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Newsgroups: alt.gothic
From: ieya@byron.u.washington.edu (Morpheus Laughing)
Subject: the gothlist
Message-ID: <1992Dec14.052828.9739@sbcs.sunysb.edu>
Sender: usenet@sbcs.sunysb.edu (Usenet poster)
Organization: University of Washington, Seattle
Distribution: alt.gothic
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1992 05:28:28 GMT
Lines: 321
last update: 12/9/92
NOTE: Again thanx to all who have contributed and send in those
corrections and new info particularly country of origin. But please no
e-mail just to say 'hey, but these people aren't Goth and never have
Accept that other people inevitably have widely differing opinions as
what is and isn't Goth. This is just a list for people who enjoy
Gothic music and would like to know the names of some other bands to
check out. It hardly claims to be definitive or even necessarily
accurate because I have to rely on contributions from numerous other
people and can't possibly investigate all of these bands myself. The basic
assumption around here is that any band on the list should be fair game
for discussion. And no mail to say 'but 'X' belongs on the first list, not
the second. Bottom line is I do this for _me_ and bands go where i feel
they should go.
Here's version 23 of the Gothic Music list.
As always, corrections and additions,comments, etc are
gratefully accepted. Corey recommends the "Gothic Rock Black Book" and
"Gothic Rock" by Mick Mercer. It's mostly typical Brit 'journalism' but has
good history sections and features on the Cult, All About Eve,Fields of
the Nephilim,the Sisters of Mercy and the Mission. Many of the defunct UK
bands only recorded one single so good luck. Only bands that have actually
had a piece of music released by a real record company will be listed, no
bands with only demo tapes.
any information or comments should go to ieya@byron.u.washington.edu
Actifed defunct UK
Adams Family active UK
Add It Up ? ?
Alien Sex Fiend active UK new lp out and on tour
All About Eve active UK Marty Wilson-Piper(Church) has replaced
Tim Bricheno on the latest album
the Ancestry defunct UK
the Ancients active US
And Also the Trees Active UK
Anorexic Dread defunct UK
Attrition active ?
Ausgang defunct UK
Batfish Boys defunct UK Simon D ex-March Violets, onto Batfish and
then D-Rock
Bauhaus defunct UK see Peter Murphy,Love & Rockets,Tones on Tail
B.C. ? UK
Beetleguese ? ?
Bel Canto active Norway new lp out
Belfagore defunct UK
Benediction ? ?
Bentmen active US
Bible for Dogs defunct UK
the Birthday Party defunct Australia retrospective out soon
Black Tape for a Blue Girl active US
Blood & Roses defunct UK
Bomb Party active UK
Bone Orchard defunct UK
Breathless active UK singer featured on This Mortal Coil's albums,
Filigree & Shadow and Blood
Brigandage defunct UK
Cadaver Finesse defunct UK
Camp Sophisto defunct France
Carcrash International active UK Sex Gang splinter
Cassandra Complex active Germany new lp out
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds active Australia see Birthday Party
Chameleons defunct UK ex-members in the Reegs,the Sun & the Moon and
the Children defunct UK Sex Gang offshoot
Children on Stun active UK
Christ '99 ? ?
Christian Death active US new lp 'the iron mask' w/Rozz out now
Chrome defunct US
Clair Obscure defunct France
Cold Dance defunct UK
the Cravats defunct UK
Crown of Thorns defunct UK
Classix Nouveaux defunct UK new romantic goths, no really :-)
Colour Me Psycho ? Canada
Common Language active US
Creaming Jesus active UK do a wonderful cover of Temple of Love
Crime and the City Solution active Australia 3/5 ex Birthday Party
the Cult(pre-Electric) active UK
the Cure active UK (Faith,17 Seconds,Pornography,Disintegration, all
good tho.
Current '93 active UK
Dali's Car defunct UK one-off by Peter Murphy & Mick Karn
Danielle Dax active UK mostly the Pop-Eyes album
the Damned active again UK (Phantasmagoria mostly)
Danse Society defunct UK
Dawn After Dark defunct UK
Dead Can Dance active UK Brendan Perry will have a solo album out shortly
Death Cult defunct UK became simply the Cult
Death in June active UK
Deathride 69 ? ?
