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#: 21393 S1/General Interest
21-Mar-96 17:41:37
Sb: #Help Needed
Fm: Simon Gudgeon 101600,3227
Can any one help me ?
I have a large Multi-National client based in Holland, which is currently
recruiting for Senior OS/9 Software Engineers - they are also very interested
in anybody with PSOS knowledge.
These are either long term contract and/or Permanent positions .
If there is any one who can help / or is interested please respond ASAP to:-
Simon Gudgeon
Phone: + 44 1376 342215 / Fax: + 44 1376 342217
Email: 101600.3227@compuserve.com
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21408 S1/General Interest
18-Apr-96 01:10:49
Sb: #21393-Help Needed
Fm: Yvan Borcard 100140,675
To: Simon Gudgeon 101600,3227
HI Simon,
I am senior automation specialist (4 years experience with OS-9 system) in
automation field.If still looking for ressources do not hesitate to contact me.
#: 21394 S1/General Interest
25-Mar-96 21:19:13
Sb: #Looking for Brain White
Fm: Allan 70506,1173
To: all
I am looking for Brian White formally(bcwhite@sunee.waterloo.ca). Or does
anyone have a copy of rcs4 for OS9? The copy on os9archive is corrupt as
reported by a user and verified by me(sysop). I would like to relace it w a
good version. Please email me with Brains new email address or ftp a copy to
the os9archive.rtsi.com.
Thanks Allan R. Batteiger arb@rtsi.com
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21397 S1/General Interest
30-Mar-96 18:07:00
Sb: #21394-Looking for Brain White
Fm: Alptekin Aydogan 100527,324
To: Allan 70506,1173
>> Brian White formally(bcwhite@sunee.waterloo.ca) <<
>>Brains new email address<<
I'm not so sure, but I mean I saw messages re: this in some emacs-news-groups
recently. Unfortunately I've deleted them already, so I can't help you at the
#: 21409 S1/General Interest
19-Apr-96 21:10:02
Sb: #ddx
Fm: tom farrow 72701,543
To: all
Does anyone use DDX on system iv? If you then let me know how, and can you do
it with Gwindows? Thanks Tom
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21410 S1/General Interest
20-Apr-96 10:54:24
Sb: #21409-ddx
Fm: David Breeding 72330,2051
To: tom farrow 72701,543
> Does anyone use DDX on system iv? If you then let me know how, and can you
> do it with Gwindows? Thanks Tom
I guess if I have to ask, I will be of no help, but what's DDX?
-- David Breeding --
CIS 72330,2051 | Delphi DBREEDING | dbree@duo-county.com
Composed with InfoXpress/OSK Vr. 1.02 & VED Vr. 2.4.0
#: 21398 S9/Utilities
01-Apr-96 10:52:09
Sb: #21391-#OS9 Disk Image
Fm: Kenneth Inman 75054,3217
To: John Murphy 73077,2305 (X)
>>Can anyone make a disk image of OS/9 for me!!! I'll mail you the 1st page of
the manual to prove I own it! I >>just cannot seem to make an image for Jeff's
emulator no matter how hard I try...or what I do!.... ...Please >>HELP!
>What specifically are you having trouble with?
>Which version of the emulator are you using? Coco2 or Coco3?
>Are you trying to boot a double sided image?
>Let us know, and we'll try to help.
Sorry it took so long to get back, but I was away on business.
Yes...I'm using OS/9 Level 1 (I know...but it's all I have). What happens is
when I use Jeff's RETRIEVE program, the first sector is ALWAYS unreadable.
Every sector after that reads fine. I'm of the opinion that the format for
Level 1 is different than level 2 as I have heard that many have used OS/9 l2
on the emulator with nothing but success.
What do you think?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21400 S9/Utilities
01-Apr-96 11:17:37
Sb: #21398-#OS9 Disk Image
Fm: John Murphy 73077,2305
To: Kenneth Inman 75054,3217 (X)
>> Sorry it took so long to get back, but I was away on business.
Yes...I'm using OS/9 Level 1 (I know...but it's all I have). What happens is
when I use Jeff's RETRIEVE program, the first sector is ALWAYS unreadable.
Every sector after that reads fine. I'm of the opinion that the format for
Level 1 is different than level 2 as I have heard that many have used OS/9 l2
on the emulator with nothing but success.
What do you think? <<
Ok, some of this will sound goofy, but try 'em anyway.
Take a write protect label and use it to cover the index hole in the diskette
jacket. The PC generates a HW interrupt whenever it see the index hole, but the
interrupt is only used during formatting, not reading / writing.
Also, when RETRIEVE gives you the "Abort, Retry, Ignore, Continue" message,
slowly open and close the drive door while pressing Retry.
I know it sounds silly, but try it.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21402 S9/Utilities
03-Apr-96 12:01:43
Sb: #21400-OS9 Disk Image
Fm: Kenneth Inman 75054,3217
To: John Murphy 73077,2305 (X)
I will...hope it works! :)
#: 21399 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
01-Apr-96 10:58:57
Sb: #F$CRC from Basic09
Fm: John Murphy 73077,2305
Ok, it ain't pretty, but it should work.
Each run displays a different set of numbers, though.
What STUPID thing am I doing wrong?
