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#: 14542 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
08-Mar-92 21:11:08
Sb: #14539-#MM/1 help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Is anything being printed to /term and /w1 from tsmon during this time?
If not, I don't see how the window driver can be related... but stranger things
have happened with drivers, I guess. Even more suspicious is that your
(shell?) on the tsmon'd /t2 sometimes begins to echo weirdly. So yah, please
let me know what happens with just the shell on there.
Hmmm. /T2? Do you have ms and the mouse driver in place by any chance? That
is, is windio trying to also use /t2 as the mouse port? No telling what kind
of wacko troubles that could cause :-)
Re: window descriptors. I did like Hazelwood and most others: took the quick
way out for now, and used the XOn/XOff values to mean default fore/back colors.
And the Type is the window type, and Baud is actually set to the window number.
Later, I'll add CoCo-like extra descriptor spots for size, type, and so forth.
But it's low on the priority list, of course.
best - kev
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14549 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 07:54:00
Sb: #14542-#MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
I've got the mouse stuff commented out currently in my bootlist file since I'm
not using it unitl I get all my serial ports running. So, hopefully that's not
the problem. Nothing is being echoed visably to /term.
Thanks for the info on the xon/xoff values. Makes sense now .... and I'll
change 'em back. Black isn't my color! :-)
I'll keep you posted on any development.
Thanks for the assist!
Maybe this will all go away with the new version, eh?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14554 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 14:46:36
Sb: #14549-#MM/1 help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Steve, you could also boot up with no window stuff at all... just running off
the serial ports... and see what happens.
BTW, check your Init module. Is your irq stack set pretty high? I think most
of us now set it to well over 1000... I'm using 4096, for instance, which is
probably ridiculously high, but with multiple interrupts possible at one time,
it prevents oddball problems.
There are 3 Replies.
#: 14557 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 22:09:00
Sb: #14554-MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Two good ideas, Kev. I'll diddle some more and let you know what I find.
#: 14558 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 22:20:00
Sb: #14554-#MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Just moded my init module. The IRQ stack was set to 512. I've bumped it up to
the same 4096 you're using.
Now .... can you tell me what I just did?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14559 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 22:43:00
Sb: #14558-#MM/1 help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Oooooo... 512 was probably too low. You were setting the amount of stack space
usable during interrupts. With a half-dozen interrupt level inputs, and more
demanding interrupt routines, it helps to have enough breathing space for the
system stack. Otherwise it might overwrite something critical.
I suspect you'll be in better shape now. This is one of those "minor" details
that isn't too obvious or mentioned often... and it causes especially hard to
pin down problems which are usually blamed on everything else but :-)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14560 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 22:49:49
Sb: #14559-#MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Now wouldn't it just be great news if this fixed things right up?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14561 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 22:57:28
Sb: #14560-#MM/1 help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Yah, it'd be great if it fixed your problems! But you know Murphy...
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14565 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
10-Mar-92 07:41:07
Sb: #14561-MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Yeah ....
Murphy and I are well aquainted.
We're at day 20 of a four day project to install an update to Oracle Case tools
at the office on our SUN.
Talk about a poor product .....
#: 14573 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
10-Mar-92 21:19:31
Sb: #14554-#MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Just reporting in sir ....
Lock up's continue with the IRQ stack upped. The shell on /t2 was still
functional, but soon when to hell in a hand basket with the one-off problem
previously described.
I'm pondering my next approach. It will either be yanking the windowing stuff
and running off the terminals as suggested earlier, or ditching tsmon and
installing mmon (if Ed come through with the tips).
Frustrating? Yeah .... but not as bad as work!
;-( Steve
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14574 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
10-Mar-92 21:50:06
Sb: #14573-#MM/1 help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Yah, it's all part of the hobby :-) Just keep telling yourself that!
I'd say to run without the windowing stuff first (since you have terminals
hooked up, right? and because the diff should be visible fairly quickly).
Luck again! - kev
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14576 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
11-Mar-92 07:07:01
Sb: #14574-#MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Now here's something that appears to be interesting :
Id PId Grp.Usr Prior MemSiz Sig S CPU Time Age Module & I/O
2 0 0.0 128 0.50k 0 w 0.10 9:29 sysgo <>>>term
3 2 0.0 128 6.75k 0 s 3:28.62 9:29 shell <>>>term
4 0 0.0 128 6.75k 0 w 0.08 9:29 shell <>>>w1
5 4 0.0 128 6.75k 0 s 0.02 9:29 shell <>>>w1
6 0 0.0 128 6.75k 0 w 1.81 9:29 shell <>>>t2
7 0 0.0 128 9.50k 0 s 0.02 9:29 tsmon <>>>t4
8 6 0.0 128 18.00k 0 * 0.14 0:00 procs <>>t2 >dd
This procs was taken this morning. The system has been up only 9:29 hours and
look at the CPU time for the shell on /term. Looks to me to be way out of line.
It's just sitting there doing nothing .... why's it breathing so hard?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14578 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
11-Mar-92 18:15:49
Sb: #14576-#MM/1 help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Your CPU Time for shell on /term shows 3 minutes, 28.62 seconds. Doesn't seem
very much out of line to me.
The Age is in hours:minutes. CPU Time is hrs:minutes:seconds.hundredths.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14600 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
14-Mar-92 09:55:43
Sb: #14578-#MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
This thing gets truely weird. I have eliminated all references to tsmon, any
version, and haven't had a lock up since. I'll be yanking the windowing stuff
today and booting straight to terminal, re-install the tsmon on the modem port
and see what happens.
I realize the amount of CPU time displayed on /term's shell is a reasonable
value in and of itself. The point I wanted to make was given the _nothing_ was
executing on the shell save for the echo's from the startup file, and all
activity for the 9 1/2 hours had been done on /t2's shell, the porportional
difference between the two appeared to be significant.
