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Archive-name: Family/bedtmsty.txt
Archive-title: Did it Really Happen?
It had been a long time since I had visited my old friend and his
wife, long before my wife and I were separated. I really didn't know too
much about what had happened to them except that they were still together
and that my friend was still in his job as a commercial traveller.
I knew that they had two daughters, Angela the eldest and Jane, I
remember Angela as being rather a cute little seven year old whilst Jane
was still in the bottle stage. I had occasion to pass through the town
where Jim and his family were living and decided to pay them a visit.
When I arrived at their house I was met by Jims wife Jennifer or
Jenny as we always called her. She was as neat and trim as she ever
was, dressed in a light blue dress tied at the waist with a contrasting
blue belt that only accentuated her firm breasts and trim figure I found
her even more attractive than ever.
Jim will be so disappointed that he missed you she said, he had to go
on one of his trips and wont be back for a couple of weeks. Oh well
please give him my regards when he gets back and tell him that I will
give him a call. Just at that moment the door opens and an absolutely
beautiful young girl entered the room. Of medium height, she had that
golden appearance that seemed to be endemic of California. She was
dressed in a light pink summer dress, tied at the waist with a matching
belt. She had shoulder length auburn hair held back with a pink ribbon. I
really can't remember when I last saw such a beautiful creature. After
the initial impression I felt myself looking at her to see if there was
any sign of breast development on this young schoolgirl but the top of
her dress was a little too loose to detect any swelling.
Angela, her mother said, come and meet your fathers friend, you
probably wont remember him as you were only a little girl when last he
came by. Angela came over to me and smiled, hello she said I think I do
remember you from a long while ago. I must have looked rather foolish
staring at the young girl because both Angela and her mother gave a laugh
when I didnt say anything. I really was tongue tied as Angela was such a
stunning girl.
I blushed and murmured my apologies for staring and we all sat down
for the meal that Jenny had prepared for the occasion. Just as we were
seated at the table in walked another young girl, about nine or ten years
old, as cute as a button and very lovely. It was obvious that this was
Angela's sister Jane as they were so much alike. Jenny and I made small
talk throughout the meal with Angela and Jane only making comments when
they were asked. How old are you now Angela I asked, mainly out of
curiosity, I have just turned fourteen said the young girl. My goodness
you have grown I replied for want of something better to say. One reads
about well behaved children but these two young ladies were my first
experience of the gender.
After dinner Angela went into the family room to read whilst Jane
went out to her friends house to play. Jenny and I sat down in front of
the fire and started to chat about old times. You certainly haven't
changed very much have you? Jenny asked. What do you mean by that I
replied. Well I remember not being much older than Angela when I first
met you and you gave me the same look that you were giving Angela all
through dinner. I really did feel awful, I am sorry that it should have
been so obvious I said. Dont worry Jenny said it is all perfectly
Tell me, Jenny said, have you found another girl friend yet. From
what I remember about you you always had to have a girl friend, it must
have been hormones or something she chuckled. I really hadn't found
another lady friend since our separation and was missing female
companionship and other things immensely.
May I tell you something that will probably shock you asked Jenny. I
am not easily shocked so please go right ahead I replied. Well this is
indeed extremely difficult for me to say but I will try.
Do you remember the times we used to have and the way we would fool
around in the group, I always liked it when you and I would get into one
of those boy girl wrestling matches. We all knew that it was just an
excuse to feel each others bodies while we were fighting. I remember the
time that you were tickling me and I was struggling suddenly your hands
were on my breasts and you stopped tickling long enough for both of us to
realize that it was no accident.
We played around with the gang for a long time after that with our
dare and double dare games. The time you were double dared to put your
hand down the front of my dress and feel my breast, I thought I would die
with everyone there watching, but you did it as I knew you would. But I
certainly did not expect you take my breast out or did I expect you to
double dare Janet to kiss it. I can still feel your hand and her mouth on
my breast to this day. When we played postmans knock and we both went
into the hall to kiss I didn't expect you to just kiss me but I did not
expect your hand to be under my dress and into my panties so quickly, I
knew that it was no use saying stop it as my body was obviously saying
just the opposite. I couldn't help being moist and open for you even
though I had only just turned fifteen.
