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Archive-name: Family/barbara2.txt
Archive-author: A. Green
Archive-title: Freewheeling Barbara - 2
Also-title: Freewheeling Barbara Toys With Boys - Chapter Two
Keywords: also 3plus, First
The morning practice ride with Annette had been uneventful. No, it
had been boring. They only did six miles, because Annette's husband
had to leave early, some meeting or something.
Barbara did not listen as Annette had given her the details. They had
passed numerous youths on their way to school as they peddled along.
She thought many things to herself, but said nothing to Annette. Once
at home, she slipped into her swim suit and jumped into the pool. That
seemed to cleanse her of the lewd thoughts that had controlled her mind
during their entire ride.
Barbara Anderson squirmed langorously in the hot afternoon sun as she
tried to decide whether a dip in the pool or a cool drink would be more
refreshing. She was lying in her back yard, letting the sun's rays
bake her as she weighed the pros and cons of this decision. Her
normally quick mind felt sluggish in the heat, and she finally decided
it would be too much effort to do either.
"If it only weren't so damn hot," she mused. Really, this time of
the year it was too hot to do anything except lie around. She sighed
and turned on her back, wincing as the glare hit her eyes, feeling the
warmth of the sun as an almost physical presence. Barbara ran her hands
down her body, flicking the sweat away in large droplets, testing to
see if she were sufficiently greased with suntan lotion. She decided
she could use some more, and rolled over to get the bottle, pouring
some in her hand and beginning to massage it into her body in quick
She was clothed in a very brief bikini, one which she hadn't dared to
wear to the beach - a mere two scraps of cloth around her generous
breasts and hips, scarcely containing their bounty. She ran her oiled
hand across the tops of her exposed breasts and shoulders, down the
sleek curve of her belly and over her firm-fleshed thighs. The touch
of her own hand made her sigh again, luxuriously, and she wished she
could strip off the two tiny pieces of cloth and offer herself nude to
the sun, like some pagan goddess. She laughed at the thought,
wondering what her staid ex-husband or her present boyfriend would
think if they came upon her naked in the back yard.
"Of course, it is very private," she mused, playing with the thought
and then rejecting it as too dangerous. "Still, I could lower my
straps." So thinking, she untied the suit at her neck and removed the
straps, baring her chest to the sun, her breasts swelling upward, only
the nipples covered. She ran her hand over her body again, admiringly,
shivering at the sensations her lazy hand evoked. She squinted around
the yard. It was as if she were completely alone in the world - the
heat shimmered in the air, and no sound broke the stillness of the
afternoon. She smiled to herself as her hand continued its journey
over her body, spreading the oil in a thin film and massaging it deeply
into her skin. She lay back and relaxed, emptying her mind of all but
the sensations of her body. Her hand moved with a will of its own now,
caressing her breasts lightly, rubbing her belly in rounded circles,
touching her hips briefly in passing. One finger slipped under the tiny
bit of cloth circling her hips and teasingly touched her pubic hair.
Barbara gasped at the contact, but did not stop, only arching her hips
slightly to give her hand freer rein. She masturbated quite
frequently, trying to satisfy the urges of her healthy body, and had
found that she could please herself far better than her ex-husband ever
Or anyone else, Barbara mused, her mind jumping away from the thought
of her spouse and dwelling briefly on her present lover, who had not so
far gotten up the nerve to do more than kiss her good night. Except
one ... her thoughts strayed unwillingly to the one perfect sexual
encounter in her life - an experience that had left her weak and
shaking with release. She tried to stop thinking about him, but the
feelings evoked by her hand were too strong and her mind stayed
stubbornly fixed on the image of her one-time lover.
Tanned, youthful, magnificent young Jim. Oh why haven't you at least
phoned me, Jim? Am I just an old prune that you found interesting for
one lonely night? Is that all I meant to you? So you have your college
co-eds - you told me about them, remember? But don't you see? I love
you, that's the difference. Those young girls can't be to you what I
can be to you! Remember what you said, cuddled in my arms? That you
really didn't know what you would do after you graduated? I can help
you, Jim. Help you do anything you want.
Anything you want. Oh, don't you remember what you wanted to do to
me that day? And did. I can never forget it.
She remembered how his strong body pumped in even strokes to enter
her roughly, making her writhe and heave under him as she soared to the
pinnacles of desire.
