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Part 4
After she had been paraded around the room several times she was
commanded ?Bek, Squat'. As she did several Masters and Mistresses that
had liked her looks when she was paraded around came over to examine
her more closely. One couple in particular went over her very
closely, they felt her tits, ass, thighs, back, arms, pulled gently on
her nipples, examined her teeth, eyes, ears, and even felt her cunt
and both the Master and the Mistress ran a finger up into it. They seemed
to like what they saw and after some talk with her handler Bek was taken
to an area where other FEMs were, placed on a Post and commanded
The Masters and Mistresses gathered in small groups talking
while the handlers gathered near the FEMs. Bek noticed the FEM across
from her, she was chocolate colored and much smaller than Bek with kinky
black hair forming a cloud around her face. Her tits were very full and
firm. They were so pointed they looked like volcanic cones rising
from her chest. Her big tits were crowned by very large nipples which
were such a dark brown they looked black. She had a short narrow stripe
of the same hair pointing to her crotch. Her very dark red pussy lips
were visible, they were spread wide and extended down around the Post
that was inside her cunt. It was the large diameter Post Bek had ever
seen, it looked to be about the size as her wrist. With her makeup on,
Bek thought the black FEM was beautiful.
It seemed to Bek, that she had been there for a long time. The
Masters and Mistresses were still talking when she heard what sounded
like running water. Bek looked around without turning her head and
saw that the black FEM across from her had pissed on the floor. Her
handler came up to her and commanded ?Doe, Tits Up', as soon as her hands
were behind her head and her back arched, the handler took the quirt
from his belt and started whipping her large breasts with it. Bek could
see the pain on her face and the tears running down her cheeks as the
leather thongs struck her tender black flesh. An angry dark red welt
was left across her breasts and nipples each time the thongs struck.
Bek could not watch the poor thing's punishment and pain, she turned her
head away.
The second Bek turned her head she knew she had broken ?Stay'.
Before she could even get her head back straight, her handler was in
front of her. He commanded ?Bek, Tits Up'. She raised her arms, put
her hands behind her head, pulled her arms back, arched her back and tried
to touch the sky with her nipples. Bek clenched her teeth, she knew what
was coming. Her handler took the quirt from his belt and slashed her
across her firm breasts. He whipped first one breast and then the other,
working his way from the top of her large breasts down to the tender
underside of them. He only gave her ten lashes but the last two were
delivered to her permanently erect and swollen nipples. Her tits stung
and burned as if they had been held in a fire, she did not think they
would ever stop hurting. All she wanted to do was rub and hold her
smarting and burning breasts but she knew it would not be allowed.
In time Bek had the Post lowered from within her pussy and the Master
known as the ?Owner' command ?Bek, Come, Kneel'. She hurried over to
him and knelt by his side. He was talking to the Master and Mistress
that had paid so much attention to her earlier. If Bek could have
understood them, she would have found out what had happened to the
intelligent, rebellious, badly spoiled Rebecca Sue Vogel to turn her
into the well trained obedient FEM, Bek.
"Yes", the Owner said "$500,000.00 is a lot of money to pay
for a house pet, but this is a FEM, a Female Erect Mammal. As you know
they are very rare and hard to get." The young Master then asked "If
we are going to pay that much for Bek, will you please tell us how she
was conditioned, created, made, or whatever you call the process." The
Owner agreed.
I pay $2,000.00 for a girl between the ages of 13 and 17
delivered in a drugged condition to one of my in processing stations
which are located all ove rthe world. There the girl is stripped and given
a complete physical examination. If; she has a well formed body with large
breasts, her hymen has been broken, she is healthy, and she has no
diseases she is accepted. If she is not found suitable, she is dressed
and returned to the area she was picked up in, none the wiser. If a
girl passes the examination she will never wear clothing again. She is
left naked and sedated while she is flown here.
New girls are kept drugged and in the lab here for about a week to
set up their program and get their conditioning started. They are
started on a special medication we developed that selectively destroys
their brain cells. The recipient slowly loses her intelligence, long
term memory and finally she even forgets how to speak, or for that
matter what words mean. She will end up understanding about two dozen
words, and not being able to remember an order or command of more than
three or four words. Her final intelligence will be a little higher
than a dog's. A FEM does not have the ?retarded' look that usually goes
with a very low intelligence. They look like what they are, bright alert
FEMs. The process is not reversible. We also process males, but we produce
very few MEMs, most of them turned out mean and untrustworthy and have
to be destroyed.