Another example from last night's session follows:
Id PId Grp.Usr Prior MemSiz Sig S CPU Time Age Module & I/O
2 0 0.0 128 0.50k 0 w 0.09 13:37 sysgo <>>>term
3 4 0.0 128 6.75k 0 s 8.80 13:37 shell <>>>w1
4 0 0.0 128 6.75k 0 w 0.09 13:37 shell <>>>w1
5 2 0.0 128 6.75k 0 s 4:00.33 13:37 shell <>>>term
6 0 0.0 128 6.75k 0 w 5.80 13:37 shell <>>>t2
7 6 0.0 128 18.00k 0 * 0.12 0:00 procs <>>t2 >dd
As you can see, the shell on /term is crunching numbers big time, while the
shell on /t2 (where I was doing all my work) is fairly modest. Further, even
comparing the CPU time on the idle window (ID #3) which is brought up at boot
and just sitting there, to my active session on /t2 (ID #6) it would appear
that shells associated with the windowing stuff tend to get real busy.
Using Mark's nifty tool, Sysmon, which further breaks down CPU time into Total
CPU Time, System State, and User State, I see that only .05 of the time spent
on /term's shell is related to User activity. The rest being allocated in the
System State column.
I'll keep after this and let you know what I find.
Thanks for the help!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14606 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
15-Mar-92 06:50:50
Sb: #14600-#MM/1 help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Ooops and thanks! :-)
Turns out there was a piece of code in the vertical interrupt routine left over
from a super old statcall which was meant to wait for screen swaps.
All it's doing (in this case) is waking up the idle shell waiting on keyboard
input in the visible window, and then putting him right back to sleep again...
nothing serious... but that's definitely what's causing the creeping cpu time
reports. Dunno if it would cause tsmon problems, but might. Let's fix it and
Using debug or ded, search for the sequence 2F0A4AAD in windio. You should
find it around offset $2118 in ver 30; the entire sequence we want is: 2F0A
4AAD0008 6716. That code means "move.l a2,-(sp)"... "tst.l 8(a5)"... "beq.s
NoWake". Just change the 67 to 60 (branch if equal -> branch always). Then
save the changed module, reverify it, and make a new bootfile.
BTW, to do this in debug, just call up the command (type "debug"). Then,
dbg: l windio (link to windio)
dbg: msl .r7 .r7+5000 2f0a4aad (mem search from start to start+$5000)
That'll bring up a line something like:
0x00002118+r7 - 2F0A4AAD 00086716 246D0008 302A0008
The address on the left is close to the one we want... we can see the 67 up in
the data shown on the right. So then we change it:
dbg: c 2118+.r7
Debug will then show the first byte (2F), and we can hit ENTER until we're over
the 67, at which time you enter 60 to change that byte. On the next one we
enter "." to get out of the change mode, then enter "q" to quit.
It's really kinda like 6809 debug, except that the fake .r7 register points by
default to the module we've last linked to. best - kevin
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14607 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
15-Mar-92 14:20:24
Sb: #14606-#MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Here's what two days of testing has shown me:
It now appears there are two distinct problems that have been hidding as one.
Problem #1:
The creeping CPU time.
Thanks for the info on windio. Everything was as you said it would be. A quick
session with dEd, and viola! no more CPU creep. (Is this anything like the
Texas two step?)
Problem #2:
The 'one off' problem can now be be duplicated at will .... at least with my
hardware setup. It looks to be isolated to /t2 only. It has nothing to do with
the CPU creep issue as it has continued since I patched windio.
Does the sc68901 and sc68681 drivers handle <ESC> sequences differently?
To duplicate the 'one-off' problem, I must fire up STERM on /t2. (I'm using
sterm because the shell will try to act on the <esc>).
A quick funtionality test of sterm sets the stage (hit <esc><h> to redisplay
it's help menu.)
Now, I issue <esc><esc><7> (On the Wyse 50 and the TVI912 this is a <send>
<page> command. The cursor homes, then 'scans the page'.)
At the end of the 'scan' approximately 196 '&' characters are spit out on on
sterm's screen.
At this point, the 'one-off' problem is active as hitting <enter> will display
a few more '&' at each press of the <enter> key. Attemping to do anyting at the
keyboard will now demonstrate the problem. (try an <esc><h> for the help screen
hitting <enter> several times to move things along.
The 'one-off' problem doesn't seem to effect any windows or processes on
/t3 or /t4. I'd like to see what happens on /t1. If the problem occurs there
as well, it would appear that it's possibly the 68901 driver causing the woe. I
need to hit Mark up for the remaining pieces of my MM/1.
Can /t2 be moded to use a different driver?
Any further thoughts or suggestions are appreicated.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14613 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
16-Mar-92 02:35:12
Sb: #14607-#MM/1 help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Do you have "com"? Or any other OSK term program? Just for fun, try one of
those instead and see what happens. That can help pinpoint or eliminate
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14614 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
16-Mar-92 07:46:15
Sb: #14613-#MM/1 help
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Thinking it was possible that Sterm might be contributing to the problem, I
fired up Ckermit and was able to duplicate the exact pattern.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14618 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
16-Mar-92 10:34:36
Sb: #14614-MM/1 help
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
I just realized I didn't comment on your serial port woes. Mike and I dicussed
this last friday at work. What you have discovered since then supports my
theory, which is there is something wrong with the serial driver. It sounds
suspiciously like a circular queue with the "pickup" pointer falling behind by
one byte, or are variation on that same theme. Having narrowed it down to one
particular port, I would suspect the driver associated with that port.
#: 14628 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Mar-92 07:09:16
Sb: #14614-#MM/1 help
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
>Thinking it was possible that Sterm might be contributing to the problem
Ahhhh!! How could you even THINK of such as thing??!!
Now that Carl has read this thread, perhaps a new driver for the 901's will be
coming out soon to fix the "one-off" problem. The locking up problem will need
some more looking into though I think.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14631 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Mar-92 15:21:55
Sb: #14628-MM/1 help
Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76
To: Mark Griffith 76070,41
You realize I have no hardware to find the problem or check the fix, yes?
#: 14543 S15/Hot Topics
09-Mar-92 00:59:05
Sb: #14512-#Secret 6309 Modes?
Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Here's what the manual says about AIM, OIM, EIM and TIM...
