1126 lines
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#: 3805 S10/Tandy CoCo
26-May-90 00:55:46
Sb: #3606-Dynastar
Fm: Mike Stephenson 71655,415
To: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274
You may want to download the file DYNAS.AR in library 10. It was
uploaded by Rix Seacord and is a compilation of all DynaStar and DynaForm
It may answer your questions.
#: 3806 S3/Languages
26-May-90 01:02:01
Sb: #3804-#BASIC09 Help
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Colin Smith 73777,1360 (X)
Colin - here's a test program which maps in a buffer, and just Gets
a char at a location each time the mouse button is pressed, and Peeks
the mapped-in buffer. Study it and ask Q's.
(* Gets a char from Text Screen:
TYPE registers=cc,a,b,dp:BYTE; x,y,u:INTEGER
DIM reg:registers
DIM Mouse(32):BYTE
DIM I_GetStt:BYTE \I_GetStt=$8D
DIM SS_Mouse:BYTE \SS_Mouse=$89
DIM X1,Y1,Group,BuffNum,BuffLoc:INTEGER
DIM oldx,oldy:INTEGER
GOSUB 100 \(* Find a Group to Use *)
RUN gfx2("Get",Group,BuffNum,1,1,2,1)
RUN MapBuff(Group,BuffNum,BuffLoc)
GOSUB 200 \(* Get Mouse coord
IF X1<>oldx OR Y1<>oldy THEN
RUN gfx2("CurXY",X1,Y1)
oldx=X1 \oldy=Y1
IF Mouse(8)<>0 THEN
RUN gfx2("Get",Group,BuffNum,X1,Y1,2,1)
RUN gfx2("CurHome")
PRINT "Value is: ";
PRINT " Character is: ";
PRINT "--------------------------------";
RUN gfx2("CurXY",X1,Y1)
(* ******************************************
100 (* Find a Group via our ID
RUN Syscall(F_ID,reg) \Group=reg.a \BuffNum=1
RUN gfx2("KillBuff",Group,0)
(* ******************************************
200 (* Get Mouse Coords:
RUN Syscall(I_GetStt,reg)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3864 S3/Languages
27-May-90 13:47:49
Sb: #3806-BASIC09 Help
Fm: Colin Smith 73777,1360
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
OK. Thanks a million. I'll see what I can do with it.
Again, thanks.
#: 3807 S3/Languages
26-May-90 01:02:18
Sb: #3804-BASIC09 Help
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Colin Smith 73777,1360 (X)
(* ******************************************
PARAM Group,BuffNum,BuffLoc:INTEGER
TYPE registers=cc,a,b,dp:BYTE; x,y,u:INTEGER
DIM reg:registers
DIM I_SetStt:BYTE \I_SetStt=$8E
RUN Syscall(I_SetStt,reg)
(* check CC register bit for error
IF LAND(reg.cc,$01)<>0 THEN
PRINT "Error #"; reg.b
BuffLoc=reg.x \(* Return Location
#: 3808 S15/Hot Topics
26-May-90 02:17:57
Sb: #3802-OS9 A/O Uniflex???
Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004
To: Colin Smith 73777,1360 (X)
If you sold all your blown stuff to a Commodore 64 owner, it would be a step up
for him/her!! <grin>
PS Keep your eyes out for a special MM/1 offer and for some press releases.
#: 3826 S15/Hot Topics
26-May-90 10:23:17
Sb: #3796-#OS9 A/O Uniflex???
Fm: MOTD Editor..Bill Brady 70126,267
To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X)
I am shooting for June 15th.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3838 S15/Hot Topics
26-May-90 12:47:58
Sb: #3826-OS9 A/O Uniflex???
Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004
To: MOTD Editor..Bill Brady 70126,267
No sweat.
#: 3809 S15/Hot Topics
26-May-90 02:18:46
Sb: #3803-#OS9 A/O Uniflex???
Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004
To: Colin Smith 73777,1360 (X)
I can offer you $50 off the computer with a special deal we're posting
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3835 S15/Hot Topics
26-May-90 12:37:36
Sb: #3809-#OS9 A/O Uniflex???
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 (X)
~ Yeah, Paul!
Anxiously awaiting full specs on the MM/1, including an estimated release
date, OS, software, hardware options, $$$, etc.
