scream as each new finger is inserted.
finally maxine's whole hand is in my uterus. She shoves hard till
all of her fist is inside. She opens her hand and flexes her fingers.
Maxine pinches the inner flesh and pulls hard. I am lost in pain.
Finally, I am released. I cannot walk for a time. My hips finally go
back into their sockets and I can walk. Carl looks at me and declares
this to be the last round. I stagger out and grap Maxine's tops.
I hold on tight with both hands. Maxine reaches into my bottoms and
strokes my special spot. I grit my teeth and swear not to give in, but
it is no use. Soon I am breathing hard and moving with Maxine's motion.
I look toward my mother. She sympathises with me. I start to come.
Maxine pulls my hands from her tops. She asks me to remove my tops.
When I hesitate, she stops her motion. I romove my bikini tops and
hand them to her. She has me hold my hands behind me while she ties
them together with my tops. She has me remove my bottoms.
Maxine puts the bottoms on my head so that they cover my eyes.
Maxine pulls me over to the audience by my pubic hairs. She spreads my
pussy wide so that everyone watches while I come. They all see my
enlaraged clitoris as Maxine strokes me. Finally I come with a long
scream followed my several long moans. Maxine has me suck her pussy
thru the material of her bottoms. She has me suck each of her toes.
Finally, she grabs my breasts and pulls me to my feet. I cannot see
her. Maxine pushes me down several times from different directions.
I fall hard, because my hands are tied. Each time Maxine grabs my
breasts and pulls me to my feet. After a time, I cannot stand.
Maxine pulls my bikini off and gives them to Carl.
Maxine chooses the Tongue crusher and needles. I cry again just from the
thought of what is to come. I know how to put the crusher on.
Maxine pulls my tongue hard as she locks the lever. My tongue is in
extreem pain. The needles are next. Maxine puts them in my buttocks
cheeks, My inner thighs, my upper and lower lips, and my upper arms.
Maxine takes my breasts in her hand and slowly inserts the
needle into me. I am crying hard and the sobs make it more painful.
When it is thru, She takes the other breast in her hand and does likewise.
She stands back and examines me. Shakes her head and pulls the breast
needles out. She grabs my breast and inserts the needle again.
I beg her to stop. She takes my other breast in her hand and squeezes it
before inserting the needle. She backs up and examines me again.
She shakes her head and pulls the needles out of my breasts.
This time she holds my breast and pushes the needle in only part way.
She moves the needle around which causes the needle inside of my breast
to tear the flesh. I scream. She pushes it in slightly farther and
again moves the needle around inside of me. I scream and cry.
A third time she pushes it in farther then moves the needle around.
finally she pushes it thru. While she is working on my second breast,
in this fashion, My knees buckle and mother is forced to hold me up
while Maxine tears the inside of my breast. At last the needle comes
back out of the skin on the other side.
Mother lays me down and she is taken away to service a guest.
When I wake up, Maxine is slapping my face. I am forced to stand
while maxine pulls the needles out of me. When only the breasts are
left, she removes the tongue crusher. When Maxine pulls the needles
out of my breasts, she moves the needle point around inside of my breasts
again. I cry and beg for relief. Maxine covers my mouth and moves
the needle in and out and around all over inside of my breast.
Noone hears my screams. Maxine does the same with the second needle.
I am hysterical by the time she is finished. Maxine drops me in a heap
on the floor, where I lay until the guests are gone.
When the last guest is thru with mother, she helps me up and we look for
our clothes. Carl shakes his head and pushes us out the front door.
Mother hurries us into the shadows. Mother looks for and finds Wayne's
van. Wayne helps mother put me on the back seat, then we are off.
Wayne drives us home and pulls into the driveway. 'Let me open the
garage, so noone will see you.' We have no keys, so Wayne tries the doors
and windows. The house is locked. 'Would you come to my house please.
I can offer you some clothes and first aid.' We agree.
Wayne is very tender with me. I guess he can see that I am in
pain. He gives us some of his clothes to wear, and invites us to some
hot soup. It is delicious. My breasts ache and I start to cry.
When we explain to Wayne what happened to me, he suggests cold packs
When my breasts are packed in ice packs, I feel much better.
Forgive me, but I am glad you are here. You are two very special people
to me. Maybe it is none of my business, but do you like to be tortured.
Mother and I look at each other. (Wayne, I think I do like it up to a
point. Today they crossed that point. I have been seriously hurt.)
'You don't have to go back.' (You are right, but I will. I have
discovered something about myself. I like to be made a slave.
I like men to treat me cruely. I like to be raped and pinched.
I guess I am sick, but there it is.) I start to cry.
Wayne comes to me, takes my face in his hands, and kisses my tears.
'I love you. If you want to be made to suffer, that is OK with me.
I will hurt you too if you want me to, others apparently can.
I will continue to be there when you need me. Someday I will ask you to
marry me. You can still do these extracurricular flings if you want.
I will care, but I cannot tell you what to do. I will be jellous
of your other lovers, but as long as I can love you too it will be OK.'
When the twins come home Wayne delivers us home. I take Wayne
up to my room and give him back his clothes. I stand naked before him
(Standing here like this with you watching me, excites me. When Tommy and
Maxine used to kidnap me and torture me at unexpected times, that really
excited me. Now it is a lot routine. Carl comes up with new tortures
every now and then. The ones that really hurt, but don't cause damage
are the best. Being watched is important also.)
'Does your mother feel the same way?' We walk over to mother's room and
knock. Mother is not undressed yet, but she invites us in.
When we get down to brass tacks, mother feels exactly the same way that
I do. The twins are different. 'You are two gorgeous females.
I seem to have a thing about being unused on my wedding night. I want it
that way, but looking at you two, I don't think I will make it.
We talk for a while and Wayne offers to take Tommy's place. Mother and I
talk it over privately and agree that Maxine went too far today.
I am still holding Wayne's ice packs on my naked aching breasts.
We decide that Wayne will be our new pimp. Wayne kisses us each goodby
and promises to keep our secrets and serve us well.
Tommy dissappears. Noone ever hears from him again.
Maxine calls me and tells me that Wayne will take over for tommy.
She sounds frightened on the phone. Evidently, Carl supplied the torture
audiences anyway. Maxine will continue to supply Johns for me, but she
will work thru Wayne. Carl calls us and checks to be sure that Wayne is
acting as our agent. He cautions us to be careful with Wayne.
'Wayne is not an amature like Tommy is. The next time Wayne comes over
he asks to see my swollen breasts. When I remove my blouse, Wayne takes
photos of my head and bust showing the swollen breasts. I pose in many
attitudes including lying down, lying on each side, upside down lying over
the side of my bed, and one shot straight up at my hanging breasts while
I am bent over at the waist.
All of a sudden, Paul is very
respectful with me. Even Sam calls and wishes me and Wayne the best.
Wayne is taking over. Next time Wayne calls, I ask him over.
When I challenge him about it, he appologizes and asks which of his steps
he should correct. I cannot think of one. He smiles and promises to be
more respectful of my wishes in the future.
Then it starts.
Two weeks after Wayne takes over and my breasts are almost normal, a boy
jumps me when I am working in the yard. He forces me to get in his car.
He handcuffs my hands behind me and drives to his home.
He treats me rough, but he is not the rough type. He is tender with my
breasts. He forces me to strip and makes me stroke myself till
I am ready. He then takes over my special spot while I make him ready.
He opens the curtains of his living room while we stand naked.
Then he mounts me and rides me till we both come.
Anyone walking down the street could look in and see what we are doing.
When he has come several times and wants a rest, he has me get
up on my hands and knees and spread my legs. He slowly and carefully
inserts his hand into my pussy. When he is in, he squeezes my uterus.
It is still very tender and I cry out. When his fingers start to
penitrate me, I groan in pain. He gets two fingers in and stops.
He forces my chest down on the floor while he spreads my pussy and looks
into me. He gets a flashlight and looks further. Finally he has me get
him ready one last time by sucking his penis. He works on my spot also.
When he is hard and ready, I am moaning my readiness. This time we
reach climax together. It is very good sex. I walk home singing.
Two days later I get fifty dollars in the mail.
The next time, I am raped at school. Just as lunch starts, I am
walking to my locker when the chem lab door swings open and two boys pull
me in. One holds my mouth and hands while the other removes my clothes.
When I am naked, One of the boys works on my special spot till I am
losing control. After I submit completely, I am released and permited to
help them out of their clothes. We have sex on the floor.
I am busy for the entire lunch period, sucking, stroking, being fucked.
When our time is about up, the boys leave me to dress alone.
When I am dressed, I look up to see three of the male teachers grinning at
me. I blush and run out. I receive one hundred dollars in the mail.
The three male teachers that caught me dressing in the chem lab ask me to
meet with them after school one day. They have heard that I will sell myself
and they want to buy. I ask one hundred dollars each. They produce the
money and place it on the desk. I put it in my purse and follow them into
the storeroom. A matress is placed on the floor and they watch as I undress.
They all participate at once, taking turns fucking, fondeling, kissing,
watching. When they are finished, I am asked to suck each to orgasm.
It takes a long time. When each has come in my mouth, I am allowed to dress
and leave. They will want me again.
When I walk home from school, I always take the shortcut that goes
by the creek. Today I get a surprise. While I am walking down the path,
I step into a trap and a rope catches my leg and pulls my leg out from
under me. I find myself hanging by one leg upside down with my head
about a foot off the ground. MY dress comes up to my face, but there is
nothing that I can do about it. Someone walks up to me. I can see his legs
and shoes, but my dress prevents me from seeing his face. He stands there
watching my bare legs and panties. (Please, help me down.) He reaches out
and puts his hand on my pussy. (Please, mister. my head hurts.)
He rubs me. I move my free leg so that he cannot rub me. He slugs my
stomach. When he slugs me the second time, I spread my legs open for him.
He continues to rub me. His hands go up and down my bare legs.
He slips his hand under the leg elastic and fingers my pussy. My legs are
streatched so that my pussy is open. He fingers my special spot till I am
wet. I run my fingers up his leg till he kicks my forhead to make me stop.
He pulls my panties up and off the one free leg and off the other so that
they are hung on the rope tied to my foot. He continues to fondle my pussy.
His fingers go in deep while he spreads me wide open for inspection.
He rubs my spot till I beg for him to take me. He grabs my slip and dress
and pulls them down. When he comes to my breasts, he forces the material to
tear so that my breasts are exposed to him. Before I black out, I hear the
click of a camera. When I come to, I am lying on the ground naked.
I have been raped several times. My breasts ache from abuse.
My hair feels like someone has pulled it long and hard. My pussy feels like
someone has pulled it open as hard as they could. My uterus and pussy feel
like someone has had their hands inside of me. I cannot find my clothes.
I get up and hide in the bushes. I have a long wait till someone comes.
A young boy comes by. I signal him and he comes to me. I ask him to go to
my house and get me some clothes. He walks away slowly, then comes back.
'I want to see you first.' There is nothing that I can do but step out
of the bushes and let him see me. He runs off and I wait. I wait for a long
time. Finally, he returns. He doesn't come alone and he doesn't bring any
clothes. 'See I told you. Come out and show my friends.' (No. You
promised that you would get me some clothes.) 'I forgot.'
One of the boys starts into the bushes and finally they all are standing next
to me. 'Wow. Look at those tits.' (Please, help me.) One of the younger
boys offers to get me some clothes. After he leaves, they stare at me.
'I want to touch you.' (Please don't) By the time my clothes come, they are
all feeling my breasts and buttocks. I get the pants on just in time.
I put the shirt on and run home. The boys chase me all the way.
I receive two hundred dollars in the mail. Wayne visits us often.
On one of his visits, I ask him about the money in the mail. He doesn't
know anything about it. However, I did notice a smile on his lips.
I avoid the shortcut for a while, but soon I am taking my old route every day.
I see the young boys, but they leave me alone until one day a group is
waiting for me as I walk by the creek. They just want to talk.
'We were wrong to chase you. We have been talking together. We would like
to see you again. Without your clothes, I mean. Please. We promise not to
touch you unless you let us.' There are eight of them and only one of me.
(Not today, I am in a hurry. If you really want to see me, you must bring
twenty dollars each tommorrow at the same time and place. OK?) They agree
and run off as a group. I have done it for less, and they seem like nice
boys. Actually, I would like to be friends with them. Maybe I can work it
PART 4/6
On the next day, the boys are all there waiting for me.
They take me to their clubhouse, which is up in a tree. When we have all
climbed up and they get comfortable, I ask for the money. The leader
counts it out to me, and I put it in my purse. I strip slowly so that the
boys will bet maximum thrill. I have done this before, and I know how to
excite an audience. The leader holds my clothes for me. When I am naked,
I parade for them. I turn around so that each boy sees all of me.
The clubhouse is small so that some contact cannot be avoided.
The leader hangs my clothes on hangers and puts the rest in a paper sack
which he hangs outside the clubhouse. The leader wants to touch me, but
I tell him that is not included. The boys bring out their cameras and I
pose for them. They like the shots where I hold my pussy open for them.
When I want to go, the leader shakes his head. When I try to take
my clothes, many hands grab me and hold me. I plead with them, but they
know that I am a whore, so I have no reason not to let them. I tell them
that what they want costs more than twenty dollars. The leader laughs and
takes his clothes off. They hold me down while he rapes me. I don't fight
long. Each boy rapes me while his friends hold me down. When they have
finished with me, the leader hands me my clothes, I dress and walk home.
Someone took their money plus all that I had out of my purse. I am furious.
When Wayne hears about it, he tells me not to worry. Later that week,
Wayne hands me several hundred dollars, from the boys.
For several days, I don't even see any of the boys when I walk home.
Then one day I see some of them limping along by the creek. They are afraid
of me. I ask them why they are all limping. They explain that my boyfriend
beat them when he came to collect my money. I ask to see their wounds.
They take me to their clubhouse and pull their pants down. Their testsicles
appear swollen and their penises are bruised. I apologize to each one,
kneel in front of him and kiss his sore penis. (You did steal my money,
but I didn't want you hurt. Please forgive me.) They form a huddle and
finally tell me that I am forgiven. I ask them If I can join their club.
They huddle again and finally the leader says I can, but I have to go thru
the initiation. Usually the initiation is to steal a girls panties or bra,
but mine will have to be different. They want to think about it.
The next day, the trapper strikes again. I am wearing a skirt and
blouse, when I walk by the creek. Someone calls my name. I stop and look
around. While I am stopped, someone reaches out of the bushes and wraps
a rope around my ankle. He pulls on the rope till my foot is as high as it
can go while my other foot is on the ground. I am hopping around on my one
foot to keep my balance while he is fingering my pussy and buttocks.
I don't recognize him. I finally grab his arm to steady myself.
He fingers me till I am wet and ready. I moan and lose control. I start to
finger myself while he is helping himself to my charms. He lowers my foot
long enough for me to pull my panties off my other leg. He then pulls the
rope tight again and ties it to the tree. He works on my clitoris till I
moan and beg him to take me. He pulls his pants and shorts off and
forces his penis into my wet stretched pussy. I must hold on to him
while he rapes me. After he comes, he withdraws and pulls the rope till I
fall and hang by my foot like before. He ties the rope off and dresses
himself. He opens my skirt and pulls it down off my head. He unbuttons
my blouse and helps me out of it. He turns me around and unhooks my bra.
He pulls my bra down and off. I am hanging naked except for shoes and sox.
He takes my breasts in his hands and squeezes them unkindly. I yelp and he
squeezes harder. After a time, I pass out. I dream that I am beaten and
raped. When I awaken, I realize that it was no dream. I hurt all over.
I am naked and it is dark. After he beat me and raped me he pulled me into
the bushes. I stagger home, keeping in the shadows. When I am inside,
I notice that he filled my pussy with dirt and rocks. I spend a long time
cleaning myself up. I am very sore for several days. I receive three
hundred dollars in the mail.
Two weeks later, Wayne tells me that Carl has a new bunch that
wants to meet us. Mother and I arrive on time and mingle with the guests.
We are not required to bring any money to play with. The poker game goes
like all the rest. Mother and I are stripped first. We parade, squat, crawl,
bounce, shake, etc for each guest. There are two couples that look like man
and wife teams. The wives are stripped, but are not required to be tortured.
The husbands take their wives into the bedrooms later. The switch wives at
least once that I saw. When we go downstairs, Carl puts us thru the rack,
pussy rubber, water machine, and leg spreader. Finally he brings Maxine
in and has me put on a bikini. We are to fight again. Same rules.
As soon as we start, I hurry at her and grab her hair. I pull her hair
while she slugs me in the stomach. I have trouble breathing. Maxine slugs
me again and I grab my stomach with both hands. Maxine grabs my hair and
pulls my head down hard as she brings her knee up to meet my face.
I am unconscious after the first one. When I come to, she has my hands tied
behind me with my bikini tops. She is pulling me to my feet by my hair.