In addition to the HD6801 Instruction Set, the HD63x01xx has the following new
Evaluates the AND of the immediate data and the memory, places
the result in memory.
Evaluates the OR of the immediate data and the memory, places
the result in memory.
Evaluates the EOR of the immediate data and the memory, places
the result in memory.
Evaluates the AND of the immediate data and the memory, changes
the flag of associated condition code register.
Each instruction has three bytes; the first is op-code, the second is immediate
data, the third is address modifer.
The xIM instructions can use only two addressing modes, Direct and Indexed.
The op-codes codes for AIM, OIM, EIM and TIM are 71, 72, 75, 7B and 61, 62, 65,
for their respective addressing modes. The Direct addressing instructions take
6 machine cycles to execute, while the Indexed addressing mode instructions
take 7 cycles except for the TIM which takes 4 and 5 cycles, respectively.
The HD63x01xx also has:
Exchanges the contents of accumulator and the index register.
SLP----The CPU is brought to the sleep mode.
These two both use the Implied addressing mode, their opcodes are 18 and 1A,
they use 2 and 4 cycles, and their instruction lengths are 1 and 1,
Hope this helps.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14545 S15/Hot Topics
09-Mar-92 02:33:57
Sb: #14543-#Secret 6309 Modes?
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X)
Neat! Thanks, Lee!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14547 S15/Hot Topics
09-Mar-92 06:58:54
Sb: #14545-#Secret 6309 Modes?
Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Just curious....
Where are you using a 6301?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14553 S15/Hot Topics
09-Mar-92 14:41:28
Sb: #14547-Secret 6309 Modes?
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X)
Lee, the 6309 docs (in Lib 1) mention those 6301 style codes, but not what they
do or their format. So your info would be helpful to anyone hacking around
with the new 6309 stuff.
#: 14544 S15/Hot Topics
09-Mar-92 01:14:37
Sb: #14535-Secret 6309 Opcodes
Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Got it. WIll be in touch. --Jeremy
#: 14546 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 03:45:40
Sb: #14540-#TOP mmon
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
I have the TOP mmon working OK on my system - also on several POS systems
we've sold to customers. (I use it to access their system(s) for maintenance,
etc.) It's been a while since I actually configured the system so I don't
remember all the details. I'll have to go back to my POS distribution disks
and see what I include. I'll get back to you in the next couple of days.
BTW, I assume you did read the docs? <g>
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14550 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 07:58:35
Sb: #14546-TOP mmon
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X)
I'm hopeful I can swap mmon in place of tsmon in order to track down some
system weirdness (see note to Kev).
I did read the docs and with a bit of liberal interpretation, installed things
as instructed. I have mmon.config in /dd/sys as well as the sysinfo file.
Right now, no mater how I invoke mmon, the process dies immediately without an
Probably a nut loose on the keyboard. Lookingforward to any tips you might
#: 14569 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
10-Mar-92 10:09:46
Sb: #14546-#TOP mmon
Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754
To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X)
Ed....how did you get mmon to work on your system? I tried EVERYTHING I could
think of to get it to work, all to no avail.
I got watch to watch the port, but that was as far as I could get it to go,
Any help would be appreciated.
jim Sutemeier
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14586 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
12-Mar-92 04:28:01
Sb: #14569-#TOP mmon
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X)
As I told Steve, if you can't get it running in the next week or so, let
me know and I'll back track and see what I did.
It is interesting that you got 'watch' to work. Never got it to work right
for me.
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14590 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
12-Mar-92 21:27:30
Sb: #14586-#TOP mmon
Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754
To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X)
Ed....I used 'watch <>>>/t1', and sure enough, it turned my modem on (TR light)
and sat there. Had a friend call in, but couldn't get the baud rate correct,
or some other parameter correct, as watch just sat there. I fiddled with a
whole bunch of different settings, but never could get the right combo.
I tried mmon redirected, as above, mmon /t1, and everything else I could think
of, and nothing worked.
The copy I got I really don't recall any dox with.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14605 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
15-Mar-92 03:55:06
Sb: #14590-#TOP mmon
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X)
Docs for 'watch' and other TOP stuff are in the library here. I think the
file name is TOP6.
I just checked the man for 'watch'. It appears to designed to be used with
a line for both voice and modem. It expects the modem autoanswer to be off.
(When invoked, it sends a 'reset' string which it expects to include 's0'.)
Briefly, the way it works is on the first ring, it looks for the word 'ring'
on the port. It then waits 10 seconds. If there is a second 'ring' in
that period, it assumes it is a voice call and returns to its waiting state.
If the second 'ring' appears after 10 seconds but before 60 seconds, it
turns the modem on and invokes 'logon'. If no one logs in within 60 seconds
it does its house cleaning and reverts back to its waiting state.
So, if you're using 'watch', the caller must let your phone ring one time,
hang-up and then re-dial after at least 10 seconds (but less than 60 seconds).
The correct call is 'watch /(modem port)'.
Good luck,
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14608 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
15-Mar-92 14:33:11
Sb: #14605-TOP mmon
Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754
To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X)
watch /t1--> thanks Ed, and thanks for the library # of the dox files.
Appreciate your help.
#: 14584 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
12-Mar-92 03:50:36
Sb: #14540-#TOP mmon
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Looked at my distribution disks and I include a lot of the TOP stuff (mostly
for my convenience). As I recall, 'mmon' requires 'mmon.config' and 'sysinfo'
be in your /dd/SYS directory. I also execute '/dd/etc/setup /dd/sys/sysinfo'
and '/dd/etc/boot /term /t0 /t(n)' in the 'startup' files. I don't remember
if these were absolutely necessary for 'mmon'. (It's been several years since
I set this up but I don't remember why <g>.) By default, mmon calls 'logon'
(which requires the TOPS 'password' file and some other stuff) but you can
specify MW's 'login' with the -p option. BTW, I also use 'csh' as opposed
to the MW shell most of the time as well as several other TOP utilities.
Your best bet is to check the docs (in TOP6). If you've copied the docs
to your system and converted them to '.man' files, you can read them by
entering 'man <name>'.
