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Magical Spells of 1st to 3rd level-
Living in any AD&D world can be tough for low level mages. The problem
is they often make good goblin fodder prior to at least being 7th level. Here
are a few spells to help you 1st to 6th level mages survive long enough to
make the goblins cringe when they see you coming their way. These spells
are brought to you by Pendragon Productions, producers of fine quality
shareware products. If you like the spells you see listed below, consider
a donation to three young starving software developers. Your donation of
five dollars or more will gain you a list of 10 additional spells for each
spell level 1-3. Send your donations to:
Pendragon Productions
c/o John Marchetti
PO Box 8147
Foster City, CA 94404
If you send a check please make it payable to John Marchetti. Now that we
have the begging portion of this text file done, sit right back and enjoy
a few spells designed to make your low level wizard a happy camper.
-Andrew Del Monte, Heather MacMillan, & John Marchetti
of Pendragon Productions
P.S. If you need to get in touch with one of us for any reason, please
check out the CATALOG.TXT file for info on how to do that.
1st Level-
Grondor's Magic Meteors (Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level
Casting Time:3
Area of Effect:1 creature
Saving throw: 1/2
This spell created by the great wizard Grondor is basically a toned
down version of the third level spell fireball. This spell releases a small
ball of fire that lazily floats to its target and when it reaches it's
destination it explodes into a ball of flame that engulfs just the one
object targeted. Damage from the spell is 1d3 per level of the caster.
For each level the caster gains he or she may cast one additional magic
meteor up to a total of 12 per spell cast. All of the meteors cast must
be done in one round and all must be aimed at the same target.
Create Rats (Conjuration/Summoning)
Duration:1 turn
Casting Time:1
Area of effect:Special
Saving Throw:None
This spell summons to the defense of the caster a horde of 25
regular sized rats. These rats arrive within 2 rounds if any rats at all
inhabit the surround area;otherwise none arrive at all. When these rats
arrive they will swarm at the feet of the creature attacking the spell
caster in an attempt to distract the attacker. This distraction amounts
to a -2 penalty to hit for the attacker. The rats will not attack and
can be easily scattered using a torch or other small source of fire.
The component for this spell is a rat's tail.
Moe's Spell of Burping (Enchantment/Charm)
Duration:1 round/level
Casting time:1
Area of Effect:Creature Touched
Saving Throw:Neg.
This spell was created by a gnomish spell caster with a streak of humor in
him. When this spell is cast and then the spellcaster makes a successful
to hit roll in combat, the creature struck must make a saving throw vs spells
or start burping uncontrollable for the duration of the spell. This burping
makes the creature affected unable to do anything other then try to stop
burping. This spell will not effect any creature of more then 4HD.
Staff Summoning (Conjuration/Summoning)
Casting time:1 round
Area of Effect:Spell caster
Saving Throw:None
This spell will summon for the user a quarterstaff that the wizard
can wield in combat. This staff is completely non-magical and will not
hit creatures only affected by magical weapons. The staff is exactly the
same as the one described in the Player's Handbook. The material compoent
for this spell is a toothpick which the caster must throw to the ground and
then say the magic words to get the toothpick to change into the staff.
2nd Level-
Slick of Oil (Evocation)
Range:10 yards
Duration:2 turns
Casting time:1 round
Area of effect:5 yards/level
Saving Throw:Special
This spell creates a 3 inch thick puddle of oil in the area of effect.
This oil makes all movements by anyone except the spellcaster very
difficult. Anyone standing still gets a normal saving throw vs spells
to remain on their feet. Anyone walking at more than 1/4 of their
movement rate must save vs spells at -2 or fall down. Anyone moving faster
than that rate must save vs spells at -4 or fall. If someone falls they
may attempt to get up once per round by making a normal save vs spells.
Anyone wearing any armor heavier then leather must add an additional -1 to
any save they make. The material component of this spell is a flask of oil
that the caster must hurl at the spot he wishes the spell to be cast.
Tracking (Divination)
Duration:2 turns/level
Casting time:1 round
Area of effect:Spell caster only
Saving Throu:None
This spell gives the caster the ability to track like a ranger as described
in the Player's Handbook. All penalities and bonuses are the same as if the
wizard were actually a ranger. Once the spell ends the caster no longer
gains any benefits from the Tracking ability until the spell is recast.
Flashstrike (Alteration)
Duration:2 rounds/lvl
Casting Time:2 rounds
Area of effect:Creature touched
Saving Throw:Neg
This spell grants the person who it is cast on the ability to attack one
additional time per round for the duration of the spell. The attack must
be a hand to hand type attack and cannot involve missle weapon or spell
attacks. At the end of the spell the recipent must rest for one full
turn or suffer a temporary -3 to hit due to exhaustation.
Weapon Enhancement (Alteration)
Duration:4 rounds
Casting Time:1
Area of effect:Weapon touched
Saving Throw:None
This spell will temporarily alter the structure of any non-magical melee
weapon touched. This alteration effects the weapon in such a way that for
the duration of the spell the weapon does 1d6 additional damage on top of
whatever other damage it may normally do. This spell will not affect any
weapon used for missile purposes.
3rd Level-
Iron Bolt (Evocation)
Range:20 yards + 5 yards/level
Duration:1 turn
Casting Time:2
Area of effect:30 yards
Saving throw:Neg
This spell creates a strand of magical iron that shoots from the hand of the
caster towards it's target. This bolt of iron will go through any substance
less dense than metal including flesh. Any creature struck by this spell
must save vs spells to dodge the attack or be impaled on the bolt as it
continues on it's way to the edge of it's area of effect. The damage from
this spell is 1d8 for inital impalment and then 1d4 per round thereafter
until 1 turn has gone by or the person impaled has somehow broken free of
the iron bolt. This spell will permanently damage any non metal item it
strikes if that item does not save. The material component for this spell
is a iron spike.
Essence of Onion (Evocation)
Range:10 yards
Duration:1 round/level
Casting Time:2
Area of effect:50 ft cube
Saving Throw:Neg
This spell creates a vapor in the area of effect in which all creautes that
can smell must save vs spells or start crying uncontrollable and be unable
to see due to a severe stinging in the eyes. All attacks made by the
effected creautres are at -4 to hit until the spell ends. Creatures that
remain in the area of effect must keep saving once per round until they
get away from the vapor. The material component of this spell is a large
onion that must be bitten into by the spellcaster and then spit onto the
Spot Removal (Alteration)
Casting time:3
Area of effect:item touched
Saving Throw:None
This spell will clean any one item touched and return to it's original
clean form. It will remove any stain including such things as green slime
and other animals that cling to items to dissolve them. The only types of
stains it will not remove are those of a magical nature.
Spider Bite (Necromancy)
Duration:4 rounds
Casting Time:1
Area of effect:creature hit
Saving Throw:Neg
This spell will create a small sac of venom inside the caster's mouth.
The caster then must run up and successful hit the creature it is attacking.
Upon a successful hit the spell caster bites the opponent and injects poison
into it. The creature bitten must save vs poison or die as poison courses
through their system. The material component of the spell is a sack of
spider poison.