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"Damn!" she thought. A nice summer Saturday morning and the phone
rings at 6:00am!!!......and she wanted to sleep in!
It was her mom's sister, with her "wake-up-call" reminding her
that they were to meet on the golf course at 7 o'clock. Dad was
gone as usual on one of his business trips or he would have gotten
the phone on the first ring. But it rang at least 15 times
before she finally answered it!
So now 15-year old Becky, laid in her bed and just looked at the
ceiling fan going round and round. In exasperation, she finally rolled
out on the wrong side of the bed and just laid on the extra
blanket on the floor. She was laying in the narrow space between
the bed and the wall, perusing an old photo album.
She came across a picture of her best friend Patty Petowski and
her one-year younger brother David. OH! WHAT A MEMORY THOSE TWO
In the beginning of the summer, David and some of his friends
were throwing rocks and breaking the windows of the homes
under construction a block away. One of the rocks richochetted
off a roof and went right through a widow of an occupied house.
The rock struck a woman by the name of Mrs. Greenberg on the
chin. While her husband tried to calm her and stop the bleeding,
their older sons took after David and his buddies and easily
caught them. Mrs. Greenberg needed three stitches to close
her wound. Mrs. Petowski, who was divorced, was enraged at
David, and begged the Greenbergs not to press charges against
him, and that she would see that he was thoroughly punished!
David & Patty, as well as Becky and her brother Robert, were
no strangers to their respective mother's spanking straps!
David was REALLY in for it!!
Mrs. Petowski took David down into the basement and had him
strip naked! Patty phoned me and told me to get over to her
house QUICK as David was going to get the strapping of his
life! I ran over as fast as I could and Patty took me downstairs
just as Mrs. Petowski was tying Davids hands above his head
to the ceiling joists! Mrs. Greenberg was there too!!!
I thought Mrs. Petowski would tell me and Patty to leave since
David was almost our own age and completely naked, but instead,
she invited us to sit down and watch! We sat down on the old
couch just a few feet away from the front of David. I could
almost reach out and touch him!
Poor David was already crying with shame and embarrassment
and pleading with his mom to send me and Patty away. His
gentitals were clearly exposed as Mrs. Petowski started to
whack his buttocks with a leather strap, taking no notice
at all to his pleas!
The three of us sat in front of David and watched his legs and hips
kick and squirm as the strap landed on his backside time after
time after time.
I had never seen the male genitilia up so close and unhindered before and
my eyes were glued to his limp penis and dangling testicles as
his legs opened and closed like frog kicks everytime the strap
cracked on his bottom. Panting, Mrs. Petowski handed the strap
to Mrs. Greenberg and screamed:
"Here! You deserve to punish him too!
and don't go lightly with him!"
As Mrs. Petowski was right handed, Mrs. Greenberg was a lefty
and stood on the opposite side of David and started to strap
his ass with all her might! I could feel my nipples harden and
my groin race with excitement as I watched the helpless nude
boy get exactly what he deserved! His penis and testicles bounced
around lewdly as he twisted about!
After about a half hour of almost continuous spanking, David's
bottom was a mass of red welts. Mrs. Petowski told David she
would be down to release him in two hours time and she did
not want to hear ONE SINGLE WORD! from him.
She screamed at him and went upstairs with Mrs. Greenberg.
Patty could not let such an opportunity pass to humiliate her
brother. David and Robert were ALWAYS teasing THEM!
"Remember, David, NOT A WORD!" Patty chided
him, and began to feel the firery red cheeks of
his bottom!!
Davids "OOOOHS" and "AHHHHHS" and little grunts clearly
showed how sensitive his bottom was. Then, to my complete,
amazement, Patty walked around and stood in front of David
and started to tease his penis!!!
She made her index finger into a pointer and very gently pushed
the limp dick from side to side. Then very gingerly, with her
thumb and forefinger, pinched the skin of his scrotum and
lifted up his balls! She ran her other fingers up their undersides
in a scratching motion. David tried to turn and pull a way.