The point of this embarrassing conversation is that I always remember
you as being the most tender sexual partner that I ever had. I have had
many worrying moments wondering what Angel's first experience will be
like and wished that she would have someone like you to initiate her into
the joys of sex. Would you consider having intercourse with my daughter
so that her first experience will be wonderful.
I wasn't sure that I was hearing right. Are you suggesting that I
fuck your daughter I asked. That is exactly what I am asking you to do
Jenny replied. But she is under age I blurted, I know that and that is
why we must be very discrete if you agree to do as I ask. I was still in
a state of shock, the very thought of having sexual intercourse with a
fourteen year old girl really excited me but I could not understand how
it could be accomplished. I would be happy to have intercourse with your
daughter if you think we could safely arrange it.
It wont be easy as I don't believe she knows anything about sex but I
believe that I know a way we might be able to get her to cooperate and
enjoy it. We both got up and went into the family room where Angela had
gone to read. The young girl was sitting on the thick rug in front of the
fire and, as is often the case, had fallen asleep leaning against the
divan. Nothing would have suited me more than to have ravished her on the
spot she looked so young and innocent but at the same time a young woman.
This looks like a golden opportunity to start Jenny said and so I picked
up the young lady in my arms and laid her gently onto the divan.
I started to undo the buttons of her thin silk dress, beneath which
the gradually forming breasts were beginning to make themselves seen. My
hands were trembling so much that I thought Angela would awaken. Let me
help you whispered Jenny she soon had the buttons undone once the dress
was completely open it became apparent that her breasts were well on the
way to development, their swelling could not be hidden by the wisp of a
brassiere that she was wearing. I quickly removed her bra, her breasts
were high on her chest and needed no support, they were beautifully
pear shaped, not yet developed enough to have a rounded underside. In
fact her breasts stuck straight out from her chest with the nipples
firmly jutting out from their centres.
By this time I could hardly contain my excitement, Jenny could see
that the sight was having a profound impact upon me. Bend down and kiss
them she said, I did not need to hear the suggestion a second time. I
took one of her sweet breasts into my mouth, it was a wonderful
sensation. Here was this young girl lying full length on the divan, her
upper body naked, revealing her developing breasts, her pink summer dress
having ridden up around her sun tanned legs right up to the top of her
thighs giving a glimpse of her white panties peeping from beneath her
raised dress.
As her breast entered my mouth and I started to gently draw on the
nipple she opened her eyes and for a minute lay there and took in what
was happening to her. At that moment she started to struggle into a
sitting position but lay back again when she saw that her mother was
there. I continued to suck on her nipple and at the same time run my hand
gently along the inside of her legs until it reached her panties that
were stretched tight between them. I managed to control myself to the
point of just rubbing against her but could still feel the mound of her
vagina swelling against my hand, I could even feel the parting of her
vagina lips through the thin fabric of her underwear, even though her
legs were tightly closed. Open your legs a little my dear said Jenny, the
young girl, ever obedient, eased open her legs for me
I moved my hand to the top of her panties and cautiously slid it
under the elastic waistband until I could feel her soft swelling tummy
under my hand and then down further until I could feel the start of the
mound that contained her vagina. I moved my hand further down and could
feel the parting of the outer lips of her vulva under my finger. I
cupped the whole of her cunt in my hand and gradually inserted my finger
into the moist interior, I could only get my finger into her up to the
first joint when I felt her virginal membrane blocking the opening from
further intrusion.
She began to whimper and moan but did not try to struggle or cry
out. I felt her legs relax and open slightly I quickly covered her mouth
with mine and pushed my tongue deep into her throat, she had a most
delightful mouth that pouted as much as her vagina appeared to.
Moving my hand back up to her waist I started to ease the panties
down along her legs I soon had them around her ankles and then onto the
floor. I glanced down and saw that her vagina had yet to get it's
covering of hair and that it was pink, moist and delightful. How
absolutely mind blowing a young vagina really is, no matter what the
social mores are about underage girls, their vaginas are there to be
penetrated, violated, fucked, consummated, screwed or whatever
description is current at the time.
There was an unmistakable moistness apparent inside her lips, I moved
my head down to caress her and to take a closer look at this maiden cunt.
