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On or about July 16, 1979 the current president of Iraq was named
as Iraq's president; and, WITHIN 30 DAYS--i.e., on August 11, 1979--I
received the following Prophecy of the coming conflict in the Middle
East, which was then conveyed in a letter sent by certified mail (re-
turn receipt requested and received) to the president and the chairman
of the department of theology at the University of Notre Dame.
Over the past 11 years, the Prophecies in this letter have been
ignored and suppressed by THOUSANDS of rabbis and Christian theolo-
gians and by HUNDREDS of media officials in the United States, as well
as by religious and media officials in Israel.
Thus, the coming conflict in the Middle East should NOT come as a
September 8, 1979
Theodore Hesburgh & David Burrell
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
Previously I warned you of the destruction of New York City and
western California by earthquake (September 13, 1977) and of the
coming destruction of Jerusalem (April 24, 1979). The following
prophecy refers more specifically to the Conflagration which will
occur after the Great Earthquake. Whether or not you believe it or
even read it, it will come true with a vengeance:
August 11, 1979
In a dream I walked along the southern shore of the kingdom
which will be destroyed. In the darkness I saw a monster emerge
from the sea; but, at the command of the king of the south, the
monster returned to the sea. A voice from the fortress of the
king of the south said "Peace, peace", but the voice had within it
the chill and the rattle of death.
Then I walked northward along the eastern shore of the king-
dom. I looked to my left and saw a multitude of people, all
dressed in finery, laughing and drinking and celebrating the
"peace". And I looked to my right and saw barefoot women dancing
at the edge of the water. But all along the horizon north and
eastward of the kingdom I saw multitudes upon multitudes of sol-
diers, armed with the weapons of destruction and advancing unfal-
teringly upon the kingdom.
I turned again to my left and raised my voice against the mul-
titude and against their laughing, and drinking and celebrating
the peace that was no peace; and against the extravagance of their
clothes, and their pride and their arrogance: "On what is your
kingdom based? What is the foundation of your kingdom?" But the
multitude merely glanced at me, ignored my warning and continued
the celebration. A shrill and arrogant voice, as it were the
voice of the multitude in unison, replied: "Man is higher than
the Law!!" But I replied in a whisper, as if to myself, because
no one would listen: "But the Law was made by God."
At the sound of my voice there was a Great Earthquake and the
multitude was stricken with terror and fled; and the women who
danced at the water's edge fled from the rising water and from the
armies which advanced upon the kingdom from the east.
Then an eagle ascended with great power and majesty over the
scene of the slaughter, its wings of emerald green and luminescent
blue. The eagle's strength was in its flight and its power great-
ly exceeded the power of the monster. And it was fitted with a
beak and talons of iron, to devour and destroy the inhabitants of
the earth; and the earth was covered with blood.
If you have read Daniel Chapter 11 you will remember the prophecy
of the conflict between the king of the south and the king of the
north. The "king of the south" in Daniel 11 as well as in the above
prophecy refers very specifically to EGYPT; whereas the "king of the
north" refers, geographically, to what is now Syria and Iraq.
If you have read Ezekiel Chapter 38 you will remember the prophecy
concerning the "last days" when Israel will be attacked by the king-
doms of the far north, which refers, geographically, to what is now
The "armies of the East" in the above prophecy and also noted
briefly in Daniel 11:44 and Revelation 16:13 refers to countries which
are east of Syria and Iraq, e.g. Iran, India and China.
The meaning of these prophecies--to the extent that God has given
me the knowledge to interpret them--is that the instability in the
Middle East which has been generated by the Egyptian-Israeli "peace"
treaty will lead directly to the Battle of Armageddon, in which all of
the major military powers (sic!) will willingly or unwillingly be
drawn into an expanding vortex of slaughter. You must draw your own
conclusions as to what that will mean in an era of the Trident
submarine, the MX missile and the hydrogen bomb...but from the vision
I saw on January 1, 1975 (World Peace Day incidentally) it is ex-
tremely difficult for me to understand how ANYONE will be left alive.
