82 lines
4.4 KiB
82 lines
4.4 KiB
There are only two ceremonies associated with becoming a member of the
Order. One is the 'answer three questions' ritual. The questions can
take many forms, but usually it involves something silly, and yet
thought provoking. The other ceremony involves an interesting phenomenon
sometimes known as "the infilling of the Force," and anciently known as
the Lumen Naturae.
The initiation ritual takes exactly 24 hours from beginning to end. The
inductee is given an herbal mix reputed to cause a loosening of the
barriers in the mind which normally are used to repress the Dark side.
This includes inhibitions (both instinctive and learned), psychic
'engrams' (often placed in the mind while the Jedi was still in the
creche), and fears. Deeply disturbing, when these fears begin to
surface, the initiate is closeted in a private space.
Afterwards the inductee is brought before other members, sometimes more
but never less than three. Whatever activities take place the overall
effort is to meditate. For the inductee, this is a period of
'stretching' the mind, using various excercises into the Dark side
within, without losing the connection to the Light. The ultimate goal is
to become a bridge between them. They are called The Grey Exercises, for
obvious reasons.
During the final hours all participants increase their meditative levels
gradually until the group-mind is at a peak. The inductee's psyche is
stripped bare of all defenses. The Dark side -- potentialities, latent
irrationalities, imaginative fantasies are all exposed to the group
mind. At this point the inductee will have some deep revelation
pertinent to overcoming their own fear of and attraction to the Dark
The signal to end the ceremony comes when one member begins a movement
in the Force, which is carried through by the others. The initiate
experiences an "infilling of the Force," which often includes physical
manifestations such as involuntary levitation and phosphorescent
displays. The lights are kept low during this period (probably so the
other members can enjoy it-- it is reported to sometimes be
spectacular). The body of the initiate is literally over-saturated with
the Force-- and if this sounds groovy to you, then maybe you'd enjoy
having a million volts go through you some time.
Among the changes to be expected after the initiation will be a
telepathic bond shared with the others in the room. The bond is
consistent to all initiates, and is no different from a Jedi telepathic
bond, except that it is shared only with other members of the Order
(with some limits due to distance). As with a Master and Padawan, it
takes focus and a little effort, but the ability is undeniable.
To a large extent, the entire Order consists of a network of Force
bondings, and the Force is not static but moves through and between
bodies. Thus individuals who have bonded in this way are connected to
all others who've undergone the rite.
The physics of the bond created during a Grey Initiation rite are
difficult to pinpoint. It is similar to the Jedi bond, yet more limited
in scope; thus the mechanics are different. It is believed by some that
because the initiate allows themselves such deep scrutiny by other
members, an incredibly strong bond of trust is formed. The ability to
send telepathic images and words may be a byproduct of this level of
However, because the body of the initiate undergoes such intense
chemical reactions from the infilling of the Force (the metabolism alone
increases to about ten times its normal speed for a period of at least
ten minutes, which forces intense chemical reactions throughout the
bodies of any and all species), one must expect that the brain is
effected to some degree. This may also explain the subsequent telepathic
bond. The bond is said to be 'permanent' but that has not been verified.
It has been pointed out that such a telepathic bond between Grey Jedi
may be a form of insurance against betrayal by any of its members. It is
not, however, possible for the Grey to be 'mind-readers' so much as they
are 'message-receptors' to eachother. A strong, directed thoughtform is
needed, rather than simple curiosity. Jedi almost always have training
in telepathic abilities (the so-called Jedi Mind Trick, for example).
These abilities may be enhanced.
The limits of the telepathic bond have not yet been determined.