Remembering, her finger slipped inside her bikini and dug at her
pubes. She moaned and opened her legs, letting the finger slide into
her moist canal. Oblivious to anything but her own recollections of
lust and present need, she fingered herself brutally, hoping to giver
herself the release she needed. Her finger slipped easily into her
cunt, sliding back and forth, around and around, sending twinges of
pleasure through her nerves. Barbara closed her eyes against the sun,
feeling it press against her. It was almost like being fucked by the
sun, she thought in a daze, as her body responded to her finger and her
hips began to buck up and down in the movements of intercourse. Her
lover's face swam before her eyes, behind closed eyelids. She could
see his youthful face, contorted with lust, as he had plunged into her
body, giving her joy that she hadn't known possible. She had left the
next morning and had never seen him again. Barbara Anderson mourned
her lost lover as she masturbated frantically in her back yard, her
body quaking with remembered lust. She could feel her orgasm coiling
in the pit of her stomach, ready to explode and flood her. She gritted
her teeth and slid another finger into her bikini, searching for the
extended nub of her clitoris. As she touched it, her body shivered and
her cunt poured forth a quantity of pussy juices, drenching her fucking
"Oh ... fuck ... fuck me, Jim ... oh ... God! Fuck meee ..." She
strummed her clitoris with her finger. Waves of heat engulfed her as
her hand sank deeper into her cunt, probing the walls, scraping her
insides and making her shudder with orgasm. She bucked against his
hand, imagining it to be her young lover's prick, wishing with all her
heart that it was. She needed a man inside her - a real man, not a
drunken lout like her husband. She groaned in dismay, feeling her
orgasm subside and dissipate leaving her strangely empty inside. She
had cum - the physical motions had all been there - but something was
I need a man, she thought to herself, lying in her back yard, her
legs spread, her fingers still inserted in her cunt. She was
exhausted, drained. With a great effort, she opened her eyes and
squinted around, wondering dazedly what time it was. Her eyes passed
over the husky young man standing in the doorway, then returned. She
stared at him a minute in complete horror, a cold snake of fear hitting
her vitals at the discovery. She wondered feverishly who he was - for
a minute, she thought it was Jim, but it couldn't be ... and he was
staring at her so oddly.
God! she though, he saw me jerking off ... stood right there and
watched. Suddenly realizing that her hand was still inside her pants,
she jerked it out as if it burned her and hid it behind her,
"Who ... what are you doing here? Who are you?" she managed to
croak, wishing she could hide. It was bad enough to jerk off in your
own yard remembering the past without people coming in to stare at you!
She looked at the man, trying to arrange her features in a mask of
severity as she demanded for him to explain his presence. She drew
herself up and tried to regain her dignity. Then she noticed that he
wasn't paying any attention to what she was saying - he was just
staring at her, a peculiar light in his eyes. Her mind flew back - he
was looking at her in the exact same way her lover at the motel had,
his eyes glued to her body. He started toward her.
"Hey! What are you doing?" she called out. She looked at the man in
alarm, comparing him inadvertently to her other lover. They were both
about the same age, but this one was larger, huskier, with broad
shoulders that were bronzed from the sun. He had longish blond hair
that curled around his face and blue eyes that were probably
intelligent when not glazed with lust. For that was what gave them
their strange sheen - there was no mistaking it.
Barbara drew back as the man approached, feeling a stab of excitement
despite her fear. "I'll scream if you don't leave," she promised. The
man didn't seem to notice - he walked over to her and stared down at
her, his body casting a shadow over her. She squinted at him, trying to
see his face against the sun. "What do you want?" she managed to croak,
her hand going to her throat. God, she thought. I'm all alone. He'll
probably rape me. She shifted her weight, trying to ignore the pang of
lust that coursed through her at the lewd thought. One part of her
urged her to let him, to open her thighs to this stranger, welcoming
him to her recesses.
It'll be the last time ... I need it so bad ... no one will ever
know. No - it's evil, perverted. He's too young for me -once was
enough, her thoughts ran around and around. "Please," she murmured,
looking up at him. He reached out his hand in answer and ran it over
her breasts. "No, don't," she breathed. The man looked at her blankly
and dropped his hand lower, gliding over her oily belly and resting on
her raised pubic mound. Through a haze of confusion, Barbara felt his
fingers squeeze her, tentatively at first, then strongly.
