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October 23, 1994 - ISSUE #67 - October 29, 1994
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Section 1..............Standard Information
Section 2...........................General
Section 3.............................Files
Section 4.............................Music
Section 5..............................Code
Section 6...........................Demo CD
Section 7....................Advertisements
Section 8..................Top 25 Downloads
Section 9..............................Misc
Section 10...........................Closing
((Section 1...Standard Info))
DemoNews is a weekly publication dedicated to the demo scene. It is
produced at the Internet FTP site ftp.eng.ufl.edu (aka WASP or HORNET).
This newsletter focuses on all aspects of demos and demo-making (including
music, art, and coding). ALL are welcomed to contribute articles, rumors,
adverts, etc.
There are currently four active demo-operators at this site:
Dan Wright (Pallbearer) - GENERAL - dmw@eng.ufl.edu
Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) - GENERAL - r3cgm@dax.cc.uakron.edu
Mike - GENERAL - weis@elf.stuba.sk
Jason (Cavalier) - ANSI - cavalier@shadow.net
This site is mirrored by the following ftps:
ftp.luth.se --> DOWN lately due to hard drive problem.
SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THIS "NEWSLETTER" can be obtained by mailing:
and putting "subscribe demuan-list your_real_name" in your message.
The listserver is what sends out this newsletter every SUNDAY morning.
kimba@it.com.au is the keeper of the listserver.
For those who use the GUI environment check out our DN.HMTL in the
/demos/news directory. The URL is ftp://ftp.eng.ufl.edu/demos/news/DN.HTML
If anyone wants to do a graphic logo for this please get in touch.
((Section 2...General))
Here is a list of people who have offered to help out with HORNET once Dan
Andrew Younger - aiy@mundil.cs.mu.OZ.AU
Brenton Swart (Zenith) - bswa1595@pilot.stu.cowan.edu.au
Ryan Cramer - rcramer1@mason1.gmu.edu
Styros (John Way) - iq23@jove.acs.unt.edu
I will write these people soon regarding their respective duties.
[If you want to help out you then contact SNOWMAN--address above. Basically
you would help fill the void when I leave and get the site back into shape--
there are LINKS off and files need move, etc.]
I am receiving too much mail. This will not get better when I am the head
administrator here. As a result, I will be forwarding some of the general
mail I receive to Ryan Cramer.
-!!VIRUS!!- 3dvect38.zip
We try to keep this site VIRUS free however we do not scan all files so
be cautious. If you find something please let us know or put a message
in the incoming directory of ftp.eng.ufl.edu (/demos/incoming).
((Section 3...Files))
Filename.ext Location Description
| --DEMOS-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos...)
asc2demo.zip DELETED Too slow...and not really a demo at all.
genesis.zip DELETED Texture mapping..no demo..VERY slow generation.
rr-beast.zip /alpha/NEW Rash Reflections--The BEAST Project. GUS.
y_hyy.zip /alpha/NEW Symptoms Hyytelo intro. GUS.
| --MUSIC-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/music...)
overcome.lzh /songs/mod Overcome by Pizza Dude
tdm_fonk.lzh /songs/mod Fonkey One by TDM
tl-forth.lzh /songs/mod The Forthcoming by Timelord
valiant .lzh /songs/mod Valiant by Pizza Dude
chiascur.lzh /songs/s3m Chiaroscuro by Vision Thing
inca .lzh /songs/s3m Dream of the Inca by Vision Thing
jupiter .zip /songs/s3m Jupiter by tR/\Sh
pro-loop.zip /songs/s3m Pro-Loop by Elliott Lee
pushahed.lzh /songs/s3m Pushing Ahead by Pizza Dude
sing2sky.lzh /songs/s3m Singing To the Sky Again by Vision Thing
travmind.lzh /songs/s3m The Travelling Mind by Vision Thing
withbmit.zip /songs/s3m NIN Wish Remix by the Bedlamite
worldtec.lzh /songs/s3m World Internet Technologies/Vision Thing
-corrupt- n-f_murd.arj
-no description- 9innails.zip blue_jim.zip earthqke.zip goodtime.zip
-cleanout- 220v .zip dl_s3m .zip dontyou .zip faktor .zip
firstime.zip likelost.zip heresy .zip kanon2-1.zip
no-cc .zip no-ryan .zip outof .zip pleasant.zip
sadman .zip void .zip
| --ART/ANSI-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...)
