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(2640) Tue 23 Apr 91 3:21
By: John M. Demmitt 3rd
To: All
Re: Supreme Pentagram Ritual Of Earth
St: Sent
@PID: RA 1 241
@MSGID: 1:102/943 4db245ae
By Israel Regardie
Issued by the
Thelemic Order and
Temple of the Golden Dawn
Copyright (C) 1990 e.v. by the
Israel Regardie Foundation, Inc.
1. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Earth Pentagram.
2. Perform the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Earth Pentagram.
3. Face North. Visualize lying on cool, black, rich earth.
Visualize earth all around you, and penetrating right through
your open pores to the centre of your being.
4. Vibrate each of the following Names as often as you feel
inclined. Earth being the 4th Element, it may be desired to
intone each Name four times: --
AURIEL (Archangelic Name)
PHORLAKH (Angelic Name)
5. Visualize Gnomes -- on the earth, under the earth, on your
body, in your body -- myriads of them, and let your imagination
(without forcing) see these Gnomes playing, working, doing
whatever comes into your mind. Especially watch their actions in
your body.
6. Recite the Invocation. It is the Prayer of the Gnomes.
REMEMBER YOUR IDEA OF GRATITUDE. You, too, must help them, even
as they are helping you. They have no consciousness in our sense
of the work. Having no consciousness, they have no sense of
goal, and we must give them a concept of goal. And for the
benefit of all the Gnomes in our Nature we recite the Invocation
and we inspire them to our goal.
Holy art Thou, Lord of the Earth,
Which Thou hast made for Thy footstool.
Unto Thee be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory.
The Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley.
O Thou Who hidest beneath the Earth, in the
Valley of Gems,
The marvelous seed of the Stars.
Live, reign, and be Thou the eternal Dispenser
of Thy treasures,
Whereof Thou hast made us the wardens. Amen.
7. Perform Banishing Ritual.
8. Perform meditation.
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* Origin: Mysteria * Be ye mystic * (1:102/943.0)