Patty grabbed his penis and gave it a short yank and said:
She smiled at me and continued to squeeze and tease David's
genitals till she had his penis sticking straight out from his
almost hairless under belly!
We left him that way and went upstairs laughing like crazy!
For the rest of the summer, Mrs. Petowski made David mow
lawns, wash cars and windows, and turn all his money over to
the contractor until all his damage was paid for.
There probably was not a day gone by since I witnessed David's
punishment that I did not think of it and imagine me doing the
spanking, or, (shudder!) being on the receiving end!!!! I played
with my tickler many a night dreaming!
The loud floor board creak in the hall startled me, and I pulled
my hand from between the legs of my pajamas quickly! I then
realized I could not be seen from where I was, and, rather than
raise up to see who was coming, Ijust looked under the bed.
My room was at one end of the hall and my parents at the other.
Roberts room was in the middle on one side, and right across
was the bathroom. I saw my mom in her long legged pajamas yawning
and walking down the hall, scratching her lower belly.
As she walked to the bathroom, I heard the flapping sound of
three little farts coinciding with each step she took! I smiled
and felt giggly, girlish, and guilty that I could see her and she
could not see me.
She entered the bathroom, and the loud grind of the opening shower
doors enclosing the tub, told me she was getting ready
to shower. The sound of the water whispered through the pipes
and I imaged that mom was letting it heat up while she got
THEN!.......WHAT IN THE HELL???????? There was Robert, in the
bottom half of his short pajamas, tip-toeing down the hall to my room!
He stood at the entrance and I did not move or make a sound.
He turned as if to go downstairs then I saw his bare feet go
back to the bathroom door. Thinking I was not around he
knelt and with a kitchen knife did something to the door.
"What the hell is he doing?" I silently wondered.
The answer to the mystery was quickly realized. He somehow
figured out a way to look inside the bathroom and was watching
my mom take her shower!!!
The shower doors were clear safety glass and I was sure he could
see everything as the door was directly across the tub enclosure.
He had one hand cupped over his eyes like looking into dark room
through a window, and the other was inside the front of his shorts!!
Roberts head and body was twisting every which way to get a
better angle of sight. The front of the shorts was like a tent,
collapsing and erecting itself to his pumping rhythm.
"JESUS CHRIST!!" ......the little pervert was pulling down
his shorts and was now playing with himself with both hands!
I could clearly see his fist stroking his hard penis and the
other hand pulling on his balls!
I heard the water shut off and the glass shower door slide open.
I could just imagine mom standing there stark naked, stepping
over the tub, and starting to dry herself. All the bending and
stretching, totally exposing herself to Robert's eyes! Robert was
stroking like mad! Pulling on his dick and squirming all the time
seeking better positions to peek!
"MY GOD!" I thought.......How many times did he look at ME!!
I thought of my shower rituals and how I would sometimes "show off"
and admire my nude form in the big full length mirror!! Did he see that?
Did he see me pulling open my pussy lips and playing with
And then I thought.......OH GOD!......did he witness ME cleaning out
the tub bending and spreading myself all naked!!??
With my legs spread and ass open and pussy peeking through from behind!!?
The thoughts were horrifying.......and exciting!!! As I lay on
the floor watching him with saucer-wide eyes of almost terror,
my heart was pounding so hard it made my head swim!!!
Almost like an apparition, Robert vanished back into his bed
room across the hall. I was really shaken and swallowing hard.
My throat was sooooo dry! A few moments later, mom came
out of the bathroom in her robe and made her way back to the
bedroom. She would be leaving to meet her sister soon and
probably would not be back till midnight.....knowing how those
two got when they were together.
My thoughts raced through my head. If I told mom, she would
kill Robert! Then when dad got home, he would kill him again!!
But if "I" punished him?........YES! YES! YES! THAT WAS
My brain went into over drive! Planning! Diabolical planning!