She makes me bend over while she 'milks' me. A constant painful squeezing
of my breasts. While I am bent over, she spanks me with her hand.
The guests love it and applaude. Maxine pushes me over to the audience and
has them milk me and spank me. They are almost as rough as maxine.
Finally, maxine pulls my panties down and shoves me so that I fall.
Maxine takes my bikini and is declared the winner. Maxine chooses a divice
that I have never seen before. I am forced to stand on one leg and raise the
other while maxine inserts the device into my pussy. It only goes in a
short distance. Maxine pushes levers and I feel it stretching my pussy
open. Another divice is inserted and more stretching. Finally, the last
divice is inserted and I scream in pain when it stretches me.
Maxine gives one last long effort and the ring clicks into place.
Maxine removes the device leaving a metalic ring in my pussy that holds me
open. Maxine slides her hand into me with very little effort. The guests
love it. The guests are allowed to try it. Most of their hands will fit
into me with very little trouble. They finger my inner pussy while I groan.
Some find my uterus and squeeze it. I scream in pain.
Finally I put my bikini on and we start round two.
I am weak and the ring is very uncomfortable. I am defensive in
my fight, trying to avoid maxine. It doesn't work. Maxine slaps my face
hard. When I touch my cheek, she spins me around and kicks my ass so
hard that it knocks me down. When I get to my hands and knees, Maxine kicks
my ass. I crawl while she kicks me several times. Each time I try to stand,
Maxine kicks me flat. Finally, I am allowed to stand. Maxine pulls my tops
off and ties my hands behind me. She ties my hands to the rope and pulls the
rope tight so that I am hanging by my hands. When Maxine ties off the rope,
I am just able to touch the floor with my toes. Maxine kicks my feet away
several times causing me to moan and finally scream in pain. Maxine 'milks'
me and then reaches into my pussy. She squeezes my uterus and then inserts
a finger into it. I scream and beg her to stop. Finally, maxine pulls my
bikini off and is the winner again. Maxine selects the needles.
I am paralyzed with fear. Maxine smiles as she slowly inserts the needles
into my breasts. I cry and moan as the needle slowly passes thru me.
She is even slower with the second needle. I must stand still while she
pushes them into me. I am crying a stream by the time she is finished.
I am forced to walk among the guests while they examine the needles.
FInally, Maxine withdraws them. Again, very slowly. I put on the bikini,
and we start the last round.
This time Maxine doesn't play games. She abuses me from the start.
She slaps me several times, grabs my hair and throws me to the floor.
When I try to get up, she kicks my ass and then my stomach. I climb off
the floor many times before she pulls my tops off and ties my hands
behind me. Maxine plays with my nipples till they are hard. She pinches
them hard and pulls them up till I scream in pain. She whispers to me.
I shake my head. Maxine smiles and reaches into my bottoms. Maxine rubs
my special spot till I lose control. I move to her motion and moan my
pleasure. Maxine stops and whispers to me again. I nod and kneel in front
of her. I kiss her pussy and lick her thru her bottoms. She turns around
and I do the same with her asshole. Maxine pulls her bottoms down
so that her asshole is open to me. She bends forward and pulls her cheeks
apart. I kiss her asshole. Maxine waits. I lick her asshole and finally
open my mouth and suck her. I lick her from pussy to tailbone, kissing her
also. Finally, maxine tires and has me stand while she pulls my bottoms off.
Maxine is the indisputed winner. Maxine whispers to Carl who nods his head.
Maxine ties my hands behind me and then to the rope. She pulls the rope till
I am hanging. She ties it off so that my toes touch the floor. She kicks my
feet away and grabs my waist. She yanks down on me causing extreem pain in
my shoulders. I scream and cry. Maxine gets the tounge crusher and forces
me to open my mouth wide. I push my tongue into the device. Maxine waits
until I have my tongue out as far as I can, then she clamps it on tight.
Maxine gets needles and pushes them into my tongue. Maxine pushes
needles slowly thru my breasts and ass cheeks. Finally, Maxine reaches
into my pussy and inserts her fingers into my uterus. I cannot describe
the pain. I am shaking with pain. I scream, but noone hears me.
When Maxine has her hand in my uterus, she pinches me and yanks on the
pinch. I must have shuddered, because she did it several times.
Finally, Maxine leaves me alone.
The party breaks up. The guests are allowed to exaime me, touch me,
squeeze me. By the time the last guest is gone, I am lost in pain.
I don't remember being lowered. I remember Carl puting money in my hand.
I remember going out the door and mother pulling me into the shadows.
My hands are tied behind us. I am crying on mother's shoulder.
Wayne signals with his lights and we run to his van. When we are inside and
driving away, I burst into uncontrollable sobs. Wayne stops and unties us.
We put on the clothes that wayne brought, and drive home is silence.
(Thank you Wayne. I could not have made it home tonight.)
I sleep in on saturday for a long time. The twins finally wake me and I tell
them all. they examine my wounds and notice that the ring is still in my
pussy. When I am alone in the house, I call Wayne. He comes right over.
I explain about the ring and Wayne agrees to try to take it out.
I remove my shorts and panties. I climb up onto the table and spread my legs
wide for Wayne. Wayne uses a flashlight to see. He opens me with his
fingers and reaches in till he feels the ring. Wayne pulls on it till
I moan. He shakes his head and goes to the phone. Wayne calls Carl.
We have to drive over to Carls, because the device is needed to get the ring
out. I dress and drive over with Wayne. Carl lets Wayne use the device.
Wayne seems to know how to work it. Wayne has me strip and lay on a table
while he inserts the device. I am in pain before he even turns it on,
'Inez, this will hurt you darling. Please forgive me.' Wayne turns it on
and it swells into me. When I think that I am having a baby, it pinches me
and swells more. I scream. Wayne pulls a lever and the ring collapses.
Slowly the device shrinks down and Wayne withdraws it. Wayne helps me into
my clothes and carries me out to the van.
Wayne carries me up to my room and puts me to bed.
When he lays me down, I pull him down and kiss him. (Please come to bed
with me now.) 'You are in pain. You need to rest first. I will be
available later if you want me.' Wayne was right. I hurt. I slept the
entire day. Wayne came by at six and took me to dinner. I ate like a pig.
Wayne put me to bed again and kissed me goodnight.
I slept peacefully till early morning. I got up and called Wayne.
(I'm sorry to wake you, but I want your body. I need to shower too.
See you in an hour. Bye, darling.) I feel so good. My body still aches
in spots, but I am on a high, because I am convinced that Wayne loves me.
I want to make him happy. I think I know how. Wayne takes me to breakfast
and we take a stroll in the park. Wayne suggests that we go for a hike.
We have a great time, but when we get home that evening, I am too tired for
anything else but sleep. Wayne and I never do make love.
I don't realize that something is strange until much later.
I enjoy visiting the young boys occasionally. They are
fresh and they enjoy my body so. They have progressed to touching me.
I will have to be careful, now. I am required to touch them too.
Today I started the practice of jacking them off until they come.
I jack off as many as I can. The rest do themselves. They enjoy watching
my breasts bounce while I jack them off. I decide to skip a few weeks so
that they will appreciate me more. On my next visit I am expecting a big
welcome when I enter the clubhouse. I get a surprise. Hands grab me and
hold me while I am blindfolded. (This isn't funny guys.) Whap!
Someone slugs me in the face. My head is spinning. I am held up of I would
collapse into a heap. When I come around I remain silent. 'Strip.'
My hesitation earns me a fist in the stomach. I unbutton my blouse and pull
it out of my pants. I hold it out and someone takes it. I remove my shoes
and hand them to someone. I hear a paper sack. I remove my pants and hand
them over. I unhook my bra and hold it out. someone takes it and whistles.
I lower my panties to my ankles and someone pushes me. I trip and fall hard.
I get up and pull my panties off. I hand them to my unknown assailants.
All of my clothes are put in a paper bag and someone takes it out.
Hands push my legs apart. 'Open yourself.'
I reach down and spread my pussy open.
A finger finds my clitoris and rubs it. I slowly melt and start moving to
his rhythm. I moan my readiness. He pokes his finger into me to moisten
it and then continues to rub me. (Please, take me now. I will be good for
you. Oh please.) Silence. Several hands start to squeeze my breasts and
buttocks. Fingers rub my asshole and others rub my legs. I am on fire.
Someone kisses me and we are sucking tongues instantly. They all withdraw
and force me to bend down from the waist. I am raped from behind many times.
When they are finished with me I am forced to suck them. I don't recognize
any of the penises in my mouth. They force themselves deep into my throat.
I gag on each one. When they are finished with me, they remove
the blindfold and force each eyelid open while they sprinkle salt
into my eyes. I scream and get slugged. When I wake, I am tied to the
walls somehow. I am spread eagle on the floor, face up.
I can hear someone moving around, but the blindfold is back on.
My eyes burn. I hear clothes. A small penis goes into me. It is the
boys. I call them all by name. I offer to let them have me after I am
untied. Silence. The boys continue to rape me till they are all finished.
I counted eight. There are eight boys in the club. They untie me and run
away. I pull the blindfold off and watch them run away. It was the boys.
I cry from the hurt of ones friends letting you down. I have no clothes
so I must wait till it gets dark. My face is swelling up. I will have a
black eye. The boys return with some of my clothes. (Why didn't you talk
to me. I told you you could have me if you untied me. Now you will never
have me again.) I walk home very depressed. I thought they were my friends.
I don't seem to have friends.
It takes me several days to recover. The black eye will show for
weeks. I receive three hundred dollars in the mail. I find out that mother
has been raped several times also. We have a long talk comparing notes.
I call Wayne and tell him to come over. He can tell that I am mad.
Wayne sees my black eye and hesitates before coming in. I open the door and
we have a long talk. Wayne has been setting up all the 'rapes'. He says
that he wants to please us. 'You asked for surprise, sex, bondage, violence,
etc. I am arranging exactly what you asked for.' Mother and I look at each
other. I ask wayne to stop. He refuses. I threaten to break up with him.
Wayne laughs. Wayne please stop these attacks. 'Listen you two whores,
I have told them to go easy on you. If you don't be nice, I will tell them
to go hard on you.' My mouth falls open. 'What are you looking at.
You are used goods. You think that I would make love with a whore?
I don't even like being in the same room with one. You will continue as
before and like it. Now strip, both of you.' Wayne is not the same person
that we used to know. The look in his eye is wild. We both strip quickly.
Wayne comes to us and grabs one of each of our breasts in each hand and
squeezes them as hard as he can. 'Do you want me to stop?' (No.)
Wayne releases us and pinches each of us one last time. 'I know where to
find you, if you cross me up.' He looks at me. 'Your eyes look a little
red today. The salt was my idea.' Wayne leaves with a cruel chuckle
on his lips.
Our lives are turned upside down for a time. We get raped
everywhere we go. While grocery shopping, I am pulled into the backroom.
My shorts and panties are pulled down and a boy from school forces his penis
into me. I am not ready so it hurts me. When He has come, he rises, pulls
his pants up and leaves me on the floor. At a fast food we are eating when
some boys grab us and take us into the mens room. They pull our clothes off
and rape us against the walls. We are forced to raise one leg to give them
better access. It is so bad that we don't wear bras or panties anymore,
because the boys take them. While waiting for a red light, some boys
forced themselves into the car and took us on their laps while one of them
drove down the road. I went out to get the paper in the morning and was
raped twice in broad daylight on my front lawn. At a highschool football
game I was sold for five dollars a throw. They held my upper body inside of a
car window while my bare ass was outside the car. The five dollar customers
would spread my ass and rape me from behind. I earned sixty-five dollars.
On halloween we are kidnapped and taken from party to party, naked.
The boys use us for quickies when their dates are not looking.
During a movie I was forced to kneel and suck each boy on my row while he
played with my breasts. I get raped almost every day at school. Some days
several times, and once, during an assembly I was raped by almost every boy
in the school. Mother has installed special locks on the doors.
The windows are special burglar proof ones . Even that didn't prevent
someone from forcing his way into our house and having all his friends over
to rape us one by one. Carl has not called, because we are too cheap now.
Anyone can have us for five dollars.
Mother meets a boyfriend that hurts people, and they leave us alone
for a while. After a week I am raped as before, but mother is not bothered.
I am warned not to tell my mother or her friend. While swimming one night,
I am surrounded by boys and raped in the water several times.
While waiting in the lunch line at school I am raped while a group of boys
bunch up around me and one pulls my panties down and forces his penis into
me. I am never safe. After gym, I was raped while running back to the
showers. I was pulled behind the bleachers and raped three times.
Finally I call Wayne and tell him that he wins. I will work for him any
way that he wants, if I can have some peace and be left alone the rest of the
time. He comes over and I tell mother that I have decided to work with
Wayne. His terms are these. I will be available every friday and saturday
nights. I will permit customers to hurt me and do everything to help them
have a good time. I will be available anytime after Wayne gives me notice.
Wayne makes me sign a paper. The rapes cease. I am allowed to walk the
halls at school and even walk home unmolested. It is friday night now and
I must perform for him.
Wayne must have rented Carl's house, because that is where Wayne
takes me for my performance. We are not the first ones there. The new boy
at school who is the star athlete this year is there. He transfered into
our school this year. He is not particularly handsome, but I like him.
His name is Frank Miller. We talk for a long time before the action starts.
He seems to like me. When everyone is there, I am the only girl besides
Maxine. We play strip poker for a time. I am the only loser. Wayne has
been here before, because he has me parade for the ten boys, squat, and crawl
around the table just like Carl does. Each boy is allowed to touch me
whenever he wants. I get touched a lot. Finally, touching is not enough
and each boy takes me into a bedroom and rapes me. All that is except
Frank. Frank talks with me and asks me to tell them that he raped me also.
Frank wants it, but he wants it when it is our idea together.
When the boys have had their fill, they take me downstairs and put me on the
rack. Htb. htb. htb. ... Wayne has me kissing my pussy and licking my
special spot. I lose control and make myself come with all ten boys and
Maxine watching. Wayne hooks me up to the pussy rubbing machine and the
water machine. They enjoy watching me swell up. Wayne straps me into the
leg spreader and almost splits me in two. I am screaming before he finally
releases me. I cannot walk for a time. Wayne brings out a bikini for me,
and Maxine and I fight. I am too weak to give Maxine even a token fight.
Maxine beats me fiercly. I will ache for weeks. Maxine puts me in the
leg spreader and forces my legs to maximum spread. She then invites each of
the ten boys to finger my uterus. Each boy squeezes it and forces his
fingers into me. I scream my pain. Frank declines.
Maxine beats me again and whips me with my bikini tops. She chases me around
the room whipping me as I try to get away from her. Maxine pulls my bottoms
down to my knees and chases me some more. I trip and fall frequently.
The boys get good laughs from my plight. Maxine wins and puts me in the
rack until I am kissing my asshole and frenching it. She leaves me in the
rack for a long time. Each boy is allowed to finger me and play with
my body while I suffer. Frank touches my face and wipes my tears away.
Maxine really lets me have it during the last round. I spend most of my time
on the floor. Maxine ties my hands behind me with my tops and ties my
bottoms around my throat. I cannot breath. I beg her to let me breath.
Maxine laughs while I gasp for air. Eventually Maxine is declared winner.
Maxine hangs me by my hands tied behind me. She forces the tongue crusher
into my mouth and pulls my tongue out while she clamps it down. Maxine
sticks needles thru my tongue and ass cheeks. Maxine spends a long time
sticking the needles thru my breasts. I scream and groan and beg the whole
time. Finally she is finished and the boys are allowed to examine me.
They touch and squeeze me. They play with the needles till I groan.
While the boys increase my suffering, I notice Frank talking with Wayne.
Wayne shakes his head and Frank continues to plead with him. Then I am
lost in pain as one boy raises my leg and puts his hand into me and another
pulls down on my legs causing my shoulder to separate farther. I beg them
to not make it worse for me. They cannot hear me. The boy is forcing his
fingers into my uterus. I plead with him. He pinches me and the other boy
puts his weight onto me and I pass out from pain.
When I wake up, I am hanging alone. Wayne and Frank come downstairs
still argueing. Finally Wayne gives in. I overhear Wayne give Frank the
terms. 'You have one month to come up with the rests of the ten thousand
dollars. If you fail, you forfit your payment. If you do, you have bought
Inez forever. Frank agrees and they shake hands. Wayne tells Frank that he
can have me for the month starting now. Frank lowers me to the floor.
I start to cry as my arms are allowed to come down. I don't remember the
pain being this bad before. Frank pulls the needles out and takes the
tongue crusher off. Frank carries me upstairs and lays me on the couch while
he tries to find my clothes. The boys have taken them. Frank gives me his
shirt and pants. I put his clothes on and walk out to his car with him.
(I heard the deal you made with Wayne.) 'I wish you hadn't. Inez, please
give me a chance. I know that I am not handsome and you are gorgeous.
