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#: 9534 S3/Languages
16-Feb-91 17:33:10
Sb: #the **p syntax in 'C'
Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641
To: all
I have seen this syntax infrequently in college 'C' text and in source code,
but I have yet found a good explaination.
It is in reference to pointers and I beleieve it is called
'double indirection'??? the syntax is
char **p = & dummy or char **match(p,name) What does the **
actually say
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9538 S3/Languages
17-Feb-91 00:35:53
Sb: #9534-the **p syntax in 'C'
Fm: Sandy Tipper 72060,76
To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X)
Actually, it means two different but related things, depending on where
you find it. In both of your examples, it was in a declaration
statement, (the first was complicated bu the fact that it included
an initialization, and the second was the declaration of a function).
the simplest example of this type is : char **p; This is a declaration
of the variable p. The first (RIGHTmost) asterisk means that p is a
pointer. Fair enough, but a pointer to what? The second asterisk tells
us that the what is a pointer itself. So p is a pointer to a pointer.
But what is the pointer that p is pointing to pointing at? A char. So
p is a pointer to a pointer to char. In your example, the initialization
is of p, setting up p to contain the address of a variable (p points to
that variable). That variable had better be a pointer to char.
Later in the code, after the definitions and declarations have been all
done, the asterisk has a different meaning altogether: instead of explaining
what the variable being declared is, it is an operator, "doing" something
to the expression it is operating on. If i is an int, and p is a pointer to
int, and pp is a pointer to pointer to int, then follow this:
i = 4;
p = &i;
pp = &p;
Question: what is **pp ? First, read it as *(*pp) So pp is pointing to
p, so *pp evaluates as equivalent to p. And p is pointing to i, so *p
evaluates as equivalent to i. So **pp is equivalent to i. So **pp is 4.
#: 9539 S3/Languages
17-Feb-91 11:44:39
Sb: #9534-the **p syntax in 'C'
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X)
Scott -
char **p = &dummy;
Says: p is a pointer to a pointer that points to a char type. The &dummy says
assign the address of dummy (i.e. a pointer) to that slot. Typically double
indirects are used with arrays of pointer, like **argv for instance.
The 'char **match(p,name) says that match is a function that returns a pointer
to a pointer to a type of char.
#: 9535 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
16-Feb-91 21:28:45
Sb: #9528-#dir file help
Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
Not all dirs does this happen to!! only 2 out of 32 dirs!! Can you look at this
for me?
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9537 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
16-Feb-91 22:05:21
Sb: #9535-#dir file help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X)
Ev - email me your code again (and be ****sure**** you send it as text)... I
was going to look at it today, but the power dropped at the house and I lost it
off my ramdisk.
Have those dirs been sorted or anything, btw? What exactly is happening? Just
giving the wrong dates and file sizes, or ?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9567 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
18-Feb-91 23:18:34
Sb: #9537-#dir file help
Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
only wrong on 2 out of 26 dirs!! All is wrong dates file size (name is ok)
Sending it to you!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9571 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
20-Feb-91 08:50:45
Sb: #9567-#dir file help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X)
Ev - your program seemed to work okay here.
Are those 2 bad dirs okay? That is, "dir e" and all the files work there?
Have you checked to see just _what_ is unusual about those dirs? Like perhaps
they're much further into the disk? (which would mean that the sector math is
getting screwed up?)
And have you inserted a PAUSE in your program, and stepped through it to try to
figure out what is going wrong, and where? - kev
PS: I assume those 2 dirs are on /dd? Since you have that part hardcoded where
you open "/dd@".
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9576 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
21-Feb-91 00:30:24
Sb: #9571-#dir file help
Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
No the two bad dir are on the ab drive (I never use that any more)! How do I
fix the math?
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9578 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
21-Feb-91 02:52:29
Sb: #9576-dir file help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366
I don't know... the math looked okay to me at first glance, but then that can
be tricky at times.
Again: put a PAUSE in there and trace the program flow!!! Or at the least, put
in some PRINT statements to make sure things go as you expected. This is what
we all do at times like this.... debug! <grin>
#: 9579 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
21-Feb-91 02:55:14
Sb: #9576-dir file help
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366
PS: in addition to print/debug stuff... you can use dEd in another window to
check on the FD's and directory structure as your program steps along. Multiple
screens are an excellent help to debugging stuff like this.
So far we have no idea if the math is bad, or what. You must do some debugging
first (which can only be done by YOU on your system), in order to get more
clues and info... enough to at least get closer to the problem.
best - kev
#: 9540 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 11:46:39
Sb: #9535-dir file help
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 (X)
Everett -
a) Look at _what_?
b) When you do DIR commands, do the directories show up okay?
c) The code would have to pretty much be in C.. I have long since
forgotten B09..
#: 9536 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
16-Feb-91 21:43:43
Sb: #9496-GFX2 Upgrade
Fm: The Rev. Wayne C. Paul 76477,142
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
I can hardly wait!!!!
#: 9542 S9/Utilities
17-Feb-91 17:40:56
Sb: #go command?
Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
Mark Griffith's manual on the uucp package refers to "Pete Lyall's go utility",
which allows parameter substitutions in shell scripts. I have looked through
my lists of files on the forum and cannot find your "go". (A program named
"go.ar" by William Tyler was purged from DL5.) Did you write and post a go
command here? If so, where is it located?
Thanks for the help.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9563 S9/Utilities
18-Feb-91 13:03:55
Sb: #9542-#go command?
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 (X)
Ken -
I took the UGLIB 'go' command (DL5's) and buffed it up a bit eons ago.
Technically, it's still William Tyler's. I guess it may have been that I was
just a major proponent of the GO command for a long time.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9608 S9/Utilities
23-Feb-91 11:38:59
Sb: #9563-go command?
Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
Thanks for the reply. I'll go grab the go in DL5.
#: 9543 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 19:18:48
Sb: #9190-12-bit timer: help!
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
I know we sparked a thread on MIDI recording using the CoCo3 some time back,
but this Timer/SMF project is not related to MIDI recording: we're just going
to read a SMF and play it into a synth. The MIDI data stream isn't the
question; how to do "Timed I/O" using "anyone's existing I/O driver to his
hardware port" is the question. And I think I have a neat solution as
explained in my TMRDRV.TXT article. I'd appreciate some response on it!