"Please, don't! I'll give you money. Please leave me alone," she
groaned, her body beginning to melt at his touch. So strong ... if
only I could ... God it would be good to be fucked ... she thought
crazily. "No ..." she murmured, willing herself to move, to jump up
and run. But her body refused to move - she felt like she was weighed
down by a huge hand, forcing her to remain motionless as the strange
man caressed her. She looked at his crotch, which was even with her
eyes, and shivered as she saw the bulge of his penis. She felt a wild
urge to see his prick, to tear his pants off and feast her eyes on him.
She rolled her head aside, moaning weakly, knowing that her body was
betraying her. The man glanced at her face momentarily and smiled,
then plunged his finger into her pants. She groaned, her resistance
weakening as the man's finger slid into her pussy. It was still wet
from her self-induced orgasm, and his digit slipped in easily. "No,"
she said again, but the man only grinned at her and sank his finger in
deeper. She knew her protests sounded silly against the evidence of
her sopping crotch, which so eagerly sucked in his finger.
"Who ... who are you?" she gasped, her body beginning to move his
"Skip. I've seen you around a lot," the man muttered. He was
staring at his hand, now immersed in her cunt. He could catch a
glimpse of his finger sliding in and out of her cunt-lips, and he
wanted to see more. He pulled her pants down with his other hand and
watched his fingers in fascination, wondering how her cunt could take
it so easily, wondering how his cock would feel in there. He
swallowed. He had been delivering a package, and when there was no
answer, had walked through the unlocked door. He had thought he heard
a voice in the back, and had followed the sound ... and had seen this
beautiful woman jacking off in the open yard. After that, things were
a blur. His body had taken over, and here he was, one hand deep in her
cunt. And she was enjoying it - he had had just enough girls to know
that! Her cunt was sopping wet and was grasping at his finger like a
clutching hand, her face was flushed, and her breasts were heaving with
her ragged breathing. He gently pulled down the top of her suit and
exposed her tits, never ceasing his fingering of her pussy. He caught
his breath as he saw her breasts - they were big and sweetly formed,
rising to a point tipped with coral nipples that were erected in lust.
He dropped to one knee and lowered his head to her breasts, sucking her
tit into his mouth, running his tongue over the raised nipple, rolling
it between his teeth.
"Oh," Barbara gasped as the sensation of a wet mouth on her tit
engulfed her. "Suck it ..."
Skip complied. He pressed her breasts together, bobbing his head
from one to the other, laving both her nipples with his tongue. His
hand dug deeper into her crotch, her juices making entrance even
Barbara wanted to see him. She wanted to see his cock. She had to!
She reached out and unzipped his jeans, freeing his erection. She
gasped at the size of it. She circled it with her hand lovingly,
staring at it, looking at his pulsing shaft topped with a rosy head.
Blood pulsed through the distended veins, making it jump in her hand.
She stroked it cautiously, running her fingers up and down the shaft,
delicately under the sensitive head, hearing the man groan as she
excited him. "Take off your pants," she said hoarsely, scarcely
recognizing her own voice. Gone were all scruples - she was an animal
now, wanting only to give her body to the male, wanting him inside her.
"Fuck me," she commanded. "Please ... oh please fuck me!"
Skip hurriedly shed his pants. He didn't want her to change her
mind, he thought looking at the lush body before him. This was like a
dream - wonderful dream. He couldn't quite believe that he was going
to fuck her ... but he certainly wasn't going to stop! Not now ... not
with his dick hard as an iron bar, jerking with the need to bury itself
in warm cunt.
"Sure, lady ... I'll fuck you blind!" he promised, kneeling between
her widespread legs. He pulled her pants completely off and stared at
her cunt. The lips were red and swollen, and, as she spread her legs
even wider, he could see the entrance to her pink-lined canal. The
hole was pulsing slightly. "God," he whispered. He sank his finger
into her again, then pulled it out.
"Fuck me! Your cock! Put it in! Stick me!" moaned Barbara, aching
with the need to be filled. She pushed her hips against his finger,
grinding them in a circular motion, drawing his finger in up to the
knuckle. "Put it in! Fuck me!" she said fiercely.
