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Just something I thought You'd be intrested in:
This comes straight from DoD "Small business Innovation Research
(SBIR) Program , Program soliciation 92.2 , Closing Date 1JULY 1992"
I'm going to assume that it's a sort of virtual "want list" for the
military. If anything, the concepts here are VERY intresting...
These are just excerpts. The book is approx. 200-300 pages long with
Army, Navy, and DARPA contributing ideas...
TOPIC A92-098
TITLE: Application of Virtual Reality to Weapon System Concept
Evaluation in a Distributed Simulation Environment
CATEGORY: Exploratory Development
OBJECTIVE: Develop an innovative approach to analyze and expand the
applications of virtual reality to weapon system concept
evaluations in the Battle Field Distributed Simulation environment.
DESCRIPTION: Currently, weapon system concept evaluations in a
Battlefield Distributed Simulation environment require physical
mock-ups of the controls and displays of the crew stations.
Construction and modification to these mock-ups is both expensive
and time consuming. Innovative solutions to the man-in-the-loop
simulator-based weapon system concept evaluation such as creating
virtual mock-ups of crew station controls and displays, are needed
to reduce the time and cost of performing such evaluations.
PHASE I: Develop cost effective man-machine interface
concepts/designs based upon virtual reality technological principles.
[Ed: Didn't know there were ANY VR principles]
PHASE II: Implement the man-machine concept in sufficient
detail to demonstrate the feasibility of concept.
TOPIC A92-111 TITLE: Miniature Display Device Technology
CATEGORY: Exploratory Development
OBJECTIVE: Identify, develop and demonstrate display techniques
potentially applicatble to head mounted displays. Goals are for
high performance display technology capable of providing more than
1000 lines of image in a very compact, lightweight, low power device.
DESCRIPTION: NEw concepts of providing visual information directly
to the individual soldier including thermal images, video, maps,
drawings, and text messages are limited by the lack of miniature
displays that are acceptable in terms of performance, reliability,
size, weight and power consumption. This program should
concentrate on alternative electro-optic mechanisims for producing
a miniature virtual image display.
PHASE I: Phase I should result in an alaysis of one ore
more approaches to miniature image generating device technology and
identifying specific techniques with potential application to video
displays. Simple proof-of-concept demonstrations of these
techniques is a requirement and may take the form of static
displays. However, translation of the demonstrated approach must
rbe reasonably shown to be applicaable to high resolution displays.
SElection of prototypes will be made and approaches will be
determined which satisfy objectives that are representatives of
Army tactial situations.
PHASE II: Phase II, a prototype display device having at
least one million pixels will be demonstated. The approach will be
evaluated for further refinement and development of full color
capability. The end products should be capable of demonstration
which video camera and computer inputs. Appproaches should be
documented towards several Army needs and how the application of
these techniques will be applied to Army Systems.
Potential Commercial Market: Identified applications
include the thermal weapons sight, Soldier's Integrated Protective
Ensemble (SIPE) , maintenance and logistics applications, and
telepresence displays for robotices applications.
Commercial applications would include those areas where display
technology requirements dictate small, lightweight and portable
displays such as in inventory control and robotics.
TOPIC A92-173
TITLE : Satellite Kill Mechanisms
CATEGORY: Basic Research
OBJECTIVE: Innovative concepts, designs and devices for ASAT
appliaction to negate the functional capabilites of target
satellites while minimizing the creation of space debris.
DESCRIPTION: A challenging techincal problem for the Kinetic Energy
Anti-Satellite Program is to provide a high kill (target negation)
probability that can be confirmed by the kill vehicle or the Space
Surveillance Network, and not create unnecessary space debris in
the process. For this purpose a kinetic energy kill device will be
activated by the kill vehicle at close range to the target
satellite. Alternative concepts and designs for kinetic energy kill
mechanisms, devices to be used in conjunction with a kinetic energy
kill mechanism in order to enhance kill effectiveness , and devices
to determine kill effectivemness are being sought. Desirable
qualities are large kill diameter, rapid fuzing, low size/weight,
low power requirements, long term storage reliability , and low cost.
PHASE I: A phase I effort will provide proof of concept by
means of preliminary design, simulation, and/or laboratory
PHASE II: A phase II effort will include detailed design,
fabrication, and evaluation of a working, but not necessarily
optimized , breadboard , or brassboard model. Phase II proposals
will also include an assessment of commercial markets for the
devices developed during Phase II
Potentional Commercial Market: A Phase II effort will
include hardware prototype developed to a state where it can be
demonstated in an actual or simulated flight environment.
DARPA 92-176 TITLE: Head and Hand Position Sensors for use with
head mounted augmented reality systems
CATEGORY: Exploratory Development
OBJECTIVE: To investigate, develop and demonstate innovetive
technology/techniques for head and/or hand positioning sensors that
could be used in conjunction with head mounted displays in
augmented reality systems.
DESCRIPTION: Head mounted display systems require accurate and
timely position information to coordinate movements of the head and
ahnd with information displayed to the eye. Current approaches are
bulky, heavy, and inconvient to use. The frequently require an
operator to remain in a stationary position and therefore limit
mobility. Siginificant improvments are needed in sensor position
accuracy, update rates, weight, size and cost.
PHASE I: Review applicable technologies and specify an
effective development path for a prototype sensor which addresses
the above reuquirements.
PHASE II: build and test a prototype sensor(s).
DARPA 92-177 TITLE: Eye Tracker Technology for Use with Head
Mounted Displays
CATEGORY: Exploratory Development
OBJECTIVE: To investigate, develop, and demonstate , innovate
technology/techinques for using eye trackers to remotely access
computer databases.
DESCRIPTION: Field operatives of all kinds frequenctly need to
review, consult, or search larege bodies of data (manuals, record,
files) while conducting their missions. Efficient data access
requires a method of computer interfacing which is rugged enoughn
to be used in the field, is relatively unaffected by head an mody
movement, is pleasant and comfortable to use, and uses the eye as
an input device for a head mounted display.
PHASE I: REview applicable technologies and specify an
effective development path for a prototype system meeting these
requirements. Show the feasibility of this approach.
PHASE II: Build and test a prototype system.
Seems like Uncle Sam's going to be hitting some VR, huh? :)
-- Cybernetik