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#: 17956 S1/General Interest
21-Apr-93 22:22:42
Sb: #17916-#real time application
Fm: Allan 70506,1173
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
what kind of examples do you want? which version of os-9? I have
several working demo's / applications and may be able to give you
som pointer's. BTW I am in Carrolton, Tx.
Allan R. Batteiger
OS-9 Project Leader - Mizar
(214) 277-4648 wk
(214) 245-0171 hm
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17959 S1/General Interest
22-Apr-93 10:31:15
Sb: #17956-real time application
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Allan 70506,1173
Allan -
It wasn't me that needed the examples... but I have talked with the fellow that
did on the phone.
#: 17955 S1/General Interest
21-Apr-93 22:11:19
Sb: #OS9MAX utility
Fm: Keith Madden 75045,1345
To: [F] All
I found a demo for an MSDOS utility to write/read/format OS-9 floppy
disks in the OS-9/68K library section, but don't know the domestic address for
the source of this software. Can anyone help me?
Best wishes,
Keith Madden
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17970 S1/General Interest
23-Apr-93 17:33:38
Sb: #17955-OS9MAX utility
Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417
To: Keith Madden 75045,1345
Hello Keith
The Company is called :
Bremer Strasse 2
D-2300 Kiel 1
FAX: (+49) 43186511 or (+49) 43182000
PHONE: (+49) 431805293
Contact-person: Oliver Reischke.
ole b. hansen@danelec electronics denmark ole@danelec.dk
#: 17973 S1/General Interest
24-Apr-93 06:08:38
Sb: New Magazine
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: All
Announcing a New Magazine for the
CoCo/OS-9/OSK Communities
Beginning on 1 May, a new publication will debut at the Chicago
Fest. This magazine will be my attempt to bring together the CoCo
OS-9 and OSK communities under one publication and try to give all
the readers the articles, columns, and departments they have been
asking for over so many years. This magazine will serve the
CoCo, OS-9 and OSK communities equally. Advertisers for products
geared for each of these areas will be contacted. Column writers
you are familiar with will be there. Articles that you would like
to see will be written. In short, I hope to make this magazine
what none of the others have done, and to pick up where The
Rainbow left off.
The magazine is unnamed at this point, which is where you, the
potential readers come in. The first issue will announce the
"Name that Mag" contest. The contest rules are this: You send
in your entry for the magazine name via e-mail or US mail,
including your name and address with your entry. All entries must
be received before the 15th of May. In the next (June) issue of
the unnamed magazine, the top 5 selections will be announced.
Voting for the winner will then commence in the same manner as
the entries were made, e-mail or snail mail. The winner by the
popular vote will be announced in the July issue. The winner will
also receive a set of Labtec Stereo Computer speaker and a free
one year subscription. The runner-up will also receive a free
one year subscription as well as some other goodies to be announced
Starting with the May issue, the new magazine will be offered free
to anyone who wants a copy, and will continue on with three more
free issues. After that time, I and my wife (who will be the
managing editor) will decide if enough user responses were made to
warrant continuing with the effort. At the same time, the readers
can decide if what they had seen so far was worth their time and
money. If we both want to continue, then, at that point,
subscriptions will be gathered and a new magazine, mandated by the
community members, will be born.
The first issue will be very small and subsequent issues will grow
as support grows. I believe when the first four issues are done,
we all will have a better idea of what direction this publication
will take. I sincerely hope that the reader response is large
enough to show support for continuing. I think we can make this
magazine something that the readers would be proud of.
Submissions for the contest can be sent to the following:
Compuserve - 76070,41
Internet - Either address above (internet addressing) or
US Mail - Mark Griffith
1368 Old Hwy 50 East
Union, MO 63084
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#: 17933 S2/Tutorials
18-Apr-93 11:46:49
Sb: #huh ?or_help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
Minor little glitch in the handling of the subject field.
I used the <T> option to nab your PPn from my current messages. Chnaged the
section from 12 to 0 and typed over the subject.
Seems that an over type doesn't clear the field. Should it?
*- Steve -*
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17941 S2/Tutorials
20-Apr-93 00:37:58
Sb: #17933-#huh ?or_help
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
That's the way its supposed to work, sort of. The field is available for
editing, you can backspace, and delete the previous character, or type over any
existing character, using left and right arrow keys (from termcap) to move back
and forth. You should be able to space over everything, trailing blanks get
stripped. This is something that has always been there, but never worked right.
I would really like to get it to work a little better, but was afraid to make
any more changes so close to the 'fest. What do you think? Should I put it back
to no editing, where it just blanks out what's there when you start typing?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17946 S2/Tutorials
20-Apr-93 17:32:42
Sb: #17941-#huh ?or_help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
I'd just blank it. I can recall ever 'editing' an exisiting subject line.
