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Fer-al adj. wild, or existing in a state of nature, as freely occurring
animals or plants; having reverted to the wild state from domestication.
We exist in a landscape of absence wherein real life is steadily being
drained out by debased work, the hollow cycle of consumerism and the
mediated emptiness of high-tech dependency. Today it is not only the
stereotypical yuppie workaholic who tries to cheat despair via activity,
preferring not to contemplate a fate no less sterile than that of the
planet and (domesticated) subjectivity in general. We are confronted,
nonetheless, by the ruins of nature and the ruin of our own nature, the
sheer enormity of the meaninglessness and the inauthentic amounting to a
weight of lies. It's still drudgery and toxicity for the vast majority,
while a poverty more absolute than financial renders more vacant the
universal Dead Zone of civilization. "Empowered" by computerization?
Infantilized, more like. An Information Age characterized by increased
communication? No, that would presuppose experience worth communicating.
A time of unprecedented respect for the individual? Translation:
wage-slavery needs the strategy of worker self-management at the point
of production to stave off the continuing productivity crisis, and
market research must target each "life-style" in the interest of a
maximized consumer culture.
In the upside-down society the solution to massive alienation-induced
drug use is a media barrage, with results as embarrassing as the
hundreds of millions futilely spent against declining voter turnout.
Meanwhile, TV, voice and soul of the modern world, dreams vainly of
arresting the growth of illiteracy and what is left of emotional health
by means of propaganda spots of thirty seconds or less. In the
industrialized culture of irreversible depression, isolation, and
cynicism, the spirit will die first, the death of the planet an
afterthought. That is, unless we erase this rotting order, all of its
categories and dynamics.
Meanwhile, the parade of partial (and for that reason false) oppositions
proceeds on its usual routes. There are the Greens and their like who
try to extend the life of the racket of electoralism, based on the lie
that there is validity in any person representing another; these types
would perpetuate just one more home for protest, in lieu of the real
thing. The peace "movement" exhibits, in its every (uniformly pathetic)
gesture, that it is the best friend of authority, property and
passivity. One illustration will suffice: in May 1989, on the 20th
anniversary of Berkeley's People's Park battle, a thousand people rose
up admirably, looting 28 businesses and injuring 15 cops; declared
peace-creep spokesperson Julia Talley, "These riots have no place in the
peace movement." Which brings to mind the fatally misguided students in
Tiananmen Square, after the June 3 massacre had begun, trying to prevent
workers from fighting the government troops. And the general truth that
the university is the number one source of that slow strangulation known
as reform, the refusal of a qualitative break with degradation. Earth
First! recognizes that domestication is the fundamental issue (e.g. that
agriculture itself is malignant) but many of its partisans cannot see
that our species could become wild.
Radical environmentalists appreciate that the turning of national
forests into tree farms is merely a part of the overall project that
also seeks their own suppression. But they will have to seek the wild
everywhere rather than merely in wilderness as a separate preserve.
Freud saw that there is no civilization without the forcible
renunciation of instincts, without monumental coercion. But, because the
masses are basically "lazy and unintelligent," civilization is
justified, he reasoned. This model or prescription was based on the idea
that pre-civilized life was brutal and deprived-a notion that has been,
amazingly, reversed in the past 20 years. Prior to agriculture, in other
words, humanity existed in a state of grace, ease and communion with
nature that we can barely comprehend today.
The vista of authenticity emerges as no less than a wholesale
dissolution of civilization's edifice of repression. which Freud, by the
way, described as "something which was imposed on a resisting majority
by a minority which understood how to obtain possession of the means to
power and coercion." We can either passively continue on the road to
utter domestication and destruction or turn in the direction of joyful
upheaval, passionate and feral embrace of wildness and life that aims at
dancing on the ruins of clocks, computers and that failure of
imagination and will called work. Can we justify our lives by anything
less than such a politics of rage and dreams?