I knew I had him good! There was no way he would DARE
refuse anything......ANYTHING!!!!!!!
Within an hour mom was gone and Robert was outside mowing
the lawn. I got a kitchen knife, turned on the light in the bath
room and closed the door. I knelt down the way Robert did.
I saw a few very tiny scratches along the jamb and slid the knife in.
The jamb popped out and I peeked in. But for a small area behind the
door, the entire bathroom was clearly in view! Even the toilet!
No questions now. He could see everything!
When I pushed the jamb back in, it was just like new. You
could not see any alterations at all......THE LITTLE SNEAK!!
I phoned Patty and told her what I saw. She said she would be
over as soon as she could but that she had some chores to do
first and did not want to risks her moms spanking strap.
Remembering the last time I saw Mrs. Petowski wield that strap,
I understood Patty clearly!
Robert finished the lawn and went in to take a shower. I was
tempted to peek but didn't. I did not want to risk him catching
me and spoil everything. He finished and came into the kitchen
barefoot, and in his old "best" jeans and black Harley-Davidson
T-shirt. I asked him if he would help me moves some things in
the basement......it would only take a few minutes. (HA!)
When I got him down there, I told him what I saw him doing
this morning......every lurid detail! How I was watching from
under the bed and what Mom......and Dad.......would do to him!
His face was beet red! and he was fidigiting liked a trapped
animal.......begging, pleading, and promising ANYTHING for
me not to tell!!
I told him if he did EXACTLY what I told him to do for the remainder
of day, he would be off the hook.......AND......that
I was going to give him a good strapping!! He was on his
knees thanking me!!!
I told him to take off his jeans and T-shirt!! He groaned, but
complied. I took his hands and tied them together, telling him
I did not trust him. With another piece of clothes line, I took
his bound hands, and standing on a chair, looped it over the
ceiling joist, and pulled his arms over his head!! He was just
about helpless now.
Just then Patty came in and said:
"Hi Becky! Hello Pervert!"
"OH GEES!" Robert moaned.....Becky told her he realized.
"I have to pull down your under pants now Robert,"
I teased him. "Now hold still."
I slipped my fingers into the waistband of the white briefs as
Patty watched smiling and mesmerized! I knelt in front of him
and started to pull them down ever so slowly! He stood ramrod
straight with his arms tied above him, and looked up at the
ceiling. Finally his privates came into view and he moaned
aloud with embarrassment! I wanted to make this as humiliating
a ritual as possible!
He lifted his legs one by one and I pulled away the briefs. He
stood completely naked before us!
"I am going to tie your ankles now, Robert. I
don't want you kicking at us. Can you give me
a hand Patty?" I asked in a sweet little voice.
Together we looped clothes line around each ankle and started
to pull his legs apart! He tried to resist but our combined
strength and leverage were no match for him, and in no time
we had him stretched about 3 feet wide and tied the ropes to
the two big metal basement posts. He could move himself just
a few inches in each direction.
When we had him tied securely we walked around him, talking
to each other about his bottom and privates and giving him
little pokes, prods, and slaps here and there.
I picked up the leather spanking strap and held it up before him.
"It is time Robert. I don't want to see your
bottom clenching up. Do you understand?"
He nodded. Patty pulled up a folding chair and sat down right
in front of Robert no more than a foot away from him! She
was giggling with delight and staring right at Roberts limp
genitals! Robert closed his eyes, not daring and much to
embarrassed and humiliated to look at anyone!
I stepped behind him and raised the strap and brought it down
hard on his naked ass! CRACK! it echoed through the
unfinished walls of the basement! He lunged forward at the
contact. I looked at the red welt forming. I raised the strap
again........CRACK! and continued....WHACK! WHACK!
The sound seemed to change depending on where the strap
landed. His ass was getting nice and pink!
Robert was gritting his teeth........determined not to cry out.