I am awkward and you are graceful. We seem to be opposites. I just want
a chance to court you. Maybe we will hit it off. I think I fell for you.
I am going to college next year on an athletic scholarship. I am going to
be a medical doctor. Long years of study are ahead for me. I don't have
much to offer a girl like you. I just ask for a chance.' We drive in
silence for a time. When Frank parks in front of my house. I turn to him
and try to be honest. I tell him about Tommy, Paul, Sam, Carl, and Wayne.
I tell him about the boys and the twins. I even tell him about my special
spot that makes me crumble for anyone who touches it. 'May I see it please.'
I pull Frank's pants down and open myself. I expose my clitoris and allow
Frank to stroke me. Soon I am wet with readiness and moaning my pleasure.
I take Franks hand in mine and rub myself with it. I scream my orgasm into
the night. Frank kisses me. I give him a kiss that he will not forget.
When I have cooled down, I start to cry. (Now maybe you can understand
why I am not a good girl. Frank, I will court with you anytime you want.
I will do anything you want, but you must understand that I am weak.
I will probably break your heart. If you have a jealous bone in your
body, Frank, run away from me as fast as you can.) I have Frank come into
my room. I take his clothes off. I stand naked in front of Frank.
Frank kisses me and makes love to me on my bed. Frank is slow and careful
at first, but when he builds up steam he really rolls. Frank knows how to
make a woman feel good. We dress together and Frank still wants me.
Frank asks for a chance and I promise to give him one.
The next days are very happy ones for me. I am left alone.
Frank comes by often and we have long talks. I go to school and my grades
improve. Mother is happy with her new boyfriend. My wounds heal except for
my shoulders which still ache some. Whenever my arms go back into the
position of the hanging I am in great pain. I think something has been
damaged inside of me. I visit the boys and they enjoy looking at my body
afresh. They want to go all the way, but I make them wait.
(Someday we will. Not today.) It is fun to walk home unafraid. I hear by
the grapevine that Frank is buying me from Wayne. Frank will have to make
payments, because he doesn't have enough cash. Evidently Wayne has agreed.
Carl calls me direct now. I insist that I not be hung by my hands.
When I arrive at Carl's place, some of the guests have already
arrived. Jill is 24 and a blond. I like her smile. Bruce is Jill's date.
Robin is 19 and also a blond. I think Robin is a natural blond. I will find
out for sure later. Jill has a great figure and gorgeous face, shile Robin
is all chest. Robin is even larger than me. Robin has a pretty face and a
good figure, but her big plus is her tits. Dale is Robins date. He keeps
staring at robins breasts. I am carl's date. I don't have to bring any
money. Carl called me for this job. I will earn three hundred dollars
tonight. The last two couples arrive. Gloria is 34 and a brunette.
Gloria is a little heavy and quite nervous. She works for her date, Rod.
Gayle is 39 and has brown hair. Gayle doesn't smile. Gayle is very well
preserved. She is pretty except for the smile, and her figure is a head
turner. Gayle's date, Rick, works for her. We start off with a get to know
you time. They are very interrested when I tell them that I have been here
many times before. (I guess Carl likes me.) Carl explains the rules.
Carl shows everyone his camera and explains that he will record everything.
I have heard it all before. The result is always the same. The girls get
striped while the boys watch. Tonight, there is one twist that I should have
anticipated. Rick is striped instead of Gayle. It takes about an hour to
strip us down to our skin. We each strut and crawl and squat for the others.
Finally, the five of us are striped and owe chits to the others. Carl takes
us down stairs and puts me on the rack first. Htb. htb... The group watches
as my legs go over my head and my open pussy approaches my face. Rick is
called on to suck my pussy while my mouth is not quite there yet. Htb. htb..
Finally I am sucking myself and Rick joins in. We kiss each other and my
pussy between. Finally my face goes past my pussy to my asshole and I kiss
and suck my asshole. The other guests are amazed as my tongue reaches my
asshole and even beyond. Finally, I am released and Jill is straped in.
I like Jill and stay close while she suffers. Each time Jill screams, I try
to reassure her and keep her talking to me so that she doesn't worry about
herself. Carl asks me if I want to take Rick's place. I ask bruce and Rick.
They say it is OK with them. I ask Jill. Jill hesitates, but agrees when
I take her hand in mine. When Jill is very close to her own pussy, I can
see that her pain is intense. I beg them to let her stop. Htb. Htb.
Jill screams and I cry. Jill can reach her pussy now. Jill is required to
kiss herself and suck herself. I open her pussy with my hands to make it
easier for her. When she is just a hair short, I push her head down to
complete her assignment. We are forced to share her pussy and each other
by way of kissing. I enjoy kissing Jill. I can tell that Jill hesitates.
When Jill is released, I walk with her for a time to get her
stableized. When Gloria is straped in, Rod wants to finger her pussy while
she is streatched. Carl nods. Rod inserts his fingers into Gloria's
pussy and then Carl starts. Htb. Htb... Gloria screams her pain.
Rod seems to enjoy watching Gloria in pain. Rod fingers her open pussy
while we all watch. Gloria is blushing. Gloria is more embarased than Jill
was. Gloria is hurt more from having people stare at her pussy than from the
pain. Htb. Htb... Finally Gloria can reach her pussy. Rod grabs her tongue
and rubs her pussy with it. Rod wants Rick to help Gloria suck herself.
Rick and Gloria kiss and lick her pussy while we stare. Gloria is very
much aware of us watching her. Rick kisses her and then her pussy.
Gloria is kept in this position longer than anyone else. When Rick is
finished, Rod and Carl examine Gloria closely, discussing the fine points
of her pussy. I ache for her, but I dare not say anything. Carl takes the
last photo of Gloria and releases her. Carl has me reload the camera
for him. Robin struts up to the rack and climbs on. Dale follows Rod's
example and fingers her open pussy. Dale invites everyone to join in.
Each of us finger Robin and stroke her clitoris each time Carl pauses.
Robin doesn't say anything. When Robin's face is buried in her pussy,
Rick is call on to kiss her and share her charms. Robin finally screams
on the last round of the machine that brings her asshole up to her mouth.
Rick is the last one onto the rack. The rack is harder on men for
some reason. When Rick is straped down, Gayle squeezes his balls and makes
his penis hard. Carl takes photos and then htb. htb... Rick screams
his pain onto unhearing ears. I ache for him and ask to comfort him.
Gayle refuses. Htb. htb... Rick can reach his penis. Rick takes his
penis into his mouth. Gayle takes his penis into her hand and jacks him off.
Ricks penis comes out of his mouth and when he comes, it goes all over his
face. Finally, Rick takes his penis into his mouth and Gayle pumps him for
the last drops of cum. Htb. htb... Rick is forced to take his penis and
balls into his mouth together. His penis is limp so there is no problem.
The photos will show Rick has his privates in his mouth. Finally, I am
forced to share his pleasure. We both kiss, lick and suck his penis.
One photo will show us kissing and sharing Rick's penis at the same time.
When Rick is released, I walk the floor with him for a time, till he can
walk alone.
The pussy rubber is next. I am lowered onto the two projections,
straped in and the breastplate is straped to my chest. Gayle asks for
maximum pain. I plead with her. Gayle says that she will find something
later to hurt me. She does. The group is fascinated by the in and out
motion of the machine. When they see my red breasts, they get a glimps of
the pain that is involved. I have been here before so I don't pay a lot of
attention to it. Jill is very frightened at first. I help her into it and
get it started before I leave her alone. When she sees that the pain is
not too bad, I leave her and try to talk to Gayle. (Please forgive me if I
said something to offend you.) I cannot get close to this woman.
Jill rides it like a trooper. Her breasts, however, are very red when Carl
takes the breastplate off. Carl doesn't use it any more after Jill.
While Robin rides, Rick is attached to a machine that is new to me.
Gayle strokes Rick's penis to hardness and forces a tube into his penis a
little past the base of his cock. She then forces his penis into the same
hole that the tube comes out of. She pulls a lever and Rick yelps.
Another lever brings a device up between Rick's legs.
Gayle forces the two testicles to separate.
One on each side. Another lever causes the device to close on the two
testicles. A rod is forced up Rick's asshole and then the machine is turned
on. At first it feels good to Rick. Eventually, the smile leaves his face
and he starts to moan. Before he is done, he is screaming for release and
clutching the machine where his balls are being violated. Finally, Rick is
released and he falls into a heap clutching his balls and asshole.
Finally, we all watch as the projections are inserted into Gloria. Gloria
is so imbarassed that she is on the verge of tears. Gloria responds to the
rubber like noone I have ever seen. Gloria is hot and squeezing her own
breasts shortly after starting. Gloria moans her pleasure for all to hear.
This imbarasses her even more. When Carl finally helps her off of the
machine, Gloria holds her hand in front of her pussy and puts her arm across
her breasts. The water machine is next. I always go first. I stand next to
the machine while carl inserts the tubes into my uterus, bladder,
and asshole. I open my mouth to accept the device. I feel the tube go down
to my stomach. Finally, I am clamped in and the machine is turned on. My
mouth opens till the jaw is out of its socket. This is a very painful part.
I cannot scream with the device in my mouth. The fluids start and the girls
watch my swell up and deflate. When I am taken off, I kneel in front of Carl
while he puts my jaw back. I am crying from pain. Carl has showed me how
and I ask to be able to insert tubes in Jill. Carl lets me do it. I am very
gentle. I think I saved her some pain. When Gloria is put on the water
machine, she covers herself the whole time. I ache for her. She is so very
shy and modest. Rick gets all the tubes except for the uterus tube.
After the water torture, we gather around the leg spreader. I don't like
this one. It hurts and it leaves you with sore hips. Also I don't like
hands inside my pussy. I am not asked if I want it or not, I am just straped
in and spread open like a peach. Even I scream with this one. When my legs
are spread as far as they dare go, Carl brings everyone around to my pussy
so that all can see what the machine does. Each is allowed to insert their
hand into my pussy and feel me. I am crying from shame. What will Gloria
do? When Gayle has her turn, she squeezes my uterus and forces her finger
into it. I am in extreem pain, but I will not let her see me squirm. When
Gayle pinches the inside of my uterus with her finger nails, I scream and beg
her to stop. Gayle continues for a long time scratching my uterus inside and
out. I almost pass out. When I am released, Gayle helps me to sit down.
When noone is looking, Gayle grabs my hair and yanks my head back.
While my head is back she hits me on the stroat with a solid blow. I am
knocked out cold. I come to while Robin is coming off the spreader.
My throat aches along with everything else. Gloria is forced to mount the
spreader. She screams from being exposed. When the machine is activated
and everyone gathers around her pussy, Gloria just moans. I am worried about
her, but I cannot even take care of myself. When I can finally walk again,
Gloria is taken off and the final punishment will be the hanging.
I have asked to be excused from this one, but Gayle insists that I start it
off. I plead with Carl. Gayle insists. When we cannot agree, Carl and
Gayle grab me and tie my hands to the pully rope. Gayle pulls me off the
floor. I cannot describe the pain. My shoulders are already sprained.
I moan and hang till I pass out. While I am unconscious, Gayle grabs my
breasts when noone is looking and pulls down as hard as she can.
The increased pain brings me around for a moment. I see all of the girls and
Rick hanging with me. The guests are circulating and squeezing us when they
please. The others are standing on their tiptoes. When I can speak, I ask
Carl if I can be lowered a little. Gayle shakes her head. I am picked to
demonstrate the tounge crusher. While I hang, Gayle puts it on me. I stick
my tongue out and she pulls it thru. She pulls hard so that when the crusher
is pulled down my tongue is pulled out even farther. My screams are lost in
the device. I try to hang without any motion. Gayle starts me swinging.
I am crying from the intense pain. Carl brings needles out for all of us.
Gayle enjoys inserting mine very slowly. Gayle has to start over several
times to get mine just right. As carl starts to let the others down,
Gayle pulls me up to the top of my pully and ties it off. She then has me
spread my legs while she inserts her hand into my pussy. Gayle inserts two
fingers into my uterus and pinches while she pulls down on my uterus as hard
as she can. The increased pressure along with the utereus pinch is too much
for me. I pass out cold. I am still hanging when I wake up. All the others
are gone. I cannot move. The lights are off and I am still hanging.
I cannot hear anyone in the house. The tongue crusher will not let me shout
or even make a small noise. I panic. I hang for a long time. Much later
I hear someone unlock the door upstairs and come downstairs without turning
any lights on. 'Inez are you still here.' Oh no. It is Gayle.
Without turning on any lights, Gayle feels her way to me. I shudder
when I feel her hands on me. Gayle grabs my breast and pulls down. I moan.
'Good, you are awake. I have a proposition to make to you. I have a lot of
money. Carl agreed to let me do whatever I want with you.
Do you understand?' I cannot speak, but I try to say yes. Gayle pulls the
needles out of my tongue and releases the tougue crusher. The pain causes me
to groan and sob. Thru my tears and sobs I manage a (Yes.) 'Good. Now
listen to me dear. I want to buy you for several nights. Rick took a fancy
to you. I want you to make him happy. You must do anything and everything
that you think will make Rick happy. Rick will probably want to bring you
back here. You must do everything that he wants. I will pay you one thousand dollars in advance, and one
thousand dollars when you are finished. Will you
do it?' When I hesitate, Gayle's starts to work her fingers into my pussy.
'Spread your legs wide for me dear.' Gayle pulls my leg and I spread my legs
as wide as I can to avoid the pain. While my legs are wide, Gayle works her
hand into my pussy and starts to insert fingers into my uterus. I scream
from the extra pain. When Gayle has two fingers in my uterus, she pinches
it hard between fingers and thumb and pulls down then pushes up. Gayle
alternates between pulling down and pushing up while I scream my pain.
When Gayle starts to pull on the needle in my breast, I give in. (I will do
it.) Gayle stops and reiterates the rules. 'Rick must be completely
satisfied.' (I will do my very best.) Gayle pulls the needles out of me and
lowers me to the floor. I cannot stand, so I fall into a heap. Gayle unties
me. I cannot move my arms. Gayle pulls me to my feet and helps me walk
around for a minute. The pain in my released arms is too much for me. I am
crying bitterly the whole time. Gayle has to dress me, because my arms will
not work yet. I just cannot move them. Gayle tells me to stop crying.
With super effort, I stop myself. The pain is still there, but I am not
crying anymore. Gayle fixes my face some, collects my purse, and we go
out to her car. Gayle helps me into the back seat with her and instructs
the driver to take us home. Gayle explains that Rick is her new toy. 'I want
him to be my slave. I am showing him what I can give him at this stage
of his training. The torture was to show him what I could do to him by way
of samples of pain. He understands about the pain. I asked him what he
wanted if he could have anything. You were one of the things that he wanted.
Show him a good time starting now.' (I could make it better if you would let
me clean up and revive my arms. I really cannot move them. I am in constant
severe pain.) We are silent the rest of the way. Gayle takes me to Rick's
room and delivers me to him. She explains about my arms and then leaves us
Rick takes my arms and moves them. I scream in pain. Rick grins.
It is a very long night. After Rick removes my clothes and rapes me in
several positions, he calls the driver, Juan, and takes me back to carls.
Rick doesn't even bother to dress me. Juan enjoys the view. When Rick
gets to Carls, Juan helps me out and manages to feel my private places.
Rick invites Juan in to watch. Rick straps me into the rack and they
enjoy watching me suck my own pussy and asshole. The pussy rubber is next.
Rick doesn't know how to hook me up to the water machine, so I have to help
him. It takes a long time for Rick to find my urethra. Juan even
tries a couple of times. Finally, they manage to find the hole and force the
tube into by bladder. The uterus tube is easy. The asshole even easier.
The device goes into my mouth and strapped on. The water machine is more
painful than usual. My jaw is forced out of joint for the
rest of the night. Rick and Juan especially enjoy the leg spreader.
Each man has his fingers and hand inside of my pussy and feeling around.
Each man forces a finger into my uterus and hears me scream when they pinch.
Finally, Rick eyes the pulley. (Rick, I cannot use my arms now, you could
permanently cripple me if you hang me.) Rick ponders that for a minute,
then tells me that I am being paid to take risks. Rick and Juan tie
my hands behind me and get the tongue crusher. I am forced to stick my
tongue out while Rick inserts the tongue crusher. When he clamps down, I
cannot make a sound. Rick pulls me off the floor. I scream and then pass
out. When I wake up, Rick and the driver are inserting needles into my
breasts. Rick notices that I am awake and yanks down on one of my breasts.
I pass out again. When I wake up, Carl is letting me down. It is morning.
I cannot stand. Carl removes the needles and the tongue crusher. I try to
talk but my jaw is out of joint. Carl puts his thumbs in my mouth and
forces my jaw back into joint. The pain is horrid, but nothing compared
to my arms. Carl unties me and helps me to my feet. I tell Carl that my
clothes are over to Gayle's house. Carl dials the phone and I talk.