Yet, according to Daniel, there will be a few survivors...
The first tragedy is that even after I have been writing to you
for almost 2 1/2 years, you will most probably still refuse to believe
me. The second tragedy is that, if you do, God will most certainly
punish you for your refusal to believe, but it may not be until
another lifetime when you will have no idea whatsoever what it is you
are being punished for. (In the event that you still deny the reality
of the doctrine of reincarnation, I am enclosing an adequate but more
or less superficial explanation of its scriptural basis, which, God
willing, will soon be heard over a local radio station.)
In the near future these prophecies will be fulfilled; then we
shall see whether the doctrines manufactured by the theologians are in
fact "higher than the Law" or whether I have been telling you the
Truth all along.
Maybe the $130 million you have received will work out to $1 for
every man, woman and child that will be slaughtered in the coming
Conflagration, or maybe it will work out to 50 cents per person...or a
quarter... or a DIME...all for the purpose of keeping in operation a
Christian university, whose president and chairman of theology have no
regard whatsoever for the value of Truth or human life.
(signed) Michael
On November 30, 1987 a copy of the following letter was sent to 76
University of Notre Dame freshmen whose parents reside in California.
It includes a PREDICTION that "if the situation in the Persian Gulf
continues to deteriorate...there is an increasing probability that the
invasion of Israel will occur before...May, 1991..." (which, at this
point, still seems to be a fairly respectable prediction). Another
letter sent to the parents of these students on December 7, 1987 con-
tained the same warning.
These letters were an attempt to put pressure on the theologians
at Notre Dame to debate me on the Doctrine of the "resurrection of the
dead" as part of an effort both to warn the people of this country of
the coming conflict in the Middle East and to diminish the number of
lives that will be lost in the earthquakes(s).
Inasmuch as such a debate was never held, it should be concluded
that these attempts were a failure.
November 30, 1987
Dear ,
For reasons which will soon become clear, a copy of this letter
and the enclosed information is being mailed to 76 first-year Notre
Dame students whose parents reside in California.
Because the lives of the members of your family and/or your life
may very well depend upon an approriate response to the enclosed
information, I urge you to: 1) read the enclosed information VERY
CAREFULLY in order to perceive clearly not only Its logical consis-
tency but also Its corroboration by the Revelations received by Moses,
the prophets, Jesus and Mohammed, 2) write a letter to Edward A.
Malloy impressing upon him the importance of a WELL-PUBLICIZED public
debate on the Doctrine of the "resurrection of the dead", and 3) pre-
sent this manuscript to several Christian theologians at Notre Dame,
questioning them CLOSELY as to whether they are willing to risk the
lives of the members of your family and millions of others on the
SCRIPTURALLY-UNFOUNDED sepeculation that it is not the Truth:
Enclosed is: 1) a copy of a letter which was mailed by certified
mail in September, 1979 to the former president and the former chair-
man of the department of theology at Notre Dame, and 2) a copy of a
manuscript detailing the errors of the Christian theologians concer-
ning the Doctrine of the "resurrection of the dead".
The reason I am sending you this information is simple:
In March, 1978 a letter appeared in "The Observer" challenging the
chairman of the department of theology and any other theologian at
Notre Dame to a public debate on the Doctrine of the "resurrection of
the dead", to which I received no reply. The reason I issued the
challenge was not merely to demonstrate that the Christian theologians
are in error concerning the Doctrine of the "resurrection of the
dead", but also to establish my authority for making the Prophecies I
have made in order to help save the lives of the people of western
California and New York City. In other words, the Source of my Know-
ledge of the Doctrine of the "resurrection of the dead" is the Source
of the Prophecies I have received of the coming "time of trouble";
and, if I were merely given the opportunity to demonstrate publicly
the Truth of the enclosed explanation of the Doctrine of the "resur-
rection of the dead", there would be an increasing probability that at
least SOME lives might be saved from the earthquakes(s).
