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Rebecca was on the road again.
After the fight with Jon this
afternoon all she wanted to do was
get as far away from him and his
friends as she could. Why had he
kept trying to get her to do all
those disgusting things. He had
always been trying to get her to let
him put his cock in her mouth or
trying to talk her into going around
the apartment naked. This time he
had gone to far. He got her both so
high on grass and so drunk on gin
that she had almost passed out then
he invited some of his friends over.
The friends arrived and after a
few more drinks and another reefer,
he had managed to get her Levis and
panties off. Then taking advantage
of how high and how drunk she was, he
actually started to put his cock into
her pussy. He had intended to fuck
her in front of the other couple.
When she felt the head of his cock
slip between her pussy lips, the
shock sobered her up enough to
It didn't matter that the other
couple were both completely naked and
had just finished fucking each other
while she and Jon watched. She was a
"Lady", and ladies did not fuck or do
other sexual acts in front of others.
She had always enjoyed watching other
couples fucking and putting on a sex
show, but she didn't intend to be
part of a show for anyone. What kind
of an animal did he think she was.
It was terrible, he had actually let
them look at her bare pussy and ass.
Rebecca had allowed Jon to put
his gross looking cock into her slit
and fuck her no more than once a
week, and only if she was not having
her period and he had been extra nice
to her. As far as Rebecca was
concerned allowing Jon to put his
gross cock into her body and fuck her
now and then more paid for her room
and board, he had no right to expect
anything else of her. Jon just
couldn't understand she was granting
him a great honor by allowing him to
put his thing in her pussy and fuck
her until he spilled that terrible
slimy stuff inside of her. For her
to touch his cock or do anything else
was out of the question. Rebecca had
absolutely no interest in sex, she
had never gotten hot in her life. If
the truth were known, she was a piss
poor fuck. All she ever did was lie
there on her back with her legs
spread while her partner pumped away,
she never once joined in the action.
Rebecca Sue Vogel was fifteen
and a half. She had a well developed
figure and copper red hair. Her 37-
25-36 figure was carried very well by
her 5'7", 128 lbs frame. With her
deep blue eyes and impishly pretty
face, she was a real beauty. She was
dressed in a pair of high heeled
shoes, Levis over bikini panties, and
a print shirt over a heavy size 38 D
bra. She had always worn a bra every
since her breasts started to develop.
Her breasts were large but they were
firm enough to not need the support,
but she liked the comfort of having
them covered and supported so they
wouldn't jiggle. Rebecca had a thing
about her breasts, she did not like
to have them touched or even looked
at. She even wore a bra to sleep in
and had not taken it off even when
she fucked. Even Jon, who had kept,
and put up with her for almost two
years had never touched them, even
through her clothing. No one had
ever seen her tits naked.
Now she was on her own again,
this time with only a few of her
pretty clothes packed into her
shoulder bag. Maybe this time she
would find someone to take care of
her that would appreciate her and not
ask her to do any of those perverted
things, she was a lady not an animal.
Her new lover would replace her
missing clothing with a new wardrobe.
She didn't like to hitch-hike,
especially after dark. You never
knew who might try to pick you up.
But it was sure, cheap
transportation, and she had to get
away from Jon and his perverted
friends. Rebecca was sure she could
take care of herself if some pervert
or creep picked her up and tried to
do more than just give her a ride.
People had to learn sooner or later
that she was one of the select few
that were here to be taken care of.
Rebecca had been standing on the
shoulder of the highway for only a
few minutes when a small Chevy two
door sedan stopped and offered her a
ride. She looked into the car to
check out the driver, he was young,
good looking, and appeared to be
alone in the car. He smiled at her
and asked where she was going.
Rebecca replied, "Any place as
long as it was far away from this
He answered, "Climb in, that's
the way I'm going."
In a few minutes they were
talking like old friends. After they
had exchanged names, his was Jack,
Rebecca told him how she left home
two years ago and had been staying
with a ?friend'. She told Jack about
the last of many fights she had just
had with her ?friend', but nothing of
the details. She also told Jack how
she wanted to go some place to make a
new start. Her new friend said he
thought that was possible and he
would try to help her get relocated.
They talked for a while but the
steady hum of the tires against the
roadway made Rebecca drowsy, she
finally settled back in the seat and
half dozed.