Also this Timer thing was hopefully going to be useable by others -- for
example Mike Knudsen if he'd care to respond! -- to alleviate the "bogging down
effect" we've continually noticed when playing some thick UME scores.
This reply I suppose should really be sent to "All".
I was hoping my TMRDRV.TXT file will be read before anyone decides to respond
to this particular thread. I know how the 12-bit register ought to be
programmed. What I NEED to know is how best to implement the support for it
under OS9 L2. I wouldn't write 19k-bytes of "ideas and questions" if I didn't
need the help!
My article also describes how the 12-bit timer could be used to control the
task switching etc. instead of a constant 50/60Hz interrupt.
One of the *main* reasons for one of these threads is to find out whether SVC
numbers or Get/Set-Stat numbers have been assigned to Timing Functions under
any OS9/OSK flavor. If so, could the docs be shared? So I'd know and I'll try
to follow them to make this timer driver compatible.
And I would also like to know whether similar hardware timer poppers are
available on the 680x0 machines being produced? If not, we'll find it most
difficult to perform accurate timing.
All these specific questions are in my TMRDRV.TXT article. If y'all have any
free time to respond -- don't be afraid to get technical -- I could use your
input. Do read the article at any rate.
-- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464)
#: 9544 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 19:20:29
Sb: #9198-#12-bit timer: help!
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
Hi Pete - just wondering if we could still get ya to send Tim Thompson a
message thru your Usenet node? I do wish there was a postal address mentioned
in these docs. I'd share these sources with y'all and Mike Knudsen if we could
get it cleared thru him (one hurdle would be out of our way in getting some SMF
support started for OS9ers).
Oh his network path again is: ...att!twitch!glimmer!tjt...
-- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9564 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
18-Feb-91 13:09:49
Sb: #9544-12-bit timer: help!
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464
Paul -
Well - now I'm in the right place, but the context escapes me. Could you
refresh me as to what I'm supposed to be asking Tim? Also, when you reply,
please include Tim's address again. That way it won't matter whether I'm at
work or at home..
#: 9545 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 19:21:56
Sb: #dropping the CoCo3
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: all
Ok alright well shoot I knew they're going to do it. Tandy drop the CoCo that
is. But just what the heck am I suppose to buy in its place? HUH?
Where can I get a good multitasking-capable computer for under $200? HUH?
Answer me that. I dare ya.
And how much will it cost to upgrade that computer to 512k? 1-meg? 2-meg??
You say your o.s. needs a minimum of 4-meg????? Git yo' face outa mine before
I slap it off..... you must own stock in IBM or Intel or Microsoft.... or
worse, work for them......
What all kinds of jumpers & board addresses & XMA drivers and stuff like that
will I need to do? HUH?
Where do I buy a multitasking operating system complete with full window
support -- ALL VARIETIES of windows: hardware text fonts for fast ASCII I/O,
graphics windows with automatic scaling of vector-style graphic-drawing
escape-driven commands that can be USED OVER A MODEM, SOFTWARE LOADABLE FONTS
for these graphics windows -- ALL supported AT THE OPERATING-SYSTEM LEVEL FOR
UNDER $100? HUH??
I can't afford an MM/1, a Delmar, or any of the TomCats. FORGET IT. If IMS
COULD bring its prices down to HALF what they charge for example, maybe just
maybe I could ask IMS for a FINANCE APPLICATION. Forget it otherwise.
Is any of this sinking in, folks? Do you know what I am saying? Do you HEAR
what I'm saying? Can you COMPREHEND what I'm saying?
Some of us don't need a Megafloppin' machine if it costs that much.
Microware: announcing you have a new release of Basic/OSK in the Rainbow -- for
$500 no less!!! Shame on you. Gawd I was embarrased when some coworkers saw
that announcement. I was TRYING to show them how cheap we could buy ready-made
canned programs. Sheesh.
I would like to request that anyone developing applications for OSK should make
a version for us Level 2 users, too, please.
Well this message has reached the 2k limit. -- Paul Seniura.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9551 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 20:09:11
Sb: #9545-#dropping the CoCo3
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X)
That wasn't a Microware announcement; that was a RAINBOW certification, saying
that the RAINBOW people knew that Microware BASIC for OS-9/68000 in fact
exists. I know what you mean about the $$$; $$$ are a problem for me, too, and
I'm sorry, in a way, that Tandy has discontinued the CoCo. In a way, though,
I'm not, because it just makes official what sure seemed to be operationally
the case for a long time, and people had better realize that the CoCo now
depends on its users. Shoot, it always has, but this is sort of like whatever
Greek legend Asimov's old story "Black Friar of the Flame" was based on--we
can't look elsewhere for our salvation.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9553 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 20:50:01
Sb: #9551-dropping the CoCo3
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
Hi JJ!
Mike Andrews says "Hi" too (not here, but some time back, next time I "see"
Well at least I got my gripe-bag emptied out. It was building up to explosion
status over these last many weeks. It popped when the RS dude at Heritage Park
Mall (goodness I know 'em all now they've rotated so much!) when the store
manager did say once the CoCo gear is gone, it is GONE.
If anyone reading this is still not convinced - I thought I was the "last" one
to BE convinced! - go git your favorite manager to check the story out.
Would you believe that I almost got Mike to buy a CoCo - he saw UltiMusE on it
before the commercial one came out - and of course he heard your tape from a
while back as to what an MT-32 can do.
For those of you who don't know - Mike is a right-smart high-genius-level IBM
mainframe system programmer and a whole lot of other things. He considers his
PC to *BE* the mainframe!! -- Right James?? :-)
Oh and Mark Grennan says to come by his place whenever you come into town.
Something I heard went on this past Christmas over there??
Oh well .. on to other projects -- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464).
#: 9546 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 19:23:18
Sb: #Level 2 upgrade?
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: all
Another message thread ... another subject.
I keep hearing/reading about an update for OS9 L2 and I see that it's going to
be "real". I wonder whether any of my text articles have been read in hopes of
adding the kind of support we need in the operating system code itself?
For example, I know several people have downloaded my original article about
GRFDRV_PATCHES.TXT from GEnie (and Delphi & CIS I think had an official copy
available). In it I discussed why a 225-line graphics screen cannot be
supported by OS9 L2 on the CoCo3 -- due to the way the GrfDrv module and
secondary system address space itself was being mapped. And how an upgraded L2
release could change this map to support 225 graphic lines. This text file is
almost 1.5 years old!
