
111 lines
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"Eden is the Kingdom of The Father and it is spread upon the Earth,
and men do not see it."
<Twilight Zone music playing in the background as many unrelated objects float
by your monitor as if in outer space>
<music begins to subside>
<a man, smoking a cigaretter can be seen standing in a nearby corner>
"Subject for your approval - a middle-aged computer enthusiast gets involved
in meeting new people over the phone lines. People he has neither met nor
seen. People he knows nothing about. He agrees to become part of a network
of mindless banter that soon takes a bizarre twist ... there is no terminating
this relationship with the sick minds with which he has become embroiled.
There's no way out of this terror. As continues aimlessly down the highway of
electronic frustration, there are no off ramps. The sign post up ahead says
.... The Eris Zone"
<weird music begins again>
<the man standing in the corner smoking a cigarette gives a quick smirk and
steps back into the shadows.>
| (straight ahead) /
You will have to use your Pineal Gland, to discern where the
goddess has hidden her Secret Erisonogeous Zone. The First whose sun-dial
is at high-noon, should excuse himself, and Flog his Sonato.
Greg Kinnear of the "E" network, is the anti-Letterman. He bears the
mark of the Unholy "E".
A Most Riteous Abulafia Question:
SS> KN>JA> : What's the ground drag coefficient of an unhusked
SS> KN>JA> turtle?
SS> KN> 18.4 mg/ft^2/sec
SS> Eighteen point four MILLIGRAMS?????... per square foot per
SS> second?
Exactly! The FROOT_LOOPS scientific staff took your inquiry very
seriously and has been conducting extensive research and data collection over
the past week. Sadly, it has resulted in the death of many innocent turtles,
but such is the price of scientific achievement. They did not die in vane.
SS> You are a disgrace. Turn in your decoder ring and phunny
SS> hat.
--------------Whoomp Dare it Tis,
Latin for "I am an Ignoramus"
Do you think, that a mere 15 of 15 Is the Complete Works of Principia
Discordia? No My Child, my student, therein Lies the Mysterys, IF you
seek it, there it shall be, and more shall follow, but less shall be
revealed. So it is, and so it was not.
The Lessons of The Monk Tom Gnos,
NC for the Fransiscan/Dominican_net,
In his Cyberpapal newsletter:
California Attorney General Dan Lungren proposed in October that the state
measure the pain-killing attributes of cyanide gas in order to demonstrate
that the gas chamber is not "cruel and unusual" punishment, as contended by
the American Civil Liberties Union in a recent lawsuit. Lungren proposed that
the state put rats in pain by "colon balloon distention" - inserting balloons
in the anuses of 60 rats and inflating them until the rats squeal - and then
administering cyanide at different doses to see if the pain subsides.
The Los Angeles Times reported that the Novel Cafe in Santa Monica recently
featured Kopi Luwak, the SUmatran coffee reputed to be the most expensive in
the world, at $130 per pound. According to the cafe's owners, a certain
kangaroolike Sumatran animal eats only the "ripest, best" coffee cherries,
digests them, and excretes them, after which natives pick the beans and wash
and process them into Kopi Luwak.
(Meanwhile back in Georgia:)
In February, a squirrel apparently fell into a small vent on the roof of Kim
Richardson's home in Lawrenceville, GA., and got into the plumbing pipes.
Richardson reported that she sat down on the toilet and felt a scratching on
her derriere. She "almost died," she said later. The squirrel had drowned by
the time help had arrived.
--And Finally nothing is Cabalistically inferred from vinum, save
VISNUMerorum, upon which numbers this Magia depends.
------Cesare della Riveria,
---Il Mondo Magico degli Eroi, pp 65-66