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14596 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
13-Mar-92 07:33:00
Sb: #14584-TOP mmon
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X)
Thanks for the info.
I've got mmon.config and sysinfo in /dd/sys. I've modified sysinfo (it's only a
table, jes?) to use MW's login (should be the same thing as the -p option you
make mention of).
I'll review the file list fo r setup and see where we go from there.
This damn '0ne behind problem' just hit again while I'm online and typing the
response. Time to reboot ..... again!
#: 14585 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
12-Mar-92 04:27:33
Sb: #14540-TOP mmon
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Picked up your message just before I posted my response to you. If you
don't get it working right in the next week or so, let me know. I'll
go back and see why I do what I do <g>.
Jim Sutemeier said he is having similar problems but he also said he
has 'watch' working. Interesting, I never got 'watch' to work right.
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
#: 14555 S7/Telecommunications
09-Mar-92 16:24:58
Sb: #PHONE Query
Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336
To: Bob van der Poel 76410,2203
Bob, I've been trying to use PHONE with mixed success. Using it to dial
numbers for either voice links or computer links works fine; however, when I
put in a login sequence a problem occurs with the final transfer to the comm
program (STERM) if the transfer (\x ...) is the last command or with the quit
(\q) command. The problem is a lockup at the final command. If I put a quit
command after the transfer command, the transfer to STERM occurs, but when I
end STERM, the system locks up. If I execute PHONE with the shell command
inside STERM, the system locks up when PHONE gets to the quit command. That
is, the transfer to STERM doesn't occur. In addition, some characters are lost
when the transfer from PHONE to STERM does occur. Any ideas? Any additional
data needed that I could look for and send you? Regards, Ches.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14572 S7/Telecommunications
10-Mar-92 20:53:54
Sb: #14555-#PHONE Query
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X)
Ches, first off--ya got my CI$ ID # wrong: it's 76510,2203, not 76410,2203.
Just lucky that I happened to catch it as it scrolled by.
I really have no idea why you should be having the problem you descibed with
PHONE. I use it all the time--I fork a sub shell from STERM and use PHONE to
logon to CIS. Here is my phone file for this
\e +
\d 10
\s ATZ $0d
\w OK 4 1
\p 1
\s AT S7=60 DT 1 737 2452 $0d
\w CONNECT 120 9
\p 1
\s $03
\w : 10 2
\s my number followed by $0d
\w : 10 2
\s my secret password followed by $0d
I'm wondering, what do you have the /t2 stuff set to. Might be something there.
Got the parity, etc. all set up right?
Let me know if you have any luck. I know that Bro. Jeremy was having a similar
~rproblem. Don't know if he figured out the problem or if he gave up (which I
doubt--he sounds pretty tenacious!).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14589 S7/Telecommunications
12-Mar-92 07:26:17
Sb: #14572-#PHONE Query
Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
Thanks for response, Bob. The place I got the 76410,2203 is...(you ready for
this????)...your document of PHONE in PHONE.AR!! <g> Sorry 'bout that. I
continue in my puzzlement on PHONE operation. Your script is understandable
and not much different from mine. Principal difference is that I don't reset
the modem (atz) or set the S7 register. My wait time after sending id and
password is currently 5 versus your 10. The T2 settings I'll have to go look
up since xmode data has to be translated, but I think they are ok since I don't
lose characters as I do with WIZ when parity is odd or mark. An additional
puzzle: When CIS is thru its preamble and just before it gives the GO RULES...
message, it sends out a string that shows up as a club (playing card symbol) on
my PC and as several linefeeds on WIZ. On STERM, the effect is to lose some of
the GO RULES line. So far I haven't been able to capture that string to see
just what is going on. Back to the PHONE problem, I'll go back to my IRQ hack
(diode version) as a suspect and maybe try the original hack to see what
happens. All goes to hold today, tho, I'll be out of town and touch for a
week. Thanks for help and I'll be in touch. Regards, Ches.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14609 S7/Telecommunications
16-Mar-92 00:15:50
Sb: #14589-PHONE Query
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Ches Looney 73016,1336
Ches, yet another mistake? Impossible! Oh well, guess I should update that
archive one of these days...
I wonder if the stuff that CIS is sending (the club or whatever) is causing the
problem. If I recall correctly I had something like that too at one time. As I
recall, it was because CIS figured I had a smart terminal and was doing an
interogation. Have a look at your default settings in CIS to see if you have an
auto-ask thing set (Wayne, Pete or Steve, can you give some details on this,
since I don't remember the exact details). Keep in touch.
#: 14615 S7/Telecommunications
16-Mar-92 07:55:05
Sb: #14589-PHONE Query
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Ches Looney 73016,1336
That 'club' may be the auto-interogate sequence that CIS does to see if you're
running a VIDTEX compatable product.
You can turn it off in the default area. GO DEFAULT
#: 14556 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
09-Mar-92 19:14:54
Sb: #OS9/6809 emulator on OSK
Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417
To: 100016,3417 (X)
Could anyone/anybody please help me clearing my mind. I have been dreaming
about a OS-9/6809 emulator running umder OS-9/68K. Is this a dream or is it
true ??? If it is true, how is it available ???
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14587 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
12-Mar-92 04:28:29
Sb: #14556-OS9/6809 emulator on OSK
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: ole hansen 100016,3417 (X)
Yes, Bob Santy wrote an OS-9/6809 Emulator for OSK. We sell it. Give
me a call if you want more info.
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO 302-378-2555
#: 14598 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
13-Mar-92 23:27:29
Sb: #14556-OS9/6809 emulator on OSK
Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432
To: ole hansen 100016,3417 (X)
If it is Basic09 programs you have in mind, the OSK runb is compatable - that
is, Basic09 programs that run on the 6809 runb also run with the 68000 runb.