Suddenly something flashed past
her eyes and she felt a strap across
the front of her throat. There had
been another man laying down in the
back seat and he had dropped his belt
over her head and was holding the
ends from behind the seat back. Her
new ?friend' Jack told her not to
move or she would be strangled with
the belt. He slowed down then
reached over and roughly tore her
shirt open, he tried to tear off her
bra. Rebecca realized what he was
trying to do and started fighting,
she would allow no one to touch or
see her breasts. The belt around her
throat immediately tightened, she
couldn't breath. Only half aware she
felt the pull on her bra, but the
heavy bra did not give. After some
time, she still could hardly breath,
she felt something cold and hard slip
under the front of her bra between
her breasts. Suddenly her bra strap
loosened, Jack had cut her bra off.
Jack then reached across her body and
and pushed the right cup of her bra
aside to roughly squeezed her ripe
young breast and pinched her nipple.
He then did the same to her left.
Her tits are real and look good he
informed his companion, I think she
will do just fine. Jack never did
find out he was the first person to
ever see or touch Rebecca's breasts.
Her captors then dropped a rope
over her head and pulling it tight
around her waist and arms and tied it
behind the seat. Her arms and body
were bound to the seat. The one in
the back seat then reached over and
felt her naked tits. He pulled her
torn shirt and bra open and pushed
her shirt bra straps off of her
shoulders so he could pull both
garments down around her waist fully
exposing her breasts to their gaze.
This was the first time her
breasts had ever been uncovered
outside her bathroom, Rebecca started
fighting and screaming. Jack
instructed his friend to gag her,
they did not want her causing any
problems. After he had tied a gag in
her mouth he went back to playing
with her ?forbidden' breasts and
nipples. From the back seat he
reached around and cupped a full firm
breast in each hand, she wanted a
bra, he would provide one for her.
He then began pulling and squeezing
her breasts, first pulling them up as
hard as he could and then mashing
them together until he could rub her
nipples against each other. Rebecca
fought as well as she could with her
arms bound. The pain of his
treatment brought tears to her eyes
that ran down her cheeks and dripped
onto her naked breasts. Jack told
him to have fun but not to injure
her, it would lower her price. The
guy in the back let up some, but he
kept rubbing and squeezing her tits
and pulling on her nipples.
In about an hour they pulled off
the road into a deserted rest stop.
Jack got out, came around and opened
the passenger door. Rebecca was sure
she was going to be raped by these
two, but she was wrong. The belt
went back around her neck and the
rope around her arms and body was
loosened. Jack then cut through the
sleeves of her shirt and the straps
of her bra. He removed both her
shirt and bra then she was tied to
the seat again. This time the rope
went under her arms above her bare
breasts. Her feet were tied together
and her left arm was pulled back
between the seats and secured.
Rebecca's embarrassment at having her
breasts uncovered in front of these
two men quickly turned to fear. Jack
opened the glove compartment and took
out a small metal box and opening it,
spread its contents out on the open
glove compartment door. In the dim
light shining from within the open
glove compartment Rebecca saw what
appeared to be a dope user's
injection kit.
Jack expertly tied the elastic
band around her upper right arm and
while his partner held her arm still.
He skillfully inserted a needle into
the vein on side her elbow and gave
her a shot of some thing. He quickly
replaced the items in the kit and
replaced it in the glove compartment.
He helped his partner tie her hands
to her sides then got back behind the
wheel and drove away.
Rebecca waited for the drug to
take effect, but she felt no high or
even a buzz, she just could not keep
her eyes open. The drone of the cars
tires on the road added to the effect
and soon she was asleep. She roused
to a half conscious condition by
daylight, she could not wake up or
hold a thought for more than a few
seconds. She was vaguely aware of
receiving another injection and
having a blanket tossed over her
naked torso before they stopped for
gas and having it removed again when
they were under way. After
travelling for most of that day they
finally stopped. She was in such
poor condition that she had to be
helped from the car. When she got
out, the light breeze blowing against
her crotch and ass was cold. She
realized her bladder had emptied, she
had pissed her pants. She didn't
even care, she just wanted to lie
down some place and go back to sleep.
In her half conscious condition
she was unable to resist as her
shoes, Levis, and panties were
stripped off her. As she stood
there, completely naked in front of
others for the first time in her
life, she heard someone say her
captors had done very well, she had
nice tits and a good looking ass.
She should be worth a bundle if she
was clean. She next became aware of
bright lights and the smell of
antiseptic. Her naked body was
placed on a cold metal table and she
half felt someone poking and prodding
at her. She felt the sting of a
needle as it penetrated her arm and
lastly the feel of cold metal pushed
up into her pussy as her physical was
completed with a thorough pelvic
The next thing she became aware
of was someone telling the two guys
that had brought her here she was a
good one. She wasn't a virgin, she
was healthy and she had no diseases.
They were told to keep up the good
work and paid $2,000.00 for her.
They were told to get rid of her
clothes on their way out.