*- Steve -*
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17954 S2/Tutorials
21-Apr-93 07:37:45
Sb: #17946-huh ?or_help
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Its the same for all the fields, and I have had to edit the To: line for long
Internet addresses, that were too long when the name at the end in quotes was
included. So rather than have to write down the long internet address, and then
only type in what is needed, you can just space over the part at the end that
you don't need. I also realize that it can be a pain this way, particularly for
the subject field. I'm open to suggestions, but don't want to have to make too
many changes now.
#: 17943 S6/Applications
20-Apr-93 04:10:19
Sb: #InfoXpress
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: All
Introducing InfoXpress
There are a number of communications services, bulletin boards, and
other online activities competing for your hard earned money these
If you want to remain current on the ongoing activities, you must spend
long hours at your computer keyboard laboriously logging into each
service one-at-a-time. Once there, you either read and reply to the
message base online, or figure out some method to download it, then
compose your replies offline, only to log in again to upload them.
This takes up much of your valuable time. It also costs you money for
connect time and, in many cases, long distance charges. You also have
the headache of keeping track of who said what on what service and
different usernames or IDs. If you want to keep a history of all the
downloaded messages, you need to devise a scheme to do this yourself.
Many long time modem users are finding it less and less enjoyable
because of these problems.
To answer these concerns, Bill Dickhaus, long time Compuserve user and
Assistant Sysop, wrote InfoXpress. This software, developed over many
years of listening to user complaints and wishes, includes almost every
feature you could want in a communications package.
InfoXpress allows you the setup your OS-9 or OSK machine to
automatically call both Delphi and Compuserve at any time during the
or night, or several times each day. Each time a connection is made,
InfoXpress will search through each forum you have previously specified
and download all the unread messages. In addition, InfoXpress will
all your waiting electronic mail, and automatically upload any replies
you have made to messages or e-mail from a previous online session.
Once your messages are captured, you can view them and create replies
using your favorite editor.
InfoXpress also keeps track of all the messages it has downloaded and
will automatically ``age'' the message database at periodic intervals
keeping the most current messages in an active status while archiving
the older ones. InfoXpress maintains a separate database of user names
for each service and allows you to update it while reading messages,
using the currently displayed message header as the source for the
information. A log of your online sessions as well as a usage database
is also kept allowing you to calculate your online charges.
All the features of InfoXpress are fully customizable using any text
editor. In addition, all features of Delphi and Compuserve are
supported, including Internet addressing and binary mail. In short,
InfoXpress is the answer to all the frustrations of online
InfoXpress is available exclusively from DccS. To check availability
or to get more information, call or write to:
The Dirt Cheap Computer Stuff Company
1368 Old Hwy 50 East
Union, MO 63084
(314) 583-4692
InfoXpress can be purchased from now until the 2nd of May for 20% off.
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There is 1 Reply.
#: 17951 S6/Applications
21-Apr-93 04:39:02
Sb: #17943-InfoXpress
Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013
To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X)
#: 17935 S9/Utilities
18-Apr-93 18:29:14
Sb: .ar format specs
Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175
Is there any file in any Lib detailing the format of a .AR compressed file? No,
I'm not writing an unauthorized Ar 1.6 (g), but I am writing a program which
does need to work with the compressed data. Upon completion, I shall either a)
get permission to release the program as public domain or b) never release the
program to the public, but which I have not yet decided upon.
Erich Schulman (KTN4CA)
#: 17968 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
23-Apr-93 15:22:54
Sb: #17923-Basic Error 200
Fm: Tony Elliott 71645,1367
To: Tony Elliott 71645,1367
Thank you much. I am working with so many different systems right now, I can't
remember where everything is! I'll hafta write a bunch of scripts to do what I
need. I wish we could just scrap DOS and do everything in OS9.
#: 17957 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
22-Apr-93 04:10:43
Sb: #17769-#MM/1 boot ROM
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
> My new super dupper ROMs finally arrived for my MM/1. They installed fine
> appear to be working...however, I can not boot from HD. With a floppy
> installed without a boot file I get the message that it is attempting to
> from HD, but that's it. No SCSI activity appears to be taking place. The
> thing I can think of is that the scsi controller ID which is being used is
> the same as my HD??? I have a HD on line 0.
OK....the obvious questions, did you do and os9gen on the hard drive to setup
the bootfile? The SCSI ID of the drive should be zero so that seems to be
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There is 1 Reply.
#: 17964 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
23-Apr-93 00:39:44
Sb: #17957-MM/1 boot ROM
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X)
Thanks Mark. I have checked the Bootfile a number of times. I even checked LSN0
with ded just to make sure. Yup...it is there.
Funny thing about the boot processes. After the floppy fails (no disk, etc)
then the system seems to hang. However, if I attach a LED to the scsi activity
pins on the i/o board I do get a regular pulse. It seems that the ROMs are
trying to find the HD...but it appears to be busy or something.
