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**************** McDONALDS QUOTES *****************
Quotes are taken from trial updates and various other named
sources. If you have a contribution for the quote list
please mail me at <coniberr@cs.man.ac.uk>
"I brainwashed youngsters into doing wrong. I want to say sorry
to children everywhere for selling out to concerns who make
millions by murdering animals."
-Geoffrey Guiliano, the main Ronald McDonald actor in the
1980's who quit and publicly apologised
"A diet high in fat, sugar, animal products and salt, and low in
fibre, vitamins and minerals,is linked with cancer of the breast
and bowel and heart disease."
-McLibel defendants quoting London Greenpeace Factsheet
"If it is being directed to the public then I would say it is a
very reasonable thing to say."
-Dr Sidney Arnott, McDonalds expert witness on cancer
"it is our objective to dominate the communications area ...
because we are competing for a share of the customer's mind".
-Alistair Fairgrieve, McDonalds UK Marketing Services Manager
-during the McLibel trial
"you could eat a roll of sellotape as part of a balanced diet"
-Dr Tim Lobstein, co-director of the Food Commission consumer
-organisation, giving evidence for the Defence, considering
-McDonalds line that their food "can be eaten as part of a
-balanced diet"
"the reason Japanese people are so short and have yellow skins
is because they have eaten nothing but fish and rice for two
thousand years"; "if we eat McDonald's hamburgers and potatoes
for a thousand years we will become taller, our skin become
white and our hair blonde".
McDonalds Japanese President, Den Fujita from the book,
"Behind the Arches," sanctioned by McDonalds.
"It was not her sex appeal but the obvious relish with which she
devoured the hamburger that made my pulse begin to hammer with
Ray Kroc, McDonalds founder in his autobiography.
( can anyone confirm this, I haven't read the book ? )
"On any given day, McDonalds serves less than one half of one
percent of the world's population. That's not enough. We're like
Oliver Twist, we want more"
Michael Quinlan, Chief Executive of McDonalds quoted in
'The Independent' on 27.4.94
U.S. McLibel Support Campaign
Press Office c/o Vermonters Organized for Clean-up
Box 120, East Calais VT 05650 Phone 802-568-9628
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