Inasmuch as I have neither the time nor the money to contact every
Notre Dame student whose parents, relatives or friends reside in ei-
ther California or New York City--and, inasmuch as there are millions
of others living in those areas who I an unable to contact--I must im-
press upon you that you now have an ethical RESPONSIBILITY to get this
information out to AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE.
Finally, I must impress upon you that the western California
earthquake may occur at ANY time, although my understanding is that it
will be merely one aspect of the Great Earthquake which will strike at
the time of the invasion of Israel. However, if the situation in the
Persian Gulf continues to deteriorate as rapidly as it has over the
past couple of months, there is an increasing probability that the
invasion of Israel will occur before you graduate from Notre Dame
(i.e., May, 1991); and, if the western California earthquake should
strike while you are at Notre Dame, there is a very real possibility
that you will survive the earthquake while your parents will die.
I suggest you discuss this with your parents.
(CBS New just reported an earthquake of 7.4 striking Alaska.)
The following letter was sent certified mail (return receipt re-
quested and received) to the Apostolic Delegate of the Roman Church in
Washington, D. C. TWO WEEKS prior to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. I
have yet to receive anything more than a standard reply post card to
this letter; nor has there been any indication that the bishop of Rome
has received my request.
Certified receipt # P 272 524 982 July 19, 1990
Pio Laghi, S.T.D., J.C.P.
Apostolic Nunciature
3339 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
This information is being sent to you by certified mail for legal
reasons; I suggest that you read it very carefully.
Almost 12 years ago I wrote to the previous Apostolic Delegate,
Jean Jadot, requesting that he forward to the bishop of Rome the Pro-
phecies I had received of the coming "time of trouble" (cf. Daniel 12,
Ezekiel 38 & 39). Apparently thinking it was some kind of a joke, he
refused. Insha Allah, you will not be so unwise.
Because the Middle East is closer to all-out WAR than it has been
for several years--a war which will probably not begin until after the
Arab summit which is scheduled for this November--I am requesting that
you IMMEDIATELY forward the enclosed information to the bishop of
Rome. If you refuse to do as I have requested, you will be ETHICALLY
RESPONSIBLE for the lives that are lost.
Christian theology has effectively turned the Teaching of Jesus
upside down by failing to understand that Jesus' response to the Sad-
ducees was a metaphorical description of the Revelation of memories of
previous lives (see first enclosure). And this error has been com-
pounded further by the failure to recognize that the prophet Mohammed
was Elijah and John the Baptist "raised from the dead" (see second en-
closure). And, it is as a direct result of these doctrinal errors by
Jewish, Christian, and Muslim theologians that ALL efforts by Egypt to
bring peace to the Middle East--PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE--must fail.
Although it is impossible to PREVENT the fulfillment of these Pro-
phecies--Prophecies involving the loss of MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of
human lives (see third enclosure)--it IS possible for there to be a
reduction in the NUMBER of lives lost; but this can be accomplished
ONLY by publicizing the Truth about the Doctrine of the "resurrection
of the dead"; the Truth about the Doctrines taught by Moses, the pro-
phets, Jesus and Mohammed; and the SPECIFIC Prophecies enclosed.
I realize, of course, that the bishop of Rome is INCAPABLE of de-
termining whether I am telling the Truth when I claim to be the Mi-
chael whose arrival is Prophesied by Daniel (chapter 12, vs. 1), and
when I Prophesy the destruction of western California and New York
City by earthquake. But this is unnecessary. All I am asking is that
he announce the Prophecies at a news conference and state that They
have been received from someone CLAIMING to be the Michael Prophesied
by Daniel, who ALSO claims that the "resurrection of the dead" refers
to the Revelation of memories of previous lives, and that Mohammed was
Elijah and John the Baptist "raised from the dead".
Obviously, I do NOT expect either you or him to comply with this
request. Thus, Insha Allah, you will be charged in a court of law
with "criminal negligence resulting in GENOCIDE" when these Prophecies
are fulfilled.