Juan brings my clothes and Carl dresses me. I am a mess, but I don't
even care. Carl calls my home and mother comes to get me. Carl takes
mother aside and talks to her for a long time. Finally, mother takes me
home and puts me straight to bed. I sleep for a long time. I dream that
Rick and the driver come into my room and rape me while I sleep. Mother
is watching so it must be a dream. When I finally wake up, mother is
shaking me telling me it is time to go to school. I missed a whole day.
The use of my arms returns slowly. I ache all over for a long time.
I find two one thousand dollar bills in my purse. I rest for several weeks.
Gayle calls me, but mother asks to be my replacement. Gayle tells her to
come over for an interview. Since mother found out that her exboyfriend was
married, she is ready for some action. We always tell each other when we go
to these type of assignments. Gayle asks helen into the library. Rick,
Gayle, and Juan are there. Rick says 'She is as pretty as Inez and
stacked too.' Gayle responds 'Will she do as a replacement?' 'Yes, I think
so.' Juan and Rick wink at each other. 'Just to be sure, Helen, take
your clothes off please.' Helen slowly removes her clothes. Rick and
Juan agree that Helen will do. 'Can I have her now?' 'It is up to Helen.
Do you want the job? Remember these boys will probably take you to Carl's.'
(Two thousand dollars seems like enough. I will do it.) 'OK boys, she is
yours.' Rick and Juan wink at each other and take Helen to the garage.
Helen is still naked except for shoes and stockings. They get in the car and
Juan drives them over to Carls. They pull into the garage so that
noone will see Helen walk in. 'We have the run of the basement for two
days.' Helen will remember those words later.
Helen is put on the rack first. When she is kissing her own pussy,
Rick wants her to make herself come. Helen finds her clitoris while the
boys watch and sucks herself to orgasm. The boys continue the rack till
Helen is past her asshole. The boys cover her asshole with her chin and
then, since her mouth is where her pussy should be, they fuck her mouth.
Helen sucks them while they fuck her mouth. When they come, she sucks them
dry while they pump themselves. The boys leave her in the rack for a long
time. The pain finally gets to her and Helen asks for relief. Rick grabs
Helens hair and forces her face into her asshole by pulling her hair. 'Don't
interfer with my plans again unless it is something that you are sure that I
will like. Put your tongue into your asshole as far as you can.' Helen is
surprised. Helen forces her tongue into her asshole. She works it in as far
as she can. Rick finally pushes it in farther with his finger. 'Stay like
that till I tell you to stop.' Rick and Juan go upstairs. It is very
hard for Helen to breath. By the time Rick comes down, Helen is in a panic.
Helen is still tongue fucking her asshole. When they take Helen off the
rack, she cannot stand. They help her over to the pussy rubber and insert
the two projections into her pussy and asshole. Rick clamps the breastplate
over her breasts and activates the machine. While the machine is running,
Rick adjusts it to maximum pain. Maximum pain is new for Helen. The
projections become larger, longer, and move faster. Helens breasts are
already sore. By the time Rick takes her off, Helen is rubbed raw.
The water machine is next. It takes Rick and Juan a long time to
insert the tube into Helen's urethra. Finally, the tube is forced in. The
Uterus is easier. The asshole a snap. Helen accepts the device into her
mouth. Rick Straps her in and sets the dials for maximum pressure. Rick
activates the machine and watches as the liquids are forced into and then out
of Helen. They put their hands on her and feel the pressure. Helens mouth
is forced open and her jaw is forced out of joint. The stomach tube slides
down her throat and she swallows it. Her mouth is forced open even farther.
The pressures build slowly till they are extreemly painful. The boys
enjoy her pain and each squeeze her breasts. She is in so much pain that she
doesn't even realize they are trying to hurt her. Rick leaves her on the
water machine a very long time. When Rick takes her off, Helen can barely
talk, because her mouth is still out of joint. Rick has her kneel in front
of him. He inserts his thumbs into her mouth and forces her jaw into joint.
It is very painful for Helen.
The leg spreader is next. When Helen is spread as far as possible,
Rick and Juan take turns forcing their fingers into Helen's uterus.
They pinch her and make her scream. They each feel around inside of her till
she is sore from fondleing. Finally, Rick ties Helen's hands behind her and
hangs her by her hands. Rick pulls her hands clear up to the ceiling.
Rick forces Helen to put her tongue thru the tongue crusher and pulls it
with his hand while clamping it down. Rick and Juan force needles thru
Helens tongue, ass cheeks, and breasts. When they are satisfied, they leave.
Helen is left hanging all night. Helen does not sleep at all. Each time she
tries to change her position or escape, she increases her pain. Finally,
Helen just hangs limp for the final hours, crying in pain off and on.
Late the next morning Rick and Jaun find Helen and decide to try
Gayle's suggestion. Rick has Helen spread her legs as wide as she can.
Rick then inserts his fingers and hand into her pussy. Rick inserts two
fingers into Helen's uterus and pinches hard. Rick than pulls down hard.
Helen cannot stand the pain and passes out. They came prepared. Juan puts
smelling salts under Helen's nose and forces her to consciousness. Helen
can only groan, because the tongue crusher fills her mouth. Rick pulls down
again then he pushes up. Rick alternates between pulling down and
pushing up. Helen cannot stand the pain, but she is helpless. After a brief
painful struggle, Helen gives up and tries to completely relax her muscles.
It helps some, but the pain is excruciating. Rick finally stops the push
pull motion and concentrates on her uterus. Rick struggles until he has
three fingers inside. Helen can do nothing but sob. When Rick finally has
all three fingers deep inside of her womb, Rick starts the up and down
motion again. It seems to be a little worse this time. Rick has a better
hold on her. Finally, Rick withdraws and has Helen spread herself wide for
Juan. Juan repeats Ricks action. Fingers in her uterus and then up and
down. Juan is not as rough as Rick, but the pain is very real. When Juan
finally withdraws, Helen shakes with sobs and then is quiet.
Rick and Juan confer for a time. They seem to argue. Finally, Rick
comes to Helen and Juan follows shaking his head. Rick grabs Helen in a
bear hug and lifts his feet. His weight is added to Helen's weight so that
the combined weight forces Helen's arms to go straight up. Helen passes out
from pain. The boys hear something snap in Helen's shoulders. Juan and Rick
leave Helen hanging and go to lunch. When Helen wakes up, she is hanging
alone in the basement. Any motion at all causes extreem pain.
Helen is still, motionless. Even her breathing causes pain in her shoulders.
Helen can do nothing but cry. When Rick and Juan return, Helen wants to die.
Rick lowers her to the floor. Helen tries her best to stand, but Juan must
help her. Helen cannot move her arms. They hang useless at her sides.
Rick moves them around, causing great pain. Helen can only cry and moan.
Rick pulls the needles out of Helens tongue, breasts, and ass cheeks.
After Rick removes the tongue crusher, Helen's tongue is too swollen for her
to talk. She tries to tell them that she cannot move her arms. Rick shrugs.
Rick looks thru Carl's toys and finally picks the uterus rod.
The boys put helen up on a table. Juan steadies her while she lifts one leg
out to her side as far as she can. Rick inserts the rod into her pussy and
uses a flashlight to guide it into her uterus. It is painful for Helen as
the cold metal rod penetrates her womanhood. Rick rotates the handle and
the metal spines come out from the rod and poke into the sides of her uterus.
Helen's knees start to buckle. Juan steadies her while Rick turns the handle
as far as it will go. The pain is extreem. Rick and Juan lift Helen
down onto the floor. The pain is so bad that Helen forgets her arms for a
moment. The metal handle is dangling out of Helen's pussy. The weight of
the rod is pulling down on the delicate inner walls of her uterus. Helen is
afraid to move. Rick forces her to walk. The motion of walking is almost
too much for her. The boys walk by her side for a while, because it looks
like she will faint.
When it looks like Helen will not pass out, She is forced to walk
back and forth across the room while the boys watch. Helen must walk
bowlegged to avoid touching the rod. Helen is still wearing her high heels,
so it is very difficult for her. Rick almost laughs watching her struggle to
keep from hitting the rod with her legs. Rick calls her over. 'Would you
like me to remove the rod?' 'Yes, Rick, please.' 'I will remove the rod if
you can remove your shoe and put it on top of the water machine.'
Helen slowly pulls her shoe off with her toe and bends down to pick it up.
It takes two tries, but finally Helen has her shoe in her hand. Helen raises
up and walks to the water machine. Helen tries to raise her hands. The pain
prevents her from raising her arm high enough. After several attempts,
Helen returns to Rick. 'I can't do it.' 'Too bad.' Juan helps her put her
shoe back on and Rick has her stand in front of him. Rick is sitting down.
Rick takes the rod in his hand and pulls down slowly. Helen bends her knees
and goes down also. When Helen's face is even with Rick's, Rick pulls the
rod closer to him and Helen follows. When their faces are almost touching,
Rick kisses her. Helen opens for him and they kiss hard. When they are
deep into the kiss, Rick twists the rod. Helen moans and tries to grab his
hands. Juan takes her hands and puts both of her arms in a hammer lock.
Helen screams into Ricks mouth. 'Kiss me with feeling or else I will pull
the rod out now!' Helen closes her mouth over his and kisses Rick with all
she's got. Rick continues to twist the rod while Juan pushes her arms slowly
higher up her back. Helen cannot help moaning as she sucks Rick's tongue
and shares her inner mouth with him. Rick breaks the kiss and pulls his
pants and shorts off. Rick forces Helen to kneel and suck his penis.
Juan takes over the rod and Rick pulls her arms up her back. Whenever Helen
slows down or doesn't please him, Rick pulls up on her sore arms. Rick
eventually comes in her mouth and pumps himself dry into her mouth.
Juan drops his pants and shorts and Rick turns Helen around to face Juan.
While Helen sucks Juan, Rick twists the rod and pulls her arms up her back.
Rick managaes to keep helen moaning or screaming. Helen's tongue is almost
normal now. Helen sucks out Juan's last drops of cum as he pumps himself.
Rick winks at Juan. 'I wonder if Helen can get your cock and both balls
into her mouth.' Juan brings his leg up and over Helen and bends away from
her so that she is looking at his asshole. Helen works Juan's penis down her
throat and then sucks each testicle into her mouth. She pushes her face into
Juan as hard as she can to satisfy Rick. Just when Helen thought that she
was in as much pain and trouble as possible, Juan starts to urinate. Helen
must swallow as fast as possible to avoid drowning. Juan stops in the
middle to allow her to breath a few times before he finishes. When Juan is
drained, Rick has Helen force her tongue into Juan's asshole. Helen's
tongue is sore but she manages to work it into Juan and close her mouth over
the hole. Helen forces her tongue out and in while her mouth covers Juan's
asshole. Rick takes Helen into the bathroom and forces her to kneel while
he sticks his finger down her throat. Helen vomits up the urine. Rick and
Juan trade places and Helen is forced to eat Ricks penis and balls.
Rick is harder and larger than Juan. Helen has a very hard time not throwing
up while Rick is in her throat and mouth. When Rick urinates, Helen has a
very bad moment. She almost chokes. When Rick is drained and withdraws,
Helen chokes and runs for the bathroom. She forgets the rod and causes
herself great pain. Helen just barely makes it to the toilet before Rick's
urine come up.
PART 5/6
When Helen is able to stand, Rick pulls her out into the room and
tells her to do jumping jacks. Rick and Juan want to see her breasts bounce.
Helen cannot raise her arms very high, but she tries. Her breasts bounce.
She is not allowed to stop until she is exhausted. Helen is allowed to crawl
around the room so they can watch her breasts swing. While Helen is crawling,
around for Juan, Rick looks for more torture equipment. Rick comes up with
a vacumn type machine that has an adjustable hole on the tube. Rick adjusts
the hole to Helens dark area around her nipples, puts the tube over one of
them and turns it on. The dark area is sucked into the tube. Rick has to
pull it away from Helen or else the entire breast would go into the tube.
Helen screams and begs Rick to turn it off. Rick doesn't hear her.
After a long five minutes, Rick turns it off and examines Helen's breast.
'Its working look at that.' The dark area is swollen up from the breast.
Rick continues for a long long time. Switching breasts until he is
satisfied with the results. Rick then ties two weights to Helen's nipples.
While Helen gets used to the new pain, Rick blindfolds her, removes her shoes,
and puts her on a chair so that her toes extend past the edge. Rick and Juan
get two one by fours and swing them together so that they stike the ends of
Helen's toes on both feet simultaneously. For a short time, Helen forgets
all the other pain. She cannot see to walk or get down. Helen can only
stand there and scream her pain. When Helen quiets down some, they do it
again. This time Helen cannot help herself. She steps off the chair and
falls to the floor. She bangs her head on the floor and almost passes out.
The rod is pulled by the fall and Helen is clutching her toes and pussy.
Rick forces her to stand and walk. Helen limps for a few steps as she tries
to feel her way. While Helen is blindfolded, Rick and Juan
take careful aim. They hit her knees simultaneously. Helen screams and grabs
her knees. They hit her ass while she is bent over. Helen rises up and they
stike her shins. Each blow is hard and will leave wicked, painful bruses.
Helen is confused and tries to cover all the areas. In doing so, she exposes
others. Rick and Juan strike whenever they see a clear spot. Helen's toes,
knees, shins, buttocks, stomach, and breasts recieve many blows.
After several minutes of confused torture, Helen gives up and stands with her
hands at her sides, moaning. Rick hits her left knee and Juan hits her
buttocks repeatedly, until Helen starts to try to dodge them again.
Helen falls and tries to roll away from them. The boys find her an easy
target. She cannot get away from the blows. Finally, Helen starts running.
She runs into things and receives more bruses. She runs along the walls.
While she runs the blows come less frequently, so she continues to run around
the outside walls. Rick holds his board against a doorway and Helen trips.
She receives several blows till she gains her feet and continues to run.
Rick makes Helen fall seven times before they tire and let her rest.
While Helen rests, Rick hooks her up to the breast sucker.
Helen moans while her breast is sucked into the tube. The pain is not
severe, but it is still uncomfortable. Helen is still wearing the blindfold.
When Rick is changing breasts, he shoves the end into Helen's mouth.
It sucks away her breath until she sticks her tongue into the tube.
When Rick pulls the tube away from her face, her tongue is stuck. Juan holds
Helen's shoulders while Rick pulls on the tube. Helen starts to scream just
as the tube breaks free. Rick puts the tube on the second breast.
While Rick sucks Helen's breasts into the shape that he likes, Juan pinches
them. Juan is exploring each breast. He pinches flesh between his fingers
and then rolls them so that he senses what is there. Juan explores both of
her breasts thoroughly. Rick grabs Helen's hair with his free hand
and pulls her into a kiss. While she is kissing him, Rick takes one of her
hands and puts it on his pants. Rick lowers his pants and shorts. Helen
is forced to jack off Rick. Juan thinks that it looks good, so he has
Helen jack him off with her other hand. Rick finds her clitoris and strokes
it. Helen responds and moves more rapidly. After the boys come and clean
themselves up, Helen wants to do herself. Rick gives her permission.
Helen strokes herself until she has her orgasm. Helen moans her pleasure and
pain together. Just as she comes, Rick yanks on the rod. Helen screams, but
continues to stroke herself. Rick twists and pulls the rod while Helen
screams and strokes herself. Finally, they all sit on the floor to rest.
Helen aches all over from the blows she received and the falls she has taken.
Her uterus aches constantly, because of the rod.
The pain in her shoulders is constant and sharp.
When Rick and Juan are rested, they have a whispered conference and
then approach Helen. Rick grabs the rod and has Helen spread her legs wide.
Juan goes behind Helen, sits down, reaches under her arms and grabs both
breasts. Rick slowly starts to pull on the rod. With only limited use of
her arms, Helen is helpless against them. Rick increases the pull until
Helen groans and finally screams. Finally, the flesh yields and the rod comes
out. The boys release her, and Helen clutches her abdomen and pussy.
When Helen has finished crying, the boys take her upstairs and let her fix
her face and hair. Juan drives them over to Gayle's place where Helen gets
her sweater and skirt. The boys drive Helen to the street where the whores
hang out. Helen is put out on the street with the following instructions:
'When you get two hundred dollars by whoring, you can go home.' Helen's pleas
are ignored. Rick and Juan will watch for a time and then go to a movie.
Helen is to get them out of the movie or else walk to Gayles when she
has completed her task. Helen is wearing a sweater, a skirt, two stockings,
and two shoes. She doesn't even have a purse to carry her money. It is a
very long night for Helen. Long and painful. Painful, because when the
other whores pick on her, she cannot defend herself, because of her sore
shoulder. Rick is awakened at six in the morning. Helen looks like hell.
Her face is bloody and brused, and her clothes are torn. Helen shows Rick
the money she earned and insists that he take her home. Rick and Juan
insist on one more ride. Helen is allowed to clean herself up and strip in
the bathroom. Rick and Juan enjoy her one last time and then they take
Helen home.