Have any of the L2-Update developers read this article? Do any of you want to
read it if you have had no access to it yet? Is it too late to make y'all wait
to postpone releasing the update if the support could be worked into it? Or
have y'all already put this support into the L2 upgrade?
If all the massive midnight-oil nights of studying & hacking to get this
article written is to no avail, well IT WASN'T MY FAULT! I shared it with
hopes of causing an upgrade to be written in the first place, or at least have
the 225-line mode supported in a planned upgrade.
On a similar note, my TMRDRV.TXT article describes how the built-in 12-bit
timer might be used for much smoother task switching, which would help stop the
constant 50/60Hz IRQs to the 6809 CPU. This change ought to help OS9 from
missing real-time response/data from higher-speed serial ports and the like. I
know this article is quite new but the ideas presented could drastically
enhance how OS9 performs on the CoCo3 -- it could really make it into a new
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9599 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
22-Feb-91 18:23:43
Sb: #9546-Level 2 upgrade?
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464
Actually, I don't think I've ever seen your Grfdrv patches idea file. Is it
posted here? If not, please do so!
Yes, the map could be changed to allow 225 line screens... except that the map
(in at least one version) is used up beyond current versions. The extra space
is used to map in an overlapping window mask table.
Re: termcaps. I think we'd all like that in the system. Kinda short on system
space under current L-II tho.
One version of the upgrade does support the cursor getstt under windows. Even
returns the character there (if on a text window). Hang on.
Post the stat calls you don't have docs for; I'm sure people can help. Some of
them people found out by having the original L-I MW docs.
Haven't finished reading your timer article yet... lost it during a power
outage here before I could. The <copyright> stuff all over it kinda delayed
me, also ;-). best -kev
#: 9547 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 19:24:05
Sb: Level 2 upgrade?
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: all
Then there's the inevitable question I have always asked: Why can't ANSI and
TermCap support be at a system level? An application program should *never*
need to worry about such hardware-level interdependence. It therefore never
should need to worry about TermCap files but just use what control codes the
o.s. supports -- the o.s.'s I/O modules will then massage the "meaning" of that
control into whatever the device will support to "do" that. For example, the
OS9 L2 environment uses $08 for backspace and $0C for clearing the screen. What
if the device needs VT100 controls? The application shouldn't care -- the
System, however, SHOULD DO the TermCap conversions, turning $08 into $1B3144
and $0C into $1B324A (examples). What if the same device (like a modem dial-up
line) needs multiple emulation support (say one caller needs VT52 but the next
caller uses only basic TTY)? The Login utility, and some other on-line utility
available to the user/caller, should do a SetStat call by, say, passing a
character string which spells the name of a TermCap entry, and the I/O module
will then read TermCap and determine its conversion rules/tables. The on-line
utility can be used to let the caller change his mode on-the-fly.
I was actually hoping to find a way to open up the control code definitions
provided by any Device Descriptor. The problem here is that these definitions
are only one-byte-per-control when they *ought* to be variable-length fields to
be truthful and usable. Ignoring how this would change the existing Descriptor
standards, just think and ponder about this for a while: This will permit OS9
(any flavor) to truly become "Unified I/O", and will actually unload the burdon
of the application having to support TermCap or hard-coded emulation. And the
programmers who, at their whim, don't want to use TermCap or Emulation in their
code, suddenly their applications should start working on any device.
#: 9548 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 19:24:39
Sb: Level 2 upgrade?
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: all
There's one more requirement we have stated in the past: We need a GetStat
call for GrfInt/WindInt to provide us with the current X/Y location of the text
cursor on any window! There is support for this in VDGint already. There
currently isn't any such support for real windows (if there is, why hasn't
anyone documented it yet?). Caution -- the cursor location calls listed in the
book are for VDGint windows ONLY and they cause an "unknown stat call" error on
real window devices (e.g. GrfInt/WindInt).
My goodness, I found that we've been asking for this function since 3 years
ago! Or at least how to patch the window drivers to provide this info.
If this can be implemented, another burdon of application programs (most
notably those terminal programs which understand an emulation protocol) will be
lifted whereby the program must keep track of the X/Y position itself, and it
can get off if it doesn't understand a control code properly. Why have all
this duplicate effort in the application's coding logic (and prone to error)
when the I/O system knows full well where that cursor is at all times?
#: 9549 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 19:25:18
Sb: Level 2 upgrade?
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: all
A final problem is with the books that come with OS9. I have YET to have
anyone help me with the UNDOCUMENTED STAT CALLS as I've listed in my various
articles I have posted here. WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO BE EXPLAINED????? People
are waiting for me to wrap up my ACIA driver! (It'll take too much space
explaining what I'm missing to type it in the message forum here. Besides,
I've already described what I'm missing: PLEASE download the articles if you
think you can help, and we'll ALL appreciate it.)
Lemme know about these improvement ideas ... -- Thx, Paul Seniura.
(p.s. once again I'll post these sets of messages on all the systems I have
accounts with, in case ya wonder why ya might've seen them elsewhere. I am
trying desparately to reach the proper people involved with all flavors of
#: 9550 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 19:26:23
Sb: #speed-up kit for CoCo3?
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: all
Does anyone make a kit for the CoCo3 that will speed up the rate of the CPU? I
seem to recall reading some messages on CIS way back that Bob van der Poel was
about to finish up inventing such a critter. I know the TC-9 will do the same
thing, but I can't afford even the bare TC-9 board that FHL is selling. But I
think I could $afford$ buying a speed-up kit and doing the mods myself. -- Thx,
Paul Seniura.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9552 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 20:17:25
Sb: #9550-#speed-up kit for CoCo3?
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X)
It is *not* the case that the CPU in the TC09 will run any faster than the CPU
in the CoCo 3. The prototype that FHL had running at the April 1990
RAINBOWFest was hacked so that it could at least some of the time run at a
clock rate greater than 1.78 MHz, but that hackery will *not* appear in
production TC09s. See the first of FHL's weekly TC09 blurbs for confirmation.
I'm kind of disappointed--it means, as far as I can tell, that aside from not
having to deal with bogosities like keyboard matrix decoding or the high-res
mouse adapter (but one can grab info here on how to use a serial mouse), OS-9
won't run any faster on a TC09 (by itself--we're not talking TC09 assisted by a
680xx on another board) than on a CoCo 3.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9554 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
17-Feb-91 20:52:22
Sb: #9552-#speed-up kit for CoCo3?