The opening was only about two inches long with the outer lips slightly
open so that it was just a petal upon the mound of flesh between her
legs. Putting my fingers either side of the opening I pulled open the
outer lips exposing the inner labia and the tiny appendage of flesh over
her clitoris. Angela looked at Jenny with a questioning gaze, dont worry
Angela just lie back and enjoy what is going on and don't be frightened.
I am not at all frightened Mommy I just find these things are making me
feel strange all over.
I moved my fingers to the top of her vagina just below the top of her
Mons veneris and lifted the fold of skin to reveal her tiny clitoris.
This centre of pleasure was not easily defined as it was nestled in the
folds of her cunt and had not yet been aroused. Placing my hands under
her bottom I lifted her hips until her vagina was raised in the air and
bending forward I put my lips to her virginal opening and gently flicked
the pimple of flesh with my tongue, I did this a number of times and
noticed a definite hardening and even a slight protrusion of her maiden
clitoris under my tongue. I reached up to caress her budding breasts
whilst I had my mouth against her cunt and commenced to rub and suck at
the same time.
I put my face hard up against the young girl and pushed my tongue as
far as it would go into the inside of this delightful creature. At the
same time I again reached up for her breasts only to find that Jenny was
massaging her daughter's breasts with both hands, the little nipples were
standing straight out from Angel's twin mounds of flesh I suddenly felt
her hips start to move and before I could think what was happening she
was writhing and bucking her cunt into my mouth, I could feel the onrush
of the mucous liquid emanating from the innermost parts of her body. I
quickly withdrew my tongue and replaced it with my finger. She took hold
of my hand and held it tightly against her body at the same time pushing
her hips upward towards it
My finger went right into the girl as far as it would go and still
she tried for more. It was obvious that she did not know what was
happening to her and could not control the pulsating sensation that was
being felt between her legs. As I watched her she opened her legs even
further in an attempt to get more of my finger inside her.
I quickly withdrew my hand and stood there watching her writhe and
buck her hips in an attempt to get something inside her that would help
with the overwhelming urge that she did not understand. Jenny bent over
her daughter and inserted a finger into her vagina. Get your penis out
quickly she said I removed my pants and withdrew my prick, Jenny
continued to slide her finger in and out of her daughter's vagina while
she took hold of my penis and gently pulled me toward Angela's face.
Take this into your mouth like a lollipop Angela and get it nice and
moist. The young girl opened her mouth and her mother guided the penis
between the youngsters lips. When you have it nice and moist he will put
it into your vagina. Why would he want to do that mommy? The young girl
asked. Because the way boys and girls are made there is a constant itch
between their legs that only the other person can stop. I think that is
very very strange said Angela, I don't know why but I think I would like
that to be put inside me very much and so I will of course do as you ask.
Mommy do you really think it will fit into my vagina as it is so
large. Dont'worry dear we won't hurt you and you will be surprised just
how much your vagina will open when it feels the penis close by. Do you
see how you have opened up to take my finger said Jenny. I do Angela
replied and it feels so wonderful please dont stop. Don't worry dear
just take the penis into your mouth and once it is moist and it enters
your vagina you will soon see that it feels much better than my fingers.
With that promise in mind Angela opened her mouth and took my tool
between her lips. She sucked my prick until I thought I would come into
her mouth but I managed to withdraw before the moment came and moved it
down between her legs. Jenny removed her finger and holding open the
vagina placed the tip of my prick against her daughter's moist lips. I
could feel it being drawn into the folds of her sexual organ. Just relax
and open your legs a little more and bend your knees too Angela, Jenny
told her daughter.
I gradually eased my prick into the young girl, I could feel the
tightness of her vaginal muscles gripping my tool as it entered her. I
felt the youngster tense up as the head of my prick went passed the
entrance and further into her. When it was about half way in I paused
and held the girl tightly to me I put my lips on hers and gently kissed
her. I started to withdraw from Angela's body but Jenny intervened.
Please don't stop it will be easier once you have fully penetrated her. I
could still feel the moistness of Angela's cunt lubricating my prick as
it moved back into her. I suddenly heaved and pushed my tool right into
the young darling.