#: 14562 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
10-Mar-92 03:21:41
Sb: #OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: 70673,1754 (X)
Jim, I ask you a favor. I have heard of many rumors of messages on various
networks, most of which you seem to be involved in. These are messages
regarding your concerns of lack of involvement of the OS-9 Community Network in
networks other than Fidonet. I am just as concerned. In fact, our plan was to
involve other networks from the very beginning. The OS-9 Community Network is
composed of volunteers who are interested in information exchange with all
members of the OS-9 Community Network. We have found many volunteers on
Fidonet, as well as networks such as UUCP. I have also attempted to recruit
volunteers from networks such as STG and ACBBS, but no one from tho networks
has taken an active interest. If you are so concerned about this, I beg of you
to help us come up with a way to effectively gate our two networks, as I very
much want STGnet to become involved. I had an online chat with Alan Sheltra on
this very topic a few months back, but unfortunately his STG BBS is no longer
online. I also come here every week to keep CIS members informed about OS-9 CN,
so as to get this network involved. Perhaps we can talk Wayne Day into opening
up an OS-9 CN message area. I ask you a favor, if you want to help us
accomplish this, we encourage you do do so. If you want to spread rumors that
the OS-9 Community Network wants to stay in Fidonet only, please don't, because
this is not true. I want so bad to come up with a means to exchange information
between all networks, but those in Fidonet can't do it by themselves, as the
OS-9 Community Network is composed only of volunteers that can only spread
themselves so much. We are spreading further and further, and any help you can
give us to do this would sure be appreciated. Thank you.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14568 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
10-Mar-92 10:05:33
Sb: #14562-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754
To: John Wight 76370,2100 (X)
John.....thanks for your replies to me. I personally have nothing against the
OCN. I merely was bringing up what is PERCEIVED, and, basically, challenging
you/other OCN 'hierarchy' to refute my claims, thus assuring the OS9 community
that you would represent the whole community.
I placed the exact same message that I placed here up on the CoCo Club Echo of
Fidonet. (I don't post 'behind someone's back'). Unfortunately, I have a local
SysOp here who feels that he can delete any message he feels is inflamatory
(unless it's in the flame echo).
Paul Pollock, Mike Ortloff, and now myself, have ceased calling this Fido Echo,
because of the unreasonable stance of the SysOp of that BBS. (No, it's not a
RiBBS, but an IBM hub system). All three of us are now aware that this jerk is
deleting messages, as he sees fit. (A violation of many rights, but that's
material for another debate).
My point, all along, has been that, if the OCN is gonna represent the entire
OS9 Community, then they should advertise on EVERY network that is available.
Charles West, on Delphi, defended the OCN quite admirably. But I asked 'why
couldn't some text files be placed on StG, AcBBS, ApBBS etc.,etc. just
advertising the existance of the OCN, with maybe a place to write to, to join
the membership'.
Charles replied by saying 'the libraries are not in place on other systems'.
Well, I say that the user can either 1)call the closest library available to
him, or 2)wait for a local library to be set up. (Also you could do like the
old OS9UG did, and make this stuff available by U S Snail).
My comments were to get the OCN to realize that it appears to be an elitist
group, housing themselves solely on RiBBS/Fido.
I was pleased to note that the guy that writes the OCN Newsletter (forget his
name), published the OCN NetNews on the StG Network --> a real step in the
right direction.
Please understand my complaint was constructive in nature. I would like to
belong to an organzation that supports my favorite OS, as I'm sure many others
jim Sutemeier
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14570 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
10-Mar-92 20:18:31
Sb: #14568-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: GENE TURNBOW 72457,220
To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X)
With respect to Alan Sheltra's board being down, it isn't. It is now on
reducedhours, and on another phone number.
Access to the StG network can also be had via the TESSERACT system (my StG
node) at (818)340-4995 24 hrs 8-N-1, and I =think= I'm even PC-PURSUITable.
I have been following a lot of these discussions on CIS, FidoNet nodes and
elsewhere, and I have to say that so far that if OCN is the future of OS-9, I'm
concerned about it. There appears to be no practical means of supporting the
operating system's many users reliably via FidoNet; linking the StG network
with FidoNet is theoretically possible, but considering the stability of
FidoNet relative to StG-Net, I feel this would serve to severely compromise the
stability of StG-Net. Still, a bridge would be obviously desirable. Perhaps
the problems can be gotten around sufficiently to make such a link practical.
I was pleased to see the OCN report show up in my news areas, and have browsed
through the electronic publications you have sent out and find them generally
useful. Beats the hell out of a total vacuum. Thank you for your efforts.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14577 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
11-Mar-92 17:19:49
Sb: #14570-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754
To: GENE TURNBOW 72457,220 (X)
Thanks for your vote of confidence, Gene. I have stated before, and do so
again, that I have nothing against the OCN. Matter of fact, I would like
to see it represent MORE of the OS9 Community than it has to date.
I was most pleased to see that copy of the NetNews be ported over to StG. It
shows that now they (the OCN) are taking steps to get their name out to more of
the public, and not house themselves solely on Fido.
I went for the jugular in my message, and am pleased to see the amount of
replies that I have about this group.
jim Sutemeier
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14594 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
13-Mar-92 05:06:09
Sb: #14577-OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X)
To continue with what I was saying in the previous message (sorry for it being
so long it got chopped off). Let's not let the few bad apples in Fidonet spoil
it for us, as with all of this in mind, I have gotten much, much more support
from Fidonet sysops that support OS-9 and the COCO than I ever did from Tandy,
and unfortunately and sad to say in recent months, more support than the
Rainbow. If you truly want to see this for yourself, let us find you someone
willing to get these echos for you, as you don't have to get them from your
local echo coordinator. In the meantime, I hear others are working on
gatewaying the other OS-9 mail systems to OS-9 CN (and the Fido portion of it),
and I look forward to that just as much. And if Fidonet gets bad enough (even I
have worried about that), I trust we can pull together and use our own tools to
exchange information, but it hasn't gotten that bad yet for the vast majority.
#: 14595 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
13-Mar-92 05:12:51
Sb: #14577-OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X)
BTW, you notice that all that are complaining about Fidonet happen to be from
the same area? It sounds as if your local net needs a new coordinator, or the
current one needs to change his attitude. So again, don't let a sysop or two
reflect for you what Fidonet really is, as the majority of local nets in
Fidonet are actually run quite well -- well enough so that Fidonet users can
support each other better than Tandy, and the Rainbow, in a manner that
reflects very positively on the OS-9 Community. But enough talk of Fidonet, we
want to talk about the OS-9 Community Network, and the important thing now is
to reach other networks.