I casually dropped a reference to the MM/1 and OS-9 in an I*M forum dedicated
to specs for the 'ultimate' home computer, and was deluged with replies for
more info.
Everything that they wanted in the 'ultimate rOME computer' is being done
right now with the CoCo and LII, with the exception of touch screens, so the
MM/1 should be that much better if you haven't left anything out!
...waiting and watching the mailbox and LIB15.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3839 S15/Hot Topics
26-May-90 12:50:11
Sb: #3835-OS9 A/O Uniflex???
Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004
To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X)
The stuff went out with a several-thousand-piece mailing last week!
Response has been outstanding.
Thanks for the interest, and keep your eyes posted!
#: 3810 S10/Tandy CoCo
26-May-90 03:27:07
Sb: #3729-#Selecting windows
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
Thanx a bunch. I spent [D [D [Dabout 6 hours customizing my startup file trying
to get those damn windows working. I don't know what I did but I got it to
work. I have 4 windows come up out of startup, and also 1 for mv. The 1b21 for
the mv window seems to work, but not for the other windows. So I7ll live with
that until I can find out more about windowing. In addition to that I've
optimized my system for spedd. Sorry, about the typos, but I can't backspace
with osterm !!! look at the [[D's abouve. Thats what comes out when I hit the
backspavece key. Anyway I have had the disto ramdisk cartridge for over a year,
and I have only really used it to compile programs without ever accessing the
HD. (I can remeber whemn I used to compile off a two floppy drive system. Talk
about slow !!) Now I format it on startup, load it with cmds, apllications,
icons, aifs, and procs. MV is in high gear now. (Fastgraf helped a lot too !).
For some reason , when I start up osterm from th ramdrive, it comes up with an
unable to link to macro mesassage, and just sits there. But when I run it from
the HD, it is ok. Any ideas ?
Getting back to the original topic. (Sorry, but I had to blow my horn. I spen t
a lot of time trying to get the damn startup file e to finish executing. It
would just quit in the middle, soemtimes with an error sometimes not.) It
turned out that While I was using Window Wwriter, it left a control character
or teo two in there, and them buggers is invisible ! I usually have it strip
out all control codes, but maybe it left some anyway. I can see it now, the
compiler is gonna choke on th those control chars. Looks like I need to write a
filter program !
There are 3 Replies.
#: 3820 S10/Tandy CoCo
26-May-90 07:19:41
Sb: #3810-#Selecting windows
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
Gee, sounds like you've been hard at work! Kudos for not giving up... always
good when someone sticks with it AND finds the trouble <grin> to boot.
Nope, no idea on OSTerm and macros... are the macros copied over to /r0?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3830 S10/Tandy CoCo
26-May-90 12:14:24
Sb: #3820-#Selecting windows
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
Kev, the only other files that osterm uses that I know of are the osterm.ddir ,
osterm.options, and another one for user defined macros. Whenever I start it up
(from the HD) it usually finds the first 2 files and I get a 216 error for the
macro files, because it doesn't exist (I haven't created any macros yest). This
is ok, because I have been using it like this for a while. Now since I put it
in the ramdrive, I get the "unable to link to macro "error. It seesm to me that
this is a module of some sort that it is looking for in memory (which it
probably yanked out of /h0/cmds, before), and now it can't find i it. But after
doing an mdir, while it is running, the only osterm related module in memory is
osterm itself. I'll try to get in touch with Vaughn.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3842 S10/Tandy CoCo
26-May-90 15:57:28
Sb: #3830-#Selecting windows
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
OSTerm uses the following modules:
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3849 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 02:46:53
Sb: #3842-#Selecting windows
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X)
Zack, Great. I found those files in my cmds directory. I forgot that they came
with osterm. Thats what happens when you have a huge cmds directory. I think I
should work on a new method of organizing my hard disk. Any suggestions !!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3859 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 10:42:00
Sb: #3849-#Selecting windows
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
While I was using OSTerm, I cranked it up this way:
1) chd to ramdisk
2) run the following procedure file:
copy /dd/sys/osterm.options osterm.options
load osterm
load filepick
load transfer
load macro
load autodial
osterm <>>>/1
unlink osterm file ick transfer macro autodial
del osterm.options
The procedure file was in my current CMDS directory with e attribute set.
