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#: 17588 S1/General Interest
02-Mar-93 21:14:31
Sb: #New to OS9
Fm: Mark Owen 73040,425
To: ?
I give up. Please tell me what to do to get started with this forum, like,
which utilities are necessary, and what should I get first.
For example, I'm new to OS9 but familiar with UNIX, so I want some of the
UNIX-like utilities to make me productive more quickly. But they're "archived"
(compressed, I'm sure) -- what do I need to unarchive them? My OS9 machine
comes from Allen/Bradley (68030-based), so it may not (probably won't) run
anything already compiled (will it?). I have a development set, so I'm not
afraid of source. Is the 68030-stuff standard enough that I can run it on my
machine (binary compatibility? something UNIX can't seem to do, tho I can see
why that's hard to do.....)
I'd really just like to get the source and compile on my machine.... Any help
would be appreciated.
Mark Owen
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17594 S1/General Interest
03-Mar-93 07:17:17
Sb: #17588-New to OS9
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Mark Owen 73040,425
Most files are archived with a utility called AR. This is _very_ different from
the UNIX version you may be familiar with. Source can be found in the Utilities
library. Hope into any library and issue the following command:
BROwse AR*.* /lib:all
THat should net you a couple of hits.
And actually, there's a good chance that executables _will_ work on your
machine. If I got my numbers right the 030 will run code compiled on a 'lesser'
machine. Give it a try. In any event, most of the programs here have the source
*- Steve -*
#: 17603 S1/General Interest
04-Mar-93 13:02:45
Sb: Home Publisher
Fm: Rogelio Perea 72056,1204
To: sysop (X)
Hello OS9ers.... are there (in the LIBRARIES) any files that contain clip art
for the Home Publisher software package from TANDY??... any upgrades, hacks,
patches for this program?.... please let me know. I have created about 4 or 5
images and I want to know where can I upload them in this forum.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.......
Rogelio Perea
just one more CoCoNUT!!
#: 17604 S1/General Interest
04-Mar-93 16:57:53
Sb: #More info on OS9
Fm: bye 70324,261
To: all
I am looking to move a large application from DOS 5.0 to a real-time
multitasking operating system. Someone at Allen Bradley told us that they run
a multitasking DOS operationg system called OS9. What exactly is OS9 and will
it run on Intel based PC's. From the initial greeting banner and the list of
forum sections, it looks to me as if OS9 is for motorala 6800 and 68000 type
Any information would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Thad Puacz
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17616 S1/General Interest
05-Mar-93 12:28:16
Sb: #17604-More info on OS9
Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
To: bye 70324,261 (X)
OS-9 comes in three flavors these days. OS-9(6809) for the moto 6809,
OS-9(68000) for moto 680x0 systems, and OS-9000 which can run on any Intel 386
of better and also runs on Moto 68030's or better. I hope a sysop will jump in
with more info for ya.
- Mike -
#: 17605 S1/General Interest
04-Mar-93 17:33:03
Sb: Home Publisher
Fm: Rogelio Perea 72056,1204
To: [F] all
Hello OS9ers.... are there (in the LIBRARIES) any files that contain clip art
for the Home Publisher software package from TANDY??... any upgrades, hacks,
patches for this program?.... please let me know. I have created about 4 or 5
images and I want to know where can I upload them in this forum.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.......
Rogelio Perea
just one more CoCoNUT!!
#: 17618 S1/General Interest
05-Mar-93 13:28:21
Sb: #contact for info OS-9000
Fm: bye 70324,261
To: sysop (X)
I am interested in getting information on OS-9000 or the number of a
salesperson so that I may find out about price, features, etc. Can you tell me
who markets OS-9000.
-- Thad
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17620 S1/General Interest
05-Mar-93 17:26:25
Sb: #17618-contact for info OS-9000
Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752
To: bye 70324,261
OS-9000 (as well as its predecessors) is developed and marketed by Microware
Systems Corporation.
Their home office is in Des Moines, Ia.
Phone: (515) 224-1929
Address: 1900 N.W. 11th Street
Des Moines, Ia 50322
#: 17625 S1/General Interest
05-Mar-93 19:47:46
Sb: OS9U
Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662
To: All
So, anyone have any idea when the next OS9 Underground will see the light of
day? Last I heard, Alan was almost finished with the most recent issue.