(signed) Michael
Even under the threat of IMMINENT WAR--a war which, acccording to
some estimates, could result in the deaths of HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of
people (MOST of them Arabs and Muslims)--the officials of the Roman
church STILL refuse to acknowledge any connection at all between their
suppression of the Revelations and Prophecies I have sent them and the
extent of the bloodshed, destruction and suffering of the coming "time
of trouble". {Just today, for example (i.e, January 16, 1991), the bi-
shop of Rome made yet ANOTHER appeal for "peace", thinking that this
can be accomplished while IGNORING the Truth about Elijah, Mohammed,
and the "resurrection of the dead".} Apparently, they would RATHER
these lives be lost than that THEY be forced to ADMIT that they have
been WRONG--about not only Islam and the prophet Mohammed, but also
the Teaching of Jesus, specifically, the Doctrine of the "resurrection
of the dead".
The Vatican has, of course, offered to "mediate" between Iraq and
the United States--as if THAT is to be interpreted as a GENUINE desire
to prevent this conflict. But the officials of the Roman church are
NOT willing to do the ONE THING NECESSARY to diminish the bloodshed,
destruction and suffering of the coming "time of trouble": They are
NOT willing to admit that Mohammed was a prophet; that he was John the
Baptist and Elijah "raised from the dead"; that the term "resurrection
of the dead" refers to a Revelation of memories of previous lives; OR
that, for at least the past 11 YEARS, certain officials of the Roman
church have been suppressing Revelations and Prophecies of the coming
"time of trouble" received from someone claiming to be the Michael
whose arrival is Prophesied by Daniel.
As the time for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in the Mid-
dle East finally expired on January 15, 1991, the insistence by the
religious authorities that I am lying must, finally, be understood as
ology DEMANDING human sacrifice. That is, over the past 2000 years,
MILLIONS of people have lost their lives--in the Crusades, the Inqui-
sition, numerous pogroms against Jews resulting in the Holocaust,
etc., etc., etc.--in attempts to PROVE the "Truth" of either Jewish
THEOLOGY (rather than the Torah and the prophets), CHRISTIANITY (ra-
ther than the Teachings of Jesus), or Muslim THEOLOGY (rather than the
Revelations received by Mohammed); and, to the mind of these religious
authorities, any successful CHALLENGE to these three theologies MUST
be based ONLY upon a GREATER sacrifice of human blood than has, here-
tofore, been shed in the name of the so-called monotheistic religions. This is
their NON-NEGOTIABLE DEMAND for admitting that they have been
They have refused to BELIEVE what I have told them about the "res-
urrection of the dead"; they have refused to DEBATE me on the "resur-
rection of the dead"; and, only AFTER these human lives have been SAC-
RIFICED is there even a POSSIBILITY that they will acknowledge that I
might have been telling them the Truth.
As the tools and engines for human sacrifice begin to assemble in
the Middle East, it should be known that the coming feast of human
blood has been REQUIRED by the religious authorities--as well as by
their accomplices in the media--because they would NOT believe me.
The following letter was sent certified mail (return receipt re-
quested and received) to Cardinal O'Connor a little over ONE WEEK
prior to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. On August 6, 1990 I received a
letter from the secretary to the Cardinal, a Reverend William Belford,
stating that: "[The Cardinal] accepts the ethical responsibility you
speak of. You have done what you could."
Certified Receipt # P 272 524 618 July 25, 1990
Cardinal John O'Connor D.D., Ph.D.
Archdiocese of New York
452 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10022
On the basis of the enclosed information--which, except for the
diagram explanation of the Revelation of John, has already been sent
by certified mail to the Apostolic Delegate in Washington, D.C.--I am
requesting that you call a news conference to announce that: 1) you
have received a Prophecy of the coming destruction of New York City by
earthquake; 2) that this Prophecy has been received by a Michael who
claims to be the Michael whose arrival is Prophesied in the 12th chap-
ter of Daniel (Michael is the name on my birth certificate); and, 3)
that this Prophecy has been received by someone who also claims that
the "resurrection of the dead" refers to a Revelation of memories of
previous lives, and that Mohammed was Elijah and John the Baptist
"raised from the dead". And, if you refuse to do as I request, you
will assume an ethical RESPONSIBILITY for the lives that are lost when
the earthquake strikes New York.