I think Shell+ is also required to do that. (run a procedure file not in your
data dir)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3869 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 16:40:47
Sb: #3859-Selecting windows
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
Thanx Zack. I got osterm to work out of /r0. I just had my startup file copy
the other 4 files you mentioned. I didn't have to unlink any mod ules cuz
there not in memory. Only osterm is. I have been having some other problems
(minor) with osterm, but I would rather talk to Vaughn about it person to
person. It takes too long to type them in in message form, here.
#: 3827 S10/Tandy CoCo
26-May-90 10:28:42
Sb: #3810-Selecting windows
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
You just need to get a decent text editor, like VED.
#: 3834 S10/Tandy CoCo
26-May-90 12:37:20
Sb: #3810-#Selecting windows
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
~ TC;
Just for curiosity's sake, why don't you compose your replies offline using
an editor, and then upload them? It's a lot cheaper in most cases, and you
could then use your backspace key. %-}
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3848 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 02:43:28
Sb: #3834-#Selecting windows
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X)
Great idea, but I don't know how to upload these messages. I assume they must
conform to some sort of standard. Can you tell me how to do that ? I figured
out why the backspace key was screwing up. I had osterm set to ansi graphics
mode instead of TTY. Now I can backspace ok. How would I know what my replies
would be unless I logged on and read the messages first. Is it actually better
to log on get your messages, log off write your replies, log back on and upload
them. Sseems like a lot of trouble but if will save me connect time i'll try
it. But, I do need some info on how to upload messages as well as files that
can be put in the libs for others to download. THANX TC
There are 2 Replies.
#: 3863 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 11:10:24
Sb: #3848-Selecting windows
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
There's a file in LIB 1 that will help you with composing replies offline then
uploading them to the message base. Take a peek at FAST.DOC. You can use the
tips found there with any telcom program and editor/word processor.
Give a shout if you need some help.
#: 3865 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 14:14:51
Sb: #3848-#Selecting windows
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
~ Ahh, so! Maybe I can help here Tony.
You're using OSterm, if I remember the past msgs. in this thread, no? I'm
not at all familiar with it, but I can tell you how to reply/upload in a
general way.
Assuming you're logging on, capturing messages of interest, logging off and
reading them, what you.would do when you see a message you'd like to respond to
is this :
Using an editor of some type or another (even Build is o.k.), for the first
line of the reply, enter 're' (or rep), a space, and the msg. nu ber you're
replying to. The first line of this msg is 're 3848'.
Type your reply/question/message.
Type '/ex' or '/exit' in column #1 after your last line.
Type 's' to store the message and let CIS rtformat it, 'su' to store it
exactly as you typed it, or 'pre' to preview it before it's stored either
formatted or unformatted.
When you've got all your replies ready to go, log back in and at the forum
prompt '!', simply transmit each reply to CIS (CIS doesn't know that you're not
typing from the keyboard). Be sure to use the ASCII transfer option.
To upload to any of the libraries, go to the LIB you want to place your file
into and at the prompt type 'upl', and CIS will prompt you for the filename
which you then transmit. Next it'll ask you for KEYWORDS, a long description,
and I believe, a short description.
Much harder to describe than actually do!
There's a program in DL10 called 'View.ar' that I'm using now which allows
you to read your message file, print/save individual msgs., and reply to them
in a relatively simple fashion.
Hope I've helped, but yell if anything's not clear.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3873 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 16:50:43
Sb: #3865-Selecting windows
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
How are you using view.ar /?Online or off. I see what you are talking about i'm
just not sure I understand the mechanics of it TC
#: 3811 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 03:32:26
Sb: #3734-#H+L
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 (X)
Yes it is in california. I used to live less than a mile from him, and I
couln't dial his board. Beleive it or not I still cant. My system just won't
dial his number. Aas for Paul, he is moving this weekend. So Ssorry his new
residence only has 1 phone line and he won't be runnging his BBS. In fact I am
using one of his modems right now, trying to figure out why I can't dial his
old number. Wweo Wwierd stuff, this Os9. I did get to see his board run
from his monitor. It is really fast. He has made a lot of modifications on his
systerm and they really have helped. The diskmaster with the 1.5meg ramdisk was
a big help. Too bad I won't be able to call it up.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3843 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 19:09:37
Sb: #3811-#H+L
Fm: Butch Mooney 76702,1126
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
It is to bad that Hound and Lion is shut down. Paul was very helpful to the
new OS9 users. He should get another phone and fire it up. That leaves only
Plain Rap for the Coco users. I think Plain Rap is about seven year old. That
is old for a BBS. Most are up and down in no time. I think that a BBS is more
work then most people think they are.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3850 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 02:52:31
Sb: #3843-#H+L
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 (X)
Butch, do you live in the area (southern California) ? I have never called
plain rap, but since Paul is down, I'll probably be using it regularly. Yeah,
Paul was very helpful to me. I'm using his rs232pak and 2400 bd modem now.