Skip poised his cock at the entrance to her womb, rubbing his cock-
head over her slit, teasingly. She moaned as the head hit her clit,
sending waves of pleasure through her.
"Now! Fuck me now!" she cried in anguish, her whole body tensed with
desire. If he doesn't put it in soon, I'll die! she thought, her hips
rising, trying to force him to enter her.
Skip grinned and lowered himself carefully, the head of his cock
sliding between her hot, wet cunt-lips, probing for her canal. He
thrust forward and slid into her completely, filling her, his balls
squishing against her ass.
"Ohhhhh ..." groaned Barbara. She could feel his prick opening her
insides, pushing aside her quivering membranes, feeling like a red hot
poker as it burned its way into her snatch. "It's sooo bigggg ... I
can feel it in my stomach! Oh, baby ... fuck me," she moaned, twisting
lewdly beneath him, seeking to draw him even farther into her cunt.
Skip smiled down into the flushed face of the older woman, then
covered her mouth with his, sucking her tongue into the warm cavity.
As she groaned and writhed beneath him, he pounded steadily into her,
twisting his hips on each stroke to hit the walls of her cunt. She was
sucking back on his tongue now, frantically gurgling into his mouth.
He dropped his head suddenly and captured one of her tits, fastening
his lips on the nipples and sucking.
Barbara shivered violently as the man's tongue touched her tit. It
hardened and thrust into his mouth like a tiny penis, begging to be
sucked. Fire shot through her veins and she bucked up against the boy.
"More! Harder!" she cried, wrapping her long legs around him and
straining against him. "Deeper, fuck me deeper!"
Skip thought he was about as deep as he could go - he felt like he
was in a bottomless burning pit. His balls slapped against her ass
with each stroke. He loved the way she was using her cunt - muscles
clamped on his cock like tiny fingers, milking him, making him want to
shoot his load. But he held back, gaining even more pleasure the
longer he waited, watching her flop beneath him, hearing her hoarse
voice exhort him to more. He felt wildly triumphant - he had conquered
this beautiful woman without a word - with only his cock! He could
feel her hot juices bathing his plunging dick, showing plainly her
answering lust.
"Beautiful," he muttered against her breast. "Beautiful, lady."
Barbara's hips ground even more furiously, rising and falling with
his strokes, twisting and churning against him. With each stroke she
gasped in delight, feeling her body bounce with the force. Sweat
poured from her as thrill after thrill coursed through her. She felt
faint with the force of her lust, and spots of light danced behind her
closed eyelids. She was riding the crest of her orgasm, every jab of
his cock bringing her nearer to fulfillment. She raised her hips and
presented her pussy to him, offering herself to his plunging dick. She
was swimming in a sea of lubrication, pussy juice flowing from her
recesses and turning her cunt into a river of lust. There was a little
pain with each stroke of his large penis, but this served to heighten
her pleasure. She wanted to be pounded into the patio floor, smashed
under his body.
"Give it to me, fuck me! Oh ... God, I can ... fuck me with your hot
dick," she babbled. "Oh, uh, please ... harder ..." She never wanted
it to end. She wanted to fuck forever, coming under his pounding
prick. She felt the wave of orgasm break around her, drawing her with
it until her body felt like it was in a whirlpool. Her hips shook ...
her pussy gushed again and again ... her whole body trembled in the
wind of lust.
Feeling her body shake beneath his, feeling her cunt grab his cock
and squeeze it in convulsive tremors, he cried, "I'm gonna cum, too.
I'm gonna CUM!" He raised slightly and began pumping in and out
jerkily, his sperm boiling in his balls. He felt the violent urge to
cum ... to let his balls burst forth their sticky fluid to run through
his cock and spurt into her waiting vagina. In and out he pounded
frantically into her, feeling her legs squeeze him, holding him firmly
in place. "I'm gonna cum - uh -uh - uh - fuck me lady! Here it comes,
feel it! FEEL IT!" He yelled as he felt his semen gush from the
buried head of his prick, spurting out in thick gobs, rope after rope
of jism splattering the walls of her cunt.
Barbara felt his cock swell and spurt in her hole as the last spasms
of her own orgasm hit her, her cunt drenching his prick in juices.