Any other ideas?
#: 17944 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
20-Apr-93 14:47:52
Sb: #17920-#C_error_help
Fm: Graham Trott 100115,1075
To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X)
Larry --
Can I throw in a pennyworth or two? It's not so difficult breaking up a
program; you quite often have to do it even when you're alreading using a
modular approach, as components get too big.
Simplest way is to start with procedures that are relatively self-contained
(that don't use too many static variables). Take out a bunch of these, say all
the math ones into "mymath.c" and the string handlers into "mystrings.c" - get
the picture? It's also a good idea to put all static variables into their own
program module - saves hunting later. By the time you've done this, each
module will probably be down to a reasonable size.
Next thing is to create "mydefs.h". Into this go all system #includes,
prototypes for all functions that are known outside their own modules, all
static variables (defined as extern), custom typedefs, etc. Include this
header at the start of each of your program modules so every module has a
common frame of reference.
Lastly, the make file. It looks something like this:
# Make file to produce "myprog"
CFLAGS = -ix
HFILES = $(DEFDIR)/stdio.h\
RFILES = $(RDIR)/myprog.r\
$(ODIR)/myprog: $(RFILES)
cc $(CFLAGS) -fd=$(ODIR)/myprog $(RFILES)
Save it as "makefile", then all you need to type is "make" to do a full or
partial rebuild as necessary. The script assumes makefile is in the same
directory as the source files.
-- GT
I just read on and see you've already solved the problem. Oh well, my fault
for jumping in before finishing reading messages. Might as well leave it in
There are 2 Replies.
#: 17949 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
20-Apr-93 22:54:24
Sb: #17944-#C_error_help
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Graham Trott 100115,1075 (X)
This business of breaking up programs is probably more art than science. One
can build some nice safety nets by declaring functions as static...that way
stuff in other files can't find them.
I might as well add in my method of declaring global variables in a common
h file. In the file containing main() I do a
#define MAIN
Then in the .h file (which is included in all the files) I have:
#ifndef MAIN
#define GLOBAL extern
#define GLOBAL
To declare/define a variable I just do:
GLOBAL char foo;
This will define foo in main.c; and declare it in the other files.
Hope this helps someone.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17961 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
22-Apr-93 16:44:26
Sb: #17949-C_error_help
Fm: Graham Trott 100115,1075
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
Bob --
Good technique of yours, declaring global variables using an #ifdef. I may
well adopt it.
-- GT
#: 17950 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
21-Apr-93 01:57:34
Sb: #17944-C_error_help
Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467
To: Graham Trott 100115,1075 (X)
No, I thank you for jumping in. I havn't tackled 'make' yet, but your
example makes it look simple. I'll see if I can get this figured out.
#: 17929 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
17-Apr-93 18:50:11
Sb: #17924-#login
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Nope, that doesn't work either. Same error message, etc.
Hmmm, what editions/version of tsmon and login are you using?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17931 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Apr-93 11:29:45
Sb: #17929-#login
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
Login is edition #7, tsmon is #18.
How about those /dd/usr permissions?
*- Steve -*
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17936 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
19-Apr-93 00:04:03
Sb: #17931-#login
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
This is getting real strange...there must be something we are missing! You are
using the same versions of login and tsmon. I have checked the permissions of
To review: I set the attrs of /dd/usr/steve to (d----ewr) and use the line in
password "steve,steve,3.3,128,/dd/cmds,/dd/usr/steve,shell". After typing in
the <enter> I enter the user name and password. I get the MOTD. Then I get the
message "login: Can't chd to '/dd/usr/steve". logout...."
If it works for you...how come it don't for me???
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17937 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
19-Apr-93 17:30:58
Sb: #17936-#login
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
> This is getting real strange...there must be something we are missing! You
> using the same versions of login and tsmon. I have checked the permissions
Bob ... you got cut off. What are the permissions for the directories /dd/usr
and /dd/cmds ?
This _is_ weird. Still sounds like a permissions problems to me.
*- Steve -*
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17938 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
19-Apr-93 23:12:01
Sb: #17937-#login
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Don't understand why that last message got chopped. Oh well. (oh..what does the
CIS editor do with a "slash"DD"slash"usr ? Anyway, the permissions of all the
directories on the entire driver are (d-ewrewr). The only exception just now is
the sub-directory listed in the password file.
Just to make sure of things...I have loaded both login and pd into memory.
Still, on go.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 17947 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
20-Apr-93 17:32:56
Sb: #17938-#login
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
> Don't understand why that last message got chopped. Oh well. (oh..what does
> the CIS editor do with a "slash"DD"slash"usr ? Anyway, the permissions of
If the / falls as the first character of a line, then the CIS editor thinks
it's a command and attempts to process what follows. That's probabbly what
Have you attempted to use login from the command line? Type Login and login as
one of your test users. What happens?