These are just temporary though. I have a disto rs232 on the way. The reason
Paul isn't getting his bbs running is because GTE wants big bucks to run
another phone line in at his new residence. I can understand his point of view.
Are you new on CIS. I don't remember seeing your name before. I've been on over
a year, but I really want to switch over to Delphi, cuz i'm running up too many
bills. Talk to you soon. TC
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3853 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 04:22:51
Sb: #3850-#H+L
Fm: Butch Mooney 76702,1126
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
Hi TC,
No, I've been on for aboar or more. OS9 is new for me. Used RS-DOS for the
pasted three years. I'm a SysOp on the new PETS forum that has been running
since the last of Feb. I live in Newhall. All BBSing is a toll call for me. I
work to pay my Pacific Bell bill. It is a killer. I've heard the you can run up
a big bill on Delphi. It isn't cheap. All in all I like CIS. Some nock it but
they just want free BBSing. If you need Plain Rap's number let me know. They
have some great people on there.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3867 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 16:32:51
Sb: #3853-H+L
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Butch Mooney 76702,1126
I have plain raps # but I can't seem to be able to stay on the line. I'm set up
for 8 N 1 1200, but I don't see anything intelligab le. I don't get anything
from him. I just installed the diode hak, and wanted to see if it was working.
Wwell I called CIS ok, but I can't do anything on Jim's board. Maybe it's down.
Do you have a voice # for him. ?? TC/exit
#: 3812 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 03:39:14
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Vaughn Cato
Vaughn I tried to run some of my applications from my ramdrive, but when I try
to run osterm from there, it responds with an 'unable to link to macro error'
and just sits there. I have moved the options and ddir files to the RD as well.
If I chx back to the hard drive, everything is ok. It seems as if I am missing
a file or two, but I don't know what it is. Aalso I can't backspace bwhile in
osterm because I get these characters [D. OOPs. Just had a revelation. My
terminal was set for ansi, instead of tty. Now it works. I've been calling a
lot of os9 boards lately and was using os9 grafx and ansi as well. Got to
remeber to save that info.
THANX. TC exit
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3821 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 07:21:36
Sb: #3812-#OSTERM
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
Hmmm. I'm not sure Vaughn's on any network... just BBS's right now. I'll pass
on your msg (if no one else does) tho.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3831 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 12:16:41
Sb: #3821-OSTERM
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
WOuld you see if you could find a bbs # where I can contact him or a voice line
#: 3813 S6/Applications
26-May-90 03:45:01
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
I know there are a lot of Dynacalc users out there, so I figured I would tap
into that info. When I click on my aif file, Ddcalc starts up but responds with
an error 216, and says device not found. Also the colors I have p [Dspeci [D
[Dspecified in the aif don't get used. Can't figure out why. Any Ideas ???
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3828 S6/Applications
26-May-90 10:30:44
Sb: #3813-#AIF -> DYNACALC
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
Does Dynacalc work at the command line level?
Here is the AIF I use :
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3832 S6/Applications
26-May-90 12:23:04
Sb: #3828-AIF -> DYNACALC
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X)
More late night revelations... After working on my system for what seemed
endless hours, Dynacal finally camu up with the colors I selected. I think I
may not have had all the files it neede in my /r0/cmds directory. I know that
dcalc and dcalc.trm were there but when I first clicked on th icon I
encountered the previous problems. The 216 error/device not found was due to an
old aif that I was experimenting with that had a cd /h0/main/dynacalc for the
parameter line. I guess i'll just have to change directorys through dcalc once
it is running. I hate it when I fix one of these wierd os9 quirks and I don't
know what caused it
Thanx for the help. Later.......................................... TC
#: 3814 S15/Hot Topics
26-May-90 03:53:36
Sb: #3731-That Darn Computer!