I do know for a true CRC, I have to complement the accumulator,
but that isn't the problem.
John Murphy
TYPE registers=cc,a,b,dp:BYTE; x,y,u:INTEGER
DIM regs:registers
DIM callcode:BYTE
DIM test:STRING[256]
REM preinitialize accumulator
PRINT regs.x; " "; regs.y; " "; regs.u
RUN syscall(callcode,regs)
PRINT ASC(MID$(acc,1,1)); " "; ASC(MID$(acc,2,1)); " "; ASC(MID$(acc,3,1))
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21403 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
06-Apr-96 21:27:49
Sb: #21399-#F$CRC from Basic09
Fm: David Breeding 72330,2051
To: John Murphy 73077,2305 (X)
> Ok, it ain't pretty, but it should work.
> Each run displays a different set of numbers, though.
> What STUPID thing am I doing wrong?
> TYPE registers=cc,a,b,dp:BYTE; x,y,u:INTEGER
> DIM regs:registers
> DIM acc:STRING[3]
> DIM callcode:BYTE
> DIM test:STRING[256]
> test="123456789"
> REM preinitialize accumulator
> acc=CHR$($FF)+CHR$($FF)+CHR$($FF)
Well, I don't know why, but it seems that this doesn't work. Maybe it's because
$FF is the end-of-string delimiter for Basic09.
Try the sequence (for count=0 to 2 print peek(addr(acc)+count) and see. For
some reason, the Print below, if put up here, gives $FF, but it is not the
Try the sequence, for count=0 to 3, poke addr(acc)+count, $ff
I have not tried it on a true module, but at least it gives consistent results.
> regs.x=ADDR(test)
> regs.y=LEN(test)
> regs.u=ADDR(acc)
> PRINT regs.x; " "; regs.y; " "; regs.u
> callcode=$17
> RUN syscall(callcode,regs)
> PRINT ASC(MID$(acc,1,1)); " "; ASC(MID$(acc,2,1)); " ";
> ASC(MID$(acc,3,1))
-- David Breeding --
CIS 72330,2051 | Delphi DBREEDING | dbree@duo-county.com
Composed with InfoXpress/OSK Vr. 1.02 & VED Vr. 2.4.0
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21404 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
14-Apr-96 14:11:10
Sb: #21403-#F$CRC from Basic09
Fm: John Murphy 73077,2305
To: David Breeding 72330,2051 (X)
David, thanks for the reply.
Alan DeKok pointed out to me that the "correct" way to do this is to use an
array of bytes, rather than a character string. When I changed to Bytes, it
worked much better.
John Murphy
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21405 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
14-Apr-96 18:49:12
Sb: #21404-F$CRC from Basic09
Fm: David Breeding 72330,2051
To: John Murphy 73077,2305 (X)
> David, thanks for the reply.
> Alan DeKok pointed out to me that the "correct" way to do this is to use
> an array of bytes, rather than a character string. When I changed to
> Bytes, it worked much better.
Yes, I thought that that would probably would be the more "correct" way but
this still works. What I did was just a quick-and-dirty method..
-- David Breeding --
CIS 72330,2051 | Delphi DBREEDING | dbree@duo-county.com
Composed with InfoXpress/OSK Vr. 1.02 & VED Vr. 2.4.0
#: 21407 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Apr-96 13:09:36
Sb: OS9 Disk Image
Fm: Kenneth Inman 75054,3217
To: all
Well, I'm back here again with the same problem. I cannot create an image of my
OS9 level 1 disk for my emulator to use. I've tried everything. Even tried the
suggested method of covering the index hole and opening & closing the drive
door slowly during retries. It just will NOT copy.
If any of you have been able to accomplish this....let me know how you did it.
I'm at my wits end here...
#: 21395 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
26-Mar-96 09:37:25
Fm: Doug Bailey 73612,2146
To: Sysop (X)
I am currently maintaining a piece of software running on V2.4 of OS9/68000.
This software was compiled using Ultra C V1.1.1. In this software is a call to
_OS9_GETIME in which the tick count is returned. The documentation indicates
that the lower 16 bits contains the current tick. The original author assumed
that the tick would count all the way to 65535 and then roll over. However, I
am seeing the software roll over after the value 100. (There are 100 ticks in a
second.) The documentation is woefully lacking in describing the values of the
tick. Is this roll over at the number of ticks per second the way these
functions always work?
Thanks for your help!
Doug Bailey
is value. incredivb
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21396 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
30-Mar-96 18:06:58
Sb: #21395-#OS9_GETIME()
Fm: Alptekin Aydogan 100527,324
To: Doug Bailey 73612,2146 (X)
>> The documentation indicates that the lower 16 bits contains the current
tick. <<
This is true, the higher two bytes indicate the tick-rate in ticks per second.
If you have as usual 100 ticks per second, the u_int variable would count from
$640000 up to $640063 and then start again with $640000 (this corresponds to
6553600 resp. 6553699 decimal).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21401 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
01-Apr-96 12:56:36
Sb: #21396-OS9_GETIME()
Fm: Doug Bailey 73612,2146
To: Alptekin Aydogan 100527,324 (X)
Thanks for the confirmation!!
Press <CR> !>