Angela let out a muffled cry and then just lay there with my prick
buried inside her and my balls rubbing against her behind. After a short
time I started to move in and out of her with long gentle strokes so that
my prick would be well lubricated by the emission from the young girl. I
could feel the soft inside of her against me as I moved in and out of the
young girls body.
I reached down and felt the rose opening of her bottom with my middle
finger and pushed, she screamed and gushed and at the same time gave an
almighty shudder I could feel the inside of her cunt contracting and
expanding trying to milk me dry. I quickened my strokes and could feel
the sperm welling up between my legs. Suddenly I tensed up and let go a
pulsating stream of semen into the young girls belly, with each spurt she
raised her hips as though the liquid was triggering her nerve endings. I
must have filled her inside with my come as it seemed to go on for many
contractions. I lay on Angela for a while with my tool still deep in the
youngsters opening. At last I slowly withdrew my penis from her mound,
her vulva held onto my tool and her labia minor seemed to stretch out as
thought reluctant to let go, her orifice was a deep coral and was
stretched open from the penis that it had just accommodated
Angela just lay there with her legs open gasping for air, small
amounts of my semen were at the lips of her open and red cunt. She
reached down and grasped my tool with her hands and tried to put it back
in her body, although it was now in a decidedly flacid state it was
obvious that before long it would be ready for the young girls cunt
again. Reaching down between her legs Angela parted the inner lips of her
vagina and commenced to place two of her fingers in the gap that had
recently been vacated by me. Jenny quickly placed her finger in her
daughters cunt and continued to masturbate the young girl with great
tenderness. Leaning forward she planted a kiss on her daughters lips and
whispered dont worry dear the worst is over. I really am not worried
Mommy, it was just that I was so surprised at the feeling and it did hurt
just a little but only for a short time. I had this lovely sensation of
being filled up with a warm flowing liquid in my tummy, it was so
beautiful Mommy.
Jenny leaned over to the table and picked up a candle that was
standing there. Angela I am going to give you this candle for you to
experiment with, it is shaped very much like a penis and it will give you
an idea of how you can control the sensations. She placed it in the young
girl's hand and gently guided it to her vagina. Angela paused for a
moment trying to find the opening, when she at last found the right place
she eased the candle between her legs and started to masturbate herself
slowly and gently. What a sight that was, the candle disappearing into
the young girl's body and then reappearing moist and glistening with the
dear girls juices.
Removing the candle from her cunt I lay down beside her so that my
face was just a few inches from her furrow with my tool close to her
mouth, I pushed my tongue deep into her and sucked hard, the young Angela
by this time was almost standing on her head with her vagina pushed as
high as she could get it in an attempt to get more of my tongue. I could
feel her taking my penis into her mouth and right into her throat. The
darling girl was doing what came naturally and was it ever done well.
I could contain myself no longer and with a growl I spurted my semen
right down the pretty girl's throat. Angela looked up at me as she
continued to suck hard upon my prick, she continued long after I had
finished coming and even to the point that I was starting to get stiff
again. Just at that moment I heard a knock on the door and who should
appear in the doorway but Angela's ten year old sister Jane. The first
thing that she wanted to know was what Angela was doing with her clothes
undone and what that was between my legs.
Angela whispered to Jane that we were having a fun game that she would be
sure to enjoy if she wanted to play. Little Jane nodded her head
vigorously, yes she would like to play, however Angela told her she must
be prepared to do what she was told no matter how strange it seemed. Jane
readily agreed that she would be only too pleased to do whatever she was
asked to do. Before I knew what was happening Angela had laid Jane upon
the bed and lifted up her dress so that I may get a look at her legs.
For a ten year old girl her legs were remarkably well formed with a
decided plumpness at the top. Lifting the younger girls dress even
further Angela proceeded to show me the pretty flowered panties that Jane
was wearing.
The first thing you must do Jane is to take off your panties so that
we may see the little slit between your legs. Jane only paused for a
moment and then reached down and with her thumbs hooked under the elastic
of her knickers slid them down her legs and onto the floor.