The girls are immediately
started on the medication that will
completely sterilize them without
losing any of their feminine
attributes. It, like most of our
medications, is an oral medication
given in their food. This drug acts
on the tissues of their uterus and
ovaries. Their uterus starts to
shrink, in a few months it has
completely shrivelled up and is
absorbed by the body. The cervix,
which connected the vagina to the
womb, closes and heals over. The
girls ovaries become larger and more
productive, supplying them with
larger doses of the normal female
hormones. This gives them a very
strong sex drive, many of them are
almost nymphomaniacs. The
additional hormones also enhances
their female attributes such as their
breast and hip size. They are all
highly voluptuous in appearance and
enjoy sex, but without a womb they
can't become pregnant. Ministration
slow down almost immediately and
ceases within three or four months.
Part of their ?medication' is a
strong hypnotic that allows us to
?program' them. One of the first
programs we install is a set of
exercises that will get them into top
physical condition and keep them that
way. It is the stretching and
twisting that is so much a part of
the FEMs nature. At the end of the
first week our new FEM is collared to
control her and to prevent her
speaking. Her arms are bound behind
her back to keep her from escaping
while she still has enough
intelligence left to do so, and to
aid in her conditioning not to use
them. She is then delivered to what
will be her home for the next year
and a half, her run.
She is constantly watched by
hidden television cameras and her
real training begins. She has to
have all of her sexual morals and
taboos broken down. She must
willingly do anything she is
commanded to do. She is conditioned
to enjoy all forms of sexual
encounters and to look forward to
them. She is conditioned to enjoy
having her breasts petted and rubbed
the same way a dog likes to have his
head petted and his ears scratched.
We learned to end a petting session
with a gentle pull on a nipple to
signal it was over or she would not
let you alone. She must learn to
perform any required sex act in front
of an audience of both men and women
without being bothered by it. She
will becomes so well conditioned that
she will sit and masturbate in front
of a crowd of people without paying
any more attention to them than a
monkey does when it masturbates. We
have to use the shock collar to
condition FEMs not to masturbate
unless commanded to. If we did not,
she would have one hand on or in her
pussy most of the time.
FEMs here sleep about ten hours
per day but the first four are ours.
We add a powerful hypnotic to their
meal to allow us to continue to work
on them. Every night they have had a
meal we bring them in to the lab as
soon as they are asleep. To prevent
them loosing the total use of their
arms, we untie and exercise them
while the rest of the work is going
on. Any minor medical problems are
seen to and they receive a douche if
they have been sexually active that
day and the new ones get a douche
when they finish their period. We
continually work on their programming
in any area they are having trouble.
Among other things, we having each
girl drink some sperm and vaginal
fluid every night while conditioning
them to crave the taste of it. We
always have them safely back in their
run before the drugs wear off so they
can get a goods nights sleep.
We start no more than one or two
FEMs a month due to the time and
personnel involved with their
training, it takes almost two years
to complete the training of a FEM.
We do lose one every now and then.
As you can see it is a very expensive
process. We are always improving the
breed, as an example, Bek is one of
the first to have breasts with
permanently erect nipples that can
still be induced to produce milk.
We just developed a drug and a
method that will cause the required
restriction in the blood vessels
taking blood from the nipple to keep
it erect without causing any damage
due to poor circulation and without
injury to the milk ducts.
Unfortunately it quite painful and
requires the FEM be fully sexually
aroused with her nipples fully erect.
She must be fully conscious when her
erect nipples are grasped by the ends
and stretched to twice their normal
length. This causes the erectile
tissue to break down, when it heals
the nipples become permanently erect
and usually larger than they were
before. The stretching must be done
very carefully, the erectile tissue
must be damaged, usually the skin of
the nipple is damaged, but we must
prevent damaging the more flexible
milk ducts.
If you ever decide to use Bek as
a wet-nurse, either for a child, or
simply as a supply of fresh milk in
the house, it requires just a few
weeks of medication to induce her
breasts to produce milk. Her supply
of milk will increase regularly for
about six months as long as she is
milked regularly. From the size and
texture of Bek's tits, I think she
would be a good milk producer. With
regular milking, she will continue to
produce milk as long as you give her
the medication. The only drawback
is, if you ever dry her up, her
breast will sag a little. Some FEMs
have been known to give rich milk for
several years.