Deathwish ? ?
December Flowers ? ?
Dispossessed defunct ?
Doomed Youth defunct UK
Dormannu defunct UK
Dream Disciples active UK
Dreamgrinder active UK mostly the Deeps and Shallows ep
Damon Edge active US leader of Chrome
Eden active AUS
the Elements defunct UK pre-Anne Marie Skeletal Family
Elephant Talk defunct UK
Every New Dead Ghost active UK
Exit Stance defunct UK
Faith & Disease active US
Falling Man defunct US
Family ? UK
Fields of the Nephilim active UK recently broke up. Carl continuing as
Fields of the Nefilim, the rest as Rubicon
the Fifteenth defunct UK
Flesh for Lulu active UK early stuff only
Four Came Home active UK
Four Way Cross active US
Frazier Chorus Active UK
Freviz ? ?
Diamanda Galas active US
the Garden ? ?
Gargoyle Sox ? ?
Geko active US
Gene Loves Jezebel active UK early stuff only
Getting the Fear ex SDC members
Ghost Dance defunct UK former Sister of Mercy Gary Marx & former
Skeletal Family singer Ann Marie
Groovy Chainsaws active UK features Yaxi, ex-Alien Sex Fiend
the Gun Club active UK
Handful of Snowdrops active CAN
His Name is Alive active UK
Hook 'n Pull Gang defunct UK
Human Drama active US
Hysteria defunct UK
Infectio active FIN
Ignore the Machine ? ?
Inca Babies defunct UK
In Excelsis defunct UK ex Ritual & UK Decay members
Infamous Menagerie defunct US
In the Nursery UK active
Into a Circle ? UK Barry from the Southern Death Cult
Into Paradise active UK
Ipso Facto defunct UK
Jad Wio ? France
Japan defunct again UK
Jesu ? ?
Jesus Manson ? ?
the Jesus&Mary Chain active UK(mostly Darklands lp)
Joan of Arc ? UK
Johanna's House of Glamour active US
Josi Without Colours active UK
Joy Division defunct UK 3/4 onto New Order
Kabuki defunct UK
Kas Product defunct UK
Killing Joke defunct again UK all cept Jaz onto Murder Inc. Jaz has a
new band with Mick Brown(Mission) & Patricia Morrison
Kommunity FK defunct US Patrick went onto Between the Eyes
the Last Cry active UK
Lavolta Lakota defunct UK
Leitmotiv defunct UK
Les Provisoires defunct France
London After Midnight active US
Look Back in Anger defunct UK Jim onto the Fifteenth
Loose active UK features Martin ex-Skeletals and Batfish Boys Drummer
Love Like Blood active GER
Lycia active US
Lords of the New Church defunct UK
March Violets active UK
Mark of Kane ? ?
the Marionettes active UK
Ministry active USA mostly 'with sympathy' parts of Twitch new lp out
the Mission active UK what the rest of the former Sisters of Mercy
are doing. new lp out.(mostly first three lps)
MOEV active Canada
Momento Mori active UK some members in Sins of the Flesh
Peter Murphy active UK ex BAUHAUS singer new lp out now
Musta Paraati defunct FIN
My Bloody Valentine active UK
My Dad is Dead Active US
National Velvet active Canada
the Neon Judgement active Belgium
New Model Army active UK
Nightmares in Wax defunct UK Peter Burns of Dead or Alive
1919 defunct UK
Nosferatu active UK
Of a Mesh defunct US
Panic Button defunct UK changed name to sex gang children
Parade Ground active BEL
Party Day defunct UK
Paradise Lost active UK
Passion Fodder ? ?
Play Dead defunct UK
Playground defunct UK
Poesie Noire active ?
the Possessed defunct UK
Preachers of Twilight ? ?
the Prunes active UK Virgin Prunes offshoot
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry active UK
Release the Bats defunct UK
Restoration active UK
Ritual defunct UK bassist and drummer joined Death Cult
the Rose of Avalanche active UK
Rossetta Stone active UK
Russian Love active FIN
Salvation active UK first single produced by Andrew Eldritch
a Scanner Darkly ? ?