"More," she whispered, grinding against him, forcing herself over the
edge into another cum. As his semen splattered into her wet canal, she
convulsed again, her mind blacking out as she fell over into the throes
of her orgasm, letting herself be carried away on the wings of lust.
"I love it ... I'm cumming again ... cum in me, give me you cum!" she
mumbled, pulling him against her, her hips still twitching under his.
He fell against her, panting with exertion, his penis buried deep in
her still jerking weakly as it spurted the last big drop of jism.
"Wow! What a fuck," he muttered, feeling the frantic need leave his
body as his prick softened inside her.
Barbara lay still, clasping the boy to her. She could still feel his
cock inside her, soaking in her. She didn't want to move. She wanted
to lie here forever, the glow of being well fucked pervading her body,
the boy's prick still in her. She sighed gently as reality invaded her
mind ... she looked around and gasped. Here she was, in the back yard
in broad daylight, stark naked, clasping an equally naked body in her
arms. Anybody could see her, could come in like he had!
"Oh!" she cried sharply. "Get up! Get off me!" She squirmed under
him, trying to push his heavy body from her.
"Hey, what's wrong?" the man asked, holding her down and looking at
her. "What's the matter?"
"You've got to go! Hurry up! Now," Barbara said frantically.
"Why? You sure didn't want me to leave a minute ago!" Skip lowered
his head and licked lazily at her sweat-covered breasts, making her
gasp and move against him.
No, Barbara thought. It isn't possible. Stop it! Her body still
wanted more! She pushed at the boy again. "Go away, please, somebody
might come and see us," she pleaded.
"Expecting anybody?" Skip asked, his head gliding lower.
"No, but ... please don't! This is all wrong!" Barbara moaned. She
didn't know what to do - her body, so long deprived of sex, was
responding again to his touch.
"What the hell? Don't worry about it. No one's gonna come in, and
we're just getting started! I'm still hot for you, lady, and I betcha
you are, too. Just lie back and enjoy it!"
Barbara relaxed. There was nothing else to do. She was too weak
with longing to move except feebly - and all her instincts were to draw
the man to her, not push him away! She sighed langorously as his
tongue licked her belly in swirling circles, and a hot flutter of
desire made her legs open in anticipation. He was going to lick her, he
was going to lick her cunt! Barbara moaned in lust as his raspy tongue
dipped lower. She had only had her cunt eaten once or twice - and only
after begging her husband. And this boy was going to do it now. He
didn't need any urging. In fact, he was forcing her to lie still so
that he could administer the tongue lashing! He paused between her
widespread legs and she could feel his cool breath on the hot lips of
her cunt.
"Don't stop! Please - don't stop," she moaned, raising her hips so
that the mound of her pussy came up to his face, trying to urge him to
"Oh, I won't," promised Skip, gently opening the lips with his
fingers and letting his breath play over her. "This is gonna be great,
eating ... I won't stop!" He held her twat open wide, staring into the
red-lined interior, watching the tiny entrance to her vagina open and
close. "Wow!" he said. He had never seen a cunt like this one, so
fully developed. The pussies of his young girl friends were just slick
little pink slits, nothing like this! He feasted his eyes on the
luxuriant growth of pubic hair, curling in reddish swirls over her
snatch and down between her legs, almost concealing the fat lips of her
cunt, which were dark red with lust. As he watched, the whole cunt
moved and a drop of moisture oozed from the pulsing hole. He dropped
his head and covered the whole vulva with his mouth, sucking in like a
vacuum cleaner, trying to draw out more the fluid.
"Oh God!" Barbara muttered through clenched teeth. The waiting had
been almost unendurable - she had thought he would never start. "Suck
it. Stick your tongue in ... honey," she sobbed, feeling the familiar
darts of lust tear at her vitals. "I need it ... stick your tongue in
there. I want it!"
Skip was in no real hurry. He was thoroughly enjoying this. His cock
began to throb and lengthen against his leg as he tasted the pungent
juices. He felt a great surge of power as he excited this older woman
with his tongue, making her beg for it. He wanted her screaming and
moaning under his mouth ... then he would give his throbbing cock some
release. He was going to shove it in her throat and make her suck him,
too! He groaned at the thought of sliding into her wet mouth and
redoubled his efforts at her crotch. He nipped gently with his teeth
at the engorged nub of her clitoris and ran his tongue up and down the
length of her slit.
