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Training Billie Jean
I first met Jean while working as an night manager at a fast food restaurant
which shall remain nameless. I'd worked there nearly a year, mostly running the
night shift, but occasionally picking up a few day shifts here and there. I was
married with one kid and another on the way. I was working a day job as a
construction worker during the week at the same time.
Believe it or not, I'd been completely faithful to my wife of two years up 'til
now. I'm somewhat of a workaholic and I wasn't really interested in
extramarital sex, (must have been exhaustion), kinda' incredible considering my
activities up to marriage.
In fact I first screwed my wife in a threesome with her roommate, but that's
another story. Anyway at this point I hadn't touched another woman in more than
two years of marriage. I'm into some pretty kinky shit but sex in my marriage
had toned down lately. Bondage is a little rough when the bondee is expecting.
And babies tend to break the mood. My wife had been pregnant for more than half
our married life, and nursing the other half. I'm not making excuses here, I
love the woman, (we're still together after ten years), she was and remains an
extremely sexy little wench, and an uninhibited demon in bed. Just laying out
the circumstances for you.
I had a reputation at work for being a little "rough" around the edges. When
I'd taken over the night shift, brawls in the dining room were a nightly
Our little burger joint was the refuge of choice every time the cops broke up a
local party, being the only thing open to teenagers for miles after 10pm. This
didn't work out so well when two parties catering to different teenage social
classes got busted at anywhere near the same time. I made it clear from the
start that I couldn't care less how many and which heads got busted, but I
didn't want it happening in the dining room. In fact to maintain reasonably
diplomatic relations with all groups, I did them the courtesy of informing them
whenever I'd called the police to break up another fight in the parking lot.
I ended up with a reputation for fairness, and most of our teenage customers
cooperated in my unofficial policies. Might have had something to do with the
baseball bat under the counter, and the shotgun rumored to be in the back
office. Unlike other shifts all the girls worked in the back, and the guys
worked the front. And actually by this time I'd managed to setup a completely
male night crew. I'm not a sexist, I'd just rather have four guys jumping in
when I'm buried under a pile of drunk, pissed off jocks. In addition guys tend
to keep their mouths shut. We were usually able to perform all required
maintenance and housekeeping by 3am. And business usually slowed down after
that. So we'd nap in shifts 'til 5 when the breakfast trade started.
Enough for location, you get the general idea. Usually I didn't pay a lot of
attention to the people working the other shifts. The only ones I really dealt
with were the holdovers on Friday and Saturday. Our shift started at 10pm,
usually there was one extra person scheduled until midnight on weekends to
handle the drive thru. I usually cut this person loose early. They wanted to
leave, and they just got in the way of our "well oiled machine." So seeya.
Billie Jean was different. I didn't really notice it at first. I'd categorized
her as "teeny-bopper zone-trooper." She had a nice ass, and nice tits, (I
always notice those). She always flirted with me but then so did half the
teenage twits who worked there, they flirted with everybody. Until one of the
guys pointed it out. "Hey man, she wants the beef." Little burger joint
Needless to say, like all groups of guys, we were unbelievably crude when
discussing female customers, co-workers, or general targets of opportunity
outside their hearing.
After this I took a long look at her. She was about 5'4" around 100lbs, slim
with a nice ass, medium large tits. I was informed by one of the guys that "she
doesn't wear a bra, dude." Tanned face and arms, sun? bleached blonde hair,
blue eyes, straight even white teeth, and nice sexy lips. Her face was somewhat
leonine, with slightly slanted eyes, that she emphasized with mascara.
She did flirt with all the guys, but like Mark had pointed out, she kinda'
concentrated on me. Now that I was aware of the attention, I found myself
thinking about it. Jean always came to me to ask what to do next, even though
technically she should have asked the crew leader. Whenever she was near me,
she would stand closer than normal. In the past I'd noticed that, but
disregarded it as unimportant. She would look directly into my eyes and lick
her lips, that little pink tongue appearing briefly between her teeth. I
noticed that when she bent over, she would bend from the waist, showing off her
tight ass in the polyester pants. Even in the ugly polyester uniforms we were
forced to wear, she looked good.
That Friday night I asked her, as I had the last couple weeks, if she wanted to
leave early. She responded with a laugh and a shake of her head. "It's not like
I have a boyfriend waiting for me." she smiled and swished her lashes. OK,
obvious heavy hint there. I retreated to think it over.
I worked in the office on paperwork to let the hard on subside. About a half
hour later she came in and asked me if I needed anything else done before she
left. When I said no she clocked out and walked into the change room across the
hall. When she shut the door, it "accidentally" stayed open almost an inch. I
watched out of the corner of my eye as she quickly stripped off her shirt.