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
Oh *NO*. I thought the FHL announcements "said" that but boy were they kinda
vague about it.
I guess I hope can see if Bob van der Poel ever did get his mods going the
right way. That's *my* only hope of upgrading to anything this year (1991)!.
-- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9566 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
18-Feb-91 21:41:23
Sb: #9554-speed-up kit for CoCo3?
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464
Just to keep the record straight, I was not working on a speedup mod. I think
that Bob Puppo was doing something in that line. Speedup mods sound like there
might be hardware involved--and just changing a jumper is a big deal for this
software fellow....
#: 9555 S15/Hot Topics
17-Feb-91 22:22:07
Sb: #High Sierra CDROM fmts
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: all
I just went to the CDROM SIG here on CIS. They have a set of 4 text files that
describe the High Sierra CDROM format to the hilt! These have been available
on-line for exactly 3 years to the day!
That's yet another hurdle we just jumped over (re: earlier messages on how
OS9ers are faring on access to CDROM databases).
Can the various makers of SCSI interfaces for the CoCo3/OS9 please reply to my
original messages, and please describe how well "your" SCSI will handle the
CDROM drives made for SCSI? (There are some CDROM drives being made that are
not SCSI; I'm not concerned about those! :-) These would be "read-only" disks
so to speak, so the Device Descriptors must be 100% accurate in relation to the
prerecorded media, I would think.
And then if your SCSI can run CDROM drives accurately, we might be home-free in
developing a High Sierra RBF-style file manager. So, who can help us!?!?
I might as well ask FHL how his K-buss SCSI cards can deal with CDROM drives?
And I definitely need Disto to respond with respect to his Super Controller
add-on cards. Please?
And can Chris Burke find out if his XT interfacer can adapt the IBM-compatible
8-bit SCSI cards to the CoCo buss and whether we might get some help along
these particular ideas?
Judging by the size of the H.S. text files I downloaded (goodness over
180K-bytes all told), it might be the "last" hurdle -- and a DOOZY -- to get an
OS9 file manager going to read those dudes.
I hope - I hope - I hope - the various database formats are there, too, such as
how they pack graphics & animation in the Compton's Encyclopedia for example.
Thank you all very much in advance - sometimes CIS *IS* worth its on-line time
charges in gold!! -- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464).
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9556 S15/Hot Topics
17-Feb-91 22:24:07
Sb: #9555-High Sierra CDROM fmts
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X)
ummm ... forgot to mention ... I don't have a CDROM drive ... until I can
afford one or borrow one and get the hardware SCSI interfaces ... I *sure* want
to pursue this project ...
#: 9601 S15/Hot Topics
22-Feb-91 18:24:50
Sb: #9555-High Sierra CDROM fmts
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464
Paul - yes, the High Sierra format has been on CDROM forum for years... but
it's been superceded by the ISO9660 format since then.
I don't see any reason why SCSI CDROM drives won't physically work on any
system. And I think MW has a file manager, or one could be written, or for
that matter, special programs could be written.
But as must be pointed out to most computer owners, CDROM discs are rarely
machine-independent. That is, the file system is standard, but the programs
and data on the disc are _not_ in any "standard" format yet.
That's why you generally can't swap discs between Macs and IBMs, and you can't
use them in Amigas, KMAs, CoCos, etc.
Unless... you create your own, or decode the format of the data on one, or get
the authoring company to port their retrieval engine (software) to your
machine. - kev
#: 9557 S7/Telecommunications
17-Feb-91 22:30:34
Sb: #Sterm 1.3 bug found
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: all
I found where STERM 1.3 messes up, on that fake pop-up window during downloads
with B+ or QB protocol. When the file being sent is bigger than around 64k.
From then on, no matter how big or small subsequent downloads are, that pop-up
window loses all the termcap controls it has read in.
I've been downloading lots of things tonight, on up to 58k each. Then I found
a 67k file I wanted, and Sterm started messing up from then on.
I restarted Sterm and things straightened out until the next 64k/bigger file!
Hope this will help .. I think I got the sources to Sterm 1.3 somewhere. Might
try to see what it was poking ... -- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464).
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9559 S7/Telecommunications
18-Feb-91 07:14:47
Sb: #9557-#Sterm 1.3 bug found
Fm: Bob Santy 76417,714
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464
Gee. I hope you're right about the >64k error in Sterm. I'm running Sterm
(OS9 6809 version) on my Atari ST right now. Everything seems to work OK
except the problem you just mentioned. I tried to send a file that is greater
than 64K last night and I lost the window too. I thought my OS9 emulator had
-yet-another-damed-bug- I'll check it out on my COCO next.
I also noticed and XCom9 problem that is associated with I$Read. XCom9 seems
to think that the Z bit is set on a successful I$Read call. The code actually
does a beq ... over the error handler!! Does anyone know if this is a bug in
XCom9 or that I$Read has another way to return error status????
Thanks for the very timely message Paul!
Bob Santy
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9568 S7/Telecommunications
19-Feb-91 05:26:09
Sb: #9559-Sterm 1.3 bug found
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Bob Santy 76417,714 (X)
Interesting. Last summer, I uploaded almost 10 Megabytes of files
to the OSK library using STERM 1.3 on the SYSTEM IV. This was the OSK
version of STERM. Most files were in the 500K to 600k range. According
to the STERM transfer stats, the average efficiency was about 76%.
It still took a long time - about 11 1/2 hours total. I wonder what the
difference is between the 6809 and 68000 ports - maybe Mark Griffith
will see these messages and shed some light.
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
#: 9569 S7/Telecommunications
19-Feb-91 19:15:20
Sb: #9557-Sterm 1.3 bug found
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464
You said: >I found where STERM 1.3 messes up, on that fake pop-up window during
>downloads with B+ or QB protocol. When the file being sent is bigger than
>around 64k. From then on, no matter how big or small subsequent downloads
>are, that pop-up window loses all the termcap controls it has read in.
I have never seen this myself, but others have mentioned it to me in the past.