Barbara squealed as his tongue hit her clit, sending waves of
pleasure through her. She bucked her hips against his face, trying to
engulf his whole mouth, trying to force his tongue into her. She could
hardly believe the feelings that shot through her. She was on fire,
her whole body churning and quaking with lust.
"Eat me, harder, stick it in there!" she moaned, her head thrashing
from side to side, her hips undulating under his face. She smashed her
pussy into his mouth, her juices filling his mouth and running down his
chin. He slurped and gulped noisily, draining her dry as fast as she
could secrete. He reached up with both hands and grasped her tits,
squeezing the mounds of flesh between his fingers, rolling the nipples
between his thumb and forefinger. At the touch, Barbara shook all
over, threads of fire radiating from her nipples throughout her body.
"I'm going crazy. I can't stand it. Eat me, honey, stick your
tongue in there, make me cum!" Barbara screamed, no longer caring if
anyone could hear or not. Her whole being was concentrated in the
patch between her legs. Her vagina was a hungry demanding hole, aching
for release. Suddenly she felt a wild urge to take him in her mouth -
to suck him as he was sucking her, to feel his hard dick filling her
throat. "Cock -gimme cock," she mumbled. "Stick it in my mouth - I
want your hot dick in my mouth!"
Skip grinned as the lewd words burst from the woman's mouth. He had
her now. She would do anything he asked, anything at all to keep his
tongue in her hot box, whipping her to orgasm. "Sure, lady," he mumbled
through a mouthful of cunt. "Anything you say." He swung his body
lithely on top of her, positioning his rampant cock over her mouth.
"Go to it - gimme some head," he commanded, lifting his mouth for a
minute, then plunging again into the swampy marsh of her pussy.
Barbara eagerly grasped the shaft of the pulsing cock, bringing it to
her mouth. She stuck out her tongue and ran it over the head,
collecting the drop of pre-cum that oozed from the slit, then sliding
it under the lip of the cap, hitting the most sensitive nerves. She
felt his legs tremble as she licked the sensitive head, swirling her
tongue around and around, and smiled to herself. The feel of his dick
in her mouth intensified her pleasure. She could feel his mouth
gnawing at her cunt with even more intensity. She was being filled at
both ends, fucked in the mouth and cunt, and her body quivered with
pre-orgasmic shivers. As she let the head of his penis slip between her
lips, she felt his tongue finally enter her vaginal canal. It lashed
at the walls, boring into her like a drill, opening her insides,
licking up every drop of fluid. She fucked her hips against it. She
wished she had a thousand openings, and they were all filled with cock
or tongue!
She sucked in more of his dick, relaxing her throat muscles to let
him probe more deeply. As her lips inched greedily on his shaft,
swallowing more and more of the turgid length. Skip tried to hold
back. He tried not shove forward. He wanted her to take it in
herself, but finally it was too much, and, with a strangled cry, he
buried himself to the hilt in her throat.
Barbara gagged as his cock hit the tender muscles of her throat, then
relaxed and sucked greedily on the stick. She was in a dream of lust
now, her body pinioned beneath his, her secret places invaded by his
lashing tongue.
As his penis slid in and out of her throat, she reached up and caught
his balls in her hands, squeezing gently, rubbing the base of his root
with her thumb. She could feel the cum in his balls, making them hard
as marbles inside their wrinkled sac. She held them gently, stirring
them. Her slobber wet his cock and ran over her chin and down her
neck. She swallowed and gulped, trying not to choke as his cock
battered into her throat. She could feel orgasm bubbling in her. She
rubbed her cunt into his face, mutely urging him to suck harder, to
bring her cum.
Skip did. His face was buried in her cunt. He could hardly breathe
through the overwhelming odor of excited pussy ... and he loved it! He
loved the way her cunt grabbed at his tongue, trying to pull it in
deeper. He loved the smell, the taste of pussy cum, and he sucked even
harder, drawing it all in his mouth. His teeth clamped on her clitoris
and he began strumming the excited organ with his tongue, clasping it
firmly when it tried to retreat into its sheath. Barbara churned
against him.
