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A Statement From:
Industrial Workers of the World
Santa Cruz General Membership Branch
Santa Cruz Camping Ban/Conduct Ordinances:
The Criminalization of Dissent
We of the Santa Cruz I.W.W. hold that recent attacks on the poor,
homeless and activist street communities are not merely the result of a
local aberration. These attacks are part of a national effort to manage
the radicalization and social protest of an increasing number of people
experiencing poverty.
A Brief Introduction
Gentrification, meaning redevelopment, increasing rent, and costly
`beautification,' (efforts aimed at attracting a more upper-class tourist
base) provides the backdrop and justification for intensified social
control. With the creation of several new categories of petty crime, such
as sitting, asking for spare change or sleeping in public, a powerful
City-Business-Developer alliance is emerging to ensconse police
harassment in the necessary judicial legitimation. Explicit use of
selective enforcement, condoned police brutality, the absence of jury
trials and the imposition of costly fines for convicted offenders are all
elements of the recently reworked public "conduct ordinances."
Criminalization of the "Lifestyle Choice;" Managing Social Dissent
While proponents argue that the new legislation targets behavior and not
specific classes or communities of people, we of the I.W.W. maintain that
the targeted "behaviors" are those which *characterize* certain social
classes. Sitting on the sidewalk, peacefully asking for spare change, or
sleeping in public are all aspects of a social *condition.* Yet city
power players and the capitalist press have been very successful in their
unrelenting portrayal of homelessness and poverty as an individual
"lifestyle choice." In Santa Cruz this assertion functions as the
linchpin of moral justification for ever-increasing criminalization of
homelessness. We charge that it is extremely false to assert that any
majority of the nation's homeless are "homeless by choice." Yet the
disgust and hatred that is exhibited towards those *perceived* as
choosing not to participate in the current economic system seems telling.
Why should the assertion that a particular "lifestyle" was *chosen* be
valid grounds for its subsequent suppression? Perhaps because that
"choice" is perceived as a tremendous threat to the current status quo in
Santa Cruz, a status quo predicated upon cheap, available, very low paid
labor bound to the second highest rents in the nation. What would happen
if the option to avoid rent and wage slavery by sleeping outdoors were to
become more desirable and/or possible for a large number of people? The
bosses and landlords in town however "progressive" they may claim to be
would then have to face the level to which their privileges and comfort
depend on the subordination of others. Thus we assert that criminalizing
a certain social condition because it is perceived as a choice,
demonstrates the purposeful effort to manufacture consent and enforce
bondage to the highly exploitative work/rent system. The criminalization
of the "choice" not to participate in "the system," demonstrates the
fascist strategy of current anti-homeless campaigns; to attack, manage,
regulate and ultimately destroy perceived or actual social dissent.
Anti-Poor Campaigns and Class Struggle
The Camping Ban, the "conduct" ordinances and the surrounding neo-liberal
discourse about "behavior" and `right-to-be-rich' are targeted not only
at street populations but also those who are currently housed and
employed. All low paid waged laborers; copy/coffee/food service workers,
retail laborers, office workers, temporaries, light industry
productionists etc. are essentially being warned by anti-homeless
legislation to "play it safe" on the job so as not to end up on the
street. The effort to stigmatize and outright vilify an economic
circumstance that all waged workers must constantly struggle to avoid is
a very useful strategy for keeping labor in line. In Santa Cruz a
worker's existence is primarily *defined by* the constant struggle to
maintain legal housing where over half of one's monthly wages may go
towards rent. The criminalization of the condition of being unable to pay
rent functions as a very real demand that workers remain ever-grateful
for current employment, regardless of conditions or pay. By securing
access to a subdued and fearful service-industry workforce supporters of
anti-homeless legislation (almost entirely bosses) seek to simultaneously
*sweep the streets* of the homeless while assuring that there will always
be a willing employee to hold the broom.