I am very glad to see mother. She has been gone for two days.
Helen sleeps the clock around and then takes several days to get
back to her old self. I do everything in my power to make Helen comfortable.
I notice the swollen shoulders, the bruses, the swollen tongue and toes.
I got her into this condition, because I was too weak to go myself.
I love Helen with all my heart. Not just because she is my mother.
Helen is now my very best friend also. We tell each other everything;
and I mean everything. Helen tells me everything that happened to her.
I can hardly imagine trying to earn two hundred dollars as a whore.
My heart aches for this courageous woman lying in pain. She is a queen.
When Gayle calls, I am furious. I explain Helens condition to her
and detail some of the things that she was forced to do. Gayle thanks me for
the information and agrees to send more money. 'Will you come one last
time? Rick wants this one last thing, before he submits himself to me.'
I cannot believe it. I ask her for restrictions on what happens to me.
Gayle offers more money. When Gayle offers five thousand dollars for two
days work, I agree. The date is agreed upon and we say goodbye. On the
agreed upon date, I make sure Helen knows where I am going. When Rick and
Juan drive up, I hurry out to the car and try to act like it is an ordinary
date. While Juan is driving, Rick has me get upside down by puting my head
on the floor and my knees on either side of Rick's head. Rick slides my
panties off and strokes my clitoris till I am wet. I feel something cold
slide into my wet pussy. I look up in time to see a metal rod going into me.
The rod is forced into my uterus. I moan from pain. Rick works it into
me as far as possible, then rotates the handle. The spines tear into the
soft flesh of my inner uterus and I scream. Rick turns the device till the
spines are fully extended, then he locks it in place and pulls me up to a
sitting position. I pull my dress down. That is the end of my happy time.
From then on, until the rod was removed, I hurt every time I move, sit,
stand, walk, or even breath. Rick and I trade seats so that I am next to the
curb window. Rick gives me instructions. Each time we see men on the street
alone or in pairs, Juan stops, I call them over. They bend down and I talk
for a minute and kiss them. I really kiss them. I fondle their penises and
unzip their pants. I take out their penises and pull them into my mouth
or jack them off till they come. When they come, I take their penis into my
mouth and suck the cum. When the man is finished, we drive to the next one.
One time I was sucking one man while jacking off two others. They had to
catch their own cum that time. Rick gives me more instructions. From then
on I pull the man's hand down into my bra before I unzip his pants. Several
men squeeze me hard, causing great pain. Most men just enjoy me. Rick has
me strip to the waist then put my blouse on without buttoning it.
Rick has Juan stop for a couple. I kiss the man and he fondles me
while Rick talks with the girl. The girl notices me unzipping his pants.
When I am sucking his penis, the girl grabs my hair and tries to pull me out
of the car. Rick holds me in while the girl grabs my hair with both hands
and pulls with all her might. The man withdraws his penis and the girl puts
her knee into my face. When I try to pull into the car, she forces my head
to bang on the window frame before letting me go. When Juan stops for a girl,
I reach up and kiss her when she bends down. My hand is going up her dress
when she slaps my face hard. My hand is on her pussy when she hits me the
second time. I am rubbing her when she grabs my hair with one hand and hits
me with the other. I have both hands up her dress. One hand pulls her
panties down while the other slides into her pussy. She grabs my hair in
both hands and bangs my head back against the widow frame over and over
again. When I pass out, Juan drives away. Rick pulls me into the car.
Rick always carries smelling salts now. A few slaps are all that
he needs this time. My head aches from the blows on the back of my head.
Rick and Juan are having a great time. We drive up to a couple and Rick
tells me to take them both. They bend down to me and I kiss the man first.
When I kiss the woman, she withdraws first, but then allows me to kiss her.
When I am kissing the woman, I open the man's pants and jack him off. When
I am jacking the man off, I start my other hand up the woman's dress.
When I reach her panties, I stroke her pussy. People are starting to stare,
so Rick invites them in. The woman climbs over me and sits between Rick and
me. The man sits next to the window. When we are settled, I pull the mans
pants and shorts down and start jacking him off again. I then reach under
her dress and push her dress up so that I can reach her pussy. The woman
turns to me and we kiss. This time it is a real kiss. We are sucking each
other as I fondle her pussy. The man is squeezing my right breast and the
woman is squeezing my left. The man reaches under my skirt. I help him
push my skirt up to my waist. The woman helps me pull her panties down
to her ankles. She spreads herself open for me and I enter her wet cunt with
my fingers. Her clitoris is easy to find and she responds quickly.
The woman starts to remove her blouse so Rick helps her undress. Rick has
Juan drive us to Gayles house. We park in the garage and fondle each other
till we need release. Rick spreads a blanket on the back lawn and we go
back there. On the blanket, Rick fingers the woman while I suck the man to
climax. Then I suck the woman and finger her till she comes. Rick has us
all stand. He has the woman face away from me and bend low so that her ass
cheeks open to me. She sreads her legs and reaches back to hold herself open
to me. I bend down and kiss her and lick her round the world. The man comes
up behind me and grabs the rod. When he pulls on it, I cry out in pain.
Rick unlocks it and withdraws the spines. Rick withdraws the rod and I moan
with pleasure. The man opens me with his hand.
When he is ready, he slides his penis into my pussy, and rides me till
he comes. The woman takes a long time and so Rick and Juan fuck me
while they wait. When the woman finally comes, she screams
her climax for the world to hear. Rick has me lick and
suck all four of them clean afterward. When we are finished, Rick shows the
couple how to put the rod back into my uterus. When the handle turns and the
spines enter my flesh again, I cannot help screaming in pain and crying.
Rick tells the couple that I really love it. We all dress and get back in
the car. I leave my blouse open and don't wear a bra or panties.
I know what Rick wants. When we drop the couple off, they want my phone
number and I give it to them along with my name. Rick liked the couple
idea so we look for another. We drive up to a couple of negro girls.
Juan stops and they bend down. I reach up and pull one of them into a
kiss. She grabs my hair, pulls me away, and spits into my face.
The second girl grabs my breasts and pulls. Rick holds me in the car.
The first girl makes a fist and beats my face, while the second girl
continues to hold my breasts. Juan starts to drive away and they release
me. My face and breasts are sore. Rick looks at my face and says I will
be OK. We finally find another couple. When they bend down, I pull the man
into a kiss and he responds immediatly. I break the kiss and reach for the
woman. She is not as willing and I have to pull hard on her. Finally, she
comes into a short kiss. I start to fondle the woman, but she will not let
me touch her. The man seems to enjoy it so I concentrate on him.
The man squeezes my breasts and we kiss again. I unzip his pants and
reach into his shorts. I start to jack him off. The woman wants to go,
but the man wants to stay. When people start to watch us, Rick invites
them into the car. They argue for a minute and then they enter the car.
I have the man's clothes down to his ankles and he is about ready to cum
when the woman notices the rod. She spreads my legs and takes the rod in
her hand. When she twists it I scream and grab her hand. The woman relaxes
the tension and lets me finish the man. When he comes, I bend over and suck
him. When I have pumped him dry into my mouth, I sit up and look at the
woman. (May I do something for you?) She twists the rod hard. I scream
my pain and grab her hand. (Please don't. Please stop.) She asks me to
release her and I do. She has me press my hands against the car roof and
leave them there. I do. The man explores my breasts while she grins and
pulls my pubic hair. I am quiet. She pinches my inner thighs very hard.
She seems to enjoy pinching me. She pinches my pussy, my abdomen, my side,
my arm pit, my upper arm, my neck, my cheek, my lips, and my nose.
She grabs my hair and pulls till it brings tears to my eyes. She asks me to
kiss her. I kiss her and she pulls on the rod. I moan and scream into her
mouth. She insists that I kiss her so I try. She sucks my tongue into her
mouth and bits down hard while she pulls the rod with all her might.
I cannot bear the pain so I grab her hand. I can taste the blood coming
from my tongue. Finally, she releases my tongue and the rod. Rick has Juan
let them off where we picked them up. I cry for a while, one hand holding
the rod, the other holding my mouth. Rick says one more and then we will go.
Juan pulls up to a beautiful black girl. When she bends down to
talk to me, I very gently take her face in my hands and kiss her. When I
reach down and start my hand up her dress, she closes her legs and gives
Rick and Juan the eye. She slowly lets the kiss grow. When she tastes the
blood in my mouth, she relaxes some. I work my hand up to her pussy and
stroke her. She seems to concentrate for a minute, then she breaks the kiss,
opens the door, and climbs in next to me. She looks me in the eye and
whispers questions to me. 'Do You need help?' (No.) 'Do you want to make
love with me in front of these men?' (Yes.) She shrugs and grabs my
breast while we kiss. I undo her blouse and unhook her bra. I take her
breasts in my hands and squeeze them. I rub each nipple to hardness.
I bend down and kiss each nipple. I reach under her dress and stroke her
pussy. She adjusts her skirt up and pulls her panties down to her ankles.
She opens her legs and I find her clitoris. When I am stroking her
clitoris, she finds the rod. She frowns and eyes Rick and Juan. She is able
to find my clitoris anyway, because it is so big. She is surprised at its
size. She feels it for a long time before getting down to the rhythm of
lovemaking. She is easily excited, just like me. We both come quickly.
The girl eyes me and I kiss her hard on the mouth. She understands and
we make love again. This time lasts longer and is much better. For a very
short time, I forget about Rick and the rod. When we are resting, I beg her
to go one more time with me. She seems to understand that the longer we make
love, the less pain I will have to endure. This time we arrange ourselves
so that I can kiss and suck her clitoris. The only dark spot is that
Rick gets a full view of her pussy. The girl seems to really enjoy it.
She comes and pulls me into her to signal her climax. I work on her for
a long time afterward. Finally, we are still. I am content with my cheek
lying on her pussy. Juan pulls over to the curb and she dresses herself.
I whisper my name and phone number in her ear. She nods and leaves the car.
When I look back, she is writing. I am forced to tell Rick all of our
whispered conversations. 'Why did you give her your name?' (I like her.)
'Are you a lesbian?' That gives me pause. (I don't know.) Rick has Juan
take us to Carl's.
By the time we get to Carl's, it is very late. The boys take me
downstairs, tie my hands behind me, and hang me by my hands. Rick installs
the tongue crusher and inserts needles into my tongue, breasts, and ass
cheeks. He pulls me to the ceiling and ties the rope off. Rick grabs the
rod and pulls down then pushes up alternating for several minutes. I am
in terrible pain. Rick keeps it up till I pass out from pain. Later in the
night I wake up. I can hear people moving around. They are using a
flashlight. When they finally spot me, I greet them. (Hi.) 'Hello, who are
you?' I grunt for a while till one of them manages to remove the needle and
tongue crusher. (I am Inez Cooper.) After I explain that I am being paid
to submit to my customer, they lower me to the floor. They have to hold
me up for a minute. My shoulders ache, but I have learned how to hide the
pain. There are two boys, Lou Makin, age 19, the leader, and Stacy Turley,
age 21. Stacy recognizes me from a friends personal video. (Yes that's me.)
Lou wants to make love. I agree, but only if they will put me back the way
they found me before they leave. They agree. Lou pulls out the needles and
works on the rod till it comes out. I feel so good I almost cry. Lou is
very gentle with me. We start slow and when he finds my large clitoris I
am ready quickly. I make love with both of them several times. We suck
each other, explore each other, and all have a great time. When we finish,
it is getting light outside. Lou and Stacy have to go, so they reinstall the
torture equipment. Lou is as gentle as possible inserting the rod into me.
I scream when he turns the handle. I make him turn it all the way and lock
it. (Thank you, Lou.) Lou inserts the needles and pulls my tongue thru the
Tongue crusher before clamping it down. My tongue is very tender and I
flinch when Lou pushes the needle thru my tongue. My hands are tied and they
hang me once again from the ceiling. I am crying from the pain.
Lou promises to call me later and they leave. I don't think it is thirty
minutes before Rick and Juan show up. Rick grabs me and adds his weight
to mine. My shoulders are wrenched from their sockets and I pass out from
pain. When I wake up, I am in Rick's room at Gayles house. I am untied,
but I cannot move my arms. The needles and tongue crusher are gone, but the
rod is still in. Rick and Juan are holding paddles that look like one by
four boards with handles. They have been sanded smooth. When I groan, they
help me to my feet. Rick walks me down to Gayle's room. Gayle is still in
bed. I guess Gayle wanted to see what happened next. I am taken over next
to the bed and Rick holds one foot up while Juan hits it full force straight
into the toes. I scream. Juan hits me once more and then they
change feet. After two more blows, I am allowed to stand alone. My stubbed
toes ache. Rick puts a blind fold on me and then the fun begins. Rick and
Juan beat me with the boards. They are carfull in their hits. They hit my
shins, my knees, my upper legs, my ass, my abdomen, my breasts, my head, my
elbos, my hands, my back, my sides, my ears, and my toes again when they
catch my feet off the floor. When they rest, I am one big bruise. I can
move my hands and arms, but I cannot move my shoulder joint. I am crying
uncontrollably when they start again. They chase me around the room.
I fall often, because I cannot see. When I bump into the bed, I crawl onto
it and beg Gayle to make them stop. My ass is whacked several times while I
beg. Someone finally grabs the rod and pulls me off the bed. I grab the rod
to minimize the pain. They beat me again until one extra hard blow to my
abdomen sends me down for the count.
I wake up in Rick's room. When they hear me moan, Juan holds me
while Rick pulls on the rod. Rick pulls harder and harder until it tears
the flesh of my uterus and comes out. I scream and pass out again. I wake
up in the trunk of Gayle'c car. We get out in Carl's garage. They take
me downstairs. Carl is adjusting a new machine.
Three new machines stand ready for use. Nellie Stone has
combined all of the previous machines into one. I am to be the guinie pig.
Its like being straped into a launching capsul. First tubes are inserted
into my bladder and uterus, then the projections are inserted into my pussy
and asshole. My legs are straped down next. The chest machine is adjusted
on me next. The holes are adjusted so that my nipples and dark area just fit
thru the hole. The suction is started and my breast tips are sucked thru the
hole. The adjustment is set so that the machine accomodates my large breasts.
The device is inserted into my mouth and my tongue is pulled out thru the
device. When the lever is pulled down, my tongue is crushed and pulled out
farther. A needle sharp projection goes thru my tongue as the lever is
pulled. I feel the tube go down my Throat. The device forces my mouth
open and dislocates my jaw. The next hour is one of constantly changing
torture. I am conscious thru most of it. The liquids flow like before.
The pressures are variable. My legs are brought up and down past my head
like the rack. My legs are spread wide like the leg spreader.
The projections pump me like the pussy rubber. The device in my pussy
expands and forces me open. I lose consciousness at that point.
When I wake up, needles are automatically inserted into my breasts. I feel
a liquid forced into them. I feel the burning. I feel needles inserted
into my ass cheeks, and the burning liquid forced in. My arms are forced
back and up similar to the hanging position. Finally I am allowed
off. I walk around a little and then they put me in the second machine.
I am used to help adjust each of Carl's three new machines. When they
finally finish with me, my breasts are reshaped, my jaw aches terribly,
my tongue, breasts, and ass feel like pin cushions, my joints are all sore,
my pussy and asshole are rubbed raw, and my stomach, bladder, uterus, and
rectum feel like used balloons.
Rick and Juan take me shopping for new clothes. They buy me a new
evening dress. strapless and very revealing. It is fairly tight. I am not
allowed to wear a bra with it. We go out to eat and dance. My dress keeps
falling off my breasts so that I must continually pull it up. During the
evening, my dress falls completely down many times. Every place we go
everyone stares at me. At one bar Rick sells me to a man and we make love
in the car. Rick starts giving me drinks and the evening becomes a blurr.
I know that I am raped several times, and many people are allowed to pull my
dress down to see my breasts. One man puts his penis into me while we
danced. When I am delivered home, I am completely smashed. I am very sick
the next day.
Lou proposes to me and gives me a magnificent ring. I am the envy
of every girl in the school when I wear it. Whenever Lou calls we go out
and have great times together. He has me open a safety deposit box for
him in my name. I am tempted to look in it, but I never do. We make love
frequently. Lou is good to me. I will marry him someday.
What a beautiful world it is. I have recently moved to a
new house, new school, etc. All my old haunts and memories
are left behind. I think that I am starting to be able to
control my body. It has been months since I had any sexual
activity. All of the swelling is gone and my body seems to be
completely healed. My large breasts seem to have firmed up
some. My dark areas around my nipples still protrude
significantly because of Carl's suckers, but the effect is not
entirely bad. My mother, Helen, and I are very close. We have
the same terrible/wonderful secret. Our clitorises are extreemly
large and sensitive. If anyone, boy or girl, strokes me there,
I become putty in their hands. I will literally do anything to
reach orgasm and release. It is for this reason that I have
stayed away from boys since I started in my new school.
