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This is the 1993/94 charter of the Nigerian
Awareness League. The League has over 1000
members in Nigeria and has suffered harsh
state repression including the jailing of
as a social libertarian organisation
inspired by and committed to the ideals,
principles, objectives, goals, ends and
purposes of revolutionary socialism and
anarcho-syndicalism, characterised as the
anti-theses of statism as well as their
manifestations and institutions thereof.
With capitalism enmeshed in interminable
crisis and its institutions - social,
economic, political and cultural -
increasingly succumbing to fatigue across
the globe, the imperative for sustained
struggle against the forces of capitalism
has never been greater. It is instructive
to note that the crisis of capitalism has
been most intensive and pronounced in the
underdeveloped third world countries.
This is not surprising, to say the least:
capitalism's chain was bound to break at its
weakest links. Essentially, however, the
crisis of capitalism as well as its
contradictions retain a global character
expressed everywhere in burgeoning deficits
and external debts, trade wars, rising cost
of living and declining standard of living
worldwide, industrial stagnation and
institutional decay.
Inherent in capitalism's crisis is the ever-
present contradiction between labour and
capital. The process of this development
takes the form of class conflicts. At every
point in time, the dominant class in society
seeks to exploit its access to the means of
production to appropriate a disproportionate
value of social production to the benefit of
its membership whose prerogative it is also,
to decide what is to be produced, how and
when. Since they do not have any interest
in preserving the prevailing order the
disadvantaged (class (es)), on the other
hand, persist in fighting for the overthrow
of the system and the enthroning of a
people-based order.
AWARENESS LEAGUE believes that an
understanding of the structure, values,
reflexes and tendencies of the capitalist
mode of production in all its ramifications
is crucial to understanding the origins and
direction of the present crisis - including
the class relations of production. Indeed
the cross current of economic ruptures such
as inflation, unemployment and mass poverty
set in motion by this development are
necessary outcomes of the unequal and
exploitative character of the global
capitalist intercourse expressed in the
third world's peripheral participation in
Attempts so far to comprehend the crisis of
capitalism have tended to exhibit an
obsession with equilibrium in a world
economy that has demonstrated an incredible
capacity for change. The approach fails to
recognise the fundamental conflicts in
production; the struggle for the control of
surplus by the various arms and agencies of
capital as well as the state which is
central to capitalist production and crisis.
This is where revolutionary syndicalism
comes in. In contradistinction to the evils
and failings of capital, AWARENESS LEAGUE
posits syndicalism as a qualitatively
superior alternative with capacity for a
revolutionary transformation of society.
Revolutionary syndicalism emphasises the
overriding place of class unity, class
cohesion and class consciousness among all
workers, the peasantry and all other
exploited social groups. The primacy of
sustained class struggle as an instrument of
liberation from the yoke of capital is
underlined by the fact that capitalism and
capitalists will not give up without some
The ends of class struggle as AWARENESS
LEAGUE perceives it, constitute in the
abolition of the state system, its
structures, institutions, values, privileges
and manifestations such as elections and
political systems and legislative and
judicial processes; their replacement with
self-managing, self-governing and self-
accounting units organised along the lines
of libertarian communism, while
participation in them shall be on the basis
of equality and the voluntary expression of
the peoples' free will. These ends do not
however include the capture and or exercise
of state (political) power either directly
or indirectly or through the imposition of a
dictatorship of the proletariat.
AWARENESS LEAGUE insists that a radical
transformation of the existing land tenure
and land ownership systems as well as of
property relations is central to the
achievement of the objective of the
socialisation of the means of production.
Revolutionary syndicalism proceeds from the
education of the masses and all working
peoples, enhancement of their consciousness
and their mobilisation towards the goal of
socialisation of means of production using
as instruments in this regard strikes,
boycotts, sit-ins as well as other forms of
mass action identified and sanctioned by
members. Besides, AWARENESS LEAGUE may
forge alliances, seek collaboration and
working agreements with other leftists and
leftist organisations, anti- war movement as
well as human rights activists, groups and
mass organisations.
