2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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"is the revolution on monday?"
The Anarchives Volume 2 Issue 12
The Anarchives Published By
The Anarchives The Anarchy Organization
The Anarchives tao@lglobal.com
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/ / \ \ the leaves are changing
---|--/----\--|--- what are you going to do
\/ \/
/\______/\ by Jesse Hirsh
time and space are aligning into the crosshairs of history.
peter is off to washington, to join millions of blacks and march on the
us government. monday oct 16 will be the largest black uprising in the
history of the american empire.
and it's organized by fascists.
but the masses are showing up anyway.
oj's going. his lawyers going. everybody's going.
on thursday i was in copenhagen, amsterdam, and toronto.
three audiences of maybe 90 people sharing an artificial environment.
linked via two-way television and ISDN lines
the organization of networks
dynamic feeling of shared sensations
-~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~
"man it's like the haitian revolution. millions of niggas pissed off
about 500 years of shit. in 64 it was peaceful and with a message of
integration. in 95 it's 2 maybe 3 million, pissed off, militant, and
relatively spontaneous. anything could set stuff off. everyone's going to
be there."
"yeah but what about the government, they've got the baddest weapons, and
this would be an assault on fucking washington dc! they'd have the legal
right to use them all."
"but it will all be on cnn. and if it sparks the niggas from all round
will goto dc. they'll all come down."
"will it blow up?"
"this is farakahn, he's a crazy muhfuka. he's not below pulling some shit.
what if there was an internal agenda to the march. there'd be three
million crazy niggas there. it could go off."
at&t, the network of networks, once classified "dominant carrier" under
american federal regulation, has recently been reclassified as "common
carrier" by the fcc (federal communications commission).
this change in regulation enables at&t to operate as a fully competing
entity in a free market of competitors. all irregardless to the fact that
at&t has a virtual monopoly on american long-distance markets (government
and corporate markets), they are leaders in communications r&d, there are
spearheading the $8billion dollor teledesic two-way television network.
they are invading international networks with increasing speed, and they
have profits in the billions.
they are the network.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
after a long seduction into the space of telepresnece
a voice and face appeared on the wall.
the first of which belonging to an arnarchist in amsterdam who organizes
desk.nl, an internet collective out of holland.
then a young man was telling me that the computers are taking over. that the
governments are collecting massive databases on information about all
aspects of our lives. that they were using network analysis to study our
i made a comment to the guy after some others discussed an issue, and he
responded to what i said, and he saw me and he heard me and i saw him and
i heard him and we co-existed in an artificial environment.
and while we discussed the horrors of the rising powers, we were
simultaneously hypnotized through the medium, struck numb by it's
penetrating effects.
& & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & &
there was this mass exodus in early 1917, all the radicals converging on
the hot spot that was st.petersburg, getting ready for a revolution.
shit lit up and the world changed drasticly.
the elites are abandoning the nation state. capital and power has gone
global. change is not inconceivable, it is the current in our media
2 or even 3 million blacks are converging onto washington dc. rallies are
being held all over the continent, maybe world.
louis farakahn, head of the naiton of islam, a militant, fascist,
pro-black, pseudo-islamic, cult/religious organization, called this march
just after the announcement of oj's acquital.
everybody's going to be there. the left, the right, the government, the
blacks, the fascists, the peaceniks. even oprah winfrey.
all converging on the capital.
the world will not be the same.
`' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' `' '` `' `' '` '` `' `'' `' `'
a man in a classroom in copenhagen stands up and says:
"the real question should be do we live in a democracy?"
which he abrubptly answered "NO!"
others followed him and danced around the question, flirting with it but
not addressing it.
i leaned forward to contribute to the space:
"we do not live in a democracy when the media are owned by a small
elite. organs such as the industries of advertising create profits for
narrow vested interests. we do not live in a democracy when our
subconscious is continously bombarded by propaganda from the corporate
"now if you want to know how to get a democracy, i might suggest a
sensible first step:
make the corporations democratic, 'cause right now they are the
oligarchic institutions upholding an oligarchic if not totalitarian regime"
and i could see that the audience had heard what i said, and it had
registered thought amoung this linked consciousness.
i thanked derrick in an impulsive feeling of gratitude. like i had
experienced something that had changed me completely. i was chasing after
my unconscious trying to figure out where it was taking me.
the right side of my head was in a lot of pain, and remained so for the
rest of the night.
on monday see if you can feel it.
the large bodies within the fledgling whole are coming to terms.
the reverberations of which are unpredictable.
be ready for monday...