(Nice tan, no tan line, Joe was right, no bra.) I caught a glimpse of one pink
nipple in the mirror in front of her. She turned to the side and bent to slide
down her pants her torso was out of sight behind the door. White panties, long
tanned legs. As she stayed bent and rummaged in her bag, I scoped her ass from
the side. Young firm and tight. Perfect teenage butt. She turned back to face
the mirror, adjusting the yellow halter she had evidently donned while bent
over. Oh yeah, absolutely perfect ass, cupped in a pair of tight white bikini
panties. My eyes wandered up her back to her long blonde hair. And locked with
her blue eyes, staring right back at me in the mirror. Busted. I just smiled
and kept looking... She smiled back and turned slowly to the door. And shut it.
I turned back to my paperwork. I heard the door open a moment later, and she
zipped her bag as she came out. I had to work not to react. She was wearing the
tightest black "EZ access" (the kind that zip from the waist at the back to the
waist at the front) jeans I'd ever seen. These left nothing to the imagination.
The zipper was forced about an inch up her mound. She was obviously no longer
wearing those panties either. The top was a yellow neoprene halter, zipped in
front, the zipper was unzipped about halfway down, showing off her perfectly
tanned tits. Her nipples were hard as rocks. Her stomach was flat, tight, and
tanned. "I'm going to hang out in the dining room, and finish up some
homework." I feigned disinterest as I shot an OK her way. Needless to say all
work stopped in the kitchen as she walked through.
We soon got busy and I didn't notice her leave, actually I was purposely
ignoring her as I hadn't yet had time to properly integrate all the
ramifications of her performance. Needless to say her attire and body were the
subject of major conversation for the rest of the night. As we sat down to eat
early in the morning, the general consensus was that I should "fuck the little
slut's brains out," -- side commentary being that if I wasn't up to it, they
would all be willing to "fill in" for me. An impromptu vote was that I fuck
her, then pass her around to them. All in good fun. But it planted a seed.
Later I took a minute to look in her file. Birthdate... here it is. Oh man 18.
Jailbait. I'd known it already but had thought she was at least 20. I was only
21, but man, serious danger. Again all the guys offered their services. Ha.
A quick description of the guys is probably in order.
Joe is a six foot two Eskimo. Seriously. He's Inuit. He is slightly overweight,
but not fat, just hefty. Black hair, black somewhat slanted eyes. Glasses.
Round face. Brown skin. I've known him since we were kids. Steve and Mark: The
two tallest whitest guys I know -- also known'em since we were kids. Brothers.
Red hair, freckles, blue grey eyes, skinny. Steve wears glasses, 6'6." Mark is
6'10." Mark is a good looking stoner type and Steve is a computer geek. Larry:
6'7." Black, ripped, badass -- a cool guy. Shawn. Last and least. White, brown
hair, brown eyes. Around 5'8." Thin but strong. One of those wiry types. Gun
nut. All the guys are single. Shawn lives with his girlfriend, a little
Filipina fox named Mindy -- Steve is dating her sister Dolores. They both work
days here. Larry is dating a 18 year old blonde fox named Stephanie. Oh yeah,
me. Dano: Hawaiian, Curly black hair, black eyes, 170, 6', Dark tan, fairly
Saturday night.. The girl is really flirting hard. The guys are egging me on.
Caution to the winds.
"Is there anything you'd like me to do?" she says, as I sit in the office. Oh
yeah I'm thinking, plenty.
The kitchen and front are busy. "Why don't you lock the bathrooms Jean, and
clean 'em."
I check the front again. The guys are all busy, but not so busy they'll be
looking for me. I walk back towards the bathrooms. Jean is sweeping the men's
restroom. She looks up with a smile as I walk in. "Gotta' use the bathroom?"
"Yeah, I'll just be a second." I scan slowly up and down her body, letting her
see me look.
"Oh, don't mind me, I'll just finish up." she says with a sly grin.
I take her at her word. I straddle the urinal and unzip, she continues
sweeping. I piss a solid stream through my half hard dick. She moves up near me
as I finish. I put it away and zip up. As I back away she brushes against me,
her hand "accidentally" meeting my cock through my pants. I move to the sink
and wash my hands. I turn and look at her dead on in those baby blues.
"Are you flirting with me Jean," I ask in a flat tone.
"Yeah, kinda." She grins again.
"You know I'm married?"
"That's OK."
"I'm gonna be right up front with you Jean. I don't have time for teeny bopper
bullshit. I'm not some fuckin' punk from your high school. Is that what this
is? Or do you wanna' fuck?"
Her smile falters slightly, but then comes back full force. "I'd basically like
to fuck, I guess."
"OK. Last chance to back out. I'm kinkier than you'd believe. I like to do all
kinds of nasty things to little girls like you. You think you're up to that? If
you don't, say so now."
"I like to do nasty things, try me." I look at her tits, her nipples are hard
as rocks.
"OK, I'll do just that, I'll try you. If you refuse me your ass is history. Got
"Got it."
"Take off your shirt."