Apparently not....
$18 down the drain? Perhaps.....
#: 17626 S3/Languages
05-Mar-93 20:15:41
Sb: #102 (bus) error
Fm: Ferranti Technologies 76264,1650
To: All
We are working on a program that gives us a bus error evertime we
execute it from the command line, but it runs without error in srcdbg. We are
using Ultra C and feel that there is something that we are not doing correctly
for using the csl module. I far as I can see there is nothing required to make
use of the module but I don't know that for sure. We also get a bus error
every time we run a program that requires the use of the fpu math library.
Please Help!!
There are 2 Replies.
#: 17631 S3/Languages
06-Mar-93 16:34:27
Sb: #17626-102 (bus) error
Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417
To: Ferranti Technologies 76264,1650
Hello Ferranti Technologies
In order to track dpwn the problem, I need to know what processor you are
using(68000,68020,68030,68040), as this might be processor dependent. For
instance the 68040 needs the fpu-library, as the builtin fpu does not do
anything the MC68881/68882 do, so you actually gets illegal opcodes ?? Do you
use 'ssm(system security module). This could also cause 'bus-errors' if
user-state tasks make access to memory, that is not allocated for it !! The
'csl'-module should be installed from 'init' during startup. It is a
traphandler that contains subroutines for the ultra-c-libraries much the same
way 'cio' does for the 'old' C.
regards ole@danelec.dk
#: 17634 S3/Languages
06-Mar-93 19:29:53
Sb: #17626-102 (bus) error
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Ferranti Technologies 76264,1650
Argh! I'm having the inverse problem - a program that runs fine standalone but
#102's under srcdbg. I wondered if size might be the issue, but James Jones
assures me that he's run stuff that's larger than mine without difficulties
(mine: exe = 122K, .DBG = 129K, and
STB = 15K).
#: 17581 S5/OS9 Users Group
28-Feb-93 18:05:35
Sb: For Sale
Fm: BOB LEET 72020,2536
To: James 72467,1036
Sorry, it isn't, but Brother Jeremy bought everything already anyhow.
Thanks anyway,
#: 17608 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
05-Mar-93 01:26:25
Sb: #One Meg upgrade
Fm: randy pischke 75460,205
To: all
Can anyone tell me if the One Meg upgrade kits are still available for the
Coco3. If so, where can I get one? Any info would be appreciated.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 17610 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
05-Mar-93 05:25:00
Sb: #17608-One Meg upgrade
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: randy pischke 75460,205
I don't know of any source for the 1M upgrade, but Tony DiStefano is currently
in the final stages of testing a 2M upgrade, that he has said should be
released very soon, possibly in the next few weeks. He will be selling kits,
without memory. The memory used is standard 1x8 or 1x9 SIMMs.
#: 17617 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
05-Mar-93 12:28:24
Sb: #17608-One Meg upgrade
Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
To: randy pischke 75460,205
Yes, I've heard that DISTO is making a limited run of 1 meg and 2 meg boards. I
don't have their number handy tho. You can find it in any old Rainbow mag.
- Mike -
#: 17598 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
04-Mar-93 00:04:15
Sb: #17575-#C help
Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X)
Here's a simple CurXY() routine. In fact it's the same as in the MM/1 cgfx.l
int path, x, y;
unsigned char buff[3];
buff[0] = 0x02;
buff[1] = (x + 0x20) & 0xff;
buff[2] = (y + 0x20) & 0xff;
return ( write(path,buff,3) );
Really not all that difficult. LOW I/O write() and read() vs. puts() and
gets() is unbuffered and much faster to windows. BTW the above returns -1
on error with the error code placed in errno.
- Mike -
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17600 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
04-Mar-93 01:38:30
Sb: #17598-#C help
Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467
To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X)
I'll try something like your example. I'm not trying to position the
character cursor, its the mouse pointer that I want to move to particular spot.
The code I have for mouse pointer positioning is 1B 4E then the x & y high &
low bytes. Is this the right code ?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17613 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 12:27:53
Sb: #17600-#C help
Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X)
Why are you trying to place the mouse cursor? Under KWindows it auto-follows
the mouse. So, when you place it somewhere it will move back to where the
mouse is when you move the mouse again.
