
214 lines
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by deirdre
She's kneeling, nude between my legs, trying her hardest to deep-
throat my rigid cock even though she doesn't have the knack. At the
same time, she's frigging herself as fast as she can, moaning loudly,
and coming again and again. Behind her, someone's stuffing a well-
lubricated dildo into her ass. She's shivering, almost going into
spasms, but still trying to get my entire cock into her throat. She
doesn't look up at my face. She puts one hand behind my ass to get
some leverage pushing my cock in her throat while continuing to frig
herself with her other hand.
You may wonder how this came about. I can still hardly believe it
myself, and never would have believed this two months ago. It
started when my wife, Stacy invited several of her girlfriends over
for supper one night when I was going out to play cards with some
friends. My game fell through, and I ended up staying to eat supper
with Stacy and her girlfriends. I must admit I didn't mind--every
one of the girls was a babe, and I got a good chance to visit with
them as we sat around, drinking wine before supper. The girls had
planned to play cards or something, but hadn't decided on a game.
One of Stacy's friends, Eve, brought an old game over which I
recognized because I used to play it at my grandmother's house. It
was sort of like tic-tac-toe, but larger and more complex. Eve
suggested we try the game, but refused to play it herself, saying she
was too experienced from playing it as a child and would beat
anybody. This intrigued me, because I am into games, having studied
chess and played bridge quite a bit, and out of curiosity, I had
studied this game for weeks, to the point where I was just about
unbeatable--the best someone might do is play me to a draw. I told
Eve that there was absolutely no way she could beat me, and she
clearly didn't believe me one bit. Well, to make a long story short,
the girls egged us into making a bet, and the wine or something
induced us to make it a daring bet. We finally bet that the loser
would serve dinner--stripped from the waste down! Naturally I had
glanced at Stacy whose look indicated she was all for it! So Stacy
was willing to either show off her husband, or allow her husband to
see Eve in a very compromising mode of dress. Imagine my surprise.
Well, we started the game, and it was time for me to be surprised.
Eve knew her game. She seemed equally surprised that I had
apparently done so much homework on the game. Well, we both
started studying our turns really hard, but the game doesn't take
very long and it was soon finished: as a draw. Obviously, there was
no loser, but the girls weren't having it! They said they'd been led to
believe there would be a 'show'. Finally, one of the girls, Jackie,
assumed the role of arbiter and declared we would play again. This
time if there was a draw, we would both be declared losers and
share the serving duties! Well, we both thought very carefully about
every move during that second game, and dinner ended up being
delayed. But sure enough, we ended up in another draw.
Needless to say, Eve and I sat there about as embarrassed as you can
imagine, but neither of us making a move. I certainly didn't want to
start stripping right there and find Eve wasn't going to go through
with it. Obviously Eve was having the same thoughts. Jackie quickly
took charge, and had the two of us kick off our shoes and remove our
socks simultaneously. Then she had us stand up facing each other
and had two of the other girls simultaneously unsnap our jeans and
edge them down. Soon we were both in shirts and underpants. Then
Jackie had two of the girls edge our underpants down
simultaneously. There we were, as promised. The girls were almost
in shock that we had all gotten this far.
You might think that I got an immediate hard-on, but amazingly
enough, I didn't. I guess embarrassment counteracted my usual
reaction, something I had never experienced before. Eve and I still
just stood there, staring at each other when Jackie reminded us that
we had a job to do. Well, we ended up acting as servants--we soon
discovered that the girls expected us to be silent, and soon they
were making us stand in the room's corners, facing the corners when
they had nothing for us to do. I did start to get hard, and Stacy,
bless her heart, helped me get hard by ordering me to come over,
then masturbating my cock a little with her hand! Not much, just
enough to get me hard. None of the other girls touched me except
that Jackie got the idea to take a spoon and use the edge of it to
gently scrape the underside of my cock. She seemed to know cocks,
because she had it so hard I was afraid I would come right there!
Believe me, the girls were amused. Jackie did something similar to
Eve, but I was standing facing the corner at the time, so I don't know
what she did.
Well, that is about the extent of that meal--the most interesting
thing the rest of the night was the sex Stacy and I had that night.
The next morning, sober, Stacy and I avoided all mention of the
evening's activities, but a few days later after we got over the
embarrassment of it, Stacy and I managed to talk about it. She
admitted that she loved every bit of it, and loved seeing me in the
role of slave! I admitted to being turned on by some tendency
towards exhibitionism and submission that I never before knew I
had. Well, we decided to try it ourselves. One evening I dressed in
only a tee-shirt, made supper, and served it to Stacy in our dining
room. She restrained herself well, practically refusing to touch me,
but trying out the tricks with the spoon. During the middle of
supper, she asked me to get a foot-ruler with which she played with
my cock in a similar manner, and also smacked my ass a few times!
It stung, but not enough to make me quit the game. And this time, I
remained hard from the beginning of the evening on. Afterwards, we
screwed like crazy.
Well, we tried it again the next night, and within a week we were
doing it almost all the time we were home. Also, Stacy was
experimenting more and was showing me a sadistic streak I never
would have guessed! Well, once when we were talking about it, we
discovered that we both had enjoyed having Eve share my
predicament! Soon we were plotting to see if we could repeat more
aspects of that notorious evening. Eve appeared to be avoiding Stacy
ever since, which Stacy attributed to Eve's embarrassment after the
fact. But this didn't stop Stacy. She used this as an excuse to invite
Eve over--telling her when she invited her that we should get
together to help put the embarrassment behind us. Little did Eve
know what Stacy really intended.