Now about Bek, She will stay
looking just about as she does today
for approximately 20 years, then she
will age very rapidly to die of old
age within the next five years. She
will be able and happy to perform any
of her sexual duties for you almost
to the day she dies. When she starts
to age, you can keep her or return
her. She must be well cared for in
her few declining years. Our sales
contract stipulates we can buy her
back a any time by refunding the
purchase price. This is done so we
can prevent them being abused. We
have only had to exercise this option
twice since we have been in business,
and both times the poor FEM was being
very badly mistreated.
Our grooming staff will instruct
you on the proper way to bath her and
keep her looking presentable. You
will receive a Post and shown how to
install and connect it. The Post is
used to give her a douche, to cause
her to stay in one spot for a length
of time because her memory is very
short and hold her still while she is
being punished. You care for her
body hair the same way you would care
for any other animal's hair or fur,
brushing and combing the hair on her
head to keep it clean and shiny, the
hair under her arms and between her
legs should be kept trimmed to
prevent matting, the rest of her
pubic hair can be let grow to almost
any length as long as it is kept well
brushed and combed out.
Bek's food is especially blended
for her to keep her in top physical
condition. You will be instructed on
when she should be fed and how much
to give her. Do not give her table
scraps or candy, it will probably
make her ill. She is house broken to
a corner of her run, and as long as
she can get out every few hours you
should have no problems. If you do,
place her on the Post and whip her
sensitized breasts, but use
moderation. Keep her out of cold
damp weather, a well constructed FEM
run is recommended. She is much
healthier than a human, but still
keep her reasonably warm and dry.
Like any large animal, she should be
allowed out of doors regularly,
either in an outside run or
preferably, if your home is in a
secluded area, taken for a walk
The young man asked the Owner if
they could prepare a ?custom' FEM.
The Owner told the it was done all
the time. The Black FEM, Doe that
had the accident in the viewing hall
is an example. She was not for sale,
she was there as part of her
training. The man that owns her
bought her the day she arrived. He
wants her to be able to completely
take a cock into her pussy that is
two and a three quarter inch in
diameter and seventeen inch long, and
she has to enjoy doing it.
As you may have noticed, she is
a very small girl with large tits and
a very slim waist. He does not want
her outward appearance changed, just
give her a much larger and deeper
pussy. The first year of her
training was the same as any girl
gets but for the next year she spent
most of her waking time on a special
Post. She was provided with upper
body support, but her hips were held
The spring pressure in the Post
was increased until it was very
uncomfortable for her. The Post head
was replaced with a larger inflatable
one. The inflatable part of the head
that was inside her pussy was kept
inflated to a constant air pressure
of over ten pounds per square inch.
She has and still does sleep with an
inflatable dildo in her cunt
pressurized to the same pressure, her
thighs are strapped together to hold
it in place. As you can imagine,
this process has been very
uncomfortable for her as her pussy
has been being stretched under
pressure for the entire time.
We have been successful, her
vaginal canal has been stretched
almost a foot in length and expanded
well over an inch in diameter. The
upper end of her vaginal passage is
just below her diaphragm, her
intestines have moved around to make
room for it. The maximum size cock
Doe can now fully accept into her
pussy without any discomfort is one
three inches in diameter and eighteen
inches long.
Now we are now having to
recondition her to crave the taste of
sperm and pussy juice, to want to
masturbate to an orgasm and to have
the usual social manners. And, we
are conditioning her to enjoy and to
look forward to being fucked by that
seventeen inch cock.
After several days of working
with Bek they were ready to leave.
They had gotten to know her and
learning how to take care of her. In
the privacy of their room, they found
out just how well Bek had been
trained to suck cocks and cunts and
to take a cock up her ass as well as
in her cunt.
The new Mistress had some
difficulty at first putting Bek on a
Post. She had to spread Bek's pussy
open and place the very large spring
loaded dildo into Bek's cunt. As she
did it, the young Mistress was
imagining how it must feel to have
that big hard dildo steadily pushing
up inside her pussy. She also had
trouble whipping Bek's large tits for
the same reason. The Mistress was
imagining how much it would hurt.
After a time she learned that Bek was
a female animal not a human girl and
she had no more trouble.
The Owner told them if they ever
had any questions about her care and
feeding, or any other question, they
were as near as their telephone.
There is always someone to answer
your call. He congratulated them on
becoming Bek's new owners, and said
he hoped Bek would bring them much
happiness and joy.