She next became aware of being
in an small airplane, the noise was
making it hard to sleep. She was
partially roused and given some food
and water, she managed to get most of
it eaten before she was out again.
Rebecca had no idea how long this
part of her trip took or how many of
the injections she received. She did
know they were flying and she didn't
have any clothes on. She had no idea
for how long the trip took or where
they were taking her.
Slowly the sky stopped spinning
again, she couldn't remember how many
times she had tried to get up, she
opened her eyes a little more. It
was very bright, she was out doors
laying on the ground and it was hot.
She next discovered her arms were
caught behind her back, she tried to
roll over and free them but she
couldn't. Rebecca soon realized her
arms were bound behind her, wrist to
elbow, she couldn't use them to get
to her feet. The next thing she
became aware of was her breasts were
uncovered, she was naked. In time
she managed to wriggle around getting
her legs under her and climbed to her
feet. She slowly took stock of
herself, she was completely naked,
and with her arms bound behind her
back she couldn't cover her breasts.
She was outdoors in what appeared to
be an open cage about 25 feet to a
side. Her cage was in a low canyon.
She could only see for about 500 feet
before the rocky canyon walls blocked
her view, there was no other human
being in sight.
She screamed, and was knocked to
the ground by a heavy electrical
shock. She had not noticed her one
article of dress, a heavy leather
collar which had shocked her when she
screamed. She thought she knew what
it might be, a bark collar, her
father had used them to break dogs of
barking and she had tried it on
herself once when she was very small.
What was she doing in a cage in the
desert naked wearing only a Bark
Collar? She experimented and found
that any sound she made would
activate the collar's electrical
charge, knocking her off her feet.
It was very hot, she knew she
must be in the desert some place. It
was to hot and dry to be anything
else. She looked around for a supply
of water, she would die without water
in this heat. The only water she
found was slowly dripping from a
waist high cock shaped nipple
sticking through the bars in one
corner of the cage. She looked
around again, there was no one
around. She walked over to the
corner and sat down on her heels to
get her face level with it and licked
the drops of water off of it. The
small amount of water made her
realize just how thirsty she was,
she slowly opened her mouth and put
her lips around the large rubber
cock. She found that she had to put
most of it into her mouth and suck
before she could get any water out of
it. By taking the cock faucet deep
in her mouth and sucking on it she
was able slack her thirst.
Rebecca then set about exploring
her cage. There was not much to see,
the floor was dirt, the roof was the
sky. The walls were ten feet high
made of one inch diameter iron bars
set into the ground about six inches
apart and fastened together at the
top by an iron bar. She noticed
something odd about the bars on one
side of the cage. One three foot
section of them went straight up for
the first foot from the ground then
bent outward about 45 degrees, went
out about a foot and a half, then
went straight up again to the top.
There were additional bars covering
the sides of this ?bay window'. Her
water supply was near one corner of
the cage and there was a small tree
outside the opposite corner that
would supply a small amount of shade
for part of the day.
That evening she saw the first
person since she had regained
consciousness. A large black man
drove up in a jeep. Rebecca turned
her back on him so he could not see
her naked breasts, but he did not pay
any attention to her. She forgot
about the collar and tried to ask him
what was happening to her, but with
the first sound the collar knocked
her to the ground. He watched her
for a few minutes then whistled in a
distinctive manner and put a pan with
what looked like dog food in it into
her cage, got back into his jeep and
drove away. She walked over to the
pan to see what was in it. The
contents were unknown to her, but it
did smell good. Rebecca had not
realized how very hungry she was, she
ate it and found it did not taste
that bad. The one thing that really
got to her was she had to get down on
her knees and, with her arms bound,
eat like an animal. When she had
finished her meal she went to her
water supply. This time as she knelt
to drink from the flesh colored
rubber prick she realized it was at
the same distance from the ground as
a standing man's cock would be and it
jutted up at the same angle. Shortly
after dark she curled up in one
corner of her cage and silently cried
herself to sleep.
When Rebecca woke up the next
morning, she found she had slept very
well, she was well rested. Maybe
today she would find out what this
was all about. By mid morning jeeps
with three or four men in each of
them started driving into her canyon
and up to her cage, as if to see the
new acquisition. All that day she
was watched and examined by them,
sometimes only two or three and some
times more than a dozen, she felt
like an animal in a zoo. The move
around her cage so she could not keep
her back to them. She tried
squatting with her knees in front of
her breasts protecting them, but her
legs started cramping and she had to
get up. She had learned her lesson
yesterday, she did not try to speak,
even in rebuttal to some of the crude
remarks they made about her naked
The one thing she did not want
to do in front of them was suck that
damn rubber cock, but by mid
afternoon her thirst overcame her
embarrassment and she knelt down in
front of the cock-faucet, took it in
her mouth and started sucking on it.