More specifically, my reasons for making this request are: 1) to
diminish the number of lives which will be lost in the Earthquake and
coming "time of trouble", and 2) to publicize the Truth about the Doc-
trine of the "resurrection of the dead", which has been suppressed for
so many hundreds of years by the Christian theologians. I do NOT want
any personal publicity--you are NOT to use my last name, for example--
nor do I expect or want you to make ANY statements which might be con-
strued as being in support of the claims I am making. I am well aware
of the fact that the assumption that Christian theology is the Truth
leads necessarily to the conclusion that I am either insane, lying or
mistaken; thus, what is at issue here is whether you are willing to
WAGER the LIVES of the people of New York City on the assumption that
Christian theology is NOT in error concerning Doctrine of the "resur-
rection of the dead".
Although I do not know the precise time of the earthquake which
will destroy New York City, it should be clear from a reading of the
Scriptures that it can occur either BEFORE, or DURING--but not after--
the Great Earthquake Prophesied in Ezekiel 38. If this earthquake
should occur before the invasion of Israel and before you have called
the news conference I have requested, however, you should also under-
stand the legal problems you will face, Insha Allah, because of the
return receipt for this letter.
If you are not killed in the earthquake, I intend to use this let-
ter (it is on computer disk), the enclosed information, and the return
receipt to prosecute you for "criminal negligence resulting in wrong-
ful death" (i.e. genocide). And, even if you are killed, I think this
same information can also be used in a class action civil suit against
the Roman Church totalling BILLIONS of dollars in damages. Either
way, the Roman Church and Christianity in general will NOT survive the
fulfillment of these Prophecies.
If you have been paying any attention at all to the situation in
the Middle East, you should understand that you may not have very much
TIME to decide to call this news conference.
(signed) Michael
Although the current president of Iraq was universally VILIFIED
for holding hostage thousands of citizens from other countries in an
effort to protect Iraq against military attack; I would suggest, on
the basis of the above letter, that MILLIONS of people in New York
City (and also western California) are now being held hostage by
Christian theologians--especially the officials of the Roman Church--
who refuse to admit that they are in error about both the Doctrine of
the "resurrection of the dead" and the identity of the prophet Moham-
med. That is, if Cardinal O'Connor, or the THOUSANDS of other Chris-
tian theologians I have contacted, were to warn the people of western
California and New York City of these earthquake(s)--along with the
assertions that the "resurrection of the dead" refers to a Revelation
of memories of previous lives, and that Mohammed was Elijah and John
the Baptist "raised from the dead"--it would as seriously jeopardize
the economic ability of "Christianity Inc."--and especially the Roman
Church--to continue its policy of distorting the Teaching of Jesus as
would a military attack jeopardize Iraq's economic ability to continue
its policy of aggression.
Copies of the following letter (including a copy of the letter
sent to Hesburgh and Burrell) were sent on July 2, 3, and 4 to the
Washington, D.C. embassies of: the Republic of Iraq, Saudi Arabia,
the Syrian Arab Republic, the Sudan, Egypt, Great Britain, Malaysia,
Brazil, Italy, Canada, Mexico, the USSR, India, Argentina, Tunisia,
Algeria, the People's Republic of China, France, Australia, Japan,
Pakistan, Venezuela and Czechoslovakia.
WITHIN 30 DAYS of their receipt of this letter, Iraq invaded Ku-
wait, resulting in the present crisis in the Middle East. That is,
almost 11 years AFTER I had received the Prophecy of the coming con-
flict in the Middle East, I sent the FIRST warning of this Prophecy to
the foreign ambassadors; and, WITHIN 30 DAYS of having received that
warning, they were presented with a very CLEAR indication that the
Prophecy may very well be the Truth. Even so, I have yet to receive
any reply at all to these letters.
