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[This file submitted by Tagi, tagi@cup.portal.com --Amythyst]
_Liber Gematria_ (1st Draft)
By Frater I Nigris (666)
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The word of Sin is Restriction.
What follows is a gematria system for the English language. It
has reference to systems traditional and draws on many sources
where possible. This is a skeletal framework, pending a more
serious revision in direct comparison to traditional systems and
an alphabetical listing.
Letter (Numerical value):
Word(s) the letter relates to (Numerical value) - Literal meaning
<Hebrew, Arabic and Greek corresponding letters, and any meanings
they had>
[Notes regarding the metaphysical significance of the letter]
A (1):
A (1) - (symbolic) First, Best, Highest;
A (1) - Single, Same, Any;
Ay (701) - Affirmative;
Aye (706) - Always, Ever.
Sound: A (1) or Ay (701).
<Hebrew - 'Aleph, Ox (Plough); Arabic - 'Alif; Greek - Alpha>
[Singularity, Nonduality, Primordial Unity, Source, Eternity,
Unnamed Tao]
B (2):
B (2) - (symbolic) Second, Second-best, Boron
Be (7) - To exist, To equal in meaning or identity, To signify, To
belong to a group, Beryllium;
Bee (12) - Winged, hairy, stinging Hymenoptera and social Apidae
which suck nectar and gather pollen.
Sound: Be (7), Bee (12) or Bi (11).
<Hebrew - Beth, House; Arabic - Ba; Greek - Beta>
[Presence, Time, Duality of Existence, the Great Work, Bliss]
C (3):
C (3) - (symbolic) One Hundred (Roman), Third, Carbon;
Sea (706) - Large body of salt water, often contained Lunar
See (710) - To perceive with the eye, Apprehend as if by sight,
Visualize, Understand, Believe possible, Imagine, Know from
first-hand experience, Bring forth, Attend, Visit, Meet, Seat of
the Bishop.
Sound: See (110) or Si (109).
<No direct references; Ch: Hebrew - Cheth, Fence; Greek - Chi;
Also see 'G' and 'K'>
[Mother, Plato's Idea, One meets Two, Sexual Conjugation, Named
D (4):
D (4) - (symbolic) Five hundred (Roman), Fourth, Lowest passable;
De (9) - Reverse, Remove, Reduce, Degrade, Take from;
Di- (13) - Two, Double, Twice.
Sound: Dee (14) or Di (13).
<Hebrew - Daleth, Door; Arabic - Dal; Greek - Delta; Dh: Arabic -
Dhal; Dz: Greek - Zeta>
[Father, Plato's Form, Analysis, Entropy, Two Emphasized, Shiva]
E (5):
E (5) - (symbolic) Natural Logarithm (2.718...), Fifth;
-Ee (10) - Receiver of an action, Possessor of a thing, One that
performs an action, One that resembles, One is a particular kind,
Little, Connected with;
-Y (900) - Characterized by, Consisting of, Like, Tending toward,
Condition, State, Activity, Place for an action, Result of an
activity, Collection, Small, Dear.
Sound: Ee (10), I (9) or Y (700)
<Greek - Epsilon, Eta; Also see 'H'>
[Subjectivity, Life, Activity, Energy, Comparison, Shakti]
F (6):
F (17) - (symbolic) Failure, Sexuality.
Sound: Ef (11).
<Arabic - fa; Old Greek - Digamma; Ph: Hebrew - Final Pe; Greek -
[Objectivity, Hell, Radical Dualism, Consciousness of Objects]
G (7):
G (7) - (symbolic) A thousand (Slang - Grand), General, Gravity
Gee (17) - Command, Turn, Surprise.
Sound: Jee (30) or Ji (19).
<Hebrew - Gimel, Camel; Arabic - Ghayn; Greek - Gamma; Gh: Hebrew
- Gimel, Camel; Arabic - Ghayn>
H (8):
H (8) - (symbolic) Hydrogen.
Sound: Aych (712).
Note: Eight (229) and Eighth (237).
