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No Hurry
. The story is told that some time ago Satan called together all
the hosts of the lower realm because he wanted to send another of his
diabolical assistants to earth. When they had all assembled he asked
. "Who is willing to go to earth to assist me with the destruction
of the souls of the son's of men?"
. A young demon, hoping to attain a lower ranking quickly
volunteered to go.
. "And what is your plan for assisting me with the destruction of
the souls of the son's of men?" asked Satan.
. "I will tell them that there is no hell," replied the demon.
. "No, that will never do," Satan said. "For within the heart of
every man there is an awful sense of justice and because of that, no
matter how much they try to deny it or are otherwise taught, mankind
still senses that there must be a place of punishment. They will
never be convinced beyond question that there is no hell. You may not
go. Your plan will fail."
. Again Satan asked, "Who is willing to go to earth to assist me
with the destruction of the souls of the son's of men?"
. A somewhat older demon, who loved the opportunity to make the
younger demons look stupid, sneered at the first volunteer and said,
"I'll go."
. Again Satan asked, "What is your plan for assisting me with the
destruction of the souls of the son's of men?"
. With another sneer toward the younger demon he answered, "I'll
tell the son's of men that there is no heaven."
. "No," Satan replied again, "That will be no better. For, as we
know all to well, every man retains within him something of the image
of God his creator and because of that while they often wish they
could deny it they will never be fully convinced that there is no
heaven. No, your plan will not work and you may not go."
. A third time Satan asked, "Who is willing to go to earth to
assist me with the destruction of the souls of the son's of men?"
. Much to the surprise of all those present an old demon, who never
had much to say, volunteered to assist with the destruction of the
son's of men.
. Again Satan asked, "What is your plan for assisting me with the
destruction of the souls of the son's of men?"
. "I'll tell them," the old demon a bit timidly, "I'll tell them
that there is no hurry."
. "Go!" shouted Satan, "for your plan will surely succeed. All men
have within them the sense of both heaven and hell but if we can keep
them from considering their eternal destiny then hell will certainly
grab them before they take hold of heaven."
Computers for Christ - Chicago