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NRA Responds to Abysmal Results of Year-old Gun Control Scheme
Washington, D.C. -- The Clinton Administration has not turned its
back on armed criminals. It is in wholesale retreat.
That's the reaction of the National Rifle Association of America to
Attorney General Janet Reno's report of the results of one year of
the Brady Act. Attorney General Reno told reporters today that the
national waiting period scheme prompted a total of four
prosecutions of prohibited persons attempting a gun purchase.
"Four prosecutions! It is an outrage and still another sign of
utter ineptitude," said Mrs. Tanya K. Metaksa, Executive Director,
NRA Institute for Legislative Action. "You reduce crime by
arresting, prosecuting and imprisoning criminals -- not by meekly
saying 'no' to the rare criminal who attempts a commercial
"The Clinton Administration is in wholesale retreat from the
violent crime front," she continued. "In its first two years in
office, the Administration has allowed the prosecution of armed
criminals to plummet 23%. Today, they have the audacity to point
to four prosecutions prompted by the Brady Act."
Mrs. Metaksa noted that the bulk of persons initially identified as
prohibited from purchase under the Act are later found to be
qualified. "There are people being wrongly denied their
constitutional rights due to misidentification and unpaid parking
tickets. That must end."
She noted also, "On constitutional grounds, Brady is broken. Five
federal courts have struck down portions of the Brady Act as
unconstitutional, and states are moving to fix it themselves."
Mrs. Metaksa said more and more states are opting for the NRA-
backed instantaneous background check already on-line in Virginia,
Florida, Delaware, Wisconsin, Illinois, South Carolina, Colorado,
Utah and Idaho. "It's fast, fair and effective. Above all, check
results prove that it is only the rare criminal who attempts a
commercial purchase. But when he does, the NRA-backed instant-
check prompts instant arrest, while the wait prompts flight."
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by the NRA/ILA. Many files are available via anonymous ftp from
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... The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is, essentially, the Right to be FREE!
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