"Right here?, but what if... " she trails off as I cross my arms and glare at
She pulls the shirt off over her head. Perfect tanned tits, grapefruit size,
pink nips, hard as pencil erasers. She holds the shirt. I step to her. I grab
her arm, turning her into me, my other hand slides into her hair, grasping and
pulling her to me. She gasps as I lock my teeth against her neck. I pull her
hair hard enough to hurt her, turning her 'til her back is to me, she now faces
the mirror. I lock my teeth on the nape of her neck, gnawing, one hand still
locked in her hair, the other holding her wrist. She paws at my face weakly and
moans. Releasing her neck with my teeth I push her down over the sink. I
release her hair, and grab her other hand. I lock both her hands in one of mine
behind her back. She moans again, and her skin breaks into goose bumps as it
touches the cold porcelain. I grab the waist of her polyester pants, and yank
them and her panties, down her legs. The twin globes of that perfect ass,
stretched tight by her position, are exposed. I force the pants to her knees.
She whimpers.
"Lock your fingers."
"I said lock your fingers."
She does, freeing my other hand. I reach to the floor and retrieve her shirt,
and quickly tie her wrists with it. I look in the mirror, her eyes are closed.
I lift her head from the sink, and pull her upright against me. She takes the
opportunity to rub both her hands against my hard cock through my pants. I run
my hands down over her breasts, pinching her nipples. I claw my way down her
stomach to her pussy.
It's very lightly covered in blonde hair. I run the fingers of both hands
across her crotch, roughly pulling the lips open. She's wet. All her muscles
clench and she whines deep in her throat as I slip a finger into her. She's wet
and ready.
Again I force her to bend over, this time by grabbing both tits and pulling her
viciously forward. She'll have bruises later. As I hold her down I run my hand
down between her ass cheeks. I force one, then two fingers into her tight cunt
and ramming them roughly in and out of her. I add another and she starts
groaning in time with the thrust of my fingers. She is so tight it's hard to
pull my fingers back each time. Her cunt sucks at them like a hot wet mouth. As
she starts to cry out I realize she's making too much noise. Her ass clenches
and unclenches as I thrust my fingers into her. I pull out of her and she
whines at the loss, pushing her ass back to recapture them. I reach down to her
knees and rip her panties from between her legs. I crumple the into a ball then
reach around her to stuff them in her mouth. She takes the opportunity to suck
two fingers into her mouth, vacuuming her own juices from them. She refuses to
release them until I smack her ass with my free hand. It leaves a large red
hand-print, and I pull my fingers free of her tongue and force the rest of the
panties in her mouth. Her moans are now somewhat muffled.
I return my fingers to her now dripping cunt. First I insert my thumb then
remove it and replace it with three fingers. I lock my free hand in her hair
again to hold her in place, as she is now thrusting her groin against my
fingers as hard as she can. I force my thumb into her ass, feeling the
sphincter resist at first, then give way. She strains up for a moment, wide
eyed. I pump my fingers in and out again and she pushes back hard, taking the
entire thumb in her ass. I stuff the last finger into her pussy and she groans
deep in her chest in response. I stand slightly to her side now as I thrust my
hand into her, I can see her face in the mirror, her eyes are closed and her
jaws work around the wad of her panties. I feel her cunt and ass start to
pulsate around my fingers, I claw the nails of my other hand down her back to
her ass and as she cums I raise my hand and whip it down across her ass, first
one side then the other.
"Cum you little slut." I repeat over and over into her ear. Her pelvis is
gyrating so fast now I don't even need to move my hands. Her motion moves my
fingers in and out. She cums over and over as I spank her. When I stop her body
finally relaxes. I feel her cunt and asshole pulsate again around my fingers.
I claw my fingers up and down her back as she flinches from the sensation. I
ask her, "What do you want?"
"Pwsss fug mmme," muffled through her panties.
"Not this time, I think." I pull her away from the sink and slip around her. I
lean against the sink, holding her tits in my hand. I yank down on them and she
"On your knees."
She looks at me through glazed eyes as she struggles to her knees, her hands
still tied behind her. I say nothing just reach down and remove the spit soaked
rag of her panties as she looks up at me. I unbutton and unzip my pants. I
reach in and remove my cock and balls. It is about average at 7-1/2" inches but
extremely thick, almost three inches thick. My balls are covered in black hair
and when full, as they are now, are about the size of walnuts. The tip already
leaking precum, slaps against her pretty teenage face, leaving a long streak
down one cheek.
I cross my arms an look down at her. She looks into my eyes, and keeping her
eyes on mine, slowly turns her head to the side placing my cock against her
lips just behind the crown. I feel her tongue slick against the bottom of my
cock as she leans forward, running her tongue all the way down to my balls.
When she arrives at her destination, she roots her tongue in and around my
balls, coating them in her saliva, taking first one then the other into her
mouth. I feel her teeth lightly scraping against my balls as she forces them
both into her mouth and then plays with them with her tongue. The entire time
her blue eyes are looking past my cock, which is forced tightly against her
face, into mine. When she finally releases my balls from her mouth my entire
crotch is soaked with her saliva and long streams and bubbles of glistening
spit stretch between her open lips and my balls.
She licks her way up the bottom of my cock, with little flicks of her tongue.
