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Public Message
[36mMessage # 2962 *MM1 TECH Echo*[32m
To : David Graham
[33mFrom : Eric Crichlow
[35mSubject : Re: Game Control
[37mDate : 93/12/17 02:10:03
[32mPrevious Reply is Message [33m1882 [36m
On Friday, December 10th, 1993 - David Graham wrote:
DG> Apparently, Eric, some ports are off by a certain amount due to some
DG> resistors on the circuit being the wrong value. This may not affect
DG> as many eople as previously thought, or it may be compensated for in
DG> Mikes text. Glad it went so smoothly...
Thanks for the info. I see that some testing on different systems
will definitely need to be done. However, I would think that the problem
should be of no consequence to me, since the first thing I do is take a
base sample of the joystick values so that any character movement will
occur relative to the original values coming in from the port. As long
as the port is active and works the program should compensate for any
difference in returned values.
We shall soon see.
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 3099 *MM1 TECH Echo*[32m
To : David Graham
[33mFrom : Malcolm Cleveland
[35mSubject : Re: Memory upgrades
[37mDate : 93/12/14 13:28:00[36m
-> I have reached an agreement with Kevin Pease that would allow me to get
-> memory upgrade boards made. I'm intending to finance this in advance,
-> so look for those to be available within the next 3-4 months.
H H OOO OOO RRRR AAA Y Y !! God speed to your endeavors!
H H O O O O R R A A Y Y !!
HHHHH O O O O RRRR AAAAA Y !! We've been having no hardware
H H O O O O R R A A Y news for so long, it was getting
H H OOO OOO R R A A Y !! depressing! Now there's lot's
of good news busting out all
over! Now all we have to do is figure out where to get the money to pay
for all these returning developments! Malcolm
[37m--- RiBBS v2.02
* Origin: Benchboard BBS, Lansing MI 517-394-2447 Go OS9! (1:159/290)
Public Message [31m(Rec)
[36mMessage # 3100 *MM1 TECH Echo*[32m
To : Warren Hrach
[33mFrom : Malcolm Cleveland
[35mSubject : Re: OSK manuals
[37mDate : 93/12/14 13:34:00
[32mNext Reply is Message [33m3108[36m
-> The last person that gave me the old 'the check is in the mail'
-> finally explained it was in the mail but got returned to him cause he
-> forgot to put a stamp on it 8-).
YIKES!! I DID mail it during December - and at the beginning of the
month. That means it was competing with my monthly personal newsletter
and Christmas planning. Oh dear! Wait! I still have an affinity for
using my stamp affixer gadget, so forgetting stamps won't be very
likely. Okay, now I feel sure I remembered the stamp! :)
On the other hand, if it doesn't arrive by 12/20/93, I'd like to know so
I can alert the dead letter office! (*shudder*) Malcolm
[37m--- RiBBS v2.02
* Origin: Benchboard BBS, Lansing MI 517-394-2447 Go OS9! (1:159/290)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 3101 *MM1 TECH Echo*[32m
To : Mark Griffith
[33mFrom : Malcolm Cleveland
[35mSubject : MM/1 4 Meg Hack
[37mDate : 93/12/14 13:44:00[36m
-> .... 1 Meg SIMMs on the I/O board and 4 Meg SIMMs on the
-> backplane giving you 10 Meg total (plus 1 Meg for video Ram)
This is REALLY sounding good to me! I've just GOT to scrounge around
for some money! Lesse... If I rob Peter to pay Paul, and then rob Paul
to pay Peter, I'll double the available funds, but also double the
trouble I'll be in. This is going to take some serious AND RAPID
thought! Malcolm
[37m--- RiBBS v2.02
* Origin: Benchboard BBS, Lansing MI 517-394-2447 Go OS9! (1:159/290)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 3102 *MM1 TECH Echo*[32m
To : John A Donaldson
[33mFrom : John Evans
[35mSubject : Re: OS9 V3.0
[37mDate : 93/12/14 21:43:00[36m
-> If you have a copy of
-> look on pages 28 - 29. Microware has a blurb on the NEW OS9 V3.0 and
-> the Atomic OS9 microkernel.
It is in more than just that trade mag. The Ad Man at Microware has an
interesting sense of humor ("great embedd").
It touts the 68040 VME board. I assume it operates with "lesser"
processors in the family. Looks like the 68K family is going embedded
while the PowerPC 6xx family is going to get all of the glory at both
IBM and Apple. I requested the info on the PowerPC from Moto. It <is>
interesting but sad for the 68K.
[37m--- RiBBS v2.02
* Origin: Benchboard BBS, Lansing MI 517-394-2447 Go OS9! (1:159/290)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 3108 *MM1 TECH Echo*[32m
To : Malcolm Cleveland
[33mFrom : Warren Hrach
[35mSubject : Re: OSK manuals
[37mDate : 93/12/17 09:17:30
[32mPrevious Reply is Message [33m3100 [36m
Look for your UPS pkg. by 93/12/17. I shipped on the 10th.
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10 (Beta)
* Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 3113 *MM1 TECH Echo*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Warren Hrach
[35mSubject : BBS program
[37mDate : 93/12/17 11:55:24[36m
*** Attention all RiBBS and related programmers ***
Charles West, Wes Gale, Norman Rheaume, Bill Wittman
and any others that have contributed.
The OSK/BINK/KBBS group is looking for compatable program
sources that can be ported to the OS9-68K system.
External programs such as bundle, unbundle, cparslst,
nodeprocess, autofrl, rtick, ltick, looknode, getmsgs etc.
are needed along with programs for creating menus, creating
a userlog and editing same. Also needed is all normal BBS
msg handling, archiving, tossing etc programs that I have
missed. Note that these program names are RiBBS names and
their counterpart in other BBS systems can also be considered.
Program sources in C are preferable but basic09 and assem.
may be used as long as they are documented sufficiently to
assist the programmer doing the port.
At present there is a port of Binkley being implemented
and it is intended to use Binkley as the mailer portion.
All authors that contribute will be noted in the docs for
the new OSK BBS. It is to be a public domain release and
will be designed to run on any OS9-68K platform.
Please contact me, Warren Hrach at the Ocean Beach BBS
(619) 224-4878 Fido net/node 202/343, 12, 24, 9600 baud v.32b.
or by mail, 4369 Newport Ave. San Diego, CA 92107.
Contributions can be on 3.5" 720K OS9 format disks or 1.4 meg
OS9-68K format. 5.25" OS9 360K disk format also acceptable.
This msg. crossposted on OS9, RIBBS and MM1_TECH Fido echos.
If someone will post on Delphi and/or Internet it will be
-Warren Hrach, RiBBS beta sysop, Group OSK/BINK/KBBS
[37m--- RiBBS v2.10
* Origin: Ocean Beach BBS 619-224-4878 MM1 TECH moderator (1:202/343)
[31m=*= [32mFIDO ECHO MESSAGES MENU [31m=*=[36m
<1> Scan \
<2> Read > OS9 Echo mail
<3> Leave /
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<5> Read > CoCo Echo mail
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