Bek was happy, after the
confusion of the past several weeks
things had finally settled down. She
had a new home with an attached ?FEM
run'. It was warm and dry and she
even had a blanket to sleep on. Her
new Master and Mistress took good
care of her, brushing her hair,
giving her a bath and putting her on
her outside Post for a douche every
day. She was fed regularly and
allowed in the house in the evenings
and some times during the day. She
tried her best to be good, she had
only been put on the Post and had her
tits whipped a couple of times a
The evening was a little cool
and Bek was laying in front of the
fire in the fireplace. The flames
reflected off her copper colored hair
making it look like it was on fire,
her skin glowed in the fire light.
She rolled over to get away from the
heat that had turned her breasts and
belly bright red. She rubbed a firm
hot breast against her Mistress' leg,
asking to have her tits petted.
Mistress reached down and rubbed
Bek's firm breast, gently squeezing
the warm breast and tickling and
pulling on the erect nipple.
In a short while Mistress put
down the book she had been reading.
Standing, she removed her jeans and
panties then sat back down on the
edge of the settee. She spread her
bare legs and put her feet up on the
edge of the settee. With her thighs
spread wide, she lay back in a half
reclining position and commanded
?Bek, Suck Cunt'. Beck immediately
came to her and squatted between her
wide spread thighs. The FEM gently
spread the exposed lips revealing the
darker red mouth of her Mistress'
juicy pussy. Bek moved her head down
between those widely spread thighs
and reached for the warm sweetness of
a cunt with her tongue. She buried
her nose in Mistress' crotch hair and
licked and sucked her pussy. Bek
sucked on her clitoris as if it were
a small cock, playing with it with
her tongue, then she drove her tongue
as far up into her Mistress' pussy as
she could.
Bek had her face buried in her
crotch sucking her cunt, Mistress
looked across the room at her
husband. She wanted to be sure he
was watching the show. With her
husband watching, Mistress took off
her blouse and bra so she could play
with her tits while she enjoyed the
pussy sucking Bek was giving her.
Mistress squeezed the fullness of her
breasts and pulled on her nipples.
Then holding onto her nipples and
pulling on them, she shook her tits
like ripe fruit at her husband. As
Mistress started her orgasm, Bek
pressed her lips even tighter against
that throbbing slit, thirstily
licking and sucking all of the juices
that poured out of it into her
waiting mouth. Bek was good, not one
drop of pussy juice got on the
settee, it all went into Bek's eager
mouth to be relished before it was
After Mistress had rubbed Bek's
tits as a reward for the excellent
cunt sucking Master commanded, ?Bek,
Come, Suck Cock'. He had taken off
his clothes while his wife had been
petting Bek's tits. Bek quickly
knelt between his legs and reached
for his large testicles with one hand
while she pulled gently on his prick
with the other. She soon had the
head of his cock between her lips and
was licking the opening in its end.
Bek then slipped the length of his
cock into her mouth, this is what she
liked, the taste and feel of a hot
cock in her mouth. She had only
really gotten started on sucking his
cock when he commanded 'Bek, Stop'
then ?Bek, Fuck Cunt'. Bek got to
her feet and turning her back to him.
She reached between her legs, took
hold of his stiff cock. She sat down
on his lap and guided his cock into
her open pussy.
In this position Master's wife,
who had not gotten dressed after Bek
had sucked her cunt, had a clear view
of her husbands cock as it penetrated
Bek's cunt. She could see Bek's dark
red pussy hair mixed with her
husband's black pubic hair, at times
Bek expertly pulled his cock so deep
into her cunt it looked like she had
grown balls.
Before Bek was able to satisfy
Master, he commanded ?Bek, Stop' then
?Bek, Fuck Ass'. Bek slipped up off
of his big ram and again reaching
between her legs guided his cock to
the entrance to her bowels. She
relaxed her ass hole and let his big
stiff cock penetrate her rectum. She
did not like this as well but it
usually was worth it. As Bek sat
down onto his cock, driving its full
length up into her ass he commanded
?Bek, Masturbate'. This is what made
Ass Fucking worth it. As long as she
had his cock up her ass, she could
finger fuck herself.
Mistress was enjoying the view
of a beautiful seventeen year old
naked female sitting on her husbands
lap with his prick up her ass. She
was playing with his balls with one
hand and playing with her pussy with
the other. As Bek stroked her body
up and down on his cock she was
running her fingers in and out of her
cunt and rubbing and caressing her
Mistress got down on the floor
between Bek's legs to get a good look
at Bek masturbating technique. Her
Mistress' face only inches from her
spread cunt didn't embarrass Bek at
all, she continued to thrust her
fingers up into her pussy and massage
her clitoris. When Master finally
came, he shot spurt after spurt of
his hot sperm into her bowels. The
feeling of his semen flooding her ass
added to the three fingers Bek had
inside her cunt triggered Bek's
climax. Her entire body spasmed.