Other than that, I am enjoying school very much. I am even
a member of the school council. I was elected in my home room
by one vote. Gloria Pushnell worked very hard to be elected.
Gloria even tried dirty tricks. She told lies about me and
I heard that she promised herself to several boys if she won.
Gloria has a great figure, but mine is better and I am much
prettier. Anyway I won and so I get to attend the weekly
council meetings. Gloria is my alternate in case I am unable to
attend the meeting. Gloria hates me. I can feel it every time
she is near me. With that one excetpion, I have many friends at
school. In general, it is a ball. I am pretty good too.
Mother has settled down some too. She limits herself to one
date per week. We understand each other perfectly. When she
comes home crying, I generally know what has happened. She lost
control of herself when her date got his hands onto her pussy.
We fight our bodies, but they always win. We usually feel bad
afterward, because we lost control, but during the stroking we
are so high that we can see the stars. I guess this is what dope
addicts go thru.
The twins leave me alone. We hardly speak. They have new
boyfriends again. I have warned them, but they ignore me.
Ted Baxter, Grant Toone, and Hank Turney come to the house every
time mother is gone on a date. Mother leaves me in charge, but I
cannot control the twins. They call the boys over and they have
a sexual party. I usually have to clean up after them. I hate
it when they come, because it means extra work for me and I have
to lie to Helen. To be completely honest, however, I envy the
twins a little. They are laughing and touching and shareing each
other while I just listen and stroke myself to orgasm. It is
good when I do myself, but nothing like having someone else do
it. I cannot join them, because of my secret. If one of the
boys touched me there I would melt and beg for more till I had my
fill. I know. I have been there many times. It is the best
feeling in the world. Because of my super large clitoris, I
enjoy it more than anyone else, but I am also more easily taken
advantage of. Therefore, since I have been there many times
before, I stay away from all boys. Mother has the same problem,
but she has more willpower than I. I stroke myself often, but
only after I have locked my door and braced a chair against the
Tonight is another one of those nights when the boys are
here. I have tiptoed up to the twins door to listen. I can hear
giggles and when I put my ear to the door, I can hear them.
"...We can both share. You suck his penis, and I'll suck his
balls." "OK, but leave some for me." My hand slips into my
pants and I stroke myself while I listen. "Don't bite me again
Ted." I am breathing hard when I notice with a start that Hank
is watching me. "Can I help you do that?" 'What?...Oh, No.'
I pull my hand out of my pants and hurry away. Hank watches me
leave and smiles as he rubs the bulge in his pants. Hank is
naked except for his pants. His body is the sexiest thing that I
have seen. I hurry into my room and lock the door. I push the
chair againt the doorknob and back against the wall. My heart is
beating wildly. I quickly remove my clothes and open my legs. I
find my giant clitoris easily as always and stroke it while my
other hand works on my breasts. I slowly build until I am ready.
I pinch my breast and clitoris hard as I come. I hear a screem
and realize that it is my own. My screams die out and are
followed by loud laughing from the twins room. I feel shame at
being found out. How can I look them in the eye again.
When I settle down enough to walk, I walk to my dresser and
lift my leg onto the chair. I open myself and examine my secret
place carefully. The constant stroking causes me to start in
again. I watch myself closely as I get higher and higher.
Finally, I lose control and throw my head back while I pinch and
rub myself to orgasm. By exerting all of my will power, I hold
the noise down to loud moans, but I still hear loud giggles from
the twins room. I examine myself closely again and then look up.
Something caught my eye. Something moved in the tree outside of
my window. My dresser is next to the window and my secret places
have been open and exposed for a long time to anyone outside my
window. I dress and hurry downstairs in time to catch Del
Keeting climbing out of the tree. Del is carrying an expensive
night camera and a bag full of camera equipment and film.
'What are you doing in my tree?' "Photographing you."
'Please give me the film' Del grins and shakes his head. "Come
with me now, do everything that I ask, and noone will ever see or
even know of these pictures. I cannot hold back the tears as I
stand there considering the possibilities. Del is the school's
pervert. He is handsome and gentle, but I have heard that he
likes to pull the wings off of flies, etc. Noone will date him.
I know that he will sell my pictures to my school friends.
I cannot live with that. 'OK You win.' I follow Del out to his
car and we drive away. "Come over and sit by me." I slide over
to the middle of the seat and we drive silently. I cannot
believe my eyes when we pull into Carl's driveway. "I work for
this guy. He has some neat toys." Del takes my hand and pulls
me out of the car. I am in a daze and Del has to pull me into
the house. We go into the front room and Del sets up his camera.
Del has me step into the powder room and make myself beautiful.
Del insists that I leave the door open so that he can keep an eye
on me. Everything that I could possibly want is available.
I don't use much makeup, but I clean up and do my hair. When I
am finished, Del looks at me and takes me back in for more
lipstick and face color. "I want more color for the camera."
When Del is happy with my face, he hands me a razor and
tells me to shave my ass and pussy. When my mouth opens to
protest, Del tells me that he just wants me to shave from the top
of my clit down around my ass. Del insists on watching me.
I feel cheap and dirty somehow as I pull my pants and panties
off. I make myself wet and apply shaving cream. As I shave
myself, I look up and see a strange look on Del's face as he
stares at my pussy and crotch area. Maybe Del is a little crazy.
Finally, I am done and Del has me strip naked.
Again the cheap and dirty feeling as Del examines me from head to
The next hour is spent with me posing for Del in every
position possible. Del has me wear costumes and elaborate
bondage chains and leather for special shots. Del does not make
a pass at me for the whole hour. When Del is satisfied that he
has what he wanted, we take a break. "Inez, there is just one
more thing I want. I want closeups of that special spot that you
like to rub. We need to have you step into one of Carl's
machines downstairs for that." My heart stops for a second.
'All you want is pictures?' "Of course, what did you think that
I wanted?" I shrug, strip, and we go downstairs.
The basement has been redone since I was here last. Each
machine is in a room of its own. Each room is equiped with
elaborate photographing equipment, extensive sound equipment, and
lots of extra equipment. A video camera hangs from each ceiling.
I climb into the new version of the rack and Del straps me down
I know the pain that is possible with this machine. 'Del, please
don't hurt me.' I am completely helpless now and Del only smiles
down at me. Del hits the button and my legs go up, over, and
then down on each side of my head. The pain starts. I am slowly
reminded of all of the extra features of this new rack.
My feet are forced wider apart. I cannot hold back a screem of
pain. I watch my pussy open as my legs are forced wide. The
pain is almost too much. My hips and back ache from the
pressure. Next my arms are forced down and back. 'Please, Del,
my arms are very sore. Please don't take them back very far.'
The machine doesn't stop. I feel my shoulders strain and start
to come apart. I screem and beg and plead. Finally, the machine
stops. Del walks around and examines me from every angle.
Del returns to the controls and my head is forced up till my chin
is on my chest. My pussy is then forced closer to my face. My
back strains under the increased pressure. The entire platform
is rotated until I am upside down. My breasts hang on each side
of my face and I am looking into my pussy. Del asks me to smile
as he starts to shot. I must admit that it will be an
interresting photograph. My breasts will be hanging on each side
of my face and I will be looking directly into my pussy hole.
Del takes many pictures and then goes to the controls.
I had thought that I was finished. Instead, my face is forced
closer to my pussy. The pain is magnified till I screem. I can
hardly breath. When my pussy is very close I know what Del wants
so I lick myself. Del takes several shots and then forces my
pussy closer. Del spreads me open with his fingers and has me
show him my clitoris. Del pushes my hair under my chin and has
me lick my clitoris while he shoots. Even in all the pain, I am
getting hot as I lick myself. Del watches as I lose control and
start to beg Del to stroke me. Del simply forces my pussy closer
and closer till I can take it into my mouth and suck it. I moan
my pleasure as I suck myself to orgasm. I don't even notice Del
filming my orgasm on video. When my orgasm is spent and I again
feel the pain, Del forces my pussy into my face hard. My mouth
is inside of my pussy hole as he films me again. Next he has me
take my pussy area into my mouth so that my mouth covers my
entire hole. More photos. Finally, my ass is forced into my
face and I am forced to lick and kiss and suck my asshole for
Del's cameras. Del forces my chin to cover my asshole and takes
several photos. Finally, Del puts his camera down and goes to
the controls. Del backs me off till I am looking at my pussy
hole, but I cannot quite reach it with my tongue. Del opens my
pussy with his fingers and strokes my coitoris a few times until
my breath is coming faster. I close my eyes and even in the pain
I enjoy the stroking. When Del stops I frown at him.
I am going to try something new on you. Del leaves and
returns with a box of electrical stuff. I watch as del attaches
two small electrodes to my clitoris. Del ignores my pleas for
release. "Don't worry I am only using a battery." Somehow I am
reassured that I will not be permanently hurt. "When I start the
test, I want you to tell me everything that you feel." After a
few adjustments Del is ready. "Here we go now tell me everything
you feel starting now" 'I feel a tingling. Oh! Oh! Stop.
Stop. No don't stop. Don't stop. I feel pain, but It also feels
good. Oh! More. More. Please, more. Yes. Yes. I feel it.
More. More. Don't stop. Please, never stop. Do me. Do me.
Do me more. More. More.' "Do you like it?" 'I love it.
Please go higher again. Oh! Oh! Yes. Yes. Don't stop.
Please don't stop.' "What will you give me to keep going for
another minute?" 'Anything. I will do anything. Please, give
me more.' "I want you to do lots of things for me. I may even
want you to kill someone for me. Will you do that?" Del turns
the power completely off and I start to cry. 'Please give me a
little more.' "Answer me first." 'Del please don't ask me to
kill someone. Please give me more. Please. Please.' Del is
silent while I whimper and beg. I must have more. I cannot
explain the feeling. Pain and pleasure mixed. The pleasure is
intense. I have never felt like that before. 'OK Del, I must
have more, I will do whatever you say.' Del turns it on slowly
and I climb up the walls of exstacy. I cannot help myself.
My head rocks back and forth. My heart pounds. My breathing is
labored. I am acting like someone having a fit. Eventually I
pass out.
I wake up on the floor next to the machine. The wires are
gone. I reach down and hold my pussy. It aches terribly. I
start to cry and try to get up. I am too weak. I feel like I
have had a terrible beating, and I have had some. I have been
raped also. I have been raped before. I think I passed out for
a minute. "How do you feel?" 'Terribly weak.' Del helps me to
my feet and walks me around until I can walk on my own. "Thats
enough for today. I will call you when I want you to come
again." I am too weak to argue. Del helps me upstairs and I
dress. Del drives me home and drops me off at the street. I
watch him drive off and swear never to see him again. To top it
off, the twins have locked me out. I have to climb the tree and
then climb onto the roof and into my open window. I am exhausted
when I climb into bed. It is after midnight when the phone
awakens me. It is Del. "I want you to pose for a friend of
mine. He draws nudes. Terrance martinez will expect you
saturday from nine till noon. Bring ten dollars each time you
pose. Thanks love." Click. I stare at the phone for a second
and then slam it down. 'In a pigs ass.' I am awake now and
spend the next hour cleaning the house. I am barely into bed
when Helen comes home. In a way Del did me a favor. Helen can
be nasty when she drinks. I have the scars to prove it.
For some reason on friday Jason Black is especially
obnoxious toward me. He is always rubbing up against the girls
breasts for a thrill, but today he is paying special attention to
me. Several times he has bumped into me and felt my breasts. He
has spoken obscenely to me several times when he felt noone else
could hear. Jason is standing in front of me as I reach into my
locker. Jason's hands go under my sweater and squeeze my bra. I
slap his face hard before he can get his hands into my bra.
Jason looks very surprised and covers his face with his hand.
Jason slowly withdraws his other hand and hands me a photograph.
I stare down at my naked body. My giant clitoris fully exposed
as my fingers hold myself open for Del's camera. My other hand
is cuping my breast and pinching my nipple. I am staring right
into the camera smiling and winking provocatively. I remember
the pose. Del took many shots till he was satisfied.
I cannot hold back the tears. Finally, Jason's hand inside
of my bra squeezing me brings me back to reality. He finds my
nipple and pinches it. I struggle to free myself, but Jason
pinches harder and pulls on it till I yelp in pain. I relax and
Jason eases up a little. I beg him to stop, but he reaches back
behind me and releases the bra hook. Both breasts are in his
hands now. I have to stand very close to Jason and hold the back
of my sweater down to avoid everyone seeing what he is doing.
I cry silently till Jason gets his fill. When Jason finally
leaves me, I go to the lavatory for a good cry. When I come out
Del is waiting for me. "Are you going saturday?" I look down at
the photo in my hand and slowly give it to Del. 'Was that to
remind me?' "It worked didn't it." 'Have you given any more
out?' "Not yet." 'I will go.' "Good girl. By the way Terrance
likes to be called toad." Del gives me his address and phone
number. When I get home I call and verify the appointment.
"You will bring the ten dollars each time?" 'Yes.' "See you
Terrance is a handsome mexican with serious eyes. I examine
some of his work as I wait for him to set up his equipment. 'You
are very good, toad' Something makes me turn around and stare at
him. The hate in his face is obvious. 'Please forgive me. I
was told that you like that name.' "Take off your clothes and
sit over here." 'Please, I am sorry. I really am.' "OK now
lets get started." I strip and sit on the stool. "Your friend
has told me how he wants you to pose." Terrance takes one leg
and pulls it up so that my foot is on the stool. He pulls my
legs apart and then has me expose myself. He has me show him my
clitoris, because Del specifically asked that it show in the
painting. We spend an hour shifting and changing legs etc. until
Terrance is finally satisfied with the pose. "Can you take this
exact same pose each day?" 'I will try.' "Don't try, do it."
Terrance forces me to pose frozen for the next two hours as he
frames in his portrait. Finally, the time is up. "Dress and
leave please." Terrance leaves the room and I break into tears.
The pain is extreem as I finally move from my pose. I walk
around and then dress. I let myself out and walk home.
On the way home, Del and Jason offer me a ride. 'No thanks,
I like to walk.' "Get in now!" I sit between them. I know what
will happen, but I still jump when Jason starts to unbutton my
blouse. 'Please, let me go.' "All in good time, my pretty."
Jason reaches behind me and unhooks my bra. "Put your arms on
the back of the seat behind each of us." When I comply, I
realize why Del had me do it. Jason is free to play with my
breasts without restriction. Jason squeezes and pinches me till
he has his fill. Jason's hand wanders to my pussy and starts to
rub me. I am breathing hard in no time. Soon my pussy is warm
and wet. I spread my legs to allow better access. I raise my
ass off the seat so that Jason can pull my skirt up. I cannot
help moaning as his fingers rub my wet panties. I am lost. I am
thrashing around on the seat begging Jason to pull my panties
off. When I reach down to pull them off myself, Del hits me in
the stomach with his fist. "Leave your arms up there, love."
I struggle for breath and fight back the vomit as Jason removes
my blouse, bra, and skirt. Soon Jason is back working on my
pussy and I am out of control again. Jason wants a kiss and I am
quick to oblige. I kiss with feeling. Soon I am sucking his
tongue. I raise up as Jason finally pulls my panties off. I
moan loudly as Jason's fingers stroke my throbbing clitoris.
'Please don't stop.' Del pulls my hands down to his crotch and I
know what he wants. I quickly undo his belt and unzip him. Del
raises up and I pull his pants and shorts down. I stroke Del's
penis till his erection is very hard. Del runs his hand up the
back of my neck and into my hair. Del grabs my hair and pulls my
face down into his lap. I am too far gone to resist.
I accept his penis in my mouth and suck him as he alternatly
pulls me up and pushes me down. I adjust myself to a kneeling
position on the seat. My ass is toward Jason and he spreads my
legs wide for better access. Jason is exploring my pussy and ass
while I mastrabate Del with my mouth. When we stop at a light, a
car pulls up on Jason's side and several boys watch as Jason
explores my pussy. "What you got there Jason?" "Don't burn your
fingers, Jason." "Need any help, Jason?" Jason has me raise up
so that his friends get a better view. Finally the light changes
and we are moving again. Del fills my mouth with cum and then
relaxes his grip on my hair. I am not allowed to move till he is
sucked dry. I help him pull his pants up and fasten them.
Jason wants the same treatment so I suck him while my ass
points at Del. Del fingers me with his free hand while I pump
Jason. Del knows where to stroke and I am trembling with need
when Jason finally spills his cum. I suck him clean and then lay
there with Jason's penis in my mouth while Del strokes me. "Your
house is coming up." I hurry to dress, but I cannot quite make
it. I am still partially undressed when they push me out in
front of my house. I hurry and slip into my skirt and button up
my blouse as the boys drive away laughing. I am very embarrased
standing on my front lawn dressing myself. When I am finally
finished, I look around and notice that Mr. Blocks has been
watching me. I start toward my house when Mr Blocks intercepts
me. "You are a beautiful girl." 'Thank you.' "Do you want me
to tell your mother what I saw?" 'No. Please, Mr Blocks. She
would beat me for sure.' Mr Blocks takes my face in his hands
and then rubs my face and neck. "Maybe you will do a favor for
me sometime." 'Sure.' I hurry into the house and start my
The next week is uneventfull except that Del called me and
told me to leave my window open all the time. I try to be
carefull, but I am naked in my room with the light on sometimes
when I forget.