I had brought down moms hairbrush and picked it up. I stood
very close to him and rubbed the bristles on his welted back
side. Then stood in front of him and rubbed the bristles over
his chest and nipples, down his belly, through his sparse
blonde pubic hairs. He gasped and pulled back as the bristles
lightly teased at his privates!
I whispered:
"I am sorry Robert but I must continue."
SPLAT! the back of the brush crashed into his ass. He gulped.
I gave him at least a dozen as fast and as hard as I could!
I picked up the strap again, and took good aim at the center.
I wound up high and hard. ........CRRRRAAAACCCKK!
DO IT AGAIN!!!! Robert screamed and
I was getting a little tired, and pulled up a chair next to Patty.
Patty reached up and took Robert's penis in her hand and started
to massage it! Patty was more......"wordly"......than your
normal teenager.
"How often do you you play with this, Robert?"
she asked, as she continued to toy with his tool.
When he just starred blankly at the ceiling, she took her other
hand and started to caress his scrotum, rolling the plums
within the sack!
"Look at me when I speak and answer me!" she
stated, and to give emphasis, gave his balls a little
"AHHHHHH!" Robert gasped and looked down
at her smiling face and manipulating hands.
I could feel my own arousal heating up my groin as Patty kept
up her teasings and stroking of Roberts privates.
"Tell us Bobbie" she teased him, and started to
pull his foreskin up and down. She could feel
the penis swell in her hand. It gave her confidence
and she became bolder and bolder, now rubbing
her thumb pad over the sensitive head.
"Almost.......almost every.....every day, he stuttered
out an answer.
"And you like doing it while peeking in the bathroom
at your mother........and sister........as they wash and
dry themselves?" she pried, delighted that the penis
had grown considerably.
"YESSSSSSS" he hissed out the answer, closing
his eyes and lilting his head back again, writhing in
the teasings of his privates.
"I bet you really get excited when they bend over
and you can see their open legs and bottom and
everything in between.....don't you?" she said
deliberately painting the picture.
Robert was visibly shaking as Patty was pulling faster on his
erect dick and pulling and raking his balls with her nails.
I WILL................" he pleaded!
"You will what Bobbie?" she teased as she rolled
his genitals to feverish arousal. "You will cum?
Is that what you were going to say?"
"But you MUST Bobbie! If you cum, I will have
to spank you. And I am much stronger that your
sister.......and your poor bottom is so red already!"
Her voiced mimicked the chastising tone to a child.
Patty pulled, stroked, massaged, jiggled, and mercilessly teased
Robert's genitals till he started to moan and groan. His legs
tensed up and his firm flat belly twitched and convulsed. With
a loud groan he sagged in his bonds and erupted.
Patty squeezed his penis hard while she stroked it up and down
and we watched gob after gob of semen spurt from the
little slit atop his dick!!!!!
"Oh Robert! You made a mess!" Patty innocently
chided him. She let go of his privates and picked
up the strap.
He started to cry when she stepped behind him. CRACK!!!!
The belt whacked his ass again and he went into absolutely
hysterical screaming and sobbing!! We actually got scared
he was babbling so incoherently. Patty stopped with just the
one stroke and the two of us untied his arms and legs.
He curled up in a ball on the basement floor and with his head
in my lap, cried like a baby!!!! We just let him cry himself out
and just held him. After almost five minutes he stopped and
was just sniffling. He promised he would never peek again.
My sympathy was short lived and I told him his punishment
was not yet over. He was to do all my chores. Robert eagerly
agreed. The first was vacuuming the house. Robert started
to get up and put on his clothes.
I screamed at him.
Patty squealed with delight at my ad-lib thought! For the rest
of the afternoon we followed Robert all around the house while he
made the beds, vacuumed, washed the dishes, and even washed the
kitchen floor on his hand and knees.....
....all while COMPLETELY NAKED!!!!!!!
We made him eat his dinner while standing naked while we sat
and leisurely ate while we planned the evenings activities!!!
Let's see..........What should we do.....................?