Also ... who owns login and tsmon?
*- Steve -*
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17948 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
20-Apr-93 22:54:15
Sb: #17947-login
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
I tried the login from shell command line. Same thing...however, this time it
adds 'error 214' to the 'can't chd to...' message. So, yes, it is a permission
thingie. But if it works for you....
#: 17958 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
22-Apr-93 05:21:45
Sb: #17938-#login
Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
Hey Bob,
You said that /dd/usr/steve had perms of d----ewr right? Now, is it OWNED by
steve? You may have to do a chown to steves UID.
Hope this helps,
- Mike -
There are 2 Replies.
#: 17962 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
22-Apr-93 17:31:29
Sb: #17958-#login
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
Good suggestion Mike! I was running out of ideas.
BTW .... where are you on the Desktop stuff?
*- Steve -*
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17971 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
23-Apr-93 19:24:52
Sb: #17962-#login
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Opps, I got the names confused on the last message. I didn't realize that Mike
had stepped into this thread.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17975 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
24-Apr-93 17:31:32
Sb: #17971-login
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
No sweat ... the key issue here is you're up and running!
*- Steve -*
#: 17965 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
23-Apr-93 00:39:56
Sb: #17958-#login
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
Boy, do you ever know how to make a fellow feel dumb! Now why would I want to
make the user the owner of this own directory? <blush>
You hit it right on the head! Thanks for all the patience.
But, that brings up an interesting topic? How do you change the owner of a
directory? I have several different versions of chown. They all refuse to work
on a directory...they work fine on files. And I can't have the user create his
own directory....sort of defeats the whole purpose. I can't, as superuser,
change to 'Steves' ID either (or is there a command for that?
I ended up using ded to directly modify the descriptor...but that really seems
to be the hard way! Guess I could modify the password file so that I log into a
public directory (as the user), create the new directory, logout, modify the
password file again....there has to be an easier way!
There are 2 Replies.
#: 17966 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
23-Apr-93 04:09:39
Sb: #17965-#login
Fm: Bob Taylor 73270,3124
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
Check your cmds dir for chown. Microware has one there. It is really flaky,
but changes user id if you are logged in as superuser.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17974 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
24-Apr-93 16:19:15
Sb: #17966-login
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Bob Taylor 73270,3124
Thanks Bob. I have a number of chown's. I don't believe any of them come from
MW. However, the fildes Steve suggested does the job just fine.
#: 17969 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
23-Apr-93 17:31:10
Sb: #17965-login
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
Hey hey! Success!
Glad Mike's suggestion finally nailed down this problem. I was fast running out
of ideas.
To change ownership, I use the 'fildes' utility that was shipped with my MM/1.
Does ownership and a couple of other things.
*- Steve -*
#: 17927 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
17-Apr-93 12:06:39
Sb: #17915-login
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
What's the perms on /dd/usr ...
It need to be full access so the user can get to his directory.
*- Steve -*
#: 17930 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Apr-93 03:58:43
Sb: #linking
Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
Just to let you know, I finally figured out how to break these C programs up
and link them later. I was pulling my hair out for the last couple of days,
with all these <unresolved reference> errors. I could not figure out what the
problem was. As a last resort, I pulled out the Kernigham & Ritchie book, and
there it was. I had defined all the global variables in the main module, as
STATIC. Somewhere I had gotten the idea that variables defined outside a
function, and defined as static, were global. Static & Extern, just don't mix.
So now I can get back to finishing this program up, without worrying about
bumping into that 64k limit,(hopefully).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17952 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
21-Apr-93 07:04:03
Sb: #17930-linking
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X)
It took me a long time to understand all the ins and outs of C variable
definitions. Part of my confusion was that static means something different
whether the variable is defined outside or inside a function. The concept of
what a global variable really is, and how extern and the linker fit into the
picture was also something that I didn't understand at first. Its good to hear
that you got it working.
#: 17934 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Apr-93 16:40:24
Sb: G-WINDOWS for the ST
Fm: Michael Fisher 72320,1233
To: All
To anyone who saw my message a few months ago re a possible port of G-WINDOWS
for the Atari ST it isn't going to happen.I am not surprised, only three people
interested but felt it was worth putting up for people's input. Thanks. Mike
#: 17942 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
20-Apr-93 02:41:36
Sb: Atari STE, Modem 2 port
Fm: Hugo Rytz 100116,3720
To: All
We are running CUMANA os9 (V2.3) on an ATARI STE and are looking for a
serial driver (RS232) for the MODEM 2 and/or SIO 2 Ports. Is there
anybody who has implemented or sells them or is there any other type
of information available on this subject ?
Press <CR> !>