There's no way to turn off this 'feature' as far as I know. You can draw your
own mouse cursor and PutBlk it anywhere you want to tho. And the is a way to
turn the mouse cursor on/off.
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
Hope this helps,
- Mike -
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17639 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
07-Mar-93 00:51:26
Sb: #17613-C help
Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467
To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
That is what I finally found out. The code does move the mouse pointer to a
particular position, but then locks back on to the mouse. It was just a case of
in one part of the program I wanted the mouse pointer to start at a specific
location. I guess I was under the impression that the data coming from the
mouse was relative, not absolute.
The problem was in my sloppy programming, at one point in the program the
user needs to select an item from a menu, but the menu routine gave random
results unless the mouse pointer started at the first menu item, so instead of
fixing the real problem I was going to try forcing the pointer to be where I
wanted it to be. Needless to say but that was dumb, I went back through the
menu routine and fixed it (I hope!!!), now it works correctly and it doesn't
care where the pointer starts from.
Any tips you can give me on things that are essential to check for when
getting a file name from a user and then attempting to open the file.
#: 17583 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
01-Mar-93 17:46:17
Sb: #17578-#C help
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X)
Larry -
I believe once buffering has been disabled, you can't turn it back on again, at
least not like that.
You could however _ummm_ cheat!
Do output (buffered mode)
stdout->flag |= _UNBUF; /* see stdio.h */
perform unbuffered output
stdout->flag &= ~_UNBUF
Resume buffered output.
Note that before unbuffering stdout, you should make sure that all characters
are flushed by doing an 'fflush(stdout)'.
Actually, using fflush(stdout) at any point is still the more efficient way to
do things. Single character (unbuffered) output is horribly abusive of the
system (and slow), if you don't really need it.
Pete Lyall
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17591 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
03-Mar-93 01:19:13
Sb: #17583-C help
Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
Its unanimous, <g> I think I'll stick with just flushing the buffer.
I'm in deep enough trouble now.
#: 17611 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 05:25:29
Sb: #17578-#C help
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X)
Pete's right, its better to use fflush(stdout) than setbuf(), since as far as I
know, there is no way to turn buffer back on, once its turned off. The other
option that Mike suggested can also work. Just take my example and replace the
puts(mouse_pos) with write(1,mouse_pos,6). Mixing low level I/O with buffered
I/O works fine, as long as you remember to use fflush() after any buffered I/O,
like printf, puts, etc, otherwise you can get some interesting results!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17638 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
07-Mar-93 00:29:36
Sb: #17611-C help
Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
Thanks, now I just need to figure out how to use fflush(). The fflush() I
have says it needs to be in this form fflush(Fp), where Fp is a pointer to a
file. fflush(stdout) doesn't work.
Do I have to do something like this:
... oops , I didn't actually try fflush(stdout), I have set Wpath = to stdout,
and then I used fflush(Wpath). Could that be why it didn't work?
I need to try this again...
#: 17599 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
04-Mar-93 00:04:28
Sb: #17580-#get_fname() ?
Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X)
Hi Larry,
If your using the latest cgfx.l it chd's to the directory your picking the file
from so a simple open of just the filename will suffice.
- Mike -
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17601 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
04-Mar-93 01:45:38
Sb: #17599-#get_fname() ?
Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467
To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X)
I'm not sure if I have the latest cgfx.l, has there been a new one in the
last couple of months ?
It will work great if when you use get_fname, it does a chd and then stays
in that directory when the call to get_fname returns.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17614 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 12:28:00
Sb: #17601-#get_fname() ?
Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X)
I put the latest cgfx.l on cabrales.cs.wisc.edu. It was uploaded in January.
The older versions still do the chd for ya. But if you can, grab the newest
cgfx.l, the get_fname() function is much cleaner and tons faster.
- Mike -
There are 2 Replies.
#: 17632 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
06-Mar-93 16:35:49
Sb: #17614-get_fname() ?
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
Now that CIS has lowered it's rates a bit...maybe you can upload the latest
cgfx.l here too?
#: 17640 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
07-Mar-93 00:53:49
Sb: #17614-get_fname() ?
Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467
To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433
Ok Mike, I'll try to grab it.