We have an ANSI maintainer--cavalier@shadow.net. He usually posts his
comments within the "/incoming/ansi" directory.
| --CODE-- | (all locations start either /demos/programming or /demos/code)
The /programming directory will be reorganized and slowly moved to the /code
directory by me, Snowman.
as .lzh /code/demosrc ASM code from Amnesia's VR section (Tran)
birthsrc.lzh /code/demosrc A birthday card ASM source (nice dots)
bits93 .lzh /code/demosrc Bits93 ASM source (lens and scroller)
bkisssrc.zip /code/demosrc Bytes and Kisses ASM source
byte-src.zip /code/demosrc The Byte Before X-Mas source (ASM)
cool .lzh /code/demosrc ASM source for a small BBS ad
fcdemoex.lzh /code/demosrc C source to extract data files FC demos
gallery .zip /code/demosrc Art Gallery ASM source from Inconixia
hell .lzh /code/demosrc ASM source code from Tran's Hell demo
timesrc .zip /code/demosrc Timeless Screen Saver ASM source (Tran)
3dscape .lzh /code/graph/3d ASM/C source for a point landscape
3dvect37.zip /code/graph/3d 3D ASM Vector Engine (very extensive)
ackkit .lzh /code/graph/3d Demo of acksrc.lzh (see below)
acksrc .lzh /code/graph/3d Wolfenstien-type ray-casting ASM/C source
bars .lzh /code/graph/copper ASM source for copper bars (2 methods)
firecode.lzh /code/graph/fire Fire source code in C, ASM, and Pascal.
flames2 .lzh /code/graph/fire Some more fire code in ASM
flag .lzh /code/graph/flag Really cool! ASM code for blowing flag.
decpcx .lzh /code/graph/images A PCX decoder in ASM
gif2lbm .lzh /code/graph/images C source code to convert a GIF to an LBM
rfvdemo .zip /code/graph/library C++ source for:fractal zoom, voxel, etc.
fpoly256.lzh /code/graph/vector ASM/C source to draw polygons
gsrc211 .lzh /code/sound ASM source code to GUSMOD v2.11
| --MISC-- | (all locations start with /pub/msdos/demos/...)
acme-cl2.zip /groups/acme ACME mini music disk.
imp8.zip /diskmags Imphobia 8. Great diskmag..but same
buggy interface with only GUS 220 support.
jihadapp.zip DELETED Application for an ART group.
tplas20.zip DELETED Screen Saver and shareware.
vtimer10.zip /programming/utils For timing video card...
yahoo03.lzh /diskmags Topaz Beer Line demo diskmag. Good.
((Section 4...Music Articles by Snowman))
Well, not too much of note this week. Almost all of the uploads were either
S3Ms or MODs. We still have 20 megs free, so you are safe in that respect.
Royal, Stony, Matt Heck, and myself are still working on the Escape intro. It
should be released next weekend if everything goes well.
I would like to plug Trixter's Chromatics 2 which will be released before too
[From rwhunt@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu Sun Oct 16 03:42:11 1994]
Normally, I would have just watched as the post-MC2 rumblings died down and
just kind of remembered the entire event as an interesting segment in my
life. But after reading the most recent demonews, I was rather shocked at
the number of people who actually thought the judging was totally fair.
To relate my personal experience in the best light possible, I would have to
say that I stood absolutely no chance of getting a fair judging. I learned
first-hand who a couple of the people who judged my song were before the
contest was over, and let me just say that I was incredibly depressed.
These individuals basically told me that they would make sure I came in as
low a place as I could.
Other than these two particular judges, I have had no particularly negative
comments regarding the song, and in fact, one person who had previously told
me I was no good said that I had 'vastly improved'. Go figure, eh? Oh well.
I did still enjoy the contest, it's just a shame that I (as well as several
other people, V-ANTHEM in particular) were not given a truly fair shot. I'm
not sure what I expect you to do with this letter, but I guess it could go
in next month's demonews as kind of a reaction ;)
[From rwhunt@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu Sun Oct 16 18:37:26 1994,
with quoted text from my reply to the above letter]
> This does bring up an interesting point, one that I have thought about
> in the past but have had a difficult time dealing with. If someone like
> Skaven enters a really shitty song, are they still guarenteed top 5 just
> because they are Skaven? I had briefly considered making all entries to
> MC][ anonymous, but the extra workload involved would be rather
> substantial.
That was one of the main points that came up while I went over this topic
in my head, although it usually ended up being more like 'if someone who
was extremely hated in the demo community entered an incredible song, would
they truly mark fairly?'.
> One way to have each song anonymous would be to have each individual
> musician send their song to me. I would then write down who wrote it,
> and upload it without a name. If you think about this for a moment
> though, it is rather unlikely that this would work.
> First, people usually have descriptive text in the sample box. They
> couldn't greet anyone, and couldn't say who they were. Second, some
> people (like Krystall, Skaven, Khyron) have a very specific style and
> you can tell who wrote the tune without even reading their name.
Yes, I've been thinking about a good way to do anonymous judging and such
for the past month, since my group and a few others are planning a music
contest whose entire idea is totally anonymous judging. It wouldn't be
terrifically hard for myself or anyone in my area, as I could have about
half of my group at my house (the other half is in Canada or Texas, and I
don't think it'd be worth it :>) and use DMP with the no screen mode to
judge the song, and then see who wrote it.
I'm not particularly sure who the other judges would be, however. It would
be obvious that having public judges would ruin the chances of getting a
truly fair judging. Yes, the style does say something, but I know that even
people such as Purple Motion, whose style I can basically idenfity in a
second, have written songs which conflict with their usual stuff, so luckily
the possibility is decreased slightly through that option.
> Well, I'll take your point under consideration and see what I can do
> with it for MC]I[. Thanks for your input.