She captures the head of my cock in her mouth, having a little trouble with the
thickness. I help her by forcing my dick into her mouth, stretching her lips
like thin rubber bands around it. Once the head is in she begins sliding her
mouth up and down on my cock, taking a little more with each dive. The saliva
drips down her face in streams, dripping onto her reddened tits. When she has
all but the last two inches, she pulls back 'til just the tip is in her mouth
and pauses for a minute. She looks up into my eyes, the forces her mouth
forward. I feel the head hit her throat, and she forces it through, scraping
both sides with her teeth. I hear her jaw crack with the tension as she forces
my cock down her throat. Her eyes close and I feel her tongue working against
the root of my shaft. Her throat works for a moment, and then I feel her tongue
working against my balls. She holds this position and then begins to pull back.
My cock head pops from her throat as she pulls all the way off my cock. She
smiles widely, long glistening streamers of saliva and precum stretching from
her mouth to my cock. Then she does it all over again. She locks her mouth
against my groin for up to a minute at a time, working my cock in her throat,
and my balls with her tongue. This little slut is an excellent cock sucker. I
tell her so.
"You suck cock like a pro."
I feel her grin around my cock with pride. "Fuck your face you little slut," as
she buries it back down her throat. "Can you cum while you suck cock?" I ask
her. She looks up at me and tries to nod. Then grins again. My dick feels like
it's in a vacuum cleaner. She gets a rhythm going and she's sliding her throat
on and off my cock almost without effort. I lock my hands around her head. I am
forcing her head down onto my cock now as I get closer. She is moaning in synch
with her sucking. Her eyes are closed now. Her ass is starting to rotate.
The door in front of me is pulled open. Joe eyes bulge as he sees what's
happening. He sees her ass pointed right at him, her hands tied above it. He
hears her moans and the long slurping sounds she makes as she rides her mouth
on my cock. Her fingers are clenching and unclenching. I wink at him.
He starts to back out and I motion at him to wait. Jean hasn't even noticed his
presence. I look down. Her eyes are still closed. I point to her ass and then
at him. I raise my eyebrows in inquiry. He looks startled for a second then
nods a quick yes. He steps forward and I hold a hand up. "Go tell the other
guys." I mouth at him. I place my finger over my lips. He smiles, nods and
tiptoes out, shutting the door quietly behind him.
Jean is still whipping up and down my cock. Her tongue, mouth and throat, are
working overtime. She's moaning out a high whine and her ass is pumping up and
down. I lean over her and pull her to her feet. She keeps her mouth locked on
my cock. Her hair is hanging all the way to my knees. Once I have her on her
feet, I reach back over her and begin rubbing her slit from the rear. She kicks
to clear her feet of her pants, then spreads her legs allowing me open access
to her cunt and ass.
I spread the cheeks of her ass with on hand and begin fingering her cunt. My
cock is now buried completely down her throat. I can feel the tip of her tongue
whip across my balls. I look up as Joe reenters the bathroom, followed closely
by Mark. Joe unfastens his pants and removes his already stiff cock. It is
about eight inches long and thin, with a large plum colored head. I motion for
him to wait. He frowns with impatience. Mark is scoping out Jeans ass and tits
from the side. She can't see anything with her face pressed against my stomach.
Joe jerks his cock with one hand. I feel Jean's cunt start to pulsate around my
finger as she begins to come. I motion Joe forward with my other hand. As she
starts to shake, he grabs her ass and rams his cock into her slippery wet slot.
She about comes unglued. Her whole body tenses and her throat locks tight
around my cock as she shudders in orgasm. She is slamming her ass back against
Joe over and over again, forcing his dick as far into her cunt as it will go. I
reach down and slide her head back off my cock. She forces it forward and back
down her throat. She is growling against my cock as she swallows it. I look to
her ass. Joe is fucking her like no tomorrow, slamming her forward onto my
cock. I can't help it my balls start to throb as my cum jets up my shaft. I
drop the first load straight down her throat. As I pull back I pump another
into the back of her mouth. I feel her choke and snort. My cum rolls out of her
nose. Her eyes are tearing up as her lips stretch around the head of my cock. I
pump another spurt right onto her tongue. I pull back out of her mouth, just as
Joe slams her forward. Her mouth locks on my balls, her tongue going wild. My
next spurt runs right up the side of her face, across her eye and into her
hair. I push her face back and drop the last two on her chin and extended
tongue. Her eyes are still closed tight as she continues to cum. Mark has been
twisting her nipples and jerking his cock as he watched. I reach over and pull
him into position in front of her. She doesn't even notice the switch. She
vacuums his nine inch cock down her throat. As I move to the side I see her
throat bulge.
My cum is running down her face. Joe is sweating and muttering as he fucks her.
"Keep cumming you little slut." I reach down and squeeze her tits. I give her a
couple whacks on the ass.
I wink at Mark as I close up my pants and exit the bathroom. Her moans and the
sound of Joe spanking her ass follows me as I leave.
As I walk out into the kitchen, Steve looks at my soaked crotch and laughs.
"Dude, did you wet you pants?"
"Naw, I just got the most killer blow job of my life."
"No way. You did Jean?"
"Well actually she did me. Joe's doing her. She's doing Mark. Although I'm not
sure she knows it. She's a fuckin' nympho slut man."