Thanks again
#: 17584 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
02-Mar-93 00:55:12
Sb: #Unfragmenter routine
Fm: William F. McGill/CA 73177,3433
To: All
In a piece of software I am writing for sale, I need to have a built-in routine
to unfragment a hard disk. Does anyone know if one already exists (in source
code) that I could modify for use in this project? (C or assembly language).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17589 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
02-Mar-93 21:23:27
Sb: #17584-#Unfragmenter routine
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: William F. McGill/CA 73177,3433 (X)
Bill, I uploaded a program called 'defrag' sometime ago to library 10. It just
defragments files (not directories). Nor does it actually repack the HD
structure. However, it is in C and the source is there. It might need some work
to handle 512byte sectors, etc. It was written for 6809 and I the source on my
68K box...but never have gotten around to fixing it.
The source was uploaded for "non-commercial" use only. If you use it as is for
a commercial product you'll have to talk to me first. However, if you just use
the source as a starting point to roll your own...
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17595 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
03-Mar-93 11:40:46
Sb: #17589-#Unfragmenter routine
Fm: William F. McGill/CA 73177,3433
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
Thanks for the info. I was not able to find any file named "defrag" or any
files dealing with defragmentation in library 10. Can you give me its exact
name and location?
There are 2 Replies.
#: 17596 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
03-Mar-93 22:02:38
Sb: #17595-Unfragmenter routine
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: William F. McGill/CA 73177,3433 (X)
I have just finished uploading it again. Check lib 10 under 'defrag.ar'.
#: 17624 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 19:36:52
Sb: #17595-Unfragmenter routine
Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417
To: William F. McGill/CA 73177,3433
hello william
there is a company called Ark Systems USA, that have a disk-reorganizer called
: Disk Squeezer
It will rebuild/reorganize your harddisk like 'compress' in PCtools on a PC. It
will 'pack' all files from beginning of harddisk and any fragmented files, will
be put into contigious-segmnets(if enough room on harddisk). their address is :
ARK Systems USA P.O.Box 23 Santa Clara CA 95052-0023
Phone: +1(408)2445358
They actual have a number of utilities/filemanagers(IEEE) that is nice.
regards ole@danelec.dk
#: 17597 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
03-Mar-93 23:13:30
Sb: #Basic Error 200
Fm: Tony Elliott 71645,1367
To: All
From time to time, we have encountered an Error 200 in several of our programs.
We are usually alternately compiling data from disk files and writing it to a
printer. The Error 200 refers to the path table being filled, but without
opening multiple paths, I am not clear as to why we are creating this error.
If anyone has had similar experiences or any knowledge as to why this might be
happening, I sure would appreciate hearing. I'm sure more specifics would
help, but I am not sure where to begin. Any ideas?
Any help would be most appreciated.
There are 3 Replies.
#: 17606 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
04-Mar-93 23:01:29
Sb: #17597-Basic Error 200
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Tony Elliott 71645,1367
Amazingly, I just had the same problem the other day! (error 200 while
compiling a C program).
Finally, Pete noticed that I'd accidentally typed:
#include "file.c"
where I'd meant to type:
#include "file.h"
and the "file.c" was the file being compiled... so it was recursively including
itself and running out of paths. Wonder if this is the same thing happening to
luck - kev
#: 17607 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
04-Mar-93 23:04:09
Sb: #17597-Basic Error 200
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Tony Elliott 71645,1367
PS- OTOH, if you really meant a Basic program getting an error 200, look to
make sure it's not opening the same file over and over again without closing
#: 17609 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 03:02:57
Sb: #17597-Basic Error 200
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: Tony Elliott 71645,1367
> From time to time, we have encountered an Error 200 in several of our
> programs. We are usually alternately compiling data from disk files and
> writing it to a printer. The Error 200 refers to the path table being
> but without opening multiple paths, I am not clear as to why we are creating
> this error.
> If anyone has had similar experiences or any knowledge as to why this might
> happening, I sure would appreciate hearing. I'm sure more specifics would
> help, but I am not sure where to begin. Any ideas?
Most of the time this error is due to a loop in the program where a file is
opened and then never closed, ultimately filling the users path table. Check to
see if there are any file open statements and then make sure each open has a
corresponding close.
/************* /\/\ark ************/
#: 17619 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 14:21:24
Sb: #(Re)New user
Fm: bert shaw 70431,3014
Hello to all,
I'm not a new OS9 user, strictly, nor even new to this forum. But it's been
several years since I've use the OS, and I've been a lurker here, mostly.