As she quenched her thirst none of
her observers appeared to notice
anything unusual. Her audience was
still there when her ?Keeper' drove
up with her meal. He gave the same
whistle and put her pan into her
cage. It looked like the same stuff
she had last night. She would not
embarrass herself more by getting
down on her knees and eating like an
animal. Although she was very
hungry, she did not eat until the
spectators finally left. Rebecca
realized she had been naked all day.
Her nude body, especially her bare
breasts, had been being examined by
men most of the time and it didn't
bother her as much as she thought it
would. What was this all about.
By the time Rebecca had been in
the cage for a week, she was filthy
and she smelled like a dirty animal.
There was no way she could ask for
more water to wash with, all she
could do was get a mouthful of water
from the cock-faucet and spit it onto
the front of her, which only seemed
to make things worse. The following
week she started her period, the
blood ran down her legs past her
knees. Now they would surely let her
wash up, but all that occurred was
the flies swarmed around her bleeding
pussy. In a about five days she
stopped flowing and the dried blood
crusted and fell away.
She had become used to her black
?Keeper' bringing her evening meal.
Even though her diet never varied she
started to look forward to his
arrival because some time for days at
a time he was the only person she
saw. When she had been there about
four weeks the pattern changed. When
he arrived he did not put her pan of
?dog food' into her cage as usual.
Instead, he opened his pants and
pulled out the biggest blackest cock
Becky had ever seen. He put it
through the bars and gave his
familiar whistle. She came up to him
hoping to be fed as usual but she
couldn't keep her eyes off that big,
long, black cock. Even as limp as it
was, it was the biggest cock she had
ever seen. He did not put her food
pan into her cage, he just shook his
long soft prick at her.
He remained like that for a
couple of minutes then put his cock
back into his pants, climbed back in
his jeep and drove away without
leaving her any food. The next day
he did the same thing, Rebecca
thought she knew what he wanted, he
wanted her to suck his cock. If she
had not let Jon put his cock in her
mouth and he had been nice to her,
she certain would not take that big
black cock into her mouth.
The third day the same thing
happened, but on the fourth evening
when he put his cock through the bars
and whistled, Rebecca, who had never
missed a meal she did not intend to
miss, was so weak from hunger that
she would do anything. She got down
on her knees in front of him and
reached for his long limp cock with
her tongue. She licked it for a wile
before she sucked his limp prick in
her mouth and started sucking and
licking it. As she sucked on it, the
cock started to grow in her mouth.
It soon filled her mouth until she
almost gagged on it. When his cock
shot his thick, creamy sperm into her
mouth she tried to pull her head back
and let ?that slimy stuff' spill on
the ground. Becky heard the first
word spoken to her since Rebecca had
been pick up so long ago. "NO", was
all he said as he grabbed her by the
hair and pushed her face back onto
his spurting cock. Becky was forced
to catch the cream shooting from his
manhood in her mouth and swallow all
of it. When he had put his tool away
he fed her as usual.
After a few more missed meals
the routine was established. He
would whistle for her, put her food
pan into her cage, open his pants and
take his large cock out. She would
his take his big black cock into her
mouth and suck it until he ejaculated
in her mouth, she would swallow all
of his hot semen before she ate her
Becky was sleeping very well at
night, and waking well refreshed in
the morning. Her arms did not hurt
from being bound behind her back all
the time, the only time they had
bothered her at all were the days she
had not gotten her dinner. She also
found she did not desire to talk any
more, she had nothing to say and she
could not think of any one who would
want to listen to her.
A couple of months went by,
Becky's training was progressing
well. She would now come to any one
whistling for her and suck any cock
that was presented to her. This took
some work, the first time some one
besides her black Keeper whistled for
her she did not go to them. Her
Keeper did not show up with her meal
that evening. After a few missed
meals she would come to the bars and
kneel down in front of any man who
whistled and bared his prick for her.
By the time she had been here for a
few months Becky realized she was
starting to like the taste of human
sperm, she was actually looking
forward to getting to suck a cock and
swallow the hot cum. Semen was to
her now, what candy had been in her
former life. A change of diet,
something different that she got a
small amount of. Human sperm, of
course, was salty rather than sweet,
but in this heat she craved salt
rather that sugar.
As Becky finished her fourth
period since she had arrived, she
noticed it had lasted less than a
day. She remembered that she used to
flow at least five days, but this was
better because she still had only the
water from the cock-faucet to drink
and none to clean herself up with.
The only time she had gotten more
water was when it rained. She had
learned to roll in the dust to get
most of the built up dirt off.
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