"No way. Dude. Cook for me. I wanna check this out."
"Hold. Stop. Wait. Organization, man. I'll send someone to get you when there's
a hole open. Meanwhile take care of business."
Stage left. Through the order window."What about me, man?, I wanna' get in on
I looked over at Larry. "For right now keep your Black ass up front. I'll get
you in. Gotta' get the camera." I grabbed the Polaroid camera and a couple
extra boxes of film out of the desk in the office, then headed back for the
men's restroom.
"Hey whatta' I tell people if they gotta use the bathroom?" Larry yelled.
"Tell'em it's outta' order asshole." I yelled back.
As I walked back into the bathroom, Joe was grunting something about cumming.
"Switch with Mark, dude, I wanna' Polaroid the cumshot." He yanked his cock out
of Jean's cunt and staggered around to the sink. I gave her a helping hand as
Mark disengaged her lip lock and lined up on her cunt. He slammed into her,
lifting her feet from the floor with his efforts. Joe meanwhile was sliding his
dick all over her face trying to get it in her mouth. He started blasting cum
before he made it. Globs of white splattered across her face. Joe's eyes rolled
back in his head, and he thrust his hips forward toward Jean's face.
I flipped the camera open and aimed it down into her face. "Lick that cum up
you little slut. Smear it all over your face." I snapped a picture. She grunted
in pleasure as Mark hammered his prick into her cunt. Her mouth hung open and
drool leaked out over her chin. Her tongue whipped out to catch as much of
Joe's jizz as she could. He grunted again and dropped another load across her
face. It dripped down her cheek, over her lip, and onto her tongue. Her
questing mouth finally latched onto his overgrown cockhead and sucked it in. As
he pumped out more cum, I saw her throat work as she swallowed. He thrust
again, pushing the head of his prick down her throat. She happily pushed her
slimy face down his cock until his pubic hair slammed into her nose. She ground
her throat on his cock, smearing the cum that coated her face. I snapped
another photo, laying the first one on the sink. I stepped back to get the
whole scene and snapped two more.
I tapped Joe on the shoulder. "Go tell Steve he's up next." He blinked at me
still dazed. Mark continued to fuck Jean as she writhed in ongoing orgasm. He
was picking her up off the floor with every thrust. Joe staggered out of the
bathroom, trying to zip up, walk, and be quiet all at once. Those blue eyes
were looking up at me out of her cum slimed face. She blinked. "Whaaa? Whoo?" I
quickly whipped my zipper down and pushed my semi-hard dick down her throat.
"Don't talk with your mouth full, slut. It's not polite." She looked up at me
and nursed happily on my dick as she continued slamming her fine ass back at
Mark. I looked down at her, then grinned at Mark. He was oblivious. Oh yeah,
the camera. I picked it up off the sink. "Smile for the birdy babe." She
grinned reflexively around my hardening dickmeat. What a fuckin' teen nympho.
Snap. My dickhead just sliding back into her lips, cum dripping off her face,
saliva dripping off her chin and stringing off my dick. Man this slut gave one
wet blowjob. Gotta' change the film.
As I dicked with the camera, Steve walked in. "Hope Dolores doesn't hear about
this," he muttered as he whipped his schlong out. "Where at?" he asked. "Hey
Mark, move around bud." I said. Mark shuffled around to Jean's face as Steve
drove his nine incher home. I slipped mine out of her mouth and Mark slipped
his in. This time her eyes were wide open. She hesitated for a moment, looking
slightly puzzled. "Keep sucking you fuckin' whore." I smacked her ass again. It
was turning a bright shade of pink, from mine and Joe's handiwork. Steve
immediately set forth to do his part. I clicked a couple of Steve's dick
hammering her dripping cunt. I reached under to check her thermostat, her
nipples were still hard as rocks. Her whole body was shining with sweat by now.
Steve's hands were locked around her small waist as he yanked her back, then
plowed forward, shoving her face down Mark's pole. As I watched Steve and Mark
got a rhythm going. Mark fucked into her throat, Steve pulled out of her cunt.
Steve barreled into her cunt, Mark slid his dick back out of her suctioning
mouth. From the side it looked like one long dick stretching from Steve to Mark
all the way through Jean's hot little body, sawing back from cunt to mouth. And
the whole time they were taking turns spanking her ass.
Time to check the front again. I left Jean to the bro's tender mercies. Joe was
cooking in the kitchen." Hey Joe. Were you careful to wash your hands with soap
and water before returning to work?" I yelled. He just grinned. "Boy Shawn is
gonna' be bummed that tonight was his night off" he said. "Nah" I responded,
"Mindy's next on the gang bang list."
"Yeah, right." he snorted.
I walked out front to check the dining room. Two patrons. OK. I flipped the
lock on the front doors, and hung up the dining room closed sign. I waited 'til
the last car cleared drive thru and shut off the drive thru sign. I would need
all the guys for the special finale I was planning. Scheduling, scheduling.
"Hey man, when? I'm sportin' major wood here." Larry yelled over at me while
grabbing his crotch.