Still, Sterm version 1.5 is about ready for release and it has been worked over
pretty well. There was a bug Carl Kreider found in the B+ protocol code that
messed up his screen controls, but it only happened when a certain type of
error occured. This may be what you are referring to. In any case, the latest
version should correct any bug that might have been in 1.3
Version 1.5 will be uploaded in the next few weeks.
#: 9558 S1/General Interest
18-Feb-91 04:32:25
Sb: #9439-Foreign Question
Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464
To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X)
We use a PC version of "the" editor on IBM mainframes called ISPF/PDF:
Interactive System Productivity Facility / Program Development Facility. IBM
was selling it as EZ-VU Version 1 or 2 for a while, discontinued it (although
lots of its PC software still "requires" it, go figure), and now they have an
official ISPF/PDF for PCs with the same acronym.
Although the mainframe is based on 3270-type terminals, the PC version acts in
every way the same as the mainframe version, including tab key, home key, PF
keys (PF1 = Help, PF3 = End, PF7 = Up, PF8 = Down, etc.). And regular ISPF
commands like '=3.4' to go directly to main menu option 3 then option 4 from
there, no matter "where" one was at in a panel hiearchy.
The ISPF part contains the editor & enough support to roll your own selection
panels & fill-in menus, tremendous built-in power for field picture checking,
translation of menu number options to commands (e.g. Option 1 = Goto panel
'name', or Option 2 = execute 'command', etc.).
My goodness one can come out with an entire on-line full-screen application in
an hour, with menu hiearchy, help screens, and input validation, etc.
High-level languages call ISPF subroutines to throw a panel on the screen for
info to be filled in and passed back to the program. Even the full-screen
editor provided in ISPF can be called up when needed.
Then the PDF part gives access to programming languages, dataset lists and
processing, search for strings in a library of members, compare datasets, etc.,
that totally isolates one from the rudimentary commands of DOS or TSO or in
whatever environment it is being run.
If anyone ports just the ISPF part over to OS9, it'd alone be worth $599.95 in
my book. The best source code editor bar none. No reason why it can't be
ported, except the legal hassles of course. I could try getting the OEM
company's name & address if you'd like it.
Better stop, might start selling PCs! -- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464)
#: 9560 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
18-Feb-91 08:56:14
Sb: #9527-OSK Clib.l Order
Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76
To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X)
No, I don't have lharc. Yes, I would like a working version. It is one of the
things on the list. - Carl
#: 9561 S7/Telecommunications
18-Feb-91 10:20:35
Sb: #9475-terminal blues
Fm: GENE TURNBOW 72457,220
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
Good luck; connectors are fairly cheap, though. They go for about a buck here
in Los Angeles -- if they're the same where you are, it might be better just to
get a couple fresh connectors and dink with those instead.
#: 9562 S5/OS9 Users Group
18-Feb-91 12:40:19
Sb: #OS9 emulator
Fm: Matthew J. Snyder 71450,2606
To: All
I'm doing a project for an embedded system that runs OS9, and I would like to
do most of the programming on my Macintosh. Does anyone know of an OS9 system
that runs on the Mac?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9565 S5/OS9 Users Group
18-Feb-91 13:22:07
Sb: #9562-OS9 emulator
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Matthew J. Snyder 71450,2606 (X)
Matt -
Yup... there's a MAC port of OS9, but it (sigh) runs as an app under the MAC os
(I'm told). I believe the company is called Ultra Science (no notes handy..
sorry). If someone here can't provide more detail toggle me, and I'll dig up
the scoop...
Ah - you're in luck:
Gibbs Laboratory
P.O. Box 558
1624 Wilmette Ave.
Wilmette, Illinois
#: 9570 S6/Applications
20-Feb-91 00:39:41
Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104
To: all
Does anybody use SDISK3. I am having some problems with it. DP Johnson wasn't
able to help me. TC
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9575 S6/Applications
20-Feb-91 19:34:17
Sb: #9570-#SDISK3
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X)
I use sdisk3, with a Sardis Tech DMC controller. Please describe the problems
you're having.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9584 S6/Applications
21-Feb-91 20:59:36
Sb: #9575-#SDISK3
Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
When I try to read any floppies, I get numerous errors. I know the drives are
ok because when I use cc3disk I don't get any errors. The errors I get are 244,
243, etc. Aas well as when I try to do a cd to /d0, it (my shell prompt) tells
me I am still on my hard disk. I didn't do the normall installation beacause
when they prompt you to insert your system disk, I got error 216, and I wasn't
sure of what they were looking for. Also I dint boot off my original disk (0s9
master) like the docs said because I have patched a lot of modules to get where
I am today. Yea, I know that may be the trouble, but the man at Granit
Computers (who sold me sdisk3) said If I knew how to update my bootfile (i used
ezgen, great program) it should be ok. DOo you know if the device desccriptors
need to be tweeked ? I have 2 dsdd 40 track floppies, and used descgenl2 to
create them. By the way, the modbuster program doesn't seem to work like it
used to. I used to be able to split merged files apart using it, but now it
deletes all the files except the one I named on the command line (modbuster
shell). The only thing left was shell, and there were no utilities merged with
it. Do you know of any other ways to split up merged files ? I even called DP
johnson and he suggested rearranging my boot file order. That was disproved a
while ago by Kevin or somebody , right ? Besides If not, where do I need to
position the sdisk driver in the bootfile ? It had something to do with the
beginning of an 8k block. Chris Burke knows this stuff pretty good, but I'v
bugged him to many times as it is for other peoples problems (naminlgy disto
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Thanx 4 da help. TC
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9587 S6/Applications
21-Feb-91 21:41:17
Sb: #9584-SDISK3
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X)
Device descriptors suitable for cc3disk won't work with sdisk3, of course, but
you say that you used descgenl2 to create descriptors, so I wouldn't think that
should be the problem.
Not having used modbuster, I don't know what to tell you about that.
Kevin Darling has, I think, demonstrated that the bootfile order problem is a
hardware problem, not an OS-9 problem, but that doesn't make it any less
obnoxious if your hardware has the problem. Grab the file that he put up that
talks about it--I think it has recommendations, and I don't remember the stuff
that is suggested for folks who have the problem.
#: 9616 S6/Applications
24-Feb-91 00:08:10
Sb: #9570-#SDISK3
Fm: W K Riess 71071,3002
To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X)
The problem is definately with the boot order bug. Simply make Sdisk3 the
second module in your boot file followed by the device descriptors (/D0, etc.).