#: 14593 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
13-Mar-92 05:00:39
Sb: #14568-OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X)
It is too bad you had back luck with your local Fido sysop. But this is just
one sysop. Many Fido sysops are as friendly and helpful as those in the OS-9
community, but unfortunately there are some that remind us why the OS-9
community is so special -- because we are a friendly group. I cringe when I
hear about experiences like that, but it needs to be remembered that because
you have a bad experience with a Fido sysop, that all of Fidonet, and
especially OS-9 CN is not bad, and in fact quite good. In fact, although OS-9
CN has used Fidonet as one of its tools, we prefer not to deal with the innards
of Fidonet, but instead use it for cheap and widespread information exchange
that works -well, for the majority, anyway. It isn't Fidonet, but some that run
Fidonet that make it bad. I hope we can show them how well we can do with a
network such as OS-9 CN, and work towards our goals of overcoming those network
boundaries, and make sure we don't fall into those political traps as you have
done in Fidonet. After all, if Fidonet were run by the OS-9 Community, it would
be a much better place. Since it is a useful tool, those of us in OS-9 CN
ignore those that make it bad for others, and more importantly, we go out of
our way to help those that have bad luck in their local Fidonet net. If you had
told me you were having such problems, I would have tried to find someone to
send you the echos even if it be one of us RiBBS sysops, so that you can
communicate with so many of us that use the Fidonet COCO and OS9 echos, just as
others have done for me a few times. Remember this is the OS-9 COMMUNITY
Network that we are speaking of here, not the OS-9 Fidonet network, and it was
named that very deliberately. It is the efforts of many to pull the OS-9
community together to overcome the effects of lack of support from Tandy and
Microware. We still have along ways to go in pulling this community together,
but we have also come a long ways in doing this, and I hope you will overcome
the network boundaries and do this. One thing to remember is that I have gotten
much, much more support from sysops
#: 14563 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
10-Mar-92 03:33:39
Sb: #OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: [F] Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)
Wayne, have you been keeping up on the development of The OS-9 Community
Network as I have tried to relay here? You may have noticed we are getting
members of the OS-9 Community actively involved from places as far away as
Denmark, Australia, and Belgium. You may have also seen the comments from
another CIS member expressing concern that OS-9 CN wants to be composed only of
Fidonet users. This has never been the case, as there is a section in our
guidelines regarding network gateways waiting to be expanded upon by someone
who has the time to volunteer to make such a gateway happen. I have asked for
your help in the past with this. Perhaps you can help by helping me to form a
gateway between Fidonet and CIS, even if a manual gateway, meaing I come here
every week as I have for a long time. Perhaps this could be in the form of a
message area with The OS-9 Community Network name, to replace the OS-9 User's
group message base which has become obselete. Many members of the OS-9
Community have been very impressed with what we have accomplished so far, but
we still have alot further to go. As Jim expressed, one of those areas is
coming up with a means to exchange information with other networks on a regular
basis. I come here regularly with that in mind, so perhaps you could do your
small part, and open up a message area for us, and perhaps even mention us from
time to time. To all: remember the OS-9 Community Network is composed of
members of the OS-9 community from as many walks of life and as many networks
as possible. This network is developing into a very special reflection upon our
community. If you don't like the way it is developing, or want to see it
improve, then by all means, speak up, and if you have the time to help a
little, by all means do so. I am here once a week, and sometimes more to answer
any questions. Thank you.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14580 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
11-Mar-92 22:57:28
Sb: #14563-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: John Wight 76370,2100 (X)
No, to be honest, I've not kept up with your efforts to get your network going,
and I'm afraid that CompuServe's user agreement would prohibit you from
routinely taking traffic from here and reposting it anywhere else.
The OS9 Forum has, for the many years its been established, always welcomed
participation by any group of folks regardless of membership in any other
commercial or non-commercial network - the only caveat is that we do not permit
the traffic here, which is, after all, what folks are paying to have access to,
be posted elsewhere, so an interface such as you are proposing would not be
Sorry that we can't help you the way you've wanted it to work, but the rules
have served us well for many years and I don't see them changing any time in
the future.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14591 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
13-Mar-92 04:41:14
Sb: #14580-OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)
Well, how does a message area for discussion of The OS-9 Community Network
sound, then? I learned from a reliable source of news that the OS-9 community
will be happy to hear, and it means we need to pull together more than ever
before. Ours is a very special community, and I know we can work wonders. The
OS-9 Community is doing that in more ways than I thought possible. So much
more, that we will need to open up a message area to discuss OS-9 CN soon, if
at all possible, but of course with the understanding that the messages remain
here. I would tell more, but all will understand the wonders we have done in
the OS-9 Community shortly. I would tell more, but am not at liberty to say
more at this moment. The news will be worth waiting for :-). The important
thing is that all remember that the OS-9 Community NEEDS to pull together right
now, and overcome network barriers as much as possible, just as we have
overcome international barriers on the physical earth.
#: 14582 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
11-Mar-92 23:04:52
Sb: #14563-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: John Wight 76370,2100 (X)
Forgot to mention that should message traffic pick up to a point (and granted,
it's a fairly subjective "point" that I'm talking about) that it appears that a
separate message section for the OS9CN would be appropriate, we've got such an
area that is presently unused and could be made available for your use.
How many messages/week are we talking about? Can't tell you - it's kinda like
art: I may not be able to define what I like, but I know it when I see it.
Somewhere in the range of 20-30/week or so?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14592 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
13-Mar-92 04:43:15
Sb: #14582-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)
I don't know how many messages at this point, but the discussion is gradually
increasing. Trust me on this, the news we will be announcing will get people
talking again, so the sooner we open it the better, so that we can pull
together as a community and make something out of this news. I'm bursting to
tell all, but all will know soon enough.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14597 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
13-Mar-92 22:08:02
Sb: #14592-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: John Wight 76370,2100 (X)
Right now, the BBS Systems/TSMon section would be the most appropriate, unless
the Soapbox or Hot Topics would be more appropriate, but I don't see any need,
at this point, to open another message section.
