
96 lines
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I. Statement of Purpose
LORE shall be devoted to the accomplishment of the
following four goals:
A. Creating an atmosphere of intellectual exchange
between Wiccans and other Wiccans and interested
intellectuals for discussion of Wiccan beliefs
without threat of religious pressure.
B. Upholding and abiding by the statement of the rights
of all of Earth's creatures and educating other
people and groups on why we feel such a statement of
rights is required in this age of the world.
C. Working within the legal system of the United States
to get laws which prohibit the expression of
religious freedom, such as the law prohibiting
divination in West Virginia off of the books.
D. Providing a network of support and contact aimed at
supporting the needs of Solitary practicioners while
not excluding coven or circle affiliatiates.
II. Organizational Structure
The core structure of LORE shall be a central council
consisting of an odd number no less than three and no more
than seven members who shall have the task of guiding LORE
on a national level.
This council shall have the authority to grant charters to
local groups at their discretion and is reponsible for
setting up a networking system between those local
autonomous groups as needed and required.
All members of a local group shall be considered members
of LORE.
The local groups shall have full say over their membership
policies with the restriction that no person shall be
denied membership based on religious. affiliation, gender,
color, or other discriminatory basis.
A member shall lose membership for not abiding by the
statement of rights of Earth's creatures set out
seperately in the statement of declaration.
The central council members shall serve on the council for
no less than one three year term. Members who have stepped
down, or are stepping down, may be re-elected.
Every three years, at least two new members must be
appointed to the central council either by direct vote
during an election, by invitation of the central council,
or by popular vote [at any time] of at least three-fourths
of the LORE membership.
In the interests of preserving continuity, no two central
council members may step down at the same time. There
must be at least three months delay between. This may
cause the term of a central council member to be extended
by three months (or more).
In the case of multiple people up for stepping down on the
same date, the central council shall decide which of the
two (or more) shall be the first to step down. The others
will serve for three or more months until all have stepped
Central council members will have a veto authority over
any general vote taken. If a majority of the central
council veto a general vote, it shall have no effect.
The general membership can overturn a central council veto
on a three-fourths majority of the current voting
III. Voting
All members of LORE are entitled to one vote.
All LORE members will be issued a voting number before
each election. This number will be confidential, except to
the Voting Committee (which will be elected popularly
before the first vote of each year) and central council.
After each vote, a listing of voting numbers/votes will be
made public.
The central council may veto the results of any general
vote as provided for above.
Any member may call for a referendum vote on any decision
made by the central council.
IV. Amendments to this document.
This document may only be amended by a general vote on the
proposed amendment. This is subject to the veto power of
the central council and to the veto overturn policy set
forth above.
Amendments may be proposed by any member of LORE.