He slipped one hand under her bucking ass and searched for her
asshole. She tensed as she realized what he was going to do, then
relaxed as feeling swept her. She didn't care ... she had never had
her asshole violated, but she didn't care! She wanted his finger in
there! She took a deep breath around his penis and began probing for
his asshole, too. At the same time both fingers found their marks. As
his digit invaded her tiny shithole, hers shot up his ass! She gasped
as the new sensation hit her - it felt like a tiny red hot poker was
reaming her out, stabbing into her vitals!
She groaned and rammed her finger up him to the knuckle, turning it
from side to side, screwing his ass! She gobbled his prick, feeling it
harden between her lips, swelling as his cum threatened to burst. She
drew her lips over her teeth, making a ridge, and jacked up and down
the length of his shaft, twirling her tongue over the head on each
stroke. She knew he was very near orgasm now. She gulped eagerly,
wanting to feel the hot flood of his sperm in her throat.
Skip pounded into her mouth, his mind a blur of intense feeling. Her
finger in his shithole massaged his prostate, sending sharp twinges of
desire through him. He could feel her other hand cupping his balls,
squeezing them gently, urging his cum. He stuck his tongue full length
up her vaginal canal, wanting to bring her off at the same time. He
could feel her legs clamped around his neck in a stranglehold, and he
knew by the way they were shaking that her orgasm was near. He caught
her jumping clitoris between his teeth and bit down fairly hard.
Ordinarily this would cause pain, but at this point it merely added to
her lust, hastening her cum.
Come on, baby, he thought. Cum in my fucking face, I can't hold off
much longer. Come on ... let me taste you cum! He stabbed his finger
in and out of her ass.
Barbara felt herself cumming. The waves of orgasm swept over her,
making her shake and shudder. Her pussy convulsed, sending forth a
thick stream of cunt juice, filling the boy's mouth with her cum. She
bucked against him, her body gone berserk with passion. Her mouth
clamped on his prick, and she sucked with all her might. She needed
his semen flooding her mouth. She knew she would spasm even harder
when his jism hit her throat.
Skip suddenly began fucking her mouth with short quick jabs. His
balls were bursting ... his prick was on fire and ready to explode.
Desperately, he fucked her mouth, using it like a cunt, pounding into
it, forcing her throat to open and take him in. And then the man came.
He spurted wildly into her open mouth, his pecker jumping with the
force of the orgasm that ripped through him. He came and came ... gob
after gob of thick, gooey sperm gushed from the head of his prick,
splattering into her mouth, hitting the walls of her throat.
Barbara gulped wildly, swallowing the creamy sperm her own final cum
convulsing her. She sucked and sucked, drawing every drop of jism from
his dick, swallowing it all and wanting more. She wanted to drink
endlessly from this fountain of cum ... the taste and texture of the
thick drink excited her to a new plateau of lust. Frantically she
drained the softening penis. She gulped down the last mouthful and lay
back. Her body still twitched with the last of her orgasm. Skip
cleaned her out with his tongue, tenderly licking the still engorged
pussy, cleaning off the last traces of cum. Finally he raised his head
and slid his body off hers. His limp penis slipped from her mouth, and
she reached after it, wanting to keep it in her mouth. He swung around
so he faced her and smiled at her. His lips and chin were smeared with
pussy cum, and she raised her head to kiss him, wanting to taste her
"Wow ... you give some fantastic head," he said approvingly. "And
your pussy, well, that tastes great!" He smacked his lips happily. "I
could taste my cum in there from when I screwed you before ...
something, huh?" He grinned at her. This had sure turned out to be
some afternoon. He had seen the sexy woman around town and had
fantasized over her, but he had never dreamed he would actually fuck
her and then eat her out and have her blow him. He smiled at her,
feeling all the power of his young manhood at conquering her. "You've
got a great body, too. I mean, you're really something special!
You're beautiful!" He looked at her, visions of fucking her in every
conceivable position running through his mind. He could come here
every day. He wanted to do things to her he had never even thought of
before - fuck her in the ass, between the breasts, the list was
Maybe he could get it up again ... he'd sure love to put it in her
once more. He shivered, remembering how tight and hot it had been
around his finger. He could almost feel it around his dick. That'd
really be something, he thought avidly, picturing himself pounding into
her creamy ass.
Barbara was just lying there. She was covered with sweat and
exhausted, but her body was satisfied. She purred like a kitten
sunning itself.