To fully accomplish this indirect threat to the working class the current
pro-ordinance campaign must completely segregate those who might have
common interests, such as waged workers and the unemployed, as well as
different communities of homeless people. To criminalize the
disenfranchised without garnering sympathy or outrage from similarly
situated groups, pro-ordinance discourse has cast the homeless into two
predictable categories; "hapless (passive) victims" and the
`life-stylists,' the aggressive, ugly, dirty and thoroughly unworthy. The
"good" homeless go to the (very few) shelter spaces while the "bad"
lifestylists "choose" to put their poverty in the public eye. In this way
it becomes obnoxious and indeed "aggressive" merely to exist as poor,
dirty, ugly etc. in public. These undeserving "aggressive" poor are then
found to be quite at odds with the sought after "nice-ness" of an
upper-class *pacific* garden mall, replete with wide "unmarred"
sidewalks, costly decorations, and smiling ever-replaceable service.
Homelessness is then successfully re-defined as a "public nuisance" and
even a danger to "public safety." This re-definition makes explicit the
class assumptions at play in the current use of the word "public." It
also clarifies the position that any good employee who serves "the
(upper-class) public" should occupy. Divisions like these operate as an
ideological stigmatization and indeed a material threat against any
alliance or organization between those who are currently on the streets
and those who are one paycheck away.
For this reason the I.W.W. intends to organize right over the ruling
class division of "producer" vs. "derelict." In the IWW we understand
that the employed and the unemployed are both part of the same labor pool
subject to the tides of the capitalist economy and other webs of
exploitation regardless of whether we currently have a job. Solidarity
between employed and unemployed workers means the difference between an
employed class with teeth, and an expendable work force easily replaced
by unorganized labor. This sort of solidarity can also mean the
difference between ineffective short-term resistance and more sustainable
revolutionary movement. We will only be effective against those in power
when we have built our solidarity between those that the ruling elite
depends on, as well as those it is willing to discard.
The Santa Cruz Camping Ban
Thus our goal in the upcoming months is the abolishment of the SC Camping
Ban. Like the conduct ordinances the SC Camping Ban criminalizes
homelessness by making illegal that which largely defines it; sleeping
without a shelter. This law, while older and less present in the media
than the newly-passed six "conduct" ordinances, was the very law under
contestation (via public sleeping Peace Vigil demonstrations) when the
new ordinances began to be seriously considered. The new "conduct" laws
are in large part a reaction to legal protest and freedom of speech
against the older more established Camping Ban. Yet rather than be
admonished through freedoms of speech protected under the constitution,
the City Council, with the forceful backing of the Downtown Business
Association and the Santa Cruz Police Department decided *to pre-empt the
ability* to protest this particular law by criminalizing the various
elements of such protest. This was accomplished with the outlawing of
signs on the sidewalk after dark and the re-definition of shelter
materials, backpacks or sleeping bags as obstructions, or "public nuisance."
While we do not intend to ignore the current "conduct" ordinances the IWW
would like to advocate a shift in focus and a renewal of activism aimed
at the Camping Ban in particular as well as the entirety of
gentrification and social regulation underway in Santa Cruz. So let's get
organized! Let's beat the bosses with a solidarity the likes of which
they've never seen!
A Message from the Santa Cruz, CA General Membership Branch of
the Industrial Workers of the World
--original pamphlet produced by I.U. 450, Santa Cruz Local--
IF YOU WOULD LIKE more information regarding these issues or the I.W.W.
in general, please contact us at:
Santa Cruz G.M.B., IWW
P.O. Box 534
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
e-mail: sciww@fido.wps.com
I.W.W. General Headquarters
1095 Market St., Ste. #204
San Francisco, CA 94103
Tel.: (415) 863-WOBS
e-mail: iww@igc.apc.org
"The weather is beautiful..."
--The only words spoken by a Wobbly before his arrest in a 1921
San Pedro free speech fight.