No problem. I'm glad there's going to be an MC]I[. :) (this time, I'll be
sure to be a judge myself and keep careful track of [omitted])
[Lloyd.Yoon : Thu Oct 20 06:05:05 1994]
First, I'd like to thank you for hosting the two MC's, it's been a fun
experience, but I do have a couple of suggestions. First off, I think
the judging system needs to be dumped. It is more complex than it
should be, and strange results came out. There should be no judgement
on form, technical, or samples. The way I personally think it should
be judged is using a 1-10 system, for the overall song.
A song should win because it is enjoyable and motivating to listen to.
In the present system, a song which may be more boring but has good chord
structure and samples etc can beat a song which simply is more pleasing
to the ear. Samples should not need to be judged, because if they sound
good in thesong, that should be good enough. If they do not fit in the
song, the overally enjoyment will decrease, hence, the score will too. A
song should not be penalized for samples that contain slight static or
imperfections that are not noticable during the actual playing of the
module. If it is not terribly noticable, WHO CARES? The song still
sounds good! Same goes with all of the other aspects of judging.
If it is not original, it will not be enjoyable. If it is a technical
mess, it will give you an earache, which in turn would lower the
impression the song leaves behind. It is a less painstaking algorithm
that will make the songs that people like the winners.
I sincerely hope that you will take this idea into consideration.
((Section 5...Code Articles by Snowman))
Well, I don't have much in the way of coding news to report, so I think I'll
have a mini-contest:
| EMOTICON 94' |
Problem: Having a :) at the end of parenthesis really looks confusing.
Example: This is an odd contest (like I don't know that already :))
As you can tell, the double "))" looks rather odd, and detracts from the value
of the smily face (also known as an emoticon :)).
What is your solution??
I will post the best 5 answers I receive in next week's issue.
((Section 6...ESCAPE Demo/Music CD))
Check /pub/msdos/demos/incoming/democd for UPDATES and information.
And YES, I do occasionally update this directory.
I will include some information--maybe all or similar to what will be
mailed out to those on my contact list--with the ESCAPE intro coming out
next week. Most of you know the structure, 209megs/47mins, cost $10-$13,
and tentative release date (November) already.
Much of the ASM'94 stuff (intros/demos) will be included on the CD--which
reminds me, I wonder when the ASM'94 CD will be out? Does anyone know?
Hopefully they--the producers of the ASM'94 CD--will not harass us. If
they do you WILL here about it here...and believe you me (HANS & FRANS) I
will not leave out any details. Heck...ESCAPE is a part of the scene.
((Section 7...Advertisements))
Subject: Revolutions...
From: Daniel_Snyder@mindlink.bc.ca (AEC Software)
Hey there, I'm sure you've heard of our diskmag "Revolutions" right???
[I got too eager in my deletion that I deleted all the important info from
this would be article. You can download the file from the /groups/immortal
directory. It is called rev-vote1.zip. This diskmag is due out in Dec '94
and still could use a few articles from people out there.]
((Section 8...Top 25 Downloads))
Not this week. When the sys admin gets it fixed you will KNOW...we've had
our "C" program ready to roll out the statistics for months.
((Section 9...Misc))
>From weis@elf.stuba.sk Tue Oct 18 20:18:37 1994
->I've decided to make several changes in demo-review file, known as DEMOS.TXT
At first, second window was changed a little, a text "Music/Sound" is now
reduced to "Music", so there is more space for sound-card configuration,
and, a new sign can be seen now right after keyword Music (something like
this one):
+-------+-----------------------------+ +----------+--------------------------+
| Demo | 2NDREAL (Second Reality) | | Graphics | 10 |
| Group | Future Crew | | Music )( | 10 GUS/SB(pro) |
| Size | 2,496,721 | | Coding | 10 |
| Date | October 9, 1993 | | Overall | 10.0 |
+-------+-----------------------------+ +----------+--------------------------+
Sign ")(" stands for Double-D, a dolby identification. In this case
it displays demos with "Dolby Surround Pro Logic" sound support. I mean
REAL 3D sound support, not just simply inverted one mono channel - I don't
call that a "surround"!
Now there is a quest for all of you: I don't have a surround decoder (at
least for now ;) so, if you know demos that support a surround sound, write
name of demo to: dmw@wasp.eng.ufl.edu
->Another one change is done in marking of "age" of entries:
|*Demo | NEW_ENTRY | | Graphics | X |
This one means that this is a new entry in this edition of DEMOS.TXT.
In next edition, all '*' marked demos are chaned to '.' demos:
|.Demo | OLDER_ENTRY | | Graphics | X |
And '.' entries are marked as a regular demos.
->And the last one: now there are 501 demos in list! And still growing ;)
I believe there'll be more than 1000 entries until May'95...
c u,
___ _____ _ _ ____ __ __ _ _____ ____ _______________________________
| ( ___/ | \| \| |/__|_| ( ___/ __\ | -= Infi =- |
| __\ \ / \__ \ \ \ / | |__\ \ / __/_ | weis@decef.elf.stuba.sk |
|_ |_____)\______/_||__|_| |__|_____)\______\ _|___________________________|
((Section 10...Closing))
Next week...the Halloween special edition...BOO! We welcome related (scary)
Stay at Large,