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/ The 99th Percentile Presents: The Songs of The Slipped Disk \
< Compiled on June 29, 1985 (The Year we get Revenge) for all here. >
\ Look for more coming out very soon at a BBS near you. /
I'll Be Copying You
To the tune of "Every Breath You Take"-The Police
By The Slipped Disk
Every game you make, Every one you create,
From all the time you stake, It's you code I will break, I'll be copying you.
Every single day, I'll be hacking away,
It's your game I will play, I copied it by the way, I'll be copying you.
Oh can't you see, you lose royalties,
There's no mercy, I't won't matter to me.
Everything you do, I'll be screwing you,
You'll be out of luck, I'll find some other shmuck, I'll be copying you.
What you do I'll be easily able to trace,
Everything you do will become a big goddamn waste,
I'll look around and find someone else to face,
When it comes to software it is just one big goddamn race,
I'll copy them and hack it, hack it, Now!
Oh can't you see, you lose royalties,
There's no mercy, It won't matter to me.
Everything you do, I'll be screwing you.
You'll be out of luck, I'll find some other shmuck, I'll be copying you.
You'll be out of luck, I'll find some other shmuck, I'll be copying you.
I'll be hacking you......I'll be hacking you......I'll be hacking you....
<repeat until fade>
"Like a loser"
To the tune of "Like a virgin" - Madonna
Written by The Slipped Disk
Some of the syllables don't fit, that's your tough shit.
I finally learned about A.E., Somehow I found it out,
I'm pretty new, but I have K00L WAREZ, Like Sneakers and Bug attack.
You may think, I'm a geek,
But my friends, Think I'm really neat.
Cause I always Post, Yeah, I al-way-s post,
Like a loser, Calling for the very first time,
Like a lo-se-r, You can tell that, they are grime.
Gonna give you all my WAREZ, dude! They are the RADDEST games!
Been erasing all Credits, and putting my name in.
I'm the Best, there's no test. I won't fall, cause I always call,
But you look at me, Yeah, you look at me, I just tie it up!
Like a Loser, Posting for the very first time,
Like a Lo-se-r, You can tell that, They waste time.
Wohh-Wohh, Wohh-wohh, Ahhh!
I'm so fine, with the time, Yes I'm K00L, Yes I do Drink Beer!
And that's even though, Yeah, that's even though, I am only 12!
Like a Loser, ragging for the very first time,
Like a Lo-se-r, You can know that, They aren't sublime.
Like a loser, ooh hoo, Like a L0ZER, We know they are Grime,
When we Rag them, and destroy them, and Blacklist them, ooh hoo ohh wohh ohh,
Oh baby, baby, baby...
You can tell they're calling, For the very first time....
The Password
To the tune of "The Reflex"-Duran Duran
By The Slipped Disk
I've gone real far this time, I've broke into B.O.C.E.S.and I'm doin just fine.
While my parents may think that I'm fooling around, I've changed all my grades
to go up and not down.
I'll do all these things till I'm found out, I do'nt really give a shit, wo-oh.
and if your wondrin' how I did it, that's what I'm here for, Woh-oh
So why don't ya use it,
Go and abuse it, <Repeat>
about time ya used it,
The PASSWORD is the way to go, It's the weak link in the chain,
The PASSWORD is the key to breaking into Micros, Minis, or Mains!
The PASSWORD is so easy to hack, now, isn't that bizzare?
The PASSWORD is the key to treasures that are out of the public domain!
It's very simple, I just logon to them, Then I type like crazy till I get in.
I try some obvious ones that I think will work, I try all patterns of letters
like a crazy jerk.
So why don't ya use it, Go and abuse it,about time ya used it, \
The PASSWORD is the way to go,it's the weak link in the chain, \
The PASSWORD is the key to breaking into Micros, Minis, or Mains! \ <Repeat>
The PASSWORD is so easy to hack now, isn't that bizzare? /
The PASSWORD is the key to treasures that are out of the /
public domain! /
Hack, Hack, away
To the tune of "Run, Run, away"-Slade
By The Slipped Disk
If your a guy who likes to hack, Just go send me some feedback,
Tell me what it is you lack to Hack, Hack, away.
If Your Hacking has gone wrong, dial me up and then logon,
Just remember don't stay long, Hack, Hack, away.
Phreaking files are a must, use them all or they'll go bust,
I like them all, Their cause is just, Hack, Hack, away.
See the Ma Bell employees, I think they're getting pissed at me,
I'll take my disks and then I'll flee, Hack, Hack, away.
I think I've almost had enough, a sysop's life is really rough,
Breaking laws is not too tough, Hack, Hack, away.
If you think you have the skill, and you know you have the will,
You'll have a BBS to fill and Hack, Hack, away.