I used to have the some problem setting up boot disks for others, and this has
provided a solution is every case. I use the Sardis Technologies no-hault
controller, and I find that I can boot up with any order I care to use. It
seems that the boot order bug only exists on the hault type controllers.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9627 S6/Applications
26-Feb-91 00:14:46
Sb: #9616-SDISK3
Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104
To: W K Riess 71071,3002
Bill I have an SCII and you are telling me it's a boot order bug, but at the
same time you say that the boot order bug only happens on halt type
controllers. I'm confused, but I'll try using your info on putting sdisk3 as
the second module. I used to have the boot problem years ago before I bough my
SCII or sdisk3. Once I got that fixed I haven't had a boot problem even with
all the patches that are out there. Now I buy one driver, put it in my boot
file and can't hardly access my floppies. Talk about recurring problems. I'll
let you know waht happens. Thanx TC
#: 9572 S15/Hot Topics
20-Feb-91 13:05:55
Sb: #Market survey
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: sysop (X)
I'd like to post the following message on this forum and the COCO forum.
Any problem?????
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
Message to be posted follows:
TO : All
SUBJECT : Market survey
We have received several inquiries re providing a plug-in 6809 card for
the SYSTEM IV. This would be a redesign of the 6809 board Peripheral
Technologies sold many years ago. Circuit changes would be made to
incorporate the 'gime' chip and the Tandy ROM thereby providing (we hope)
complete compatibility with the COCO3. The board could support an
existing CM8 monitor or allow a VGA card/monitor in the SYSTEM IV to be
used in place of the CM8. I/O would use the existing SYSTEM IV capabilites
including the hard disk(s).
The board would be physically redesigned so it could plug into a standard
PC/XT slot. In addition, power and keyboard connectors can be incorporated
to permit stand-alone operation.
An adapter which would fit into one of the drive spaces could be provided
to permit use of ROM PAKS.
We have not started this project because we wanted your input on the
desirability of such a product.
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9580 S15/Hot Topics
21-Feb-91 07:39:03
Sb: #9572-#Market survey
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X)
Of course Wayne has the final say on these things, but anticipating no
problems, I'm gonna move this out of the General section and over to the more
appropriate Hot Topics area.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9605 S15/Hot Topics
22-Feb-91 23:01:42
Sb: #9580-Market survey
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Good 'nuff.. and I have no problem with it.
#: 9573 S1/General Interest
20-Feb-91 16:39:13
Sb: #9460-LvlII Configuration???
Fm: edward langenback 73510,145
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
yep, that's it. "/d0" is what config is looking for, "d0" it doesn't
understand. had that problem myself when i first got into OS/9
>>>>>S S<<<<<
#: 9574 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
20-Feb-91 19:15:34
Sb: #DeskMate artifacting
Fm: REX GOODE 73777,3663
To: All
I just got deskmate at a big discount from a shrewd RS manager. It looks like
fun, but uses artifacted colors for a lot of stuff. I've got an RGB monitor.
Any ideas on how to get something more that black, white, and gray? I have the
same problem with D.L. LOGO, a wonderful program, but inadequate without the
color potential. I'm beginning to think I'll have to get a TV onto my already
overcrowded CoCo desk.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9577 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
21-Feb-91 01:44:41
Sb: #9574-#DeskMate artifacting
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: REX GOODE 73777,3663 (X)
Rex -
The typical 'best' solution to the problem is to spring for a Magnavox
8CM515.... It's both analog RGB and composite color. This way, you can use the
composite mode connected to the Coco3's video out jack for artifacted stuff.
Other than that, a TV or additional monitor is probably in the cards for you.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9581 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
21-Feb-91 10:16:55
Sb: #9577-#DeskMate artifacting
Fm: REX GOODE 73777,3663
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
How much is this Magnavox and where do I get it?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9582 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
21-Feb-91 13:04:28
Sb: #9581-DeskMate artifacting
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: REX GOODE 73777,3663 (X)
Ballpark $275. Howard Medical used to sell them, but other cocoists could
probably give some other ideas on possible vendors.
#: 9583 S9/Utilities
21-Feb-91 18:07:33
Sb: #SPL spooler
Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662
I have a couple of questions regarding Carl Kreider's SPL print
spooling package.
1. This is a portion of my startup file:
dmode /r0 sct=00c0
iniz r0
mkdir /r0/spl
copy /dd/sys/splq /r0/spl/splq
splman -p1=/p -w1=139 -t1=15 -o1=-a&
If the printer happens to be off-line during startup, the program
never realizes the printer is available at some point later on. The
only way to get a print job started is to do a:
splstat -p1=/p
Is there a way to circumvent or fix this feature?
I would like to make the system as seamless as possible for my wife!
2. Even though my startup file explicitly says to NOT add LFs,
I still get extra spacing between lines unless I actually
use the 'a' switch with spl (like LIST FILENAME ! SPL -a). Is this
a feature or a bug?
Any and all answers are appreciated. Other than that, its a great
Delphi: MRGOOD
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9591 S9/Utilities
22-Feb-91 15:34:07
Sb: #9583-#SPL spooler
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X)
Hugo -
It's been a bit since I mucked with SPL, and I don't recall the printer being
offline causing a problem (note: I was running it on a 6809 Gimix).
On the linefeeds, check:
a) Is the descriptor set for -lf?
b) Is thr printer set to add LF's to CR's? Some Tandy printers default
to this mode.
Both a and b are trivial to fix...
Back to the offline printer.... No print stuff should be sent until splman
spawns splprt. There are no splprt's hanging around, are there? Also - what's
your parallel port setup? Lastly... I used to use
the /r0/SPL directory (it'll check /r0/spl or /dd/spl)....
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9594 S9/Utilities
22-Feb-91 18:09:58
Sb: #9591-#SPL spooler
Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
RE: SPL problems
The printer descriptor is set for -LF. So that's OK. Besides, if I Just send an
ascii file to the printer, it comes out just fine (no extra linefeeds). I have
a serial connection to a DMP130 not parallel. But I don't think that should
make a difference.
If you read my original message, the problem with linefeeds really seems to be
with an SPL related module. From my startup file, I specifically set the
autolf feature off (-o1=-a).
As far as the printer being available, what happens is, if I start up the
computer with the printer off, and then turn the printer on a little while
later, SPL (or SPLMAN) never recognizes that the printer has become available.