I'm using OS9 again, and find it as hard to "get into" as ever. I would
*greatly* appreciate using some of the tools here, but can't even manage that.
Embarrassed, but unbowed, I'm asking you the usual simple questions.
* I have kermit on a PC and on my 68K OS9 machine, and can transfer files
from CIS to the PC and from it to OS9.
* I can transfer the *.c files, but have no "intelgob.c" file. Many of
the source files seem to use #include's that I don't have.
* I can transfer the *.bin files, but am not sure what to do with them.
They don't appear to be directly executable under OSK, they don't seem
to be S files. What are they? What do I do to run one?
..because of the above, all the lovely *.ar and *.lzh files are pretty unusable
to me. I looked for a "How to use the archive files" text file, but didn't
find one. Nothing very helpful in my stored *.msg stuff from long ago either.
I feel pretty silly, but .... help!
bert shaw
There are 3 Replies.
#: 17623 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 18:32:04
Sb: #17619-(Re)New user
Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641
To: bert shaw 70431,3014 (X)
Bert, I can answer some of your questions. 1> I have kermit on a PC and on my
OSK machine..
Yes you can transfer files from your PC to OSK and the other way around
too!. I have Procomm Plus vers 2.01 on my PC and it works perfectly with my OSK
2> I can transfer the *.c files, but have no ...
Most SIMPLE 'c' programs should re-compile without any problems.
Obviously, any strange PC specific includes or special 'c' functions
like graphics will need some MAJOR mods.
#: 17627 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 20:16:31
Sb: #17619-(Re)New user
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: bert shaw 70431,3014 (X)
All the .ar files ahve been archived with AR. Hope into any library and type
BROwse AR* /lib:all and up will pop the varrious files you'll need. Read the
descriptions and pick the version for the processor you're running.
.lzh files have been archived with LHA. In LIB 12 you'll find LHA201.bin and
Hope this help you get going. If mot .... just give a shout.
#: 17628 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 20:24:28
Sb: #17619-#(Re)New user
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: bert shaw 70431,3014 (X)
If you don't have them already, grab ar68.bin in LIB 9 for the *.ar files, and
lha201.bin in LIB 12 for the *.lzh files. Place ar68.bin and lha201.bin in an
execution directory, like /DD/CMDS, rename ar68.bin to ar, and rename
lha201.bin to lha, then set the execution attributes, like this: attr lha ar -e
Now you should have working versions of ar, to bust up the *.ar archives, and
lha to bust up the *.lzh archives.
C source files for the PC will, in most cases, not be easy to port to OSK. The
simpler the program, the easier the port. Unix C source code is much easier to
port to OSK, and there are a couple of libraries developed to support some of
the Unix functions.
Don't be embarrased about asking questions, that's what we're here for!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17635 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
06-Mar-93 20:00:20
Sb: #17628-(Re)New user
Fm: bert shaw 70431,3014
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
Thanks to all for their responses,
Bill's advice seems particularly helpful, but thaks to Steve & Scott as well.
I'll get back to my OS9 system this evening and see where this takes me.
I suspect I'll have more questions in a couple of days.
thanks again...bert
#: 17622 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 18:01:44
Sb: #SoundTracker Modules?
Fm: Stephen Seneker 75020,3611
Where would be a good place to look for SoundTracker/NoiseTracker sound module
specifications? How about OctaMED MED sound file specifications? Why? I'm
writing a module player for the MM/1. I have source code for players for Sparc
Stations and Indigos but the ports rung way out of real time and don't work too
good as module to raw sound data conveters, slow.
Where have I tried? Well, I tried on Usenet comp.multimedia and
alt.binaries.sounds.d, no luck. Here I've looked in the AmigaTech forum, no
Geez, why is it such a pain to find information about file formats?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17629 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-93 20:55:19
Sb: #17622-#SoundTracker Modules?
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Stephen Seneker 75020,3611 (X)
Stephen - do you mean Amiga MOD sound files? I ported the Unix/Sparc player a
while back... I think it's still in a closed library section here. It only
works okay realtime up to about 3KHz or so (awful), but will also send out a
file to be played later... which works great!