<Hebrew - Heth, Fence/He, Window; Arabic - Ha; Greek - Eta>
I (9):
I (9) - (symbolic) One (Roman), Iodine;
I (9) - Self, Ego, Speaker, Writer;
Eye (720) - Visual organ, Vision, Judgement, Viewpoint, Needle,
Bud (potato), Peacock feather, Storm calm point, Detective, Watch,
Never (pig's);
Ay (701) - Surprise, distress, affirmative;
Aye (706) - Affirmative.
Sound: I (9)
<Hebrew - Yod, open hand; Greek - Iota, Small amount (Engl.); See
also 'J'>
J (10):
Jay (711) - Loud, harsh, crested calling birds of Garrulus,
Cyanocitta, Aphelocoma and related genera within the family
Corvidae, Talkativeness, Naivete, Newness.
Sound: Jay (711).
<Hebrew - Yod, open hand; Arabic - Jim>
K (20):
K (20) - (symbolic) One thousand (Informal), Memory (computer
bytes), Potassium; Kay (721) - Stewardship (Arthurian).
Sound: Kay (721).
<Hebrew - Kaph, Palm of the hand; Arabic - Kaf; Greek - Kappa;
Kh: Hebrew - Kaph; Arabic - Kha; Greek - Chi>
L (30):
L (30) - (symbolic) Fifty (Roman);
El (35) - Elevated (railway), Eleven;
Ell (65) - Building, 45 degree angle.
Sound: El (35) or Ell (65).
<Hebrew - Lamedh, Ox-goad; Arabic - Lam; Greek - Lambda>
M (40):
M (40) - (symbolic) One thousand (Roman);
Em (45) - Type-size measurement (Printing);
Em- (45) - Put into or onto, Go into or onto, Cover or provide
with, Cause to be, Thoroughly;
'EM (45?) - Them.
Sound: Em (45).
<Hebrew - Mem, Water; Arabic - Mim; Greek - Mu, Nothing (Slang fr.
N (50):
N (50) - (symbolic) Nitrogen;
En (55) - Half an em type-size (Printing);
En- (55) - Put into or onto, Go into or onto, Cover or provide
with, Cause to be, Thoroughly, In, Into, Within;
-En (55) - Cause to be, Become, Cause to have, Come to have, Made
of, Resembling;
Sound: En (55).
<Hebrew - Nun, Fish; Arabic - Nun; Greek - Nu>
O (60):
O (60) - (symbolic) Zero, Oxygen;
O (60) - Interjection (O Pan!), Surprise;
O' (60?) - Of, Generated from, Son of (Irish);
Oh (68) - Surprise, Fear, Anger, Pain, Address, Gestalt,
Understanding, Comprehension;
Owe (565) - Indebtedness, Obligation, Bear, Own, Have.
Sound: O (60).
<Hebrew - 'Ayin, Eye; Greek - Omikron, 'small o'/Omega, 'large o'
(English Omega - 'End')>
P (70):
P (70) - (symbolic) Phosphorus;
Pea (76) - Pisum Sativum, climbing annual vine, Green seed,
Unopened pods, Plants of genus Lathyrus, Fan, Woolen, Pellet, Fog
Pee (80) - Urinate (Piss), Urine.
Sound: Pee (80) or Pi (79).
<Hebrew - Pe', Mouth; Greek - Pi (Engl. 3.14159 value of circ/dia
circle, also in Printing, an amount of type that has been jumbled
together at random)>
Q (80):
Q (80) - (symbolic) Question, Query;
Cue (308) - Rod, Shaft, Stick, Braid, Strike, To braid, Tail,
Signal, Reminder, Prompt, Hint, Suggestion;
Queue (690) - Waiting line, Braid, Pigtail, Tail, Sequence;
Sound: Cue (308), Kyew (1225) or Kyoo (840).
<Hebrew - Qoph, Back of head; Arabic - Qaf; Old Greek - Qoppa>
R (90) - (symbolic) Restricted;
Ar (91) - Argon;
-Ar (91?) - Resembling;
Are (96) - Multiple being, A hundred square meters.