Angela bent over the reclining girl and placing her hands between
Jane's legs eased them apart, I saw Janes little vagina all pouting and
pink with the little clitoris just visible at the top of her cleft. What
an interesting comparison, a fourteen year old and a ten year old both
with their vaginas exposed .
Angela placed her finger between the lips of Jane's cunt and began to
slowly move it up and down between the narrow opening. For a moment Jane
didn't move and then her eyes started to widen as she felt for the first
time a sexual awakening that had not been known before this moment.
I picked Angela up and placed her beside Jane on the bed, I then
climbed between them and put my hands down to cover both of their vaginas
and gently rubbed their clitorises, Jane moaned slightly and moved her
legs further apart so that she could feel the caress further down her
tiny cunt.
At Angela's insistence I climbed onto little Jane, Angela placed the
end of my tool at the entrance to Jane's vagina and before I knew what
was happening started to masturbate me into the little girls cunt. Jane
by this time had her legs stretched wide open as if she was trying to get
more of me inside her. I was too large for her small frame but did in
fact get the head of my penis inside her vagina, Jane lifted her hips to
again try for more but it was apparent that it was too tight for her at
the moment. I really believe that had I left my prick inside her she
would have managed to assimilate the whole thing into her little cunt.
I withdrew my prick and bent down over the girl and took her vagina
completely into my mouth and started to suck her gently at first but with
the way she had started to raise her hips, just like her sister had done,
but with even less awareness as to what was happening, and my own growing
excitement, I really did bury my head between her legs and sucked as hard
as I could. Suddenly I stopped sucking and commenced licking and gumming
her clitoris. She wrapped her legs around my head and squeezed me toward
her. I looked up from Jane's vagina in time to see Angela placing one of
her breasts in Jane's mouth and could tell that Jane needed no
instruction on what to do but was simply doing the natural thing and
sucking hard on Angela's tit.
I moved away from the two young girls and just left them to their own
devices. Angela left her breast in Jane's mouth and reached over and
commenced to rub her fingers along Janes vagina which, by this time had
opened up a little and was glistening from the moisture of the tonguing
that it had just received.
Angela removed her breast from Jane's mouth and lay down beside the
younger girl with the meeting of her legs just inches from her sister's
mouth. Angela reached under the girls legs and pulled them apart burying
her lips in the folds of Jane's small opening. Jane seemed to be enjoying
this immensely and tried to push Angela's head harder against her body.
Meanwhile Jane had found Angelas vagina just as alluring and was busy
licking her sisters opening with obvious delight. I by this time had
slipped my hands between them and was again busily massaging Angela's
breasts, kneading, squeezing and pulling on them with both hands
My prick had started to swell again and I was wondering what to do
next when Angela moved from her position with her head between Jane's
legs and stood over her sister for a moment before bending over the arm
of the divan and planting a long kiss on the young girls mouth. This was
the opportunity that I had been waiting for. I quickly moved behind
Angela and held her bottom cheeks tightly to me. I then opened her bottom
and placed my penis at the entrance to her tight behind holding on to her
hips I gradually pulled the girl toward me. My prick started to ease it's
way into the orifice and I felt Angela flinch as the head penetrated her
anus. Jenny always full of surprises, produced a bottle of warm massage
oil that she poured on to Angela's back. I wondered for a moment why she
had done this but only for a moment as the oil ran down the young girl's
back and into her bottom thus lubricating it for my prick
The older girl still had her mouth glued to her sisters but she
managed to let out a squeal of surprise as her bottom opening was
violated, I pushed harder and could feel her muscles drawing my tool into
her. I started to move in and out of Angel's bottom and could feel my
prick really getting stiff with the friction of her tight opening.
Believe me a fourteen year old girls arse is well worth fucking hard and
long. Angela suddenly bent right over the divan so that she could again
kiss her sister's cunt whilst she was being bottom fucked. Jane reached
up with her mouth and took one of Angela's breasts in her mouth and from
the look of her cheeks was sucking hard.
Bending over the couch as Angela was doing placed her bottom high in
the air and made it possible for my prick to get deep inside her, I could
feel my balls rubbing against her cunt as I screwed the youngster. I
could feel the sperm welling up inside me as I continued to pump the
girl, suddenly I felt my balls and prick stiffen and my thrusts quickened
their stroke and out gushed the sperm right into the young girls behind.