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
Pete Wwell I just moved, a bit closer to your direction. I used to live in
Sepulveda, now I'm in Canoga Park. I'm really close to work now. Less than a
mile. Now I can os9 while I eat lunch ! Hey. Your just a stones throw over the
hill. I still would like to see your Gimiz system sometime, if that's ok. We
taled about that on the phone a while back, before you moved. I'm curious how
you hav e have the terminals set up (software wise not hardware). TC
#: 3815 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 03:59:16
Sb: #3774-Help
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 (X)
Yep. They have pointed me in the right direction many times, but there are
still lots of cracks out there, and I keep stepping in them.
#: 3816 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 04:15:59
Sb: #3777-Help
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
Pete, Speaking of the old days, they just hired the guy who wrote the Dircopy
program for Smoke Signal. He used to work at IBIS, and they did most of their
work on OSK systems. Actualy we have been hiring a lot of peoplee from Ibis
lateley. Anyway, Bruce showed me the source code for his program. I wonder if I
could get it to work for the 80 column windows, it used to hang up in the
interactive mode unless yoy were in /term. I would appreciate ANY help with
this, as I am still learning about os9's windowing quirks! TC
#: 3817 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
26-May-90 04:57:37
Sb: #3773-#rs232/sterm
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Hi Steve!
Barry's good at that stuff? Been meaning to call him - I'll give him a
call later this morning.
'Stand back and watch'? Ha! Gonna put you in the middle and throw darts
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3822 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
26-May-90 08:36:40
Sb: #3817-rs232/sterm
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X)
Good at that stuff and getting better! You should hear him tell about the
projects he's been assigned at the office. Some pretty wild stuff!
I've had to bring the system down a couple times this week due to the storms
we're sending your way. Hope it's not too much of an inconvenience.
#: 3818 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
26-May-90 05:08:01
Sb: #3798-still having problems
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X)
Hi Scott!
Pete's reply to you was correct except Fred's on board connector is just a
6 pin connector with pin 2 used as an index. My connections are as follows:
PT PT Modem
BD DB-25 DB-25
1 -----> 8 -----> 8
2 (not used - index)
3 -----> 7 -----> 7
4 -----> 20 -----> 20
5 -----> 3 -----> 2
6 -----> 2 -----> 3
You also may want to try jumpering as Pete suggested (if you do, disconnect the
wire going back to the PT BD).
I suspect you may also have another problem which I forgot about. Fred's
device drivers 'ain't' the best in the world. Originally, I could get no echo
from the modem. (Ever try to use kermit blind - lot's of fun). I assume
you're using OSK 3.3 (I'm still mostly 3.2 with a coupld of 3.3 modules). Do
you have an sc68681 driver for Term (or T1) and T2 and a sc68681a driver for T2
and T3?
I have a single driver for all four ports. It is a hacked version 15 - the
crc is 209711. I got this from Simmy Turner. I'll ask him if its OK to send
it to you (his stuff, you know).
#: 3823 S9/Utilities
26-May-90 08:42:02
Sb: #3787-Shell+ compatibility
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: J SILLIMAN 72355,1207
Why are you so sure there's a problem with Shell+ and your repak utility?
About the only problems I've run into with Shell+ is in the wildcard stuff.
Things can get real hairy if the utility you're running has it own wildcard
Best bet is to diable shell+'s wildcards and let the utlitiy cope as written.
If you have more info, I'm sure we'd be interested in hearing ....
#: 3824 S15/Hot Topics
26-May-90 08:57:39
Sb: #3795-oh THAT Darn Computer
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Frank Hogg 70310,317 (X)
Your announcement has been enabled, but you may wish to take a look at it.