Sound: Ar (91) or Are (96).
<Hebrew - Resh, Head; Arabic - Ra; Greek - Rho (See Engl. Roe,
S (100):
S (100) - (symbolic) Sulphur;
-Ess (205) - Female.
Sound: Ess (205).
<Hebrew - Samekh, Prop/Shin, Tooth/Tzaddi, Fish-hood; Arabic -
Shin/Sad; Greek - Sigma>
T (200):
T (200) - (symbolic) Perfectly, Precisely (to a T)
Tea (206) - Thea sinensis or Camelia sinensis, Leaves, A drink,
Boiling liquid, Steeped drink, Extract of an infusion, Lunch,
Refreshment, Late afternoon, Party, Dishes, Gathering, Marijuana
Tee (210) - Golfball holder, First stroke, Placement, Drive (as a
golfball), Start, Begin, Make or become angry, Objective,
Precisely, Perfectly, Shirt, Square;
Ti (209) - Trees or shrubs of genus Cordyline.
Sound: Tee (210) or Ti (209).
<Hebrew - Teth, Serpent/Tau or Taw, cross or mark; Arabic -
Ta/Tza; Greek - Tau; Th: Hebrew Tau/Tav; Arabic - Tha; Greek -
U (300):
U (300) - (symbolic) Upper class, You, Boat, Under;
Eu- (305) - Good, Well, True, Derivative;
Ewe (510) - Female sheep, African people, Concave;
Yew (1205) - Trees and shrubs of genus Taxus (poisonous), Wood of
yew tree, Cabinets, Archery bows.
Sound: Yew (1205) and Yoo (820).
<Hebrew - Vau or Waw, Hook; Greek - Upsilon>
V (400):
V (400) - (symbolic) Five (Roman), Valve, Vanadium, Victory;
Sound: Vee (410).
<Hebrew - Vau or Waw, Hook>
W (500):
W (500) - (symbolic) Tungsten;
Double-u (701) - Two U's.
Sound: Dubulyoo (1456).
<Hebrew - Waw or Vav, Hook; Arabic - Waw>
X (600):
X (600) - (symbolic) Ten (Roman), Forbidden, Unknown;
X (600) - Signature, To Mark or sign with an X, To delete or
obliterate with X's;
Ex (605) - Out of, From, Free of charge, Former spouse;
Ex- (605?) - Outside, Out of, Away from, Not, Without, Former.
Sound: Eks (125), Ecks (128) and Ex (605).
<Some Greek - Chi/Xi>
Y (700):
Y (700) - (symbolic) Yttrium, Male, Fork, Split;
Why (1208) - Purpose, Reason, Cause, Intent;
Wye (1205) - Fork-shape.
Sound: Wi (509) or Wy (1200).
<Hebrew - Yod, Open hand; Arabic - Ya; Greek - Upsilon>
Z (800/O):
Sound: Zee (810/10) or Zi (809/9).
<Hebrew - Zayin, Sword; Arabic - Zay/Zah; Greek - Zeta>
Possible double letters (Hard and Soft sound): C, G, H, W, Y.