She must have felt the onrush because the white cheeks of her behind just
clamped onto my dick and held it.
Angela obviously didn't know what was happening except that s he had
this wonderfully painful feeling in her bottom straight after her vagina
had felt a similar experience. When I had finished with her bottom cheeks
she pulled her self up from the arm of the divan where she had been
impaled. She looked at her mother and then at me and then came over and
kissed me right on the mouth and whispered whatever it was that you did
to me, thank you, and reaching down she took hold of my prick and
blushingly said. I still can't believe I had the whole of this in my
vagina and my bottom this evening. I reached down between the young girls
legs and parted them until I could again put my hand over her cunt. I
should thank you Angela my dear for being such a willing pupil. Uncle she
said, you don't mind if I call you uncle do you. Of course not you silly
creature I replied. Well uncle you may do anything to me that you may
wish to as I don't think that I will ever forget the wonderful
experiences that you have given me tonight.
I think I would like to go to bed now said Angela, and be alone with
my thoughts. Good night Mommy and good night uncle, remember anything at
all she said with a smile and disappeared from the room. Meanwhile young
Jane was still lying on the divan with her clothes off just watching what
was going on. I picked her up in my arms and held her high in the air
until her little cunt was opposite my mouth I then leaned forward and
kissed the little girl between her legs. Oooh that does feel nice uncle,
I seem to have become everyone's uncle tonight!!
O.K Jane off you go to bed said Jenny. Do you think I could sleep
with Angela tonight Mummy asked Jane. I think that will be alright
replied her mother as long as you don't make a noise. We won't promised
Jane. She came over and kissed her mother and then came and sat on my
lap. She put her head on my shoulder and whispered, I wish I had a vagina
as big as Angela's so that I could have had all of you inside of me, but
if not now then one day it will be big enough for you. Please say that we
can do it again then. I promise Jane as soon as you are ready I will be
there. Good night sweetheart, good night uncle.
Before I go uncle, now what said Jenny. Well mummy Angela sucked
uncles thing like a lollypop and seemed to like it very much, do you
think he would let me have a quick taste of it please Mommy please. Very
well my dear said Jenny. Would you mind taking your penis out again uncle
she asked. I quickly unzipped my fly and took out my prick that was
rapidly getting hard again. Jane came over and gently took it in her
little hand and standing on tiptoe she put the head of it in her mouth
and started to suck hard. I almost came on the spot but managed to hold
back until she removed my tool from her mouth to breath and then I gushed
all over the tiny girls head and face. Uncle what is that she said it
does taste nice.
I didnt' know what to do or say. I took out my handkerchief and wiped
her face. Don't worry said Jenny she seems to enjoy it. Now off you go to
bed Jane. Good night again uncle and thank you it really did taste good.
I am still unable to comprehend what had just taken place. Enough to
warrant a thousand years in jail in any society but no one had been
harmed and the two young girls hopefully had enjoyed their experiences
and therefore what was so wrong in our actions. It was obvious that our
sexual adventures had not come to an end as Jenny was looking quite
flushed and very beautiful an older version of Angela for sure.
I took Jenny into my arms and held her tightly to me, it has been
such a long time Jenny I said, it certainly has she replied as I started
to undo the buttons of her dress. I moved my hand under her bra and
cupped her breast in my hand, I gradually eased the bra away from her and
took out her left breast, I quickly bent my head to take in her delicious
tit, I sucked hard and at the same time moved my hand under her dress and
inside her panties. I cupped her moist vagina in my hand and inserted my
finger deep inside her. Just like old times said Jenny with a gasp, very
true I replied except that this time I intend to go a good deal further
than I did before.
I quickly had Jennys panties on the floor and moved her over to the
divan, the very same one upon which I had just ravished her two young
daughters. I put my hands on the inside of her legs and eased them apart,
bending over this beautiful woman I put my lips to her vagina and gently
kissed her, Jenny was very moist by this time and could not control a
shudder that ran through her as she felt my lips between her legs. By
this time we were both becoming very aroused, I put her mons veneris
between my teeth and started to nibble on it this really caused Jenny to
arch her back and to try and get me deeper inside her. Ever anxious to
oblige I put my tongue as deep into her vagina as I could get and started
to move around her inner lips with my mouth. I could feel the outer labia
opening as I sucked at her clitoris.