So I send a file to print and nothing happens unless I specifically issue the
command SPLSTAT -p1=/p. Then printing starts within seconds.
Thanks for your response. Hope you can shed some light!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9600 S9/Utilities
22-Feb-91 18:24:34
Sb: #9594-#SPL spooler
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X)
If you send an ASCII file to the printer, they are only terminated with CR's at
the end of line. If your printer were setup not to add linefeeds, then your
lines would over type each other. Try this:
1) Set up the printer descriptor to ADD line feeds
2) Turn auto-LF off in the printer (I used to use a display command
in my folks' DMP105 to achieve this.. if you have a dip switch, all
the better).
This way, you have full software control over linefeeds... see if that works
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9614 S9/Utilities
23-Feb-91 18:13:39
Sb: #9600-SPL spooler
Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X)
OK, I'll try your suggestion and see what happens. Thanks!
#: 9593 S9/Utilities
22-Feb-91 18:07:59
Sb: #9583-#SPL spooler
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X)
This is the procedure I use to start up splman:
cx /dd/cmds
if -d /R/SPL
murder -p SplMan
mkdir /R/SPL
echo \nStarting Printer Spooler (SplMan)
start $$ splman -p1=/P -t1=10 -w1=135 -o1=a
Ignore the "start $$" stuff, it just makes sure that the splman
procedure has no parent process. This works for me. Make sure that
whatever you are using to pipe stuff to spl doesn't insert line feeds,
they will not be stripped (this may be your problem).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9595 S9/Utilities
22-Feb-91 18:13:43
Sb: #9593-SPL spooler
Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
You see, the problem is even if I set options such that LFs are not added, SPL
adds LFs even though the file doesn't have any.
See my message to Pete Lyall regarding printer availability "problems."
Thanks for the reply!
#: 9585 S6/Applications
21-Feb-91 21:07:59
Sb: Phbook11
Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104
To: 76176,1216
Brian I would like to say again that pbook11 is a great program. (keep your
eyes open on your mailbox) I left a mesage on your bbs, but I discoverd another
problem after I hung up. If I try to dial a # that is not in my area code, the
program does not send a 1 before the area code. I found this out by dumb luck
because I had osterm running in another window, and for some reason all the
dialer strings your program sent out were echoed into osterm, as well as going
to the modem. Neat way of debugging ! Im positive that the location was set for
long distance
I assumed that this is what would insert a 1 or not. Anyway, it's a great way
of keeping necessary info consolidated. It would be nice to be able to edit
certain unused fields to contain more comments like a handle for delphi, and
user Id for cis. Whenever I try to edit he comment field the old data gets
overwritten. THANX. Ive been looking for this program for a long time. TC
#: 9586 S7/Telecommunications
21-Feb-91 21:18:19
Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104
To: all
I'm having problems with osterm's macros. I had them all set up to log into cis
and then take me to the os9 section, but now when I try to edit the macro,
there is nothing there. Ok maybe the file got hosed, but I just put it in the
learn mode and still there was nothing there. Whats happening, I I going crazy
or what? TC
#: 9588 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
21-Feb-91 21:49:37
Sb: #Egads! Can't signal!
Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332
To: all
I am looking for ideas to work around a "feature" of OSK device drivers. When a
process is in a write() and it gets blocked (flow control, other end of pipe
not read()ing, whatever), it is not possible to send signals other than SIGKILL
(which it can't catch) to that process until it wakes up from the blocked
write(). Of course, for read(), one can do _gs_rdy() beforehand to make sure
there is something there to read() before actually doing it. What about
write()? Any ideas?
FWIW: the block occurs on a write to /pipe, an unnamed pipe. I have presently
worked around it with something like:
After I send it a SIGHUP, since all I want it to do is die gracefully.
BUT: sometimes it might be nice to signal a blocked process to stop write()ing
and do something else.
I hope my question is clear. Microware Technical Support had no general answer
(except that, in some cases, you know the size of the device's buffer, and you
can do _gs_rdy() on it and subtract to get the amount of buffer left).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9596 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
22-Feb-91 18:22:51
Sb: #9588-#Egads! Can't signal!
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X)
Mark -
Hmmm. You're right... even nice drivers only return from the midst of I/O if
the process has been Condemned by a deadly signal.
In most cases, you want it that way, of course.
One workaround is to fork off a tiny process to do the writes... communicating
via a data module buffer, for instance. The main process can deal with the
non-deadly signals.
In effect, you have to implement asynchronous I/O operations yourself. Hope
this gives some ideas. ? - kev
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9623 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
25-Feb-91 08:52:21
Sb: #9596-Egads! Can't signal!
Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
The idea of a child to do only i/o hadn't struck me. Since we have ported Unix
message queues for our project, it could be pretty easy in some instances.
Thanks for the suggestion!
We wrote our own Packet File Manager (not pkman) for our block-serial protocol
conversion work and specifically wrote our drivers to allow signals up to 15
Thanks again.
#: 9589 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
21-Feb-91 23:31:20
Sb: #GFX2
Fm: The Rev. Wayne C. Paul 76477,142
To: All
I have been working on a program based on the new GFX2 module and the MVFINANCE
program from, I think MAY 90 Rainbow. What I would like to be able to do is
after running the program, end it, either with the mouse by clicking on close
or hitting break. When I try to load a new program and run it, or rerun the
existing one, I get an error 184. Is ther a way to kill the window, as part of
the procedure so that I could edit the source, in an other window, and the
clear back to basic09, whcih was aded at startup, per Dale Puckett, and then
load the new or revised procedure into BASIC09 and run it. Now I have to
reboot. Perhaps, what I want should be called "Self-resetting program code."
What I would like to do is enter a program, edit it, rerun run with the
changes, do additional editting, rerun it, etc., without rebooting
or having to reload basic09. Thank you for your replies. The Rev. Wayne C. Paul
PS> I am a monk in an order known as the Community of St. Joseph the Worker.
(CSJW) In religious life, I am known as Brother Jeremy, CSJW. That is the way I
appear on various BBS and Delphi. If you make iot to Rainbowfest in Chicago, I
will be the monk in the cinnamon brown habit (ST. Joseph's color) with an
unbleached white scapular. [Not that I think Rainbowfest will exactly be
crawling with Monks.] Hope to see you all there. -Jeremy, CSJW.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9597 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
22-Feb-91 18:23:07
Sb: #9589-#GFX2
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: The Rev. Wayne C. Paul 76477,142 (X)
Jeremy -
Do you mean error 184, or 194? (is there a 184?).