Show me that it's needed, and we'll certainly make it available. For right
now, though, there are sections where the OS9CN traffic can be parked with no
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14599 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
14-Mar-92 05:15:15
Sb: #14597-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)
That sounds like a reasonable idea until the traffic does pick up (I can almost
guarantee it will, and I look forward to being able to tell you why :-) ) I do
have one concern: why is it that there seems to be a very quick turn around of
messages some weeks? For example, any messages I left or read last week are
already gone...
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14604 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
14-Mar-92 22:26:58
Sb: #14599-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: John Wight 76370,2100 (X)
>any messages I left or read last week are already gone.
Well, they're not.. you just think they are, because YOUR forum options are set
to display only new messages.
Go into the options area (At the main forum prompt, enter: OP) and set those
message options to read ALL messages.
There are 3 Replies.
#: 14610 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
16-Mar-92 02:08:38
Sb: #14604-OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)
Thanks, I'm still learning here - and I've been around for a few years now :-).
#: 14611 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
16-Mar-92 02:16:29
Sb: #14604-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)
Well, I tried OP, but couldn't figure out which one would let me read ALL
messages. Could you be a bit more specific? Thanks
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14612 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
16-Mar-92 02:34:34
Sb: #14611-#OS-9 Community Network
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: John Wight 76370,2100 (X)
John, I think OPtion number 11 in the list is for skipping messages you've
posted yourself. You'd want to set it to NO, don't skip them.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14625 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
18-Mar-92 03:01:02
Sb: #14612-OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
That isn't the only reason I don't see older messages, as messages left by
others seem to dissapear quickly, too.
#: 14616 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
16-Mar-92 07:58:12
Sb: #14611-OS-9 Community Network
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: John Wight 76370,2100 (X)
Here's what I do when I need to reset the pointer that keeps track of what
messages I've read.
Type: Messages <enter>
Type: Change <enter>
Then follow the choices. #2 should open up all messags that are currently
availble to the board.
THen, back at the Messages prompt, issue a READ command and choose the FROM
option and see if you can't pull up one of your earlier messages.
#: 14626 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon
18-Mar-92 03:08:19
Sb: #14604-OS-9 Community Network
Fm: John Wight 76370,2100
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)
Thanks to you all, I finally got it figured out. I needed to select MESSAGES
and then CHANGE the way I read them. Now I see lots of old messages :-)
#: 14571 S3/Languages
10-Mar-92 20:24:43
Sb: #C.LINK problems
Fm: GENE TURNBOW 72457,220
I have a problem that I'm hoping somebody here can help with. I'm running the
Microware C compiler under OS-9 LII, and have problems linking with multiple
libraries. The linker (c.link) reports my libraries as being made up of
non-relocatable code. How do I get by this to get a good compile outa the damn
thing? Any help would be appreciated.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14575 S3/Languages
11-Mar-92 00:41:20
Sb: #14571-#C.LINK problems
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: GENE TURNBOW 72457,220 (X)
Gene -
Hmm.... it may be that the libraries you have were generated using the newer
versions of C.ASM (now RMA) and C.LINK (now RLINK). If that's the case, then
there's an extra integer in each module and the older versions won't know how
to handle it. Possible solutions:
a) Get the newer versions of RMA/RLINK from the Os9 LII Developers Pak
b) Get older versions of the libraries (I _think_ the Kreider libs
are still produced using the older C.asm/C.link for backwards
compatibility reasons. The RMA/RLINK pair will handle the older
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14579 S3/Languages
11-Mar-92 21:38:52
Sb: #14575-C.LINK problems
Fm: GENE TURNBOW 72457,220
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
That has to be it. I do have the Developer's Pak, and I know that they can be
used instead of c.asm and c.link and that my 'cc' (I downloaded from CIS,
actually) can be adjusted to use them. I'll try that next. Thanks! This helps
a great deal.
#: 14588 S9/Utilities
12-Mar-92 06:41:58
Sb: DBG Version 2
Fm: Bob Santy 76417,714
Just uploaded version 2 of DBG in Lib 9. Fixes several single step problems.
#: 14601 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
14-Mar-92 10:09:18
Sb: #MM/1 advice
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: CArl 71076,76 (X)
Mark told me that he mentioned my MM/1 lockup problems in your telephone
conversation yesterday. And further indicated that you might have noticed
something similar yourself.
Could I get you to review the message thread starting at 14539 in Section 12
and offer an opinion?
It's fun stuff ... and I do enjoy a mystery, but not having the ability to dial
in remotely has hampered how I 'do business'.
Thanks for the help!
There are 2 Replies.
#: 14617 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
16-Mar-92 09:45:09
Sb: #14601-MM/1 advice
Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Oh boy. I think he said it looked like an interaction with windows but that
seemed impossible and I said there was a version of windows that munged the
hard disk driver, so it certainly was possible. We didn't solve that except by
accident - the problem went away with a different version of windows. Who
knows what else it was stepping on. I will review the thread and perhaps offer
some better advise.
#: 14619 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
16-Mar-92 11:25:31
Sb: #14601-MM/1 advice
Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
I've read the thread. It sounds more like a driver problem or buffer overrun
problem since it seems to happen on /t2.
RE: msg14607 -
does the off by one happen on /t3 or /t4 given similar treatment (page dump
from the terminal). Are you running the latest versions of the drivers? Do
you have (or can you get) stat901? Run irqs and use the static location as the
arg to stat901 from a working window and see if it shows an off by one
condition on the pointers.
#: 14602 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
14-Mar-92 18:25:01
Sb: #MM/1 Sound Sampler
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: All
All MM/1 Owners:
Mike Knudsen has uploaded (actually, Paul Ward uploaded it) his sound record
and playback program into DL12. This is a simple utility, but it has all the
functionality needed to make some really good sound files with the MM/1. It
has the ability to sample at rates up to 44 Khz which is actually slightly
BETTER than CD quality sound. Of course, the time you can sample is severly
limited at this rate, but several seconds of good quality sounds can be sampled
at lower rates. For example, about 31 Khz is considered good FM stereo qualtiy
The program samples in stereo, so at 44 Khz, it needs 88K of memory for EACH
second of sound. Yikes! Keep this in mind.