We were both just about out of control, I removed my mouth and
quickly pulled out my tool, Jenny grabbed at it and pushed it right down
her throat, Jenny, I said if you dont stop soon I wont have anything left
for your vagina. I withdrew my prick and almost with one movement had
impaled Jennys cunt with it, she bucked upwards to meet it and tightened
her muscles around my prick and started to milk it. I started to increase
the frequency of my strokes into Jennys body and then we both broke
loose, I pumped at Jenny with every ounce of strength that I could
muster, she was in a frenzy humping her back to meet my thrusts and
almost standing on her head with her vagina high in the air to enable me
to get deeper inside her. I continued to push my prick deep into Jenny
with even greater force until I thought that either she would split open
or my penis would come off.
I could feel the semen welling up inside me and with an almighty
shudder and thrust I impregnated her with my sperm, deep in Jennys body I
could feel the semen spurting into the young woman for a longer time than
I have ever known. It must have been the rehearsal with your two
daughters I said to Jenny as she thought she was being drowned from below
as there was so much being pumped into her. Jenny just lay there as I
dismounted and looked down on the young lady that had been in my dreams
so often since our school days. Jennys vagina was wet through with her
own emission as well as from the effluent from my balls. The outer lips
of her cunt were wide open. I knelt down beside her and eased open the
inner lips, her opening was still rosy red from the punishment that it
had just endured but it still had one more experience to go through
before it was over. I curled the fingers of my right hand into a fist and
placed it at the entrance to Jennys cunt, I moved my hand around the
opening until it was well lubricated with our juices.
Jenny opened her eyes and saw what I was doing, at that moment she
realized what was about to happen to her, before she could say a word
I had eased my fist between her legs and into her vagina, I continued to
push until the lips of her opening were around my wrist. Jenny screamed
as she felt my hand deep inside her body. I left it there for a while and
then gradually started to move my hand in and out of her opening. Jenny
by this time had her legs spread as wide as she could to better
accommodate this massive intrusion in her body.
Suddenly a wild look came over her as I continued the fist fuck , her
eyes suddenly widened and she lay perfectly still except that I started
to be aware of a pulsating movement on my wrist, her vagina was actually
sucking at my wrist, the vaginal contractions increased , Jennys hips
started to move slowly at first and then with ever increasing intensity
so that her bottom lifted right off the divan. Jenny was bouncing up and
down still with my fist buried deep in her belly. I knew that if I left
my hand inside her any longer she would be hurt by the convulsions that
she was experiencing.
I started to slowly withdraw from her vagina, her muscles gripped me
tightly as my fist emerged from her inside, just as my hand came into
view Jenny lunged forward and re-impalled herself on my fist and as
quickly drew back until my hand was completely out of her, at that moment
she literally flooded her vagina with secretion and let out a sigh the
likes of which I have never heard before or since. Jenny opened her eyes
and smiled weakly, I dont think that any one has ever had a more
wonderfully awakening experience in their lives she said. I had the
orgasm to end all orgasms. It was obvious that Jenny was telling the
truth, her breasts were very full and rounded, her nipples were distended
and her vagina still emitted a copious discharge of, for want of a better
word "come". Jenny my love I said, I have just reenacted a fantasy that
I have had ever since our school days, I wanted to "Fist Fuck" a woman.
For all the negative implications that that has she said, thank you for
letting it be me. In fact I have so many things to thank you for my
Before I go Jenny do you think I could just look in on the girls and
say a last good night. Jenny smiled and said I doubt that that is all the
girls are likely to get but please do. I slipped quietly into their room
and could just make out the sleeping forms of the two young girls in
their separate beds. I went over to the smaller of the two and gently
kissed Jane on her lips, she murmured but did not wake up. I pulled the
bedclothes down and slowly lifted her nightdress. Jane was not wearing
panties and so her vagina was immediately exposed to view. Reaching
between her plump thighs I eased them apart and placed a finger at the
opening of her mound I noticed that her vagina was already becoming moist
and wondered what sort of dream she was having.