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(2643) Tue 23 Apr 91 3:24
By: John M. Demmitt 3rd
To: All
Re: Supreme Pentagram Ritual Of Fire
St: Sent
@PID: RA 1 241
@MSGID: 1:102/943 4db24676
By Israel Regardie
Issued by the
Thelemic Order and
Temple of the Golden Dawn
Copyright (C) 1990 e.v. by the
Israel Regardie Foundation, Inc.
1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Earth Pentagram.
2. Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Fire Pentagram.
3. Face South.
4. Vibrate each of the following Names as often as you feel
YHVH TZAVOOS (Divine Name)
MICHAEL (Archangelic Name)
ARAL (Angelic Name)
As you vibrate the Names, imagine a flame as coming into the room
from the South, either as flame or as definite entities. See
yourself as being licked by the flame, scorched by them, and see
the elementals working upon you in the same way as the Gnomes,
Sylphs, and Undines.
5. Visualize Salamanders.
6. Recite the Invocation. It is the Prayer of the Salamanders.
REMEMBER YOUR IDEA OF GRATITUDE. You, too, must help them, even
as they are helping you. They have no consciousness in our sense
of the work. Having no consciousness, they have no sense of
goal, and we must give them a concept of goal. And for the
benefit of all the Salamanders in our Nature we recite the
Invocation and we inspire them to our goal.
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Fire,
Wherein Thou hast shown forth the Throne of Thy Glory.
Leader of Armies is Thy Holy Name.
O, Thou Flashing Fire, Thou illuminest all things
With Thy insupportable Refulgence
Whence flow the ceaseless streams of Splendour
Which nourisheth Thine Infinite Spirit.
Help us, Thy children, whom Thou hast loved
Since the birth of the Ages of Time. Amen.
7. Perform Banishing Ritual.
8. Perform meditation.
(Note: Air and Fire go together, but not fire and water; not
earth with air because earth is a passive element. Water and
Earth (passives). Water and Air go together and Water and Earth
go together. Fire and Air go together. Earth only goes with
Water. Air blows, water washes, fire burns, earth filters. Let
your imagination give you other definitions.)
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* Origin: Mysteria * Be ye mystic * (1:102/943.0)