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199 lines
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Draft SFA aims and principles, including preamble.
We fight for anarchism, a social system based on freedom, mutual
aid and social justice. We are against all forms of state,
economic exploitation and social oppression. Social wealth and
the means to create it must be owned and controlled by society
otherwise freedom and equality will never be realised.
Real change can only come through direct action. We need to
organise and act together. Solidarity is strength! By resistance
in our communities and workplaces we can change the world!
A new world can only be achieved by working class people, by our
own actions and organisations. It can never be done be a
political party acting for us. It must be decentralised and
managed from below, directly by and for everyone without bosses,
politicians, leaders and other parasites.
The movement to create such a free society must reflect its
principles of liberty, equality and solidarity. We must build the
ideas and structures of the new world today, in our struggles,
not only in Scotland but across the globe.
The Scottish Federation of Anarchists is dedicated to this
task. By our words and actions we try to spread the anarchist
message and encourage the spirit of revolt.
For a socialism that liberates
SFA Aims and Principles
Under the present system we have no real say in the decisions
that affect us, our communities or workplaces. Instead a minority
has this power. This due to their ownership and control of social
wealth and the means to create it. In Scotland, 7% of the
population own 84% of the wealth. It's the interests of this
elite that must be satisfied within "democracy", otherwise there
is no investment, no production and no work.
Economically, capitalism results in power and privilege for the
few, sacrifices and alienation for the rest of us. Continually we
see the world we live in being destroyed, standardised and
packaged so that this elite can make a few more pounds.
Capitalism has turned every feeling and desire we have into an
object to be bought and sold. Humanity and community have been
replaced by price tags and commercials.
Politically, we live in a highly centralised state, over which
we have little meaningful control. Every five years we get the
chance to vote for a politician, a puppet for faceless
bureaucrats and big business. A cross on a bit of paper for a
state which treats us like children, telling us what we can and
cannot do. A state that claims to know what's best for us
regardless of what we actually think or want and which uses OUR
money to subsidise capitalist firms and control us.
Not all working class people are oppressed in the same manner.
We also see the domination of women, black people and homosexuals
and the institutionalisation of sexism, racism and homophobia.
Such authoritarian relationships cause needless suffering and
repress all involved. Such social oppression is only useful to
our bosses, as they divide us, getting us to blame other working
class people for the problems we all face, drawing our anger away
from the system and those who run it.
Every individual, group or people has the right to be itself and
to self-determination. But capitalism, results in the
standardisation of cultures. Neither cultural diversity nor
popular self-determination can withstand market forces, the power
of multi-national companies or the conformity created by state
But it does not have to be like this! The problems that afflict
us and the planet, and the system that causes them, are not only
harmful, they are unnecessary. Society can be organised in a
better, one that meets the needs of all and the environment. This
society is anarchy (or libertarian communism/socialism).
Anarchism comes from our needs and desires for freedom, equality
and solidarity. It is the means by which we, the working class,
can win the class war and create the sort of world we want and
Anarchism is based on the free federation of autonomous groups,
directly controlled from the bottom up by their members. In an
anarchist society, self-management replaces government and
bosses. This decentralisation ensures that we take control of our
own fates, without leaders and led.
A free society can only be created and run from below, by and
for everyone. No political party acting or seizing power on our
behalf can do it for us. We reject the "would-be" rulers of
left-wing parties and their politics. A free society can never
come through Parliament or any other state. Parliament is
organised to protect privilege and oppression, it cannot be
reformed. States by their structure and internal workings, create
bureaucracy, with its own interests, power and privileges. They
can never be used to abolish inequality and injustice.
We are against all forms of imperialism, where one country
imposes its wishes and values upon another by economic or
political means. Such domination can only be resisted by class
struggle, not nationalism. Nationalism, like all cross class
movements, means only a change in rulers. There are no common
interests between the classes. Our lives will be no better under
Scottish bosses and politicians. We can only be free in a free
world, a world without capitalism and states.
Meaningful change can only happen from the struggles of the
powerless resisting the powerful. We in the SFA are involved in
such struggles and aim to encourage tendencies in this resistance
- self-organisation and equality, people controlling their own
struggles and organisations, rather than dependence on and
control by leaders.
- collective direct action, rather than ineffectual lobbying or
letter writing.
- combining workplace and community struggles and organisation
rather than their division into different "single-issue"
- the revolution of everyday life, not the poverty of
consumerism or the boredom of left-wing politics.
- changing the fundamental aspects of capitalism, rather than
tinkering with minor changes.
- revolution, not reformism, the working class and ruling class
have nothing in common.
We reject the dead end of electioneering. We must organise and
fight where we have real power, in our communities and
workplaces. From there we can impose by direct action that which
politicians can never get in Parliament. Only this can create the
spirit of revolt needed to resist oppression and get improvements
in the here and now, as well as creating a new world.
This new world is not for the distant future. It exists now, in
our hearts. By organising ourselves, using direct action and
showing solidarity we create the ideas and structures of this new
world within the present one. Only this will allow us to organise
as a class and take-over our workplaces and communities, so
winning the class war. Without this take-over we will struggle
within the system, but never replace it.
Our goal is the creation of a global community where
- the worlds' resources are held in common and shared.
- people manage their own lives, work and communities.
- all have an equal say in decision making through decentralised
forms of organisation.
- relationships in all areas of life being based on equality and
mutual respect.
- People live in harmony with nature.
- Goods and services are produced directly for human needs in
the widest sense, this will mean that the market, exchange and
money are abolished.
The SFA is a federation of autonomous groups and individuals,
co-operating without any central governing body. We reject
centralisation, hierarchy and bureaucracy. We believe in
organising ourselves so that we reflect the kind of society we
want to achieve.
While our immediate focus is Scotland, we are committed
internationalists and wish to develop links and joint activity
with revolutionaries world-wide.
The SFA welcomes the involvement of all those in basic agreement
with these principles, regardless of whether they describe
themselves as anarchists, autonomists, libertarian
socialists/communists or whatever.