Some English Gematria values of important occult words:
English Form Value
Will - 569
Love - 495
The Book of the Law - 213 + 142 + 66 + 213 + 531 = 1165
The Great Beast - 213 + 303 + 308 = 824
Light - 254
One - 115
None - 165
God - 71
Soul - 490
Spirit - 478
Holy Guardian Angel - 798 + 462 + 93 = 1353
Devil - 449
Satan - 352
Heaven - 469
Change - 74
Eternity - 1259
Power - 725
Abyss - 903
Magic - 60
Magick - 80
Magik - 77
Mysticism - 1201
Peace - 84
Evil - 444
Darkness - 370
Sin - 159
Goddess - 280
Witch - 720
Wizard - 1404
Sex - 705
Occult - 656
Hidden - 80
Secret - 403
Mystery - 1835
Fox - 666
Cthulu - 841
Good - 131
Madonna - 206
Mary Magdalene - 831 + 143 = 974
Jesus - 515
Judas - 323
Dragon - 202
Tree of Life - 300 + 66 + 50 = 416
Mother - 403
Father - 310
Kin - 79
Child of the Divine - 54 + 66 + 213 + 477 = 810
Children - 145
Death - 218
Mind - 103
Body - 766
Consciousness - 940
Bliss - 241
Ecstasy - 1109
Grace - 106
Invoke - 544
Evoke - 490
Circle - 138
Triangle - 392
Square - 576
Pentacle - 364
Hex agram - 613 + 139 = 752
Spell - 235
Two - 760 (4)
Three - 308 (2)
Four - 456 (6)
Five - 420 (6)
Six - 709 (7)
Seven - 560 (2)
Eight - 229 (4)
Nine - 114 (6)
Ten - 255 (3)
Eleven - 495 (9)
Twelve - 1140 (6)
Thirteen - 567 (9)
Sun - 450
Star - 391
Space - 179
Myth - 948
Point - 389
Line - 94
Plane - 156
Sphere - 278
Pyramid - 914
Cube - 310
Wand - 555
Sword - 754
Cup - 373
Chalice - 59
Dagger - 113
Holy Grail - 798 + 137 = 935
Altar - 322
Rose Cross - 255 + 353 = 608
Great Work - 303 + 670 = 973
Pillar - 230
Moon - 210
Mercury - 1228
Venus - 855
Earth - 304
Mars - 231
Jupiter - 684
Saturn - 741
Uranus - 841
Neptune - 680
Pluto - 660
Sirius - 608
Chinese transliterations
Tao - 261
Yin - 759
Yang - 758
Ch'an - 62
Lao Tse - 91 + 305 = 396
Lao Tzu - 91 + 1300/500 = 1391/591
Tao Teh Ching - 261 + 213 + 76 = 550
I Ching - 9 + 76 = 85
Thien - 272
Wu-wei - 800 + 314 = 1114
Ch'i - 20
Egyptian transliterations
Nuit - 559
Hadit - 222
Nu - 350
Had - 13
Ra-Hoor-Kuit - 838
Hoor-Par-Krat - 690
Heru-Ra-Ha - 503
Greek transliterations
Thelema - 289
Agape - 84
Eros - 255
Pan - 121
Psyche - 886
Hebrew transliterations
Adonai - 75
Jehovah - 492
Aleph - 114
Jeheshua - 537
Kabbalah - 65
Qabalah - 123
Messiah - 263
Qlipphoth - 635
Japanese transliterations
Satori - 460
Zen - 855/55
Zazen - 1656/56
Koan - 131
Latin transliterations
Pax - 671
Lux - 930
LVX - 1030
Liber Al Vel Legis - 136 + 31 + 435 + 151 = 753
To Mega Therion - 260 + 53 + 422 = 735
Frater I Nigris - 392 + 9 + 265 = 666
Sanskrit transliterations
Aum - 341
Kali - 60
Kali-Ma - 60 + 41 = 101
Shakti - 338
Shiva - 518
Dhyana - 764
Om - 100
Samsara - 333
Moksha - 229
Krishna - 278
Karma - 152
Nirvana - 601
Arhat - 300
Bodhi sattva - 83 + 602 = 685
Yoga - 776
Tantra - 542
Bhakti - 240
Dharma - 144
Atman - 292
Brahman - 192
Buddha - 319
Chakra - 123
Deva - 410
Dukkha - 353
Mudra - 435
Maya - 742
Sangha - 167
Prajna - 222
Puja - 381
Sutra - 691
Prana - 212
Invoke me under my stars. Love is the law, love under will.
I am I!
9207.27 e.v.
Frater I Nigris (666)
or portal!cup.portal.com!Tagi@Uunet.uu.net
871 Ironwood Dr.
San Jose, CA 95125
"Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou
shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto." Liber Al vel Legis