July 4, 1990
To Whom It May Concern:
More than 2000 years ago the prophet Ezekiel received the Prophecy
of the coming invasion of Israel.
As the Michael whose arrival is Prophesied in the 12th Chapter of
the book of the prophet Daniel, and who is also referred to in Sura 2,
verse 98 of the Koran, I received a CONFIRMATION and UPDATING of the
Prophecy of Ezekiel in August 1979 (see enclosure).
Over approximately the past 11 years, the Prophecies I have re-
ceived of the coming "time of trouble" have been either ignored or
suppressed by THOUSANDS of Jewish and Christian religious authorities
in the United States, as well as by Jewish and Christian religious
authorities in the state of Israel. Furthermore, as a result of its
all-pervasive anti-Arab RACISM and anti-Islamic BIGOTRY, these Pro-
phecies have also been ignored and suppressed by HUNDREDS of officials
of the print and broadcast media in the United States, as well as by
media officials in the state of Israel.
The publicizing of these Prophecies in your country will result in
a DIMINISHING of the number of lives which would have been lost were
these Prophecies NOT publicized. On the other hand, the FAILURE to
publicize these Prophecies can lead ONLY to an INCREASE in the number
of lives lost in your country during the "time of trouble"; while
those who are responsible for the suppression of these Prophecies must
assume a DIRECT, ETHICAL responsibility for the lives that are lost.
Of course, you have the option of concluding that I am either
crazy, or lying, or mistaken--an option which THOUSANDS of people have
chosen to exercise over the past 13 years without even BOTHERING to
talk with me--but such a conclusion will lead ONLY to an INCREASE in
the number of lives lost in your country during the "time of trouble"
(cf. Daniel 12:1).
When the Prophecies are fulfilled, you will KNOW that I was tell-
ing you the Truth.
My ONLY responsibility is to WARN you...NOT to CONVINCE you...
(signed) Michael
P.S. This and additional information also sent to the Muslim countries
of the Middle East.
Over the past few months, many ambassadors and politicians from
countries whose ambassadors received this letter of early July have
been JET-SETTING from country to country in attempts to demonstrate
that they have done "everything REASONABLE" to avert war in the Middle
East--everything, that is, EXCEPT admitting that they are INCAPABLE of
averting war; everything, that is, EXCEPT warning the people of their
countries of these Prophecies of the coming "time of trouble" in an
effort to save at least SOME of those lives.
There is, of course, nothing GENUINE in any of these attempts;
these diplomats and politicians are merely attempting to JUSTIFY their
own JOBS--by HYPNOTIZING people into thinking that the decision for
war or peace is FIRMLY in THEIR hands. If the result is peace, they
will be the FIRST to claim credit for it; if, on the other hand, the
result is war, they will either attempt to JUSTIFY such a BLOODTHIRSTY
outcome, or will merely throw up their hands and say that it was not
THEIR fault since, after all, they did "everything REASONABLE".
I would suggest, on the other hand, that, once a person has done
"everything REASONABLE" to avert a war such as the coming war, he
would then do at least ONE thing UNreasonable--such as writing me a
letter... Diplomats, however, DO have their PRIDE...
The following letter was sent to the ambassadors of Iraq, Egypt,
Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan a little over TWO WEEKS
prior to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, on:
July 14, 1990
Dr. Mohamed Sadiq Al-Mashat
Embassy of the Republic of Iraq
1801 P Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
Dear Sir,
Recently I mailed to your embassy information concerning the com-
ing invasion of Israel and the "time of trouble" (cf. Ezekiel 38 & 39,
Daniel 12). The enclosed information is being sent to you in an ef-
fort to explain some of the doctrinal and ethical reasons why the com-
ing destruction CANNOT be prevented.