Mistress watched Bek's belly twitch
and her pussy tighten around her
fingers in spasms as Bek experienced
her orgasm.
When he finished coming he
commanded ?Bek, Tits Up' and gave her
a good breast rub. Before he had
finished, Mistress got up off the
floor, sat beside him and j4ined in.
Bek was still sitting on her Master's
lap with his cock in her ass while he
and Mistress rubbed and massaged her
breasts and nipples. Mistress then
reached between Bek's spread thighs
and began playing with Master's
balls. Finally Mistress took hold of
Bek's tits and pulled up on them,
lifting her off Master's still hard
Mistress opened the large closet
where the firewood was kept. Bek saw
they had installed a Post in the
closet. Mistress called Bek to her,
she pulled the breast high Post down
and commanded Bek to stand over it.
The cock end of this Post was covered
with little bumps and looked to be
larger that the normal ones.
Mistress spread Bek's pussy open and
set the rounded end of the Post
between them. When she released it,
the spring loaded Post easily slipped
into Bek's still wet pussy. Bek had
once tried to lower the Post enough
to get off of it, but she found that
she couldn't reach it without hurting
her pussy. She felt the Post enter
her until it completely filled her
pussy and pressed firmly against the
end of her vaginal canal. She knew
she couldn't move until Master or
Mistress released her.
With Bek stationary until she
was released, Mistress took Master by
the hand and pulled him down onto the
rug in front of the fireplace with
her, they were both still naked. Bek
watched as Master and Mistress held
each other and pressed their lips
together. Soon they were both
feeling and fondling each others
bodies. Mistress was pulling and
massaging Master's cock and balls.
He was squeezing her tits with one
hand while he felt of her pussy with
the other. Finally Mistress rolled
onto her back and spread her legs
very wide. She had positioned
herself so that Bek on the Post was
within four feet of, and directly in
line with her furry pussy.
Master got between her thighs on
his knees and bent forward over her
body. Bek watched him spread his
wife's pussy lips and place the head
of his long hard cock between them.
Bek was fascinated as his cock
entered Mistress' body. She watched
him thrust his cock into Mistress'
pussy as she lifted her body to
receive it. Again and again Master
drove his hard cock into his wife's
gaping cunt. Her legs were now
wrapped around his waist as Mistress
tried to get more of his manhood
inside her body. Bek watched
Master's balls tighten and then he
started moaning as he filled Mistress
with his hot sperm. Mistress
screamed in pleasure as her own
orgasm started. Bek could see her
pussy grasping the meat pole that was
causing the pleasure.
Watching her Master and Mistress
fucking had made Bek hot, not just
the usual hot she achieved from
masturbating, this was something
special. The knobby end of the Post
was pressing hard against the end of
her cunt tunnel, she was filled
completely, but it felt good. Bek
found that if she was very careful,
she could move around a little on the
Post. The knobs on the Post end felt
good as they rubbed the inside of her
pussy shaft. She was soon able to
make the end of the Post feel like it
was fucking her. Bek watched the
young couple on the floor in front of
her fucking and moved around on the
Post inside her cunt. Bek found that
turning on the Post made it feel the
best. She was not quite able to give
herself an orgasm because she
couldn't stimulate her clitoris, but
by the time Master and Mistress
finished fucking and turned to look
at her, she was so hot it looked like
she might explode. Her pussy juices
had run down the Post clear to the
Master freed her from the Post
then he and Mistress sat on the
settee side by side and he had her
sit on the floor between them. They
each started petting one of her tits
and playing with her large nipples.
Bek wanted to masturbate so bad, but
she knew she couldn't unless she was
ordered to. After petting Bek's tits
and making her even hotter for almost
an hour, Master and Mistress decided
to call it a night.
As they were putting the very
hot Bek into her run for the night
Mistress again took hold of Master's
naked cock. When they had closed her
door, Mistress turned to her and
commanded ?Bek, Masturbate', then she
gently pulled Master by his cock
toward their bedroom. As Bek lay
down on her blanket she spread her
thighs and her fingers went to work
on her sopping wet pussy. After her
orgasm she wasn't told to stop so she
continued masturbating. As she
dropped of to sleep with her fingers
still inside her cunt, Bek was
thinking how lucky she was to belong
to such a nice Master and Mistress
and how well she was being taken care
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