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Principia Entropius Book Two >>The Principia EntroHocusPocus
Part two of 15
Thats absolutely right, you do not need the First Book to learn about Eris,
or even the Froot Loops Cult,but it sure does help, ofcourse you do not need
Air to live, well ok, you do, but it you can go without it for a little
while, And thats exactly what your life could be like, if you are the next
contenstant, in the Super Showcase for megaenlightment and superspirituality
on the popular interplanal game Show: "The Price is Flaxxe"....
(not to be confused with the Archwizardress Sandra Price)....
There is a body that enfolds the Whole of the world; imagine it in the
form of a circle, for this is the form of the whole.....Imagine now that
under the circle of this body are the 36 decans, midway between the total
circle and the circle of the Zodiac, transported along it with planets...
the changing of kings, the rising up of cities, famine, plague, the tides
of the sea, earthquakes: none of these takes place without the influence
of the Decans.
--Corpus Hermeticus,
excerptum VI
From: Spom
To: Spam
1) Twelve Underwoobs referenced this system not two hours ago, leaving
trails of Liederhosen from here to St. Pauls, Minneapolis, and Fresno.
2) Twlve burrito-brained beasts from the beyond recently sabotaged the
system's capacity for nonviolence, leaving only traces of jello and mud.
3) There is a small fracture in cluster seven, section twelve, of WOMBAT
main core, resulting in freak bursts of pink laser light which reveal our
structures to receptive humans. See to its repair.
4) Bonk.
5) There have been no fewer than wombat underwoobic microprosopi on the
loose for no more than delta plus q.y hours. Return them at once.
6) There is no 6.
-WSA Gecko #4658
The Treasure of Spirituality and all its trappings, is not in the deceiving
of the masses and the convincing them of the falseitys of mythology are
fact. The value is in the beleiving in something, The communion, the bonding
that commen-tie, even if other groups, are opposed to the trappings of
your faith.
The real goal, should be to unite all the faiths, but as the nature of
humans, and goddesses is to disagree, that is all but impossible. So what
is the value of immersing oneself in a religion,especially this one?
As Humans crave Food for nourishment, and natural Crave the company of
others for Mating purpouses, it is our beleif that they crave spirituality,
not neccisarily in the form of mytic babble, but perhaps in Science, in
empirical logic. All but the most ignorant of us, want to feel a purpouse
in life, and Spirituality can give a person that fuffillment.
The best part about our faith, is that we have cool partys, and some of
the niftiest mythology. Also Hooters, thats something, that is very holy,
to us....And Hot Dogs...not many faiths, have hot dogs, as part of its
mythology/spiritual trappings, and that might be what puts us above other
---The Reverand Step-Polyfather
Swinging Dick
--Sermon on Mt.Baldie,
given while entirely intoxicated.
note: While we do not advocate intoxication, we do not, not
advocate it, if you know what we don't mean.