There seems to be a few characters .. and in one instance a full line of text
If you feel it's necessary to upload a correction, just use the same file name
and extension. The system will automatically take care of deleting the first
#: 3829 S13/Atari ST
26-May-90 10:38:08
Sb: #3636-#M$OS9Lvl query
Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432
To: David George 72240,134 (X)
All you need to do is link to the init module (C library function
modlink(), page 4-153 in the C Compiler User Manual), and define a struct based
on the structure of the init module (see /dd/sysmods/init.a) and cast the
result from modlink("init",0) to a pointer to this structure and then you can
access any field in the init module. Modlink() returns the very beginning of
the module, so be sure to include a mod_exec struct (or equivelant) in the
start of the init module struct definition.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3860 S13/Atari ST
27-May-90 10:42:26
Sb: #3829-M$OS9Lvl query
Fm: David George 72240,134
To: Robert Heller 71450,3432
Thank you very much.
#: 3833 S9/Utilities
26-May-90 12:26:39
Sb: Play.ar / Studio Works
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
Does anyone out there know if the Studio Wworks sound files are compatible with
the os9 play utility ? If so is there a way I can transfer files back and forth
from os9 to rsdos ? I have a few SW files I would like to upload for eveyones
use. Come to think of it, I haven't uploaded ANY files before. Where do I go to
do that ?? TC
#: 3836 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
26-May-90 12:38:46
Sb: #OS-9/Amigados
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
See msg. to Paul above.
I gave your PPN to 2 AmigaNuts who had some questions on comparing 0S-9 to
AmigaDOS. They may be contacting you here for some answers that I cauldn't
give them about the Ami.
Hope you don't mind.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3846 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
26-May-90 22:21:51
Sb: #3836-OS-9/Amigados
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X)
Jim - no problem at all. I'll answer what I can, or find someone who's able!
#: 3837 S13/Atari ST
26-May-90 12:42:51
Sb: #ST in need of OS-9
Fm: - Visitor 73020,413
To: sysop (X)
excuse me, but I have an ST and may be interested in running OS-9. Can I get
the address of one or more OS-9 dealers? How about this version called
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3840 S13/Atari ST
26-May-90 12:53:26
Sb: #3837-ST in need of OS-9
Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004
To: - Visitor 73020,413
Give me a call at 202/232-4246. I'll set you up.
#: 3841 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 13:13:03
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: [F] Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X)
I just ordered the disto now halt controller with rs232 option since they were
on sale and my rs232 pak is flaking out. How do I do the irqhak for an rs232
port in the disto NH controller ?? TC
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3847 S7/Telecommunications
26-May-90 22:23:54
Sb: #3841-#IRQHAK 4 DISTO RS232
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
Tony - the SC-II manual I think shows a pin at one corner of the board ( near
to the coco)... the rs232 port plugs into it, as this is the IRQ/CART pin. So
that's also where you could run the irqhack from if you wished.
If you have the diode hack (and it works for you) then you needn't worry.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3851 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 03:02:00
Sb: #3847-#IRQHAK 4 DISTO RS232
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X)
I put the diode in and I think it was ok. I had some other hardware problems
that made me think I had rs232 problems. But one day when I turned on my coco3
and all I got was garbage and could not reset the computer, I lifted up one end
of the diode and the garbage went away. I bought the diode at RS. Maybe their
parts are inferior or not up to spec. I heard that the diode hack did not work
on ALL coco3's. Paul Pollocks computer locked up or something when he put it
in. I still have one diode left and i'm running a completey new machine ($129),
so maybe i'll fire up my soldering iron after breakfast and try the diode hak
I am occasionally getting the incorrect time from my disto clock module when I
start up shells in windows that I open from startup. The year usually comes up
as 93, the rest of the date and time is ok. But when I time date,t SOMETIMES i
get ?????, and the time. I had this problem before. It comes and goes. Maybe I
should have thought twice before I ordered the SCII and rs232 ? TC
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3855 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 06:52:47
Sb: #3851-#IRQHAK 4 DISTO RS232
Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
Hmm... if you bought a pack of diodes from RS, they might indeed be bad. We
found that was true with most of their transistor packs, for example.
Individual units should be okay, tho.
Some people get that time problem.. and durn it, someone else once mentioned a
possible fix or reason for it.... but I can't remember it! Anybody?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3868 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 16:37:20
Sb: #3855-IRQHAK 4 DISTO RS232
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227
I talked to you about this problem awhile back. Maybe you forgot that it was
me. I just put in the diode on this new machine. Sso far it seems to work.