Join our little group and find, A hacker's life is really kind,
You just have to use your mind and Hack, Hack, away.
So be a ``hack'', It's really fun, If you don't you're the only one,
Get a BBS to run and Hack, Hack, Away. Hack, Hack, Away. Hack, Hack, away.
What's That Code?
To the tune of "Who's That Girl?"-Eurhythmics
By:The Slipped Disk
What's that code?
I've done all I could, to find out what to do,
I'm out of ideas, I can't find something new,
My password's useless, They've changed it around on me,
I've done all I could, If I knew what to do I would.....
If I knew one thing, Just one thing,
If I knew one thing, Then I would know what to do....
What's that code,that I've been looking for, tell me,
What's that code,that I've been looking for, tell me,
What's that code?
The Password I used, has gone Invalidate,
I need that info, I've really got Irate,
The college mainframe, has made a password change,
I will call a BBS and find out what that needed password is,
What's that code, that I've been looking for, tell me,
What's that code, that I've been looking for, tell me,
If I knew one thing, Just one thing,
If I knew one thing, woh-oh..
Tell me, Tell me,
What's that code, That I've been looking for, tell me, <Repeat 7>
We Will Logon
To the tune of "We Will Rock You"-Queen
By The Slipped Disk
Buddy, be a hacker, your going that way, your gonna logon to Ma Bell someday,
You got 500K, nothing to say, boot up smartcom and start today, sayin:
We will, We will, Logon!
We will, We will, Logon!
We'll start off small, pick software locks, cut your bill by installing a box,
We'll find fone loops, join pirate groups, get some info from mainframe dupes!
We will, We will, Logon!
We will, We will, Logon!
Can't you see the possibilities, We can plunder phreaking utilities,
So dial up now, I'll show you how, When we're online I give you my vow that
We will, We will, Logon!
We will, We will, Logon!
We're going real well, We're almost there.
We'll use my password penetration software.
So take your time, your doing just fine, This is so easy it can't be crime.
We will, We will, Logon!
We will, We will, Logon!
There, were finished, the damage is done, the fight is over, the battle is won!
The problem was faced, The data's replaced,
Let's just hope that we weren't traced!
We will, We will, Logon!
We will, We will, Logon!
"Some Hackers Card"
To the tune of "Some Like it hot" -Power Station
Written By The Slipped Disk because he hasn't written a parody in six months.
You want a new PC, How you gonna get it?
They said it costs two G's, How you gonna get it?
You know you cannot pay, How you gonna get it?
Just let me show the way, And I'll let you get it.
Get a card, in any store trash bin,
Find a place, to drop it off, you're on your way....
Some Hackers Card and some just like to rip stuff off, \
Some will protest but the stuff is always dropped off. \ (Chorus)
Some Hackers Card, But they never know just when to stop, /
Some Hackers Card and they get stuff that's real hard to top. /
I think we got it down, We are gonna get it.
We found a place Downtown, We are gonna get it.
Just sit and wait it out, We are gonna get it.
This stuff is fun without Doubt, We're gonna get it.
This is Crime, of that there is no doubt,
But I think, That it's worth it, let's try it now....
Some hackers Card and some will like to rip stuff off...
Some Hackers Card.... Some Hackers Card....
Get a card, in a local trash bin,
Find a drop, It's that easy, go try it now...
Some hackers card... (Repeat)
"Fed Busters"
To the tune of "GhostBusters"-Ray Parker, Jr.
By The Slipped Disk & The Data Blitz
Fed Busters!
When you think a tap, is on your line,
Who you gonna phone? Fed Busters!
When you're typin' things, that aren't legal,
Where should they go? Fed Busters!
I aint fraid' of no Feds! (Repeat)
When your bill's too high, and you have no codes,
Who gives ya help? Fed Busters!
And you're very new, to breaking laws,
Yow! Who shows the way? Fed Busters!
I ain't fraid' of no Feds! (Repeat)
Who will tell the facts? Fed Busters!
When you need a code, or a testing phone,
Then ask, Fed Busters!
I don't care about feds! I ain't been caught just yet.
We aren't fraid of those Feds! (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!)
Who will spread the word? Fed Busters!
If your in need of some, phreakin' tips, phracker, You better
call...... Fed Busters! (Yow!)
Let me lay it on ya.. PHRACKING MAKES ME FEEL GOOD!
They will lose those Feds! They will bust them Feds!
Don't remain unknown, oh no! Fed Busters!
If they break down your door, Flashing warrants by the score,
I suggest that you call, Fed Busters!
Who you gonna need? Fed Busters! <Repeat until fade>
Milliways (609)-891-1349 The Pirates' Chest (617)-891-1349
1985 BBS (612)-729-1985 The White House (202)-456-7639