"Keep it handy man, shouldn't be long."
I walked back towards the bathrooms. As I walked in Steve snapped a picture
off. He and Mark were both now standing in front of Jean, who was back down on
her knees. They were doing their best to shove both their nine inch cocks in
her mouth at once. She was doing her best to accommodate them. She had both of
the heads in her mouth, her lips were distorted and locked around the crowns. I
grabbed the camera from Steve, stepped back and got a shot of her on her knees,
then stepped forward and shot another down into her face. Both of them had a
hand locked on one of her tits, pulling them out of shape as they tried to
force her to swallow their dicks. Mark grunted as he began cumming. Steve
joined him. They both filled her mouth, then jerked their dicks free and
painted her face. Her mouth stayed open, she wagged her tongue side to side to
catch as much cum as she could. I shot four or five pictures as they scummed
her face. They shot cum in her face, on her forehead, in her eyes, over her
cheeks, on her tongue, on her chin, down her neck, and over her bruised and
reddened tits. As the eruptions subsided they began wiping their dickheads
through the cum on her face, then alternated in shoving their dicks all the way
down her throat. They finished by wiping their dicks off in her hair.
As they zipped up, I said, "Send Larry back here." She rested her chin on her
chest for a moment, then looked up.
"I've never done it with a Black guy before." she hesitated, and I jumped in.
"You've never done a lot of things you'll be doing with me, now suck me." I
ended our conversation by planting my hardening cock in her cumsoaked face. As
I pushed into her throat, Larry practically ran into the room, tearing his
pants down as he dropped to his knees behind Jean.
"The Black guy always goes last." he complained.
I eyed his cock. "Thank God. No one would wanna' go behind that monster." His
cock was easily twelve inches, maybe thirteen, and as thick around as my dick.
"The myth is true." I laughed. Jean squirmed, trying to free her mouth from my
dick, so she could see what we were talking about." Just keep sucking slut,
you'll have first hand knowledge in about one second." I snapped a picture as
Larry planted the head of his Black dick against her cunt lips. I snapped a
couple more as he forced it in further and further. Jean had pulled her mouth
off my cock and was now licking and moaning into my balls as Larry split her
open. When he stopped there were still three inches outside he cunt.
"Is that all of it?" she whispered to my balls.
"Oh yeah, that's it." Larry said, winking at me.
He started sliding in and out slowly. I rubbed my dick through the cum on her
face and let her lick it off. Larry moved a little faster, still holding back
that last three inches. Thinking for a minute, I reached behind her and untied
her wrists. She grabbed onto my hips, still nipping and licking at my cock and
balls. I watched the contrast of his dark black cock sliding in and out of her
pink cunt. Moving away from in front of her, I spread the shirt on the floor
under her. She hung from the sink, her head under it. She was definitely
starting to enjoy this big dick. She was moving her ass back against it now. I
pushed down on her shoulder until she was on hands and knees, then kept pushing
until her face lay on her crossed arms. Her ass was still in the air and she
continued to push back as he fucked her.
"Reach back and hold yourself open."
Now her face and tits were pressed against the floor, her hands were pulling
her ass cheeks apart as far as possible, and her ass and engorged cunt were
exposed to the world. I couldn't help reaching down and sliding my finger up
her ass. She moaned. I could feel Larry's dick through the thin skin between
her ass and cunt. I pulled my finger out and took a couple more pictures.
"I'll be right back." I said.
I walked into the office and hunted through the drawer for something I'd seen
in the last couple weeks. I found it and walked back into the bathroom, my dick
wagging in the air.
Larry was now fucking into her fast and hard, still holding back though. I
knelt down on one knee beside them and stroked my fingernails up and down her
"Hey Billie Jean, are you enjoying yourself?"
"Uhhnnh... yeahh."
"Do you like it when we fuck you?"
"Uhhnn... Huhh"
"Do you like it when we spank you?"
"Ooohh... uhhnn... huhh"
"You like being fucked, don't you slut?"
"Ohh... yeahhh"
"Are you a slut?"
"Uhhn... huh"
"Say it."
"Say, 'I'm a slut', say it now."
"I'mmm a sluutt." She moaned as Larry's monster cock hammered her cunt.
"I'mm a sluutttt!"
"I'm a cum loving slut."
"Ohhh Gggoddd, I am, I'm a cum loving slut."
"I love cock."
"I lovvve cocckk."
I began slowly rubbing the thin leather belt I'd got from the office up and
down her back. I stroked my hardening cock with my other hand.
"I love to get fucked. say it."
"Uhhnh... I love to get fucked, fucked hard." She pushes her ass back.
"I love to get spanked, spanked hard."
"I lovvee to get spannkked, hard." Good enough.
"Cum on me."
"Ohh yeahhh, cum all over me."
"Fuck me."
"Fucckk meee sooo goood..."
"Spank me."
"Spank meee sooo haaard..."
"Make me cum."
"Ohhh yeaahhh, I wanna cum."
I dropped the belt to the ground and grabbed her neck. I raised my hand over
her ass and locked my hand on the nape of her neck.