Well, Eve came over for dinner, and Stacy made sure we all had
plenty of wine to start with. Then she laughingly brought up how
embarrassed I had been about the previous evening. Eve looked
alarmed at first, but soon she was laughing at me too. Then Stacy
bent the conversation towards hinting that she had enjoyed the
evening, and said in a disparaging way that I, as a male, had
naturally got some jollies from it. She even mentioned the lurid sex
we had had afterwards. Soon she had Eve admitting to experiencing
some excitement, she mentioned her and my subsequent little
escapades and in another three minutes, she had Eve agreeing to try
it again for the evening!
Once again, neither Eve nor I could undress, so Stacy took Jackie's
role and managed to get our bottom-halves nude again. Well, Stacy
was in control throughout dinner. She had her ruler there and by the
end of the evening she had Eve used to being smacked with it at
whim! She didn't let Eve and me in the kitchen together--she had one
of us in the corner in the dining room while the other was in the
kitchen. I did get to see her using the ruler to stimulate Eve. She
rubbed the edge of it over one of Eve's nipples through her shirt, then
over the other, then used the end on her slit, finding her clitoris.
Eve was obviously excited, with her eyes shut, and having trouble
remaining standing!
Well, when dinner ended, Stacy didn't let our game stop. Eventually,
she personally put Eve to bed in the guest bedroom and me to bed on
the living room couch. Believe it or not, no sex that night! In the
morning, we continued our roles through breakfast and beyond, and
during that day we drove to Eve's apartment, picked up some clothes
and brought it back. There was no question that Eve would move in
with us.
Well, over the days that followed, Stacy's confidence only grew, and
her mastery over us grew as well. Soon she had us completely nude
a lot of the time, and had us licking her cunt in front of each other!
She made us masturbate in front of each other, and started teaching
us to take whippings with a leather belt instead of just a ruler. We
also got very proficient at obeying commands instantly. Often she
would spend the evening watching TV, with the two of us laying face
down on the carpet in front of her, nude, each of us with a dildo
stuffed in the ass.
Stacy still liked to take me to bed with her at night, and believe it
or not, we were still equals there--it was our time to talk about
how things were going. Eve got her relief by masturbating at night
in the guest bedroom, something that Stacy and I managed to
determine by a little night-time spying. Well, after a couple of
weeks, one Friday night Stacy brought home a woman to see us!
Some woman I had never met before. Up until this time, it had been
a private game, not even the other girls from that original notorious
night knowing our secret. When someone would come to our house,
the game was interrupted and we quickly put on some strategically-
placed clothes. But this time, Stacy clearly wanted us to remain
nude, which there was no question that we would. From Stacy's
conversation with the woman, Lianne, I gathered that Lianne was
used to slaves like Eve and myself, and Stacy was trying hard to
impress her with what she had done with us. I also gathered that
Lianne sometimes took a slave belonging to someone else to her own
house for a weekend training session. And I gathered that the
returned slave was unbelievably obedient and subservient. It seemed
that Stacy wanted to see if Lianne would be willing to take one of
us. Believe me, I started getting mixed feelings: excitement at the
idea of undergoing such training, but fear too. And a part of me was
excited about the prospect of Eve undergoing the training! Lianne
was obviously into women as well as men, and I wondered if she had
a preference and would want to take Eve on that account.
Well, Stacy ran us through our paces, having us serve dinner, then
showing Lianne how we accepted whippings and ass-fucking, but
Lianne was hard to read. Finally, at the end of the evening, Lianne
mentioned the necessity to leave. Stacy seemed to be on pins and
needles as to whether Lianne would take one of us. Well, Lianne took
a pair of handcuffs out of her purse, looked at Stacy, and told her to
turn around and put her hands behind her. Well, you should have seen
Stacy's jaw drop! She stood there speechless. Lianne repeated the
instructions word for word, but with iron in her quiet voice that
shook me. Then Stacy slowly but obediently turned around and
allowed Lianne to snap the handcuffs on her wrists! You should have
seen the look on Stacy's face. Lianne told Eve and me we had the
weekend by ourselves to "get to know each other". And did we! After
seeing each other so much, we were so hot for each other we spent
almost the whole weekend in bed. One special thing was that Eve
was used to taking it in the ass from Stacy's attentions, so I got my
first taste of ass-fucking. Eve loved it and I found it out of this
Well, Sunday night Lianne brought Stacy back and I could not believe
the change! Lianne left right away, but Stacy kept her eyes down on
the floor and remained nude. Anything Eve or I said to her she did in
an instant. Eve and I tried all the tricks she had tried on us, and she
obviously wanted more. For the whole next week, she remained in
that obedient pose except while going to work or meeting other
people. We felt like we should be taking stronger action. Eventually,
we wondered what Stacy was getting out of all this and I asked her
what she wanted. She said "I want to get your cock all the way into
my mouth", and she sounded desperate. Thus the amazing scene I
describe above. Stacy can't get enough of it--we've replayed that
scene at least 10 times, and any time we give Stacy permission to
ask for something, she begs for it.