It is important to understand, first of all, that the coming inva-
on of Israel is a NECESSARY fulfillment of the Prophecies; and that it
will be accomplished for RELIGIOUS rather than political reasons. In
other words, the coming invasion of Israel will NOT be due to the Pal-
estinian situation, for example; but due, in part, to the fact that
the Jewish and Christian religious authorities are arrogantly DENYING
the Revelations received by the prophet Mohammed.
Within the context of the Jewish and Christian DENIAL of the Rev-
elations received by the prophet Mohammed, however, it is also, unfor-
tunately, the Truth that the Muslim religious authorities have seri-
ously DEPARTED from the Revelations in the Koran--by failing to teach
the Mohammed was the prophet Elijah and John the Baptist "raised from
the dead", and by MISINTERPRETING the Doctrine of the "resurrection of
the dead" in PRECISELY the same way that Jewish and Christian theolo-
gians have misinterpreted that doctrine. Thus, the destruction which
must follow the invasion of Israel is also due, in part, to the fact
that the Revelations received by Mohammed have been DISTORTED by those
claiming to be his followers.
This rejection of the doctrinal Truths Revealed to Mohammed, how-
ever, has also formed the basis of modern civilization's REJECTION of
the MORAL LAW expressed in the Koran--the most obvious example of
which is the unquestioned acceptance by Western society of a woman's
"right" to abortion--which has resulted in the destruction of MILLIONS
of lives in the United States over the past 2 years alone. Thus, it is
also as a PUNISHMENT for such a MASSIVE and FLAGRANT violation of the
Moral Law that the coming "time of trouble" must result in the loss of
MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of human lives. And, it is for these DOCTRINAL
and ETHICAL reasons, rather than for any POLITICAL reasons, that ALL
attempts by Egypt to bring peace to the Middle East--PAST, PRESENT and
And finally, I must impress upon you that, until quite recently,
the Jewish, Christian, and media officials in the United States and
Israel have been almost EXCLUSIVELY responsible for the coming des-
truction. However, the longer you officials of the Muslim countries
ASSIST in the suppression of these Revelations and Prophecies--AND
the doctrinal Truths Revealed to Mohammed--the GREATER will be YOUR
responsibility, and the GREATER will be the loss of life in your OWN
country during the coming "time of trouble".
(signed) Michael
As of this writing (January 16, 1991) it is the policy of the Uni-
ted States that there can be NO "linkage" WHATSOEVER between Iraq's
invasion of Kuwait and the issue of the Palestinians, DESPITE the fact
that the president of Iraq CLAIMS that a peaceful resolution to the
present crisis is possible on the basis of just such a "linkage". In
other words, the president of the United States would much rather en-
ter a WAR than even DISCUSS the issue of the Palestinians; whereas the
president of Iraq is, apparently, EQUALLY willing to sacrifice THOU-
SANDS upon THOUSANDS of human lives in an attempt to be some kind of a
"savior" to the Palestinians. And, while many people may very well
question the wisdom or sanity of BOTH of these policies, there is a
clear parallel to the way in which the religious authorities have re-
sponded to the Truth about the "resurrection of the dead" and the
other Revelations and Prophecies I have sent them.
According to the THOUSANDS of rabbis and Christian theologians I
have contacted, there is NO "linkage" WHATOSEVER between the Truth a-
bout the "resurrection of the dead", the coming conflict in the Middle
East, and the earthquakes, DESPITE the fact that I have warned them
for YEARS that the coming "time of trouble" is a DIRECT result of the
suppression of the Truth about the "resurrection of the dead" and that
Mohammed was Elijah and John the Baptist "raised from the dead". In
other words, these religious authorities are willing to precipitate a
WAR resulting in the loss of MILLIONS of lives rather than even DIS-
CUSS or debate an alternate explanation of the "resurrection of the
dead". And, while many of these religious authorities INSIST upon
questioning my sanity--rather than even CONDESCENDING to talk with
me--it will be clear after the Prophecies are fulfilled who was WISE
and who was, not insane, but WICKED (cf. Daniel Ch. 12, vs. 10)
Similarly, the media officials and the ambassadors I have con-
tacted simply DO NOT SEE HOW--or REFUSE TO ADMIT THAT--merely a mas-
sive publicizing of the Truths concerning the Doctrine of the "resur-
rection of the dead" could have any important effect at all on the
number of lives which will be lost during the "time of trouble".