"Cum now, slut." I tightened my grip on her neck and at the same time slashed
my hand down onto her ass. Smack! As soon as I contacted, she stiffened and
"Again" I repeated the motions, she came again.
"Again" I repeated it over and over, each time emphasizing my command with my
hand. She came on command each time. After she had come twenty or thirty times,
I told her,"Beg for it, slut."
"Ohhh... yeeahh... please." Smack! "Uhhhnnhh"
"Ahhh... spank me... please." Smack! "Aaahunhh"
"Hurt me. Say it"
"Ohhhh... hurt me... please... hurt me sooo good."
Smack! Shudder.
"Ohh yeahh."
She repeated it over and over. I obliged her each time. Finally I reached for
the belt again. I nodded at Larry, and raised the belt.."
"Whip me. Say it."
"Ohhh yeaahhh... whip me haaardd."
I slashed the belt down across her ass. Larry rammed the full length of his
cock home into her pussy. He told me later he could feel her cervix separate
around the head of his cock.
"Cum now. You little cum sucking teenage slut."
She tensed every muscle in her body, knocking her head against the plumbing
under the sink, as the belt struck. Then she buried her nails into her ass and
screamed as she came. I slashed the belt down and she came again. I timed my
strikes with Larry's thrusts. She pushed her ass back to receive both cock and
belt, slamming her pelvic bone into Larry's groin. As I began to work the belt
up over her back and shoulders, she rose to meet it, coming every time it
touched her.
"You oughta' feel this cunt squeeze every time you hit her,"Larry said,"It's
like a vise."
She muttered and pleaded non-stop now." Make me cumm... ohh yeahhh... fuck my
cunt... my hot tight cunnnnt... big Black cock... fucking me... hurt me
harrrd... uhhhnn goooood... I'm a sluuut... cumm suckkinggg sluttt... cummm
alll over me..."
Her perfect tanned teenage ass and back were covered with welts now. The thin
red lines were spaced up and down her back from shoulders to ass cheeks. They
contrasted with her tanned skin. Sweat beaded and dripped from her lithe young
body. And her nipples were still hard as little rocks.
I motioned Larry away as I dropped the belt. He moved around and straddled her
shoulders as he leaned back against the sink. I dropped to my knees behind her.
I could feel the heat of her against my cock as I slid it up and down between
her ass cheeks. Her cunt gaped open, wet and bruised where Larry had just
removed his cock. Her little pink asshole winked at me, and pulsed as she
continued to come. I positioned the head at her cunt opening and slid it in
slowly. She was still tight even after taking Larry. I locked my fingers on her
whip welted ass cheeks and ground into her. I pushed to the limit and held
there as her cunt squeezed around my thick dick.
While I stopped I watched as Larry reached down and grabbed her by the hair. He
pulled her up between his legs, stopping when her face pressed against his
crotch. His long thick dick stood over her shoulder. She kissed and licked her
way down to his balls. I could hear her wet mouth licking and slurping at his
balls. All the while she continued to hold her ass open and ready.
I started fucking her, establishing a fast stroke deep into her cunt. Larry
pulled her head back from his balls and began to feed her that long black cock.
She murmured and moaned as she worked to get it into her throat.
"Yeah baby, take that dick deep." Larry said as the head popped into her
throat. I reached forward and used both hands to push her face onto his cock.
It slid in another few inches and I let her rise off it. Then I pushed her
forward again. Her groans abruptly cut off as his cock forced it's way fully
down her throat. We fucked her back and forth between us for a minute.
Then I pulled her back off his dick. I could hear the pop as the head cleared
her throat, and she sucked in a long deep breath. His dark cock was slimy with
her saliva. I stood, keeping my cock inside her, and bringing her to her feet.
I lifted her off my cock, and Larry leaned back against the sink and helped me
set her down on his. She laid forward against him, her full weight on his dick,
her feet off the ground. My cock was wet with her juices.
I moved up behind her. I could see Larry's cock splitting he cunt wide. I took
the opportunity to grab the camera and snap a couple more shots. Then I slid my
index finger up her tight ass. She wriggled and squirmed, I could feel Larry
fucking her. I added another finger. She looked back over he shoulder, her face
was still covered in cum, her hair was plastered down with sweat over her
"Ohh yeahh... fuck my ass Dano."
I withdrew my fingers and positioned my cockhead against her little rosebud
sphincter. As Larry fucked into her, stretching her cunt out of shape, her
asshole kissed against my cock. I pushed and prodded, eliciting groans from her
as the head of my cock popped through the ring of tight muscle, closely
followed by the thick shaft.
She moaned into the side of Larry's neck as I slowly drove my 7+ inches home
into her ass. I could feel his cock moving against mine through the thin tube
of her ass. Her ass was so tight my cock felt skinned each time I withdrew.
I began fucking back and forth into her slowly. Larry stayed slow and deep,
grinding the base of his cock against her pubes. My balls slapped against his
every time I thrust forward into her. She was cumming constantly now, her ass
jerking in quick little up and down motions. Her ass squeezed my cock like a
hand as I rode hard up into her.