The AWARENESS LEAGUE upholds the principles
and dictates of internationalism convinced
that national boundaries and territoriality
are but artificial creations. The LEAGUE
stands for and is committed to PEACE and
rejects WAR, militarism, fascism and racism
as well as the acquisition and development
of technologies that promote war, militarism
and, in turn, undermine peace and peaceful
co-existence among nations. The LEAGUE
advocates violence only as a form of
resistance to the violence and violent
methods and tactics of the ruling class its
agencies and collaborators or as a form of
liberation struggle. To this end, AWARENESS
LEAGUE, as an anarcho-syndicalist and
revolutionary socialist front proclaims all
over the world and insists that no form of
collaboration can exist between the ruling
classes - the exploiter and their victims,
the masses.
Membership and participation in the
activities of the AWARENESS LEAGUE are open
to all Nigerians and non-Nigerians alike,
irrespective of age, gender, creed or clan.
Provided that all such or prospective
members are committed and subscribe to the
ends, objectives and purposes of
revolutionary syndicalism and pay the
appropriate dues as may be prescribed from
time to time.
There shall, however, be three categories of
(i) STUDENT MEMBERSHIP:- This form of
membership is open to students of high
schools and secondary schools as well
universities and polytechnics. Student
members are precluded film paying dues
(ii) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP:- This form of
membership is open to all categories of
leftists who share in the goals and
aspirations of revolutionary socialism and
or persons who, as a result of the nature of
their work or their places of residence are
unable to participate in the day - to - day
activities of the LEAGUE but who
nevertheless share in the goals,
aspirations, fears, ends and purposes of
revolutionary socialism and anarcho -
(iii) FULL MEMBERSHIP: - This form of
membership is open to all activists of
revolutionary socialism and anarcho-
syndicalism. Full membership confers on
activists full rights and privileges of the
(i) ANNUAL CONFERENCE: There shall be held
once in a year an annual conference to
appraise and review the activities of the
League, pronounce on policy and elect
principal officers. The annual conference
shall be the supreme policy - making organ
of the LEAGUE. All fee paying members of the
league are entitled to attend and vote at
the annual conference. Proxy representation
is not allowed. All decisions shall be by
simple majority vote.
There shall be a central working committee
made up of all principal officers of the
LEAGUE and five ex-officio members elected
The committee which shall meet at least four
times a year will be responsible for
political and ideological education,
organisation of workshops, publications and
Branches of the AWARENESS LEAGUE may be
established in villages, towns, cities,
local councils and states where there are at
least 20 full or associate members.
Branches are required to subscribe to the
goals and objectives of revolutionary
socialism as well as to the authority of the
Annual Conference; Central working
committee; and principal officers. Branches
shall be headed by organising secretaries.
The principal officers of the LEAGUE are:
National co-ordinator, Secretary - General,
financial secretary and Assistant Secretary.
The duties and responsibilities of the
principal officers include:
(i) National Co-ordinator:
(a) The National Co-ordinator is the Chief
spokesperson for the LEAGUE and is
responsible for fashioning and designing
policy papers for consideration by the
annual conference.
(b) The National Co-ordinator shall, liaise
develop and maintain links with all similar
organisations abroad on the LEAGUE'S behalf.
(ii) Secretary General
(a) To handle the LEAGUE'S correspondences
(b) To supervise the day- to - day running
of the secretariat.
(c) To produce the LEAGUE'S bulletins and
(d) To engage in research and writing of
(iii) Financial secretary
(a) To keep record of all financial
transactions by the LEAGUE
(iv) Assistant Secretary
(a) To assist the secretary-General
especially in the production of bulletins,
publications, research and writing of
6. FUND:
Every full member as well as associate
member is required to pay a fixed annual due
which may be prescribed from time to time by
the ANNUAL CONFERENCE for the activities of
This may be supplemented by donations from
members and individuals as well as similar
organisations world wide.
(i) The in - house organ of the AWARENESS
and shall be published on the minimum once a
(ii) The league shall, from time to time,
publish other regular enlightenment and
political education materials and' articles
for members and the general public.
(iii) members may contribute articles and
materials to any other leftist or human
rights journals and periodicals as well as