I'm looking forward to all the sound samples that will begin to be uploaded
soon. At least we can get away from playing with the inferior sound samples
from Macs and IBMs now. Go to it guys!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14603 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
14-Mar-92 21:01:16
Sb: #14602-#MM/1 Sound Sampler
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X)
Picking nits, but CD's are done at 44.1 Khz (has to do with aliasing
frequencies). Yup - stereo sampling eats storage. In direct to hard disk
recording packages sampling at the same rate, 1 minute of stereo eats about 10
meg of hard disk. This is why the recording folks are all buying large SCSI's
(and being careful not to get the auto-calibrating kind [i.e. reek]).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14627 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Mar-92 07:09:13
Sb: #14603-#MM/1 Sound Sampler
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
>Picking nits, but CD's are done at 44.1 Khz
Hmmmmm.....I thought they were sampled at 41 Khz, hence my comment about the 44
Khz abilities of Mike's sound sampler program. Oh well, it is still right up
there with the best quality sound.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14630 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Mar-92 09:15:09
Sb: #14627-MM/1 Sound Sampler
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Mark Griffith 76070,41
Even the most flexible pro DAT's and Samplers typically offer only 44.1 and 48
Khz. I understand a few samplers offer higher resolution (50Khz+), but that's a
diminishing return, as I perceive it.
You're right... 44.1 Khz sounds durned good.
#: 14620 S9/Utilities
16-Mar-92 21:42:50
Sb: #Utilities
Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142
To: Kevin Darling, 76703,4227 (X)
Dear Kevin: I have been experimenting with your Grab utility. In the docs, you
mention GPMAP, Logic, Putblk, and Killbuff. I dl'd GPMAP, but a bro/key: Logic,
etc did not turn up the other files. I thought perhaps they might be in a
KDUTILS.Ar or some sort of file, but no luck there either. Where might I find
With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14622 S9/Utilities
17-Mar-92 07:45:06
Sb: #14620-#Utilities
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X)
Hi Br. Jeremy,
See GCMDS.AR in Lib 10.
This one was tougher to track down than I thought <grin>. I couldn't think of
any good keywords that I might have used for the file.
So I gave up and resorted to searching the library using my really old uploader
CIS id number (after my current number didn't make the file show up)...
"sca/sho [73117,1375]"
I'd almost forgotten that old number!
best - kev
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14623 S9/Utilities
17-Mar-92 18:21:45
Sb: #14622-Utilities
Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
Thanks Kevin. I tried searching with your current number.---Br. Jeremy, CSJW
#: 14632 S1/General Interest
18-Mar-92 23:24:26
Sb: CoCo things for sale
Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175
I have uploaded to the Color Computer Forum (GO COCO) an updated list of all
the hardware and software I now offer for sale. The list can be found in Lib
14 under the filename CC3ITM.LST and can be identified by Version 2.0. At the
time of this posting, the file is still pending sysop approval. OS-9 and DECB
software, primarily for the CoCo3, are in the list. The hard drive system
described in HDSYS.TXT in the same DL is also still available.
#: 14633 S1/General Interest
18-Mar-92 23:52:33
Sb: MW Training Job
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: all
[edited from usenet]
Microware Systems Corporation seeks a candidate to fill a Technical Training
Engineer position in their Technical Services Department. Responsibilities
include instructing their customers in using MW's real-time operating systems,
new employee orientation, customer consultation, and future seminar
Desired Qualifications:
Proficiency using C language
1 year OS-9 experience
Ability to speak comfortably to large groups of people
Willingness to travel
Teaching experience helpful, but not necessary
[compensation and benefits list deleted]
Please send resume or questions to:
David West, Microware Systems Corporation
1900 N.W. 114th Street, Des Moines, IA 50325-7077
...or >INTERNET:davew@microware.com (no phone calls)
#: 14634 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
19-Mar-92 15:47:44
Sb: Spectrum 512 pics
Fm: Joseph Cheek 71431,3466
To: all
I need a few people to betatest a program that will convert Atari ST SPC pix to
2-buffer VEF pix. please reply if nterested. you will need:
some spc pics to test the program on
256k (pref. 512k)
a picture viewer, such as View by tim kientzle.
dearc (to unarchive them).
thank you!
#: 14635 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
19-Mar-92 15:49:20
Sb: source editor
Fm: Joseph Cheek 71431,3466
To: all
is there a good c-code source editor around? I use microemacs and it doesn't
serve my needs. if there aren't any, i may have to write my own... thanx.
#: 14636 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
19-Mar-92 17:23:46
Sb: #MM/1 Video Pinout????
Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413
To: 76703,4227 (X)
1) What is the pinout of the MM/1 Video connector??
Here is some of the specs. on the monitor that I have.
ViewPerfect 3 Multisync monitor (A NEC 3D CLONE)
1 - Red (NOTE 1) 2 - Green (NOTE 1) 3 - Blue (NOTE 1) 4 - H. Sync 5 - V. Sync 6
- RED Ground 7 - GREEN Ground 8 - BLUE Ground 9 - Ground
Synchronization Horizontal 15.5kHz to 36kHz Auto-Scanning Range
Vertical 50 to 100Hz
Resolution Non-Interlaced Interlaced
Horizontal 810 Dots 1024 Dots
Vertical 670 Lines 768 Lines
Size 14 inch diagonal Dot pitch 0.29 mm
NOTE 1 - means 0.7 Vo-p (VIDEO) NOTE 2 - NOTE 3 - For VGA Mode, please use 9-15
pin optional adaptor
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14637 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
19-Mar-92 21:14:48
Sb: #14636-MM/1 Video Pinout????
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Keith H. March 70541,1413
This may be incomplete, but the pinout I have on disk is:
1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8
1 - n/c
2 - gnd
3 - R
4 - G
5 - B
6 - n/c
7 - n/c
8 - HS
9 - VS
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