The door opened behind me and Joe and Mark walked in.
"Steve's taking care of the last customer." said Mark.
"Cool." I grunted. "Joe. Take some pictures of this."
Jean ignored them as Mark slipped his cock out of his pants again and started
stroking his fist up and down it's length. Joe alternated taking pictures,
grabbing feels of Jean's tits and snapping pictures.
"Hey Mark, make yourself useful. Grab that belt."
I leaned back a little giving him room to work. He started brushing the belt up
and down her back. There was cum running down her back and neck and he smeared
it with the belt. Larry and I began to thrust in unison as he started using the
belt. He switched it down and new welts appeared on her back among the others.
She started to whine into Larry's chest. Her muffled explanations increased in
volume as she came. Her ass squeezed even tighter around my cock. Larry grinned
at me over her head..
"I'm about to cum." he said.
I slowly drew my cock from her ass. The ring of her asshole stretched as my
cockhead pulled it out of shape.
"Let her down Larry."
He lifted her off his cock. Her glistening cunt gaped for a moment then started
to slowly close.
"Put her down."
He lowered her to her knees. Her blue eyes looked up at me from under her blond
bangs. Cum was still smeared down her chin and neck and between her tits.
Steven walked in the door behind me as I rested my prick against her lips. She
slowly opened her mouth sucking me into her mouth and then her throat. I
stroked in and out for a few moments then withdrew. She turned to Mark who slid
his cock around her face before pushing it down her throat. I gestured to Joe
for the camera and he handed it to me. I snapped pictures as she slowly turned
in a circle, taking all five of us, one after another.
Finally Larry groaned. Jean had her back to him and he reached over, stripping
her lips off Steve's cock and pulling her back by her hair. He stopped with her
stretched backwards her perfect tits taut, her face upside down in front of his
huge black cock. He grabbed the sides of her head in both hands and thrust his
hips forward, his giant prick bulling it's way down her throat. I snapped
pictures as I watched her throat distort around his cock. The head of his cock
could be clearly seen as it widened her throat around it. As he began to come,
the rest of us moved in closer. We jerked our cocks over her as he face fucked
her. Joe came first his cum slapping down in jets across her tits. The Mark and
Steve, and then me and Larry. Cum shot across her face and body from every
direction as Larry started pumping his load into her throat. He slid back
leaving his cockhead resting against her top lip. His cum jetted out into her
mouth and overflowed down her cheeks and into her eyes. Her tits glistened with
our loads of cum. Finally Larry stopped cuming. He leaned back and crossed his
arms. His dick started losing it's rigidity. I reached out and pulled Jean back
up and closer to me. I pushed my softening cock into her mouth. She sucked it
in and I felt her tongue wiggling against me. I looked down at her.
"You're covered in cum you little slut. How does it feel to have gotten truly
and completely fucked ? Good ?"
"Mmmmmhhhmmmm," she moaned around my dick.
I continued pushing her back towards the wall and the urinal. She scrambled to
keep her balance, ending up straddling the urinal with her knees, her ass
almost touching the inside of the urinal. I continued pushing against her face.
The other guys were recovering starting to pull their clothes back together.
"Wait up guys. We still have to help Jean cleanup."
They looked puzzled..
"Jean reach down and fuck yourself with you fingers."
She complied, sucking all the harder as she became aroused again. She worked
both her hands at her crotch. I looked down into her face. And started to piss
down her throat.
It took a second for it to sink in and she jerked back in reflex, falling into
the urinal. She looked up at me in shock as I clamped my hand on my cock.
"Open your mouth slut! Now!"
She hesitated a moment looking up at me and then opened her mouth in front of
my cock. The other guys were standing and watching.
She opened wider. Her fingers never stopped working.
I aimed my cock at her face, pissing a hot golden stream over her tits first,
then aiming for her mouth. My urine splattered her tits, running in streams
down her body. I aimed directly into her mouth and shot off a last blast. I
motioned the others forward as I stepped back, tucking my pants back together.
They shuffled forward around her.
"That should cut through the grime." I laughed.
I stepped to the sink and picked up the camera. I looked down between them at
her as they started to piss on her. She squinted her eyes shut against the
streams of piss that wandered accross her body stopping in her mouth often and
then trickling off her into the urinal. Her tan skin contrasted with the white
porcelain. Her blonde hair was soaked now. Her fingers continued to work
furiously between her legs as I shot picture after picture. As the guys
finished pissing and began to leave, she winced in frustration, her hands
digging at her cunt.
"OK, you get one last cum before you go home Jean. I'll tell you when." I
reached down and picked up the belt where Mark had dropped it. As she leaned
back I whipped the belt down onto the tops of her tits. She screamed and
shuddered. I rained blows against her breasts leaving thin red welts criss
crossing each other.
"Now." I said. I struck her accross both nipples. She shivered and the fell
forward to the ground. I looked at her for a moment. Then I turned and scooped
up all the pictures and the camera.
"Get this place cleaned up."
I left.