Please let me know if you hear more about that fix for the Disto clock. I don't
think Tony is interested with system related problems, however if you port is
bad he will fix it or test it (CRC will), but I don't think I would get much
help from him regarding a software oriented problem (if that is what it is).
10 Q TC
#: 3844 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
26-May-90 20:54:39
Sb: TC70 Computer
Fm: Jim Truesdale 70335,1064
To: Frank Hogg 70310,317 (X)
Frank, what graphics processor chip is used on the TC70? Who is the
designer of the TC70 computer CPU board?
#: 3845 S10/Tandy CoCo
26-May-90 22:18:43
Fm: Dotti Rhodes 76334,3212
To: WAYNE LAIRD 73617,3042
Excuse me -- I have the 128K Rogue game... have a lot of fun with it too! But I
can't seem to save my position! The machine whirrs and clicks and says "Unable
to save position on this disk" Am I suppsed to be using the master disk to save
positions? I'd hate to use the master disk if I didn't have to.. but I'm really
stuck -- HELP!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3856 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 08:06:28
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Dotti Rhodes 76334,3212
Could you give more details--the obvious first thing to check is whether you've
write-protected the disk. (No offense intended--just trying to be thorough.)
Tell us what sequence of events you go through, particularly inserting or
removing disks and chd or chx commands.
#: 3852 S3/Languages
27-May-90 03:04:59
Sb: #C and JOoysticks
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
Does anyone know how I can read the fire buttons on the joystick ports from a C
program ? I want to use them to monitor some external events but I don't know
how to address them. Are they read by opening a path to that port or does it
require some other stuff ? TC
There is 1 Reply.
#: 3861 S3/Languages
27-May-90 10:44:13
Sb: #3852-#C and JOoysticks
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
To: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104 (X)
You can use the I$GetStt SS.JOY function documented in the Tech Ref manual,
page 8-116. You'll have to call it with the _os9() C library function.
There are 2 Replies.
#: 3870 S3/Languages
27-May-90 16:47:16
Sb: #3861-C and JOoysticks
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
I'm looking in the os-9 manual page 8-116 now. SS.JOY isn't a function() is it
\ I'm not sure what I$GetStt is either. I have only been doing C for as year or
so and that has been on a PC (sorry) at work. I don't know how to connect with
os9 through C. Any suggestions where I should start ? See what I mean about
talking perso to person. It would be a lot easier doing this in a 10 min phone
call than 6 or 7 of these messages. If it's ok could I call you ? If so leave
your number and a convenient time at the beep. I have compiled a few utilities
on my system, but they don't really get down to the system level like you were
talking about.
Thanx TC
#: 3871 S3/Languages
27-May-90 16:48:01
Sb: #3861-C and JOoysticks
Fm: TONY CAPPELLINI 76370,2104
To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
PS. Wwhat do they mean by function code 13 ? TC
#: 3854 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 06:14:01
Sb: PT68K
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: Scott Howell 70270,641
Hi Scott!
Simmy said OK so I will mail his sc68681, Term, T1, T2 and T3 to you. One
thing, they are set up for 19200 baud - you may have to change them.
#: 3857 S1/General Interest
27-May-90 10:09:39
Sb: #3779-OS/2
Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376
To: Avi 76117,3506
What's OS/2?
#: 3862 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 10:48:22
Sb: VT100 Emulation
Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524
KBCom.ar is now available in DL7. The best VT100 emulation program for OS9
Level 2 that I've seen. This is Shareware version. Commercial version due out
sometime this summer. Written by Eddie Kuns.
#: 3866 S10/Tandy CoCo
27-May-90 14:20:14
Sb: Move.ar
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: All
Just re-uploaded MOVE.AR to LIB10. This is version 1.1 which is a bit more
user-friendly and has a few more options. Source B09, binary and help file.
#: 3872 S7/Telecommunications
27-May-90 16:50:12
Sb: #3677-WizPro
Fm: BOB GLAD 71046,1134
To: MOTD Editor..Bill Brady 70126,267
I appreaciate the reply. I will make the patch and try it out. I probably
downloaded the wrong file or ect. I will send soon for the complete package.
T. Bob
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