Saturday morning Terrance takes my ten dollars and has me
sit frozen for two hours before he notices the tears in my eyes
and gives me a break. I limp around the room trying to limber
up. Terrance finally has me lay down while he rubs my aching
muscles. I am aroused by his hands touching my bare skin.
Terrance notices my hard nipples when I stand up. His grin
reminds me that he is still a man. I notice that his pants are
bulging for the first time since I started posing for him.
Terrance finally lowers the wall that he built the first day when
I called him toad. We talk and get to know each other. I like
When I leave I take a different route home, but it doesn't
help. Del and Jason pull to the curb and order me to get in.
Instead of driveing me home, Del drives to Carl's. 'Del, please
take me home. I will be in serious trouble. My mother will not
allow me to be away from home this long.' As I argue with him,
Del and Jason each take an arm, put it behind them and then start
to work on my pussy. Before long I am begging then not to quit.
'Please do me. Harder. More. More. Oh yes. Now. Do it
now...' They take me into the house and ask me to undress. I do
it quickly and then place their hands on my pussy and rub myself
with their hands. Del guides me downstairs to our room and then
ties a blindfold onto me before strapping me into the rack. I am
tied securely, but nothing happens. I can hear a telephone being
dialed and then a short conversation. "We will have to wait for
the rest of our guests." When I protest, Del hits my stomach
with his fist. It is unexpected and I am caught off guard. I
fight for breath. Finally, I can breath. I cry to myself for a
short time and then wait.
I can hear them arriveing. I feel hands on my private
places. pinching my breasts, nipples, pussy, etc. I feel them
spread my pussy and poke their fingers into me. I listen as they
talk about me as if I were a pet or some other possession.
Finally the talking stops and I hear someone introduce me to the
group. He knows my name and address. He tells me that I am
blindfolded for my own protection. He also tells me that if I
cooperate, I will come to no permanent harm. He then forces me
to talk to the group about my feelings and how I came to be
there. I guess they just want to hear my voice, because noone
pays attention to my complaints about being kidnapped.
Finally, the rack is activated. My legs go up and then down. My
feet go wide until I screem in pain. My arms are pulled down and
back. My shoulders are very sensitive and I screem the whole
time. My head is forced up until my chin rests on my chest. My
pussy is forced up until I can smell my juices. I am allowed to
rest in this position while someone prepares something. I wish I
could see what was happening.
Next I hear Del explaining about his new invention. I feel
his fingers exploring exposed pussy. Del holds me open while
everyone examines my clitoris. Fingers stroke, rub, pinch, and
even pull on my seat of pashion. When they finish, I am wild
with need. I cannot stop the moans of pleasure. I can feel Del
inserting his electrodes on my clitoris. When Del is satisfied,
he explains about the controls and I get my first jolt. My
screem seems to startle everyone into silence. 'Please don't
stop. Please more. More please... Oh yes. Yes. Yes. Higher.
Higher. More... Slowly I sink into the depths of my private
pleasure. I am charged for a long time. The pleasure is
extreem. It is like a strong drug. I want more and more and
more. When Del turns it off, I whimper like a baby till he gives
me more. The last thing that I remember is one extra strong zap.
My whole body jumps with the discharge. In a hazzy dream I am
lifted off of the rack and taken to a bed. Several men take me
one at a time. All of them examine my clitoris carefully while
they are alone with me. I moan during the intercourse because it
rubs my clitoris. My clitoris is super sensitive now. The
slightest touch and I experience exstacy. Even when I rub my two
legs together, there is enough pressure for an orgasm. I seem to
be in one long continuous climax. It is like a drug to me.
I hold my hand up to my face and watch it shake. I am too weak
to even climb out of bed. I cannot talk. I just lie there and
enjoy myself. I let myself go completely. Deep into the
pleasure pit I fall. Eventually I fall asleep.
PART 6/6
I am deep in sleep when I feel the electrodes being attached
again. I cannot talk. My body is frozen. I hear conversation
and then I am zapped. Low voltage, higher voltage, jolts like
the last one before. I try to tell them to never stop, but my
mouth will not work. I can feel my body shake. It must have
frightened them because they turned the device off. I want them
to continue, but I cannot talk. I cry deep violent sobs of need
unsatisfied and then Blackness. I am brought back to my dreams
by someone turning my pleasure on. I moan my pleasure. I spend
the next thirty minutes in an exotic dream. Later I find out
that Del wanted to see the affects of long term exposure so he
turned it on and then left me alone for over a half hour. When
Del returned he found me shaking uncontrolably and moaning in
pleasure. Again I cry hard when I am disconnected.
I feel hands on me lifting me and trying to make me walk. I
cannot. I cannot even crawl. I can't even talk. Someone forces
clothes on me and carries me out to the car. I doze. Hands take
me out of the car and lay me on the lawn. I am alone for a long
time. Someone comes and I hear talking. Hands drag me into the
back yard and behind the garage. I feel hands undoing my clothes
and removing it. I cannot stop them. I feel their hands on my
private places and hear them talking. I have heard the voices
before, but where. I feel the penis enter me and grow hard. I
moan my pleasure as my clitoris is rubbed again. I feel the hot
cum flow into me and then the penis withdraw. I try to tell them
to never stop, but my tongue is broken. I feel another penis and
then another. Hands pick me up and carry me to my bed. I am put
into bed and left alone for a time. Later the three rape me four
more times before I stop counting. Much later I hear a different
voice. "Inez, are you stoned? Talk to me." Slap. Slap.
I don't like the pain, but I can only mumble and wave with my
arms that won't respond to my commands. Finally, deep deep
blackness. Sunday night I wake up long enough to crawl to the
bathroom. As I crawl back I feel hands lift my nightgown and
pull my panties off. Someone spreads my pussy and forces their
penis into me. I moan as my dry pussy is violated. When my
clitoris is finally rubbed, I get wet and he pumps me till he
cums. I crawl two steps and the second one rapes me. Two more
steps and the third one pumps me for a long time. When they are
satisfied, I am allowed to crawl back to bed.
Monday morning I am barely able to dress and fix myself for
school. I cannot eat anything. It takes me a long time to walk
to school. I am almost late. Gloria wants to take my place in
council today. "Please, Inez just for today. You look like you
need a rest." 'No. I want to go.' "Inez, if you don't let me
take your place today, you will be sorry, I promise." Later I
realize that I should have let her take my place, but I was not
thinking straight and insisted on going myself. There is a new
boy in the council today. Marion (John) Callister sits next to
me and pays attention to me all thru the meeting. Afterward John
walks me to my locker and class. When Gloria sees us together I
can see the hate bubble from her every pore. I have too many
concerns now to bother about her. John is good to talk to. We
could be good friends. By friday I am almost normal. My
clitoris is still super sensitive, and walking makes my panties
wet. I want to tell someone about my problem, but who?
Today I saw Gloria making a play for Del. I hope this
doesn't mean what I think it does. If Del spills his guts,
Gloria will have information that could make my life very
miserable. Del, Gloria, and Jason had lunch together today and
afterward Gloria was very attentive toward Del. As I left
school, I saw the three of them again. Del and Jason were both
pulling their hands out of Gloria's sweater. This means trouble
for me. To top it off, I saw Gloria driving around after school
with the twins. I had better be on my guard.
Imagine my surprise when Gloria comes to my house friday
after school. The twins are at a party and mother has a date so
I am alone in the house. I am not worried, because Gloria has
brought her father with her. At least she said he is her father.
As we talk, her father keeps swinging his watchchain. Then he is
talking and telling me to relax. He reminds me that I am sleepy
and my eyelids are heavy. I guess I went to sleep, because I
wake up feeling great and it is two hours later. My clothes are
all wrong, like I dressed in a big hurry without regard for
appearances. Its probably nothing to worry about. I wonder what
Gloria wanted. She really isn't a bad person. I could grow to
like her. This is the day that the dreams start. I get a phone
call later that same day. It is Gloria. I remember talking for
a short time and then all I can remember is the dream. In the
dream Gloria and Del come to the house and take me to my room.
They remove my clothes and lay me in my bed. Gloria is talking
to me the whole time, making me feel real good. I like her.
Del shows me how to attach the electrodes to my clitoris and
Gloria talks to me while Del watches me attach them. I want to
make Gloria happy. I will do whatever she says. I will attach
the electrodes carefully, plug the box into the wall, start the
timer and go to bed. I really like Gloria. She is my best
friend. I can tell her everything and she understands. Gloria
talks to me soothingly and then I go into a deep deep sleep.
Sometime during the night, the dreams start. The dreams are
always sex related and almost always violent. I become arroused
and reach many many orgasms during the night. Finally, the
dreams stop and I rest. In the morning, I wake up exhausted. I
unhook the device and hide it where Gloria suggested. I am very
weak and I must not look very good, because terrance comments on
the dark circles under my eyes.
After the session with Terrance, I walk home in a daze. I
do my chores and then lay down. Gloria calls and again I go
right into the dream. Gloria has me get the box and adjust the
dials. Gloria is my best friend. I love her. I will do
everything that she wants me to. Gloria wants me to rest, so I
attach the leads to my swollen clitoris, plug the box into the
wall, turn it on, and go to sleep. All day and all night I
suffer with wild dreams. Some are mild, some are very strong,
some are short, and some are longer. During some of the dreams I
can feel my body shake. Most times the dreams are very pleasant.
It is late on sunday when Helen wakes me. I have been in bed for
eighteen hours, but I am not rested. Anything but. I am very
weak and exhausted. I lie to Helen and tell her that I feel
great. I put the box away and struggle thru my chores.
Late sunday Gloria and her friend Marie Hobart come for a
visit. The three of us go for a drive. Shortly after we start I
enter my dream world again. We park somewhere and under Gloria's
prompting, I tell all. Every significant event of my life is
laid before them. I answer all of their questions, witholding
absolutetly nothing. I tell them all about Helen also. When
Gloria wants me to show Marie my giant clitoris, I hesitate out
of modesty, but Gloria talks to me for a while and my love for
her grows. 'I will do anything for you Gloria.' This brings a
grin to Gloria's face as I pull my panties off and open myself
for Marie. When Marie strokes me and pinches my doubly swollen
clitoris, I swoon. Gloria talks me into a giant orgasm that
leaves me shaking from head to foot. Gloria talks more and I
start to feel great. Weak, but great. When we part, I have more
instructions about the box and my love for Gloria and Marie is
stronger than ever. They are great friends. I really do love
John calls and I don't know what to do. I tell him that I
will call him back when he asks me for a date. I call Gloria and
she gives me explicit instructions. I call John and accept the
date for tuesday night. I call Gloria back and give her the
details. Gloria reminds me about the box and says something that
makes me feel warm and happy. I also feel stronger love for her
than ever. I will do exactly as she says. Another night of
dreams without sleep. They seem to be getting worse. Longer and
stronger each day. I look terrible, but after Gloria talks to
me, I always feel great.
On the day of my date with John, Gloria and Marie pay a
visit. They have brought another box, larger and much heavier.
I feel fear and start to cry. Gloria talks to me and I feel much
better. Gloria's father shows up and joins the group. I notice
him put something in Helen's drink. Soon Helen is acting
strange. He then uses his watchchain to put helen into a deep
deep sleep. When Helen is sleeping soundly, he turns to me and
talks to me. Soon I am dreaming again. In my dream I see Helen
respond to several test commands and then they start in on her in
earnest. I hear them set up an instant word command specific to
Gloria. Whenever Gloria says 'eat me' to Helen she will go into
a deep sleep and obey Gloria without question. He talks to me
for a time and I rededicate myself to Gloria. Gloria asks me to
help undress Helen. I have a strong conflict here. I love
Gloria and want to please her at all costs, but I love Helen too.
I must choose between them. Gloria sees me hesistate and has the
man take me asside and talk to me. After a long talk I agree
that it is for the best if I help Gloria, and I agree also that
Gloria knows even better than Helen what is for the best.
Helen is asked to stand while I undress her. The man is
talking to Helen the whole time. I see Helen nod frequently.
Whenever she shakes her head or says no, the man keeps trying
until Helen finally says yes. Soon Helen is expressing love for
Gloria and Marie also. I hear her promise to obey Gloria without
hesitation. I hear Helen pledge her love to Gloria also.
A measure of how far gone I am is that I am happy that Helen is
Gloria's slave also. Somehow I am convinced that Gloria knows
best in all things. I think that I would kill for her. Gloria
has Helen lay on the floor while I stroke her pussy to wetness.
I then hold her pussy open while the man rapes her violently.
Under his gentle guidance he convinces us that we enjoyed
ourselves. I am asked to lay down next and Helen holds me open
while I am raped. I love it. I ask for more and promise to do
my best for him. He has me suck his wet penis and pump out the
last drops of cum. It tastes very good to me.
After he leaves, Gloria has me take Helen up to her room and
then get my box. Gloria has me show Helen how to install the
electrodes on each side of her clitoris. Gloria shows Helen how
to set the dials. Helen sets the dials and plugs the box into
the wall. Helen is then put into a deep sleep and told to sleep
the rest of the night. Gloria takes me downstairs and gives me
very explicit instructions for when John comes. I don't want to
follow them, but Gloria knows best. After some time Gloria has
me believing that John is bad and wants to hurt me. I must
protect myself. Gloria and Marie leave just before John arrives.
I am dressed only in shoes, blouse, and shorts. My face is not
made up. My hair isn't even combed. John comes into the house
and I immediately reach into his pants and grab his balls.
I squeeze for all that I am worth. He screams and tries to pull
free. I yank hard and squeeze till he begs for relief. I tell
him to pull his pants and shorts off and then raise his hands.
I spread his legs and then release him just in time to knee his
balls as hard as I can. He goes down and clutches his balls. I
continue to kick him while he crawls out the door. I follow him
out to the street and just before he can get into his car, I
deliver the hardest kick of all. My shoe kicks his naked balls a
wicked blow. John vomits into the gutter and folds into the
fetal position. I feel glad. I go back inside and wait for
Gloria. Gloria drives up and helps John into her car. They
drive to her place where she has plans for John. She will be the
hero and I the villian. My duty now is to install the new box in
my bedroom and try it out tonight. I have had careful
I carry the box up to my room and put it under my bed. I
adjust the dials to Gloria's specifications. I remove my pants
and prepare my swollen clitoris. I marvel at the size of my
giant seat of passion. The continual electric shocks seem to
make it grow each night. As I attach the electrodes to my
clitoris, I repeat 'I love you Gloria. I love you Gloria.'
This box has two extra electrodes that Gloria wants attached to
my breasts. I attach them and turn the box on. I lay down and
wait. The box runs on a timer. I am so sleepy that I fall
asleep before the fun starts. 'Oh! No!' I am awakened to a
strong shock that has me shaking with muscle spasms. I clutch my
pussy and wait. I am asleep before the second one hits. Again I
am left shaking and clutching myself. My nipples are hard as
rocks. The pain\pleasure is more than I can bear. I cannot move
until morning. I cry myself to sleep thirty times during the
night. I can hear Helen scream when her box starts. I am glad
the twins are not here. It is a very very long night.
At the crack of dawn, after my treatment, I unhook myself
and look in on Helen. She is lying on her back clutching her
pussy. Her eyes are wide open in disbelief. I spread her legs
and remove the electrodes. I unplug the box and cover her up.
'Go to sleep, darling. No more dreams.' I set my alarm clock
and get as much sleep as I can. I hurridly dress for school and
rush out the door. Gloria and Marie are waiting for me. I climb
into the car and Gloria asks to see my clitoris. I pull my pants
and panties off and spread myself for her. "You are doing very
well Inez." They quiz me while we drive to school. Gloria hands
me some hot pants to wear instead of the clothes she took from
me. I am not permitted to wear panties today. I can barely get
into them. They are too small. 'They hurt, but I will wear them
for you if it makes you happy.' "Keep them and wear them every
day. I will have a new blouse and bra for you later." 'Thank
you, Gloria. Is there anything else that I can do you you
today?' "From now on, come to my house after school each day and
do my work before you go home. I will leave a list for you.
Also I want you to buy my lunch from now on and Marie's lunch
too." 'OK Gloria, glad to help. Please Gloria, may I sleep
some. I will die if I don't get some sleep.' "Are you
complaining?" 'Oh No Mam, but I will die without sleep. Also I
will fail in school.' "OK, from now on we will set the timer to
go off at three A.M. so you can get your beauty sleep."
