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Creation Scientists have proposed that from the time of Creation
to the Flood of Noah there was a great quantity of water in the
high atmosphere. Is there any evidence for this? Actually there
is, and one of these evidences is presented here.
NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS to about 25oC. At this height
25oC is above the boiling
From latitudes 50o to 70o in point of water. If any liquid
the summer time special forms water or ice exists here it is
of cloud are often seen called trapped. If it goes down, it
`Noctilucent' or `Night- will evaporate and rise again.
Glowing' clouds. It is not This is similar to the pre-
immediately obvious that these flood canopy of water proposed
are unusual clouds. However by many Creation Scientists.
they are much higher than most This shows that before the
at altitudes of 80 to 85 km. Flood there was a great canopy
(The next highest clouds are of water in the atmosphere
Cirrus Clouds which reach only that would not precipitate as
an altitude of 13 km.) Because rain. This did eventually fall
of their great altitude they due to some disturbance at the
can be seen long after sunset. start of flood, giving forty
days and nights of rain.
When the sun is from 6 to 16
degrees below the horizon you HOW DOES WATER
can still see it if you are at REACH THIS ALTITUDE?
altitudes of 80 km and higher.
This also means that the sun If water droplets, dust or
will light up clouds that are other particles are ejected to
there. Noctilucent Clouds will altitudes of over 30km, (the
glow with the reflection of upper stratosphere), it will
the setting sun's light long move through the ozone layer
after sunset . The clouds can at 50 kilometers up to the
cover an area of up to three Ionosphere where the air is
million square kilometers, and electrically charged. This
may last several hours. Even takes about two years.
below a latitude of 50o they
are sometimes seen for a few Noctilucent Clouds were first
hours. They are very obvious seen June 8th, 1885 in
because in the evening they Germany. Within a month they
are seen against a dark sky. were seen throughout Northern
Europe. They have been seen
At this altitude, known as the frequently ever since, but no
Ionosphere, the temperature is clear records exist of their
at a minimum, about -100oC. detection before this time. We
Both higher and lower the know from other records that
temperature increases. Above observations were made of the
85 km the sun's radiation areas of the sky that would
ionizes the air, charging it have shown these clouds, had
electrically and heating it up they been there.
to 1,750oC. Below this the
ozone layer converts ultra Two years earlier a major
violet light from the sun into event occurred that probably
heat, raising the temperature formed the Noctilucent Clouds.
The island volcano Krakatoa that very little water from
exploded on August 26-27, Cirrus Clouds, travels upwards
1883. Australians heard the above 13km. Water vapour from
explosion 3,500 km away. Winds this and lower levels of the
(pressure waves) from Krakatoa atmosphere goes up in minute
were recorded around the quantities so it cannot be the
world. Twenty cubic kilometers source of Noctilucent Clouds.
of rock were thrown into the
air, along with a tremendous Before the flood water stayed
quantity of ash and water in the high atmosphere for
vapour. Nearly half of the centuries. There is no reason
island vanished. The water it shouldn't stay there for a
vapour and ash took two years long time now. Instead of
to reach the Ionosphere inventing complex ideas for
forming Noctilucent Clouds at its replacement, it is easy to
just the time that they were see that since it stayed for a
seen in Germany. According to long time once, it is doing so
Gary Thomas, an atmospheric again, but on a smaller scale.
scientist at the University of
Colorado, Krakatoa was the CONCLUSION
reason for these clouds.1
Noctilucent Clouds are the
WHAT ARE THEY? debris from the Krakatoa
explosion. The reason they can
What are the clouds actually still be seen is the same
made of? Instruments placed in reason the water canopy stayed
rockets have established that up in the air before the flood
the clouds are composed of of Noah. Conditions at those
particles 0.1-0.3 microns in altitudes prevent the clouds
diameter. They are probably from falling as rain.
meteor dust particles, or dust
from the Krakatoa explosion. Again this shows Creationist
The particles themselves are thinking borne out by evidence
too small to reflect sunlight, of science. Water vapour can
but most have crystallized exist for extended periods in
water vapour surrounding them. the atmosphere. The canopy of
This is the water vapour, and water presented by Creation
possibly some of the dust, Scientists is more than just
that Krakatoa produced. possible, a minute version of
it formed just over a century
WHY ARE THEY STILL THERE? ago, and it is still there.
Why do we still see them? ------------------------------
Thomas states1 that Krakatoa's
debris would not continue for The author, David M.Harris
such a long time. He also says receives mail at: 19 Orleans
that not enough other water Drive, West Hill, Ontario,
vapour rises to account for Canada, M1C 4T1. (416) 286-
these clouds. He suggests that 4282. He can also be reached
methane from rice paddies, via the Creation Science
swamps, cattle and termites Association of Canada in
are the current cause. This is Vancouver, British Columbia.
pure fantasy. These factors
have been around for centuries 1. Discover, August 1989, p14.
before Krakatoa. It is true `Cloudy Memories of Krakatau'