Perhaps one of the sysops more familiar with moving library files around these
days can move it into a public section. It was called "tracker" something, I
If some of it was moved to asm vs C, I think the speed could be greatly
improved. - kev Ex
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17636 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
06-Mar-93 21:18:04
Sb: #17629-SoundTracker Modules?
Fm: Stephen Seneker 75020,3611
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
Kevin, I recently port str32 for the Sparcstation. Though it does run outside
of real-time. I've been using it as a converter though. However I think that
I can write a player from scratch for the MM/1 that will run in real-time.
Don't you think that if an Amiga 500/600 can play them then the MM/1 should be
able to o also.
str32 lack of speed is due to the fact that it uses much floating point
arithmetic. Any ideas as to where one could find detailed specifications for
these formats?
#: 17633 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
06-Mar-93 17:23:39
Sb: #CHD problems
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: All
I've had more than one person make a request for a change in the way VED
handles reading and switching directories. Currently, when its file selector is
feed a directory name it just calls the C chd() function. This makes stepping
though directories pretty simple. However, it has a problem:
The application has no idea what the original directory was. This means that if
someone is in the directory a/b/c/d when the program starts, loads a file
'foo', makes some changes, then reads in another file using the file selector
and changes directories... when 'foo' is saved it will be in the new, not
original, directory.
This gets to be a bother when multiple buffers are being used. One buffer might
be editing 'foo' from the directory VED was in when started; a 2nd buffer might
be editing 'woof' from '....../a/b'. Just saving the files will put them both
in '....../a/b'. Probably not what the doctor ordered.
I guess that what I need is a pushdir() function. Then the file selector could
do all the chd()s it wants. When a file is selected, the pushdir() information
could be saved with the filename. Then, when a save it done it could restore
the file to the correct directory.
The only other method I see is to manually keep track of the path
names--appending directory names to a pathlist as the directoy is stepped
though. But that becomes real complicated real fast...after all, isn't that why
we have an OS?
Any ideas, suggestions, comments, etc. will be appreciated.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 17641 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
07-Mar-93 08:33:01
Sb: #17633-CHD problems
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
I wish I could help, but I have the exact same problem right now with
InfoXpress, and I haven't been able to solve it. So far the only thing I've
come up with, but haven't tried yet, is to get the output of "pd" via a pipe.
The only other way, I guess, would be to do what "pd" does, which is run
backwards through the directories all the way to the root directory. Other than
forking a new process, I don't think there's any way to save the current data
directory, change it, then put it back. Please let me know if you come up with
a solution.
#: 17637 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
06-Mar-93 23:47:07
Sb: NIMITZ questions
Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
Hi Kevin... David Graham (NIMITZ) asked me to relay a couple questions to you.
Here they are:
Is Windio48 hard-coded for 3 Megs? Will it work on a 'personal' system?
Are docs for BGFX available? Seems a friend of his has it but no docs. If
docs are not available, he's willing to write them.
Glen Hathaway - COMPER - 71446,166
#: 17621 S15/Hot Topics
05-Mar-93 17:52:49
Sb: #17539-New Product Announcement
Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752
To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X)
Microware Systems Corporation
1900 N.W. 114th St.
Des Moines, Ia. 50322
(515) 225-1929
OS-9 has versions that run on Motorola 6809 or Hitachi 6309,
and Motorola 680x0 processors.
OS-9000 is an enhanced version of OS-9 that is written in C (instead of
assembly like its predecessor) that runs on Intel 80386 and higher processors
as well as the high end of the Motorola 680x0 family. C makes it portable, but
for performance considerations some or the deep kernel routines are done in
In many ways the OS-9(000) family of operating systems resemble Unix. However,
as I understand it, Unix while is multi-tasking and multi-user, it is not
what's referred to as a real-time operating system. OS9 has a pre-emptive
interupt system. OS9 is also ROMable which makes it very handy for black-box
applications. Chances are you've used an OS-9 system at some time in your life
without knowing it. (I've been told that the do-it-yourself electronic scales
at some post offices are run by a ROM-based OS-9 system under the covers. And
that's just one. FermiLab uses an OS-9 system. NASA uses OS-9, I'm told on
the shuttle.)
There are experts in the forum here that are far more advance in the use of
OS-9, but I'm sold on its viability and vitality.
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