I take Gloria's hand and kiss the back of it. 'Thank you,
My life settles into a constant routine. I do Gloria's work
every day and Marie's work occasionally. I go to bed early so
that I get my sleep before three. Gloria examines us several
times each week to make sure that we are obeying her. Helen is
allowed to sleep till three also. I gain back the weight that I
lost and my grades come back up. I still go to Terrance's place
on saturday morning and then try to dodge Del on the way home.
Gloria and John are going steady. John will not speak to me.
The new blouse and bra that Gloria has for me leaves very little
to the immagination. The blouse is see thru and the bra barely
covers my dark area and nipples. The boys all get their eyes
full when I walk past. Jason follows me around constantly.
I hate him.
Tonight Gloria wants to see me at her house. The spell on
me is beginning to wear off, and she has to talk me back into it
every once in a while. Gloria starts the session as soon as I
arrive. When she is done, I love her again. We have a ritual
that we go thru now. When she is finished reteaching me, I
remove her shoes and kiss each of her feet. Tonights session was
a long one. I love her very much and can't wait to kiss her
feet. Just before I am allowed to show my dedication and love,
Jason arrives. Jason watches as I kiss Gloria and rededicate
myself to her. "Inez, Jason wants you to be his girl." 'Oh
please Gloria, I will do whatever you want for sure, but please
don't give me to Jason.' "From today forward, Inez, you are
Jason's girlfriend. You will do whatever it takes to make him
happy. Do you understand?" 'Yes, master. I hear and I obey.'
Gloria has another talk with me while Jason waits.
Afterward I don't mind being Jason's girl. I even like it a
Jason and I leave together arm in arm. Jason wants me to
get the clothes that I wear to school, so I hurry in and change.
We drive to the local drive in and order food. Jason has no
money so I pay. Jason then drives to lovers lane and parks.
His hands are all over me immediately. I fight out of reflex.
"You better be good to me. Gloria gave me one of your words to
use in case you didn't come across." 'Please go a little slower
Jason. I will come across.' Jason must have used the word,
because my pussy burns and I have the hots for him. I help Jason
take my clothes off and then help him out of his. 'Please hurry
Jason, I need you now.' I grab his penis and start to stroke
him. His penis is already hard and my strokes bring it to steel.
I climb on top of his lap and guide his penis into me. I ride
him while he grins at me. I am only started when he shots his
cum into me and withdraws. 'Please don't stop Jason. Let me
make him big again.' "Later, baby." I ache for the feel of his
penis on my clitoris. I stroke myself to climax as Jason
watches. Finally, I dress and Jason drops me off at home.
For the next few weeks, Jason is my constant companion. His
hands are all over me all of the time. Several times Jason has
insisted that I show my breasts to his friends. Every time that
I argue with him I get hurt so I don't argue any more. I only
suggest that we go somewhere private. Then I remove my blouse
and bra and let them stare at me. Sometimes they have to paw me
too. I hope Jason draws the line there.
My hopes are in vain. Today right after school Jason has
pulled me into an empty room and wants me to show some of his
friends my clitoris. I am sick with shame. What can I do.
'Jason, don't you want to have anything private and special just
between the two of us?' "No." I watch as his friends file in.
I count twenty-five people mostly boys. I remove my skirt and
panties. Jason has me sit on a table and spread my legs. I am
forced to hold my pussy open for everyone to look in. Everyone
wants to touch me. While the crowd strokes my private places,
Jason removes my sweater and bra. I am wet and wild with desire.
I take Jason's hand and kiss it. Jason removes his hand and
places another boys hand in mine. I am out of control. I cannot
stop. I must have someone. I reach into the boys pants and
stroke his penis to hardness. I undo his pants and pull them
down. He pulls his pants and shorts off and climbs onto me. We
make love on the table while the crowd watches. When the last
boy has had his fill for the last time, the crowd leaves. I am
alone and naked except for my shoes and socks. I have not had
enough and so I stroke myself to climax as I have done so many
times. My clitoris is greatly enlarged. I guess the shock
treatments are causing it to swell up. It is super sensitive and
I have great orgasms lately. When I am finished, I look for my
clothes. They are missing. I cannot find clothes anywhere.
Everything is locked. I wait until dark and then sneek out of
the building. I travel in the shadows, behind buildings. I
avoid lights and streets. Twice I am cornered by dogs and then
caught. The men get their eyes full when they come out to see
why their dogs are barking. I am almost home when Mr Blocks
catches me going thru his yard.
Mr Blocks takes my hand and pulls me into his house. I try
to pull away, but he will not release me. He forces me to sit in
his front room faceing him while he examines me closely. "You
are a very lovely girl. May I touch you please?" Before I can
answer he has my breasts in his hands. I know what is coming and
help it along to get it over with. I reach into his pants and
stroke him to hardness. He takes me on the floor. I am forced
to wait while he gets ready again. The second time Mr Blocks
really makes love. I enjoy it more than I have in a long time.
Mr Blocks really knows how to please a woman. I make it good for
him and then sneek up my tree into my room. I can hear noises
coming from my bed. I sneek into my room and sit on the floor
waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. It is Del and
Gloria making love in my bed. They are at climax and don't hear
me. When they are quiet, they see me. They want the details of
my journey home and I oblige them. They want more details and so
Gloria talks to me. I enter my dream world again. I tell them
all of the tiny details: the dogs nose in my pussy and Mr. Blocks
great penis. Gloria talks to me some more and I feel very good.
I want to please her in every way that I can. I am anxious to
suck her pussy and Del's penis after their lovemaking. I lick
them both clean and then take a shower as Gloria commands.
When I finish my shower I notice that Gloria is talking to one of
the twins while her father talks to the other. I watch as the
twins both strip and expose themselves for Gloria and her father
to examine them. Their eyes are glassey as they stare ahead.
I notice that the twins have filled out nicely. Their breasts
are not as large as mine but very nicely shaped and just large
enough. They are beautiful, and identical. Even I have trouble
telling them apart. If they try, they can fool me.
Gloria commands me to hook up my box and go to bed. She is
wonderful. Gloria and her father take the twins into their room
while I go to mine and hook myself up. Much later I am awakened
by a needle poked into my arm. I look up to see Gloria and her
father. Gloria reassures me and soon I am in my dream world
again. The shot makes me feel very weak. I need Gloria to pull
me thru. Gloria is here holding my hand. 'I love you Gloria. I
will do anything for you. Please let me serve you.' "Friday
night you can serve me Inez. Friday night."
Dreams. The night is filled with dreams caused by the
electric shocks sent thru my clitoris and breasts. I can hear
Gloria's voice all night as the recording she left plays over and
over and over. Helen, the twins, and I are getting the same
treatment. Slowly we are becoming sponges. We are losing our
will. We are literally becoming Gloria's slaves.
Every night this week, we get the full treatment from Gloria
and her father. Each of us is drilled and drilled and drilled
until we respond instantly without hesitation. On thursday night
Gloria and her father have some friends over to meet us. It is
the final inspection, before our performances on friday. Gloria
talks to me for a moment and I become very happy about the party.
Anxious to please all of the guests. Helen, the twins, and I act
as maids. We serve the guests and then mingle. The guests feel
free to feel us and we respond as Gloria has commanded. By the
end, I have been raped by each guest, male and female. I have
sucked every penis in the house. I have licked and sucked every
pussy in the house except my families. Finally, we all get
together in the living room and the group wants one final
demonstration of our complete subjegation. Gloria talks to me
and Helen while her father talks to the twins. Gloria wants me
to make love with Helen. A few special words and we are both
anxious to please her. Helen and I undress each other
simultaniously. We each spread our legs and stroke each other
with one hand while the other squeezes a breast. In no time we
are both hot and moving faster. We kiss a deep tounge probing
kiss that won't stop. We are rubbing and pinching each others
swollen clitoris and pinching our nipples until we reach our
climaxes. We both moan as we orgasm. Gloria whispers into our
ears and Helen lays on her back while I kneel over her. I lower
my pussy into her mouth and I open Helen's pussy with my hands.
We both suck on clitoris until we screem our mutual climax.
After our show, several guests want to fuck us again. Gloria
speaks to us and we are anxious to please. When we are alone,
Gloria has us clean up and then she attaches the four boxes to us
and makes the adjustments. "You have all been very good today.
I have a special treat for you. We are each given a generous
injection and then the boxes are turned on.
My dream world is a little fuzzy, but it is very very good.
I enjoy every second of my torture. I could go on forever like
this. I am very dissappointed when the machine turns off in the
morning. Gloria has done her job well. I am looking forward to
the big party tonight. I cannot wait to please the guests. I
will do my very best. It is important to Gloria and that is
enough for me. Right after school, Gloria and her father come
over and continue their treatments. First we each get large
injections. When the drug starts to work, we are drilled for
hours. Finally, they must leave, so they have us play their tape
until time to leave.
While we listen to their tape, we make ourselves beautiful.
We fix our hair and faces. We wear our best clothes. We are
ready and waiting when Gloria and Dad pick us up. We are each
given a red flower to wear so the guests will know who the
special performers are. We are early and help get Carl's house
ready. The guests arrive and we mingle. This affair is more
formal than I am used to. I kiss every guest. Some want a long
kiss and I do my best. I tease them like I have been taught.
I carefully rub each penis thru his pants. I am sure that I made
every man hard. The ladies are harder to figure out. Some give
obvious signals and I perform for them as I have been taught.
Others don't want to be touched.
When all of the guests have arrived, Gloria's dad introduces
us to the group. We are each required to take the stage and do a
strip tease dance for the group. I am first. I dance to the
music and perform like Gloria has instructed. Slowly I remove my
clothes until I am down to bra and panties. I must be doing OK
because the entire group is watching me closely. Slowly I unhook
my bra and very slowly pull it down my arms as I dance. I hear
several Ah's from the group as my generous breasts are exposed.
I then slowly roll my panties down till I am partially exposed.
I have everyones attention. Very very slowly I pull my panties
off. When I am naked, I get a loud applause. I am to remain
naked for the rest of the night. I mingle with the guests as
Helen and the twins do their strips. While I mingle, hands are
all over me. While I talk with a guest, another guest squeezes
my breasts and a third fingers my pussy. I am getting very hot.
I close my eyes and move with the finger that is fucking me. I
frown when he withdraws. I move from one to another encouraging
each to sample my charms. All of the men and some of the women
sample me. When all four of us are stripped, we are allowed to
mingle for a short time more, then Gloria's dad has the group
divide up into four groups around each of us. My group is
largest. We go downstairs to the torture rooms.
Part of my mind is afraid of the pain, but Gloria has done a
good job on me. I am outwardly happy and outgoing. I joke with
the guests and tease with them until we are in the room. I mount
the rack and prepare for the show. Gloria straps me in and
activates the machine. My legs go up over and down past my head.
My head is forced upward and my chin is on my chest. My legs are
forced wide apart. The pain is still there. I moan as my legs
are forced very wide. I look over at Gloria and see hate in her
eyes. I scream in pain. 'Please forgive me when I scream. I am
very weak.' My arms are pushed down and back. I cannot help
screaming in pain and whimpering because of the extreem pain.
My face is forced down till I am looking into my pussy hole.
Gloria then allows the guests to take advantage of me while I
watch. Several reach into my open hole or spread me wide open
for a better look. Gloria drives my face into my pussy. Gloria
reaches down and spreads my pussy open so that I can take my
clitoris into my mouth. I really enjoy this part. I suck myself
to orgasm while the guests watch.
I moan and shake as I climax. Gloria next attaches
electrodes to my clitoris, my breasts, my ass cheeks, my thighs,
my stomach, my back, my calves, and both sides of my tongue. I
am not worried, because I have done this type of thing hundreds
of times to myself. Gloria rotates the rack till I am upside
down looking between my hanging breasts into my pussy. The
breasts are first. Gloria activates the tits with a button and
my chest explodes. I am completely unprepared for the jolt of
raw electricity that causes my chest to flex. My breasts bounce
around from the muscle contractions. I yelp. Gloria alternates
between on and off several times more so everyone can see my
breasts bounce and study the action closely. My ass is next. My
ass and back muscles flex and strain at the straps holding me
down. I am sick with fear at the affect of these electrodes.
Gloria can make me jump like a puppet by touching a button. I
moan thru the next several minutes as Gloria experiments with the
different buttons.
The tongue was something else. My head shakes and my tongue is
on fire. Genuine terror fills my heart as I wait for another
jolt. Gloria does not dissappoint me. I guess the look on my
face gave me away, because Gloria spends a long time playing with
the tongue controls. This part ends with Gloria activating all
of the controls randomly on and off watching me jerk around.
Finally, I am given a short rest.
"Watch closely now as I activate the electrode on her
clitoris." I am ready for this one. I close my eyes and prepare
to enjoy myself. Gloria starts with low voltage and I smile as I
experience the beginning of sexual bliss. Slowly Gloria
increases the voltage and I cannot hold back the moans of
pleasure. My breathing increases and my body starts to move to
my internal rhythm. As the voltage goes past my previous levels,
I screem as I start my long long extra strong climax. Gloria
reaches the max setting and leaves the controls to come and watch
me closely. My thighs are quivering and I am shaking with climax
as the group watches on. 'Please don't stop. Please. Please.
It is so good. I love it. Oh please, just a little more.
Please.' Gloria goes to the controls and activates the tongue.
I cannot talk after that. I can only moan and mumble. Gloria
then activates all the electrodes and adjusts them to maximum.
I am jerking around like a fish out of water. Gloria leaves the
room and I flop around for an eternity. When Gloria returns, she
turns the others off and just leaves the tongue and clitoris on.
I try to beg her to turn the tongue off, but I cannot be
understood. The guests are allowed to feel me while I am
experiencing my longest orgasm. Finally, the tougue is turned
off and I can talk again. 'Thank you. Please leave this one on
forever. Please don't turn it off.' "Our guests might want you
to perform for them." 'I will. I will do anything for them,
only please leave it on for another minute. Please. I will do
anything. Anything at all.' "Our guests will take you up on that
later OK?" 'Yes. Yes. I will not dissappoint them. Oh that is
good. Please leave it on.' Finally, Gloria turns it off. I cry
and beg for more. "Later, Inez." Gloria releases me from the
rack and then helps me walk around for a time till I can walk on
my own.
The guests are allowed to change rooms at will. Gloria
takes me to another room. I recognize the water torture device.
Gloria is an expert at hooking me up. I am in and hooked up in
less than ten minutes. The tubes are inserted into my bladder,
my womb, and my asshole with skill. Gloria has done this before.
I accept the device into my mouth, swallow the tube, and the
final strap is adjusted. Gloria explains a little to the guests
and then the water flows. Gloria adjusts the pressure so that
the pain is extreem. I can only cry as my jaw is forced out of
its sockets as my mouth is forced open. The machine runs
automatically. The group watches as my stomach swells, then my
baldder and rectum, then everything at once. The machine relaxes
and then goes again. I feel like I will burst. The pain is very
bad. My aching jaw is a constant pain. My hands are free, but I
cannot do anything to ease the pain. I try to hold myself
together so that I don't burst. I don't remember the pain being
this bad before. Somehow Gloria can make things hurt worse than
normal. She seems to know this machinery. Gloria lets the
machine run for a long time while the group watches. Gloria then
has the members touch me and feel the liquid flow. Gloria then
pushes and pokes my stomach in such a way that the pain is
intensified double. The look of terror in my eyes tells her that
her efforts are working. I am waving my arms trying to indicate
my pain. When I grab her arm, Gloria puts my hands behind me and
handcuffs them together. I watch as Gloria continues to push her
hands into my stomach and increase the pressure on my extended
bladder, stomach and rectum. Gloria works on me for a long time
as the machine continues to pump me up and then release, pump me
up and then release, etc... Finally, the guests tire and Gloria
turns the machine off and I am drained for the last time. My jaw
relaxes and the tube withdraws.
Gloria takes the device out of my mouth and pulls the tubes
out of me. My jaw is still out of joint and I mumble my plea to
her. "Gloria, please fix my jaw." Gloria has me kneel in front
of her while she puts her thumbs in my mouth and grabs my jaw.
Gloria explains to the group that my jaw is out of joint and she
must replace it. Gloria takes a long long time working my jaw
back into its sockets. I moan my pain the whole time. Finally,
my jaw is in place and I kiss Gloria's hands when she releases
me. My jaw is too sore to talk for a time. The handcuffs are
still on my wrists. Gloria takes me into a bathroom for a moment
and when the door is closed the mask falls from her face and I
see the hatred that is there. Gloria holds me against the wall
while she pounds me in the stomach. Her wrist is against my
throat so that I cannot breath. Gloria hits me with all of her
might over and over again. When she is too tired to continue she
lets me drop in a heap. My stomach is empty so my dry heaves
don't make a mess on the floor. I really hurt. I fight for
breath with all of my might. Gloria watches me struggle with a
grin on her face. "Well bitch, do you wish that you had let me
go to the council meeting now?" I cannot respond, I am in too
much pain and I cannot breath yet.