Do you use any gfx buffers? Your program needs to reset everything at the
beginning, so that anything left over from before gets killed.
A hint also... do an SS_WnSet (run wnset?) to a type of 00 first. That makes
sure that everything is cleared out from previous wnset commands.
best - kev
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9604 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
22-Feb-91 23:00:52
Sb: #9597-#GFX2
Fm: The Rev. Wayne C. Paul 76477,142
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
It is a 184 - "window already defined" error.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9633 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
26-Feb-91 19:13:44
Sb: #9604-GFX2
Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227
To: The Rev. Wayne C. Paul 76477,142
Why don't you post the first few lines of your program... the part where it
does any DWSet's... if it does. That'll tell us what to advise. thx!
#: 9590 S7/Telecommunications
22-Feb-91 12:15:24
Sb: #Deskmate Telecom
Fm: REX GOODE 73777,3663
To: All
I recently bought Deskmate at a great price and thought I'd give it a try with
telecommunications. The docs say that telecommunications are accomplished
through RS232 Pak and a standard modem. I have the Modem pak but no RS232 Pak.
Can I still do use Deskmate Telecom?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9592 S7/Telecommunications
22-Feb-91 18:07:53
Sb: #9590-#Deskmate Telecom
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: REX GOODE 73777,3663 (X)
Yes, you can use a modempak with DeskMate . I'm not sure exactly how to change
the DM configuration, but change /T2 to /M1, and it should work. Maybe someone
else (hey Dan!) will come up with exactly how to change it. You will also want
to grab DM3.TXT and DMHELP.AR from LIB 10 for some pointers on DM3 operation.
There are some other deskmate files in LIB 10, try BRO/KEY:DESK* to check them
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9606 S7/Telecommunications
23-Feb-91 08:54:55
Sb: #9592-Deskmate Telecom
Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
Changing the path to the modem is easy. In the configuration menu you have to
specify which device descriptor you are using.
#: 9607 S7/Telecommunications
23-Feb-91 11:23:57
Sb: #9592-#Deskmate Telecom
Fm: REX GOODE 73777,3663
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
Thanks for the help and suggestions. I once knew this, but isn't a ".AR" file
some kind of archive, and won't I need some program to unarchive it?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9628 S7/Telecommunications
26-Feb-91 07:03:32
Sb: #9607-Deskmate Telecom
Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523
To: REX GOODE 73777,3663 (X)
You'll need to download AR09.BIN in LIB 9. Documentation is in AR.DOC. Rename
AR09.BIN as "ar", move/copy it to your exec directory, and make sure to set the
execution attributes (attr ar e pe).
#: 9602 S4/MIDI and Music
22-Feb-91 18:28:49
Sb: MIDI File code
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: PaulSeniura 76476,464
Paul -
Got hold of Tim Thompson... he said 'go ahead', but preferred that it be
giveware rather than shareware, and definitely not commercial.
#: 9603 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
22-Feb-91 22:59:57
Sb: #9523-#model 16
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X)
No, it wasn't.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9615 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
23-Feb-91 20:18:28
Sb: #9603-model 16
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X)
Thanks...that is a same since there must be a bunch of 16s out there gathering
#: 9609 S5/OS9 Users Group
23-Feb-91 11:44:03
Sb: #go.ar
Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
To: [F] Mike 76703,2013 (X)
I tried to download go.ar from DL5 and found that it had been put offline.
Could you put it back on the service long enough for me to grab it.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9611 S5/OS9 Users Group
23-Feb-91 12:44:54
Sb: #9609-go.ar
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
I've forwarded your request for go.ar to our offline archive keeper. Hang
#: 9620 S5/OS9 Users Group
25-Feb-91 02:58:58
Sb: #9609-go.ar
Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013
To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427
Ken, it'll be back in Lib 5 in just a few moments.
#: 9612 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
23-Feb-91 16:12:54
Sb: #Write IBM Disks?
Fm: Bill Henderson 72215,341
To: All
How can I transfer some ASCI files I have on OS9 disks to MSDOS? I tried
PCREAD/WRITE but that only garbles my data on the MSDOS floppy. Is there
another CHEAP way? Thanks!
Bill Henderson
There are 2 Replies.
#: 9613 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
23-Feb-91 17:13:08
Sb: #9612-#Write IBM Disks?
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Bill Henderson 72215,341 (X)
The *real* quick and dirty way would be to ship them across a serial connection
via Kermit. Kermit handles the bonzo end of line differences between systems
(MS-DOS uses CRLF, OS-9 uses CR). If that's possible, and not expensive (e.g.
a long distance phone call to the MS-DOS system :-), I'd say give it a shot.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9624 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
25-Feb-91 14:43:00
Sb: #9613-Write IBM Disks?
Fm: Bill Henderson 72215,341
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
Thanks for the idea on using Kermit.
#: 9617 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
24-Feb-91 02:19:38
Sb: #9612-#Write IBM Disks?
Fm: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762
To: Bill Henderson 72215,341 (X)
Bill, I had similar problems a long time ago doing it your way. The solution is
to grab the PCDOS utility from one of the libs here (don't know which off hand)
and to buy SDISK3 to replace your disk driver. After that, all is well and it
never misses a byte. By the way, PCDOS also adds LF's after CR's to make text
files compatible with MSDOS, and strips them when you go the other way. I use
it often: no problems.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 9625 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
25-Feb-91 14:44:14
Sb: #9617-Write IBM Disks?
Fm: Bill Henderson 72215,341
To: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 (X)
I have Sdisk for Level 1; I may try that method to convert stuff. Thanks for
the idea.
#: 9619 S14/misc/info/Soapbox
25-Feb-91 00:26:24
Sb: Micro Cornucopia
Fm: Matthew J. Snyder 71450,2606
To: All
This seems like a likely enough place to ask this question. I'd like to
download some source code from an old issue of Micro C. Now that Micro C has
closed down, does anyone have any idea where I might find the source code?
#: 9632 S1/General Interest
26-Feb-91 18:33:55
Sb: 80386
Fm: William Verthein 76557,3623
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
Press <CR> !>