Screaming Dead defunct UK
Second Coming defunct UK
Seventh Seance defunct UK
Sex Gang Children active(again) UK
Andi Sex Gang active UK
Shadow Project active US features Rozz, ex-Christian Death
Shroud ? ?
Siglo XX active BEL very Neph/Joy Division-ish
Siii defunct UK
Silent Invasion active GER
Silent Scream defunct UK formerly Creatures of Habit
Sins of the Flesh active UK early stuff only
the Sisterhood defunct UK a Sisters of Mercy side project
the Sisters of Mercy active UK compilation lp out now
Skeletal Family defunct UK
Skin inactive US Michael Gira and Jarboe of the Swans now calling
themselves the World of Skin
Slavedrive defunct UK ex-UK Decay members
Sleep Chamber active US
Society defunct UK
the Southern Death Cult defunct UK
Specimen defunct UK guitarist is now in the Banshees
Splashpool defunct UK
Splintered active UK
Strafe Fur Rebellion defunct GER
Strange Boutique active US CD out now
Swans active USA Jarboe ahs her solo album out now
the Suicidal Flowers active UK
Super Heroines defunct US
Sunglasses After Dark defunct UK
Terminal Power Company active UK
Theatre of Sheep defunct US
Theatre of Hate defunct UK
This Mortal Coil defunct UK
3-D Scream defunct UK
Tones on Tail defunct UK Daniel Ash&Kevin Haskins
the Tors of Dartmoor active GER
Tragic Venus defunct UK
Twisted Nerve defunct UK
Two Witches active FIN
UK Decay defunct UK
the Veil defunct UK
the Vengeful Widows active UK
Victims of the Pestilence active UK
Virgin Prunes defunct UK
Voodoo Church ? US
the Wake active US
Whiskey and the Devil defunct UK
the Wolfgang Press active UK
Xmal Deutschland defunct Germany
Xymox(aka Clan of Xymox) active Holland 4AD stuff mostly
Zero le Creche defunct UK
The second list is of bands that have material that could be
called Goth, but not any album or work in particular, or bands
that should interest fans of Gothic Music.
Abcendarians active US
Area active US
Arms of Someone New ? US
the Church active AUS. esp. Persia e.p.
Cocteau Twins active UK
the Creatures hiatus UK Siouxsie & Budgie of the Banshees
Cindytalk active UK
ClockDVA active UK mostly "advantage"
Concrete Blonde active US mostly Bloodletting
the Cranes active US
Curve active UK
Dancing Did defunct UK
the Drowning Pool active US now called Mumbles
the Dream Academy active UK
Echo & the Bunnymen active UK
Gentle Ihor's Devotion active UK
Godflesh active UK
Gothic Hut ? USA
the Glove defunct UK one-off by Steve Severin of the Banshees and
Robert Smith of the Cure.
Icehouse active AUS first album only
Junior Manson Slags defunct UK
Kastrierte Philosophen active GER recent single remixed by Andrew
Legendary Pink Dots active UK
Love and Rockets active UK the rest of Bauhaus David J & Daniel Ash
have solo albums out
Modern English active again UK mostly Mesh & Lace, which is out on CD soon
Mumbles active US formerly the Drowning Pool
Naked Raygun active US
Nice Strong Arm active US
Pieter Noonten/Michael Brook defunct ? Pieter is ex-Xymox
the Pixies active US
Public Image Limited active UK
James Ray & the Performance defunct UK on Merciful Release
James Rays Gangwar active UK new lp out
Savage Republic defunct US
Sunshot active UK
Siouxsie & the Banshees active UK see Creatures & the Glove
Sleeping Dogs Wake active UK
Systems Collapse ? ?
the Tear Garden active CAN/BEL Kevin from Skinny Puppy with
Edward Ka-Pel from LPD new lp out now
Jimi Tenor and His Shamans active Finland
Toyah active UK also part of Sunday All Over the World
Ultravox defunct UK pre midge ure
corey w nelson | EGO PROJECT NUMBER II: a goth/som zine
keeper of the Sisters | mail me to sign up for the electronic
of Mercy FAQ, DISCOG | version. issue 2 out Oct 5. featuring interview
and several others... | with Andrew Eldritch, lotsa goth reviews and more!