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The Epistle of St. Paul
The Apostle to the Galatians
This letter was written to the Galatians, which lived in Asia Minor between
Cappadocia and Phrygia. They were converted 52 A.D. by St. Paul, and were
Gentile Christians. They were good Christians, being baptized and recieved the
Holy Spirit. Paul visited them a second time, and saw their great faith
again. But after his second visit, Paul learned that some Jewish teachers had
come to the area to teach beliefs contrary to his doctrines, such as the
necessity of circumcision and other Mosiac rites. They also wanted to make
Paul look like he didn't know what he was talking about, and make his teaching
look bad. They said that Paul disregarded the sacredness of Mosaic Law and
circumcision, which were external signs of God's covenant with man, and
thereby doubted the truth of the Lord's divine promises. Since Paul was in
Ephesus at the time, he was unable to make correction by visiting his
Galatian friends, so he corrected it by writing this letter. This Epistle
contains his own defense of his doctrine and purpose. He shows justification
in Mosaic Law, but also faith in Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead for our
sins. He concludes by stating that Mosaic Law was not something that was
permanent, and that it is not an essential part of Christianity. The subject
matter of this Epistle is similar to the Epistle to the Romans and the Second
Epistle to the Corinthians. The reason for this is that these Epistles were
written when Paul was in the same frame of mind, so his work showed it. It was
probably written at Ephesus about the year 54 A.D., but it may have been
written somewhat later, from Macedonia or Corinth. It is a very well-organized
and divided Epistle. Its format is:
Chapter 1
I. Personal Defense
1. Defense of his Apostolate
2. Defense of his Gospel
Chapter 2
II. Doctrinal
1. Justification from Faith not from the Law
Chapter 3
2. Christians live in a State of Freedom
Chapter 4
III. Moral
1. General Counsels
Chapter 5
2. Specific Counsels
Chapter 6
Paul opens with a prayer, giving peace to the reader. He then says that if
anyone tries to teach a gospel other than that of Christ's, they should be
cursed and taken out of God's kingdom. He defends his Apostate and states that
it is not of human origin. He then talks of how he was approved by the
Apostles. He then gives a short doctrinal on Christianity. He tells the
Galatians that to be a Christian you need faith, and you need the Spirit in
you. The men of faith are sons of Abraham, he tells them. He then tells them
that you are cursed if you rely on the Law. The Law was meant to lead Christ.
Therefore when Christ came, the Law had no more purpose. By dying on the cross
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law. He says that Christians are free
now, and that there is no return to slavery. He says that you should walk in
the Spirit, and you will be guided along the road to heaven. The fruit of the
Spirit is: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, modesty,
continency. Paul says that they who belong to Christ have crucified their
flesh with its passions and desires. He says that we should bear one another's
burdens, and so we will fulfill the law of Christ. Therefore if anyone
thinks himself to be something, whereas he is nothing, he fools himself. Be
not decieved, God is not mocked. Paul tells us that while we have time, we
should do good to all men. In his conclusion, Paul states that the Galatians
should follow Christ and His way to be saved and enter God's kingdom, and then
he gives a blessing.