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Underground eXperts United
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[ Regarding My 'Signs' ] [ By Eric Chaet ]
by Eric Chaet
In 1986, I began silkscreening posters on (at first) cut-up old bed-sheets,
hitchhiking around USA and stapling them to utility poles. On such a posting
expedition I got a ride with a cloth merchant who started sending me boxes
of samples, the backs of which became my "canvas". I use yellow broad-cloth
these days, whenever I can afford it. I call these posters "signs". On them
is a stylized, indignant, male face - and sayings, including:
- Anxious to Serve
- Me Opone La Calle: Trabajo Todas Mis Dias y Noches Porque
Quiero Manana Otra Calle. (Spanish: The Street Opposes
Me: I Work All My Days & Nights Because I Want, Tomorrow,
a Different Street.
- Girls Growing Up, They're Selfish & Mad - Boys Growing Up,
They Just Want To Be Bad - It's Not Right! Not Right!
- Searching For Allies & Fighting Off Lies
- Voce E Como Eu en Este Respeito, O Que Voce Faz Tem O Su
Efeito (Portuguese: same as next:)
- You're Like Me In This Respect, What You Do Has Its Effect
- Du Ar Som Jag I Den Har Fragan, Det Du Gor Paverkar
(Swedish: same as above)
- Develop Inherent Powers By Shedding False Ideas, Learning
Truth, Aligning Actions. Despite Injustice & Normal Madness,
Change Yr Situation & Our World Forever For Better.
- What You Do or Don't Do & How, & How Well You Do What You Do
Has Its Effect, Tho the Controllers & Controlled Withhold
Acknowledgment, & Results Are Not Immediately Apparent
- Seek Truth, Develop Capacities
- Allons, Chacun, Pendant Que Nous Vivon - Apercevoir la Verite
Meme, Agiter le Faux, Nettoyer le Coeur, Achever la Justice
Vraie (French: Come on, Each one, While We're Living - Let's
Perceive Truth Itself, Shake Up Untruth, Clean the Heart,
Achieve Actual Justice)
- Help One Another Succeed
I put them up in public places, in 33 states. I paged through "Who's Who"
(it took months) and wrote asking hundreds of people to cooperate. Around a
dozen people posted a sign or several here and there - including China,
Inner Mongolia, India, Uzbekistan (two in The Museum of Peace and
Solidarity, Samarkand), Russia, Norway, and the Netherlands (a store-front
window). A bishop posted one in a chapel in Wisconsin (USA), a monk posted
one in a chapel in southern India - plus several in the area. Lawrence
Ferlinghetti posted one in his City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco.
British novelist D.L. and Los Angeles TV actor E.A. sent some money. As of
November 19, 1999, I know of 1454 "signs" posted around the world.
I seek to spark the self-remembering of individuals; realization of the
possibility of acting to effect; reflection on the difference between what
is normal and what is wise, useful and good; and courage to participate in
turning the tide of what people are doing.
If you are willing to put up one or several in public places, I will send
them to you for free. It would be nice if you would send me a photo of a
posted sign, but not required. If you will translate "YOU'RE LIKE ME IN THIS
RESPECT, WHAT YOU DO HAS ITS EFFECT" or another of the shorter sayings above
into your language, I will make some signs just for you, for the purpose.
You can e-mail me at <echaet@gbonline.com>.
(If you want signs merely for your personal collection, I will charge you a
little money. If you are young, they may - or may not - be worth a lot,
monetarily, before you are terribly old. That's not their purpose, tho.
Still, I could use the money.)
[Editor's notice! Does this sound interesting? If so, we
strongly recommend you to also read Mr Chaet's fictional
work for uXu in this release. See UXU-521, "Ionization".]
uXu #524 Underground eXperts United 1999 uXu #524
Call RIPCO ][ -> +1-773-528-5020