How tragic it is that certain Truths are perceived only after the
The following letter was mailed to the editor of "The Sun", the
editors of 6 other British newspapers in London, and to the editors of
6 French newspapers in Paris approximately TWO WEEKS prior to the
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. (The words "France" and "French" were, of
course, substituted where appropriate in the letters sent to the
French editors.) I received a letter from Mr. Mackenzie dated 24 July
1990 in which he states: "...I do not think that this is really suit-
able for publication in the Sun but would like to thank you..." etc.,
etc. I have yet to receive a response from any other British newspa-
per or any newspaper in France.
The suppression of these Prophecies of the coming conflict in the
Middle East by the officials of the Roman church; by the media offi-
cials in the United States, Israel, Britain, France, and several other
newspapers throughout the Middle East; and by ambassadors of 23 for-
eign embassies in the United States should now be considered a prox-
imate CAUSE of the coming conflict in the Middle East.
July 17, 1990
Kelvin Mackenzie, Editor
The Sun
Virginia Street
London, England E1
Dear Sir,
The enclosed information was recently sent to the British embassy
in Washington D.C. in an effort to decrease the number of lives which
will be lost in England as a result of the coming invasion of Israel
and "time of trouble" (cf. Ezekiel 38 & 39, and Daniel 12). Unless
the media officials in England are willing to publicize these Revela-
tions and Prophecies, however, this effort will have been futile; but
you, as an official of the British media, will have assumed an ethical
responsibility for the lives that are lost.
The reason why ALL diplomatic efforts to bring peace to the Mid-
dle East must fail (see first enclosure) is that the origin of the
coming military conflict in the Middle East is to be found in the Jew-
ish, Christian, and Muslim theologians' doctrinal and ethical denials
and distortions of the Revelations received by Moses, the prophets,
Jesus and Mohammed--that is, issues which diplomats never consider
because of their preoccupation with international politics. And
central to these denials and distortions of Revealed Truth are the
radical misinterpretation of the Doctrine of the "resurrection of the
dead", and the failure to acknowledge that Mohammed was Elijah and
John the Baptist "raised from the dead" (see second enclosure). Inas-
much as the fulfillment of the Prophecies CANNOT be prevented, how-
ever, the ONLY possibility for any reduction of suffering during the
"time of trouble" rests on the massive publicizing of these doctrinal
Truths which have been distorted and suppressed by the Jewish, Chris-
tian, and Muslim theologians for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
Inasmuch as the theologians, obviously, should not be expected to
admit their fatal distortions of Revealed Truth, however; and, inas-
much as the politicians--in their cowardice and arrogance--should not
be expected either to offend the theologians, or to admit that they
are incapable of bringing peace to the Middle East, it may very well
be that any reduction in the lives lost during the "time of trouble"
will be ONLY as a result of the efforts of media officials to publi-
cize the enclosed Revelations and Prophecies.
Most of these Revelations and Prophecies have already been sup-
pressed by hundreds of media officials in the United States and media
officials in Israel for more than 10 years; and, for this reason, I
will provide further information concerning these Revelations and
Prophecies only to media officials in countries other than the United
States and Israel.
Finally, I must warn you that, the longer these Revelations and
Prophecies are suppressed, the greater will be the loss of life during
the "time of trouble". That is, the ONLY ethical restraint whatsoever
on the MASSIVE interpersonal violence of the "time of trouble" will be
the clear Knowledge that all such instances of violence will be atoned
for in FUTURE LIVES (see third enclosure)...
(signed) Michael
Press <CR> !
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